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  1. I recognized him from across the bar. It was hard not to - dressed in tight faded denim shorts, a sleeveless tee, suede work boots and a construction worker's hat, he was one of the few people in the entire bar who wasn't wearing head-to-toe black leather, that's why I was fairly certain that he wouldn't recognize me. My leather harness, chaps, dark shades, and biker boots were the polar opposite of what he saw his high school history teacher wearing on a typical school day. That's right, history teacher. High school history teacher. I teach at one of the local public high schools, and while it is fairly obvious to me (and some of my co-workers...and students) that I hunt dick at night, most people see me a just a guy who is a bit out-of-time. My thick black mustache, dark eyes, dark hair, and furry chest are the epitome if the 1970's clone look, and while it might seem out of time when I'm wearing sansabelts and Aarow dress shirts, it looks pretty damn hot when I'm decked out in leather. Or denim. Or nothing at all. Like tonight. I've been looking forward to Village Night all month. The last Friday of the month is dedicated to one of the icons of the Disco era and my favorite spot, the Bar Code, transforms from a leather cruise bar with an active backroom into a late 70's cruise disco with an overstuffed backroom. The kid looked like he was barely keeping his head above water when I saw Jack and Cap on either side of him. Jack was rubbing the kid's crotch, and Cap had his hand running up the backside of his leg. They were both whispering in the kid's ear. I knew I had to intervene, or the kid would be in over his head before he knew it. I danced my way over to him, grinding on a motorcycle cop here, a construction worker or cowboy there....and within seconds was pulling Cap's hand out of the back of the kid's shorts. "This one's jailbait, boys," I said. "Word must be out that the doorman is into chicken and lets in the underage crowd so he can arrest them out later. See? Here he comes." Frank was, indeed, headed this way. The pair moved off, no doubt to look for another unsuspecting victim of their s&m-and-pozzing plan. I grabbed the kid's arm. "Come with me if you don't want to end up in the back of a police car," I said, exaggerating Frank's plans for the kid. He followed without a word, looking worried....but also a little .... Drunk? Or high? I couldn't tell. We made our way to the backroom. As expected, it was wall-to-wall fucking. Not sucking, fucking. The kid stopped cold. "This is how men get off, not boys," I said. "Don't worry, we re just in here because Frank got banned after he left his post to fuck one too many times." I led him toward the back corner. The further we got, the darker it became. The smell of mansex was almost overpowering back here. "Thanks, mister." The kid finally said something, and I knew right away that he wasn't drunk. Cap must have booted the kid when his hand was down his pants, and it was starting to come on strong,too. He was jittery, sweating, and rubbing his cock, "Damn. Fucking hot," he said to no one in particular as he watched the fucking going on around him. I was about to lose my restraint. If he keep rubbing that cock through those fucking sexy denim shorts, I was going to end up fucking him. I knew I wouldn't resist for long. He gasped and started pumping his hips when I started kneading his ass. A moan. Rubbing that cock. Kneading that ass. I moved behind him and unsnapped the shorts' buttons one by one. His hand instantly went to his cock once it was freed and started pumping, intent on cumming as quickly as possible. I held him still, nibbled on his earlobe and whispered, "Shhhh... Savor it. Don't cum yet. Look at all the fucking. Real men, macho men, bent over and taking raw dick." He tensed up when I said the word raw. I was testing him. He moaned, "Fucking hot." Passed the test with flying colors. "Flying colors." Made me remember the two tabs of X in my front pocket. I took one out and laid it on my tongue, then turned the kid around and shoved my tongue down his throat. I'm sure he noticed me shotgunning the tab into his mouth, but he didn't protest. Once it was and absorbed, I asked him, "So you party?" "Not yet, need a teacher," he said. Ambiguous, I thought. But I couldn't resist that opening. "I'm a hell of a good teacher," I said before I slid my tongue into the back of his mouth and nearly gagged him. My hands were all over him, and the X was just barely starting to kick in, making him ultra responsive to my hands. He was almost writhing as I rubbed him all over. I heard his shorts hit the floor. No underwear. I pulled his shirt over his head, felt it to make sure the pockets were empty, and threw it into the middle of the backroom orgy. I looked for his reaction, but there wasn't one - his eyes were glassy, his lips were parted, and his cock was rock hard ad he continued to grind himself on my hand I moved to his hole...it was wet. Very wet. "You been fucked tonight, son?" I asked, some surprise in my voice. "Fuck me. Fuck me, I fucking need it." I gave him a slight slap. "I asked if you've been fucked yet tonight, boy!" His eyes focused for a second. "No. Lubed just in case.." That was all I needed to hear. I started pushing my cock at his entrance. He tried to pull off and then started moving his hands as if he were digging in his pants pockets. "Need to cover up," he said. And then he looked down and laughed. "Looks like my shorts are gone," and with that he started pushing back against my raw cock. Either he wasn't a virgin, or he had some long and thick toys at home, because I slipped in with no difficulty. I wasn't incredibly well hung, 7 inches, average thickness, but I was uncut, and he was a senior in high school. It shouldn't have been that easy. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Fuck yeah," I responded. "Fuck me. Fuck me like my daddy. Hard and rough." I started slamming him, and he responded like a proper cuntboy - pushing back with every thrust, pulling away, but never letting the head out of the hole. The kid knew how to fuck, that's for sure. We pounded at each other until I was glistening with sweat, and he was positively dripping with it. Positively. "Do you want my load, boy?" "Yes, daddy. Blast it in me." "My poz load? You want me to charge you up?" Bit his ear, hard. "Yeah!" He yelled. "Give it to me! Breed me! Fucking cum in my ass. Cum in my ass!" He was yelling loudly, and I felt his hole tighten. I knew what was coming. He was. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Poz me up. Poz me. Poz me." And i did just that. I buried my bone a deep as I could and unloaded in what was easily the hardest, longest and best cum of my 34 years. Seeded him. Dropped my load in that boyhole. Bred him lime a bitch, as he continued to squeeze at my cock in rhythm, his orgasm continuing and actually getting stronger. "Poz me," he whispered one last time. Eventually we slowed down, and I held my cock in his hole. I moved it around a little bit, left and right, up and down, to make sure that the seeds were planted. I licked his ear, "You're mine now, boy. I got you marked." He shuddered. "Yeah. Marked. Pozzed. Fucking hot. Can't wait to go breeding other guys." I though to myself that this kid has either been reading Breeding Zone, or he's not really an 18 year old high school student. "Where'd you get a dirty thought like that, kid?" "Breeding Zone." "Fuck yeah," I said. I took my shades off. "At least it wasn't in third period history." He turned his head and looked at me. "Mr. Dooney," he said. "Fuck yeah. Now squeeze that cock while I pull out. Get the last of those babies before we head to my place." He squeezed, and I slowly pulled out. Odd, he wasn't able to clamp down on my cock all that hard. The kid was loose. "Who the hell wrecked your hole?" I asked. "Doorman," he said. "Fucks me at least once a week." Hot. I thought to myself that it was a perfect fuck - the hardest cum of my life, thinking that I was pozzing one of my students, but none of the guilt. If Frank was hitting that ass once a week, he was already Poz, plus a few others. I thought about one of my fuckbuds, a GP, and wondered if he'd fuck me in the exam room once I told him that I was gonna need some antibiotics. I grabbed his shorts off the floor and shoved them into his chest. "Put these one," I said, "And get ready for the night of your life." He smiled, bent over and in a few seconds, we were walking toward the exit. I noticed a cowboy holding the kid's shirt over some guy's cock, using it as a cumrag. I waited for them to finish, then took the shirt and told my boy to put it on. Minutes later, I was walking into my townhouse with an 18 year old hottie in a pair of too-small denim shorts and a cum-soaked t-shirt. Good thing it was 3 AM, or someone might have called the cops. And I was almost disappointed that they didn't, because it would have been hot to share the kid with Greg, my hot cop FB, when he got here!
    3 points
  2. I noticed a 20 something bearded hipster eyeing me in the rest stop bathroom about 11pm, then he went into stall and didn't quite close the door. I of course walked over and opened it, and he's sitting there jerking off. I pull my cock out and feed it to him a while, before having him stand so I can lick his hole. It's hairy as fuck and drives my crazy. Before he knew it, I was standing up and pushing my cock in his ass. He started to yelp but caught himself, and I held his hips firmly in place as he tried to pull off. I knew he was in pain but I couldn't stop. I kept fucking into him and buried my load after about 15 thrusts. Fuck it was hot. I pulled him upright and reached around and grabbed his cock. He was hard as fuck and after I jerk it for about 10 seconds he shot his load all over the toilet in front of him. I sat him down on toilet and told him to lick my cock clean. He did a great job. Man I love fucking a virgin hole.
    3 points
  3. Sam I can’t believe my luck, I met up with a hot Dad and son, a couple of nights ago, the son was a guy I had lusted after in my first year of high school, and now he was sitting in my section of the restaurant I worked in. They were flirting with me all throughout their dinners, then the son hit on me when I asked if I could get them dessert, they ordered the Molten chocolate cake one of my favorites, I couldn’t believe how hard it was to keep getting a boner while working. Then when I went to take the check back to close it out with tip I had to call my manager over, they had left me a $150 tip on their bill, they also offered me a ride home, how could I refuse, but I kind of felt like I was a hustler being paid for sex. I guess I shouldn’t have worried. Jeremy and Matt were extremely nice to me and I realized they were taking me to their home not mine, I pulled out my phone and texted my Dad I was spending the night with some friends, and that I’d see him on Sunday when he got back from his business trip. I had lived with my Dad since I was 12 after they divorced, Mom said he was never there for her, in a way she was right always traveling for business, it wasn’t easy growing up with nannies when dad was away but he always seemed to make it up to me when he spent time at home with me. Lucky for me my Dad has a few contacts as well and he helped get me this Restaurant job when I was 16 as a busboy/dishwasher, granted it wasn’t the most glamourous but for a 16 year old spending 4 hours after school one day a week and a couple 5 hour shifts on the weekends got me so spending cash and I got along with all the wait staff. On Friday nights I could walk out with an additional $50 in tips from all the waiters I had cleared tables for. A couple months ago the manager started training me on waiting tables with the promise of being promoted shortly after my 18th birthday. My birthday had come and suddenly I was off the schedule. I went up to my manager Mgr: hey there Sam S: what gives I have no hours and there’s a new bus boy on the schedule? Mgr: Don’t worry we gave you some time off to enjoy yourself S: so I’m not being let go Mgr: Sam I made a promise to you you’ll be back on the schedule next week S: Whew I thought I did something wrong I was relieved and my manager handed me an envelope with a bonus in it. I decided to go shopping and that’s when I saw him, my fantasy boy from high school, seeing him again at A&F brought back the lust I had felt as a freshmen and my jerk off sessions became ritual fantasy scenarios. I soon got back to work then they walked in, I was hard all night as I waited on them, not sure if Jeremy would remember the scrawny little red head that used to hang out with the Lacrosse team and spy on them in the locker room when he was just a senior in high school. Now I was a senior finishing up soon no longer scrawny as I had started working out and buffing up, I still had a curly mop of red hair on my head but I was now the one the girls and guys drooled over. Suddenly he was flirting with me and so was the man he was with, a little older than I was used to lusting for but still a hot hunk, maybe in his late thirties I guessed, then I overheard their conversation that the guy was Jeremy’s Biological father and my dick stiffened in my pant, he was dating his own dad, I know taboo but in my opinion also very hot. When they took their time and ended making me miss my bus I was a little pissed, although I got along with my manager I really didn’t want to wait for him to close the restaurant and I suspected he had a thing for me, and now that I was over 18 I thought he might try to make a move on me, he was hot just not my type, more like a big brother. Matt and Jeremy showed me such a good time but I was a realist and knew they might come by and see me every now and then at the restaurant but that night was most likely a fluke, Then this afternoon I get a call from Jeremy asking me if I wanted to meet him at the mall and maybe go over to Matts for dinner with him and his roommate. When I told him I’d love to do that but the buses ran a weird schedule on Sundays he offered to send his roommate for me. How could I pass up a opportunity like that, and it most likely meant I wouldn’t have to jerk off to the memory or fantasy of him, I might just be able to have him that night. I gave Jeremy my address since we had dropped him off first before Matt drove me home Saturday morning, about half an hour later I was waiting outside for some guy named Steven, when a yellow Acura pulled up, the window rolled down “Sam?” “Yeah” “Hop in Jeremy’s waiting on us” I climbed in the passenger’s side and I was hoping I wasn’t drooling, Steven was beautiful, Marvel comics super hero pretty. We drove to the mall and met Jeremy at the Central food court then after gulping down a quick bite cruised and window shopped at the mall for about 2 hours before getting back in Stevens car and heading over to their place. I hoped Matt was a good cook, because I was a Foodie, a picky eater you might say, but my fears were quelled when we entered Matt’s apartment, it smelled delicious.
    2 points
  4. Part 2 Today I meet what will I hope becomes my family.When in the house I’m to be naked at all times in the house and except for my school work I’m to be available at all times for any member of this family. No one is to have sex with me except for opening my holes with toys and that is to be done by the Master only. I will be in chastity for one full year and the only time taken out is for cleaning. After meeting the family and they are all hot looking and have all gone through what I will be going through. One of my brothers takes me to the bath room and shows me how to clean out my hole and ask me what foods I eat , I tell him I’m a vegetarian he say that great. I’m taken down stairs to the playroom and they start to fit me for a chastity device witch I will ware for the next year. Tonight is time to give Tom a party, I’m told this is what will happen to me one day. I see all 5 of the slaves have Bio Hazard tattoo over there right nipple with a pierced nipple, the 2 Masters have the same thing over their left nipple.They wrap a rubber strap around Tom arm and stick a syringe in and draw some blood out then shoot in . He cough they give him something to drink , I’m told it’s GHB. Once he is ready they start to fuck Tom all I can see is how much Tom is enjoying this and after everyone had drop there loads in Tom, Jack starts to fist Tom, I’m shock how far Jacks arm went in. They spent the rest of the night fucking & fisting Tom. Over the next few months one of the Masters takes me down stairs put me in the sling or over the bench and work my hole with a dildo or learn how to suck a dick. After 3 months Joey takes me to a Tattoo & Piercing place for some piercings. They give a stud for my tongue , my right nipple pierced , septum piercing and a guiche. I walk out very sore, Joey says we all have gone through this and we all survived. A few days later I’m tole I will be going to my first party and my brothers are to watch me and make sure nothing happens to me. Before all my brothers are wrapping there arms up and injecting tina, they say it’s going to be a long night. We are waiting out side the Rose land Ballroom for The Black Party, witch I’ve never heard of but the line out side to get in is very long with lots of hot guys on line. I ask Tom what goes on in there, he smiles at me and says everything but not for you. They had me dress with a leather harness over my chest with leather chaps, leather collar around my neck and a small leather thong to cover my chastity device. Once I see all the light and the music and the beat with the dance floor pack. Tom takes me over to the floor and starts to kiss me and rub his hands over my body , as are my other brothers now pinching my nipples driving me crazy, then one of the Masters comes over to me and kiss me and passes a pill into my mouth and his finger in my ass, I feel this burning sensation in my hole. I’m taken around and see guys fucking all over the place and I want to get fuck so bad and my dick is straining against this cage my dick is in. People grab my ass an I do my best to tease them. Between the dance floor and seeing what is going on in the back room I’m in heaven. I see my family members take some guy and gang fuck him till he is screaming in ecstasy begging for more and more.
    2 points
  5. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 7 Zak sped down the interstate checking out truckers as he cruised past their cabs. A while later my phone dinged with a text message. “I’m home, babe. Had a great weekend together. Miss you already.” “Me 2.” During the week we made plans to meet in Chicago to continue my sleeve. I drove down Friday evening and arrived at Zak’s shop around 6. I opened the front door and the bell jingled as I walked in. Zak’s face lit up when he saw it was me. He rushed to greet me with a big hug and kiss. “God I missed you, babe.” “You feel so good, Zak. Happy to see you.” “Come on in. Ready to get started?” “Yeah.” “Get comfy.” With a devilish grin he said, “Take your clothes off….or your shirt, which ever you prefer. I’ll set up.” I chuckled as I pulled my shirt off and plopped into the chair. “Your arm looks awesome, babe. We may finish it today…..Hey, what’s that on your abdomen?” He continued to set up his work station. “Umm, they’re just scratch marks. I was a little itchy this afternoon.” “Are you allergic to anything I should be aware of? Feel ok?” “Nope to the allergy, and I feel fine.” “Ok, then let’s get started.” The buzz of his tattoo gun filled the room like a swarm of bees around a hive. After several hours, my arm was on fire, but my tattoo was finished. “Wow, Zeek…..check it out. It looks awesome.” Looking into the mirror, “I love it!! Beautiful job, Zak. Thank you so much.” “My pleasure, babe. Want to celebrate with a drink on me?” “Actually, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I’m feeling pretty exhausted. I know it sounds like, ‘not tonight honey,’ but I have a bad headache started.” “Are you sure you’re ok?” “Yeah….I’m just tired.” “Ok, well, let me do a quick clean up, and we’ll head to my place.” He gently caressed the top of my head and kissed me. At Zak’s place I no sooner laid on the bed and I was out like a light. I woke in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat. I rushed to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before vomiting my guts out. I was burning up, and nauseated. I curled up in the fetal position on the cool floor next to the toilet aching all over my body. I must have dozed off, because I woke to Zak tapping me on the shoulder. “Are you ok, because you look like you’ve been hit by a truck, babe?” I half grinned, “Oh, good, cause that’s about how I feel.” “Think you needed one more tattoo tonight.” Half out of it I mumbled, “What are you talking about?” “A biohazard tattoo, cause I think you’re converting, Zeek.” “Ah, so that’s why I feel like shit.” Then I smiled and laid my head on the floor again. “Let me help you back to bed.” “I think I need to lay here for a bit, Zak.” He disappeared and returned with two pillows and a blanket. “Then I belong here too.” Zak placed a pillow under my head and curled up next to me on the bathroom floor. He put his hand on my hip and whispered, “I hope joining the club turns you on as much as it does me.” I smirked and pulled his hand to my crotch. I rubbed his hand across my boned up cock. “Does that answer your question?” “That’s my boy.” His hard death dick brushed against me as he kissed me on the shoulder, and we eventually drifted off to sleep. In the morning Zak carried me to the bed and tucked me in. “I know the conversion can be rough, Zeek, but it’s an honor to be proud of.” “I love knowing that you’re my gifter; that your DNA is in me, your virus is taking over my body.” “We’re connected forever, babe. Feel my disease coursing through your veins as your system surrenders to S****** disease. Relax. Let it flow. Experience your conversion. It’s intense, but oh so erotic. I’ll be back in a bit. I’m running to the store to get some things for you.” Zak kissed me on the lips. “I love you, babe, and I love that I’m the one that infected you.” I spent Saturday in bed battling the symptoms of my initiation into the poz brotherhood, welcoming HIV into my life. As sick as I was the urge to fuck and celebrate my new found status was relentless. I stroked my newly poz cock to climax several times, but again I found myself horny with a raging hard on craving more demon seed. Zak appeared in the bedroom doorway naked. His monster fully aroused, drooling toxins from its mouth. Poison dripped from his PA ring onto the floor. “I can’t stop thinking about you, babe. I’m so boned that you are poz. You need a recharging.” He walked over to the bedside, his throbbing monster swaying side to side as he approached. He slipped into bed beside me. My body was aching and soaked with sweat mixed with coatings of my poz sperm across my abdomen and chest. Zak lubed his cock with spit and pressed directly into my HIV infected hole. He grasped my throbbing cock and impaled me with his death stick. I lay there like a limp rag, but so horny for more of his virus. Zak thrust his venomous weapon into my guts again and again….slow and deep. “I want to flood your system with my disease, babe. Reinfect you over and over.” I just groaned with chills flooding my body. My cock throbbed repeatedly as Zak’s monster caressed my prostate. “Oh, Fuck, babe. I won’t last long. You have me so fucking turned on.” I reached across his body and pressed against his ass with what strength I had, trying to bury his death stick deeper inside me. “Give me more of your disease, Zak. I want my hole flooded with your virus.” “Fuck, you got it, babe. Here it comes. More of S****** seed.” Zak’s cock erupted with a flood of toxins filling my cunt with more HIV infected sperm. His cock remained in me pulsing and throbbing. As his meat slipped from my gut a gush of venomous cum trickled from my wrecked hole. Zak turned me onto my back and straddled my body. “I want to be the first to take my demon seed from your infected cock,” and he sat down on my hard shaft, burying it all the way in his ass. I let out a loud groan of pleasure, and we looked into each other’s eyes. It only took a few thrusts of him riding my dick, and he quickly pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed over and over, releasing its disease from my piss hole as I filled his ass with my poz cum. Zak’s hole tightened around my shaft, milking every drop of virus from my pole. “Fuck yes, babe. We’re now sharing demon seed full circle. We are one.” I lightly caressed his chest and smiled. A tear trickled down my cheek. This man stole my heart completely. “I love you, Zak.” He crawled off me. He kept all my poz cum in his gut as my meat slipped from his hole. He stood next to the bed, his proud infected cock dangling before my face as he tucked me in. I quickly drifted off to sleep. Later that evening I woke to Zak carrying me to the bathroom. “You’re awake. Welcome back, babe. You slept all day. I ran you a hot bath.” He set me down in the tub, then stood up, unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick. He stood above me at the edge of the tub and pissed all over me. I licked the salty taste of his urine from my lips. “You can soak in more my fluids….sharing all of me with you Zeek….my hot little pig boy.” While I laid in the hot water and piss, Zak cleaned and dressed my tattoo. “Relax and soak it in for a bit, babe. I’ll make you a little bite to eat. You need to keep your strength up.” Zak returned a little while later. He dried me off, carried me to bed and propped me up with pillows. A tray of soup and Gatorade presented in front of me. “You need to try to eat, babe. The conversion is draining.” Zak fed me some soup, and I took a few sips of the Gatorade, “I can’t eat right now, Zak. I just want to rest.” “Ok, babe.” He took the food away then returned and curled up with me naked in bed. I woke in the morning with my head resting on Zak’s chest; curled up against him with his arms wrapped around me. My hard cock throbbed, pressed firmly against his leg. He squeezed me gently in his arms and kissed my forehead. “How are you doing, babe?” “I feel horrible, but it’s weird…..at the same time I’m so turned on that I’m converting.” “I can tell. I told you it’s erotic. Your cock has been throbbing rock hard against my leg for the past hour. Your infected fluids leaking from your shaft has me horned up.” Zak folded me in half and bent my legs over his shoulders. He said, “I know you want all my poison, babe,” then buried his infected cock in my hole. I whimpered with pain as Zak plowed in deep, but I was too weak and too turned on at the same time to stop. I didn’t want to stop. This demonic desire was growing in me, and I relished in the pleasure of becoming a poz cum pig, a vessel of our diseases, swapping and sharing everything together. “You want more of my demon seed, don’t you, pig?” I simply moaned with pleasure as Zak thrust in and out of my hole. My cock lay fully erect against my abdomen. “That’s it, baby, milk my poison from my cock. Take all my diseases. More of my virus is definitely in you already.” Zak plowed into me, each time his pole stiffened and stretched my hole. He pounded at my prostate repeatedly. “Fuck, Zeek, I’m so close. Here come my toxic babies.” As his shaft unloaded, recharging my cunt with his virus he said, “Take my virus, babe. I’d love to be infecting each other with AIDS seed, letting our viruses mutate, experiencing S****** disease fully.” That pushed me over the edge. My cock immediately spit ropes of poisonous cum onto my chest and face. I opened my mouth and lapped up some of my diseased spunk. Zak reached up and smeared my poz load all over my chest and abdomen while he worked his poison into my intestines. He stroked my cock lubing it with my cum before slipping from my cunt. I stayed in bed covered in and filled with infected cum and fell back to sleep. Zak canceled most of his appointments for the week. I stayed in bed, and he cared for me. We repeatedly swapped our toxic cum with each other daily. When Zak had to piss he carried me into the bathroom and drenched me in urine. By the end of the week I stunk of a mixture of sweat, piss, and cum. I began to gain my strength again and felt a bit better. My body was adjusting to its invasion and surrendered to HIV. I finally showered on Friday, washing the stench of my erotic filth down the drain. Zak returned home from his shop late in the afternoon. “Good to see you’re starting to feel better, babe. I have a surprise for you.” More to follow……..
