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  1. Part 3 As we pull up outside the house the front door opens and he steps out into the sunshine. Wearing shorts and a tee shirt he has an air of confidence about him as he walks to the car. His hair cut short barely revealing the salt and pepper hues, his body firm and trim. His shorts reveal the outline of his cock swinging as he walks. I decide there and then I made the right decision. With some nervousness I open the car door and stepped out into the heat. Pete walks over and without a word wrapped his arms around me and gave me a lovely bear hug. "It's so good that you're here, sorry I couldn't be at the airport to pick you up, I hope Steve took care of you?" "Oh yeah he took great care of me". He nodded and winked. "Come into the house, let's get you settled in" I told him I'd get my stuff from the car. "Don't worry, Steve will bring your bags in and unpack for you. Steve is my personal assistant, if you need anything and I'm not around you can ask him for anything and he will sort it for you, and I mean anything" Once we're inside the cool air of the house Pete grabs me and kisses me with a passion I haven't experienced in a long time, his tongue explored my mouth, I could feel his hardon pressing against me, I nearly dropped to my knees right there. He reaches round and with both hands grabs my arse and continues to kiss me. He pulls away from me "You must need to freshen up, come on". He steps away so I follow him through into a huge living room, tastefully furnished and airy. Down into a long corridor lit by a glass roof, it should be so hot but the air con manages to keep the house silently cool. Turning left we enter a bedroom with little furnishing other then a big bed, a cupboard and bed side tables. Off the bedroom is a huge bathroom. I see my toiletries have all been unpacked for me already, a little odd but I guess it's something I'm just not used to. Pete reaches in around the frosted glass wall of the shower and presses a button and multiple jets spray water in ever direction. "There you go, take your time, no rush. When you're finished come and find me and we'll have a dip in the pool". Giving me another deep kiss he leaves the room. Quickly I get my clothes off and step into the shower, the warm water soaks my hairy body quickly and feels so good after the long journey. I notice the douche nozzle hanging in one corner above the open drain, not knowing what's next I decide to make use of it. I turn around and back into the corner, checking the water coming from the nozzle I find its a perfect temperature so I aim it at my hole and slide it inside, the pressure builds so I pull it out and squat over the drain and let the water out. Repeating the process a few times I decide I'm clean and push the last drops of water out. Seeing my shower gel on the tiled shelf I start to soap myself up and enjoy the experience. I soap myself up again paying special attention to my cock and arse, the earlier booty bump making me enjoy it more than normal. Without warning I feel a hand run along my arse crack grazing over my hole, I shudder and let out a little moan. Strong arms wrap around me from behind and a voice whispers in my ear "I couldn't wait" His hand reaches back down to my soapy arse and slips a finger inside me, his hard cock pressed against me. "Hold on". He steps away and switches off the shower, disappears for a moment and comes back with a pipe, obviously packed with Tina, he sparks up the lighter, and hands me the pipe. I put it to my lips and he holds the flame under the bowl, as the smokes starts to creep out the top "breath in deeply and hold it until I tell you boy". The smoke fills my lungs and I hold it there. "Ok boy, let it out". A big white cloud surrounds us both before fading away. Three more hits like that and my buzz is getting higher. Pete firmly turns me around so I'm facing the wall and reaches between my checks again, every time he touches my hole it's like an electric shock. Taking a handful of gel he soaps my arse up again and caresses it so gently. I put my hands up against the wall in front of me and start to moan and then I start to beg, I need to feel Pete inside me. The Tina has really hit now, my whole body is alive with the stuff. Pete gently spreads my legs with his foot and I have that sensation that my hole is now exposed, "please fuck me" I sob. "Ok boy, as you ask so nicely". He wraps one arm around my neck and I feel the other hand go down to his cock, using one finger to guide it to my hole he rests the head at the opening, very gently he pushes his cock against my hole, the soapy suds let the head of his cock slip in easily and the head passes into me. Oh fuck, at last I have him in me, I've waited so long and now he's finally in my cunt. I want him to give me all of it but he just holds it there, his arm firmly around my neck, his other hand playing with my soft cock. "You want more ?, tell me how much you want it boy, persuade me to give you more" "Oh please, fuck me. I've wanted you for so long, please don't make me wait anymore. Please.........I want your cock so much.........I need you inside me..........please I'm begging you" "Good boy". And with that he slams the rest of his cock deep into my guts, pushing hard against my cheeks, almost knocking me off balance, even tho he's already all the way in he gives another hard shove that's make me almost cry out. My brain is on fire, all I can think of is the naked head of his cock rubbing my insides. You see bareback fucking isn't just a choice for me, it's a fetish, an utter obsession and that obsession is heightened even more when I'm on t. The thought of those little drops of precum oozing straight into my arse drives me crazy, skin on skin nothing between us, just as nature intended. Slowly and steadily he grinds in and out, sometimes all the way out sometimes just a little. The sensations in my hole are electrifying, I'm vaguely aware of us both making animalistic noises, but most of my mind is on his raw cock and my hole which not an hour before was taking shards of crystal, one thing I did know, I wanted more of both. I reach round with one hand to try and touch his cock, to touch a cock that's fucking me blows my mind, to feel it naked as it fucks into me, to feel the skin, every curve and contour slipping through my fingers into my arse. Pete pulls all the way out and the head slips between my fingers, I grip it at the entrance to my world and he pushes back inside. He repeats this for ages, getting the sensation of both my hand and my arse, I grip it even tighter. "I've been saving this load for two weeks boy, I'm not gonna last long, you want it ?" "Oh fuck yes please daddy, give me your spunk, make you yours" "You've been mine a long time, ever since I started manipulating you to come here, I've had this planned for months". With that he pulled my hand away and starts fucking me harder. Resting my head against the wall I reach back with both hands and spread my cheeks for him so he can get even deeper. I'm moaning like a fucking whore and then I hear Pete start to moan louder, his pace quickens and I'm sure I can actually feel his cock get harder. He's almost screaming as he slams into me and I beg him to cum, his cock starts to spew inside me, filling my guts with two weeks worth of spunk. He doesn't lose his pace at all, I know his cum is filling me up and being churned up and pushed deeper with each thrust. He begins to slow and finally he pulls his cock out, my hole suddenly feels incredibly empty and I sob a little as his cock finally leaves me. "Feel empty boy? I've got something for that". He pulls away and slips something inside me which makes the empty feeling a little less. He leads me from the shower and as I stand in front of the mirror I notice a black rubber tail poking out between my butt cheeks, I've give it a little flick and he smiles a wicked grin at me.
    6 points
  2. *** I wrote this story a couple of years ago, when the bareback exchange site was still alive and knocking up. I wrote it to contribute to the community that I had been enjoying for many years, and which fuelled countless jerk off sessions. Given the fact that that community basically moved here, I guess this is the right place to re-publish it so that you can enjoy it. I'm sure more stories will follow in time, I have an unlimited dirty mind, a lot of experiences and some creativity to blend those ingredients into perverse fantasy stories that are worth sharing. Disclaimer: nobodies health was harmed by the creation of this story, except if you count the irritated skin of my dick from jerking off just a little more fanatic than it could handle. *** My boyfriend and I are in monogamous relationship for almost 3 years now. It is monogamous by his desire. He cannot stand the idea of an open relationship, since it means he will be sharing me with other guys. Even the suggestion of going open, or having threesome makes him sick. We've been trying some drugs together, but my bf is not really adventurous in sex. He loves kissing, cuddling, massaging, sucking and getting fucked. He says he cannot have sex, he can only make love. He's absolutely not into fucking me, not into bondage, SM, piss, having sex outside the bed, being seen or anything other than vanilla sex eh... vanilla love making. All this changed today. I was at my parents for Mother's Day and early afternoon my boyfriend was dropped by by his roommate. I saw them arrive by car, I heard shouting and walked outside the fence of my parents garden. The friend was driving off with the car, obviously angry. My boyfriend was crying and trying to talk to me. I told him to sit down on the side of the road and I sat down beside him. He started telling that he was sorry for taking chems last night without me, since we promised eachother to only use it together. Then he blurted out that he had spent last night in sauna and the guy that fucked him had cum inside his ass. The guy was really friendly, my bf said. He even offered him a pill that was to stop his HIV positive cum from infecting him. My bf started crying and I didn't know what to feel. My bf, the guy that has demanded our relationship to be monogamous, had been getting fucked and bred in sauna last night without telling me, without inviting me. Hundreds of questions ran through my mind. Why did he take the xtc? Why did he go to sauna? Why did he cheat on me? Did he want open relationship? Should I fuck a guy as revenge? Did he still have the cum inside him? And many, many more. Before I could ask any of my questions my bf continued. After 15 minutes he noticed the pill had not been anti-hiv. It was some drug. He got very horny and slutty. He felt he could not get enough dick and cum, so he went to the slingroom and laid his slim, smooth, asian body in the sling. He loved every guy that fucked him, did forget about condoms and took many, many loads for the rest of the night. He said to me he was sorry and that he was affraid he might have AIDS now. He started crying again. Now, you have to know, I love barebacking and I have been trying hard to open my bf's mind to trying new things in sex. I'm versatile and he is 100% bottom, until last night we were both HIV-neg and my #1 fantasy is to get pozzed by an asian guy. My bf does not know about the last part. I never told him, because I was affraid it would freak him out. I said, lets go to my place. Get in the car, I will call my parents later to explain. We went to my house. It was a drive of a few minutes and we were silent except for my bf sobbing. We went inside and then I started asking questions... Why did you go to sauna last night? Well, I had used the xtc and I was horny and lonely. I just went... I'm sorry! Was this the first time you cheated on me? Yes absolutely, it was! I'm so sorry! Did you feel love while having sex? No, sorry, sorry, i did not. Did you enjoy it? Sorry to tell you, but yes I loved it. I felt great. His head hang down in guilt. Okay, so you just experienced you CAN have sex without love and you love it. Would you like to do it again? No, I promise I will never do it again! I dont want to lose you! Who said you would lose me if you did do it again? I'm affraid. Well, my love, I would not mind to make our relationship an open relationship. I am just disappointed you did all this hot stuff without me there. I would have loved to see you do all this. You're crazy! Do you still have all that cum inside you? Eh, well, I tried to clean myself up when I realised what I've been doing, but I still feel cum leak out of my ass... Do you still want me to be your boyfriend? Well, eh... I hope you still want me... Are you crazy? I love you, and you just turned yourself into the sexy slut I always wanted you to be! You just have to promiss me two things. And they are? Well first of all, I want to do this entire scene again today, but together. I will bring my video camera and make a movie of your second bareback gangbang. Well, I guess that's only fair... but I will need drugs again! And the second? I want you to fuck me and cum inside me. But I dont want to give you HIV... Honey, I have this dirty secret fantasy I never told you about, because I thought it would freak you out... I WANT to be pozzed by an asian guy and I would love that asian guy to be my boyfriend. Given the current situation, you probably got pozzed last night, or you will be pozzed today. I want you to share your HIV with me. It will be our wedding band. I want you to finally start fucking me, and I want you to be the only one fucking me until I test POZ. You're crazy! I cannot give you HIV! Well honey, if we stay together I will get it from you sooner or later anyway. Except if we would start using condoms, and that's no option for me. If you put it that way... I still love you and I want to be with you forever. So you accept my conditions to stay together? Well, I guess so.... Can I hear you say it as a vow? I want to hear you say "I promise to be your open minded sexy boy from now on, and I want to get married to you by fucking you and pozzing your ass" Huh? Eh.... Say it! If you want to stay together with me forever, you have to accept my conditions. If not, I will just eat all the cum out of your ass, fuck your sloppy cunt bare and then drive you home to never see you again. Make your choice. I don't know. I cannot do this. So you want to break up? No! Then you know what you have to vow... Hmmmmm...... Well? Eh... Will we get married for real too? Sure! After you marry me by pozzing me, we will make it a big party to get married legally. Okay, then I want it. You better say your vow then! Ehh..... I promise to be your wife and I want to get married to you. Is that all you want to say? I'm sorry, I dont remember the rest. I told you to vow "I promise to be your open minded sexy boy from now on, and I want to get married to you by fucking you and pozzing your ass" Oh, okay.... I promise to be your slutty wife forever and I will marry you by sharing my probably POZ status with you. Hehehe that's great honey! I love you too. I promise to be your crazy husband forever and I will marry you by letting you POZ my ass. Now get undressed and let me inspect your slutty ass before we go to sauna together. Wow, it is really wide now, and there is a lot of cum leaking out of you. You've been bred big time last night honey! I can't resist I have to lick it. I love cum. Wow I am eating all this anonymous cum from my own boyfriends ass! Wait! I have to catch this image on video. This is the first time I see cum of another man inside my boy! I quickly set up my camera and went back to the delicious cummy ass. Damn! Talking about a fantasy cumming true. I lapped up all the cum my tongue could reach inside him. Then I said, lets get you dressed up like the slut you are. Here is some lingerie you should wear to the sauna today. And this peignoir is your coat. But it is transparent! I cannot walk the streets like that! I would look like a whore! Well eh... you are honey... aren't you? Besides, it's only a short walk to the car, and it's only a short walk from the parking to the sauna, so it wont be much of a problem. I would love to show off your hot slutty body to all the world. Well, okay, let's go then. We went to the sauna together, and were greeted very friendly at the door. I explained what we would be doing tonight, asked them to make the slingroom available and asked permission to make video recordings. We went to the lockerroom and both of us took some (more) drugs to let us really pig out. I grabbed my videocamera and we went to the slingroom. Word got out quickly that there was an asian slutboy to get bred in the slingroom, so there was already a line-up when we got there. I asked if there was somebody that knows how to handle a camera, and a volunteer took my cam. My boyfriend laid down in the sling and I asked him if I could strap him to the sling. Surprisingly enough he said yes! He never wanted to experiment with bondage before... I tied him up to the sling and I told the first few guys to start fucking my boyfriend, but not to cum in him yet. Meanwhile my boyfriend was busy sucking my dick. After a little while I got close, turned on by all the fantasies cumming true before my eyes. I said to the group: I will open this cumparty by shooting my NEG cum inside my boyfriends NEG ass. After that his ass is available for all of you, all the way. Is he taking POZ cum as well? He promised to take any load I want him to take. I start fucking my boyfriend with a lot of horny men watching us. This is another first time for us. I've been fucking in public before, but not with my boyfriend... it was on orgies before I met him. I came big time and added my load to all the cum that was still inside his ass from last night. The party had begun. My bf got fucked by man after man and I loved to see him taking it bare from all of them. I took over the camera from the volunteer so he could join the line and breed my lover. I saw a lot of tattoo's that indicated POZ, and I made sure I had all of them on camera. I told them to tell my boyfriend what they were giving him. Most of them screamed they were pozzing his ass, or giving him AIDS or some other dirty talk. A few asked if they could fuck with a condom, and I handed them a condom I had prepared a long time ago. Of course the tip was missing... They were telling my bf they were giving him nothing but a fuck. After they finished they saw the condom at the base of their dick and they said "well I guess I gave you my cum after all". Not a single one got freaked out when they saw that the condom broke. That surprised me, and disappointed me a little too ;-) We stayed until about 10pm, when the lights were turned on because it was time to leave. With the lights on I asked the last guy that fucked my boyfriend to hold the camera for a few minutes, to capture me fucking my boyfriends cumloaded ass another time and shoot my NEG cum into the mix. After that I put a BIG buttplug inside him to keep all the cum inside. Below the sling was a big puddle of cum that had been leaking out of his ass. I tried to put it in a can as good as I could. Of course I did not get all of it, but I had collected a can full of cum. I'm sure we would use it as perfect lube later. This is where I woke up this morning, with a throbbing boner. It is Mother's Day today. You never know, I might have had one of my foreseeing dreams...