    2 points
  6. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    2 points
  7. First post guys, I've been inspired by some really hot content on here and thought I'd stop being a spectator. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Tanner was destined to be an amazing athlete - that's what his coaches had always said, the boy had commitment, drive, energy and, above all else the raw physical stamina and speed needed to be a really great little athlete. He could pretty much get a scholarship for anywhere at the rate he was going and, two-weeks after his 18th birthday had colleges across the country begging him to attend. He was a 6ft tall, blond adonis: soft blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous jawline with a dusting of dark blonde stubble - if athletics didn't want him, he could have made a fortune as a model: every girl who saw him wanted him and every boy was desperate to be him or, be in him. However, as far as Jake had got out of him, he'd only had two girlfriends in the past and never fucked - just some oral. So a tight little virgin too. I'm something of a sportsman myself well.... more of a hunter to be fair I'm 42 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. I'd packed on the muscle and my hairy chest expanded with even the slightest breath. I was built like a bear but with a body carved from stone after spending hours at the gym and on the field. I was a burly guy and, so I'd been told, a hot, daddy type. That suited me fine as I liked nothing more than dicking hot young twinks and jocks, letting them feel safe in my company before chemming up their innoncent cunts with G and Tina and fucking them full of my poz-babymakers. I'd played sports when I was young and there was something about the smell of a jock that got my juices going and, by far, my greatest conquest, was a local swimmer boy - Jake. A few years' ago I'd been at a swim-meat, scouring for talent when he was competing in his first adult competition: by farm the hottest boy in the entire place, fresh-faced 18 year old perfection.Tight, lean muscle, black hair, green eyes, big package - I had to have him. He ended up winning his competition and, that night, having chatted to him previously and asserted myself as a trust-worthy older jock type, invited him back to my room, smoked him out and fucked his tight, gold-medalled cunt into the chem stratosphere. Jake was a favourite bottom of mine from there on in and, right up until he left for college - we'd fucked a few of his school friends and swimming buddies into the poz brotherhood but, our dual hunts came to an end when he left: or that's what I thought. Tanner had applied to Jake's college and was thinking about joining their athletics programme. Jake had been 'buddied' up with the boy to try and convince him - Jake took that responsibility very seriously as soon as he saw Tanner's gorgeous body. I got a phone call from Jake that night, desperate for me to help him 'convince' Tanner to attend. Having heard Jake's description of the little 18 year old stud, I was intrigued and, when Jake mentioned Tanner was going to stay with him at his frat-house for the Easter weekend - couldn't turn down the invitation of pozzing another little jock boy. All of Jake's frat would be home for easter and we'd have his place to ourselves. More to come... Tanner would arrive on Friday and I would arrive on Saturday. Tanner and Jake would spend Saturday morning getting 'sports enemas' at Jake's local health centre ("you know" he'd told Tanner "it's super good for athletes") and then he'd drop Tanner off at the house where I'd be waiting before heading out on an 'errand' leaving me with the hot little, cleaned-out stud. I'd make him feel comfortable, get him used to my presence, spend the rest of the day getting in the boy's head before Jake returned with enough Tina to turn the boy from neg innocent to poz pig in three easy steps. I'd send Jake out to a dealer I knew in the area, a real 'good-guy' with a sweet supply of everything you'd need for a night of long-jock-dicking. He'd have everything I need for a four-day weekend of hole-wrecking. I'd phoned ahead - boys like Tanner don't come around so often; his initiation had to be special, dedicated and long. You don't just fuck a boy like Tanner, you have to ruin a boy like Tanner. "Mention my name to Steve" I said to Jake, "He'll have a kit ready for me - it'll have everything I need" "What about money?" Jake said I laughed, "Don't worry, Steve is going to get paid in other currency" I said, grinning. "Hahaha...sweet" Jake said and disappeared out the door leaving me in my web - waiting for my prey. Saturday came around, I'd flown cross-state rather than drive and got a taxi to the frat house from the airport. The boys were already out so, using the key Jake had sent me, I made myself comfortable, surveying the house for the perfect 'pozzing space'. Around mid-morning the door opened and the boys tumbled in, laughing like regular 'bros'. "Hey there" I shouted from the living room. "Ah, hey man!" Jake said warmly, coming into the room and giving me a bear-hug - fuck I'd missed how that tight torso felt against my own abs. "Hey, Tanner, this is Simon...Si this is Tanner...a hot new recruit" I caught Jake's eyes as he said the last words and smirked. "Hey dude" Tanner said, shaking my hand firmly. He was even better than Jake described - tall, muscular, ripped stud with short, cropped blond hair and piercing baby-blue eyes, thick calves and the roundest, most perfect little ass. The boy was gorgeous, hours in the gym, hours on the track...I couldn't wait for him to spend hours on all-fours. We all talked for a bit, laughed about the enemas (got our little friend talking about sex as quickly as we could) before Jake made his excuses and promptly left leaving me to relax and prep our gorgeous boy-toy. Tanner was awkward at first but, I soon got him talking, confiding in me - it was a gift really, I guess the age differential made boys think I was trustworthy. He told me about the girls back home and how they gave the worst head... "You ever let a boy suck you" I said nonchalantly, he visibly jumped "No!" He said, agitated I laught "jeez dude, fuck! It's just a dick and a mouth - do you honestly think it fucking matters?" He relaxed and, we went back and forth like that for a bit till I made an excuse to look at a picture hanging behind him. I stood directly in front of him, my cock visibly pulling at the fabric of my jeans, pretending to admire the painting. "Dude...you've got a monster..." Tanner said almost without thinking. "Oh, this" I said, forcing a bit more blood into my already firm dick. He looked up at me and, as he did, I saw a tiny window of opportunity. As we locked eyes, I grabbed his chin and softly kissed his beautiful lips. He pulled away for a moment, his chin still in my hand before once again joining my lips against his and kissing. For a boy without experience he wasn't a bad kisser - a bit hesitant but, that would change. I leaned in, lowering myself onto him, straddling him as he sat on the chair. "I've... I mean, I'm not..." he said, braking the kiss. "shhh" i said, pushing my tongue back into him as he moaned. "Don't worry" I whispered back, "we're just fooling around" "Yeah" he laughed, nervously, shifting his weight around on the chair so as not to let his erect cock touch me. "Listen dude, Jake isn't back for ages - let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah?" "Ok" Tanner said, as we kissed again and I slipped my hand up his polo to feel those stong, taught ab muscles. "Jesus" I thought "this boy is going to get so fucked" We made out for a long time, building his trust, elevating the boy's hormones - getting that consuming, teenage testosterone pumping through his veins. We'd moved to the floor and I'd managed to pull his pants and briefs down to expose that round little jock-butt. As we moaned into each other I began pushing the boy's boundaries - literally, maneuvering myself behind him as he squatted on all fours. "Time to show you what your anus can really do" I thought as I spat on my index finger and, finding his virgin tight boy hole, began pushing in. He started to squirm away from me but, I held his legs fast under mine and kept my finger pressing against his sphincter. A bit more saliva and my finger pushed past the tight walls of his outer ring, feeling it pulse and contract around my knuckle. The boy was going to be a tight ride, that was for sure (at least, at first anyway) and, as I massaged the lining of his cunt I couldn't help but loose myself in the silk lining of that glorious little boy-pussy, probing it with my finger like I was making love to that tight hole. It was almost too good; whole minutes passed before I realised I still had work to do - this boy wasn't nearly ready to become the cumdump he was made to be; in one move I whipped my finger out of his puckering hole. "That good baby boy?" I said, as his ass closed tight behind me. "Fuck yeah" he responded, "never knew it could feel that good" "It's going to get so much better" I whispered in his ear, resting my cockhead against his perfect butt as I bit his neck and ear. I felt him tense up as my cock rested against his hole: I loved the electricity that seemed to dance over his skin with the thrill of doing something 'forbidden', his breathing deep, shallow, masculine. "You thinking about getting fucked there boy?" He bit his lip and, I could tell he was still conflicted. "We totally don't have too" I said, teasing his hole with the tip of my finger. "Don't even worry, we can just fool around" I assured, picturing that perfect pink hole stretched about my hairy arm as I massaged some random, anonymous cum into the walls of his teenage, partied-out, boy-hole. "Yeah, maybe..Do you mind? Maybe we could just fool around a bit" he said, as I gently pushed my digit back into him. "...Besides" he moaned as I finger fucked him. "Jake will be home soon" My eyes darted to the clock on the wall above the chair... "8:45pm...15 minutes...Jake better be here then" I thought, as I worked that boy's hole over. There was going to come a point when I'd simply end up raping Tanner without some good ol'fashioned chemical lovin. I pulled my finger out of him and replaced it with my tongue: feeling him contract even more against the new experience: his clothed jock-body shivering in front of me as his outer ring quivered and expanded as my tongue probed deeper.
    1 point
  8. I can't take credit for this, found it on nifty.org and I wanted to share. From: john bottom <slamme76@hotmail.com> Subject: Breaking and Entering His Ass (Part1) So this is one scene I had in mind. I wrote it out like a short story. You're the homeowner and I'm the intruder. It was night and some guy broke into another guy's house. It was a nice house. New. The intruder was very proud of his breaking and entering abilities. He was walking around like he owned the place. After strolling through the house he was shocked to hear a voice: "Don't move an inch." It was the homeowner and he had the intruder cornered with a baseball bat. He held the bat ready to swing and the intruder knew that the homeowner could at least knock him out if he wanted to. But the homeowner was in control and he could sense the intruder's fear. "What the fuck are you doing in my house? Who the fuck are you?" The intruder was scared, apologetic and begging. "Please, just let me go. I'm begging you. Don't hit me, please, just let me go." The homeowner could tell the intruder was really scared. The homeowner knew, dressed like he was -- black leather pants, cut off t-shirt, boots -- that he looked intimidating. The homeowner took a long look at the intruder and finally told him to take his clothes off. "Hey, I'm not into that..." the intruder said, at which time the homeowner raised the bat up. "It's take your clothes, take a beating or I call the cops. Which is it?" The intruder was cornered. He didn't want to end up in jail because he would become some black man's prison bitch and he didn't want to take a beating, so he figured, "I'll take my clothes off, this guy will jack himself off and then I'll be on my way." So the intruder took his clothes off. He was tall, slender, blond, muscular and smooth. It looked like he shaved his legs. He stood there naked while the homeowner admired his body. The intruder could feel the homeowner's eyes caressing his smooth skin. He could feel a draft between his legs, around his balls and his ass cheeks. He was very aware of being naked. The homeowner told him to turn around at which time he handcuffed the intruder's hands behind his back. This surprised the intruder and he wanted to turn around and say something but the act of taking his clothes off and having his hands handcuffed began to make him hard and he didn't want to call attention to himself -- have the homeowner spin him around and see his hardening shaved-like-a-boy cock pointing out. So he didn't say a thing. The homeowner pushed the intruder face first against the wall and spread his legs and started feeling the intruder up -- chest, legs, ass... but when he reached around to feel the intruder's cock he couldn't help but notice the intruder was totally hard. "I thought you said you weren't into this?" the homeowner said, to which the intruder had no reply, he just looked down embarrassed. The homeowner got close to the intruder and pulled his head back by the hair and whispered in his ear, "You're going to be my little prison bitch tonight. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." He told the intruder to lay spread eagle on his stomach on the floor and not to move. The homeowner stomped out in his boots to the kitchen and the intruder thought about how everything had gone wrong and now he's going to be a prison bitch and how he wanted to avoid that to begin with... but he was turned on. His cock was hard and it felt good. He could feel it rubbing on the floor and pre-cum smearing onto the smooth wood surface. The idea of letting some strange man take ownership of his ass and mouth... he would never admit it to anyone, but it made his cock hard. His shaved asshole was sweating and he began to wonder if the homeowner noticed that it was shaved when he was feeling him up. He hoped not. Meanwhile, out in the kitchen, the homeowner found a barstool and began looking for a hypo he had left in a drawer there the night before. He had been partying and was still feeling the effects when he caught the intruder. He was thinking to himself, "Jackpot. This guy is pretty hot, he shaves his hole so you know regardless of what he says, he likes his boy pussy played with. I might have to teach him how to deep throat and loosen his hole up so I can go balls deep on his ass, but what a find! I can keep him for as long as I want. Maybe even take some pictures and threaten to post them on the Internet if he doesn't come back for regular sessions. Hey, that reminds me..." The homeowner found what he was looking for in the kitchen and returned to where he left the intruder with barstool in hand. He put something on the table in the room, tinkered with it and then moved over to where the intruder was. When he saw the intruder still spread eagle on the floor, he knew he had an obedient fuck boy. He told the slender naked handcuffed intruder to stand up and he did. He made him face the wall again and pulled the barstool under his ass and told him to step back and sit. He un-handcuffed one hand and cuffed the other to the lowest rung on the barstool. He told the intruder to raise his ass up and when he did the homeowner reached between the intruder's legs from behind and pulled his shaved plump cock and balls out so it was now hanging over the edge of the barstool backwards pointing straight down. When the intruder sat back down he was feeling very vulnerable. The position of his cock was forcing him to lean over and expose his shaved hole. He was worried that the angry homeowner would see his shaved pussy, figure out his secret and start pounding him right then and that was something his tight hole wasn't ready for. But the homeowner was one step ahead. With the hypo between his teeth, the homeowner grabbed the wrist of the intruder and held it up to the front. He wrapped a piece of surgical tubing around the top of the intruder's arm and located a vein. The intruder looked up and said, "No!" The homeowner looked at him angrily and told the intruder, "What's it going to be? The cops, the baseball bat or this? You decide." The intruder lowered his head. "You're going to love this," the homeowner said laughing. "You should be thanking me. This is good shit." The homeowner slipped the hypo into the intruder's vein, pulled back the plunger and in the dim light saw a little drop of blood in the hypo at which time he pushed the plunger all the way down continuing to hold the intruders arm up. The intruder felt a clicking sensation in his throat and then the meth hit. It went straight to his pussy and cock. He let out a pouty moan and slumped with his head between his legs and his ass hanging off the end of the barstool. He felt the blood pumping into his cock and his shaved hole begin to sweat. When the homeowner put a bandaid on his arm and let it go, the intruder couldn't help reaching behind with his now free hand and feeling his hardening cock, his ripe juicy balls and his sweaty shaved pussy hole. He didn't care anymore if the homeowner saw his hard shaved cock or his tight shaved hole. All he was thinking was having his ass and mouth filled. In just a few seconds he went from a tough-guy-burglar to a total pussy boy thinking only about cock and how to please it. The homeowner stood back and admired his handy work. He could see the intruder panting, stroking his now hard cock and occasionally fingering his tight shaved asshole. Now the homeowner's cock began to swell. He knew that for the next couple of hours the only thoughts going through the intruder's head would be primitive thoughts about craving and pleasing cock. He was the homeowner's sloppy fuck pig. The homeowner knew he could un-handcuff the intruder if he wanted and the intruder would go no where. He knew this was true. The intruder would just sit there bent over the barstool waiting for his master, wanting only to please the master's cock with his warm tight holes. The homeowner walked out of the room, confident that he could sit down, watch a ball game, drink a couple beers if he wanted and come back and find the intruder still waiting, bent over the barstool playing with his cock and his pussy hole. The homeowner walked back to the kitchen. There found a tub of Crisco and headed back to the room where he left the intruder. He re-handcuffed the intruder's wrist back to his other wrist and around the bottom rung of the barstool. The homeowner stuck his fingers into the tub of Crisco and slathered the intruder's smooth cock, balls and tight pussy. He stroked the intruder's cock downward and poked his index finger into the intruder's amazingly tight, clean ass. The intruder let out a pouty moan. The homeowner slipped two fingers in and began sliding them in and out of the hot slick boy pussy. The intruder moaned and the homeowner imagined how this tight boy hole would feel wrapped around the shaft of his beautiful cock and how it would feel when his balls began to slap the intruders balls when he decided the boy could handle his entire tool. "Yeah, you want something in there, don't you?" the homeowner said, referring to the intruder's ass. "What would feel good inside that tight little boy hole of yours? More fingers? Some cock? Yeah, boy. You're a natural at this. Look at you bent over. Look, you're hard. This is your calling boy. You were meant to be owned." The homeowner went on at length telling the intruder what he needed and the intruder was amazed at how right the homeowner was. Everything he said was true and he could only respond with a moaning "yessss." It was true and both the homeowner and the intruder knew it: some men were meant to service the needs of other men. Sometimes that meant fetching a beer and sometimes that meant massaging the master's cock with your hands, mouth or ass to make the master feel good. And sometimes that meant letting the master take over and own you and do whatever he wanted. The homeowner recognized it and the intruder understood it. The homeowner was taking ownership. The intruder was becoming his bitch. Completely hard, the homeowner got undressed next to the intruder. Mostly he kept his fingers in the intruder's hole while undressing, removing them only to unsnapped buttons and untie his boots. He got all his clothes off and put his boots back on and towered over the panting, sweating intruder. The homeowner's beautiful cock was hot and hard and his balls were full. The thought of essentially raping the intruder had made him that way. The homeowner liked the way the intruder's slick tight hole felt and occasionally he reached down and admired the intruder's plump balls and hard cock. He was even nice enough to stroke them for the intruder since the intruder couldn't do that handcuffed to the barstool. The homeowner stroked his own tool too, his hands still slick with Crisco. He walked around the front of the intruder, reached under his chin and raised his head up. He liked what he saw. "Such a nice face," he thought, and then opened the intruder's mouth with his thumb and slid his hot cock inside. The intruder tasted the salty pre-cum mixed with Crisco. He didn't mind the Crisco but he absolutely craved the pre-cum. It was the taste of cock and at that moment that was what he was all about. The homeowner pushed his cock halfway in and the intruder choked and gagged but the homeowner kept his cock in the intruder's hot wet mouth. "Deal with it! You can do this. I know you want to be a good cocksucker for your daddy because daddy likes his cock suck. Come on boy, make daddy's cock feel good. Don't fight it!" The intruder resisted the gagging reflex and found that he could do this. Soon the homeowners cock was sliding in and out of the intruder's open mouth, right down to the balls. "Look up here," the homeowner said to the intruder. With the intruder's eyes gazing up, the homeowner pumped his tool in and out of the open mouth while he pinched his own nipples. When he pulled his cock out after about 20 minutes of none-stop pumping a strand of slobber hung from the end of his cock to the intruder's mouth. The homeowner stuck his cock back in and began to pump. He reached back with his hand and patted the intruder's slick shaved hole. The hole was tight and strong. Standing off to the side, he could see the intruder squeezing and releasing the sphincter muscle each time the homeowner pumped the intruder's mouth. "I'm going to warm that ass up a little bit," the homeowner said to the intruder, at which time he slapped the intruder's hole hard letting out a loud crack. The intruder moaned as loud as he could considering the homeowner's balls were bouncing off his chin. The homeowner slapped the hole again and again and again. Then he slipped two fingers in all the way and then pulled them back out. They were clean. He rubbed the intruder's hole in a circular motion, occasionally dipping his fingers in the boy's pussy. The intruder was trying to say something but he made no sense in his intoxicated state and with the homeowner's cock deep in his mouth. It didn't matter. The homeowner was fixated on the intruder's hole and didn't care what he had to say. The homeowner walked away from the front of the intruder. His cock pulled out of the intruder's wet sloppy mouth and the intruder began to pant. He had grown very use to the sensation of having a cock in his mouth and he quickly wanted it back. But the homeowner had other plans. He walked around the back of the intruder and admired his beautiful boy pussy. "Jackpot!" he thought again. The homeowner put his hands on the intruder's hips and lined the head of his throbbing cock up on the intruder's slick shaved boy pussy. The intruder arched his back. He craved the cock so much now. The homeowner was going to slide it in slowly, take a couple minutes to open the intruder's pussy up before really giving it a workout, but then he thought about why the intruder was there and how he broke into his house and that made him angry. And so he pushed the head of his cock into the intruder's slick tight ass and felt the beautiful warmth that only a man's ass can give a man's cock and decided not to stop. He was angry but in control and penetrated with one massive even stroke right down to his balls and held it there. At first the intruder thought the homeowner's hot cock felt very good inside his ass, but about halfway in, the intruder was feeling uncomfortable and by the time he homeowner finish his first deep stroke, the intruder was mixed with feelings of ecstasy and pain and the mix felt very good. He squirmed looking for more ecstasy but the homeowner was in control and held him still, his cock planted deep in the intruder's ass and he was holding the intruder in a place if felt good to him. "Don't tighten up on me! Relax! Relax. Take that man cock. That's a man's cock in you boy! You know what to do. Take it because that's what I want. Take it. This is what your good at. Not robbing houses." And the intruder began to relax and take all of his master's cock. The homeowner put his right foot on the bottom rung of the barstool and reach down to where his cock was entering the intruder's ass. He found the intruder's cock still hard now dripping cum and pointing straight down. He gave it a couple strokes. Then he grabbed the intruder's balls and placed them in his hand next to his own balls. Both men's balls were shaved and they rubbed up against each other. "Feel that, boy? Those are my man balls. That's you taking all my cock." He pushed deeper in the intruder's hole and then pulled back out, then slid it back in, then pulled it all out except the head. He could feel the intruder's still-tight hole squeezing the head of his cock. The homeowner knew they were in the final stretch. "See if you can feel my balls slapping yours." He slid his cock deep inside the intruder's ass and gave a little flick with his hips at the end of the stroke to make his balls go forward. "Feel that?" The homeowner pulled out to his head again and pushed it back in, this time a little harder. "Feel that? Feel my balls slapping against yours? Huh? Not yet? Okay." The homeowner pulled out to his head again and really hammered the intruder's ass. "Feel that?" He pulled out to his head again and slammed it home, each time asking the intruder if he could feel their balls slapping together. The homeowner was growing angry and was pumping the intruder hard and from all angles asking the intruder over and over if he could feel their balls slapping. The intruder only moaned. The homeowner's words made beautiful sense but he could not answer. He was too focused and giving his ass up for ownership, giving it to the master. "Break into my house, bitch! I dare you!" the homeowner yelled as he pumped the intruder's ass with all his might. The noise of the homeowner's hips and the intruder's ass slapping together was ringing in the intruder's ears. "Take my fucking cock, bitch! All of it!" One last pump and the homeowner stepped around to the front of the intruder with a controlled purposeful stride. This was the last step in total ownership. "Open your mouth!" The intruder instinctively opened and the homeowner stuck the head of his cock in and began to stroke, pumping hot salty seaman in, filling the intruder's mouth. "Swallow!" the homeowner yelled as he cranked on his tool and squirted more hot cum into the boy's mouth. "Swallow it all you bitch!" When he was done the homeowner un-handcuffed the intruder and walked away to the kitchen. The intruder was still dizzily intoxicated from the injection and having his ass and mouth pumped like a whore. He stood up and laid on his back on the wood floor. He reached down and felt his sloppy boy pussy. It was wide open, loose from his masters tool and very slick. He pulled his knees to his chest and began exploring his stretched pussy. It was hot, wet and loose. He squeezed it tight again and was happy that he could still easily make it tight and keep it tight for his master, but he liked playing with it loose. He could hear the homeowner in the kitchen microwaving something but he didn't' care what was going on in the kitchen. His world was about his cock and boy pussy and he panted as he stroked both with both hands. The homeowner walked back into the room drinking a beer and carrying a warm cucumber. He took a knee between the intruder's legs. He poured beer into the intruder's mouth and the intruder gulped it down. He poured more in the intruder's mouth and some on his chest. The intruder never stopped stroking his hard cock and playing with his balls and pussy. "You ready to cum for your daddy, boy?" the homeowner asked the intruder. He lined the warm cucumber up on the intruder's hole and began pushing it in. The intruder opened his hole, giving it to his man. The homeowner went deep with the cucumber and then pulled it out. It was a little bigger than the homeowner's cock and the intruder took it eagerly. The homeowner pushed it in deep and pulled it out. "You ready to cum, boy?" The homeowner began stroking the cucumber in and out and asking the intruder if he was ready to cum for his daddy and that some daddies weren't nice enough to do this for their boys, but he was a nice daddy and he'd gladly watch, even help, as a boy shot his load. "You should feel lucky, now come on boy! Cum for daddy!" The intruder was moaning, almost crying like a little boy and jack wildly, fondling his balls and feeling with the tips of his fingers the cucumber going in and out of his ass. "Come on boy, cum!" the homeowner yelled. "Cum, boy! You can do it! Show your daddy how you can cum!" And all at once the intruder let out a moan that almost sounded like a cry for help and shot three big loads into the air, the first landing in his face and the rest going on his chest and the floor. When the homeowner saw the cum on the floor, he became mad grabbed the intruder by the back of the neck and made him lick the cum off the floor. He walked over to a table and picked something up about the size of a coffee mug. He was looking into it in the dark and the intruder could see whatever it was was reflecting light back into the homeowner's face. The homeowner just stared into the light. "Look, boy. You nearly took that whole cucumber," the homeowner said. He held what turned out to be a video camera up to the intruder's face and the intruder could see that he was taking almost all of the cucumber. He laid back on the floor, took a deep breath, pulled his knees into his chest and began stroking his cock, balls and hole again.
    1 point
  9. Since becoming poz, I've always practiced safe fucking. I've never even thought about doing anything remotely unsafe - and I always spread the word about condom use among my friends. I'm a bottom so I never thought about being concerned with a neg top fucking me bare. transmission I assume is low. But I have this asshole friend of mine named Jake - or at least a guy I always run into because we have many friends in common. He thinks that poz guys who get knocked up do so because they are too promiscuous. He actually said "they fuck too much and don't know when to stop so I don't have any sympathy for them." I decided right then and there that my mission was to set up his ass some how. It also helped knowing he is a big fan of Disneyland, so putting everything I knew about Jake, I had the perfect idea to get poz cum up his hole - and I wasn't thinking one load. About six or seven months had passed and I decided it was time to make my move, and by good fortune I ran into Jake at a birthday party. I casually mentioned to him I was going to an amusement park in Anaheim with a group of guys and that we got a hotel room to make it an all weekend full of fun. I told him I had an extra ticket because someone had canceled. He ran the idea through his mind and asked me if he could buy the ticket from me. I told him that it would save me the trouble from being fucked over since the other guy had canceled on me. I also mentioned the other guy lived in Santa Ana and wasn't going to stay in the hotel room. After speaking to him, I ended up having him agree to sleep on the hotel room floor. We figured we wouldn't tell the front desk the room would have five guests staying instead of four. It was a big hotel room with two beds. I told him to bring an extra pillow. It was summer so there wasn't really a need to bring extra blankets. The next part of the plan was to now get poz tops into bareback fucking a negative asshole. I put an ad on a popular bareback site with the heading "Poz Tops Needed for Conversion Party." On the Wednesday before the Friday night sleep-over, I had 26 tops who responded. I had to separate those on the from the list those who were NOT poz, which reduced the number to 15, and then I did my best to eliminate the flakes, which reduced the list to 12. After talking to nine of them who gave me their number, I explained the plan. They were to stay most of the first night and take turns making trips to the restroom and seducing Jake to surrender his hole to them - bareback. It was probably going to be a challenge. I had nine guys who continued to express interest in the undertaking. During each interview, I jotted notes on how committed they seemed, how turned on they were from the scene, if they were really off meds and if they had ever pozzed a neg man before. Dick size played a small part, but I definitely wanted tops with bigger than average dick sizes. I also noted that a couple were able to give more than one load up an unsuspecting asshole. After I narrowed my search, I came up with the best three poz guys of the bunch. They had 26 inches of poz dick they could offer a hungry bottom. All three claimed to be aggressive and would not pull out early. One of the tops claimed to have pozzed up at least 14 men that he knew of for sure. Friday night came and the Jake arrived right after I did as planned. It was around 10pm. We planned to get a good rest and start off bright and early as soon as the park opened. Jake staked his blanket and pillow on the floor near the restroom. As he was about to lye down, I asked him if he was really going to sleep with pajamas with firetrucks all over. I told him that was kind of goofy and that he could sleep the way I do, bare ass naked. The other guys aren't going to look or care I pointed out, but it would stand out when he got up in the morning to shower. And besides, it was in the middle of summer. Soon after Jake and I had dozed off and the other 3 came trickling into the hotel room. They had no suitcases since they weren't going to stay the whole night. I had the biggest dick top sleep with me in my bed. The top in my bed held me by wrapping his arms around me with his dick resting along my crack. Too bad his dick wasn't going to slide up my hole. Jake was sound asleep while the other guys were waiting for my signal. The first guy I had go first went to the restroom. He was naked and had a semi-hard-on. He left the bathroom light on which provided me with a small amount of light just enough to watch the show, yet make the bottom feel comfortable that it was night. The top crouched down on his knees and starting rubbing Jake's body. One hand was feeling his arms, back and legs. The other hand was seducing his asscheeks and crack. The top also started to lightly tug on his Jake's dickshaft. Jake woke up with a rging hard-on. "Hey dude, what's going on?" Jake whispered. "I can't sleep and I'm really horned up. I was hoping you were a bottom," the top whispered back. Didn't take long before the top had his poz bare dick up Jake's ass. I could tell Jake was trying to be careful not to wake anyone up. The top played along. His dick sea-sawed back and forth, up and down his ass shoot. All of a sudden, the top thrusted hard for a couple stroked up Jake's ass as he was feeding Jake's ass with some grade A American poz cum. The top whispered, "My name is Brad, what's yours?" "Jake," he whispered back, "I don't usually fuck bareback." The top told Jake not to worry about it and went back in bed. About a half hour later another top did much the same thing. The previous top who had fucked already left for home. In no time, the second top with a nine inch dick was breathing heavy with desire as he was fucking Jake's hole. as predicted, Jake was on the receiving end of a poz load. Now there was only one poz top left, and he was a multiple orgasm top. The top nudged Jake awake and asked him if he wanted to share his bed because the other top left home to deal with an emergency. Jake was tired but complied. Jake's ass took a pounding. I decided to come out of the blanket and lay in my bed stroking while Jake was getting fucked over. Jake saw me but didn't seem to want to stop because of embarrassment. I egged them on, and walked over to the bed and began playing and stroking Jake's balls and dick. "Get your faggot hands off me!" Jake screamed. In this situation I knew I had the upper hand. I gestured 'fuck you' with my middle finger, accompanied with a loud retort "Fuck you! And I mean really, fuck you!" "I don't want your AIDS hands touching my balls and dick!" Jake screamed out. "So how many poz cum loads do you think you took tonight Jake? Just how many?" The top was breathless and about to squirt his fourth load up Jake's asshole. "I count six loads. Six poz creamy loads!" Jake looked at the top, who just shrugged with a lascivious smile. "Why didn't you tell me the guys were all poz?" "Why would it matter," I asked, "You never bareback, remember?"
    1 point
  10. This is the first part in a multi part story. It is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind. Any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. My name is Frank and I’m 25 years old and gay. I’m 6’3 and weigh in now at around 190 pounds. I have blonde hair and green eyes and I can easily bench 230 pounds for five reps. I attended a Midwestern University and received my Bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and my Master’s degree in Physical Therapy. I would be as most readers would describe as a hunk or jock. During my undergrad years I also swam, both for pleasure and as a competitor. As a matter of fact I had been swimming since I was 10. It came to be a surprise when my best friend from high school and college called me one day and offered me a job as a swim coach to his junior college swim team. I had been working as a coach for the local high school and had spent many hours suppressing my hard cock that would spring up whenever a player would get too close or spend too long in the shower soaping up his equipment. I never acted on the impulses for fear of being labeled a child molester but when you have 100’s of hot young guys parading themselves past your office nearly naked a man has his breaking points. Mine typically would consist of closing my blinds and locking my office door and jerking a huge load onto my desktop then licking up the evidence. I’m sure a player or two got an erection from my breath that sometime had the hint of a cum swallower, as I would lecture them after a practice or gym class. When I was in my late teens I was a horny cocksucker in a very conservative town in the bible belt so had little opportunity to enjoy same sex relations on a regular basis. Even though Andy was my best friend and we enjoyed making out, we knew we couldn’t get caught so we never progressed beyond groping and cuddling when we could, and passionate make-out sessions when we would go camping. One fateful day I heard of a truck stop about 20 miles out on the interstate where horny truckers who would shag just about anything that walked. So naturally I made some lame excuses one morning about having to go get some new feed for the horses, jumped in my Camaro and headed out to the truck stop. I pulled up between two large rigs and got out to see if the rumors were true. Now, I was a attractive teen, skinny and lean, although full of muscle from all the workouts and sports I had done in high school. As I walked up the line of trucks, my knees began to shake a little, wondering if I had made the mistake of a lifetime, wondering if this was to be the last day of my life. Most of the truckers looked rugged and very menacing, almost as if they had just escaped from the penitentiary a couple of counties over. My thought was to turn and run. Later I learned the guys would be called 'bears' in the gay parlance. At most I would be called a cub and a virgin to boot, having little experience outside of snuggling with Andy. There was a café at the truck stop and as it was nearing noon, I went in and ordered a burger, thinking food would calm my nerves. While sitting there chowing down on my burger I notice that most of the truckers pretty much just ignored me and went on with their business. A couple of them seemed to be looking me over, but most didn't even seem to register me. I had been sitting there about 25 minutes while keeping an eye on the men’s room, thinking that was where the reported action was occurring, but honestly the men's room seemed to be just that - a men's room, certainly not a sex venue. Suddenly an older man approached my table from my blind side and asked “Boy, are you lost?" I looked up to find an attractive guy about mid 30’s looking down on me with a shit-eating grin on his face. I stammered and said something like "No, sir, I'm just having a burger on my way back north to college.” I was lying and I suspect he could sense I wasn’t there for the burger, because his next question was "Have you ever seen the inside of a big rig?" to which I managed to stammer out "No, but I've always wondered what they look like." He smiled and said "Well, finish-up and I'll give you a tour of my rig." I gulped down my food on the spot, left a $10.00 bill on the counter and and followed the man out to his truck. He opened the passenger's door and gestured for me to climb-in and take a look. Once I got in, he went around to the driver’s seat and in one smooth swing, got into the seat, asking “Pretty nice rig, you think?” I was all but speechless, but managed to say something appropriate. Then he swung around behind the seat past a curtain and invited me into his inner sanctum. I was dumbfounded, and couldn’t believe they could fit a queen size mattress in there. He then began caressing me and kissing me, murmuring "Oh my, what a pretty guy." Of course I was more than happy to go along with his directions as he took my tee shirt off of me and began rubbing my back. He leaned me back as he pulled my jeans down past my knees. I had worn my jock strap that morning and he pressed his face into my groin as he began to nibble and suckle on my rock hard cock through the material of the pouch. He sucked on my cock for a bit before removing my jeans and jock, so I lay there naked but for my socks. Again he complemented me, saying "Oh my, we have some succulent chicken today” although admittedly at the time I didn't know 'chicken' was a euphemism for a young guy. He stripped off his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, and positioned himself over me and began kissing and sucking my entire nubile body. He licked my pits and the seat from my balls he cupped my butt cheeks in his hands and began licking and sucking on my ass and pucker. His spit was making it slick and his attentions were relaxing my hole. He probed my hole with one finger, then two. I cautioned him "You're going to make me pee if you keep that up” but he just nodded, took my cock in his mouth, all the while fingering my hole. I couldn’t hold back - the soda had made it to my bladder and I pissed into his mouth and down his throat. My hard cock had gone soft while peeing in his mouth but very quickly was rock hard again and dripping precum. He pulled off my cock without losing one drop of my precious fluids saying “Remember what I’ve been doing to you. Now you are going to show me what you have learned about pleasuring a man.” With that he leaned back. I pulled myself forward towards him and planted a passionate kiss on his full lips. He tasted of piss and, being a man, somewhat musky, but musky in a comfortable way, so naturally I wanted more, so I worked my tongue up and down his muscular body, lapping at his pits. The taste and aroma were an aphrodisiac. I nibbled down to the waistband of his shorts and he lifted his hips as I slipped his jeans and boxer shorts off of him, licking the head of his sustainable cock, which was my first real taste of cock! His precum was sweet and succulent so I eagerly sucked his cock into my throat, although I gagged a bit when he pushed my head down further, but he didn't relent. I coughed up phlegm a couple times but soon found I could deep-throat him with relative ease. I did as he did and cupped his ass and raised him up to reveal his rose bud. It looked clean and smelled freshly washed with just a hint of man musk I dove in not waiting to be invited and invaded his hole with my tongue. It tasted pungent and oddly, a bit like strawberries. I started to finger his hole and discovered he was easy to penetrate, so I wiggled a finger around inside his gut - which somehow felt squishy. I pulled my finger out and licked it to put two in and tasted a hint of cum. I looked up curious and he grinned, saying "You're my second today." He told me to keep fingering his hole and he would treat me to a good drink like I had given him. I was reluctant at first and he asked "Don’t you want to learn to please a man?" I nodded yes and took his cock in my mouth while fingering his hole. It didn’t take long and he was pissing down my throat. He then got to his knees and announced it was time for my next lesson. As I lay on my back, he took my cock in his mouth and raised my ass up in the air. He then threw my legs on his shoulders and positioned himself at my hole. He pressed my sphincter with the head of his cock and slowly invaded my body with his. It hurt like hell as the head of his plump tool stretched-open my hole, inch by inch sliding into me, eventually hilting his entire eight inches deep in my gut. When he reached full depth, he paused to allow my ass to adjust to the invasion. My legs fell from his shoulders to wrap themselves around his midsection. Holding him in in this position, his cock deep in my ass was an amazing sensation. He began to move his hips and his cock began its rite of passage in and out of my bowels. I was clearly there for his pleasure, and he raised one leg onto the bench to get more leverage and slowly bent me over so I was staring at my own cock, which was dripping precum onto my face. I curled a bit more and was able to reach my cock head. This seemed to make him even more excited 'cause he started fucking me with increased passion. As I sucked on my cock and watched his cock sliding in and out of my hole, I noticed a tat on his upper thigh. It was a bio symbol like you see in medical offices and on containers containing used needles. Now, I had been so horny I hadn’t even thought about safe sex when he approached me, and now I was paying the price: he was fucking me hard and almost certainly had ripped my man cunt in the process - now he was dripping his dirty precum on my insides. He growled a muffled gasp and shot his seed into my hole. I was his for all time. He had taken my cherry, my innocence and possibly my negative status from me. He withdrew from my ass, collapsing next to me, but still he grasped my still hard cock, pumped it, and said "Let’s see how well you learned your lesson." I figured 'what was good for the goose was good for the gander' so I climbed on him doggy style and pumped my load deep into his guts, so he may well have taken my last negative load. After I blew my load and withdrew from his ass, he lit up a cigarette and offered me one as I confronted him with my suspicions. He confessed he converted a few months back and while it wasn’t his intension to poz me up, I hadn't asked about his status before we fucked, so he figured I either knew what the potential risks, or I was already poz. He also remarked that as hot as I was, I would almost certainly be stealthed sooner or later, particularly given my high sex drive, so now I could have sex with anyone and not have to worry. It was getting towards 2:00 o’clock and we went at it again. He dumped another load in my hole and I came all over his face (which, to my pleasure, he made me lick off!) When we were done and he had to hit the road, he gave me a deep passionate kiss before firing up his rig and booting me out. He even gave me a butt plug to hold the juices in and so I wouldn’t leak all over my seat on the way home. I felt fulfilled. As he pulled out the scrap of paper he gave me detailing his return trip to the area fell from my hand for the wind to pick up and carry away. Andy had gone to the same university as me and we had some of the same classes but I had never confided in him that I came down with the fuck flu a month or so after my encounter with the truck driver. We even shared a dorm room for two years, but I never got treated for HIV while at college and I always lied to him about my occasional bouts of unexplained flu or colds. I was keeping myself pretty healthy for the most part and the virus hadn’t begun to ravage my body. Andy went on to get his masters at a different school and we somewhat parted ways. We exchanged Christmas cards and would call each other on important occasions, and I was his best man at his wedding. Still it was a big surprise to find out he was the athletic director of a small community college and he wanted me to become one of his coaches. (To be continued – taking the job)
    1 point
  11. "I want to POZ you Bart. I want to fuck you and shoot my toxic load deep in your guts.You're so cute, everybody wants a piece of your ass. And they only get it when you are willing to give yourself to everyone. You NEED to be pozzed. You know you do. Look at how tense you are. You should enjoy cock not fear it. You should embrace cum not reject it. What you need is a nice unhealthy dose of infected cum in your tight little asshole. Oh my see, that little prick of yours. See how it twitches when you hear I want to breed you. You like hearing that don't you? Yeah I know you do you little slut. You're silent but I know deep down you want to be a big piggy slut. An uninhibited whore who needs cock like his worthless life depends on it. I can give you that. Just let me push my throbbing dick in your cunt and I can give you all the sexual freedom you so desperately want. Look at my cock. Come on, look at it. See how nice it looks. Not scary at all. Not looking diseased or anything. It just looks like any other cock, however it only spews a deathly cocktail of jizz and bugs. You need those bugs. You'd be the perfect host. They'd nest between your buttcheecks and control who can come in and not. And they will gladly let anyone enter. C'mon touch it. Feel my pozprick. Yeah that's it. Feels good doesn't it. Now grab my balls. Feel how heavy they are. They are filled with toxic jizz. I haven't cum in a few days so when I shoot tonight it will be a copious amount of poison. I want to knock you up with my aids babies. Yeah you'd like that won't you slutboi. Now on your knees and start sucking the venom out of my hose. Good boy. Yeah work that mouth of yours on my cock. You sure like that don't you. Bet you're momma is proud now. Sucking a sick stranger's dick. Fuck you are so made for servicing cock. I must admit I'm surprised how eager you are sucking a POZ man's prick. You see those other men looking at you? They like you on your knees with a dick in your mouth. They all know you're getting gifted tonight. And after I'm done they can ravish your little hole as much as they want. Can you already taste my poison? I'm leaking like a faucet already. Here let me show you. Look at it. See those drops of cum? Let me show you. Oops was that in your eye? Did I poke your eye with my infected dick? I'm sorry... Don't get up. Please just stay there on your knees, I want to rub my whole dick over your face, cover that pretty little mug of yours with my dicksnot. This is so hot, look at you. Covered in sticky cum. Your face is full of HIV now, how you like that? Get up and turn around. It's time I stabbed that shitter of yours. What do you mean you're not sure? That's the problem right there you see, you need someone to decide for you. So I tell you, you HAVE to turn around and get a nice creamy load up your gut. So turn around and show me that nice butt of yours. Oh what a beautiful pucker you have there. It's looks so small and tight. I'll just use a nice glob of spit for lube. There. This is it Bart, you are about to get fucked by a POZ man. Ughhh, just one big push. Relax, relax, let me shove it all the way in. Hold still boy, it's just a little over 7 inch. There there it's all in. Now relax, get used to that prick. No no no, don't push it out. I'm just going to shove it back in you know. Dammit it slipped out. Just stand against the wall. Push your ass a bit back. Where is that hole of yours ah yes found it. One two three, FUCK. Yeah man, stabbing your ass again. I know it hurts, but it's much easier than going slow. Just get used to it. Shhh shhh. No no, don't touch your cock, hands against the wall. I don't want you to cum yet. Just hold still and enjoy my prick. I'm going to fuck you know Bart. Nice and easy. Yes, good boy. See how well that goes. Back and forth, back and forth. Doesn't that feel nice? This is what you've been missing all that time. Unhealthy raw sex. Sex like it's meant to be. I'm going to pick up the pace now. You can take it don't you, yeah you can. You like getting fucked don't you. Yeah you do. I'm so proud of you Bart, you are getting barebacked. Taking poz dick in that little hole of yours. Ohhh, ooh I'm cumming. I'm going to fill you up with my toxic spooge. Uhhhh. Yeah, uhhhh. There take it, ughhh, fuckkkk. That were some nice spurts. Fuck I needed to unload that. Did you cum? You didn't? Good. I'll just stay in that roughed up little ass of yours. Let your bowels absorb my poison. Oh man, that was intense. Did you like it Bart? Did you like getting bred? Bet you did. Let me massage the cum in your ass. Yeah. Pfff. I don't think I'm getting limp Bart. Holy shit my cock just stays hard in that previous NEG ass of you. I'm just going to plow you again is that ok? Sure you can jerk off now if you want to. Yeah jerk that little cock until it spews the last squirt of NEG cum you have left. You've been a good boy. Just let me enjoy that asshole of you a little bit more. Yeah sliding in and out of your sloppy hole. Feels good doesn't it? Cum is the best lube, you'll see the next time you come here. You're ready to squirt Bart? Yeah cum boy, shoot your load. Look at that, you really shot a nice big load. You must have been hot and horny. Look at it Bart, look at your jizz dripping from that wall. Healthy fertile jizz wasted on a wall. Your last chance at spawning offspring. You're one of us now Bart. Free to get fucked by whoever wants to fuck you. No need to thank me. Let me just slide out of your ass. Whoops, made a bit of a mess down there, might have torn something in my enthusiasm. Don't worry, THAT will heal up. My gift won't. Bye now."
    1 point
  12. [Moderator's Note: I split this continuation by a new author off into its own thread. The first 3 parts are here https://breeding.zone/topic/30506-chaser-roommate-convinces-roommate-to-chase/ ] PART 4 : THE FINAL TEST Ryan did not respond to Gabe's text for the longest time. He read over the text: "What do you say? I know you want it. Even got a hot buddy with me if u r interested. Big muscle black POZ guy ready to breed you raw." Ryan just sat there carefully massaging his dick while thinking about Gabe. He found pleasure in stroking his ever growing cock, knowing that he could so easily let their VENOM invade his hole. He was ignoring the third and fourth texts he had just received from Gabe. He desperately wanted to invite the two POZ guys over and take a rough fucking, but he was still somewhat scared. Something was holding him back. "So, boy. You there? Can we cum over?" Ryan typed "YES" several times, but would always delete his response just before sending it. He wanted Gabe badly, but didn't want to put himself in a precarious situation. "I'm not home for long," he finally typed. "Maybe another time." He resumed jacking off. He imagined how good it would feel to have Gabe and this nameless black predator fuck him... Gabe messaged again: "Horny. We r cumming over 4 a quickie." Ryan took out his poppers and sniffed intensely. Feeling slightly light headed, he typed "OK" but still hesitated. But slowly, as the poppers started affecting him, making him feel horny and uninhibited, he pressed the SEND button. For a good quarter of an hour he sniffed poppers and jacked off, pleasuring his dick and massaging his hole. Out of the blue, he heard a knock at the door. Getting over his initial shock and surprise, he got up, looked through the peep hole, and saw Gabe with a muscular black man in a white tank top. He knew their one mission was to breed and convert his ass. Another knock. Ryan stayed silent, not wanting to alert the two men of his presence. Maybe Gabe and the sexy tough black guy would just go away, he thought. During these slow seconds, he continued stroking. He slid his hand on his fully erect cock and slid up and down, moaning Gabe's name. He could see Gabe a few feet away from him, and his strokes intensified. Gabe would be none the wiser. Until, that is, Ryan saw Gabe type something into his phone and the chime of the phone not far away went off. FUCK! Another text: "I know ur there!" Gabe and the black guy both continued: "Open the door, fucking bitch! We didn't come here for nothing." More knocking, now almost a pounding on the door. Ryan had no choice. He could call the cops, but that would seem pointless. He also didn't want those two guys to stay at his entrance and attract unnecessary attention of his neighbors and passers-by. He reluctantly opened the door. And there stood Gabe and the stranger, with all their sex appeal. Gabe was the same beautiful olive brown with the same attractive body which seemed even nicer than he had remembered earlier in the bathroom. On the other hand, the black stranger was a muscular, thick, charcoal dark skinned man probably in his mid-thirties, with long black hair and smooth muscles bulging from his tight jeans and T-shirt, and a hard cock visible through his pants. Gabe stepped inside, the other guy following suit. They quickly brought Ryan to his Donald's room and, once there, took out a large mirror that Donald usually kept under the bed. "This is so you can watch us as we fuck the shit out of you." Gabe pushed Ryan on the bed and started taking off his victim's clothes. Ryan was petrified; he froze. While this sexy new stranger was holding him captive by the wrists, Gabe got Ryan completely naked, lubed his thick dick, and teased warmed-up Ryan's hole. Ryan told himself that maybe he could just let Gabe penetrate him a few seconds, and only with the tip of his cock, and that would be all. He was losing his mind with the anticipation and the poppers. His heart was pounding in his chest. He was scared, but oddly excited. This is what, after all, he had wanted. Gabe rimmed him briefly Ryan's usually tight hole was quickly spreading open. The black guy was gradually letting go of Ryan's wrists as he held the now open bottle of poppers under Ryan's nose. Ryan took a few deep breaths. And that's when Gabe slid in: slowly, but purposefully and forcefully. Ryan gasped. He had never taken a cock before, let alone a raw dick. He was shaking from nervousness. But oddly, he enjoyed the feeling. The poppers were doing their work. "Fuck yeah! You want it. I knew it," confirmed Gabe. They fucked. While Gabe was pinning Ryan's ass to the bed in a doggy position, holding the thighs and sliding his rod in and out faster and faster, Ryan couldn't help but moan. It was actually quite painful, but it felt sooooo good. And the poppers were making him lose control - fast! He then looked up and saw, in the mirror, a hot man guy ramming him. FUCKING HOT, he thought. This guy is powerful. And he was scared no more... FUCK - I have to find a way to stop this. But somehow it felt so good. To have this guy plow him mercilessly. It was taboo; he shouldn't let this happen. He wanted to stay NEG. But he couldn't bring himself to end things just yet. Then, from the side, a dark hand turned Ryan's head to the side and shoved his mouth onto a hard, throbbing black shaft. And that is when he saw the black guy's face contorted in sheer pleasure. This guy was now forcing Ryan to suck him off. "Suck it, bitch! You know you want to." "Are you ready, bitch?" Gabe asked. He was getting close. Without thinking, Ryan replied, "Yes. Fuck yes. Give it to me. Fuck me. I want your dirty seed!" "You're gonna get it, Gabe roared. This moment reminded Ryan of the first night he had heard Gabe fucking Donald. Ryan moaned and moaned. "Beg for it, ordered Gabe. "Fuck me, daddy...Breed me." "Beg for it!" repeated Gabe. "Give me your cum, man. I'm your whore." Ryan was now completely into it... "BEG FOR IT, BITCH" shouted Gabe. "POZ ME, STUD!" And Gabe did. Mercilessly, Gabe's animalistic urge to destroy Ryan's tight hole took over. Gabe rammed one last time and shot his thick load inside Ryan, and then used his finger to massage it deeper inside the willing bottom. "I knew you would eventually let me breed you. Don was right." That is all Gabe said before he got dressed and left. "Call me for another session." Ryan was barely able to turn over before the black guy moved and turned Ryan onto his back. "So, are you ready for a second dose of VIRAL and UNMEDICATED cum?" he asked. DAMN, thought Ryan. But this chocolate dream was already sliding his 8-inch dick inside Ryan's spread wet ass. Something primal within Ryan was set free. Maybe it was the continual rush of poppers, or the joy of being fucked by two hung sexy hung men. "Fill me up!" That was all Ryan could say. He merely stayed there, taking hit after hit of poppers, letting this gorgeous black beast drill him with his highly infectious seed. As the top got closer, he murmured into Ryan's ear. "Here it comes, boy. Fuck your tight on this horse dick. You're gonna make me blow my deadly bullets into your virgin pussy, white boy. Oooohhh, your ass feels so good wrapped around my raw meat. Take it !" Ryan heard this and was ecstatic. He knew the moment was rapidly approaching. He felt the squishy sensation and realized that the lube must be mixed with Gabe's POZ cum and, most likely, some blood. "Fuck my unprotected hole, you twisted pig... Make me your condom," he ordered his new-found top. Unlike Gabe, this man only murmured in Ryan's ear. It felt seductive and hypnotic. He told the willing and submissive Ryan: "You white bitches are all the same. You all want to make my thick gun unload inside you. So then take my death stick, boy. Come on, bitch. You know your white hole wants it. Seal your fate and kill yourself on my black shaft like you deserve. Let loose and accept my POZ gift." As Ryan looked deep into the stranger's eyes, he felt a warm sticky sensation deep within him - the second load of the day. The GIFT that would take over every cell of his body. He knew the deed had been done. Ryan suddenly came to his senses and felt so guilty, but it was too late. As he looked up, he saw his room mate Donald stroking the last few drops of his load out of his cock. When had he arrived? His room mate had seen him taking two TOXIC loads. Donald smiled, and said: "You're so predictable. I knew you'd let Gabe convert you." Ashamed, Ryan got up and went straight to his room. His ass was torn and sore. He couldn't do anything; it had happened! TOXIC loads had found their way directly into his system. His body surged with adrenaline as he realized that his NEG and healthy days were now numbered. His conversion was inevitable. And, deep down, he'd loved it. He was a cum whore. And soon he would get the gift; he would join the brotherhood. And find a few more POZ tops and maybe a few other bottoms. Since he hadn't cum yet, he quickly remembered his boner and, still full of adrenaline, he jacked off until he blew his (hopefully) last NEG load all over himself.