    4 points
  3. PART EIGHT "I'm so glad you're making me guys!" I giggled as I looked up at them. "You're making me such a good slut" "That's not the only thing we're making you" Sam smirked, stroking John's cock as it began to go limp. My head was swimming and I didn't really know what he was talking about but I felt so good I didn't care. I had a load on my face, and loads from both guys in my ass. "How much longer do we have?" John asked Sam. "Probably only a couple of hours," Sam replied. "It wasn't much." "What are you talking about guys? The place is free for another couple of days" I cut in. "Shut up, slut" John turned to me. "The men have got to talk, can you put something on and get us something to drink?" I looked on the floor and all I could see was a pair of Jessie's cutoffs and a G-string she'd worn the day before she left. I slipped it on and was amazed at how I enjoyed the feel of it on my ass, even though it did nothing to keep the cum from dribbling out of my hole. I stopped off in the bathroom to admire myself on my way to the kitchen. I barely recognised myself. Here stood this sexy mid-20s guy with cum all over his face and dribbling out his ass in a barely there pair of cutoffs. Not wanting to waste a drop, I wiped the cum off my face and licked my fingers clean. As I did so, I admired my ass in the mirror, my buttcheeks out the bottom of the cutoffs. My bubble butt looks better in these than that bitch's ever did. I returned to the bedroom with a couple of beers walking as sexily as I could. "Your sustenance gentlemen" I purred. "Well, look what the cat dragged in" Sam said as he broke away from kissing John. "Are you talking about my pussy again?" I cheekily replied. "We've certainly opened up a cunt in you. Let me check out that sweet ass in those cutoffs" John commanded. I giggled and did a little turn, making sure I gave them a full view of how they showed off my ass cheeks. As I pointed my ass towards them, I slid the cutoffs down showing how well the G-string looked on me. "Damn you are a hot little slut" Sam muttered his approval. It made me happy to hear how much they loved the way I looked. "Come here and join us on the bed, we've got something to tell you" I lay between them, stroking their cocks. I lay there in bliss as both guys ran their hands over my chest while Sam spoke to me. "John and myself know each other very well" "Well of course you do. You know each other from the club" "No Adam, we're actually a couple" John cut in. I had to admit I felt a little hurt, especially as I'd developed feelings for Sam in our time together. "Please Adam, don't be upset. I'd fully intended to have a quiet drink but when I saw you I had to have you." Sam was so sweet to me, no wonder I gave my ass to him first. "Is that why you have the same tattoo?" I asked, running my fingers over the tattoo just above John's cock. "Something like that" John replied. "Well, seeing you're a couple would you both like to fuck me at once?" "Nothing we'd like more" I ripped the G-string off and mounted Sam, his massive cock slipping inside me. My ass was well-lubed with cum and also had been broken open after the pounding I'd received. I felt John moving behind me and within seconds he'd lifted my ass up and his PA was inching its way inside me. I moaned in delight, it was an amazing feeling. Only a couple of days previously I was a boring straight man with a frigid wife, now I was a cock whore built for pleasuring men. The two of them pounded my ass for ages. "Don't cum until he starts to come down" John told Sam. "I want him to be crashing when he finds out" I had no idea what he was talking about but I had such a headache. I started to moan in pain as they fucked me, it had felt so good before. "It's happening, let's cum" John panted as he pounded my ass hard as possible. I'd never been in so much pain, why wasn't it like this before? I felt both men tensing up inside me and it wasn't long before I had the familiar sensation of cum shooting inside me but it didn't feel the same as before. I felt the cocks slip out of my ass and Sam & John shared a deep kiss. "That was our best conversion yet" John whispered to Sam. "How did you like partying with Tina?" he turned to me. "Who's Tina?" "Ha ha ha,. You poor innocent slut. That's why you went as crazy as you did, you thought it was just the pills? I've never seen anyone react that amazingly to it. You've got a tough few hours ahead of you but here's my card if you ever feel like partying again" "Huh?" "Oh God, he'll be no good for hours. Sam, you give him the best bit of news, I'll watch, I love to watch their faces when you do. You stay there slut, we'll see ourselves out" "What is it Sam?" I looked up shocked "We're HIV positive you whore, and from the absolute pounding we've given you, you should be too now. Think about that while you're coming down" END OF PART EIGHT
    4 points
  4. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 8 “A surprise?!! I already have an awesome gift from you.” “You’ll like this surprise. Time to celebrate your conversion.” “Oh, a Friday night fish fry,” I asked with a smirk? Zak chuckled, “No, more like a Friday night fuck fest.” We drove to the south end of Boystown to a bar called Manhandler. As we walked down the sidewalk toward the front door Zak said, “Thought we would start here. We can have a few drinks while cruising the play area out back.” The bar area was small taking only a few bar stools to line its full length. Bareback porn played on several screens scattered throughout the dark room. I quickly sufficed that men didn’t come here for the casual conversation even though the bartender was friendly and personable. We both ordered a beer then Zak led me onto the back patio. Two groups of guys huddled together laughing and puffing on their Marlboro lights. As we strolled through the open patio area toward a fenced in, large covered arbor a few guys broke from their discussions and turned their heads to give us the once over. I made eye contact with a sexy daddy type with a shaved head, and a thick patch of chest hair that curled out from his shirt’s neckline. He glanced from me to Zak, and a huge smile suddenly appeared on his face. He started to walk toward us. He approached Zak and put out his hand. As he shook Zak’s hand he pulled Zak into a big hug and chuckled, “Oh my God, How the hell are you, sexy?” “Doing great. Awesome to see you, Charles.” “I haven’t seen you for months. What have you been up to?” “Well, for starters I have a sexy boyfriend I’d like you to meet.” Zak put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. “Zeek, I’d like you meet a good buddy of mine, Charles.” I put out my hand to greet Charles. He shook it then said, “Hell, Zeek…..” He pulled me toward him and gave me a hug. “Pleased to meet you.” As he released me from his bear hug he gave me the once over, “Damn, Zak, you weren’t kidding. He is one hot man.” I blushed but thanked Charles for the compliment like a proper boy. “Well you’re quite the hot man yourself, Charles.” I didn’t know just how hot Charles was, but would soon find out. After a brief catching up between the two friends Zak leaned over to Charles and quietly exchanged words between the two of them. They looked at me and gave me a devilish grin then continued to chat back and forth. Charles continued to eye me up and down and smile as he shook his head in agreement with whatever my boyfriend was saying to him. Charles then approached me and said, “I guess congratulations are in order.” He hit me on the shoulder in a playful manner, “Zak said I should better introduce myself to you. He and I have a special connection if you know what I mean.” I looked at him kind of confused. Charles leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “I’m your boyfriend’s gifter. Guess you got my DNA in roundabout way.” I chuckled, “So you’re Zak’s daddy. Does that make you my grandpa?” “Hey, bitch.” Charles nudged me and laughed, “I’ll be recharging your ass yet, boy.” “Promises, promises,” I playfully kidded. Zak put his arms around both of our shoulders. “Maybe we should take this in the back, guys.” Charles looked at me, grabbed my ass and pulled me into a deep, erotic, lip lock. His kiss immediately boned me up, and I reached over to massage his dick, over filling my grip with a half hard massive piece of meat. “Love to seed you boy.” Zak led us both by the hand to the back play area. Knowing potent doses of cum were right around the corner for me with our toxic threesome we all sprouted hard cocks that tented our jeans. The thought of Charles’s massive poz cock in my hole, and being the meat that charged my boyfriend, just turned me on even more. I wanted all of his demon seed in my ass. We strolled to the back corner of the play area. Huddling into a three way hug, we began making out with each other. I massaged my partner’s and his daddy’s cock and found my way to their jeans zippers. In no time I had their pants to their knees with their hard cocks pressed against me. Charles reached in and grabbed my meat. “Fair is fair, boy,” as he unbuttoned my jeans and my cock flipped from my jeans fully erect. Charles leaned toward me, “Time to give you the DNA that pozzed you, and directly from the source, boy.” Charles backed away from me. This demon God displayed his massive, poz cock fully erect and leaking toxic precum. His biohazard tattoo protruded from the bottom edge of his t-shirt. He slowly slid his shirt up his abdomen revealing the entire mark of a proud, poz pig. Waves of muscle contractions pulsed down his shaft as he slowly walked toward me. My body still ached a bit, reminding me that I was still recovering from my recent conversion. Charles spun me around. Zak buried his tongue down my throat while Charles spit in his hand and slicked up my hole for his cock. Zak broke from our lip lock and quietly whispered in my ear, “I’m so glad you are about to feel my daddy’s massive cock filling you with his charged seed. It’s awesome!!” Zak again gazed into my eyes then began to make love to me with passionate kisses. A crowd of guys closed in around us with some dropping their pants to stroke their hard dicks. A few of the guys stroked each other while watching the public display play out in front of them. Charles and Zak clearly displayed their biohazard tattoos, letting the onlookers know as they slid in me, I was taking poz cock raw. Charles wasted no time in pressing his cock head to my hole and working his glans into my still tight hole. “Fuck, man, I can see why Zak said he loves fucking your ass. Beautiful!!!!!!” Charles worked his way in deeper, and Zak bent me over and shoved his hard cock into my mouth. As I gagged and struggled to take Zak’s entire shaft down my throat Charles thrust his pole deep into my gut. Charles had a massive cock, and it felt like he was tearing my hole to shreds. My body tensed, and I groaned in pain. Eventually, my hole now stretched wide open, relaxed into pleasurable sensations. The crowd grew in numbers and moved in closer. “Fuck, guys, you like seeing him take our poz cocks, don’t you?” Charles began to plow in and out of my hole, pulling me all the way onto his stiff sword. I can see why Zak wanted this man to be his daddy. He was fucking hot and knew how to work my hole. “You want my venom don’t you, pig?” I pulled Zak’s shaft from my throat. Since the crowd didn’t know I was already toxic, I worked it for all it was worth. “Fuck, yes. Poz my hole.” From the groans around us, I could tell the public “conversion” was a crowd pleaser. Even if they couldn’t admit it, more and more gay men were coming to terms with their turn on for HIV and AIDS. Hell, a bunch of them were probably turned on by other STDs as well. Charles fucked my hole non-stop for a good twenty minutes while I continued to get my face fucked by my boyfriend. “You want my demon seed, boy, just like your boyfriend did, don’t you?” “Fuck, yes, poz him,” a voice projected from the crowd. Charles said, “Yeah, you like that don’t you guys? Feels awesome pozzing this pig.” Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and stroked his shaft. “You want our poz cum from both ends, don’t you boy,” Zak added? Charles grinned and winked at Zak, “I’m not on meds, boy, so this is highly toxic.” “Fuck!! I want to poz….give me your HIV!!!” Zak stroked his throbbing cock in front of my face, and I devoured it into my mouth. Zak’s cock stiffened repeatedly as I slid his shaft across my tongue to the back of my throat. His cock head was drenched with precum. It was salty and sweet, giving me even more pleasure swallowing all his toxic juices. I could tell from their breathing and thrusts into me they were both close to flooding me with their poz seed. “Are you ready boy, because you’re getting my venom.” Charles thrust one more time working his shaft as deep in my gut as possible. His body began to spasm, and Zak’s dick expanded in my throat. Charles and Zak both groaned and began to shoot their toxic seed into me from both ends. I was in heaven taking every drop of poison into my body from my boyfriend and his daddy. “Feel our cocks unloading in you, pig? You’re taking all my poz cum in your gut. You’ve got my virus in you now.” Zak said, “Swallow all that poz cum, pig. Fuck, yes. Your neg days are gone, boy.” “Oh fuck,” came from the crowd, and splashes of cum sprayed across my body from the guys surrounding us. I stood up and leaned back into Charles’s chest. He grasped me around my abdomen and thrust even deeper into my intestines. I could still feel his cock throbbing in my gut, coating my intestines with more charged cum. The animalistic act set my body on fire, and my cock stiffened as the toxic intimacy pushed me over the edge. I impaled myself on Charles’s pole then thrust my shaft into the air as ropes of poz cream erupted across Zak’s body and jeans. “Fuck, boy, I love charging your ass…..so fucking hot,” Charles added. Charles made out with Zak with his cock still buried in my ass. As his rod slipped from my hole I turned around and melted into Charles as he wrapped his arms around me and passionately kissed me. Zak embraced the two of us in his arms and joined the wet exchange of kisses. The three of us swirling our tongues together and kissing as we caressed each other’s poz bodies. We slowly pulled up our jeans, ending the erotic public display as the crowd slowly dissipated. We made our way through the open patio area where lustful stares and the cruisy once overs from guys followed us like celebrities on the red carpet. Charles bought us all a celebratory round of drinks, and we all grabbed a bar stool lined against the wall opposite the bar. Zak put his arm around me and pulled me toward him, “That was hot, babe. I’m happy you met Charles and added his load to the mix. I know he’s highly toxic.” My cock twitched in my pants at the thought of our toxic fuck on the patio. Zak kissed me on the cheek next to my ear before releasing his grip, but kept his arm resting loosely on my shoulder. “I see you have some awesome ink work. From our sexy man here, no doubt?” “Yeah, it’s how we met actually. I ran into Zak at the tattoo show a few months ago.” “Any plans to add the mark of proud poz man to your ink?” “That’s probably next on the agenda since I’m just getting through my conversion now.” “Sweet!! So you literally just went through the initiation into the club.” “Yep….was sick as hell last week, but so turned on by it.” “Good to see you’re spreading the ‘love,’ Zak. I like knowing my toxic babies are making the rounds.” I put my hand on Charles’s leg, “So, are you single Charles or is there a Mr. Charles out there?” “Nope, no Mr. Charles. I enjoy being single and free to roam.” Zak added, “Ever think about finding a fellow gifter or chaser to ‘start a family’ with.” “Yeah, but I already have a family started.” He motioned toward us, “And it’s expanding all the time.” “Do you know how many guys you have converted,” I asked? He grinned, “I’ve given 5 guys the gift that keeps on giving.” He chuckled and smacked Zak on the leg, “And your sexy boyfriend is my 3rd son.” Zak replied, “And I love having that bond with you, Charles,” then put his hand on Charles’s. I could see the lust in Zak’s eyes over Charles, and I think he could sense the same lust in me. He added, “You should come by the shop tomorrow. Maybe Zeek will get his biohazard tattoo. Besides, we would love to see you again.” My ears perked up, “Tomorrow!?! Absolutely!! Come by the shop, Charles. Love to have you there while Zak gives me my mark.” “I think that could be arranged. Interested in Sunday brunch beforehand?” “Yes, definitely,” said Zak. “Then I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” “It’s a date,” I added. “So what are you two doing tonight?” Zak said, “We’re out celebrating Zeek’s conversion; probably heading to the bath from here.” Charles nudged me, “Cool…..looking for more poz seed, huh?” “The more I can get the better.” “I can understand that. So what else do you do, Zeek?” “I work in marketing, web design, stuff like that.” “Oh, cool, do you work here in Chicago?” “No, I work and live in Milwaukee.” “So you guys are doing the long distance thing right now?” Zak added, “Yeah, but I’m hoping we can change that in the near future.” “We haven’t really talked about that yet,” I said. “I have a house in Milwaukee, so we’ll see where this goes.” After we finished our drinks, Charles said, “I’d ask you to join me bar hopping, but I know you’re heading to the bath.” Charles hugged and kissed us passionately. “It was so good to see you Zak, and mighty awesome meeting you, Zeek. Glad I could help with the celebration. I’ll call you guys in the morning for brunch.” Then he shuffled off to his next destination. Zak and I moved to the bar, and ordered one more drink. We joked with the bartender and watched guys get fucked in the bareback porn on the screen behind the bar. The bartender glanced over his shoulder at the porn video, “Boy, he’s got quite the cock, doesn’t he?” “Yeah, quite nice. Glad to see you guys play the good porn. I hate condoms. Ruins the video,” I said. “Oh, I hear ya. I will only play bareback videos here, and if you have a certain fetish I can usually play that too. So what are you gentlemen up to this evening,” the bartender asked? “We came to check out the action in back, have a few drinks,” replied Zak. “Well I heard you had quite a good time on the patio.” I chuckled, “Boy, doesn’t take long for news to travel, does it?” “Oh, no….not around here. Heard it was quite the show, but I can only imagine since I’m stuck behind the bar. You two are hot men.” “Another round guys?” “Thanks, but it’s time to shove off,” Zak replied. “Ready to go, Zeek?” “Last swig, then I’ll be ready.” “You cool with the bath, babe?” “Absolutely. Looking forward to it. Let’s go.” We walked down the sidewalk to the Steamworks entrance. Zak held the door for me. “After you, my hot pig.” As I walked past he smacked me on the ass then laughed. I was excited, but a little nervous too. Besides Zak, tonight was my first time playing with other guys since I charged up. I was a bit jittery inside, almost like the fear and excitement of going into a gay bar or adult bookstore for the first time. Don’t get me wrong. I have no regrets on pozzing. I find it extremely erotic. It’s just new. It’s still sinking in that I actually AM poz now. We approached the counter and Zak got a sling room on the second floor. I got a locker to save on cost then we both headed upstairs. We stripped down, and before cruising the joint to check out the guys, we made out and sucked each other’s toxic cocks. “Ok, babe. Let’s check out the guys then meet back here in about an hour and get our asses loaded with cum.” We stepped into the hall and closed the door to room 229. Zak proudly showed off his biohazard tattoo above his towel line then strolled off. I wandered off in the opposite direction. I first wanted to check out what I call the “sucking room.” I entered the lower level, and one guy definitely caught my eye. He was about 45 or so with a hairy thin body. He definitely had the poz look of a long time AIDS survivor. His towel hung over the rail next to him standing above me naked. His sunken cheeks showed the effects of his lipodystrophy. With his hands resting on the rail I could see his arms prominently displayed his veins. Dark brown hair wisped across a slightly distented looking abdomen leading to his hot cock. It dangled half-erect between his thin, veiny legs and hung to what looked like a good 8 inches uncut. My cock immediately boned up, and I approached him looking up at his face. He moved in closer to the railing, and his meat danced as it pulsed before me. My mouth watered in anticipation of tasting his poz piece of meat. I grasped his shaft at the base and felt the head of his meat touch my lips before slipping his cock into my mouth. I could taste his sweet, poz precum across my tongue as his cock stiffened and leaked its poison from his piss hole. I reached for my cock and stroked my hard shaft. This man set a burning desire through my body. I wanted his cock and cum inside me. As I continued to deep throat his cock he fucked my face with slow, deep thrusts of his shaft down my throat. My eyes watered, and I nearly gagged several times as I devoured the full length of his massive meat. His cock stiffened and his breathing became more pronounced. He was close to shooting his sweet nectar down my throat, but to my disappointment he pulled his hard meat from my mouth. He looked down at me and said, “I’ll be back boy. Love to plant my seed in you.” As he turned to walk away my cock throbbed in my hand seeing his thin, wasted ass cheeks slowly disappear from the play area. I quickly circled the room and exited from the room hoping to catch a glimpse of him. To my surprise he was coming down the stairs in front me naked and fully erect with his towel in one hand. He walked toward me with his eyes fixed on mine. He winked and reached down and grasped my ass as he brushed against my shoulder. I turned to watch his sexy ass round the corner and disappear down the hall of rooms. While I was sucking the hot AIDS wasted daddy type Zak first hit the bathrooms in all three levels. The display of all his body ink and his sexy, long beard certainly turned a lot of heads along the way. He put notes on the chalk boards in the bathrooms. They read, “Cum dump taking ALL loads in sling room #229….especially love poz seed.” After emptying his bladder at the urinal he wandered through the gloryhole area and down the back stairs to the second floor play spaces with a sling and fuck bench. I wandered the halls that were lined with rooms. I glanced into the ones that had the doors propped open; each displaying a different scene with guys sprawled out on the mattress stroking their cock or lounging on their belly with their bare ass displayed, begging for cock and cum. I rounded the corner and started to cruise down the middle row of rooms. The sounds of someone being fucked projected from a room in the middle of the hall. A few steps closer and I noticed the door was open. As I approached there was my hot boyfriend on his hands and knees on the mattress getting fucked by a young, smooth twink with six pack abs and a scruffy beard. Zak looked up at me and grinned. I dropped my towel open and stroked my cock in the doorway in front of them. The twink slid the full length of his cock from my man’s hole before plunging back into him. His shaft was veiny and thick about 7 inches long. His balls dangled low between his legs smacking Zak’s ass cheeks with each thrust into him. My cock quickly boned up at the sight of my boyfriend impaled on this stud’s meat. Before I knew it, “Fuckin cum in his ass, dude,” escaped from my lips. “You want my cum, man” the twink asked? “Fuck, yes. Give it to me.” I edged myself close to shooting my load but held back, because the pig play was just beginning. My stiff rod leaked its juices, and I smeared my shaft with my virus laced precum as I gave it a few more strokes. A tasty treat for anyone sucking my poz cock. The twink’s breathing became fast and he growled as his body jerked with his cock buried deep in my boyfriend’s ass. I knew he just deposited his load into Zak’s guts. The sight of Zak taking a load of cum before my eyes made my cock throb and dance in the air. “Fucking hot, man,” I said, then wrapped my towel around me. My cock tented my towel in front of me. I blew a kiss to my boyfriend and disappeared from the doorway. About 10 minutes later I ran into Zak outside the “sucking room.” “That was fucking hot seeing you take that twink’s cum.” “You like seeing that too, huh? I love watching you take cum too, Zeek.” “I think we better head to our room, babe. You need to get in the sling.” Once in our room Zak pulled me to him and passionately kissed me. “Fuck, I love you, babe. It’s so awesome having you here with me.” “I love you too, Zak.” “I think you are going to enjoy this. I kind of posted a note on all the bathroom chalk boards.” “You did, huh, and what does this note say?” “Ah….just that a cum dump is in the sling room taking all loads.” I felt a wave of excitement shoot through my body as my cock twitched. “Fuck!! You’re such a pig. I love it.” “Are you ready?” “First you need to get in the sling and feed me that twink’s cum from your hole.” In a flash, Zak was in the sling. A small trickle of cum leaked from his used hole, and I quickly lapped it up then licked around his cunt. I could smell the twink’s cock on my boyfriend’s hole. The taste of his cum mixed with Zak’s ass juices stiffened my cock as I stroked my hard shaft. “Damn, I want to fuck you so badly and plant my poz load in your guts, Zak.” “Slow down, babe. We’ll be making love later tonight with each other loaded with cum.” Zak flipped himself out of the sling, and I took his place. “Thanks for warming it up,” I chuckled. Zak handed me the poppers and opened the door like we were opening a restaurant for business. I held the bottle to my nostril and took a deep breath holding it in before exhaling. The rush hit my head as my heart raced and cock throbbed. I stroked my shaft, and Zak returned to the sling. He lubed his cock and slammed it into my hungry hole. Guys wandered past the open door as Zak thrust into my ass with his pierced rod. A few guys stopped and watched my boyfriend fucking me. Then a sexy, hairy little number walked past the door and stopped. He was bald and bearded, muscular and masculine with a few tattoos down his left arm. He squeezed past the guys lingering at the doorway and walked up to the sling; his towel already fully tented from his hard dick. He dropped his towel to the floor revealing a small biohazard tattoo on his left hip and stroked his 8 inch cock. Sprouting from the base of his poisonous shaft a thick bush of pubic hair led to a sweet treasure trail. The gentle wisp of hair extended up to his belly button. His chest was covered in a thick patch of dark fur. He slowly ran his fingers down my abdomen to my cock like he was checking out a cool sports car. He said, “Fucking sweet!! I’m going to breed you good.” Zak pulled out of my hole as the hairy daddy took his place at my cunt. He lined up his meat and pressed the head to my hole. “You may want to take a hit of those poppers, boy.” I removed the cap, and again inhaled deeply. As the poppers sent me flying, my cock throbbed and cunt puckered. I moaned with pleasure, “Fuck yes. Fuck me.” The hairy stud grabbed the chains to the sling and impaled me on his tool with one hard thrust. My ass engulfed his cock to his balls. His pole hit my prostate, sending waves of pleasure through my body and cock. As the stud plowed my hole, deep and rough, Zak worked his nipples from behind. “Fuck, pinch ‘em hard,” he said to Zak. “Fuck yes!!” Zak and this stud moved in perfect rhythm. As the sling’s gentle swinging motion met the stud’s thrust, his cock repeatedly bottomed out deep in my gut, followed by Zak’s meat grinding between his ass cheeks. “Fuck you feel so good in me. I want your cum in me.” “You’re a cum hungry pig, aren’t you boy? I’ll give it to you…..every drop.” Sweat glistened and ran down our bodies. The intoxicating smell of sex and sweat permiated the room. I took another hit of poppers. As it again kicked in, my hole clamped tight around the stud’s shaft, and my boned cock pulsed. With each massage of my prostate he worked me closer to the edge, and I felt like my jizz could erupt from my piss hole at any minute. He continued to plow into me and gave me no warning. His meat stiffened and thickened even more. It pressed firmly at my cunt’s walls, stretching me open even more. His balls pulled up, and I suddenly felt his cock throbbing in my hole. “Fuckin take my poz cum, bitch,” as he groaned and his body jerked. “Fuck, fuck, yes,” he exclaimed. “Give it to me, fuck.” I could feel each shot of his toxic seed hit my guts. Zak wrapped his arms around the stud and held him as his cock continued to unload in me. The jerking of his body stopped and he panted leaning against Zak. His meat began to soften and slipped from my hole. I looked at my cock, still throbbing against my abdomen and noticed a thick stream of creamy demon seed leaking from the head of my meat. The stud grasped his towel and said, “Thanks pig, enjoy my poz cum in your cunt,” as he exited through the crowd of guys gathered at the door. The next guy walked in, dropped his towel and plowed into my used hole. An hour later a mixture of 7 loads of cum dripped from my gaping cunt. Zak buried two fingers into my hole. Cum gushed out around his fingers and dripped to the floor. He shoved his hard cock into my hole and slipped his cum drenched fingers into my mouth. I licked them clean as he slowly churned the mixture of cum in my gut with his cock. “Fuck, babe, your cummy hole feels so fucking amazing on my shaft.” He pulled his hard meat from my hole. It was coated with cum that dripped from his pole. He knelt at my cunt and lapped up the cum and ass juice leaking out of me. “Fucking sweet, babe.” He stood up and pressed his lips to mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, sharing cum with me as we made out. “Fucking hot, huh” Zak asked? “Oh, fuck,” I said!! I pulled Zak’s lips to mine again and buried my tongue down his throat. The taste of ass, cum and cock again filled my mouth. “Oh my fucking God,” I said. Zak grinned, “This is going to be one fucking hot night, babe.” More to follow……………..
    4 points
  5. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    3 points
  6. So this is a fantasy that's run through my mind so many times I thought I'd share it with you guys. Now I have a real big thing for American men, and I mean big. Nice big American raw cock is something I crave. The wind and the rain are whipping around the house, spring seems so far away. The tv is on but I'm not really paying attention, my eyes are pinned to my laptop, watching my chat buddy from Palm Springs slamming some guy, they're getting off knowing I'm watching and hell am I getting hard watching them. This isn't the first time I've watched Pete slip a needle into a guys vein, straining to watch that flash of blood then the slow push of the plunger, Tina slowly but firmly entering the guys blood, then the cough and the rush. I've seen several times how the bottoms always turn into hungry little whores for Petes cock. There it was, a really clear shot of the flash, wanking my cock hard, wishing it were my arm on the screen, watching as Pete slams me for the first time. From the angle of the shot I can see Petes cock is rock hard, long and straight, the cut head of his cock probably wet with precum. Next thing I know the tornequete is off the guys arm and he's jumping on his host. Pete moves him over to the bed and in one move has him on his back and he's slipping his cock between his lips. Pete likes to get sucked first to make his cock nice and wet, no need for lube when he takes the guys arse. I watch them suck and fuck for a while, think they've forgotten I'm watching, they're both flying. Eventually I can't hold back any longer I can feel the cum boiling deep inside and as I watch Petes raw cock sliding in and out of the bottom guy I let loose a loud groan and a huge load of spunk spurts all over my furry belly. Spent I shut down the laptop and drift off to sleep, dreaming that one day I will meet my american daddy and he will own not just my hole, but my entire body. We'd fuck for days in the California sunshine. A couple of days later my phone buzzes, it's a message from Pete. "So did you enjoy the show the other day". "Fuck yeah, did you have a good night?" "Shit, yeAh was ok, nothing too special, wasn't my hot little Brit boy worshipping my cock". How my hole twitches when he says things like that, and he knows it, he knows how to push my buttons. "Well mate I wish it were me, why are we so fucking far apart". My finger automatically reaches for my hole, teasing it gently. "You could be here, your arm strapped up, a full rig waiting to fill you with lust, you know I have several friends who would love to meet you. I've shown them all the pics of your furry body and hot ass, some are even impressed by your uncut cock but most just want your hole lol" I spit on my finger and shove it deep in my arse, the thought of those American guys wanting me gets me so wound up. Pete knows all my fantasies. "You know I'd be there if I could mate, and you know I'd do anything for you." "I know you would but I know it costs shit loads to get here from England. We'll have to work something out, I need to get you flying and make you the centre of attention for my buds" "Oh fuck I want that so much, you know I'd let anyone fuck me that you choose, would love you to get me real fucked up and whore me out, and I wanna feel your cut cock rubbing my insides as the Tina makes me beg for more" "Hey man, miss Tina is plentiful in this town, you'd make very good friends with her, I might even teach you to slam yourself. What would you say if I told you I could make it happen?" What did he mean? He knows I don't have the sort of cash to get me there. "Oh yeah how you gonna do that? Lol" "Well I haven't really told you all that much about my background. I've been quite lucky in my life and let's just say I'm a man of means" "What do you mean?" "I could fly you out here for a hot week, if I did tho I would own you for the whole week, you would be here to serve my needs, and those of my buddies, I'd treat you well but you would be here for my pleasure" "Yeah yeah, don't tease, you know how much I wanna get fucked up with you. Besides not sure I'd be comfortable with you paying like that anyway". The fantasy is hot but I know that's all it will ever be. Well long story short, two weeks later I'm landing at PSP and Petes mate Steve is waiting for me as arranged to drive me round for a while showing me the sights while Pete gets back from his business trip to San Diego. This guy is obviously lean and with lovely strong looking hairy arms. Pulling into a secluded little spot outside of town I suddenly notice the little bag full of T down by the gear lever. "Pete wants you nice and relaxed, and as I'm his friend you need to do as you're told. Drop ya shorts for me and spread those legs......" Wanna hear more ?