    1 point
  13. This is a story I wrote a while ago, and was posted on the old bugshare site. It's based on a collection of my personal experiences, its about 60% fact, 40% fiction. I'll be posting it in installments, to make it easier to read. I hope you guys like! It was one of those long days, my classes were boring as hell, I just couldn't wait to get home, get online and find a hook up. It was one of those excruciatingly hot and humid August afternoons, if you've ever been to Florida that time of year, you know what I mean. I kept looking at the clock, the last hour of school just dragged on and on. I started thinking about the guys in my class, wondering what their cocks were like, wishing I could get the chance to service each of them after gym, baseball or basketball. Imagining their hot sweaty cock and balls, the intoxicating scent of their young sweaty masculinity, just as I was day dreaming and starting to feel my cock start to stiffen, the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran for the door, I didn't want anyone to see my harden through my loose fitting mesh shorts. I got home a couple of minutes later, sweating from the bike ride, I didn't waste any time getting up to my room and get on my computer to find some cock. I was SO fuckin horny, I kept sniffing my pits, they smelled so fuckin good, I had just a little bit of blonde wispy hair under my arms, but the funk was full on. I got online started cruising for guys in my area, I like guys that are older than me, and definitely kinky, I don't do vanilla at all. After a couple of hours I was about to call it a night and sign off, then I got a message from a guy about 20 minutes from me. He was 32, muscled, completely hard bod, smooth chest and 8.5 inches of thick uncut pierced cock meat. He was a man of few words, he asked me my age, and then wanted to know what I was into. I gave my standard reply "I'm into everything, I'll try anything twice" he asked "Are you sure about that? If you agree to meet me, I'll hold you too it." I got so fucking boned when he said this, I told him that I liked it really kinky, and I love being hot and sweaty and not taking a shower. He asked me if I would be able to spend the weekend at his place, I didn't see why not, tomorrow was Friday, I didn't have anything due at school so I agreed. He' arranged to pick me up from school the next day and told me not to shower between now and then. The next day dragged even longer than the day before, all I could think about was the hot dude with his hot cock pounding me, wishing it was 3PM already. My classmates noticed my funk, the jocks in my class were sat behind me, they started thrown erasers and paper balls at me. One of them threw a paper plane at my head, with a note written on it. "Hey fag what the fuck is that stench? You smell like my balls after a game, bet you fuckin like the thought of my balls, I bet you wanna blow me now fuckin queer." of course I got rock hard reading that, thinking about the hottest jock in school and me goin down on his sweaty balls after a game. Fuck, is it 3PM yet!? 2:58…2:59..3:00… FINALLY!!! I ran out that door so fuckin fast, I bolted down the street, around the corner 2 blocks away where we'd arranged to meet. I got there, and there was no car. I was panting so hard from running, I had to sit on the curb. The sun was beating down on me, it had to be 90+ degrees. I sat there waiting, had I been stood up? I figured I'd wait 15 minutes then leave. I was soaked through from sweating, and decided to leave, just as I got up and started to walk away a black mustang sped around the corner screeching to a halt next to me. I stood there and looked, the windows were blacked out making it impossible to see inside. I started to walk down the side walk, and the car followed me, and stopped when I stopped. I got the hint. I moved towards the door and opened it and got in. The leather seats were ice cold, and the AC was on full blast, it felt so good. I turned, and looked at the driver, the guy was exactly what he described and looked like in his pic. I looked down, and there it was in all his glory, his thick uncut cock hanging out of his cam shorts. He didn't look at me, he just pulled away and said "suck it".... I didn't need telling twice, I went down on him like my life depended on it. I slurped at his cock, and played with his PA it tasted so good, I rolled back his foreskin which revealed a decent amount of dick cheesy, FUCK YEAH! I wasted no time in going down on him and cleaning it with my tongue. His cock was getting harder and harder, making it more difficult to deep throat, I had tears in my eyes, but refused to give up. I could smell the scent of his balls and ass, I was in fuckin heaven! I gave him head for the whole drive, we stopped moving and he slapped me on the head "get the fuck off my cock you fuckin queer" I kept sucking for a little while longer, thinking he'd like it… he slapped me on the head and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me off his cock. "When I tell you to do something you fucker, you fucking do it, got it?" With that he grabbed my jaw forcing my mouth open, hacked and spat a huge lugie into my mouth. He put his hand over my mouth and clamped my mouth shut "Don't swallow fag, let it sit there in your mouth… good boy savor it… roll it around on your tongue… good boy now swallow" I did as I was told, it was so fuckin gross, how fucked up do you have to be to spit snot into another dudes mouth and make him swallow it? Then I'd noticed we were parked on his driveway, he looked dead ahead, not even glancing at me, and said "We're going to pull into the driveway, I'm going to get out and go into the house, you will stay here. You will drink this bottle of water" he pointed to a bottle that I hadn't noticed yet in the cup holder. "You will have 5 minutes to do this, after exactly five minutes, you will get out, strip naked and leave your clothes here in the car. The car keys will be on the rack next to the door, you will lock the car and take the keys with you. Once inside there will be a blind fold on the door handle to the right. Put the blind fold on and stand with your hands behind your back. Got it fag?" I wasn't expecting such detailed instructions, but figured what the hell "Yeah I got it" he hit me on the side of the head again. "Thats Yes Sir, fucker! You better learn quick, or you are in for a whole lot of hurt this weekend boy". He got out of the car, and went inside, closing the door behind him. I began to think to myself that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Then I remembered the water, and if I didn't drink it, he'd hit me again. I'd already lost 3 minutes. I grabbed the bottle and chugged it. It tasted weird, kind of like almonds I guess, a really funky after taste. I drained the bottle, at least thankful for the refreshment, I'd been dehydrated from being out in the sun. I followed the instructions he'd given me, and was just reaching for the blindfold, when I heard him yell "YOU'VE GOT 10 FUCKING SECONDS FAG" I panicked, and put the blindfold on, and was just putting my hands behind my back when he slapped me on the back of the head. "That was for taking 3 minutes to start drinking the water, and dude you fuckin stink! Do you even know how to fuckin shower?" He raised up my arm, grabbed my head and forced me to smell my pits. They were pretty rank, probably the sweatiest they have been in a long time. The scent was intoxicating though, I began to feel light headed. He let go of my arm, and began to caress my naked body. He ran his finger down my spine, into my crack, caressing my warm, wet sweaty hole. He put the finger under my nose and told me to sniff. Fuck was it hot! It was a mix of sweat, and my natural boyfunk that had built up over the last two days. It got me rock hard. I was beginning to feel really light headed, as if I was drunk. Then it came to me, and I said "Sir, what was in that water?" He just hit me again, and laughed. Fuck, I knew it he's gonna fucking drug me and kill me. I was about to reach up and take off the blindfold when he grabbed my arms, and cuffed them behind my back "Nice try fucker, but you aren't going anywhere. Remember when I asked if you were sure you'd try anything twice? Yeah, I know you're thinking you're in deep, and trust me fag, you are in deeper than you will ever fucking realize" Then his tone changed, he spoke softly and whispered into my ear "All you have to do is relax, and trust me. I'm not going to do anything you won't be begging for" then he laughed again. As he said that, the room began to spin, I was unsteady on my legs. He was much taller than me, I'm only 5ft 6, he had to be at least 6'2 - he must have seen me begin to sway, I felt his firm hands on my shoulders holding me from behind. He gripped me tightly, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, it gave me goose bumps. He felt so close to me, and yet somehow so far away. I felt that I wanted him to hold me tightly, embrace me, I wanted him to touch me, to feel me, to make me shiver from the inside out. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to show him what I was willing to do for just a second of affection. Then, he spoke "Boy, I can feel your heart pounding inside your chest, are you nervous? are you scared?" I replied, "No Sir" the grip he had on my right shoulder tightened, his left hand moved down my smooth chest, wiping away the perspiration that betrayed me he stopped over my heart - and embraced me so tightly, I almost lost my breath. "Well fag, you should be nervous, you should be scared, but I'm going to show you the time of your life, and trust me, this won't be something you will ever forget" My heart rate went through the roof, I was nervous as hell. "On your knees boy, and open your mouth" I did as I was told, my mind was racing, my heart pounding, I felt like I'd just downed 5 double shots of Jager. "Open your mouth wider boy!… wider… until it fucking hurts OPEN IT WIDER!" he hit me again. "Don't close your mouth boy" and with that, I felt the sudden clink of metal hitting my lower teeth, I felt the heat radiating from him. He slowly rubbed the head of his cock over my tongue, teasing me, making me want to close my mouth. His cock started to slide further back, filling all the available space in my watering mouth, it was beginning to swell and get harder. Pushing further back still, I tried to resist the urge to close my mouth but couldn't. I closed my mouth. The slap on the side of the face stung, it burned more than anything I'd ever felt. Fuck that hurt! "I told you not to fuckin close your mouth! DON'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" He grabbed my jaw and squeezed my mouth open and rammed his cock all the way into my mouth down to the base. His pubes went up my nostrils, the scent of the sweat that lingered on his crotch got me so rock hard, I forgot the stinging. I couldn't breathe, his prick was engorged to its full length and girth and wedged into my waiting throat. His hand on my jaw, and the other on the back of my skull holding me in place. I was beginning to panic, I started to gag and yet he held me firm. My eyes were watering, I began to try to pull away and then… reprieve. He let me pull back but just an inch, before slamming his cock back into my throat and I choked. He started pulling his cock just to the back of my mouth and then slamming it in, and started skull fucking me. He didn't give a fuck about me. He'd look down at me, just grinning, as if the more pain I endured, the more turned on he was. He spat in my face, his warm saliva and snot dribbling down my forehead onto my already tear soaked cheek. I couldn't move, he just kept slamming his pole into my face with reckless abandon, I was crying, I had snot pouring out of my nose, I had spit hanging from my chin. It went on for what felt like an hour, but was probably less, I had no reference as to how long it was, other than it felt like an eternity. Without warning, he pulled out, and pulled me to my feet, pushing me face first against the wall. He pushed his body against mine, his arm raised above my face so his pit was level with my nose. The stench was gloriously offensive, he rubbed his arm pit into my face, making me lick it "clean". He was marking me with his scent, like an animal, I moaned. I felt pressure against my ass, his cock still dripping with my own spit was rubbing against my hole mixing with the sweat that had built up in my crack. I began to moan louder, my breathing turning to a pant, I was intoxicated by the ripe stench of his sweat and musk. His cock began pushing harder… fuck was I ready for this? Can I handle it? Fuuuuuuuuucccck I had no choice he gave one last push with his hips and he broke into my hole. He continued with the push, forcing his way into my hole, his cock just kept going and going invading my tight hairless boyhood. "Yeah fucker, you're good and tight, yeah thats it tense up, it just makes me wanna fuck you harder. Your fuckin spit is the best fuckin lube boy. My PA is rubbin against your insides boy, its gonna get you all worked up on the inside, my precum is leaking out into your sweaty hole" Then it hit me. He's fucking me without a rubber! I freaked, "You're fucking me raw? What the fuck dude! Take that fucking thing out of me!" I tensed up my hole trying to push his pole out, I tried to break away from his grasp. But his hard body had me flat against the wall, he was bigger than me and stronger than me in every way. "Come on faggy, I know you like this, and you trying to get away from me, that just makes it hotter, I'm just gonna fuck you harder now" With that, he pulled his cock out all the way, I saw my chance, I tightened up my hole as best I could and tried to move my ass out of line from his cock. "Haha you sneaky fucker, nice try" he bit the back of my neck, fuck did that hurt as he sank his teeth into me he rammed all 8.5 inches of uncut pierced meat into my hole all the way to the base. I screamed so fucking loud, I saw stars, and he picked up the pace pounding my hole harder and faster - slamming his cock into me over and over again. The pace picked up, I was begging him to stop "I'll do anything, please just don't cum in me!" he stopped, and whipped his cock out of me hard and fast, it burned my hole so fucking much! He whipped me around and kneed me in the gut making me fall to the floor. "Open wide fucker!" and he slammed his cock into my throat. As it was sliding in, I saw that it had blood and shit on it. I wanted to puke, this was fucking disgusting! He didn't give me a chance to fight, he was always a step ahead of me. Holding my face he maintained a fucking rhythm, he was thrusting harder and harder into my face, he began to shudder and groan… oh fuck this is it… with one last thrust he slammed his cock all the way into my throat, spasming he began to shoot rope after rope of hot thick salty cum into my gut. I began to choke and gag, he pulled back, I choked and snorted again, the cum went up my nose, I coughed and sneezed it out. He kept his cock in my mouth clean it fag, you made this mess, not me" I was shivering and shuddering from what had just happened, mindlessly, I sucked and cleaned his pole as best I could. His cum dripping from my nose to my chin, and on to the floor. I felt abused, broken and stupid. He stood towering over me, watching me, laughing. I moved to stand up, I needed to get out of there, I'd had enough. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, pushing me back to the floor. "Where the fuck are you goin? Did I could say you could stand up? Well pig? Tell me did I fuckin say you could stand up? NO! So sit the fuck down!" I just starred at him, I wanted to hate him, I wanted to scream, but all I could do was look at the sweat beading on his ripped chest, those perfect abs, and the smell and taste of his cum in my mouth. "Stupid faggot, don't you remember? You said you'd try anything twice, and you are also here for the weekend. We're only just getting started" Weak, and out of breath, I sat defeated on the floor against the wall. My hole was burning, sweat was dripping into my eyes… I didn't have any energy left. My head was still spinning from whatever he'd put into that water I'd drank earlier. He didn't give me a chance to rest, he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me up. He dragged me down the hallway into another room, and pushed me through the doorway. "Don't even think about moving punk, or I'll kick your ass into next fuckin week." I didn't even have the energy to reply to him. I heard him close the door, and walk down the hallway. I must have passed out, I don't know if it was a minute or an hour, I was brought-to by him kicking me in the back "What the fuck are you doing fag? I didn't tell you, you could pass out. Drink this, now. He handed me ice cold water bottle, I didn't think twice, I was so thirsty and dehydrated I needed it badly. "You'll be full of energy in a minute boy, but I'm impressed you're still conscious, that makes me think I'm not working you hard enough" With that, I finished the bottle of water, I felt a little better, the room was no longer spinning. I presumed it was night time, as sole window in the room was dark. I began to realize what was around me, there was a sling hanging from the ceiling… boxes stacked floor to ceiling on one wall, each with pictures on it, I couldn't make out what they were. There was a rim seat, a dog crate, on the back of the door were several dog collars and leashes hanging up. To my left there was a leather padded bench, the floor was concrete, with a drain in the middle, and there was a sink in the other corner. I thought "what kind of sick fuck is this guy?" I was about to find out. "Get up and lay on the bench boy" I struggled to get up, but did as instructed, fear was now returning. He began to strap me to the bench, first he stretched out my arms and strapped my wrists and upper arms down to the bench, then he strapped my ankles and thighs. "Now boy, you're gonna have to trust me implicitly, you are about to experience what it means to be a true submissive whore. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, you lay perfectly still and don't move a muscle no matter what. The hard way, you resist, and you will be in more pain than you can ever imagine." I just laid there, unable to move, staring straight up at the ceiling, regretting every second. "By your silence, I presume you're going to take the easy way. He started moving around the room, taking things out of drawers, laying them on the floor. He then tightened the restraints around my left arm. It almost went numb, I felt a cold wipe go across my skin, and then a prick. Then I realized… oh fucking hell… in my mind I was screaming, it took all the energy I could muster not to move. Then, it happened. He grabbed my head, and said "look me in the eye pig, and don't blink" he released the the restraint on my arm. "THREE TWO ONE" BANG! I was terrified, there was a bitter taste in my throat, a fraction of a second later I lost my breath. I was gasping for air, choking. My ears seemed to explode with a deafening ringing. I couldn't stop coughing and choking, my mind was reeling. "Fuck yeah pig! Yeah! Thats my boy!!! You're mine now!" My heart was about to explode out of my chest, then the rush began to wash over me. All I could say was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…" He was grinning, "theres no turning back pig"… he released the restraints, I immediately sat up and the rush just kept coming, it was fucking endless. "Now pig, there won't be much need for restraints, I know you are the kind of punk that will follow any order now" With that, he pulled out another needle, stuck it in his arm, and pushed the plunger. He didn't cough like I did, but I could tell he was just as high. He pulled out the needle, and held his arm out to me "Lick it pig" I went and licked the blood spot from his arm, it tasted so gross but I loved it. He wrapped a cock ring around his dick and balls, and got rock hard immediately. "Fuck yeah pig! You're gonna get it all tonight" He pushed me back to the bench, grabbed my legs, threw them over his shoulder and pushed his pierced pole into my hole all the way in, no lube. FUCK IT FELT SO GOOD. He started slamming my hole, hard and fast, I began to moan, getting louder and louder. "Fuck yeah piggy, you like that? Yeah you're gonna be my fuckin slut all weekend" I could only reply with "Yes Sir, thank you Sir!" he was splitting my hole open, and I didn't fucking care, I just wanted my hole filled, and to please him to show my gratitude for showing me this twisted fucking world. He pulled his raw cock out of my hole and flipped me around to suck him clean, as I was sucking him clean he leaned over my back teasing my hole with his fingers "damn piggy, that hole is still tight, I think we need to stretch it a bit more" I didn't say anything, I just swallowed his cock to the base, and tried to relax my hole even more, a sign for him to keep probing at it with his fingers. He pulled his pole out of my mouth and balanced his balls on my lips, "you ever been fisted punk?" "No Sir, please Sir, I want to be the best pig I can be for you Sir. I will do anything for you Sir." He pulled back, "be careful what you wish for pig, you know I can make it happen". "Please Sir, I'll do anything, even something you haven't done but want to do, I will be that pig. I will do it Sir". He didn't need any more encouragement, I was back on the bench, he handed me a fresh bottle of poppers and told me to breathe deep twice in each nostril. While I did that, he brought out a squirt bottle, and squirted lube on to his hands. I went to put the poppers down, he told me to keep them in my hand, because I'll need them. With that, the high I was experiencing went to the next level, the poppers hit, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I felt him apply pressure to my hole, he started sliding a couple of fingers into my hole. They just slid right in, no resistance. He just kept sliding them in and out, over and over again. He added a third, twisting it around my hole, making me squirm and writhe begging for more. He kept adding more lube, and I kept inhaling the poppers. Then he got to all four digits, and started to push the thumb in… fuck, I was in heaven! He just kept working my hole over, pulling in, out twisting it, changing hands. Then he told me to take two deep hits of the poppers and to push. I did as I was told, and the pressure against my hole was immense. He told me to keep breathing deep breaths, and with that the rush hit me, and his whole fist slid right up into my shitter. I immediately began to piss myself, it trickled all over my chest, all over his arm… it was so fucking hot! "Damn pig, you gotta be careful, you're starting to impress me, I might have to raised the bar on you". All I could do was lay there in ecstasy, he gradually started pulling his fist in and out of my hole, never quite getting to the point where it would fall out, always holding it right at that threshold. He was driving me crazy, I wanted to do anything for this dude. He must have been working my hole over for what felt like 10 minutes, but he pointed out, it had been almost 2 hours. Ok punk, we need to pace ourselves, this shit will get you going for a good 12 hours, but to make the most of it you gotta rest every once in a while. He began to pull his fist out of my now gaping hole, 3-2-1 push, I pushed. It plopped out, and so did half the lube he'd put up there, and I'm sure some shit as well. My hole was gaping, it was gasping for air, just like me. I kept letting out wet farts as the air was escaping. Fuck it felt so good, and yet so empty. I reached down, and began teasing it, showing it off to him. He hocked back and spat a wad of snot onto my hole. I eagerly pushed it in. "Thank you Sir" My hole was so fucking sloppy, but I felt it beginning to tighten. I still didn't have full control over my ass muscles yet. "Sir, do you have anything I can put into my hole to keep it loose for you?" He didn't say anything, he got up, rinsed his hands off in the sink, and opened one of the drawers on the wall. He pulled out two huge butt plugs, one slightly larger than the other, and measured them against his fist. He took the one that was slightly smaller and set it on the bench. "Have at it pig… but just before you do, get on the floor face down, ass in the air… get that ass as high up as you can" I did as commanded, he stood up, lined up his still hard cock to my hole, and prized it open just a little with his fingers. I felt him spread my hole and push the head in about half way. The next thing I know, I felt a warm sensation in my now well used cunt. "Fuck yeah pig, you like me pissing in your hole?" Fuck I didn't even think about that! Damn! it was so fucking hot, he even let out a fart as he was doing it. He pissed for what seemed like forever, and he stopped just as it began to trickle out of my hole and down my thigh. He grabbed the plug and pushed it straight in, no warning. Just an hard shove that almost made me fall flat on the floor. I was even more full now, than when I had his fist in me. "Stay like that pig, don't move" He left the room, while I was just kneeling on the floor, my face against the concrete. Then I heard his voice from down the hallway, it sounded like he was on the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I didn't care either. I was more interested in feeling that hot steaming piss in my hole, and the plug that was forced into it. He came back, and ordered me to stand, as I did, I felt another rush of the drugs kick in, he noticed me wobble a slightly "That will be the tina in my piss, you just got a secondary high pig" Fuck it felt good, all I could manage was "Thank you" he handed me more water which I drank in record time. As I was drinking, he walked around me, eyeing me up. He leaned in from behind me and whispered in my ear "Have you enjoyed pleasing me so far punk?" I was in the middle of downing the water and just nodded. "Good boy, so are you sure you will do anything for me?" I nodded again. He grabbed my flaccid cock, and balls and tugged tightly, making me wince. "You have a nice tool pig, theres nothing that turns me on more than a total bottom slut with a huge cock and low balls that he doesn't use. You know, I bet that cock of yours would look even better pierced. What do you think punk?" He didn't give me a chance to reply, he shoved his rank sweaty arm pit into my face and held it there "Yeah, I think you'd like that punk, me marking you with my scent, and marking you with a ring through that pretty little cock" I can't deny I'd always fantasized about getting a PA, but never had the guts to do it. My head was swimming again, fuck this turned me on! "Good thing for you punk, I've got a couple of buds on their way over here now, and one of them is the best piercer in town. I'm sure he'd do one for you, in exchange for some servicing, I'll even give you another slam to help you decide, what do you think?" I didn't need to say anything, my cock betrayed me, it went to full on hard in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, I thought you'd like that pig". Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1272730477&file=/2063/513973.html>
    1 point
  14. Part 1 I grew up on a farm in Iowa with my parents and three older brothers. From an early age I knew I was different and my family understood. I work on the farm and being Gay was not easy even at school being on thin side and feminine looking. I could not go to school in Iowa and was excited when I was accepted to go to school at NYU in NYC. Going to NYC was going to be fantasist as NYC has a large Gay community. Going to NYC for me is to really express my pent up sexual desires see to people of the same sex holding hands showing affection to one an other on the street. Living in the dorm I thought was going to be fun , but found out it was a lot different. It was not as bad as back home but the under tone was still there with the jock attitude. I would go out and found where the Gay bars are but I was to young to get in , then I found out about Adventures in Group sex on Google. So I went to the first club and when they ask for ID They did not accept my Iowa driver license as said I was to young anyway. Ok I just turned 18 and all say 18 and over only. After 3 months of living in the Dorm and not finding friends I was really frustrated, so I start to find a place where I can live out side of the BS going at the Dorm and the 20-30 minute ride from the Dorm to where my classes are. I’m looking on Craigslist andI find this add that says room for rent MALES ONLY ? I make the call and was told the address and it’s a block away from where my classes are ( WOW ). I get there an it’s an old brownstone. I go up to the door and ring the bell and its answer by a male in his late 30s man in a tee shirt and jeans. He has a hot looking body and when I enter the main room there is a picture of him in all black leather, with another picture of a guy in a sling with his hand inside his ass. He showed the room, it was a big room with a strange looking bed and desk . This was perfect but I could not afford more than I was paying for the dorm. He ask what I could afford and he said you are living in the NYC freshman dorms, he gave me a price that was 1/3 of what I was paying for the dorm.Jack tells me I could move in and he said anytime I want. He says that he does have some parties here but they are in the down stairs apartment and they might make some noise and to let him know if the noise bother me. After living there a month he had 2 parties and I did not mind the noise but was very interested what was going on there. I did see some of the people who attended as they came up to the kitchen and they were very hot looking with very little on. I’m really like living here as its close to school no one really is bothering me but I really want to find out more. Jack ask me one day if why I don’t go out on weekends. I tell Jack my problem as people don’t believe I’m 18 and my ID is fake. Jack ask very bluntly if I’m Gay and what experiences I’ve had. I tell I’ve suck a few cocks but nothing else, he ask if I was ever thing of doing more than sucking a few cocks. My dick is rock hard now and I’m stumbling for words but I say yes I want to live the life of a Gay male and maybe find a BF. Jack gets up and gives a book called Mr. Benson and tell me to read it and then get back to him. I’m can’t put this book down as after the first chapter my dick is ready to shoot a load out. When I finish the book I ask Jack is this really true, Jack tell me that He and another Master have 5 slave boys who are their property and they are always looking out for new ones. Jack says do I want to see their play room, as we go down something is tell me I’ve found what I have been seeking. Down stairs I see all the toys cross, bench, slings and in the cabinets all type of dildos , he says they are for stretching boys holes. My dick is so hard I can’t stand it , Jack takes me up stairs and wants to have a serious talk with me. Jack tell me he and all their slave boys are HIV+ but undetectable and they only play raw. To be part of this group you will spend one year in chastity with the only thing going in my ass is one of thous dildos to get me ready for my wedding night when I will be become POZ . On that night they will make easy for me by putting me on E , Tina and other things.
    1 point
  15. Last night, I met someone off bbrt for the first time ever. I was pretty nervous - first time taking loads from a stranger. He said he was neg as I am...but you guys know how this works. You say 'yes' to taking a load from a stranger, you're taking a load from a stranger. So...while I believed him, who knows? He came over after work. He looked just like his photos but different. In his photos, he was this his hot young buck, 28, tall, big dick, confident. In person he had a big brown dick, handsome, yes, but he was almost as hesitant as I was, almost shy. But when I started sucking his dick, he got less shy. He liked my mouth on his cock and started forcing it deeper. He fucked really gently, really lovingly. He worked my ass so expertly that when he finally embedded all 9 inches, I felt full and comfortable and right. I didn't realize how big his cock was until he withdrew it and I felt all of it slide through me. Incredible. I was on my back for the second load. He announced he was getting closer and I thought, 'holy shit, I'm taking a load from a total stranger.' Then he hunkered down and really drove that meat deeper, deep enough to make that cum shoot deep. I was shocked by it, really. Slowly, he stood out. We lay around talking for a half hour, until his cock got hard again and he put a second load in me. although this is "small potatoes" for some of you gents, I've never had two loads of cum in my ass at once, so it was kinda mindblowing...knowing he was fucking me while my ass was full of his sperm was a huge turn on to us both. I said, "You're impregnating me..." And he blew his second load.
    1 point
  16. Tanner was moaning as he sat, impaled on Jake's still rock hard cock, riding it and tweaking his own nipples, lost in the feeling of being fucked like a boyfriend. His ring was red raw but, everytime he ground down, a small deposit of cum would leak out around the edges, massaged into the battered edges of his hole. "Fuck...Jake..." He kept saying as I passed Jake a repacked pipe. "Shotgun" I ordered. Jake grinned as he started to meet Tanner's thrusts. "Hold still Tanner" he said "let me just pulse a bit in your hole" Tanner looked fucking gorgeous, prone on Jake's cock as Jake began lighting up the bowl. Tanned was a still mass of rippling muscle, glistening with sweat and dripping with cum. I walked up to them as Jake grabbed Tanner, pulled him to his tina full mouth and exhaled a thick cloud of corruption into our prize, pushing his tongue into his mouth at the same time. The cloud fizzled and dissolved around them, I leant down to where Jake's cock vanished up Tanner and, as I heard them light up again gently licked around Tanner's perfectly stretched hole. It tasted like Jake, a taste I could still remember, and salty sweet jock sweat with a hint of musk. Fucking wonderful. I heard Tanner moan as my tongue massaged the tiny crevices of his outer ring. I felt Jake's cock swell and a little more cum leak out and straight onto my tongue. "Again boys" I said. I wanted Tanner more fucked up, more cock hungry...he'd thank me for that later. As they happily hit the pipe again, I shoved my tongue up alongside Jake's shaft, swirling as best I could into Tanner's hole, tasting our hot like fuck toy and his spunk soaked cunt. Tanned groaned thickly into another deep kiss "Poppers" I commanded, I heard the bottle unscrew, stood up, grabbed my thick shaft and poised it at the entrance to Tanner's chute. They each took three big hits. I counted to three, watched Tanner's whole tan body relax and pushed into him. He grabbed at Jake's pecs as I forced my head into his sphincter. His hole was still wonderfully tight and I literally popped in...but, as soon as my head vanished, Tanner's ass sucked my entire 10 inches into him till I was hilt deep again. "Yesssssss" Tanner screamed "Fuck me, please!" Jake winked at me from over Tanner's shoulder, big black eyes, fucking gorgeous face. He pulled Tanned back down meeting him in a rough kiss, exposing his hole for a real double fucking. He was made to take cock, a hole that tight, that soft and warm was built to get pregnant. I grabbed my phone, hit record on the video function and started deep shafting the little jock. Thrusting him violently into the back of the chair as I reamed his gaping little pussy. I felt Tanner reach behind me as I continued my onslaught, he grabbed my ass cheeks to steady himself on the two dicks fucking him. "Uh....Uh....Uh" he groaned religiously as a river of cum ran out of his hole, coating our crotches. "Oh...my....fucking...Christ" Tanner bellowed, his heavy ball sack churning for release against the clamp, keeping his precious neg boy cum where it belonged, in his tight, taught little body. Jake grabbed the boy's ass, pulled the cheeks wide as I made sure to film the hard-core dicking up close. "Take a few photos from your angle" I said to Jake who eagerly snapped a few pics, directing Tanner to flex even as we ruined his no longer virgin hole. Jake put the camera phone down, grunted as Tanner squeezed that velvet chute of his and cried, almost in pain "I'm cumming!!!!" I felt Jake tense up, felt the blood surge into his penis as it convulsed another hot load into Tanner's shuddering ass walls. I felt the hot cum soak Tanner's cunt, lube my penetration of his little jock butt as I forced it into his insides, massaging it into him as I upped my tempo. Jake kept his still hard dick up the boy as I felt my load boiling in my balls. A few well placed, piercing shoves and I began to leak. I felt my cock expand, the veins pulse. "Here...it...comes..boy" I yelled "Another hot load for you" I fucked him deep, felt his rippling muscle tighten against my assault, gripped his shoulders, shoved deep and unloaded a fuck load of my potent spunk into the boy. "I can feel it....feel both of you...." He tensed up, as my dick hit his prostate. "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...." He cried, orgasming without cumming again. "You perfect fucking boy" I sighed. "No cumming, remember" "I...Ugh...remember daddy" he said, coming off his anti orgasm. I pulled out of his gaping hole, laid next to Jake as Tanner climbed off his dick. "Hungry boy" I ordered Tanner looked confused till I gently pulled his neck to my cum soaked crotch and held him there till he tentatively flicked out his tongue tasting the seed that now owned him. "Mmmm...it's...still warm" he cooed, licking along my gym soaked shaft. "Me next" Jake said, helping feed the boy some left over cum from my crotch...sighing as the boy sucked on his fingers like the jizz hungry whore we'd turned him into. Now to send Bruno some pics and vids...
    1 point
  17. If you find a generous guy send him my way.
    1 point
  18. Sucked off a married 30-something guy yesterday morning, first thing. The rest of the day was sour. Today was great. Sucked of a regular at 11am, shot all down the side of my face, another regular around 2pm, swallowed all of his load. Third guy tonight was a newbie. He just turned 30 and hot as fuck. I didn't think I'd ever get him though, we've texted since January, nothing ever happening. We started chatting more as of late, I didn't think he'd ever let me blow him, but seems we are starting to be somewhat friends, and I told him I was poz and he said he was cool, still didn't think he would ever show up. He texted earlier tonight wanting to come over and hangout. We talked about a bunch of stuff, but when he mentioned posting his ads for women and guys would reply, I knew to make my move. I asked if he ever let any of them blow him. He said he thought about it, but never ended up doing it. I said well do you want to end up doing it now. He said sure, and I went to town on his nice, long, hot cock until I got his load out. I really hope he comes back.