    2 points
  7. This is about my getting a definite re-charge. It took place at my favorite of all places: Man’s Country bath house in Chicago. There is nothing like MC. It’s my home away from home for this dick and cum addict bottom. I’ve got a favorite room which I try to get every visit. This trip was no different and the Dick Gods were with me. I’d snorted and smoked some tina before going to MC. I got to my room, stripped, and put on my chaps, boots, black jock, and harness. I lubed my ass and put out my supplies of lube, poppers, ethyl, and a couple of dildos for in between play. I spent the night as usual of walking a little but mostly in my room on my stomach. On occasion, I’d even see a guy in his room that was mutually interested, and I’d go in. I’d suck him hard, and he’d end up fucking his load in my ass. But, as I said, most of the time I was in my room on my stomach. The men walking by would look in and periodically one of them would walk by the room a couple of times before entering. I’d end up getting fucked and taking a load. I’d spent about 5 hours and taken several loads of cum in my ass when I happened to look at the door just as a tall Black man passed by. He looked at me and stopped long enough for each of us to assess the other. I nodded, and he returned the nod but moved on. Well, I needed something in my ass right then. I turned over on my back to decide. I took one of my dildos, licked the head of it, and shoved it in my ass. Yes, the door stayed open. Hell, I have no problem being watched as I get fucked or while I’m using one of my dildos. I am an exhibitionist and a voyeur. After getting my ass stimulated for a bit, I removed the dildo, licked off the juices, and put it away. I still had enough cum residue in my ass to use as lube. However, I did add a drop of lube to the outside as it was really dry. No sooner finished with that and the last of the gawkers (but no takers) moved on, then the tall Black guy walked by again. He was over 6 feet tall and weighed probably 240 or so as a guess. Girthy is what I call the type. His head was shaved but had a beard and ‘stache as I had. That might have made a connection for us. He looked in my room and smiled but kept going. Damn nice looking man. He came back by my room. This time he moved into the doorway filling it almost completely. He said, “What’s up?” I told him, “What is up is my need to get fucked and filled with another load of cum.” With that, he grinned widely. “You looking to be bred good then,” he said. “All the way breeding.” “Who you looking for to breed you?” he asked. “Any man with a hard dick or a soft dick I can suck and get hard,” I responded. With that, he came in the room and shut the door. He turned to face me as I had begun to get off the bed and stand on the floor. He unhitched his towel and hung it on a hook. I never took my eyes off his face. He placed his big hands on my shoulders and began pushing me downward. I knelt obediently, and he said, “Suck it hard.” I moved forward with great anticipation because I now saw his dick. It was thick with a vein that looked like it was ready to pop on the top of his dick and despite the low lighting it could still be seen. I was not sure if I could get his dick in my mouth let alone suck it. His dick had to be about three quarters the size of a soda can and at least 9 inches long—soft. It was unfortunately cut but it was here in front of me, and I was going to be using his big black cut thick long dick just as surely as he was going to use it for his pleasure in my ass. I reached my hand up to push his dick upward to meet my mouth. It was a tight fit but his dick did go in my mouth. I began sucking on his dick wetting it with my saliva. As much as I tried, I could not get all of his dick in my mouth. I sucked and rolled my tongue around his dick as best that I could while he stood there looking down at me. He let me suck away but then he seemed to pull out of my mouth and re-positioned himself and pushed his dick further into my mouth than it had been. It was much easier sucking but I still could not take all of his dick. I missed the opportunity to go all the way to his pubes. He began fucking my mouth and held my head still with his big hands placed on either side of my head. He face fucked me for quite awhile, and I loved every stroke he made. His dick then began to truly fill my mouth to the max. This was a pro of a man. He sensed that I had just about reached my limit and withdrew his dick and chuckled. “You did good. A lot better than most guys.” Even after he had withdrawn his dick, it continued to grow and soon was sticking out from his body with that big vein on top looking to be even bigger now. His dick had a slight upwards angle. The mushroom head glistened with my spit, and the piss slit stood ready to discharge his gooey load of cum. I was beginning to get heady from the thought of that huge black dick going into my ass; but take it I was determined to do. This man was going to breed me good and hard. He told me to get up and to bend over the edge of the bed. I did. “Lube?” he asked. I pointed to the bottle of lube. “You sure you want me to breed you?” he asked. “Yes; definitely.” I said. “Once I start, man, I’m not stopping,” he told me. “Just make sure I’m good and ready to take a breeding from you. Make my ass good and ready for all of you.” I told him. “You got poppers for yourself? You’re going to need them,” he told me. I reached over from where I was bent over the edge of the bed and retrieved my ethyl can and bandana. I was ready. “You got spray. Good. Better than poppers. You’re going to need it. I’ll tell you when to hit and when I do, take the biggest mothafuckin hits you’ve ever done.” With that, nothing more was said. He went to work on my ass. I felt a thick calloused finger jam into my ass. Oh, yes; this was going to be a breeding from Hell . . . and I was sure I'd love it. He worked his finger around inside finally beginning to fuck me with it. He did that maybe a half a minute and then inserted a second calloused finger in my ass. This rough edged finger fucking of his was only the beginning stage for him. He fucked with those two fingers for several minutes until he was satisfied. I was almost at the point of taking a hit but didn’t. He had shoved his fingers all the way inside my ass as far as he could reach. I wiggled around trying to accept more of them. I then felt him beginning to turn his fingers trying to rotate them and then pulling them out of my ass. As he pulled out, I could feel his nails scraping and tearing. He pulled almost all the way out and then shoved them back inside where he rotated slightly his fingers and began scraping and tearing my insides again. This he repeated several times until he had scraped 360 degrees on my insides. Round two came immediately after completing his initial scraping runs. He finally withdrew his fingers and said, “Take a look. You’re ready.” I looked at the fingers he was holding in front of my face, and they were tinged with blood. I was ready; my ass was ready; he was ready. He said, “I’m going to pop your kunt good.” I knew he was. I heard him say to spray my bandana and did so. He told me to spray more, and I did. “Now, exhale and take that big hit; take several big hits,” he said. I exhaled quickly and as I did so I felt his hands pulling my ass cheeks apart wide and the mushroom head of his big black dick line up with my hole. In an instant I shoved the bandana in my mouth and inhaled as quickly as possible. I quickly exhaled through my nose and as soon as possible again inhaled through the bandana in my mouth. I did a third though the last was not as deep as the first two as I was very wobbly. In the two fast inhales of air, I had inhaled a huge amount of the ethyl into my lungs getting some air but mostly the ethyl; the third I wasn't sure how much of the spray I got. I could feel it hitting my system and began to go limp as I continued to inhale more and more of the ethyl. I had to get as much into me as possible. With the start of about the fourth bit of inhaling this big Black man with his big black huge veined dick rammed that black dick all the way into my ass as I was slipping into unconsciousness. The pain I could tell was excruciating but was off in a distance somewhere—it wasn’t here with me now. With the T I had done hours earlier and now the huge amount of ethyl, I held my own. I bounced back and forth in passing out totally and yet being pulled back to reality from the pain. I then became aware that he was pounding my ass with full strokes of his massive thick black dick that was splitting my ass open while his full entry thrusting was hitting me on the inside and creating a very well used area as a bumper. As I began to rouse more, I felt him shove his big black dick all the way inside me and lean over taking the bandana from my mouth and the ethyl spray can from my hand. He heavily sprayed the bandana again, shoved it in my mouth, and said, “Breathe deeper this time, man or I’m going to kill you.” I exhaled as much as I could still being in somewhat of a stupor and then inhaled even harder than before. This hit me real good. My head hit the mattress and my arms were totally useless as I felt my whole body go blank. I was in such a place of unknowing and unawareness. I did finally begin to recover and felt my body being shaken by something. It kept shaking me. Was I caught in a wind storm? No, it was hitting me; something was hitting me in the same place. My head began to clear more. I finally began to stir and felt my bandana being removed from my mouth. Then I slowly roused myself to reality and found myself face down on my bed with my ass being fucked by a Black man I had only just met. His big veined thick long black dick was invading my ass and pushing my endurance to the limits yet I knew I would never tell him to stop . . . not that he would. I continued to become alert as he continued to thrust his black dick in and out of my ass stretching it open to new limits and hitting new depths inside me. I knew this was a man who knew not only how to fuck but how to breed an ass and fill it full of his glorious wonderful poison which I lusted to take. As I began moving about, he began a torrent of name calling and telling me what he was doing to me. “I’m fucking your kunt you white bitch. You are mine now. You are going to open your kunt to my black dick every time I see you. I won’t even ask; you’ll just offer it up to me. You’re nothing but a white bitch kunt for men like me to breed and fill with our poz loads. You’re going to take my black dick and every black dick or every dick I tell you to take up your kunt and ride them until they nut in your hole. You’re going to get a mix of the best poz strains I can find.” I slowly as if in a trance reached my hands out to the wall facing me placing them firmly there. I then began meeting his forward thrusts with almost equal thrusts backwards so that his invasion of my ass with his thrusts hit my insides even harder. Surely, I would be bruised from the pounding I was taking. The pain of such fucking had changed now to utter ecstasy of taking his dick the full length while he stretched my hole as wide as his dick had swelled. He slammed into me as I impaled myself onto his dick for a very long time. Each of us had begun to sweat. I could feel the sweat on my own body and the sweat from his body dripping onto my body mixing with my sweat. I was definitely being fucked in a way that had avoided me for a long time. This was how I needed to take dick and cum: hard, driven, deep, purposeful. But with all that fucking and we each had definitely met another man who enjoyed fucking the same way there reaches the point where all the ball slamming he did against my ass I knew we were reaching the end of the fuck. His grip on my hips became tighter. His thrusts came even harder and deeper. I let go of the wall and reached behind me attempting to pull my ass cheeks as open as possible so that he could drive deep in me as possible. He moved his hands down from my hips placing each of his hands on my cheeks with the heel of his palm inside the crack of my ass. He pulled my cheeks open wide and began to drive deeper and harder still. I clamped my sphincter around his big black wonderful hard dick every time he pulled out of my ass. I was going to milk every poison sperm out of his dick and into my white kunt. He spit out at me, “Take my fucking dirty load you white kunt bitch. I’m filling your white kunt with all my poison. You are MINE now.” With that he shoved his black hard dick all the way in my white kunt and began to spasm unleashing salvo after salvo of his hot thick creamy poison DNA into my bloody white bred kunt. He held his dick inside me as each wave of his cum shot through his dick and into me but then would occasionally pull half out to ram into my kunt once again. I kept milking his dick but after several minutes he slowly began to pull out of my ass. I clamped down on his dick to drain any late arrivals. He stepped back from me, I stood up barely but knelt dutifully and with gratitude if not reverence took his dick gently into my mouth and sucked on it until he was clean. The taste was superb. He was still hard but ever so slowly softening. Still, he had a beautiful black dick which did wonderful things to my ass. He pulled me to my feet and shoved his tongue down my throat in total surprise to me. Had I not just left his dick I’d have sworn he had just shoved his dick back in my mouth. He pulled away and said, “Man, you know how I love to fuck and can take it. What are you doing the rest of the night?” “I’m going to get fucked by as many men as possible but none that will fuck me like I just got fucked . . . and bred. And, if no other men want to fuck, I’ve always got my dildos.” “What dildos?” he asked. “I’ve got two black ones to keep me company at slow times.” I turned and reached to the backside of the bed shoving my hand under the mattress removing one and then the other. One is a biggy with balls while the other is an average size and a simple stop slip of latex to keep it from being sucked into an ass. Eyeing them, my Black breeder took the bigger one. “Get on your back with your ass at the edge,” he said. I did so. I soon felt the head of the big black dildo pushing against my ass. He continued to push, and with one steady speed, he shoved that big dildo all the way in. He began twisting it and fucking my ass. “I’m making sure you’re going to get a good breeding from me.” Once satisfied, he withdrew the big black dildo taking the smaller one and put it to my mouth. I opened my mouth, and he inserted it where I sucked on it. He removed it and shoved it all the way inside my ass. “Good. Now, none of that poison will come out easily.” He pulled me up off the bed and smiled and said, “You like getting fucked by Black men, don’t you?” “I get fucked by any man, but, yes, Black men know how to fuck the best. And, a very rare few Black men REALLY know how to fuck and breed a white kunt like mine.” “How long you here for?” he asked. “A couple more hours maybe. It depends on how things go.” “I want some more of that white piece of kunt. I think I deserve it, don’t you?” I laughed shaking my head in total agreement. “Any time you want in my kunt, it’s yours.” “I’ve got a couple of more hours myself. I’ll be back for a nightcap before I leave. You have fun until then; just don’t leave without my fucking you again though.” I smiled and said, “You’ve got another E-ticket to ride my kunt before we leave here.” With that, he draped his towel around his waist, opened the door, and left. From the three guys standing outside my door, there must have been a convention in town. I wondered what it could be. I smiled and nodded at the three and returned to my bed. Settling down on the mattress remembering the superb fucking and breeding I had just received. My sweat covered body began to cool down evaporating the sweat. It’s such a rarity to find a man like this one had been who really knows how to mix verbal with the right temperament of fucking a whore’s hole such as mine and has the equipment to make the fuck into a super memorable event. And, event it was. I took the corner of the sheet and wiped my head and face removing the last vestige of sweat. I had no sooner put my head back on my pillow when I heard a voice at the door, “Man, you must be a helluva fuck. I know dat dude who jus lef. Bet dat was a hot fuck to watch.” I turned and smiled saying, “He’s a helluva fucking breeder. You interested in breeding my white kunt?” “Might be.” “Well, when you know, stop by and let me know.” I don’t spend idle time talking any man into fucking me. He either has a load in him ready to get out or he doesn’t. This guy stood there a moment or two but finally came in the room shutting the door behind him. “You sho yo’ up to ‘notha fuck?” he asked. “I’m always ready for a fuck . . . even if I’m not. Any man or men, any dick, any piss, any cum, any time, any where, no questions asked is my mantra.” I slipped off the bed as he removed his towel. He was my height (5’ 10”), Black, had a kinky fur covered chest, clean shaven, and very close-cut head of hair. I hung his towel on the hook and sank to my knees. His dick was a nice size probably about 7 inches and cut. I sucked his dick into my mouth and began going up and down on the full length giving the entire length my attention. I swirled my tongue around the shaft much to his delight. I could feel his dick growing more and more. As soon as his dick got fully erect, I sucked on it a couple of more minutes and then stood up. I turned and bent over the edge of the bed. As I did I remembered the dildo. I reached back and pulled it out and put it to the side. “Man, yo had dat in ya? How come?” I told him so that none of the cum would leak out of me. I bent over the edge of the bed again and felt him line up his black dick with my white kunt. I could feel him moving the head of his dick around until it was below my hole. “Man, push some of that cum out.” I began to squeeze until I felt the liquid running down from my ass and stopped. “Yeah, yo a fuckin’ ho for cum. I’m gonna nut in you good.” I started to reach for my ethyl when he plunged full length. Oh, yes, some minor pain but I had just had a helluva fuck that made me ready for this black dick. This man plowed my hole from all angles. He was just as determined though and drove in me deep. “Man yo gotta have a gallon in you.” I was content to have it in me; he could guess the quantity as far as I was concerned. I just wanted to add his load to my mix. This man fucked with a determination and before long I heard him gasping for air and began feeling him tightening his grip on my hips. He then reached down grabbed my cheeks pulling them wide open and drove all the way in me as hard and as far as he could go. He then reached up grabbing my shoulders and pushed his dick harder still in my ass. I could feel his dick throbbing and bobbing in my ass knowing that he was depositing another good load of cum from another black man. He relaxed his grip, raised up, and pulled out. His dick was replaced by him shoving the small black dildo into my ass. He smacked my ass twice, laughed, put his towel around his waist, and left. I got up straightened up the sheet a bit and climbed back into the bed settling myself. I looked at my watch. I had a couple of hours left. I laid there hearing men pass by. I decided to go for a walk and probably my last one for the night. I got up off the bed, put my right foot up on the edge, and reached around to pull out the black dildo. As I did, a tall white guy with long hair and hairy chest walked by. He stopped and looked. “Just keeping the home fires ready,” I said. He laughed and moved on. I swallowed the dildo licking it clean then put it next to the big one, tested my ass with my fingers and found them very wet. I knew though going for a walk I needed to be sure I had some lube just in case. I added a small amount just for test feels. Upstairs I went and twice around it looking for a dick to fuck me. Then, back to first floor to get to The Pit. On my first walk around, some nice lookers but nothing that grabbed my attention or that gave me any indication of interest. Back around I went only to walk past a room whose door was previously closed. Now, it was open and in it was the white guy who had watched me remove the black dildo. I stopped. He smiled at me in his dimly lit room. I stepped in and closed it behind me. He stood up. He was a bit taller about 6 feet. Sandy blond hair, blue or green eyes, smooth chest, and from the looks he lifted weights. “You’re the dude upstairs who gets barebacked, aren’t you?” “Yes.” I said. “You interested?” “Sure. I need to get going though.” Not to stand in any man’s way, I turned around and bent over. “No, I need you to lay flat on the bed and me on top.” I climbed on the bed and lay down spreading my legs. He climbed on tossing his towel at our feet. I could sense he was jacking his dick. He knelt on the bed behind me jacking until I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart. That was what he needed to see—he was a visual stimulus man. Not long after that, he began to settle down on top of me. I felt his dick hit the outside of my hole on the first try. He then sank slowly into me filling my kunt with a dick that could have been the twin of the black guy earlier. He was stretching my ass completely wide open and was pushing inward fully. He wasn’t as long but he did have about the same girth on him. He settled his dick in my ass and laid totally on top of me crushing me into the bed. Whatever it takes to get fucked and take a load of cum. He began pistoning in and out of my ass slowly. He had put his left arm around my throat raising my head upwards. The right hand had slipped beneath me, and he began squeezing my pierced right nipple harder and harder. As he began twisting and squeezing my nipple he picked up the speed on his fucking. This man liked to destroy nipples as he fucked. It became obvious that my nipples were directly now wired to his dick and balls. In no time, he was squeezing my nipple as if he was going to twist it off while choking me with his other arm. When I was about to protest, he began slamming his dick into my ass until one final thrust which sent his body into tremors and shaking. He was shooting his load in my kunt. One more load for the night. He eased off my nipple and my throat but took a little to recover from shooting his load of cum. Finally, pushing himself up off me, he stood up as did I. “Thanks,” he said. I nodded and left to return to my room. On my way back, I passed a short black man who slapped my ass as we passed. I turned back to look at him and said, “Only if you mean it.” I kept walking. When I got to my room, I heard a voice say, “I mean it.” We both went in. “You the barebacker I heard about?” he asked. “I suppose so. I bareback,” I said. “I mean with Black men.” “Yes.” “I heard you take on any black man.” “As long as it’s bareback, yes.” “Let me see your ass.” I bent over the edge of the bed. He turned up the light and began looking at my ass. “How many loads of cum have you taken?” “For tonight, at least a dozen.” With that, he drove his tongue into my ass deep. This small-framed Black man had a huge tongue and knew how to use it. He fucked me with his tongue for a few minutes rising finally tossing his towel onto the bed beside me. I heard him spit and then felt him moving closer lining his black dick up to my hole. He drove all the way in and began immediately pumping my hole. Not a bad dick. Not huge but not a Wee Willy Winky like mine either. He fucked me for awhile and then stopped to move his dick to the left and right. His technique which I’ve had done before. Whatever it takes to get a man off and get his load in my ass I always say. He continued to fuck me and waggle his dick inside me. He then asked, “You ready for this load?” “Yes.” He pounded my ass hard. He made no sounds other than his skin hitting my ass and the sound of his dick slopping in and out of my kunt. The entire time he kept fucking. He stopped and slowly began pulling his dick out. As soon as his dick was out, he shoved his fingers up in me as far as they would go. He began scraping the insides with his nails. “That ought to bug you good.” With that comment, he was out the door. Oh, well. Some men don’t know to stick around and wait for proper thanks. It was getting close to my departure time. I thought about going for a walk to find my Black breeder but decided against it. He knew where I was. I started to change putting in my bag my leather and other gear. I was pulling the sheet off the bed when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood my Black breeder. He entered the room and shut the door. I noticed he was dressed and had his linens with him. I said, “I thought you might have left without saying good-bye. I’ve got to check out now.” “I’m leaving with you. Get your stuff and let’s go. I’m taking you home with me. I’m going to breed your ass all night and tomorrow as well. I’ve got a lot planned out for your white kunt. You’re going to be my bitch, and I’m going to teach you what that means.” “You drive? I didn’t.” he asked. “No. I’ll get us a cab though,” I said. Outside, I stepped to the curb looking up and down the street. Finally sighting one headed to The Loop, I put my hand up, and he pulled over. We crossed the street and got in. He gave the address, and the driver pulled out. We arrived what felt like hours later but realistically in about 20 minutes. I paid the driver who went on his way. I followed him into a small house where he closed and locked the door behind us. “Bring your things with you.” I followed him toward the back to a bedroom. “Drop them in the corner there and strip. You don’t need clothes on, and they will only get in my way. You get fucked any more?” “Yes; I got fucked and took three more loads of cum after you. None delivered like you did though.” It was no lie and not intended to be a suck up to him. I had removed all my clothes by then as had he. I walked toward him. “Yeah, that’s good. I like a kunt who loves to get fucked and bred a lot mixing all those loads together. Here’s the deal. I can breed you some more and you leave here or you can become my white kunt bitch. At any rate, you’ll still get bred by me but it will have some perks with it.” “I dig using white men like you. You real guys know what being a whore is about. You’ve been around and are addicts to being fucked and bred. You don’t care who it is, what size a dick is, or if it shoots dirty or clean. I dig breeding your ass just the way I did tonight and that’s how I breed every time with a white kunt bitch like you. You don’t want it that way every time, now’s the time to say so. I also dig on sharing your white kunt with all my buds and any other man I think might tear your ass up. I make any off you is mine. Your pay is getting your white kunt fucked and bred good. When not with me, you can get fucked all you want. But, when with me, I say who fucks you and who doesn’t. Don’t even ask about someone fucking you and no one goes in your kunt without my okay. You understand?” I looked at him closely and for some time considering his words. I knew what I was going to answer but didn't want to seem too eager. “Yes, I totally understand,” I said. “Good. You dress me and undress me. You bathe me. You clean my house. You take my piss and drink it or take it up your ass. What I do to you is use you. You belong to me. You got it?” “Yes, I understand,” I repeated. “Now, last thing. I enjoy beating and doing some sadistic things to my white kunts. Come with me.” We left the bedroom and went to a set of steps leading to a basement. Down we went with him turning on lights as we went. We arrived finally at a door where he stopped turning to me and saying, “If this shit isn’t going to work for you, tell me upfront. I know what I like and get it my way.” With that, he opened the door turning on the lights to what I can only describe as a terrible place of torture and pain inducing scenes. Jackpot, man! Though not often given the opportunity to indulge in this side of me, when the chance arose, it was never turned down. I surveyed this room with all the instruments, devices, toys, and other items of torture as if I had just had the best Christmas, and it wasn’t even December. I walked slowly around the room taking in everything that I saw. I turned to him and said, “Sir, may I speak bluntly?” He nodded assent. I looked directly at him, then, bowing my head slightly I knelt on the floor. “Sir, I have certain limits. I do not participate in activities involving minors, females, scat, gun play, cbt, shaving, fire, condoms, cologne, breakables, punching or beating to abuse, permanent alterations, or items that will render my ass incapable of being used. I have a mass on my right testicle as a result of a major injury in childhood. I can and do wrap my ball sac in a leather band or wrap a rope around it multiple times to push my balls downward. Done that way I can take a parachute and some weight on them.” Total honesty to his face. He moved slowly about the room. I knelt there knowing that this could go either way. Finally, he said, “But, you’d become a white kunt bitch owned by me when we are together with me breeding you and choosing who I let breed you also?” I weighed my thoughts carefully before speaking. I needed to be sure that I said precisely the right thing as this was a unique man and opportunity. I spoke slowly saying, “Sir, you would own me as a white kunt bitch. I will clean your house, bathe you, dress you, undress you, willingly accept you breeding me as you did earlier, willingly accept only those you approve to breed me when we are together, and willingly accept your sadistic play as long as the limits I outlined are respected.” This time he weighed my words as he continued to walk around the room. He stopped turning to me and said, “You will not wear any leather items until you earn the right.” I told him that my biker boots were all the footwear that I had. I wore only them and had no other shoes. He agreed to them. He walked across the room to me, pulled me upright, then guided me to a St. Andrew’s cross. He fastened my wrists and ankles to the cross. I was going to get my first sample of his work. He walked across the room, and I heard him selecting some items. He returned soon. He leaned into my ear and said, “Imagine this with all my might. Imagine this when I am angry or displeased. You better not let this drop out of my kunt bitch.” I felt his hand prying open my cheeks and soon felt an unlubed dildo being rammed into my ass full length. At least it wasn’t that thick. I sucked on that dildo with my ass with great determination not knowing what else to expect. I soon found out. I felt the multiple strands of a flogger hit my ass making me jump in surprise. He continued to strike my legs, arms, back, and ass moving from one area to another. No blow was with much force but the multiple strikes and the not knowing which area was going to be hit next kept my mind racing while trying to focus on not dropping the dildo he had shoved in my ass. I could feel with each strike the dildo sliding out a little as a result of my body jerking and my sphincter not closing completely because of all the cocks that had fucked me through the night. I continued to focus harder on sucking on that dildo with my ass while the flogging continued. Shortly, it stopped. I was heightened to sensitivity and breathing heavily while my body glistened in a new round of sweat. I began letting down my expectation of being hit. Then, I heard the flogger cutting through the air once more and braced for its impact. It struck solidly on my back tensing me once again and an immediate reaction of clamping my ass cheeks together as I felt the dildo slide outward. I held that dildo in my ass with my sphincter clamped down on it until all of a sudden what part of it was not in my ass returned to the inside of me and then immediately all of that dildo was yanked out causing my ass to feel totally empty while my sphincter clamped down onto nothing. There was a beautiful pain about being emptied that way. “Kunt, you are going to do me great.” I was released from my bindings and followed my owner upstairs and back to the bedroom. He went into the bathroom having me to follow him. He told me to piss into the toilet which I did. I didn’t realize how full of water I was. He then had me to get in the tub with him and told me to take his dick in my mouth. “I’m going to piss and replenish your bladder. Learn to drink my piss and not lose any.” He began to piss slowly and I greedily drank. The water came faster and I had to drink faster. I kept pace with his flow with only a few dribbles coming out of the corners of my mouth. “Good. Now, we go to bed.” We left the bathroom and got into bed. I realized how tired I was and coming off the T I had snorted and smoked. I started to move closer to him when he sat up and tossed the covers back. He felt around the bed finding my hand and took it to his dick where I found he was rock hard. Without hesitating I started to scoot down to suck his beautiful huge black dick when he twisted me around and began rising up on his knees. I finally realized he wanted me face down. As I moved into that position, I also spread my legs. His massive black huge veined dick found its target soon enough, and he plunged once more into my, no, his kunt. It did after all belong to him now. He fucked me almost as hard as he had at Man’s Country. The only thing making it easier was the soft mattress he had on his bed compared to the bath house mattress which is next to nothing. I could feel the entire length of his dick slam into my ass as the opening spread wide to accept his glistening black dick. As he fucked me more, I became aware that he had plunged into my ass without the aid of any lube. What was lubricating his dick were all the loads of cum that I had taken at Man’s Country including his own load of cum. He continued to pummel my ass with his dick saying nothing but using all of his energy to ram his black cut thick dick into his kunt and to breed once more the kunt that now belonged to him. He fucked for a good while until he began gasping for breath and pounding into my ass harder and harder. He slammed forward into my ass and held his dick there unleashing all too soon for me his sperm once more. I savored every ounce of his tainted DNA entering my ass. He lay on top of me for several minutes regaining his composure. With regret for me, he soon pulled his wonderful black dick out of my ass and got out of bed. I heard him across the room searching for something. He returned to the bed shortly and found my ass. He shoved his big middle finger in and began scratching me with his nail. I adjusted to allow easy access. He continued silently finally pulling his finger out with the deed done. I then felt something hard at the entrance of my ass and then a big shove. He had found my small black dildo and was using it as a butt plug. He shoved his middle finger in my mouth, and I obediently sucked it clean just as a white kunt bitch should do. He then turned my back to him with my neck resting on his arm and fell asleep.
    2 points
  8. Part 4 The rest of the day was spent soaking in the pool and laying in the sun chatting. I didn't take the tail out all day, after a light dinner Pete gave me a Valium and tucked me up in bed telling me I had a big day tomorrow. I must have slept heavily as I didn't hear Pete come to bed, when I woke early he was laying naked beside me sound asleep. I looked at the clock and it was really early so I got up, did what I needed to in the bathroom and slipped the tail back in my arse, Pete still being asleep I headed outside to the pool. Stretching out naked on a sun lounger I reflected on where I was and what was in store for me, lazily I stroked my cock, not trying to cum but just enjoying the feeling of it in my hand and the sensations my hand gave it. My thoughts were disturbed by an bronzed naked man cleaning the pool, I don't know how long he'd been there but he seemed to be paying more attention to my cock than the pool, proved by his hardness bouncing around in front of him. My eyes were fixed on his cock when suddenly a voice whispered in my ear "you like Ian's cock?" "Yeah, fucking nice". "Wanna suck it a little?" I replied by nodding my head and Pete beckoned him over. "My friend here would like to suck your cock Ian". He smiled and stepped forward, sitting up I went straight down on it as far as I could. "Good boy, enjoy it but not too much". His cock must have been about 8" and a thickness that was enough to fill my mouth. It tasted of chlorine, I guess Ian likes a dip in the pools he cleans. Pete was rubbing the back of my head and pushing me further down, I gagged a little but he just pushed a little harder. I could tell he was getting close to cumming, his body stiffened and he began breathing heavily, I increased my sucking frantically sliding his cock in and out of my mouth determined to get that salty taste on my tongue. Pete pulled me away telling Ian that was enough for now, throughly disappointed I did note that he said for now. The rest of the day was spent by the pool, staying hydrated, and desperately trying to get Pete to fuck me again, but no I was told that was for later. In the late afternoon we had a bite to eat before Pete told me to go shower and clean myself out thoroughly "I want you clean boy, your hole is gonna get some use tonight" it twitched a little at the thought. Spending some time in the shower I washed myself inside and out, taking some time on my insides. As I headed out of the bedroom I heard men's voices down the hall, I figured as is already been told to stay naked then I should do just that and headed to the living room with no clothes on. Pete was stood chatting to two guys "ah here's the guest of honour. Martin this is Simon and Stuart, they're gonna join us tonight". I walked over and smiled, they were both tall and lean, Simon had short dark hair, Stuart slightly longer silver hair, both had chiseled looks, with just the right amount of stubble. Pete suggested we head out to the hot tub, we all agreed and the other three men removed their clothes before we all went outside and slipped into the warm water, me between the two visitors. Chatting for a while a could feel there legs against mine, hands roaming under the water, I got my first feel of both their cocks, simon was a nice size and uncut, Stuart slightly smaller and circumcised. Pete was watching and I could tell he knew what was going on under the water. "Boy, I promised you as much Tina as you could take didn't I?" I nodded in agreement. "Well now is time for you to take your first slam." Oh fuck, I've only been slammed four times before across three sessions, I'd been craving that rush again, longing for it. Pete moved in front of me and told me to hop up on the side, he was directly in front of me as the other two jumped up beside me. Stuart reached down and pulled up a tray covered with a cloth, he removed the cloth to reveal six syringes, I could see each of them were full of a clear liquid, the stuff I wanted in my veins so much. He placed the tray beside him, reached down and picked up a leather strap. Quickly the leather strap was tightly buckled around my bicep, Stuart turned a little to face me and pulled my arm out so the back of my hand lay against his naked thigh Pete held both my legs and told me to clench and unclench my fist which I dutifully did as Stuart looked for a vein. I watched as he picked up the rig laying across the top of two more, obviously separate for me, and with his teeth he removed the cap. I was still pumping my fist as he brought the needle to my skin, he spent some time aiming it and then with a sharp jab he pierced my skin. I watched as he moved the tip of the pin around a little looking for the vein. He pulled the plunger back and there it was, that flash of blood spurting in, "oh fuck" I knew what was coming. Stuart just held the rig in place when I heard Pete, "this is gonna be a big slam boy, I know you've never had one like this, it's gonna make you cough, maybe feel like you can't catch your breath, don't panic just ride it, we're here with you. You ready?" Unable to take my eyes of the syringe in my arm, the clear liquid now red at one end, I just nodded. Pete told Stuart to go for it and I watched as he gently pushed the plunger down, I watched as the black rubber seal in the clear tube got closer to the end, I could feel a tingle as the liquid entered my arm but I knew what was coming would be far more intense. After what seemed like minutes the plunger hit home, quickly the strap was off my arm, and then it hit me, hit me like a train. Just as the shit hit my brain I coughed, I coughed hard, I had a funny taste at the back of my throat and yeah I felt like I couldn't breath, shit had they given me too much. I gasped for air but after two breaths my lungs relaxed, miss Tina was filling my whole body now, the rush was like nothing else, it was as if I'd been waiting my whole life for this moment. The rush just got stronger and stronger, I was on fire. I was suddenly aware of the puppy tail plug in my arse, the tail between my legs, I was also aware of me just saying "oh fuck" over and over again. Pete wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into the water and stood me in front of Stuart. I watched as Stuart picked a rig from the other end of the tray and repeated the process with his own arm. I couldn't take my eyes off the syringe, turns me on so much to watch a guy slam me but also to watch a guy do himself. A little cough and he was there, in my world. Pete slid me across to stand in front of simon and I watched again, Stuart dropped into the water and stood behind me rubbing my cock and tweaking the plug in my arse. Another cough and simon was in the water too standing to one side of me rubbing my arse cheeks. Now I'm stood in front of Pete watching as he prepped his hit, the blood shot into the syringe with such force and I let out another "fuck". Resting his fingers under the rig he took my hand and told me to push the plunger in, very slowly. My hands were shaking from the rush but somehow I managed it, and slowly I pushed. All in and the needle came out and I saw Petes face light up and he grinned. I could sense Petes cock guiding me down so I bent over and sucked it into my mouth, the Tina made me want it so bad, all 3 cocks inside me at once was what I wanted. His cock was rock hard and I could feel it stretching my mouth as I bobbed up and down. I felt one of the other guys playing with my tail when suddenly it was yanked from my arse and then I felt something hard pushing at my hole, I didn't miss a stroke on Petes cock as I felt the one behind me slowly push into me, I swear I felt every vein as that raw shaft slowly slid in. I let out such a moan but kept Pete in my mouth. I didn't know which one was fucking me but then a pair of hands spread my arse cheeks for the other and I drove back onto that hard rod. Whoever it was pounded me hard now forcing me onto Petes cock, I looked up and saw him watched me get fucked, I could tell he was happy and that made me happy too. I heard a voice say "my turn" and then my hole was empty, movement behind me told me they were swapping over, fuck nothing like one cock after the other I thought, and there it was pushing against me, I pushed back hard and it popped inside me. I was getting fucked frantically now, my hole body shoved forward with each thrust. I noticed simon climbing up on the side, right beside Pete and he was playing with his cock, I looked up at his face and he motioned down to his cock so I replaced my mouth with my hand on Pete and swallowed Simons cock down as far as I could go. "Shit I'm gonna blow" came from behind me, I began groaning loudly on the cock in my gob as my arse got truly fucked, the seed started pumping deep inside me, my mind was racing with the thought of it, cum deep in my guts coating my insides, each spurt from the end of the cock filling me a little more. The fucking slowed and Stuart collapsed on my back "fucking good boy, very fucking nice". I released the cock from my mouth and looked up at Pete, "good lad, you're doing well". Let's take this inside shall we". Then I felt my tail being plugged back into my hole and they carefully lifted me out of the tub........