    1 point
  19. I think a bottom should cum if he can keep going and not stop the top. I've had many anal orgasms without ejaculation and I actually prefer them. I've had some cum pushed out of me from my prostate getting smashed, but never a full load.
    1 point
  20. My fuckbuddy gave me load few hours ago. I was about to gave my load too, but maybe some other time. Now it was my time just take the manly load.
    1 point
  21. I couldn't read the original font I was a thirty-six year old poz guy of average height and weight with short hair and beard, glasses, callused hands with grease under my thick nails from my job in a junkyard, almost seven cut inches and size 12 feet. I had been poz for half a dozen years. Being a Top I didnt get pozzed the usual way, instead it was from a dirty dentist I found in an ad in the newspaper when I had a bad toothache. I had caught the flu and felt like I had been beaten in an alley and stayed in bed for three weeks getting up just to eat and go to the bathroom. I then felt well enough to make it to the doctor who ran tests which confirmed the quack that pulled my bad tooth had contaminated me via the hole where the tooth was, likely when he sewed up the gum. I had tried to contact him but by then he had been closed down and subsequently disappeared. I was back to work a month and a half later thanks to the kindness of a boss who himself was poz. I was careful how I fucked, rubbering up when I fucked neg asses or when the guy asked me to wrap it. It was a couple of years later when I pozzed my first neg. The asshole was a chaser in his twenties who had a bright future ahead of him but looked and acted like a loser. He said he had tested neg and his last sex before we met was getting sucked off by an old troll just before getting tested. I hid my excitement as we went to the cheap hourly no-tell motel. Once there he dropped to his knees, unbuckled my belt, opened my fly, pulled at the waistband of my undershorts and fished out my dick. He kissed it and sucked it into his mouth, humming, and sucked on it until it was just about fully hard. "You sure want it, dont you?" I remarked. He kissed my dick again and we stripped. He was an average for his age, an inch or two under six feet and about ten lbs. under my 190. His shoulder length blond hair as well as the rest of him looked healthy and I wondered why someone in great physical shape wanted to throw away what could have been a fabulous life. Then again I thought of my thrill of having a fantastic feeling orgasm in him when I filled his ass with my dangerous cum. He said he had been a letterman in high school and college and had a degree that would lead to high paying jobs and asked me about my job. I admitted working in the junkyard pulling, sorting, inspecting and cataloging auto parts but he seemed to actually like me for being strong and in shape as a result of my job. I had him suck my dick to full hardness and he obeyed, then he lay on his stomach on the bed and spread his legs while I greased-up my loggerhead. Once greased I spat on his hole and mounted him. I put my dick to his hole, rubbed it an inch or two, then I lunged, letting my weight and pelvic thrust drive it home as he yelped from the pain. He wasnt a virgin but he hadnt been fucked much either so his hole was still nice and tight the way I prefer them. It would also facilitate my dick tearing him up inside to create fissures to further enable my poz sperms to pass my virus into his bloodstream. Once hilted I flexed my dick in him and fucked him. He whined at first but after my first dozen self-satisfying thrusts he was used to it and was loving it after my second dozen. I myself was loving how good my dick felt in his cunt as I fucked away. I set a steady pace just to enjoy the good feeling of fucking him and knowing my virus-laden precum was also doing its work to put my first wave of virus into his system. I then gradually increased my pace after being satisfied that I had torn up his rectum sufficiently to give my HIV easy passage into him. I fucked him with gay abandon, enjoying myself as I began breathing hard and starting to work up a sweat. My pelvis sometimes slapped his ass as I fucked him good. My sperms welled-up and the rocketed out of my dick into his ass as I repeatedly slammed it home with a series of hip-snaps that made him flinch with each one. My dick was in seventh heaven as I pumped my poz sperms up his ass. I was grinning from ear to ear as I enjoyed my best orgasm since the night I brutally broke an asshole's cherry and we laughed at his crying in the pain my prick enjoyed putting to him with each thrust in his sore hole while my buddies held him down over two decades earlier. I rested on his back enjoying my conquest of him and how he lovingly massaged my weapon with his ass muscles to milk any remaining cum out of my dick. "Man you're the best piece of ass I had in twenty years." I said. He replied that he was so turned on by getting fucked by me he had cummed without touching his dick. That was most likely his last neg load he'd ever shoot. I decided to remain on his back and maybe take a nap while I reloaded and add a second load. I rested and enjoyed how good laying on his back felt with my dick buried in his ass to keep my sperms mashed against his anal walls. I knew he wasnt too comfortable under me but all I cared about was the enjoyment I derived from fucking him, shooting off my dirty cum inside him and knowing it would change his life. I dozed off and awoke three quarters of an hour later, my dick softened but still partially in his hole. I flexed it and made slight movements to start re-hardening it and gradually brought it back to full stiffness in him, then I began piston-thrusting. I fucked to get my second load off as fast as possible since my first fuck had already prepared his rectum to take my cum and virus. I fucked him good and came in a good fifteen minutes, shooting a good feeling load up his ass. My penis pulsed with pleasure as I added my second load of poz to the first. I felt good getting my rocks off pozzing him. I thrust until I was spent and rested. He gushed on how great a stud I wad to fuck him twice. I thanked him and told him how enjoyable pozzing him felt. A few minutes later I pulled out. I checked my dick and his hole. I grinned when I saw the traces of blood mixed with my dirty cum on my dick and his hole. He didnt have a butt plug but his decently tight hole would hold most of my cum in him which would give it ample chance to infect him. I had him suck my dick clean but didnt urinate in his mouth. I did piss in the john and we got dressed. He kissed my dick and balls before I finished pulling up my undershorts. We checked out and exchanged numbers. I headed home, my sexual needs and pleasure satiated. I checked with him a month later. My dick hardened when I finally contacted him and he said he felt like shit from the flu. He said he would get checked out. A week later he called back but sounded like he was crying. He tested poz and told me what his doctor told him. I told him if he took his meds and did the other things he should he'd stay healthy. I had a feeling he likely wouldnt be as diligent as I was and would end up dying in a hospice. He was OK the first few years but he took too many "holidays" so his meds didnt work as well when he did take them. I did fuck him a few times before his health declined too much and then we didnt contact each other as much. Last I heard he was sick and in the county hospital
    1 point
  22. I hooked up with a sexy black guy, that I met on a bus, in the handicap stall at a BK. I suspected he plays with guys, and it was confirmed when I saw him on Grindr. He initially insisted on condoms while chatting ... but he sure didn't mind raw when I sat on his dick in the stall xD. Once we were in the stall he sits on the toilet; I then whip out his dick (7" average thickness) and suck him off. Took about 10-minutes, but I was rewarded with a tasty load. I thought he was done, but he got hard again before I could even stand back up. I knew he wanted to fuck after he shoved three fingers up my ass! Since I was getting nervous, I quickly sucked his dick to get him rock hard and to lube him up with spit ... he then spat in his hand and rubbed it against my hole. I then cradled him, sitting on his lap facing him. He was surprised how easily he slid in ... I was fully sitting down on his dick in less than 3-seconds. I rode him for only 5-minutes and he busted a huge load up my ass. For some reason he wanted to kiss, so we made out, with his dick still in my ass, for a few minutes. After that I pulled up my pants and left haha.
    1 point
  23. Because I am POZ and don't hide it, I state my preference for bare cock upfront but will play with it if they insist....I handle the condom covered cock the same way if it is going in my mouth or up my ass...I get to keep the cum filled condom and will usually suck the cum out of it while he is there
    1 point
  24. Just gave my poz load to a bottom who told me he was undetectable before I fucked him, but after told me he was neg. So fucking hot!
    1 point
  25. I had just settled in to my new place, was surfing on line to see what I could scare up. This hot older guy, Jeff, hit me up and asked what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for some fun since I was new to town. We chatted back and forth, stats (Jeff was packing 10 and his bud was packing 9), pix, into's and of course we agreed that no condoms were to be used (the only way I fuck). He asked me if I partied. Now I was this suburban kid who was new in the big city. I was not innocent by any means, but to me partying was drinking and smoking some weed, so I told him fuck yea I party. He told me that he and a bud were partying at his place and I should come on over. He gave me directions and I was out the door. It turned out that he did not live that far from me and in 15 minutes I was at his door. He answered the door already naked and I could see that his body was better then what I saw in his pix. I entered and saw his buddy, Tom, sitting naked on the couch smoking a pipe (thought he was smoking weed) and there was porn on the TV. Tom also had a decent body, looked older then Jeff, but he had a nice dick and a killer ass. He asked if I wanted something to drink and I asked if he had a beer. He brought me a beer and we chatted some more and as I drank the beer I they passed the pipe around. I took a hit of it and knew it wasn't weed. I must have had a funny look on my face and said this is strange weed. They both laughed and let me know that it was actually Tina. I simply said tina, what is tina? They then told me that Tina was crystal meth. I told them I had never done meth before, but I did like the feeling I was getting, very horny and wow! As I drank my beer I started to feel a little groggy. That's when they started to get me undressed and helped me into the back bedroom where there was a sling. Jeff lifted me into the sling and then he got down between my legs and started to rim my ass so well. I was moaning in no time. Tom took hit from the pipe then kissed me, breathing the smoke deep into my lungs and not letting up until I breather back into his mouth, back and forth several times we did this as Jeff rimmed and fingered my hole. As he fingered me I felt a little burning (I now know he was giving me a booty bump). Man was it all hitting me. To this point in my life the most I had ever done was weed, but this high was better. I was looking up at Jeff as he slid his cock in me all the way in one shot. I've never had that happen to me before. Usually the guy fucking me needed to work it in since I have always been tight to start out with, but something had my ass hungry and wanting his cock. Jeff said he didn't want me stroking my dick as I got fucked and they took my wrists and tied them up to the chains holding the sling up. Tom then disappeared as Jeff began to fuck me. When Tom returned he had something in his hand that I could not tell what it was. He looked at me and asked if I like the high I was feeling already. I said fuck yeah, I was loving it. I then could see that he had a needle filled with only he (and probably Jeff) knew. He said hold still and I did, I just went with it. I felt the stick, saw him draw a little blood back and he pushed what ever it was into my arm. I felt a warmth over my entire body and I coughed really hard. Tom gave me some water to drink and I was flying. They then told me that I was given a slam of tina. I loved the feeling I was getting. All I could say was fuck, damn, fuck, damn. Jeff stopped fucking me and Tom put a needle to his arm. Jeff coughed, drank a little bit of water and start to pound my hole without mercy. I started to beg for moan and beg for him to fuck me harder. Tom then did his own and he leaned his head back and came over and kissed me as Jeff pounded my hole. Jeff and Tom looked at me and commented how hard and dripping my cock was. Jeff asked Tom how much he gave me and Tom said point 5. All Jeff asked me if I had taken any viagra. I told him I don't need that stuff. Jeff commented that he can't wait to ride that cock of mine. Jeff and Tom took turns fucking me before letting me out of the sling. I then got my chance to fuck them, but not until I got another slam. I did another .5 and then started to change off fucking Jeff and Tom as they were on all 4's on the bed. I asked Jeff and Tom to teach me how to slam and where I could get some tina of my own. I now have a direct connection and am always well stocked for when I fuck. I now party every chance I get and love it!
    1 point
  26. Now that's impressive! My hero lol. That's by far the ultimate fantasy for me, to just be a total slut taking bare cock after bare cock, and having each one pump my ass with nut til it's leaking and sloppy. Fuck yeah!
    1 point
  27. The sweat began pouring off him, making the taught muscles in his back stretch and strain. His beautiful hole stretched to accommodate me, flushed red as I pulled an inch out then back in. Jake pulled his dick out of Tanner's mouth, coated in saliva and slime. Tanner coughed as Jake shoved the poppers back under Tanner's nose. He breathed the fumes deep, "Again" Jake commanded, gently slapping Tanner. He inhaled again, big black puppy dog eyes staring straight at Jake's cock. "Again!" Jake chided. Tanner inhaled for a third time. Jake put the bottle away, waited as the first wave of amyl hit the boy before reaching down, bringing the boys wet lips to his, passionately kissing him full of his tongue. I heard Tanner sigh. The poppers hit him hard and he lifted his body to meet the kiss, sliding further down my shaft. He sighed again, contendetly ...I pulled him fully onto my lap so that he was kneeling on my cock. "Mmmm" he moaned into Jake's mouth as I bounced into him. Grabbing his firm pecs as leverage, pinching his tight nipples causing him to buck into my lap with moans of pleasure. Jake got up and disappeared into the kitchen, saliva covered cock swinging as he left to get some supplies. I pushed Tanner forward so he was half resting on the chair and began pumping in and out of his relaxing hole, losing myself in the tight folds of his perfect ass. Free to moan, Tanner let loose. Grunting and sighing like a seasoned boy whore. I felt my dick pulse some of my fertile pre seed into him, lubing him up as I went. "Yeah..." He began to mutter "Yes" as I hit his prostate with each thrust. "Fuck" he screamed... "I'm going to fucking cum" he yelled, as I maintained momentum. "No you don't" Jake said evily, I hadn't even heard him come back in. He dropped my supply bag on the floor next to us, and quickly ducked under Tanner...flicking the boys rising balls, boiling with his seed. The pain shot through his muscle frame but wasn't enough, as my anal onslaught drove his prostate into overdrive. "I'm cumming!!" Tanner yelled again, tears running down his face overcome with the sensations his body was feeling. Jake grunted angrily, grabbed Tanner's ball sack, yanking it tight to stop the flow of teen cum from escaping up his neg boy shaft. Caught in an orgasm without release Tanner bucked furiously onto my dick, abandoned to the futile sensations emanating from his ass. His ass walls contracted as the wave of anti-pleasure washed over him, milking my poz shaft for its toxic payload. "Please" Tanner screamed as Jake tightened his grip. "I...Uh...Uh...I've got...to ...Uh...cum!" "Not yet" Jake growled as Tanner's whole frame shook from my physical onslaught. His cunt was red and puffy but, felt like warm velvet inside, slick with friction. My hips took control, I couldn't stop fucking the boy if I wanted...he'd done something I didn't think was possible...he'd taken back the dominance, fucking himself on my thick tool, commanding his pain and my pleasure. "I'm going to breed you son!" I cried "Fuck you full of my poz babies" "You want that? You want my hot poz babies in you?" The boy cried out as I felt my cock expand in his chute. "Tell him" Jake cooed, rubbing the boys sweaty back as he maintained his grip on the boy's balls all the time whispering sweet pig words in the jock's chem sensitive ear. "I want it" he breathed "What?" I yelled, "Please...Fuck me full of your poz cock, I want...Uh....Uh...I want you to poz up my jock hole....please!!" He yelled "You fucking little slut" I screamed, fucking him as if my life, or rather his life, depended on it. He cried out again as another anti-orgasm overtook him. "Poz me up!! Uhhhh!" That pushed me over the edge, my balls suddenly spewed rope after rope of my thick, white death spooge up the boy. "Fuck yes!!" I screamed, feeling my cum, bathing my dick in its warmth as I filled him up. My orgasm swept up from my toes and ended with my sixth, seventh injection of boiling cum up the boy. The boy breathed heavily, pulsing his ring around my dick... "Th...Thank you" he whimpered "Looks like the boy might be learning" Jake laughed, releasing the boy's sack from his grip. "You don't get to cum Tanner till we're sure you're good and pregnant" Jake smirked flicking the boys balls again, making sure the pain registered over and above the jock's desire for release. "How long that takes is up to you..." Jake cooed, "but, the next time you blast that jock boy seed, it'll carry some pretty potent DNA..." "Thank you!" Tanned cried through the pain and I couldn't help but smile broadly...this was going to be one hell of a conversion. I heard Jake rustling in my goody bag and began to withdraw from Tanner's pulsing anus. "Uh...uhhhh" Tanner whimpered, as my dick pulled out. My shaft was covered in pink cummy foam... "Nice" I said..."very nice" My cock head reached his sphincter and I brutally popped it out. He winced as his hole winked shut, a rivulet of my cum dribbling down his crack. As he breathed out hard his hole would open ever so gently, causing more cum to leak out. He sighed deeply, probably thinking he was done. As Jake prepared some 'treats' next to me, I swung our conquest around, planted his sweet mouth on my shaft and fucked my cock clean. We weren't nearly done.
    1 point
  28. Back in August, I had one of those weekends - the type where I get really horny, go online, plan on a couple of fucks but end up getting fucked by a few dozen. It was great, and among the many great (and not so great) fucks of that weekend was a black dude with a thick dick and an amazing fuck technique. Unlike most other anon pump-dumps, BBC (what we'll call him for this write-up) was a nice guy, I stayed in touch with him, and he has continued to fuck me over the course of the past months probably about ten times. Two days ago, BBC gave me one helluvva fuck. BBC has a great ability to mix it up: fast then slow motions, soft then hard motions -- he does it really well and you feel really fufilled as a bottom at the end because 1) he dumps multiple loads and 2) you've been fucked at all speeds and intensities and in many different positions. Monday's fuck was a "pray to God I make it through this" fuck -- rapid fire fucking, deep dicking over and over, BBCs BBC constantly and rhythmically pulling completely out of my cunt then shoving back in. It was one of those fucks where I thought my body was going to split when he thrusted in again. He shot a giant load of cum after about 30 minutes of solid fucking and I had to lay there for about 30 minutes more to regain composure. And that was my last load (well, I've had three since then, but this was noteworthy).
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  29. Tanner's little ring clenched the base of my ever hardening cock like a vice. It was all I could do to rock him gently back and forth, feeling his ass muscles squeeze, then release, squeeze then release...all the while feeling him shiver in the pain and pleasure of my cock expanding his boundaries. A few more gentle thrusts and his little ring slipped ever so slightly up my shaft. The friction of his unlubed hole was intense, I reached under him, the carpet was moist with his pre cum, a near constant stream of his perfect liquor. He moaned around Jake's cock, his eyes watering as Jake shoved almost half of his length down his throat. He gagged, and as his body rocked his ring slid nearly all the way up my cock, his tight little cunt lips tugging on my thick, veiny meat. He nearly slid completely off as he struggled to swallow Jake. I quickly came to my senses and grabbed his hips, keeping my thick head pulsing just past his sphincter. He moaned in pain. He tried cocking his leg, trying to manoeuvre away from my grasp as he finally began to deal with half of Jake's cock lodged in his throat. "Uh uh, boy" I said, matching his movements perfectly, keeping his redenning cunt stretched around my mushroom head... "He trying to run" Jake laughed, throwing his head back and grunting as Tanner started sucking him more easily again. "Yeah.." I replied, as Tanner's hole fluttered around my cock head. "He's tight as fuck..." I called, grunting. Jake leant forward to get a good view, pressing Tanner into his crotch. "Here" he said, reaching under Tanner, milking his dick till his hand was slick with the boy's pre-jizz. I could hear Tanner moan in pleasure as Jake high fived me with his slicked up hand. I took the hint, smearing what I could on my shaft as Jake leant back into the chair to enjoy Tanner's mouth again. My cock shone with Tanner's essence. I leant down close to his ear, breathing in his smell as he broke a gentle sweat. "Ready whore?" I whispered, "Ready to learn that you don't get to decide when I pull out? Ready to learn to take it like a man?" Jake smirked, keeping Tanner planted on his cock. "His eyes say yes" he said "The Fuck I care!" I yelled shoving my full girth and weight back into the boy. Feeling my head pop into his second hole with the force of my thrust. "Gnnnnnnnnhhhh" he cried, choking again...his back arching away from me. I thrust it back down as Jake shoved his long shaft, balls deep into the boys throat. 'A little pain now' I thought, rotating my cock into Tanner's hot ass. He'd learn who was in charge. If he learnt quick, I'd fuck him like a lover...not a master...but he had to learn...
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  30. "Fuck!" Jake moaned as Tanner began milking his friend's cock - expertly, slurping and licking the round, throbbing head and coating it in his boy saliva. One more finger full of crystal shoved up the boy's cunt and he was ready for a real, deep-dickin' - primed for a deep, pozzin experience. As I worked my second-finger in his expanding cunt, he moaned deeply. "Definitely ready" The chems had taken over, eroded all his resistance and he began pushing his hot arse back on my knuckles. Pre-cum flowed from his cock with every thrust and turn of my fingers and, with each squirt of pure, crystal fluid from his negboy cock he was becoming less of a boy and more of a man. Jake was loving the attention his cock was getting, moaning like it was the best thing ever. I smiled at the perfect corruption before me as Tanner's hole quivered around the knuckles of my two, big digits, the last deposit of crystal finally vanishing into the walls of his arse. The job of chemming this perfect little jock boy was done - now the fun could finally begin. I shucked out of my clothes, letting my cock finally break free of it's cage. It pointed, like a magnet, directly at Tanner's virgin hole. My cock would break Tanner into the world of poz sex - corrupt that perfect little all-star stud into a pregnant little sex-pig. As I spat a wad of saliva on my ever growing cock, I sauntered towards my prize. "Pull your ass cheeks open bro" Jake ordered "I'll keep you balanced on my dick" Jake - what a fucking find! Tanner reached back and pulled his cheeks out for me - revealing even more of the entrance to that perfect, chemmed-up little jock-gut. "Boy, you ready to get fucked" I whispered in his ear "You ready to feel me in you...churning some cum deep in my boy's gut?" He whimpered as Jake pulled his cock out his friend's drooling mouth. "Answer him bro" he said as Tanner bit his lip "I..." he started "I want to get fucked" he blurted, sighing heavily as I vibrated my fingers in his sphincter. "Fuck.." he moaned as another string of pre-cum oozed out his cock. "Yeah, please, fuck me?" he whimpered "I need you to fuck me!" "Good boy" I said, pulling my fingers out his cunt and lining my cock up with hole. "You want me to breed you slut" I said "Yes" he replied immediately "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I rested my throbbing head up against his tiny, unlubed jock-boy hole. A firm but gentle thrust and the tip pierced him - a small way in, just the tip as I parted his velvet cunt for the first time. "Oh baby boy you are just, the fucking stud" I said, pushing a bit further, using my hands push on the small of his rippling back. He sighed deeply as he arched into my cock, piercing him totally - spreading his tight hole open and around my head, popping into him like a Key into a lock. He moaned, I felt his whole body shudder in tenseness as he dropped Jake's dick out of his throat, overcome with the sensations of my rod gliding into him. "Fuck boy" i said, as an inch disappeared up him, his hole clenching my dick whilst the soft walls massaged my sensitive tip. There was a tight corner up his cunt and my cock seemed not to be able to pass. Jake instinctively ready my expression and whipped out a fresh bottle of poppers - putting them under Tanner's nose, telling him to inhale good and deep. As the fumes hit, the kink in his ass vanished and my cock dove a good six inches into him as he gasped for air, shuddering a another fresh dose of negboy cum from his dangling penis. "Nice boy, real nice - just ease yourself into it, let daddy stretch your virgin cunt out - get it good and moist" Another contraction as he took another hit of poppers and my cock vanished up him, balls-deep in the hottest stud I'd ever fuckin' seen - his beautiful pink hole pulsing on my shaft, milking it's toxic payload with perfect rhythm. That's when Jake slowly guided Tanner's mouth back to his long cock by the stud's light blond hair, "Dont let go again" Jake commanded, pulling the boy down onto his cock in one direct movement as Tanner's anus spasmed along my shaft.
    1 point
  31. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he chided as I got up, pulled on some sweats and strode to the door. Tanner furiously stuffed his throbbing cock back into his pants, pulled his shirt back down and sat back on the couch, trying to look like nothing was happening - pretending to watch T.V "Don't worry man" I said, throwing my head back to shoot him a big grin, "You're already fucking mine" I whispered so he didn't hear. Jake was outside; a large overnight bag thrown over his shoulder and a huge grin on his face. "Come in bro" I said, motioning to the big room behind us with my cock as it tented in the jockey fabric of my sweats. "Nice" Jake said, meeting me in a deep, passionate kiss out of Tanner's line of sight. Jake was such a hottie - I felt up his tight, swimmers torso under the fabric of his polo. "We gonna get this party started?" I asked as we broke our kiss. Jake nodded at the heavy bag over his shoulder and flashed me an evil grin. "Good boy...let's go get this jock tweaked" I whispered in his ear, shutting the door behind him. I felt Jake exhale - raditating a deep desire to initiate his hot little friend into the party-fold. Jake walked straight into the kitchen with his stuff, calling out to Tanner as I returned to the jock's side, still shirtless and tenting: "Hey man" Jake called, "Got the booze - bringin the noise man, what you boys been upto?" Dace was still visibly flushed with sex and still trying to conceal his erection.. I shot him a wink as I joined him on the couch - trying to tease him into a kiss but, getting nothing. Tanner tried to wriggle some distance between us as he answered: "Chillin' man. We've just been, chillin" Jake smiled to himself in the kitchen as he loaded a cap of my potent G into one of the sweet, sugary drinks he'd bought at the market: one capful is usually all it takes to get a jock-boy good and hungry for some raw dick, pushing those boundaries far enough to make them receptive to even darker suggestion. However, no matter how hard you try, there's always a gross after-taste to the stuff I get. It's good but, boy does it taste like crap. Luckily, sugar goes a long way to making it better - not to mention the fact that those cheap, alco-pop flavoured drinks are gross to begin with. Jake popped a bottle of amyl into his pocket and sauntered into the living room as I got up to replace him in the kitchen - I wanted to collect a few 'props' of my own from my play-bag but, also see if Jake could take the next step in his education and chem up his perfect friend alone. Tanner was still in a state of agitation, nearly being outed as a bottom-boy fag had really got to him - he grabbed the drink Jake offered him, downing the tumbler full of chem-pop in one, long hit. He slammed the glass on the little table next to him and scrunched up his face like he'd taken a hit of strong whisky: "dude, what the fuck was that?" He blurted as the taste hit him. Jake looked down at the pinkish liquid in his glass, trying to conceal a giant smirk: "Raspberry-Nado" he said, remembering the label. Tanner squirmed, shaking his tongue in the air. "I know, I know" Jake said sipping on the 'same' drink - "It's fucking gross dude but, it gets you totally fucking blitzed...Honestly, I've already had one on the way over - it gets better the second time, promise" Jake said, handing Tanner his own drink and shouting to me in the kitchen to 'bring more booze'. I smiled to myself - Jake really was a hot little find, a real dom-top, chemslut in training. He was a natural and I couldn't help but be so proud for having brought that out of him so young and perfect. He'd corrupt so many fucking boys - he had all the hallmarks of becoming a man no boy could resist.