    2 points
  9. That's hot ^ I wouldnt mind a guy slipping me a roofie then I wake up naked, clothes thrown everywhere in the motel room, and my ass is super sore and filled with enough cum to fill a moat :D I also want to be the only bottom to like ten or more guys and a mix of poz (preferably not medicated) and neg guys
    2 points
  10. Got home and had messages on A4A from two guys visiting from out of town that I had talked to last night. One was free now and another later in the evening. Went over to the first one's hotel and he unloaded right up my ass after giving me a good pounding. Messaged the second guy and told him I was free to come over and he gave me his hotel/room number. I think he was a little surprised to find my hole already loaded, but didn't hesitate to fill me up again. All in all, a good evening.
    2 points
  11. Went to Flex here in Atlanta Sunday night. Decent crowd, fucked and bred a 25yo in the sauna. Skinny body, 5'10", 5 inch cut cock. Plowed him, went to clean up, about 45 minutes later saw him in the sauna again. I went over to see if he wanted another load, he said sure, so gave him two loads. He was happy, and so was I.
    2 points
  12. Part 2 "Pete wants you nice and relaxed, and as I'm his friend you need to do as you're told. Drop ya shorts for me and spread those legs." I looked at Steve, his face covered with dark stubble, his neck thick and strong. He's playing with his cock through his shorts, I can see the bulge quite clearly, like me he's obviously not wearing underwear. My eyes catch his again and he just raises he's eyebrows and looks down to my shorts. Well I know Pete has paid a lot of money to get me here and this is obviously the start of me doing as I'm told. So I undo the tie holding my shorts up and push them down, I hadn't realised just how hard I'd gotten and my cock springs out, my PA just peeking out the end of my foreskin. I spread my legs as wide as I can, my shorts tight around my ankles. "Step out of one leg for me, shift your ass forward on the seat and spread those legs wide". I do as I'm told and now my hole is exposed right on the edge of the seat and I realise why the seat was pushed so far back when I got in the car, this was obviously planned. Steve slides his finger in his mouth and covers it with spit. Leaning over he reaches between my legs and finds my hole through the hair and rubs the spit around, I can feel my hole relax and then he just slides right in, his finger opening me up a little before he slides a second one in. Slowly he pulls his fingers out and grabs the bag of T, fuck I know what's coming. He opens the bag, spit on his fingers again and reaches in, he rummages around and next thing I know he's showing me two big shards on his index finger, he smiles and reaches down between my legs. "Spread your cheeks for me, don't wanna drop this shit". I do as I'm told and with both hands pull my cheeks apart. I can feel his middle finger finding my hole and then his other finger pushes the crystals inside me. As his finger swirls around inside me I suddenly start to feel the burn. His second finger joins the first and he's stirring around in my guts and I know the stuff is dissolving inside me, I can feel the warmth and then I feel it start to spread. I throw my head back against the seat and close my eyes, not sure how long I stayed like that but I'm enjoying a nice gentle rush sweeping over my entire body. Steve seemed to be enjoying my hole, another finger goes in and now he's really stretching me. I lift my legs up, one foot against the door the other on the centre console, Steve pulls out and gets another shard then brings his hand under my leg and quickly he's pushing back inside me, stirring the third shard around inside me. My groans fill the car and I want more now, I need more than just his fingers. Devastated he pulls out, leans back and looks over at me and smiles "Petes gonna love your hole" He's got his cock out now and he's holding it and beckoning me to it with his eyes. Leaning over I take hold of it and admire it for a while, cut as to be expected, and there's a single drop of precum which I quickly lick off with a swipe of my tongue, tastes sweet. I can't wait anymore and I open my lips slightly and try to take as much in my mouth as I can. By now the Tina is flowing through my body and I'm hungry for it, my whole body craves cock, I don't just want it, I need it. I begin to suck his cock with all the skills I can, using my tongue and the roof of my mouth to stimulate the head and Steve is moaning, I think I'm doing well. Letting his cock free I look up at him and ask him to fuck me, well not so much ask as beg. "With time boy but not now, Pete will be your first not me, so suck my cock". With that he pushes my head back down on his cock, well if he won't fuck me I'm sure as hell gonna get his load in my mouth. I didn't have to wait long, I can hear him moaning louder, his cock seems to get even harder so I pick up my pace desperate for that taste. With an animal like groan I feel his cock pulse as glob after glob of creamy cum fills my mouth, eagerly I swallow it all down savouring the taste. Steve pushes me away and tucks his cock back in his shorts. "Well done, get yaself sorted and let's go see Pete". Reluctantly I pull my shorts back up and shift myself back on the seat. My head swimming with thoughts of what just happened and that craving for cock. Steve starts the engine and without saying a word pulls back out onto the road and heads around the edge of town and we start to climb a little. This is obviously a good neighbourhood, houses stand way back from the road behind gates, giving a sense of mystery to who lives there. I'm assuming this is just part of my tour of the sites, so I just relax and gaze out the window at the passing houses. Steve suddenly slows the car and swings the car round and pulls up in front of a pair of big heavy wooden gates, he punches a number into a little keypad on a pole, and silently the gates swing open revealing a long driveway leading to single story house that looks like something out of a movie - surely this isn't Petes place ?
    2 points
  13. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 1 I was a gay man in my early 20s with some sleazy, kinky, taboo desires. I always had that streak in me. I love cum so bareback sex made an instant connection with me, and not just any bareback sex, but totally uninhibited bareback sex. Yes, I had a fantasy involving a hot guy, lots of bareback pig play, and him shooting his seed in me. Not just any seed, but poz seed. There was also something edgy and erotic about a tattooed, bareback pig. Seeing heavily inked guys always made my cock hard, and I always wanted to be one of those guys. It just took me a while to decide what type of tattoo I wanted on my body. I researched local tattoo artists for months, but none of their work proved to be of the quality I was looking for. I decided to drive 90 minutes south and attend the annual tattoo convention in Chicago in hopes of finding an artist with a portfolio that impressed me. It was such a lustful trip for me. I also love unusual facial hair like longer goatees and beards and handlebar mustaches. Guys with piercings also turn me on. Tattoos, facial hair, and piercings seem to go hand in hand. The convention center was packed with people covered in ink with a ton of piercings and facial hair of every length and type. The continuous buzz from all the tattoo guns running could be heard throughout the place. Every booth had an artist or two working on fresh ink. I eyed the sexy men between browsing through artists’ portfolios. There was a ton of guys with no shirts on getting inked up at the various booths. Some with sexy hairy chests or a nice treasure trail disappearing into their jeans. My brain was in eye candy overload, and my cock was half erect for most of the show. I rounded the corner walking through the rows of booths and came across a very hot tattoo artist. He looked to be about 28 and was slender with a shaved head. His hair was reddish brown, with a slightly wavy goatee that must have been about a foot long. It ended in a point near his belly button. His mustache had a slight twist of small handlebars at the corners of his mouth. Full sleeves of ink extended from his t-shirt. He even had hand and neck tattoos. He was working on the back piece of a handsome little twink, and he glanced up at me as I approached his booth. He gave me a smile, and a nod of his head to say hello as he returned to his art piece. I stopped and paged through his portfolio. I kept glancing up to look at him while turning the pages. As I turned another page I glanced up to check him out again. My eyes traveled up his sexy body to his face and found him looking directly at me. He smiled at me again, and I quickly turned my eyes back to his portfolio. Sure that he noticed me checking him out, I began to blush. It was hard to keep my eyes off him, though, and I again glanced back at him. He again was looking at me too, and stopped his tattoo work. He told the twink he would be back in a minute to continue and walked toward me. He appeared to have a nice sized cock from the bulge in his jeans. Holding out his hand he said, “Howdy, I’m Zak.” “Isaac, but most people call me Zeek,” as I shook his hand. I again paged through the book of ink, “Is this your work?” “Ah, yes it is.” “Nice work, I like it.” “Well, thanks. Are you looking to get some ink done?” “Yeah, I just don’t know what I want to get yet.” “Do you have any tattoos yet?” “No, it would be my first.” “Are you from Chicago?” “No, but I’m only about 90 minutes north of here in Milwaukee.” “Cool, well, if you would like to talk about it, I can help you with design ideas.” “Awesome, I’d like that.” “Here’s my card. Give me a call, and we can set up a time to talk.” “Thank you, Zak, I’ll do that.” “Nice to meet you.” “Ditto.” With that he returned to his customer to continue his ink, which gave me the perfect opportunity to check out his ass. Just as I imagined, he had one nice butt and I found it hard to look away. When he sat down he again looked at me, and found me staring at him. Zak picked up his tattoo gun, glanced back at me, and gave me a look that set my gaydar off. A smile came across his face. I nodded, smiled back at him staring straight into his eyes then disappeared into the crowd. I wandered the convention center enjoying the hot, inked up men and all the beards and 'staches. Pure heaven for this gay man. I had to piss, and found the bathrooms were lined up with guys waiting to empty their bladders. It took a while waiting in line, but I was next to piss, and a stall opened up. I wasted no time getting into the stall. My cock felt like it could burst from holding back my piss. I closed the door to the stall and quickly unzipped my pants. The entire toilet seat was splattered with piss. I chuckled a little thinking there must be a lot of PA piercings in those pants today, otherwise just a bunch of hot pigs with a bad aim. I let out a full stream of piss, emptying my bladder. It felt good to relieve the pressure, but I quickly found myself fully erect smelling all that piss and testosterone in the air. I also loved piss play, and thoughts of lapping up all the urine from the toilet seat was hard to resist. I stroked my cock a few times, then tucked it back into pants, trying to hide my hard on the best I could. I zipped up again and quickly left the men’s room. I buried myself in the crowd, waiting for my cock to go down then continued to stroll through the packed convention booths. About a week later I came across Zak’s business card in my wallet and decided to give him a call. The phone rang a few times, “Windy City Tattoo, this is Zak.” “Ah, hi Zak, you may not remember me, but I met you at the tattoo convention last week. You told me to give you a call if I wanted to discuss tattoo options.” “Zeek!! Glad to hear from you.” “Wow, you remembered my name.” “Of course I did. So, you want to set up a time to discuss tattoo designs?” “Yeah, are you free any time this week?” “My last appointment should be done around 5:30 tomorrow. Can you get to the shop tomorrow night around 6?” “Sure. I’ll see you then.” “Awesome!! See you tomorrow.” I had a three day weekend so this was the perfect way to kick off my weekend. I left plenty early to try and beat Friday rush hour traffic heading into Chicago. I arrived early, and realized Zak’s tattoo shop was just outside the gay district on Halsted Street, so I wandered around the gay district for a bit. When I returned to Zak’s shop he was just finishing with his last tattoo appointment. He was wearing black biker boots, faded blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. I loved his fully inked sleeves and hands. His entire neck being inked was so hot too. Just the sight of him gave me a partial wood. He invited me to the back of his shop, and we sat on a sofa and discussed the style of tattoos I was looking for. His suggestion of Japanese style tattoos intrigued me. He explained the meaning behind different tattoos in Japanese culture, and I decided my first piece would be a colorful full sleeve with yin yang koi, waves, flowers and filler. Zak sat next to me, and occasionally touched my arm as he discussed options and placement. Our legs were touching as we continued to look at designs. He suggested I remove my shirt, so he could do a quick, rough sketch on my arm. He explained that he liked to just draw out the design directly on the body to get better placement than trying to use transfers. I pulled my t-shirt off, and he began touching my arm, and turning it in different directions. Then he pulled out a marker and started drawing on my skin. His touch began to turn me on, and before I knew it my cock was fully erect. I couldn't hide the bulge that formed in my jeans. It was obvious Zak also noticed my hard cock, but he kept himself focused on drawing on my arm. The sketch began to take shape, and Zak maneuvered my arm into different positions as he continued to draw on my skin. Each time he lowered my arm to my lap his hand brushed again my hard cock, and I noticed his rod was also erect extending down his jean leg. He again moved my arm to a new position and my hand came to rest on his thigh next to his cock while he continued his design. I couldn't resist it any longer, and I brushed my hand against the bulge in his jeans. His cock throbbed against my hand, and before I knew it I was rubbing his cock through his jeans. He stopped drawing on my arm and reached over and massaged my hard rod. Zak leaned over to me and began to French kiss me. Our tongues and lips were locked in a passionate exchange for a bit. Then Zak stood up and saying “I was hoping you would be interested,” as he pulled his t-shirt off over his head revealing a fully inked chest with a sunburst around his belly button that continued down and disappeared into his jeans toward his cock. “Damn, man…..wooooooof!” He pulled me to my feet. We continued to make out, our tongues twisted together in deep, erotic kissing and panting. Zak wrapped his arms around my waist, grabbed my ass with his hands, and pressed our hard cocks against one another through our jeans. We continued to kiss, grinding our bodies against one another; our cocks throbbing with excitement. I was free-balling it and could feel a wet spot forming in my jeans from precum leaking from the head of my shaft. Zak reached for my crotch, rubbing my cock through my pants before unbuttoning my jeans and dropping them to my ankles. He pushed me backward onto the couch. I landed on my ass and leaned back on the sofa in a lounged sitting position, with my cock standing at attention. Zak flipped my shoes off and pulled my jeans from my ankles. He stood up in front of me, kicked his shoes off then unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. His cock sprung to attention standing straight in the air, pulsing up and down. The shaft of his tool curved slightly to the left and upward about 8 inches long. His cock was pierced with a large prince albert, and inked with flames leading down the shaft to a black biohazard tattoo centered below his belly button. More ink led to the sunburst around his belly button. The ring to his cock piercing dangled with each pulse of his cock, and precum began to hang from the end of his jewelry. Tattoos covered a good 75% of his body. His body was an erotic piece of art that made my cock dance with excitement at the sight of this stud. “Fuck, you are so hot. I want to be covered in ink like you.” Zak pointed to his biohazard tattoo. His eyes remained locked onto mine, and a playful conversation started, “You know what this one means, don’t you?” “You’re poz?” “Are you okay with that, because I only bareback?” “Yeah,” with a smile on my face, “Are you ok that I’m neg?” “Yep.” “Do you want to cum in me?” “Uh huh.” “Are you into gifting?” “Are you into chasing?” “I could be.” “Then I could be too.” My mouth was like a magnet to his cock. I was on my knees in a flash. I wrapped my lips around the head of his rod, tasting his precum before sliding the full length of his shaft deep into my throat. His cock stiffened in my mouth, and he moaned as my tongue slid back down toward the tip of his shaft. Zak put his hands on the back of my head and slowly face fucked me with the full length of his tool, as he murmurred “That’s it, suck my poz cock. Taste my toxic precum.” As he continued to leak precum down my throat, fucking my throat with his death stick, he remarked “I’d love to do your ink work for you. Maybe I’ll even be marking you with a biohazard tattoo. Would you like that?” “Yes!!” “Want me to poz you, Zeek?” “Yes, charge my ass up, please.” Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and pulled me to my feet. He turned me around and pushed me onto my knees on the couch. “You want my poz cock in your ass?” “Yes, please fuck me. Give me your seed.” I was so turned on I felt like I could shoot my load at the anticipation of taking his charged spunk. He knelt behind me, spread my ass cheeks with a firm grip, and buried his tongue in my hole. It didn’t take long for my puckered hole to surrender as his tongue slipped past my cunt lips. His tongue lubed my hole and slowly worked inside, begging to open me up. Zak gave my ass a deep tongue bath and began to fuck me with its full length. The sensations made me horny as hell, and a strong urge to feel his bare cock buried in my ass burned within me. I moaned, “Please fuck me. I want to feel your cock deep inside me.” Zak continued to rim my ass, and worked a finger inside. He slowly advanced his finger all the way in and out of me then added another, before continuing to lick and fuck me with his tongue. My ass was wet and primed for his shaft. Zak stood behind me and spread my ass cheeks with his hands. I felt his against my cunt, then he slid his slick cock head across my hole, further lubing me with precum. He continued to rub the full length of his rod against my hole, driving me wild to be opened up wide. I felt the steel from his cock piercing fold to the side tight against his cock as he pressed the head of his dick against my hole. He slowly thrust the head of his tool, spreading my ass, and slipping inside. He spit on my hole lubing us both some more for me to take the rest of his meat inside me. I pressed my ass against his rod, and he again thrust inside me. Pain shot through my body and my hole tightened around his shaft as I tensed my body. Zak held his cock in place, “Easy, just relax…..relax.” The pain subsided and I arched my back and again pressed firmly against his cock. Zak grabbed my hips and with one abrupt thrust buried his cock balls deep into my guts. I again tightened my ass around his toxic meat, and let out a little gasp. It hurt so good, but my cock pulsed rock hard. I began to moan with pleasure. This was the first time I had a pierced dick in my hole, and it felt incredible. “You like my pierced cock in you, huh?” “Oh God…..yes!!!” I began to relentlessly pump my ass against his death stick, and Zak joined the rhythm. Tightening his grip on my hips, he pounded my ass hard with each thrust. His balls slapped against my ass with each plunge. “Ah, you’re a hungry pig for my toxic seed, aren’t you?” “Fuck, yes. Poz my faggot ass.” “Slow down, stud. You’ll get my DNA but not until I’m ready to flood your ass.” He held my hips steady, then slowed his pumping motion and continually withdrew his cock to the tip, with just the steel of his piercing remaining in my hole, then again thrust deep inside me, commenting as he did so, “Man, your hole feels awesome wrapped around my cock.” “That's good, 'cause fuck, I love your rod in me.” He continued a slow steady pace, edging himself close to shooting his load in my guts, then stopping, I could feel his cock pulsing a few times deep inside me, then Zak again began working his dick in and out of me. Each time he brought himself close to cumming then backed off. “You want my poz seed in you now?” “Yes, you feel so incredible. Load me up.” He again began to thrust in and out of my hole, but this time he slowly increased his pace, plunging in me harder and faster. “Fuck, I’m really close. You’re getting all my seed.” “You want it pig? Want my charged cum?” “Yes, give it to me.” “Yeah?” “Yes, I want to poz. Give it to me.” I again tightened my ass around his shaft, and he thrust in me one more time. “Here it comes….take my poz load.” He groaned and grunted, as his cock throbbed and pulsed deep in my hole. The sensations of his cum shooting from his death stick deep in my guts pushed me over the edge, and my cock erupted gobs of cum over and over with each throb of my shaft. With his cock still pulsing inside me, he grabbed my shoulders and shoved his cock even deeper in my ass. I couldn’t get enough of Zak’s cock. It felt amazing buried in my cunt. My balls drained themselves of all their seed. My ass was now filled with Zak’s poz juice. As he pulled his cock from my ass, cum trickled and dripped from my gaping hole. I knew he filled me with a huge load of sperm. My intestine walls were coated with his virus. Would it find its way to my bloodstream? The risk was incredibly exciting. I was hooked. There was no stopping it. I was definitely becoming a junkie for poz cum. Zak flopped on the couch next to me, panting and sweating. “Fuck that felt awesome. You have one hot ass.” Grinning and puffing, “It was very hot.” I turned and lay on the couch with my head resting on his thighs at his cock. I licked his mushroom head clean and ran my tongue down his shaft. “So……..am I hired to do your ink?” “How can I say no after a consultation like that?” We remained on the couch, naked. My head rested on Zak’s lap with his beautiful meat before my eyes. A small drop of poz spunk leaked from his piss hole and I lapped it up. We talked for a bit, getting to know each other a little better, while touching and caressing each other’s bodies. Zak told me he was born and raised in Chicago. He always had a fascination with tattoos from an early age on. He started working in a tattoo shop at 15, and after a few years became an apprentice for several years. He was lucky enough to be able to open his own shop a few years ago. Tattooing was something he loved. It was his passion, and all his tattoos had meaning in his life. I ran my hand across his biohazard tattoo. “So how long have you been poz?” “Not long, just a few years.” “Are you on meds yet?” “Ah…..no, so you got a fully charged load. Hope you’re cool with that.” My cock started to bone up. I nodded my head for him to look at my rod, “Does that answer your question?” “I guess so, you hot pig.” “Do you know who pozzed you?” “Yep,” with a slow drawn out descriptive tone, “A hairy, muscular, leather daddy with a beautiful ass and huge, uncut cock.” We both chuckled. “Did you know he was poz?” “You mean, did I chase?” “Yeah, did you want to convert?” “Fuck, yes, and it was one hot breeding.” “So why aren’t you with him?” “We weren’t looking for a relationship. We both got what we wanted from it. I was determined to get his poz load in me, and he was determined to make me work for it. It was an all-out, totally uninhibited, raunchy, verbal, poz fuck.” “It sounds like a hot breeding.” “Poz talk makes it the hottest conversion sex.” After a short pause, “So, when do you think you can get back down here to start your ink?” “Are you free next Friday in the afternoon? I could get down here by 3 or so.” “Ok….Friday at 3 it is. We’ll start your sleeve.” “Great, sounds good.” So, Zeek, what do you do up in Milwaukee?” “Well, let’s see, I like a lot of things. I graduated from college last year and just bought a home. I love doing remodeling and landscaping, so I’m redoing my house, fixing it up. I like being outdoor, hiking, biking, camping; stuff like that. I really enjoy movies, and dining out with buds.” “Cool. So what’s your degree in?” “Marketing and web design.” “Bonus!! If you’re up for it, maybe you can redesign my website for me.” “I’ll show you some of my work. If you like it, I’d love to do that for you.” “Awesome.” We stayed on the couch a bit longer and lye in each other’s arms. His naked body felt so good cuddled up against mine. “Hey, Zeek, do you have to be back in Milwaukee at a certain time? “No, I’m not on any schedule tonight. What did you have in mind?” “Want to go grab a few beers?” “Sure, that would be great.” Neither one of us moved too fast to get up. I think we both enjoyed cuddling together naked, but we reluctantly dragged our asses off the couch and slipped our clothes back on. Zak hung out in boystown at a few of the gay bars so we walked a few blocks to his favorite hang-out for a few beers. Zak introduced me to a few of his buddies that were out. We did a few shots with them then continued some one-on-one chat. “So, Zeek, what else gets you going besides ink, piercings and taking poz cock raw?” I chuckled, “Well, I’m pretty open-minded. I have a bit of a kinky streak in me.” “Oooh, kinky streak, like what? And you can’t shock me, believe me.” “Anything from toys, slings, sounds, to watersports, and more. What about you?” “There isn’t much I wouldn’t do, and everything on your list…… been there, done that. I’m a pig.” He leaned over to me and gave me a gentle nibble on my lip before planting a wet kiss on me. Standing up from his bar stool, Zak circled behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He whispered in my ear, “I have to piss if you want a taste.” He made his way to the men’s room and looked back at me with a grin. You didn’t have to tell me twice. I was off my bar stool in a flash and following him to the bathroom with my beer in hand. When I walked into the bathroom, Zak already had his pants unzipped and his pierced meat dangled at the urinal. I walked up behind him and grabbed his ass. He turned to face me and pushed me to my knees. I took his cock in my mouth, and he held me still with his hands on my shoulders. “Fuck, here it comes.” As the first drops of piss hit my tongue I must have sprung an instant boner. I loved drinking from the tap. Zak’s warm piss sprayed from his cock filling my mouth. It had just a slight bitter taste to it, but was pretty watered down from the beer. I was like a hungry pig sucking its mother’s tit, wanting every drop of piss down my throat. Zak repeatedly stopped his urine stream, giving me just enough time to gulp down all of his nectar before letting his piss flow again in my mouth. My cock throbbed over and over again. He pulled his cock from my mouth and the last few sprays and drops of piss landed on my face, stache and beard. It was as if he was marking his territory. I stood up, slammed the rest of my beer in front of him then held the bottle to my cock head. I let out a full stream of piss filling my bottle to the top. I took a swig of my own piss then Zak took the bottle from my hand and left the bathroom. When I returned to the bar, he was sitting on his bar stool drinking from my beer bottle in front of everyone. They had no idea he was actually swigging my sweet cock nectar and not beer. After tipping another beer together and an erotic farewell kiss, I left for Milwaukee. On my drive up I94 I had time to think outside the heat of the moment. Even though I had fantasized for a long time about taking a poz cock raw, that was the first time I actually went through with it. A little fear set in knowing I could possibly poz from Zak’s DNA planted deep in my hole. I debated pulling into the Oasis pit stop, heading to the bathroom and emptying his seed from inside me. Those thoughts were quickly diverted by my cock boning up over thoughts of how awesome his hard shaft felt in me, and that having his poz cum in me also turned me on. The thoughts of his hot naked, inked body danced through my head. The smell of his piss still lingered on my beard and stache. My cock again throbbed in my jeans. I never even considered myself an actual chaser, but found myself craving more of his toxic spunk. The Oasis was just ahead, but I drove on past as my car continued down I94; my cock raging hard and my ass twitching full of Zak’s charged cum. I still had some fear in me, but I knew there was no turning back. I began to accept that I wanted to charge up, and I wanted Zak to be my gifter. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 2 Unable to sleep, I got out of bed, and started my day. Today was a special day for several reasons. It was my 23rd birthday, and it was also Friday, the day of my first tattoo session with Zak. I was a little anxious and nervous, but excited to be seeing him again. I wanted to start my journey becoming a heavily inked pig, but I was not sure how much it would hurt. I turned on Netflix and watched some episodes of Miami Ink. Seeing hot Ami James and all his sexy ink just got me turned on and more determined than ever to go through with it. It was what I wanted. I decided to get dressed and cruise down to Chicago early. It was a perfect day for a drive, sunny and warm. I rolled down the windows and cranked the music. The air felt invigorating blowing across my body. I arrived in Boystown well ahead of my tattoo time with Zak, so I decided to browse the shops in the area. I came across a cool bookstore and bought a tattoo magazine. I also found an awesome pair of black biker boots, and a few t-shirts. Then I came across an adult bookstore and couldn’t resist checking out their gear. I ended up walking out with a “pig” t-shirt and a new yellow “piss pig” jock. After my little shopping spree I headed for the tattoo shop. I arrived a little early for my appointment. Zak greeted me with a hug and told me I could have a seat on the sofa while he finished up with his client. He grabbed me a bottle of water, and I sat down in the same place where just a week earlier I was taking Zak’s poz cock raw. The thought of it just gave me a major erection. I tried to find a distraction to get my boner to stop poking at my jeans. After all, Zak and his client were within eye’s shot. At least his client had his back to me. I found Zak’s portfolio sitting on the table next to the sofa. I browsed through the pages, but seeing his ink work only made my cock harder. I glanced at Zak, and he happened to look up at me. I immediately grinned back at him and stood up to show him my raging hard on through my jeans. I rubbed my crotch, and he chuckled then gave me a look that said, “Behave yourself.” I returned to the sofa and remembered an article I read several years earlier about a guy that popped wood at an inappropriate time and tried to “kill” the “snake” that had come to life in his pants by thinking about greasy dishes. (Why the hell I remember that article I have no idea). Maybe that would kill the beast in my pants. I tried to concentrate on dirty dishes, but all I could think about was stripping naked and having Zak fuck the hell out of me and unload his poz seed in my ass. My hard cock raged on. I grabbed a pillow for my lap to camouflage the bulge in my pants. After about a 15 minute wait, Zak poked his head around the corner and told me to follow him to his tattoo station. He walked to the entrance and locked the front door. “Now we’re all alone. No interruptions.” I pointed to my pants, “Good, because something is still up.” Zak laughed, “You’re becoming a cum-crazed pig. You know that don’t you?” “Yeah, and I love it.” I took a seat at his work station, and he walked up to me from behind. He put his hands on my shoulders, bent down and ran his tongue across the back of neck. He kissed my neck, nibbled my earlobe then worked his way to kissing my cheek. His tongue licked across my upper lip and he buried it into my mouth and started to make out with me, swirling his tongue with mine. Zak showed me his now hard cock bulging through his jeans, “As much as I want to tear your clothes off and fuck you right here, we won’t get anything done that way.” “And why is that a bad thing?” He again chuckled, “Let’s focus on your ink. We can play after.” “Oookkkaaayyy, ok.” “So are you ready to get started, sexy?” “Yeah, I’m ready.” “Awesome.” He grinned, “Besides, I’ll kill your hard on in no time when you feel the needle.” I chuckled and smiled at him, “You seem to be getting too much pleasure from that.” “I probably am, but there’s only one way to find out. Let’s get started. I made a few sketches for you to take a look at. If you like them I’ll use the one you want.” After looking at both designs, I had a hard time deciding between the two. Both were so cool. “Wow, I’d be happy with either design. They rock!!” “Well then, can I make a suggestion? This one is my favorite, because I think it will follow the curves of your arm the best.” “Cool. Then that’s it. It’s the one.” “Great. Get your shirt off and I’ll start the layout.” I pulled my shirt off over my head and sat down in the chair again. Zak was grinning at me. “What? What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I’m happy you are here, and allowing me to give you your first tattoo. That and you have one hot, trim body.” He pulled his chair next to mine, and took me by the hand. He positioned my arm and started the sketch. “This tattoo is going to look so cool on you, Zeek.” After about 10 minutes Zak completed the rough layout, and started to set up his ink. “Go look in the mirror and let me know if you’re happy with the layout.” I walked to the mirror and checked out the design. “It looks perfect.” “Awesome, get your sweet ass over here.” “Yes sir.” “Have a seat and get your arm up here. I’ll start out slow so you can see how it feels. We’ll work on it as long as you can. If you need a break, just let me know.” I sat in the “hot seat” again. I was nervous and excited all rolled up into one. Zak positioned my arm, “Here we go. You’re about to lose your