    1 point
  32. As the clock reached 9pm, I pulled my tongue out of him - kneeling behind him to admire my work. Tanner's little boy-pussy was begging to get filled as it glistened with spit, radiating jock-boy warmth. Tanner's cock had snaked out of his briefs and was oozing a stream of clean, teen-boy pre-cum; a whole silver thread of it connected his cock to a pool below. As I looked at the boy before me I couldn't help but marvel at his genes. Surfer God body with the face of a chiseled jock model - their wasn't an angle, pants around his knees, t-shirt pushed up his back, from which he couldn't be admired; his sparkling, innocent eyes fluttering against the pleasures emanating from his anus. "I'll get you there" I thought to myself as I dove under him, looping my tongue about the string of pre-cum oozing from his cock. Swirling it around my mouth: savouring the sweet, salty taste of his negboy juice - like 18 year-old, fine fucking wine: this boy literally tasted as good as he looked and I licked up every last drop of his perfect pre-spunk from the floor under him - running my tongue across the slick floor till it was clean and gone. As I finished, I quickly tossed Tanner around, pulling his tight, tan frame under my naked, muscled body, joining him in a deep, penetrative cum-kiss - pushing my slick, pre-cum covered tongue into his surprised mouth, forcing him to taste it, enjoy it: his own, pure, sweet teen-boy pre-jizz, swirling it round his hot mouth as I held him in place. He barely resisted; his senses in overload. He made a vain attempt to try and kick me off him but couldn't - or didn't. Either way, he eventually let out a deep sigh and reciprocated the kiss, swapping his sweet nectar back and forth with me, eventually swallowing it as we broke the kiss. "Such a fucking slut" I thought, running my hands through his blonde hair. The door-bell rang as I wiped my mouth along my forearm, smelling remnants of his precious pre-jizz in the fur of my forearm. Tanner suddenly seemed to wake-up as soon as he heard the door-bell. "Fuck!" he almost yelled, fumbling to get out of me like a caged animal. "Come on Dude" he whispered, nervously struggling to pull his jeans up from around his knees. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he chided as I got up, pulled on some sweats and strode to the door.
    1 point
  33. club columbus is also a very fun spot for us bottoms
    1 point
  34. And then there was the virgin... Now your probably thinking that the odds of a true virgin agreeing to take a poz load his first time being fucked are basically zero but there are exceptions to every rule. So Jason and I met this Freshman kid Tom at a gay social event. In talking to him it came out that Tom had recently come to terms with his being gay and wanted to talk with a poz guy about what that was like. We told him we could help him with that and invited him over to our place. When we got there we told him we were poz but keeping it quiet but would be happy to talk to him. He told us that he was a virgin but had been jacking to gay porn for a while and found he really liked playing with his ass and got turned on by seeing guys who were total cum sluts getting fucked and dominated by other guys. He's thought about it and realized that going down this road probably meant getting pozzed so he wanted to be sure he knew what he was in for. We talked for a while and laid out the benefits of being poz if one wanted to live an utterly uninhibited gay life. Tom was your basic 18y/o nerd. Skinny even waifish, white, with glasses and an analytical approach to everything. And both Jason and I had grown rock hard and the thought of pozzing his tight virgin ass. We asked Tom what he was waiting for? Was he ready to lose his cherry and get pozzed? Because if so we had some experience in the field and would love to help him explore his future as a gay cum slut. His last concern though was what if he didn't like getting fucked? What if it hurt too much? Our reply was that based on what he'd said so far he'd never be happy as a top. HIs true calling was being bent over talking raw cock and he knew that. He looked at the ground for a min thinking over what had been said and then looked back up at us fear in his eyes.. "Will you be my first fucks?" Tom asked. "It won't just be a fucking it will be a pozzing you know that right?" "No going back" I told him.. "Yeah...I know..." he said.. "Stand up and strip naked I told him". Now both Jason and I are more lovers that rough Dom tops but something in us said that was this kid needed and wanted wasn't to be made love to.. It was to be used like a piece of meat. Tom seemed to know what to do and quickly stripped completely down his breathing getting more rapid and when his underwear came off we saw a very hard small 4" cock sticking out. "Look at that Kevin" Jason said "its hardly big enough to be called a dick at all..He's tiny Tom". Tom's face went beet red at this and we could see he was ashamed of his small cock. I walked over and stroked it a bit Tom looking at the floor in shame.. 'You know its a good thing your a bottom cum slut because this wouldn't please much of anyone" I told him.. "On your knees bitch" Tom immediately complied and we proceeded to take turns fucking his throat gagging him as we shoved our full length into him milking our precum into his mouth and making sure he drank every drop down. Tears ran down his face but his small cock was if anything even harder that before and leaking a copious flow of precum down the shaft over his little balls and then onto the floor. It was time to stop playing and fuck his virgin ass. We got him to the couch on his back and pushed his legs over his head spreading them wide to expose his cherry fuck hole. Even spread wide like this it still looked impossibly tight. We flipped a coin to see who would be first and I won. I debated for a second just shoving it in without lube but decided that given how tight he looked that would be a bit much. So with Jason holding his legs and Tom trembling in a mixture of fear and anticipation I started off my working my tongue into him. He was tight but gradually his hole opened up a bit and I switched to working a lubed up finger into him. Tom meanwhile was moaning and trembling clearly having never felt anything like this in his life. I kept going until I had two fingers into him and figured that he was now ready. I mounted him and guided my thick cockhead to his tight hole. I pushed the tip in just a bit and looked into Tom's face. "This is it" I told him "I''m going to fuck you and take your virginity and seed your neg hole with my poz cum. From tonight on all your are is a sex toy for real men with real cocks". "Yes he whimpered.... fuck me...poz me..." I could have just shoved the length of my cock in with one thrust but instead I went slowly at first until the head had entered him before burying my shaft in his ass. Tom cried out whimpering in pain his body shaking and tears on his face. I was slow at first as I began to fuck him but began to pick up steam as felt him relax and heard him begin to moan. His eyes were shut but it was clear that he was beginning to enjoy his first fuck as his ass relaxed. Soon the sounds from him were those of pleasure and I could feel my load building in my balls. "Tell me you want it! I ordered him.. "Yes please .... give it to me...yes....cum in my boy pussy" I felt my cock throbbing ready to explode..."This is it I'm going to poz your cunt". As I said that I drove in deep and felt my cock let go squirting jet of jet of poz cum into his neg hole. At the same time Tom's cock erupted squirting shot after shot of some of the last neg cum it would ever produce over his chest and face. I could see Jason was dying for his chance so I pulled out and yielded Tom's ass to him. Jason moved in and started by working a toothbrush up into Tom scrubbing his hole vigourously..."Owww..Owww it hurts owww" Tom whimpered. "Shut up bitch and take it" Jason replied. He pulled the tooth brush out and showed it to Tom blood on the bristles. "Yeah see that our poz loads are getting into you for sure". WIth that Jason mounted him and in one swift thrust pounded his cock in deep. He fucked him hard working his cock in deep until filling Tom's guts with his own large load of poz cum. We took Tom to bed that night and both fucked additional loads into him. In the morning we woke up to Tom sucking our cocks and begging us for another fucking. "Please fuck me again my ass feels so empty without cock in it". It was clear that Tom had become the cum slut he was born to be.
    1 point
  35. His adam4adam profile said "sex is my favorite hobby, but I am picky. I have a great cock for the right guy" and I was intrigued. His profile was what I liked, a bi married total top, my age, taller than me and hung much bigger than me. More to the point he was confident and to me that is really hot. I was afraid he would not be into me because I am not in perfect shape, as one guy said, as he rejected me, that I am "5 lbs away from being a cub". I reached out to him and after a few days we had exchanged messages and found we had mutual interest an apparently I was his type. Message exchange, led to texting which lead to phone calls. All of which were hot and had me worked up. He would text me pictures of his cock and I would forget whatever I was doing and get instantly tuned on. He would tell me how he wanted to fuck me and how he knew I would love it. After a month of this happening daily, I ached to be with him more so than I had with anyone I had not met before, it was in that ache that I decided that I was going to do whatever I could to take him raw and feel him breed me. Usually going bb with someone has been a reactive thing that happened in the moment. This was going to be me going for it from the get go. He, like most bi guys, was very clear he only fucked safe so I had my work cut out for me. I arrived at his place, in the late afternoon. it was a farm and miles from anyone else. I was excited and started to be a little scared. I got out of my car and he came out of his house to greet me. I could tell there was chemistry but we were both being shy. I asked for a tour and he said sure. After a few minutes we got to the barn. Once we got inside he pointed to a ladder that went to a loft, looked me in the eye with lust and said "let's go up there, I want to show you something" I followed him up the ladder to the loft and just behind the hay bales he had set a space complete with blankets, towels, water bottles and a big bottle of lube. As I looked around he stepped behind me with his body against mine and said "this is where I want to fuck you". YES was my response as I pushed my ass back into his crotch. I could feel his cock hard in his jeans as he grabbed my hips and ground into me. It was exquisite, I pushed against him as he held on to me and dry humped me. We didn't talk, just heavy breathing and moans of pleasure. He reached around my waist and undid my belt. My pants fell to my feet and he pulled my boxers down after them. I heard his pants drop and felt his cock slide up the crack of my ass. He played with me like that, his precome leaking all over me. When his cock would pass my hole I would try to push myself onto him but he would move away. I took my shot and whispered in the sexiest voice I could muster, "please fuck me, I want to feel you in me now, just do it, I want you now." He played with my hole with his cock stopping and my hole, I moaned my pleasure and he started to push in but then stopped and pulled away saying "let me get a condom". I reached around and grabbing his 8" cock and said "No, it's okay, I want you raw." He hesitated, I said "I know you want to, I want you too and how often do you get this chance? I am clean, you are clean so let's do it. It is how we were meant to fuck... But it is up to you." I heard him take a deep breath and hold it a second. "I've never fucked a guy raw before..." and then he stepped away from me. My heart sank for a moment I thought he was getting a condom, which was fine because I was still about to get fucked by a big thick cock and I do like that. I heard him squeeze out some lube and felt his cock pushing against my hole. He slid himself slowly into me and I felt the raw warmth of his cock and my whole being twitched with joy, he put his whole uncovered dick in me, all the way. I heard him moan with pleasure and he "Aww fuck, yeah, that is good!" I scream-moaned something unintelligible and the pain/pleasure cascaded through my body. His cock was thick and he went balls deep into me without stopping. I stumbled forward but he caught me and held me onto him. I cried out and swore, it was intense, it was too much. I have come to love that feeling, when a man invades me with his big cock and my whole being focuses on where his cock is. It hurts and overwhelms me but when that passes I emerge changed, I feel an immense amount of pleasure growing internally and taking over my whole body. I love this feeling of surrender to another man, it is that submission that makes me want to feel it all. Pleasure expanded through my body and I got that feeling more so because he was in me with now barriers. He held onto me as he rocked back and forth and slowly fucked me. There were no words, just grunts and groans from each of us. We went through waves where I would milk him with my ass and he would moan with pleasure and increase his pace and intensity and then back off. He knew how to fuck and went at my ass like an glutton! I was in heaven, I got the raw cock on my terms and now my hole was being expertly played by him. He would get close to coming and would pull out and rest his the tip his cock against my hole. I could feel him pulse his orgasm back down and when he was ready he would slide back into me and open me back up. We moved from standing to me being on all fours as he fucked me to the brink of coming and backed down, over and over again. This was turning into a marathon session, but I knew he hadn't fucked a man in a long time so he was taking his time. I was afraid I would get worn out before I got his cum in me so I figured out what to do. As he pulled out to calm down, I flipped onto my back and said "I want to see your cock going into me." And with that he lifted my legs and slid that monster cock back into me. I was hard as I could be and was hoping to cum just from him fucking me but I was more in touch with my desire for him to come in me. As he was reaching that point of no return he I could tell he was about to pull out, I locked my legs around him and beared down on his cock for all I was worth. I was lost to the ecstasy but managed to blurt out "COME!" He hesitated but then pushed back into my willing ass and started pounding me hard, there was no build up just pure pounding away at my hole. I lost the leg lock I had on him and he pulled my legs over his shoulders and pulled my ass up for easier access. His strong hands pinned my shoulders to the floor as he went at me full force. I thought he was close but he pounded me like this for what seemed like an eternity. He was going to come and he was not pulling out! He reared up releasing my shoulders and stopped his pounding, holding me there and his cock starred to pulse. He let out a growl scream and I felt my tenderized hole fill with his warm load, I shivered with pleasure as each spasm of his cock put more spunk into me. He kept coming so I reached for my cock and with a few deft strokes stated to shoot my load out on my belly and chest. We were both spent. I could tell he had no regrets, I didn't either. After I caught my breath I asked how he felt. His answer was, "You were right, that is how we were meant to fuck!" I knew I had converted him. We did it again later that day, so I left his place taking two if his loads. We both knew we'd be doing this as many times as we could. I have fully embraced my desire for fucking raw, I have become a willing cum dump and I love it.
    1 point
  36. So Names first as the story continues. I'm Kevin and my buddy I mentioned is Jason. So after getting pozzed and making love Jason and I moved in together and while we certainly enjoyed fucking each other what we really wanted to do was share our special poz seen with other neg boys. As luck would have it wasn't long before we met our first candidate. His name was Yousef and he was middle eastern, slender, with mostly fair skin with just a touch of olive and as it turned out very smooth. We had a class with Yousef and he had come over to study one night and in the course of talking after we were done studying and were having a few drinks we found out Yousef was gay and a virgin. It seems he was in the states only for college and that back home being found out as gay was essentially a death sentence. But now in the states he was hoping for at least a couple of years of closeted sexual freedom before returning to his monastic existence. So Jason and I "confess" to Yousef our own recent start as a gay couple (leaving out our poz status of course) and we tell him that we'd love to be an introduction to gay sex for him. To help things along we start showing him some gay porn and quickly we are all tenting our shorts and Jason and I begin stroking his cock through his shorts. One of us on each side of him kissing him and stroking him our hands sliding under the light fabric of his soccer shorts to find raw flesh. Yousef as you might imagine isin heaven and putty in our hands. It isn't long before all three of us are nude and Jason and I are taking turns sucking on Yousef's cock and balls. One of us deep throating his 7" cock and the other licking and sucking his balls. As you might imagine for a young guy who was a virgin Yousef is in heaven moaning and shaking with pleasure his cock leaking a veritable river of pre cum. Jason and I are silently going nuts as well because we know that we are going to fuck him and fuck him raw. The prospect of gifting a virgin with our seed has both of us horny beyond description. After giving him the blow job and ball sucking of his life while Jason works his cock I push his legs up spreading them wide and exposing his virgin cherry. I spend a moment looking at his tight virgin neg ass and nearly cum at the thought of what I'm going to do to him. I start by licking around the edge of his hole and then start working my tongue in and out working to open him up and lubing him with my spit. This is driving Yousef nuts as he's never felt anything like it before and at this point he's in total sub mode totally surrendering his body to us. I start working a finger into him gently at first and then roughly..insistently...like a cock fucking him and his moans become high pitched whimpers that indicate a mixture of pleasure and pain. I can't stand it anymore..I NEED to fuck him hard and deep. Yousef is laying on his back his legs spread and I l move atop him pinning him underneath me. I kiss him deeply for a minute rubbing my pre-cum leaking cock head up and down his crack. "I'm going to fuck you now Yousef" I tell him "It will probably hurt at first but just relax and you'll love it". "Yes Kevin please fuck me I need it so bad" he whimpers. I start pushing into him his virgin ass tight at first and tough to penetrate but then my head begins to open his ass up and I force my cock deep inside him.. As expected Yousef cries out as I enter him shaking and quivering and whimpering about the pain but I could care less. My poz dick is buried in a neg ass and I can already feel my load starting to boil deep inside my balls. I'm not making love to Yousef where I'd gently fuck his ass working to maximize his pleasure along with mine.. This is a fucking..a breeding and I fucking him hard and deep with each stroke. I can tell he's having a hard time taking my cock but I can also sense his pain slowly becoming pleasure. The intensity of it all is almost more than I can stand and I see Jason watching us intently gently stroking his own cock clearly eager for a shot at Yousef's ass. I start talking to Yousef.."Yeah man there my cock is in your ass...its what you always wanted isn't it...fuck man were gonna cum inside you..fill that ass with cum so that you can feel it leaking out..." Yes Kevin" he whimpers.."cum inside me please..." My balls are boiling and I sooo need to unload my poz spunk inside his neg fuck hole. I start driving harder working it deeper trying to create a path for the bug into his system. Then when I can't stand it any longer I bury my dick as deep in his smooth neg ass as possible and my load erupts inside him. I can feel the pulsing of my cock as jet after jet of poz cum fires deep into his ass. As soon as I'm done Jason is there taking my place fucking his own load into Yousef, Once were done we make him take turns licking our cocks clean sucking them dry ensuring he gets every drop of poz seed we can muster into him. Yousef ends up spending the night with us and lets say there wasn't much sleeping as his years of repressed sexual need were fully released. He fucked his last neg loads into our willing holes and we in turn fucked more of our special poz cum into his boy pussy. In the morning before we let him gest dressed I made sure to take another look at his no longer virgin hole. What had been tight was now open and gaping ready to take any cock that came its way.
    1 point
  37. Im a furry, and I pretty much exclusively bareback. I hate condoms, but I am very upfront about it.
    1 point
  38. Thanks, Wrote that one of the fly and didn't know where it was gonna go, but I could hear the kid begging to get chemmed after just a few sentences, LOL.
    1 point
  39. Damn... Need a good fuck like that right now. Poz talk always makes for intense fucking. Love it.
    1 point
  40. Part Three Cory leaned in and the two kissed as they enjoyed their mutual rush. Cory quickly moved between Nathan’s legs and began to eat his virgin and neg hole. Nathan began to moan as Cory worked his tongue deep inside his hole. As Cory took a break from rimming his stepbrother he asked him “Are you ready for my cock bro?” Through his soft moans Nathan said “Yes, God yes, fuck me please!” Cory quickly moved up Nathan’s thin body as he positioned his poz cock at his stepbrother’s neg hole. The two kissed as Nathan began to feel the hard cock penetrate his body. Cory slid in balls deep and began to fuck immediately not giving Nathan a chance to know he was really being fucked without a condom. Cory pounded Nathan’s hole making sure to tear it up a bit to help his toxic load get inside his blood stream and with Cory newly poz and not yet on meds his viral load was probably toxic enough to do the deed he was intending. Cory tried to last as long as he could when he began to feel his balls begin to boil. He lasted a couple minutes longer when he jammed his cock in deep and grunted out as unloaded inside Nathan’s hole. Nathan had little clue what had just happened. The two kissed while Cory worked his still hard cock inside Nathan’s cum filled hole working his seed into the walls of his ass. Nathan was still high and horny as Cory pulled out and began to finger, scrap and pull at Nathan’s cummy hole. He worked himself around so that Nathan could go suck his cock clean as he worked to make sure that his bug would do its job. With the Viagra in his system it didn’t take him long till he was rock hard again. This time he put Nathan on all fours and mounted him from behind. Like he did before he rammed his cock deeper inside his stepbrother causing him to moan out in pleasure and pain. Cory rode Nathan harder and longer this time around. He made sure that the seed already inside was pushed in deeper. Nathan kept moaning and squealing out with ever thrust Cory made and he knew that with one more slam Nathan would be ready for the rest of the weekend. After he planted two more loads he grabbed Nathan by the neck and led him to his room. He threw him on his own bed as he went and grabbed his back pack where he had another slam ready for Nathan. Nathan laid back and quietly accepted the slam as he was sent even further into a high that had him kind of out of it. Cory pounded him a couple more times depositing the last cum he probably had in his balls. Nathan was still fucked up and out of is as Cory got the both of them dressed and helped him out to his car. Nathan had no clue where they were going as Cory made him suck his cock as they drove. When Cory finally parked and the two walked into the plain, brick building. Cory knew the guy working the counter as the two winked at each other. The guy behind the counter told Cory “So this is the stepbrother. I have the room you wanted set aside.” Cory asked him “How much?” Cory was told “The room is normally $50.” Cory handed the guy $75 and said “Here you go. Did you take care of the advertising for the night? The guy replied “All done. You should have a line waiting once he’s already” while the guy handed Cory 2 towels and the room key. Cory and Nathan walked into the place. Cory knew the way to the room and opened used the key to open the door. He let Nathan lay on the bed as he rummaged around his back pack. Cory took a couple more Viagra as he helped Nathan out of his clothes and into the sling in the middle of the room. Cory then undressed and approached Nathan in the sling. He administered another slam to Nathan and then did his own before opening the door. He knew that Nathan would have little memory of the bathhouse as a line formed between Nathan’s legs. While Nathan got fucked by guys of all ages, shapes and colors Cory got on the bed and began to get some cock and cum of his own. By the next day both stepbrothers had cum dripping from their holes. Nathan had taken a couple double fucks as Cory watched the action as he took load after load. That night Cory took Nathan home and the two climbed into bed together. They spent the next 2 days in bed with Cory calling in for Nathan being sick and himself calling off from work. Nathan remembered very little from the weekend except that he was in love with his older brother. When he came down with the ‘flu’ Cory came over and spent some time with Nathan. Nathan looked up at Cory and didn’t have to ask the question as Cory showed off his new biohazard tattoo just about his cock.
    1 point
  41. As a bottom if im being fucked and i cum "hands free" my hole stays hungry for cock, its only when i jo that my desire goes away
    1 point
  42. Name: dillon mccray Cell: 5415211929 (prefer texting) Location:cottage grove oregon 97424 times not avaliable: it varies will have to discuss it Age 23 height: 6'0 weight: 190 ethinic: white really want some poz loads in me
    1 point
  43. The following is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind and any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. Monday morning came and I was up as usual around 6, the sounds of the swim team doing morning warm up laps, I pulled on a Jock strap and headed down stairs to make some coffee. I plopped a pod in the Keurig and went to pick up the paper from the front porch, returned to the kitchen to find a couple wrestlers playing grab ass around the table and a kiss from Jay who was getting ready to hop on his bike, to head over to class for a early class. I checked the White board in the hall (had the weeks scheduling of classes, rides, workouts for each of the guys) and saw I had three guys riding in with me that morning at 7:45. I drank my coffee while I skimmed through the paper, walked down the hall and showered, my soapy body glistening for the two divers to see, who were making out in across the shower room, having just exited the steam room. I wrapped a towel around me and headed upstairs to dress, I received a couple cat calls from various team members and reached my room feeling hot and bothered again. I quickly dressed and found my way back to the front door, collected my rideshare boys and headed out to the campus. I parked the car and bid ado to the boys as I headed to my office and the guys headed off to classes. Upon arriving at my office, Sam my secretary’s student assistant delivered a confidential envelope to me and retreated from my office. I noticed it was from Dennis the team doctor and set it aside for now. I went over my notes for my morning class and proceeded to the gym/weight room for the lesson to begin. My morning class consisted of 16 males and 10 females including Jessica from Friday night’s party. I went over the syllabus with the class and the grading requirements then had them all fill out the required release forms for safety instruction on the equipment. As they read over the forms I looked over the specimens I had before me. They ranged from the large guy who needed to lose some fat to showcase his muscles, to the skinny twink boy who needed to bulk up as well as some very shapely boys and girls. They finished filling out the paperwork and I went over the class dress code once again and dismissed the class. Upon returning to my office I opened the manila folder from Dennis, and read its contents. It was a preliminary report of the blood test that he and his assistance had taken the previous week of the team members: Test given: Syphilis Gonorrhea Chlamydia 14 - 16 - 12 – 5 + 3 + 7+ Of course there were no names, but it was obvious that some of the guys were caring some STI’s into our little group at home. Dennis had also included a short note which indicated these results were prior to the weekend’s sex parties and he would be retesting the boys and me in a future spot check. He also asked that I keep these results to myself and not alert the boys, but would contact the guys himself and treat them as he saw fit. I smiled to myself thinking that maybe he was as warped as me when it came to gifting. Lunch came and I met with Andy for lunch, letting him know that everything was going good. Andy discussed various department goals and consulted me on the prospects of bring home some awards at this year’s tournaments and such, he then asked how the gifting of the team was going along and I told him it was still too early for documentable results with a evil grin on my face. Lunch ended early and I walked Andy back to his office, he opened the door and invited me in, I began undressing him as he closed the door and had him bent over the desk before his pants hit the ground. I spit on his hole and another on my palm to rub into my cock, placing the head next to his hole I pushed in and impaled him in one thrust, It had to be a quick fuck as our lunch time was quickly deteriorating as I pounded the Athletic directors sweet insides into cum dump submission. I pulled out almost all the way and slid back home several times while the tingling in my balls and shaft began to signal my impending release. I fired off volley after volley into Andy’s waiting hole and coated his guts with my sperm. I pulled up my sweats and helped Andy with his slacks before kissing him a goodbye and whispering in his ear that he might want to see Doctor Dennis in a day or two. I returned to my office and had Charles my assistant text my captains and Jay for a meeting that afternoon, before heading to my afternoon class. The class was mostly males and mostly very well fit ones at that, I had to concentrate on the lesson and not their hot bodies. Many of the students were athletes on other teams at the college and were taking the class to fulfill the requirements for their general education or their degree program. A couple was members of my teams, I knew this would be a hot class to teach, and getting to know the students would be a fun challenge. We started off on basic sports nutrition, and I mentioned that individual diets would be set up with each student during my office hours. We covered the syllabus and I dismissed the class. I returned to my office and began stroking my cock beneath my workout sweats. I was just getting into a good session and was leaking precum as a knock on my door announced the arrival of my captains Jay entered first followed by Steve, Bill, and Tony, they all made the usual “hi coach” greeting and once the door was closed each planted a hot wet kiss on me, Jay groping my hard cock and balls. “ so coach what’s up, besides your hot cock” Steve asked “ well I wanted to meet with you guys to plan our next step in making this a brotherhood of athletes, You have all received my special gift and I suspect will be sharing that with your teammates.” I replied “coach can you make this a quick one as Tony and I are feeling kind of under the weather and Bill seems to be coming down with it as well” Steve asked. “well this could be a good sign that the gift has taken my horny swim captain” I paused a second then finished with “we have had a good start at the house but we need to have all the teams members be at the house for next Fridays team meeting, we have at least 6 or 7 guys still living at the dorms on each team and we need to start bonding with those brothers as well” Bill and Tony were groping each other and Steve was fondling Jay, I walked over to Jay and whispered in his ear “want to fuck your bros to make sure it has taken” Jay got a wicked grin on his face and bent over to kiss Steve and fondle him back. I walked over and caressed Tony’s hardening nipples beneath his wrestling tog as he fondled Bill’s cock beneath his speedo. Within moments my office was the site of a hot four way with Jay sucking Steve and Bill and tony being serviced by me. Jay pulled Steve’s speedo trunks away and began deep throating his hard cock while playing with his tight hole. I was slowly undressing Tony and soon had my throbbing cock buried deep in his ass, while he sucked and slurped his way up and down Bill’s cock. Having edged before they arrived it took me little time to fill Tony with my toxic seed, then I pulled out slowly and began sliding my still hard cock into Bill, Jay had Steve bent over and was drilling his hole with a quick paced fuck. Jay grunted and planted his seed deep in Steve as I pumped Bill for another few moments before letting out my second volley deep in his guts. I told the boys to catch the next bus home and to get some rest, as if it was the fuck flu they would be sick for several days and they couldn’t afford to miss too much school or practice. The boys left and my cock was still hard, I began stroking it again when Charles knocked then entered my office to drop off some forms. “Gee coach you look hot and bothered, ya need some help with that monster?” at which he sunk to his knees and began tonguing my engorged cock head between his lips. Charles was a skinny young lad of 19 tall and lanky but with a hot ass on him, not really athlete material but wanna be jock all the same. As he deep throated me I caressed his ass cheeks and slipped my hand down his pants to discover he wasn’t wearing underwear and his crack was slippery and damp with sweat and I suspected something more. I stood him up and undid his pants to reveal a fat 8 inch uncut cock standing at attention, Ignoring his cock I spun him around and dived into that heavenly crack, as I rimmed him my suspicions were confirmed his ass was seeping cum and I slurped up the juice then stood up and took him as he bent over my desk, I varied my strokes and rode his sweet hole for a good 15 minutes “fuck me coach, fuck me aw yes it feels so good fuck me coach” I was about to blow so I asked him “ok boy where you want coaches cum” “Shoot inside me coach like you do with your players” I let out a howl and deposited my dirty cum up his ass. As I pulled out he reached around and fingered his hole, then sucked on his digits to taste my gift. “Thanks coach, now I feel like I’m on your team” little did he realize that I had just Shot a load of Pos cum into his negative hole. TBC- classes continue- athletic events
    1 point
  44. Jay fell back to sleep as I prepared for work, the boys had already left to meet up with Tony and Steve, I did a check on Jay and left for the office. Upon arriving I went into my private locker and changed into workout sweats and a comfortable polo shirt with the schools logo on the pocket. I sorted through some papers on the desk and then began filling in the Residence Request forms, the applications for being able to house students in my home, and made a short list to turn in so that some of the freshman swimmers, polo players and wrestlers could be transferred to my suite of dorm rooms. I also included the names of my captains. The paper work filled out I walked them over to the administration building and flirted with the hot male secretary at the reception desk. He reviewed the names and handed me another stack of forms that had to be filled out and turned back in, Along with the request for school furniture to adorn the student’s rooms. I asked Brian, the secretary, when I should expect the furniture to arrive and he told me that afternoon, they would drop it off and indicated between the boys and I we should be able to set up the rooms quickly with the minimal furniture that the school provided. Given the size of my home and the number of bed rooms available I was authorized to house 22 students. By Wednesday they would start arriving and I would soon have a full house, I had already turned in the names of 12 of my athletes and had three days to evaluate and turn in the rest of the names. It was getting close to noon and I headed back to the athletic department and my office. I was greeted at the door by Billy and Lenny and they asked if I could take them to lunch before open tryouts. I agreed and we went over to the dining hall and grabbed a couple sandwiches. While we ate Billy piped up and told of the morning activities with Tony and Steve, turns out hey ended up both getting fucked by the captains and told that if they swam well they would certain to make their cut. Lenny then added in that he got to fuck Tony and Tony’s hot boyfriend Bill once more before coming over to meet me for lunch. I explained the work they would have to do when they got home that evening and they agreed then I sent them off to get ready for the try outs in a short while. I finished up my lunch then headed back to my office. I arrived and entered the office and looked out over the locker room full of hopeful jocks who wanted a spot on one of my teams, these were some great athletes that didn’t get recruited for one reason or another, also one hot group of half-naked guys. As I looked out over the locker room and watched as guys changed into various forms of swim and wrestling gear there was a knock at the door, I turned my attention away from the window and called out “come In” It was Steve, Tony, and Bill, “hey coach, nice looking lot out there eh” tony reported, I asked them all to take a seat they were in their team sweats just barely hugging their hips and hoodies and Steve and Tony had no shirt on under the hoodie whereas Bill was in a singlet. Steve was in speedos and tony donned a more classic cut swim trunk. They looked hot seated there in front of me as we went over the timetable for the tryouts. There would be individual heats for the 50, 100, 1k and Steve would be keeping score on who did what. Tony was in charge of the diving candidates and Bill would be pitting hopefuls against each other in the wrestling room. I would be going back and forth making sure that the trials were fair. I would also be looking at the form of the swimmers and divers and seeing who might make a good fit for the teams. The captains left as I went down into the locker room to get a closer look at the hopeful athletes who would most likely end up in my classes as well. I walked over to the wrestling room and watched a couple of group’s grappling and then headed out to the lap pool. Steve had already started the timed heats for the 50 and 100 meter and had made note of a couple of good swimmers, with very hot bodies, I then checked out the diving pool and found Tony talking to a couple of divers with hot builds on them. It was all I could do not to show my hard cock then I realized that about 2/3 of the guys were half hard in their swim wear and when I returned to the wrestling room to check on the progress there I noticed quite a few bulges in the singlet’s the wrestlers wore. Bill Walked over to me and showed me his list, then pointed out to me the guys he had picked for the team. I looked over his selection and called the group to the center of the mats and had them line up. They lined up in no real order so it was a mixture of small and large framed guys that I was presented with, I called out the names and had them take a step forward, I then looked over the remainder of the group and picked out a couple who Bill had not noted. I wrote their names down on my list and then thanked each one for trying out and asked those not selected to assist the team in other ways if they could and try again next year. I then dismissed the ones not chosen, and had Bill strip each of the others and weigh them in for an accurate weight on each athlete. As each boy stripped off his singlet and stepped upon the scale my cock did a throb over those tight asses and semi-hard cocks bouncing around. I left the weigh ins to Bill, then proceeded back to the pools. I arrived at the pools as Steve was finishing up the last of the 500 and 1k meter heats and Tony was compiling his list of guys for the diving team. I took each of their clipboards and looked over the prospects. I started with the diving team and had them assemble on the edge of the pool, I called off the list that Tony gave me and once again added a couple guys, who I thought might have some potential, not to mention they were hot to look at, then gave the thank you all for trying out and please support the team and try again next year if you didn’t make it. Tony then gave the selected ones a schedule of workouts and made arrangements for them to meet me in my office over the next couple of days. I finally turned my attention to Steve’s swimmers and did the same selection process with the swimmers and Steve then started signing up the guys to meet with me in my office in-between the other divers and wrestlers. I had a very jam packed week ahead of me, with new team interviews and selection of players to be housed and my home. I finished about 4 in the afternoon and returned to my office to find Billy and Lenny waiting outside my office door. They had both made their teams and were about to ride their bikes home but wanted to know what I needed them to do once they got there. I told them to check on Jay but not to disturb him as he needs to get better. I also asked them to start carrying in the furniture into the one downstairs bedroom and the other two upstairs bedrooms. That is if it had arrived by the time they got home. They told me they would call if it hadn’t arrived and I said that they could also wash down the shower room floor if they got a chance. I left the office around six after finishing up some more paperwork, some of the recruits were on my mind and I wanted to make note of whether they would be comfortable in the dorm setting I was creating in my house. Arriving home I found the boys had started dinner, spaghetti with meat balls, I went up and checked on Jay, finding him sitting up in bed, I found him naked and feeling better. he motioned me over and began undressing me and kissing me, soon he had me naked and hard, he began licking my sweaty body, he dropped down an sucked in my cock, drawing my phallus deep into his throat. He had me rock hard as he moved back up and planted a wet kiss on my lips, he positioned himself and slid down my slick cock his ass engulfing my engorged rod. He worked his ass up and down on my tool and fucked himself on me. I rolled him over and started pounding his ass, after all the visual stimulation of the day it didn’t take long before I shoot my load deep inside Jay. I went in and showered as Jay followed me and washed my back and I washed his nimble body. We went downstairs and joined Billy and Lenny around the dinner table, the food was good as the boys were anxious to show me their handiwork on arraigning the furniture in the dorm rooms. We entered the downstairs bedroom next to the gym and the boys had placed three bunk beds two along the walls, and one in the center placing the desk between the sets of beds, and the dressers at the foot of each bunk. The room was ready for the first six guys to move in, the boys then lead me and Jay upstairs to the room next to thiers and we found they had set it up similarly, however they had set up one of the bunks for Jay, “ Don’t want any of the guys to think he is getting special treatment” Lenny said, they had sent over to his dorm for his stuff and had moved him in. They had also placed a set of bunks in their room, as well as setting up the fourth bedroom on the second floor similarly to the others , so a total of 22 beds were now in my home not including the set of bunks they had stowed in the garage since the boys already had their own beds. I asked jay if he felt up to some work and he indicated that he would love to do something other than lie in bed, I had him mix up some grout and we soon were finishing the steam room and the shower enclosure, as he spread and squeegeed the mixture into the gaps, Billy and Lenny and I began assembling the Lockers we had ordered to fill in the locker room section of the gym. Our project was coming to a close, as I installed the trim on the shower valves, and the shower heads thus making the shower room almost ready to use. The boys and I finished setting up and bolting down the lockers and then we unpacked and installed a couple of solid wood benches in front of the lockers. Billy then went out to the garage and brought in the paint sprayer and we sprayed the walls and floors of the shower, locker room and sauna with a tile sealant. As we backed out of room, we checked on Jay and found him finishing up on the steam room, so the shower steam room and locker rooms were finished. I checked the room and had Jay spray the tile and grout with sealant. We all retired to the pool area and Billy and Lenny shucked their clothes and jumped into the pool while Jay and myself slipped into the Jacuzzi spa, Cuddling and making out. The evening wore on and I suggested that we all go to bed as we had another big day the next day, Wednesday. Morning came and the boys joined Jay in the pool for early morning laps I awoke to hear splashing and the boy’s horse playing in the pool. I looked out to find not only my boys but Steve, Tony, and Bill in the pool as well. As I walked down the stairs, I saw three suitcases and some boxes, guessing that they belonged to my captains. I made note to finish up room assignments before noon so that we would know where each lodger would be assigned. I went down into the steam room and unpacked and installed the steam jets and trim, tested the mood lights and smiled. I went to the equipment closet and switched on the steam equipment, setting the timer to activate during the morning and evening hours to start. I closed and locked the door and peeked into the steam room enclosure as steam began seeping into the room releasing the initial pressure through the jets. I hung up my robe and proceeded to test the showers, making sure there were no leaks and that the water would drain properly. Everything worked great, I shut off the water and entered the steam room and basked in the warmth of the mist which had filled the enclosure. I sat for about 10 minutes then went out and rinsed off, I grabbed a towel from the stack that I had the boys place in the locker room and dried off, tossing the used towel into the laundry bin. I grabbed the set of Name labels and assigned lockers to the boys who would soon be joining us. I walked out into the kitchen and opened up a bag full of combo locks I had picked up at the hardware store and spread them onto the table. As the boys began coming into the kitchen I had each choose a lock and told them to hit the showers and to find their lockers in the locker room and to place their gear into the lockers. I then began preparing breakfast for the guys as they washed off the chlorine and spooge from their hot bodies, in the newly finished shower room and stored their swim trunks and athletic equipment in the lockers. Jay came to me and planted a big kiss on my lips and commented that he saw the steam room was up and running and I told him to use it to see if he could get to feeling better by raising his temp artificially to maybe break the fever he had been experiencing. The other boys came in and I told them where I assigned their rooms Bill would take the downstairs dorm whereas Tony would take the middle room upstairs and Steve would have the front Bedroom next to Billy and Lenny’s room the final bedroom upstairs was going to be turned into a study lounge for them to “study“in to keep up their grades. Tony and bill were not happy with the room assignments but I assured them it was so that the teams could be kept together for the most part. I told them I would be at work most of the day and they each had their training schedule as well as a list of chores they would be responsible to do. I then took Jay back upstairs and we took a shower together playing around as we washed each other’s equipment and plunging our cocks into each other’s mouths and asses in the shower. I shoot a load of spunk deep into Jay before exiting the shower and toweled dry. Jay stayed a bit in the stream of water before joining me in the bedroom. I dressed and was ready to face a new day in the gym interviewing the various players who had been selected to join my teams the day before. I kissed Jay goodbye as I watched Bill and Tony make out before hopping on their bikes and ridding away to go train and help their new teammates do the same. Steve caught up with me and asked if he could ride in with me. I waited a couple minutes as he grabbed his gym bag and hopped into the seat next to me. Billy and Lenny would be riding their bikes in later to go to the training session they were assigned to. Steve was quiet at first on the short ride in, then he spoke up asking if he was going to get sick like Jay, I answered that it would depend on if my gift had took and I told him everybody is different and some get real sick others just get a mild flu like symptoms. But I assured him he would be a better and stronger man for it in the long run. He was excited to join my brotherhood and a little scared about the changes that the virus would bring to his body and his life. I told him to come by my office later that morning and we could discuss it more if he wanted, as I pulled into my parking space and turned off the key. He smiled at me and said see you coach, just as he headed off to the locker room and the pool. I pulled out some paperwork to turn into the administration office and headed over that way to drop them off with the hunk behind the desk. Brian said he would process the request and that the first guys should arrive around 3 that afternoon if I needed to go home early to check them in. I gave Brian a overview of the room assignment I had come up with and he said he would forward them to housing later that day, so housing would know where the mail would be sent. I thanked Brian and asked if he would like to come to our welcome BBQ that night for all his assistance. He said that would be great if I didn’t think it would be too much of an imposition, I told him not in the least that he helped me get settled and it was my way of saying thanks. I headed tyo my office with about 15 minutes to spare before my first interview with a new team member and I Quickly reviewed his transcript and trial times and event groupings. The first interviewee arrived on time and had just come in from a few laps in the pool although he was dry he smelled of chlorine and pool chemicals an aphrodisiac to me, my cock sprang to attention as I discussed his status on the team and found a little more about him, he told me a little of his family and that he had always wanted to be on the swim team of a college but had fallen ill last year during trials and couldn’t put on a good performance. I noticed a bulge growing in his skimpy swim trunks and I knew why he liked swimming so much and it was a different sport his cock was into. I walked around to the front of the desk and sat on the edge and continued the interview his eyes fixed on the growing bulge there. I asked him if he wanted to stay at the team dorm for the semester and told him I had put his name in the running for a spot. His cock was almost bursting inside his speedos when I mentioned this possibility. I teased him some more then told him it was nice to meet him and looked forward to seeing his development on the team. I dismissed him then kicked back till the next interview playing with my dripping cock inside my warm-up sweats. Many of the interviews that morning went similarly with me getting worked up over some hot hunk who sat merely feet in front of me telling me their life story and how they would do almost anything to stay on the team. It was getting close to noon when Steve arrived at my office and I had him sit down across from my desk, I asked him if he was still concerned over my plan to seed the team with my gift and to form a brotherhood of Poz Swimmers, divers and wrestlers in our area. He said he was on board and would help me spread the gift to all athletes who deserved it. His cock straining beneath his warm up sweats, I asked if he had his trunks on and he replied no That he had taken off his wet trunks and was going commando beneath his sweats, I walked over and let him get a whiff of my aroused state as he began to fondle me and I began to caress his chest. I soon had him bent over my desk with my rod buried in his ass. I slide in and out for about 5 minutes before I blew my load deep in his guts, spewing the mornings constant state of arousal into the boy who would be my cornerstone of my swim team. We went to lunch at the dining hall and then I returned to a couple more hours of interviews before I drove home at around 2:30 in preparation of the new arrivals. When I got home I went upstairs to find Jay not in bed then I went down to the gym and found him sitting in the steam room, naked and stroking his cock. The room smelled of man sex and I asked if he had cum in the room and he replied several times he spewed his load on the walls and seats of the room. I laughed and told him not to overdo it as he had training n the morning and if he didn’t show he would fall behind the other swimmers. He also had to return to work that weekend. I then went out to the garage and pulled in two boxes into the dry sauna. I had already strapped the backing strips to the walls and had begun installing the pine Tongue and grove 1x3’s on the walls and ceiling, when the doorbell rang, Jay had wrapped a towel around his middle and was on his way to answer the door when I emerged from the sauna, I found Jay greeting a young man at he door, his name was Paul and the guy behind him was Jim, I asked them to enter and consulted the chart I had made up, it turned out they would be staying in Steve’s room with Jay, As Jay was making small talk with the newcomers his towel slipped and they both got a nice view of his lower body, lust filling their eyes I asked Jay to go put on some shorts and show them to their dorm. I had also asked Jay to bring them to the locker-room afterwards to assign them lockers and combo locks to put on their lockers. I returned to the dry sauna and soon was finished installing the walls and ceiling and then worked on nailing the support structures for the benches together. The doorbell rang again and this time I found Steve and Tony, who had come home whilst I was in the sauna working, answering the door and helping check in the next three guys who arrived to take residence two were for Bill’s room and one for Tony’s. By four o’clock I had installed the slates for the two benches in the sauna and was working on placing the heating coils and lava rocks on the equipment, then installing the fencing around the heating equipment I connected up the sensor like the electrician had shown me. I went outside the unit and turned on the heater to see if it was working. After an Initial smoke rising from the heating elements, the unit began to heat the room. The sauna was complete and I knew the timers were set so that it would only operate when I wanted the boys to use them. By dinner time a total of 11 guys had checked in and I went out and started the BBQ to cook the chicken, Billy and Lenny was preparing large bowls of salad and Andy who had arrived around 5:30 was shucking corn on the cob and throwing the ears in a large pot to boil. My home was filled with 17 hot guys all pitching in to make the first night a good one. Several of the guys who had already begun to settle in had taken to the pool and splashing could be heard behind me as I place the drumsticks and thighs on the hot grill and Andy Brought over a glass of wine for me to sip on while I attended the BBQ. My little athletic dorm was coming together as I watch some of the quieter types get drawn into the hot sexual games that many of the boys were beginning to play, a lot of grab ass and cock squeezing was beginning to happen as the captains began to initiate the new freshmen and team members on the sexual conduct that would be required of them Steve had already found a hot Blonde boy and had his hand down his board shorts while his tongue probed his tonsils and Bill and Tony had a new Wrestler bobbing up and down on their cocks and doing a good job at polishing their knobs. Billy had a new diver braced against the wall of the pool house while he suctioned the cream from his cock and Lenny had two swimmers,, one going down on him while he was sucking the other one, most of the boys had pared off by the time the chicken was cooked and dinner was set out on the buffet, those who hadn’t had some sex already were working on themselves and were soon to be spewing their loads on someone else’s face or ass TBC- Semester begins- breeding to follow
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  45. The following is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind and any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. Peter spent a lot of time helping with the construction of the gym/playroom over the next few days as I went off to work each morning to prepare for the upcoming school term. As the walls and partitions went up in the garage area of the room the unused garage area soon was transformed into a locker room and sauna area with steam room and dry saunas. Being as it was for private use I had them install the plumbing for the toilet and urinal in the shower area with a special hose tap for cleaning out. By the end of the week we were screwing on the green board in the locker area and the masonry board in the sauna and shower area. Our gym was beginning to shape up as we patched up the dry wall where necessary and installed I bolts in the ceiling where needed. Billy began drywall taping the ceiling and walls on Friday as we sealed and taped in the locker/shower area. Friday night I asked billy if they had been taking care of Peter’s needs while I was at work and Billy told me that lenny had especially taken good care of our plumber, Billy described that Peter liked fucking lenny then eating his cum out after he shoot in Lenny’s hole While Billy plowed him and made his deposit. He told me that they fooled around on just about every break < coffee, lunch, and afternoon> At the office the parade of young flesh came to a halt on Thursday morning as I interviewed the last team player, I don’t think I ever went softer than half mast all week long of interviews, my warm up pants showing a large precum stain on the interior as it leaked through my jock. Thursday afternoon was my first group meeting with the swim, diving and water polo teams then a general meeting with all teams attending in the wrestling room, it being the only room to hold all the players comfortably. My first group the swim team looked like an interesting group of guys, having interviewed them individually was one thing but to put them all in the same conference room together made my cock twitch. I started out by having all the new members introduce themselves to the other team members and tell something about themselves. Several of the new freshmen who I suspected were batting for my or both teams were very reserved when making introductions and the older players were hinting that they would be tested to see if they belonged in the ranks. The captain of the team got up and spoke telling the guys that they should be honored to be included in this almost sacred fraternity of athletes, and hinted that by the end of the season they would all be feeling the bonds of brotherhood. After the meeting I spoke to the captain and told him that my house would be ready for team parties by the first couple weeks of the semester, he just smiled and said he was looking forward to getting to know me better and I invited him to a BBQ on Sunday to see the house. The diving and water polo team meeting were similar and the same invite was offered to both of those captains as well. The general meeting was mainly for information and to size up the teams, getting a feeling on how well they got along and making a mental note of who I might want to house in my home (the college would compensate me for room and board for the athletes who stayed with me) many of the guys were already friends and there appeared to be a inter team bond that already existed. Many of the boys seemed very close already, and I mean beyond the normal friendship bonds. On Friday I meet with the wrestling team in the conference room and got to know them as a group, taking note of the groupings and who sat near who and who seemed close etc. I noticed a few who almost acted like couples, threesomes in the room including Yee and his little clique of buddies who I was sure he told them of his seeding in Andy’s office, and I looked forward to plowing their hot holes as well. I was able to go home after the wrestling meeting and found Billy cock buried balls deep in Peter, while our plumber was eating out what looked like a river of cum from Lenny’s hole. I fixed a sandwich and ate as the boys played with the plumber then took my turn seeding his hole, sliding into his well-used and cum filled ass I thought of all those hot wrestlers begging for my loads as I deflowered their sweet negative hole one by one, though I was sure that some may already be converting after Yee started spreading my demon seed to his buddies. I had already in 2 weeks had seeded 3 members of my teams , two unknowing that they would be on my teams and one in my bosses office while my boss got blown. We finished up applying drywall mud and tape to the gym walls and ceiling and after a light sanding I put Billy to work priming the drywall for painting, all the while I worked with peter in the locker room making sure all the plumbing was roughed in and we began preparing to tile the steam room and shower area. Peter finished installing the equipment for the steam room and running the fire sprinkler system throughout the locker room area. On Friday we also had a guy come in and tar the floor in the wet areas of the room (shower, steam room, dry sauna and under the lockers)thus sealing the floors and the drains against any leaks. I then let the boys have some fun with the guy and he managed to plow both boys before they got to dump on or in him. With most of the rough work done on the areas I felt confident we could have the project done by the end of the first week of school. We partied a bit Friday night and the Peter and the floor sealant guy stayed for diner and ended up being dessert for us as we all swam, sucked and fucked into the night. Saturday morning the Boys woke up late and found me rummaging through the garage for some stuff to take to work on Monday, The first day of school now just a week away, and freshman orientation for the teams just 4 days away on Tuesday. I also dragged out 3 boxes that had arrived while the boys and I were traveling across the country. I carried the boxes into the house and put them in the closet under the stairs. As the boys ate their breakfast we went over the chores for the day, Painting the gym ceiling and lower walls, cleaning up the floor and prepping it for flooring a rubberized cement on which a glaze was painted and I was going to start tiling the shower area and maybe the steam room and dry sauna. By mid-morning the boys had half the ceiling painted the dark blue we had picked out, making the eye bolts almost completely disappear in the section they had painted. During the week an electrician had come in and had wired the locker room and shower area where electrical (lighting and outlets near the sinks as well as some wall sockets in the locker room portion) was needed and installed wiring for lighting and outlets in the gym area as well. I had finished laying the Floor tile in the shower area as well as the steam room and was waiting for the mastic to set up so I could finish tiling the locker room area. It was closing in on lunch so I went in and fixed the boys and I some sandwiched and dished out some potato salad for each of us. I called to the boys lunch was ready , and they came in in their usual attire Basketball shorts, they were splatter with paint and looked so sexy, their ripped bodies with a coat of perspiration punctuated by strips and dots of dark Blue paint, cocks semi hard and bouncing in their shorts. They grabbed their sandwiches and salad on a plate and went out onto the patio to eat their meal. I was just about through with my lunch when the doorbell rang, I got up to answer it and found a delivery person waiting at the door, he had my mirrors for the gym as well as some workout equipment. I opened the garage door and had him place it against the back wall away from household traffic, he looked thirsty so I offered him some lemonade, and he accepted and followed me to the kitchen where he saw Billy and Lenny Making out nude by the pool. He gulped his lemonade and turned bright pink, as he turned away from the window to me his hard-on was evident in his pants, “need some help with that” I asked glancing down at his erection he stammered and blushed even redder I didn’t let him really answer as I stroked his cock through his pants and dropped to my knees and began chewing on the fabric. He had little choice but to undo his pants and drop them as I slobbered on his trousers or risk having to go the rest of the day with a huge wet spot. I deep throated his cock and he shot within minutes deep down my throat. I informed him I would have more equipment and other supplies coming and hoped he would be delivering them, and the boys would take good care of him as well. After Lunch and my liquid protein dessert I returned to the locker room and the boys pulled their shorts back on after a quick dip in the pool and they finished the ceiling. By midafternoon, early evening they had also painted the lower sections of the walls with a light green paint. I had finished tiling the steam room and dry sauna and had begun working my way up the walls in the shower area, Peter had come over and we hung the urinal on the wall and hooked it up so I could tile around it he also brought in the toilet and we set It to one side as I needed to grout before setting it in place, I was making real progress and Peter commented that I was doing good Just before I began sticking my tongue down his throat and fondling his cock and balls through his flimsy shorts he was wearing. We moved out to the locker room area and he began nibbling on my nipples as I fingered his ass beneath his almost now ripped off shorts. We had built raised wooden platforms for the lockers and I placed one of the benches on top of the platform and began fucking him hard, the bench rocking beneath our weight and motion. The boys came in to see what the commotion was and soon were joining the fray Lenny stuffing his cock in Peter’s mouth and Billy taking Peter’s cock in his. I pounded in and out for about five minutes before Peter’s orgasm and clenching ass took me over the edge and I blasted inside while Billy sucked every last drop from his cock then dribbled it out of his mouth into Peters as he sucked on Lenny’s soon to be exploding meat. Peter left drained and filled with our spunk, but not before turning the water back on and testing out the urinal hanging on the wall. After Peter left I went in to inspect the work in the gym and to my satisfaction the boys did a great job on the ceiling and the lower walls, Then I told them that the end walls need to be painted all the way to the ceiling (or at least 2” from the ceiling as I was going to put up coving at the ceiling line). I went out to the garage and grabbed a couple of lighting tracks and screwed them across the ceiling and then hooked up the wires, I put a few lights onto the tracks and tested the wall switch and the room was illuminated for the first time. It was getting to be dinner time and I asked the boys if they wanted pizza, they replied only if Jay got to deliver them, I laughed and said I’d do my best to get him out here. Jay arrived about 40 minutes later with 2 pizzas and a raging hard on. We teased him and asked if he had time to join us and he said this was his last run and he did it on his way back to the dorms as a favor to his boss. He joined us in eating the pies on the patio as the boys fondled him and slowly undressed him. After dinner we all ended up in the spa making out with Jay and making his hard on even harder till finally Lenny forced it into his ass and Jay shoot his load into him. Jay soon was riding me while making out with Billy until Billy laid him back on me and slid his cock in next to mine, we double fucked Jay for about 5 minute before Billy shoot coating my cock with his spunk and making the ride even more slippery, I soon blasted my load deep in jay as he collapsed on top of me. We were all spent and it was getting late so I asked jay if he wanted to spend the night, of which he agreed. The boys slept in their own bed that night while Jay cuddled with me. To Be continued – Final finishes – freshman jitters
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  46. Morning came and I gave the guys a list of things that needed to be done while I went to my meeting at the school. The list included redoing the room next to the interior garage entrance. The former owner had most likely used it as a den or rumpus room, I had other ideas about it’s use, it had linoleum flooring with a bar wet bar at one end. The room was spacious yet wasn’t quite the size I needed for a workout/play room I intended. We woke early and I began removing the drywall from the wall separating the room from the adjoining room and half bath. After about an hour and a half of demolition the boys and I had opened up what appeared would make for a good size room once the wall studs were removed. At around 9 I left the boys to repainting and went and showered and dressed for my first day on the job. At 9:35 I left for the college, driving the short distance, I noticed the campus starting to receive students preparing for the start of the school year. I arrived and Andy meet me at the entrance to the athletic department and escorted me to the conference room. He offered me a seat and began the meeting by introducing me to the athletic faculty and went over the plans for the new term. The meeting was fairly short lasting about 45 minutes, the primary purpose was to get me introduced and to cover upcoming events scheduled. Andy walked me to my new office adjacent to the locker room, actually overlooking the rows of lockers and showers. My office was nicely appointed and had a private bathroom. He went over my list of classes I would be teaching and the rosters of the three teams I would be responsible for. Over the next couple of hours I organized my office to suit my needs and began looking over the rosters, I had the department secretary phone the various members of the teams and arraigned for team meetings and workout schedules for the teams. Most of the athletes had arrived already and were housed not far from the campus in student housing. The swim team roster also included head shots of many of the returning members, and I recognized our pizza delivery guy in one of them. At 2:30 Andy said time to call it a day and wanted to know if me and the boys wanted to come over for dinner. I had texted the guys earlier and they sounded beat so I took a rain check, but offered if he wanted to come over for another BBQ we would be gracious host. I stopped at the market on the way home and picked up some burger meat and some corn on the cob to grill. Upon arriving home I changed into some shorts and a tee-shirt, and then I found the boys had opened up the walls and removed the studs that had separated the rooms. They had also opened up where we wanted to expand out to the garage. We built support walls on each side and knocked out about five studs, put in a 8foot header and opened the room up to the garage with a nice sized doorway. We installed the supporting studs on either side of the header and moved the removed 2x4’s to the garage. The boys were tired and sweaty and had been wearing basket ball shorts most of the day. The sight of which was not wasted on me and had me hard most of the time we had been working on the project. I checked the time and told the boys to hit the pool and cool off before dinner. Lenny and Billy didn’t even remove their shorts and just plunged into the pool. The boys played around in the pool while I went in and cleaned up and started to prepare dinner. I wandered from the kitchen to the project room where I envisioned my home gym and play center giving myself a hard on with just my thoughts. I pulled out ruler, a couple nails, string and a can of spray paint. I then proceeded to map out in the garage area my master plan on the concrete. I stretched a line from the opening (garage door) of the space to the back wall then sprayed a thin line along the string to mark the back wall of my locker room/sauna area, I then marked out where the changing area would be the showers and the steam room/dry saunas would be installed. By the time I had mapped out my plans the door bell had rung. I returned to the front hallway and answered the door; it was Andy with a loaf of bread and a 12 pack of beer. I invited him in and we walked into the kitchen. The boys had installed a plastic sheet in the hallway leading off down the hall that lead to our current project, Andy asked what was going on, so I showed him our little construction project. He was quite impressed with our progress and even more so when I told him that Ed had contacted a plumber and electrician to come help us that weekend to put in the infrastructure for our home gym. We then returned to the kitchen and I told Andy go ahead and visit with the boy out by the pool, of which as I glanced out the window were snuggled together on the chase lounge buck naked, fondling each other . Andy went out and It didn’t take Billy long to get him naked and they all plunged back into the pool, I was so glad we had cleaned it and was able to get the solar panels working properly to heat it, although it was warm out the water would have been quite chilly if we had not. I made a bowl of salad and then went out to start the BBQ, Andy was making out with Lenny and Billy was snuggling his rear. I peeled off my shorts and hopped in to join them, I had a few minutes while the fire heated the grill, I swam up to Andy and embraced him his hard cock darting between my legs as we kissed in the water the boys moved off to the side where Billy proceeded to blow Lenny and make him shoot his load down his throat. Andy and I horsed around for a few then got out and flopped on the Chaise and made out for a bit before my cock slipped into his ass and I took my time fucking friend of so many years, I was glad we had found each other again. I shoot a load deep into Andy then got up and scraped the grill and threw on the burgers to cook I instructed the boys to go in and get the paper plates and silverware and stuff for the dinner. They ran in the house and retrieved the necessary items then brought them out to the table on the patio. We ate our dinner and then kicked back on the chaises and watched the sun set and the stars appear. The next morning Andy drove me into work and I set the boys to frame up the floor for the locker room as the Garage was two steps down from the existing floor of the house. They were to use the lumber that I had them carefully remove when knocking down the walls between the two rooms. I had also had some 2x8’s , 4x4’s and other construction materials delivered for the floor joist and supports. At my office the secretary told me about half of the guys would be in for interviews that morning with me and handed me the schedule of interviews. I pulled out my Interview forms (a form I devised when working at High school level to get general information about players as well as a general psycho/physical profile of their abilities) I noticed I only a half hour to prepare myself for my first college athlete interview, I stood at the window overlooking the lockers and showers and wondered what he would be like. Each interview was scheduled for 20 minutes and gave me a chance to meet each jock outside the pool, wrestling mat, or gym, a opportunity to evaluate their character and make an impression of their personality. The first boy to grace my office was a freshman tall, lanky and appeared somewhat awkward on land, his file told of a graceful swimmer, he however was quiet and reserved, we talked for about 15 minutes about his goals and skills, he then began telling me about his feeling out of place here being the first time really away from home, I reassured him that once the team began to gel those feelings would disappear. He had soft curves and was quite pleasing on the eyes and I hoped that the bulge he was showing would look good in and out of a Speedo. I had 5 more guys from the swim team visit my office before lunch each one a tempting treat taken individually, but he thought of having them all in one place at the same time had me aching for release. The last one left my office and I simply said thank you and would see him at the pool Thursday for first workout, I didn’t even rise for fear he would see my arousal. Many of the team members had come in and started practicing on their own and I could hear the lockers open and close and the occasional shower running at the end of the rows. After The last boy had left I got up and looked out over the lockers and spied a couple of guys at one end of a row changing and talking together, both in a state of undress which only made me harder, I rubbed my cock through the fabric of my pants (warm-ups) and watched as the boys kissed then got dressed, I recognized them from earlier interviews and thought this was going to be a hot semester no matter how cold it got outside. The phone rang and it was Andy, he had Chinese in his office and wanted to know if I wanted to join him for lunch. I walked down the hall to Andy’s office and knocked. Andy opened the door and I entered, I thought he had Chinese take out to eat but instead was greeted by a Asian boy of about 5’5” and very muscular, Andy introduced him as Yee a member of the wrestling team and I shook the boys hand as the boy reached out and groped my crotch. Warm Up pants are a thin Material and don’t leave much to the imagination when undergarments are either not worn or loose, my hard-on was raging as the boy began sucking me through the thin material, and soon my pants were in the corner as Andy began working on Yee’s hard cock. Yee deep throated my cock and was making it quite sloppy and covered in a thick saliva, he turned around and slid my cock into his ass working his ass up and down on my shaft. As I had been aroused most of the morning it didn’t take long before I was filling Yee with my first load of the day. Andy then took a turn at plunging his cock into Yee, While he cleaned the cum and ass juices from my cock getting me hard again. I slid into Andy as he plowed Yee, hat triggered Andy to loose his load deep in the boy as well. After Andy pulled out and Yee began cleaning his cock of the slimy goo I slid back into the boy to ride him some more, Having already released a load I was able to ride him for about 20 minutes of my lunch break. I shoot a second load into Yee and Andy received the boys spunk across his face, I licked Andy’s face of spunk as Yee cleaned off my cock for the second time. Yee got dressed and Andy threw me a sandwich and told me to get back to my office for the afternoon interviews. The afternoon interviews were a mix of water polo guys and wrestlers all very hot and kept me aroused. I returned home to find the boys working on the floor in the locker-room section of the project and they had a plumber there as well who Ed had called over to run the drain lines and the preliminary water lines for the showers and steam room equipment. I was beginning to wonder if this town only had hot guys in it, the plumber was built and although wore a wedding band looked tempt able. He had run the drains and stubbed up the water pipes for the showers. The boys were helping him strap the pipes up and began laying down the plywood on the joist. By dinner time we had the floor all laid down and the platform which soon would be my home gym locker room /spa was beginning to shape up. The boys had also that day taken up some of the flooring in the workout room so that the plumber could run two floor drains under what would be our home gym (makes for easier cleanup after hard workout/play sessions, Wink). It was getting to be about 5 o’clock so I sent the boys out to the pool to cool off, blow off steam after a good day of working on getting the house prepared. I invited the plumber into the kitchen and offered him a beer, he accepted and we talked. The subject soon came around to my living arrangement with the boys. Peter the plumber said he was divorced and that he wore the ring to ward off depraved housewives from hitting on him. He confessed to swinging both ways but preferred the company of men when he wasn’t plugging some babe. After the second beer he glance out to see the boys naked by the pool. His cock betrayed him and I asked if he would like to join the boys in the pool, he wasted no time in stripping to his boxers and jumping in to cool off and frolic with my two naughty charges, it took them about 15 minutes of foreplay before he was plowing Lenny and making out with Billy. To be continued – Construction-
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  47. The following is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind and any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. Andy had picked up the keys from Ed when escrow closed, as Ed would be out of town when we arrived. It was late when we arrived at Andy’s, and he invited us to spend the night (he most likely wanted to try out my charges), but I was anxious to be in my new place even if it meant camping out in the living room. Andy had meet the Gas and electric guy a couple days earlier and made sure the power and water were turned on for us. It being the end of summer It was warm enough, almost too hot but with electricity maybe the air would work properly. We drove the 15 minutes from Andy’s and arrived at the house. The drive way was very dark and for the first time I realized how dark, night could get with just a sliver of a moon to light the way. I pulled out the flashlight and lead the boys to the front door, opened the door and a rush of stale air hit us in the face, reached in and clicked the light switch - nothing. I tried another switch and the porch light came on, giving us some light to push back the darkness. I walked into the entry way and set down my load off to the side. Using the flashlight I made my way towards the kitchen and flipped on a couple of switches and obtained some illumination. I slid open the sliding door to the patio to allow a path for air to flow with two doors now open the stuffiness began to abate. The boys were tired, but I knew that we had to at least get our clothes and toiletries out of the car. The guys went out and began unloading the Camero and SUV. I told them just unload the stuff into the large great room off of the kitchen. They brought in the air mattresses and the other camping equipment and began setting up camp in the great room. They got the two King sized air mattresses blown up and shoved them together in the middle of the room then proceeded to throw blankets and pillows on them. Then the guys collapsed on the impromptu beds and took a rest. I chuckled and double checked the screens on the sliders to make sure there were no holes for the insects to get through, opening as many windows that I could find with intact screens. By the time I returned to the great room the boys had started to nap from exhaustion. Ed had arraigned for a refrigerator to be delivered and Andy stocked it with a 12 pack of beer. I emptied our ice chest into the refrigerator and did a web search for the closest Chinese take out in the area. I called using my mobile phone and ordered dinner for three. As the boys napped in the great room, I striped out of my sweaty clothes and went upstairs to the master bedroom grabbing a towel on the way up the stairs from our gear. I turned on the master shower in hopes of some warm water to rinse away the sweat and grim of the last day of traveling. I guess the sound of running water awoke the boys when they joined me under the stream of water. It was luke-warm at best, but it was still refreshing. Billy gave me his special shower and Lenny received my golden stream. We soaped each other down and a hard cock or two got taken care of spewing its pent up load down the drain. We each toweled dry and the boys having had a nap were ready to go again, even though it was getting close to 10:OO at night. I told them I was heading over to pick up dinner and to see what they could do to amuse themselves while I was gone. Lenny immediately got on craigslist and A4A and BBRT to see what tricks he could stir up. Billy started checking out the house and outdoor area and almost fell in the slimy pool. When I returned with the food, we set-up a makeshift table on which we had a casual meal. We had just finished eating when a knock on the door was heard and Lenny said "That tonight’s entertainment." I chuckled when I opened the door to find a twenty something cub standing on the front porch. I invited him in and explained it was our first night in the house so please pardon the mess and lack of furniture. He was undressed and getting fondled by Lenny and Billy before he even reached the great room. As the boys worked over his cock, balls and ass I planted a deep wet kiss on his lips and discovered he was a voracious kisser. Then the boys turned him around and guided his sloppy ass onto my hard cock. I penetrated him in one fell swoop and the guys took turns sucking his cock then backing into him and letting him plow their sweet asses. He managed to drop a load in each of the boys and I planted my demon seed in him, to be followed by Lenny's and then Billy's loads, thus sending the guy home around midnight filled with our seed. The next morning the boys and I finished unloading the car and SUV into one side of the four car garage. Most of our clothes were dirty from traveling across country for a week and a half, so we threw on what we could find clean, mainly not so sweaty tee shirts and shorts and no underwear, we piled into the SUV and headed to the local home supply store. We picked up cleaning supplies, brooms, mops, some tools to help repair things, gallons of paint and some hoses. Billy and Lenny also spent time cruising the local selection of men shopping at the store and even made eye contacts with some of them. We got checked out (pun Intended) by a very cute cashier who flirted with all three of us. The ripped tees and the prominent bulges in our shorts most likely gave him a clue we were interested. We returned to the house just before 11:00 in the morning. I set the boys to clean the great room and kitchen while I went outback and attached the hoses to the pool and spa pumps and began pumping the water out of the pools into the storm drain. I returned to the house and found the boys had shucked their tees and were cleaning with just their shorts riding low on their hips. It was a scene to behold as I began covering the floor with plastic and got out the ladders and prepped the great room for a paint job to my liking. By 12:30 I had finished painting the ceiling in the great room and began prepping the dining area for painting. s Billy came out of the kitchen to offer me a sandwich the doorbell rang. To my astonishment, it was the guys with the moving company: our furniture and belongings had arrived a day early. Since the rooms were not ready to accommodate our possessions, I made the quick decision to have the delivery men unload most of the furniture and boxes into the garage. The mattresses, however, I had them bring into the downstairs bedroom and place them on the floor so we would, at least, have a comfortable place to sleep. The moving company had changed out crews during part of the trip. The guys who loaded-up or stuff were nice but in their mid-thirties. In contrast these guys were much younger. The three guys who unloaded our stuff were very good looking and a bit hot (once again pun intended). By 4:30 most of the truck had been unloaded into the garage. The boys directed the placement of boxes containing our clothes and personal items to facilitate our immediate use and later movement into the proper rooms. Not surprisingly, the workers were hot and sweaty by the time they finished unloading the last items. Lester, the crew leader, mentioned he knew they were early with the delivery and that they had no place to stay that night since they weren’t expected for another 24 hours. I knew they had a crew cab which they obviously use in shifts to push through to get here early. I smirked and offered him the air mattresses and suggested if they wanted to stay the night, we could offer them use of the showers. I had turned-up the water heater earlier in the day so there was plenty of hot water. On behalf of the crew, Lester accepted my invitation without hesitation, and was no less pleased to follow me up to the master suite. I knew I had him when he turned to me, cupped his crotch, and asked "Don't you want to help me with my shower?" I smiled my agreement, and assisted in undressing him, removing my own clothing in the process. Once we were naked, I lead him into the shower, turned on the water and began kissing his sweaty, supple skin. As I nibbled on his earlobe he began to stroke my cock with his hand and sucking on my nipples occasionally biting lightly, as he bent over to take my cock in his mouth. I began playing with his ass and inserted one, then two digits, into his ass, taking my time in fingering his tight hole. Meanwhile he worshiped my fat dripping rod and almost had me on the brink of shooting my load down his throat when he pulled off and asked if I had a condom. "Sorry, don’t use them" was my reply, and without hesitation he turned-around and sunk his ass down onto my cock, saying “Just let me know when you are going to cum, dude.” It wouldn’t have made a difference since I was going to breed this stud and I was leaking so much precum it was like I was already seeding his hole. As I pounded him hard, a blush of liquid was running down his inner thigh. I let him know when I was cumming and grunted "Take my hot seed into your hole" as I blew my baby makers into his ass. By the time I was filling Lester with my seed, Billy and Lenny had brought the other two workers up to the bath. All four guys applauded my orgasm. Within seconds all four guys were naked joined Lester and me in the shower. We became a tangle of testosterone and male members. One of the workers slid his cock up my hole as Billy entered him from behind and Lenny took on Lester for sloppy seconds while the other worker began nursing on my newly enraged member which was pleased to pump its load down his throat. We ended up looking like prunes by the time we emerged from the shower and there was no longer any hot water left in the system, but we all had our fill of cum in most holes the movers received at least two from my boys and myself each. Lester realized that all their clean clothes were in the cab of the moving truck so I had them just crash on the air mattresses as I called for pizza to be delivered. 30 minutes later the doorbell rang, I answered the door to a cute college stud with three pizzas on his arm, I smiled at him and asked him to bring them into the kitchen, Lester and his boys were ling naked on the mattresses in the great room when the boy sat down the pizzas and turned to face me, his boner very obvious to all as I planted a kiss on his lips and reached down and rubbed his cock through his flimsy pants. Pants which fell away quickly as Billy came in and began blowing the pizza delivery guy. I came around behind him and slowly coaxed my cock into his orifice, using the cum dripping from my hole (from earlier being fucked by Lester) to lube my cock as I slid it into his tight hole. Not wanting to keep the boy from his deliveries too long I shot my load in record time before one of the movers moved in to take my place and used his ass as a cum dump as well. I kissed the boy goodnight and gave him what we owed for the pizzas and a generous tip, telling him that we liked our pizza but we would love to have him deliver it more. The impromptu party ended just before midnight as we ate pizza and each other’s cum and drank piss and beer from the movers. Just after Midnight got a text from the pizza delivery boy saying “thanks coach looking forward to being on your teams” a added bonus. The next day was Sunday and time to start getting things put together. We sent the movers on their way knowing that they would spread our family as they traveled moving families throughout the nation. Billy and Lenny were basically running around the house naked since all their clothes were either packed or dirty and I still hadn’t hooked up the washer. I opened a box in the garage and pulled out 2 Speedos and threw them at them and then handed them each a bucket and some pumice stones, and pointed them in the direction of the spa. While the boys were scrubbing the tiles in the spa and pool, I wrestled the washer and dryer into position and hooked them up, sorted out some clothes and loaded the washer and started a load. I began working on the dining room and kitchen ceilings. Around noon I had both painted and it was time to put in another load of clothes. I went out to check on the boys and they had already finished scrubbing the spa and were half heartedly scrubbing the pool, in-between playing Speedo pull off, both had ripped their Speedos claiming it was the cleaning activity that did it. I went over and checked on the spa and called the boys over pointing out the spots they missed. As they looked closer I quickly pulled their swim shorts down exposing their hard cock and grinned. “I know how your suits got ripped and now you won’t wear anything till I say so.” I hopped down into the center of the spa and had them rescrub the tiles I pointed out, their pink holes winking at me as I fingered them and got them worked up, when the tiles were clean to my satisfaction, I told them that they were to go back to scrubbing the pool tiles and no more playing around. I went over to the spa equipment and began doing maintenance on it, as I had learned at college when helping out the maintenance staff maintain the pools there. I pulled the filter out and cleaned it as well as the pump baskets and double checked the heater unit as well everything looked in working condition. I took one of the hoses that we used to drain the pool and spa and connected it to the hose bib and began filling the spa by placing it in the filter basket. The water began to percolate up through the bottom screen as it should. I then went back to check on the boys again. They were about 2/3 the way around the pool and I told them lunch time, The boys trotted into the house and made sandwiches for themselves and me. While we ate we discussed which paint color we wanted to use in the kitchen and dining room, we decided on the lighter color that we had purchased since it was cooler and to use the warmer color in the great room. After lunch I sent the boys out to finish the pool cleaning and I proceeded to check out the pool equipment and due regular maintenance on the pumps and filters. The pool being empty backwashing would have to wait as I went out to see how the guys were doing. They had reached the deep end and could only scrub from the deck so they were splayed out on lawn cushions hanging over the lip of the pool cleaning the tiles. I walked down into the pool and inspected their work as well as the condition of the plaster. Everything looked good so I climbed out of the pool and went over to inspect the spa. It was almost full to overflowing into the pool near where the boys were cleaning. I walked back to do a operation test of the spa and kicked on the pump which circulated the water, the pump whirled and spat and soon there was water flowing through it at a regular pace. I clicked on the heater and it fired up with a roar heat rising from the top spewing hot exhaust after being dormant for so long. I checked for leaks both water and gas as it began heating the water that flowed through it. Finding none I walked back to the pool area and stuck my hand down into the spa to see if the water was heating up and it was, It was still very cold though as it began spilling out into the empty pool. I emptied a gallon of pool chlorine into the spa. The guys were closing the gap between them as they scooted their cushions closer together, as their sections got closer, the site of those two sweet asses turning pink in the late summer sun pointing up to the heavens, was almost too much as my cock began to stir again. The spa reeked of chlorine as it spilled out over the tile adjoining it to the pool I knew that it would help chlorinate the pool as well. I turned off the hose bib and turned on the pool fill spigot. I pulled the hose out of the spa and added a gallon of pool chlorine to the empty pool in the deep end where the water was already pooling up. It was then that I realized that the pool fill outlet was showering my boys and getting them wet and slippery. They had finished cleaning the tiles and were laying there enjoying the sun and each other when I had turned on the water and sprayed them with cold water. If the pool were full they would have attempted to throw me in, but they just walked up and groped my hard cock and lead me inside to the air mattresses. They rubbed their wet bodies on me and then made me suck of them and eat their sweaty asses. They had me as naked as they were in no time we cuddled there and fooled around till dinner time when I got up and I had them follow me to the laundry room to fold clothes. We folded clothes separation into piles whose was whose. We dressed in our clean clothes and I had the boys go out and bring in a dresser to the room that I had designated for them, a room next to the master suite. Shortly after 4:30 Andy showed up with some food to Barbeque. We cooked the food and ate while watching the pool slowly fill the steam beginning to rise from the spa. Andy reminded me that there was a staff meeting at 10 the next morning and left shortly after 9 my boys and I were exhausted and fell into bed shortly after cuddled up with one another To be continued -beginning anew-
    1 point
  48. charlie sheen once said that he wasn't paying them for sex, he was paying them to leave afterward. you could think of it as dating for a hobby, not as a living.
    1 point
  49. I've never been the best student. Grades just weren't as much fun as trying to get the straight guys at the gym in shower and beg to suck their big jock cocks. I guess by the end of my freshman year I'd got a little bit a reputation for being the guy to go to for a quick discrete bj. So when my financial aid was on the line, I went to my instructor thinking "What's another bj, especially since this one could actually get me to pass my class". My history professor was thick hairy bear with a shaved head. I'd see him at the gym in the mornings pumping iron. He wasn't defined, just huge pecs and arms and stomach. I wondered as I walked to his office if it expanded to other parts of his anatomy. I specifically went after school, hoping there would be fewer people around. The door was open as I rounded into the room, and he was at his desk. "What do you want?" he asked, not even looking up for his desk. "I wanted to talk to you about my preformance in class" I said playing with the door opening and closing it. "Are you really gonna do this?" he asked as he finally turned towards me. "Do what?" I tried to act innocent. "I know what you're doing. I just thought you wouldn't be so damn much like a bad porno. Does this act work for the boys in the gym?" Shit I thought. Well, I guess my reputation preceded me. "Yeah, I get what I want." I tried to play it cool. "Close the door." I closed and locked it. "Get on your knees." With his size and attitude I was mildly turned-on, but I needed to focus, this was business after all. I crawled on all fours in between his legs with my face near his crotch and slipped off my shirt. All my time at the gym kept me perfect slim. I gave a small show moving my toned bod under him watching the tent grow in his slacks. That's when I began to notice it. It didn't stop growing. The bulge just started moving down his leg. I had to see it. I reached for his pants whereupon he slapped my face. "Open your mouth, slut." I opened wide and moaned and watched as he unbottoned and zipped. Out of his pants fell out a monster. My jaw dropped lower. It was easily nine inches, and the thickness was amazing. I moved to wrap my hands around it. I've always been proud of my big hands but still, it was so thick. my index finger and thumb barely touched. he had a forearm in his pants! my mouth watered and he watched me and an evil smile drew across his face. "Well lets see how good your preformance is." I opened my mouth slowly around the head, my jaw popped a little as i pushed down on it. it was so huge. I licked around the head trying to stuff more in my mouth. I gagged and coughed. A hand flew across my face hard and hit me to the ground. "You call that a blow job? get back here and do it right!" Fuck yeah daddy, I thought "yes sir!" I got back between his legs and tried working it again. I got the head in my mouth and began bobbing my head trying to stuff it further. the thickness just wouldn't go down. Suddenly his hands grabbed the back of my head and forced me down I felt my throat expand and become full and stuffed within seconds my eyes watered, my stomach spasmed I was choking, but his big hands held me down and he began fucking my windpipe. i could feel my face turning blue and he pulled me off. I gasped for air and tried to swallow so not to throw up and he held me by my hair and spat in my face. "Open your mouth you little slut" I gasped trying to speak to breathe, but he was already sticking his dick back in my mouth. He stuffed and fucked it with two strokes before the water i drank earler spilled out my mouth on this shoes. "Pathetic" he said. Who the fuck was this sex demon? this was not my teacher for this past semester. "I guess you'll settle with a F then. " He said and began to zip up. "No!...." i gasped and stuggled to stand. i had no other choice. I grabbed my belt buckle and pulled my belt off. I turned around and slowly dropped my jeans. This wasn't a show. I was scared, but if i didn't pass this, college was over for me. I stood there in my nothing but my jock strap. for all my reputation, I'd only let two guys fuck me in my life, and neither of them were as big or brutal as this demon teacher top. . I turned my head over my shoulder and saw him unbottoning his shirt showing his huge physique. huge muscles all over rounded and hard and buldging like his cock. He was probably a line backer in highschool he was just huge everywhere. just huge rounded muscle and a giant cock. "Back that hole up boy" I want you to know what you're asking for. I did as i was told and felt him slapping his cock against my ass and it felt like getting spanked with a beer can. he opened a drawer and pulled out a red ball gag, a bag of something and lube. he drew some lines in of the drug on desk and ordered me to sniff. Drugs are not my thing but i knew I'd probably need it. I sniffed a line and my mind went nuts when it hit me. He kept slapping the hard dick against my ass and I started gyrating on it even as he gagged me. I felt him pouring lube down my crack and rubbing two fingers on my hole. "Slut I'm gonna ruin you." he said as he shoved two fingers down my hole. I moaned from the pain of being pushed so quickly and from the pleasure of loving it his fingers massaging my insides. i wanted more. He ordered me to sniff another line and very quickly i was riding three of his fingers like a bitch in heat, hands on my knees ass pumping. He pulled out his fingers and slapped my ass. "Spread your cheeks whore!" I did as I was told and he rubbed his enormous cock head up and down my crack adding more lube. he lined it up with my hole and told me to push back. I tried but the head wouldn't go in. It pushed on my hole and it hurt and hurt and hurt and finally he grabbed my hips and shoved me down. The head popped in but it was more like exploded in i felt my sphinter stretch far beyond it should ever be stretched and it squeezed his cock I tried to scream but he pulled on the ball gag and it cut off my breath just enough to stop me. The enormous mushroom head of his cock was fucking me and i already felt like i would die. This head was destroying my ass with every thrust and he had not even pushed his cock in a third of the way into me. He pulled his cock out and let me feel the tender insides of my hole now pushing outside my hole. "I'll make a good rose bud of your ass tonight boy!" And he grabbed my hips and pushed me back on the head fucking my muscle ass. He continued adding lube and slowly he pushed deeper and deeper and deeper and i could feel his hard meat moving inside me. It was moving my insides around and I felt it in every piece of me. Finally I leaned back and I felt his balls rest on my ass. these giant hairy balls slapped my hole as the fucked me again and again with such brutality i completely gave in. my ass was so open and sore and still snug for his enourmous cock. I proceeded to let him touch and own every part of my body till finally i felt and erruption inside me. he slid me off of him and i fell to the floor limp and dead covered with sweat and his cum began seeping outside my hole. He took his papers and walked out after readjusting himself. I crawled and limped home shortly after. When grades came in I recieved and A Plus. A few months later i got myself tested and also recieved a postive score on my HIV test. So much for not getting the grades right?
    1 point
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