tattoo virginity.” The familiar buzz of the tattoo gun filled the room, and my adrenaline rush kicked in. Zak rubbed a dab of aquaphor onto the first spot and the needle pierced my skin and the first line was inked in no time. I was happy to find the pain tolerable. It felt more like an annoying pinching sensation than anything. I also quickly discovered that I like to watch. I like to see the needle entering my skin watching the tattoo take shape. Guess that doesn’t come as a surprise to me, since I love visual stimulation with sex too. Seeing piss or cum shooting from a hot cock, or watching a hard piece of meat sliding in and out of a gaping ass is totally erotic. I like eye contact while getting fucked too. There definitely is a sexual side to the process of getting tattooed. The needle poked my arm again and snapped me back to reality. After about an hour and a half or so of turning my arm this way and that way, and switching to lying on the table, while Zak carved his design into my arm, the line work was finished. “How are you doing, Zeek? Need a break for a few?” “Sure. A stretch break would be good.” “How does it feel?” “It’s definitely burning a little, but it’s ok.” “Cool, we won’t finish in one session so let me know when you need to end. I’ll let you call it.” I walked over to the mirror to check out my new ink. Zak appeared behind me in the mirror, slipped his arm around my waist and kissed me gently on the neck. “It’s looking so hot on you, Zeek.” “I love it so far.” “Wait until you see the color start to fill it in. It will come to life.” Zak returned to his seat and set up the colors needed in his ink caps. After about 5 minutes, “I’m ready for you, Zeek. Let’s start shading in that sucker.” This time Zak had me lay on the table to start. He positioned my arm straight out away from my body. “Damn, Zeek, you make me want to tear those jeans off and fuck you right here.” Zak wheeled his chair to the side of the table and kissed me on the belly. I caressed the back of his head. His lips felt incredible on my skin, and his beard tickled my side. My cock certainly responded to his touch. It was already half erect. “I’d love to seed you right now.” “As hard as this is to say, Nah uh, it’s ink time. We can play soon enough.” He said, “I know, I know…..Focus.” The buzz of his tattoo gun kicked in again, and the color started on my sleeve. About 2 ½ hours later we were finished for the day. A bunch of color was completed and it was looking awesome, but my arm was also on fire. Zak cleaned up sleeve, and lightly rubbed a thin coat of aquaphor onto my skin. “That’ll cool it down, Zeek. Go check it out, man.” I walked to the mirror. “Oh my God, Zak, I love it.” He walked over to me at the mirror. “Wait till it’s finished. It’s going to look awesome.” He wrapped my arm then taped it in place then returned to his work station and began to clean it up. I continued to look at myself in the mirror, admiring my new ink. “It’s going to bleed a little and leak ink a bit, Zeek, so clean it when you get home. Put the aquaphor on it a few times a day while it heals.” “Ok….no problem.” Zak again appeared behind me in the mirror. He pulled his t-shirt off, put his arms around my waist and pulled my body tight against his. I could feel his hard cock against my ass. My dick quickly boned up. I reached back and slipped my hand between us to grab his hard dick. I rubbed his hard rod through his jeans. His cock throbbed in my hand, and Zak let out a moan of pleasure and began kissing my neck. As he whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you raw, right here and right now,” he rubbed my hard cock, and unbuttoned my pants. He reached down into my pants and stroked my meat. My jeans dropped to my ankles, and Zak began to grind his cock against my bare ass. I could feel the wetness on the head of my cock as my precum leaked from my piss hole. Zak smeared my juice onto my shaft then put his wet hand over my mouth. I stuck my tongue out and licked up my precum from his hand. Zak slipped his thumb into my mouth, and I began to suck it. While he continued to kiss my neck from behind me, he unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. I grabbed his ass and pressed his cock tight into my ass cheeks. Zak again moaned then grasped me around the waist and chest. He kept grinding his cock between my ass cheeks. “Fuck, you feel so good, Zeek. I want to feel my cock inside you. Give you what we both want. “Yes, you know I want it. Charge me up, Zak. Please fuck me.” I stepped out of my jeans and kicked them aside. I was now naked with Zak’s cock pressed hard against my ass. His precum began to lube my hole as he continued to rub his hard cock between my cheeks. He kicked his jeans off. Our bodies were both naked. The touch of Zak’s skin against my body sent chills up my spine, and I could already feel the sweat forming between us. Zak held me tightly from behind with his arm across my chest, and with a firm grip caressed my ass cheeks and rubbed his hand across my hole. My ass tightened and puckered while my cock stiffened and throbbed. Zak kissed me on my mid back, then on my side, and raised my arm above my head to bury his tongue in my arm pit. He continued to lick my pit, lapping up the scent off my body. He moved in front of me then pressed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I could taste my salty sweat on his lips and tongue. He spit in my mouth, and we continued to exchange saliva, while twisting our tongues together. With a firm grip on the back of my neck, we continued deep, erotic, French kissing for a few minutes. Then he hugged me and kissed my neck. He nibbled my ear lobe and buried his tongue in my ear while we ground our naked bodies against one another. Zak backed away from me, and snuck in one more kiss on my lips, then took me by the hand, our cocks both standing at attention and rock hard. He led me to the sofa where he first planted his seed in me the week before. He motioned to the couch, “Get on your knees, and spread those cheeks.” I eagerly obeyed. Zak knelt behind me and spread my cheeks wide with a firm grip. My puckered hole twitched with excitement, and he gave me one slap on the ass before burying his tongue into my ass. I arched my back and after continuous prodding and licking my hole opened up and his tongue slipped inside. He buried his tongue as deep as he could into my ass. The sensations sent chills through my body, and my hole begged to be filled by his cock. Zak gave one last grasp to my ass cheeks and a little massage. He stood up and then lounged back in a sitting position next to me on the sofa. His cock stood straight in the air. “Get your mouth on my cock and lube it up.” I shot onto the floor on my knees and slid the full length of his shaft down my throat. My tongue slid along his cock, and I began for work his dick in and out of my mouth. I continued to suck Zak’s cock, and it throbbed and pulsed in my mouth, spilling sweet precum down my throat. Zak grabbed the back on my head, shoving his cock deep down my throat. “Yeah, work that poz cock, swallow that charged precum.” He held his cock buried all the way in my mouth setting off my gag reflex, and making my eyes water. “Get up here and ride my cock. I want to see my meat slide all the way inside you.” I stood on the sofa, my legs straddling Zak’s, my pole standing straight up; balls dangling in front of his face. He tugged on my sack and engulfed both of my balls into his mouth. He sucked my balls, and licked them before grasping them with his hand and pulling them down to devour my cock down his throat. He sucked my rod for a few minutes, then said, “Sit on my poz cock, boy.” He spit in his hand, and as I lowered myself toward his hard shaft he smeared his spit onto my hole and lubed his cock with a few wet strokes. He directed the head of his meat toward my hole. His eyes were fixed on the head of his shaft as I squatted above his tool. I slowly lowered myself onto his cock. His PA ring and dick head pressed at my asshole, and with a quick thrust his cock head slipped inside. With a slow, steady motion my ass lips slid down the full length of his shaft. His hard cock was all the way inside me. Zak grabbed my hips and buried his cock even deeper in me. “FFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!! Feel my poz rod in you. My PA is going to tear you up.” His cock stiffened in me, and his PA stretched my hole with each pulse of his meat. Zak cupped his hands onto my ass, and spread my cheeks wide open. I began to ride is pole all the way in and out of me with slow, steady motions. He groaned each time I took his cock all the way inside me. “Fuck, yes Zak!” The sensations were driving me wild. My cock was stiff and pulsing. Zak again grabbed my waist and began to shove me down onto his cock faster and harder, thrusting his hips each time to drive his death-stick all the way inside me. I could feel his PA further stretching and working my hole raw with each slam of his cock into my hole. It felt amazing. “Damn, Zeek, I can’t hold out much longer. You want my poz load?” “Fuck, yes. Breed me. Make me your poz pig.” My ass tightened around his shaft. “Oh, fuck, yes, here it comes. I’m going to poz you up, pig.” Zak thrust inside me. I felt his cock throb over and over again. As he filled my guts with his DNA, I stroked my cock, erupting cum onto his face, and beard. He opened his mouth. My cock continued to pulse, and I shot more of my jizz across his lips onto his tongue. While my cock still throbbed, I slowly worked the length of his shaft in and out of my ass. “Fuck, yes, Zeek, work my poz babies into you.” Blood tinged cum dripped from my ass with each plunge down his cock. Then I sat on his cock until I felt it stop throbbing inside me. I pulled his dick from my ass, and it slapped against his biohazard tattoo. His meat was covered with streaks of pink tinged cum. “Fuck, yes. Look at that, Zeek. Keep my virus in you. It definitely has access to your bloodstream.” Zak scooped up his blood streaked cum from his cock and put his fingers into my mouth. I licked and sucked them clean, swallowing every drop. Blood dripped from the edge of the bandage covering my freshly inked arm. It splattered onto Zak’s biohazard tattoo and cock. He ran his fingers down his shaft through my blood, across his lips and tongue. I kissed his mouth, tasting my blood on his lips. Still puffing and panting, “Fuck, Zeek. That was so hot. I love fucking my poz cum into your ass.” “I love feeling you shoot your toxic seed in me.” We need to change your bandage. Zak removed the wrapping from my arm and walked to his station for more bandages. I enjoyed looking at his naked body. It was such a turn on to me. He returned with more supplies and reapplied the bandage to my arm. We lie naked in each other’s arms on the sofa. “When can you get back down here to see me? We can continue your ink after a few weeks too. Let this heal a bit first.” “I definitely can get here in two weeks to continue my ink.” “How about we go on a date next weekend and an ink session two weeks from tonight same time?” “Sounds perfect to me.” “You know, you could possibly be ready for a biohazard tattoo in two weeks too.” I smiled, “Fuck yes.” My cock started to bone up at that thought, and I planted a slow, passionate kiss onto Zak’s lips. “Zeek, I want you to know something. I don’t want to just poz you. I like you, and not just a little. I like you a lot. I want you to be my boyfriend, my poz pig. What do you say?” “I’d like that a lot.” We continued to make out on the sofa. Our naked bodies pressed tightly together. Before we knew it both of our cocks were fully boned up again. We began to grind our bodies together. Zak kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “Zeek, I want to give you my DNA again. Make you my poz boy……….”
    1 point
  14. Always looking in the TN area. Anyone on here from TN
    1 point
  15. Part 1 I never found that perfect guy that night. I realised, a long time after, that he probably didn't exist. But I was young back then, that night when I agreed to meet him in a sauna. We 'had' to meet there as I lived with my parents and his flatmates didn't allow that sort of thing. I'd only just turned 18, but we'd spent so long talking online before then – months and months, at least. And he was the hottest guy I'd ever seen. He was a few years older than me, and had been a twink in school, but a few years of working in a physical job had given him compact muscles, his face was sharp and angular, and he had a great warming smile. He was perfect, and I'd made myself cum thinking of my skinny frame against his muscles many times. Usually on webcam, while he'd watch, but I'd never get to see him. So when I went down into the changing rooms of the sauna, I was just as excited as I was nervous. I'd always imagined saunas to be places filled with gross old perverts, but when I told my friend as much, he said he wouldn't let them near me, and that he'd take my virginity in front of all of them and make them jealous. Just the thought of it made me hard. The guys in the changing room weren't as gross as I thought they'd be, and in fact, some of them were actually quite muscular. I guessed they must use the gym upstairs before coming down. I was definitely the youngest person there by at least 10 years though, and I imagined they were all still perverts. I thought he'd be here by the time I got there, but one quick look around confirmed that he wasn't. I felt uncomfortable stripping in such an open space, and I wanted to see him first. I sent him a text asking where he was and sat on a bench away from the lockers, trying to ignore the stares I got from the occasional passerby. After a few minutes, my phone buzzed with a message from him "Traffic is hell – will be there as soon as I can. Try the hot tub or something ;-)." I felt a little chill as I didn't want to go into the place on my own, but I was worried that if I hung about in the changing room any longer, security might throw me out. A second text came through a few minutes later, asking "Did you take that pill I sent you? I'm so hard for you right now." A picture of his dick, his perfect dick, was attached to the text. His cock was eight inches long, blooming head, and he big heavy looking balls. He'd pulled down his jogging bottoms and taken a picture while at the wheel of his car. I knew I was going to struggle with it, which was why he had sent me a little blue pill, saying it would help keep me hard. He also sent a bottle of poppers for my use. Thanks to the picture, the excitement (at least temporarily) won out over my fears. I went to my locker, stripped, and, pretending to cough, slipped the pill into my mouth. Then, feeling a bit daring, (and perhaps because there was nobody in the changing room for the briefest of moments), I stripped down completely, turned-on my cell phone camera, held my semi-hard cock in one hand, and snapped a photograph of my cock. Just then the door opened, which quickly killed my nerve. I wrapped myself in the towel I'd been given, which wasn't nearly as big as I would have liked, and checked out the picture before I sent it to him. I thought I looked pretty good. My dick certainly wasn't as big as his, but it was still a decent six inches. My skinny, pale frame might have been a bit gangly, but he said he liked it like that, and he had also sais he loved my curly dark brown hair and 'pouty lips', to use his description. As I was pretty sure he'd like the photo, I texted it to him with the caption "Took it. Waiting for you." Gathering my nerves, I stood by my locker a few minutes more, and I noticed the guys who passed through the locker room in the next few minutes seemed more comfortable that I was wearing a towel, as opposed to when I was in my street clothing, but for the most part I was mostly left alone. I also noticed that while my towel went barely half-way down my thighs, other guys had longer towels, but I wasn't willing to make a fuss with the door guy, as somehow he seemed to annoyed about something. A few minutes later, another text came through saying "Fucking hot! I can't wait to have that. I'm gonna be awhile – take the poppers and go find somewhere to relax." A smarter, less horny kid than I might have worked out what was going on at that point, but I was too naïve. I felt scared, but the thought of him 'having that' was enough to push me forward. I took the poppers from my jeans pocket and, since I couldn't take it any further into the sauna, put my phone in my shoe, I locked my stuff away, put the banded key around my wrist, and, in a not-so-confident stride, passed-through the the door that led into the sauna.
    1 point
  16. Looking for poz loads. I go to Club Orlando to BB. Hoping to meet a guy with a high VL there.
    1 point
  17. How many of you guys would be interested in a revival of the old barebackbears chat site? I wrote the software for that system, and I'm thinking about giving it another go. A site just for bears/daddies with no ads, no circus atmosphere, and no porn we didn't make ourselves. What do you think? (disclaimer: niche sites like this may never reach critical mass, but that doesn't mean they can't be lively and fun).
    1 point
  18. Hi I didnt see an introduction section, so i figure I'd post here. I've been browsing the forum for awhile and I got to say I love it. About me, well I'm 24, 6 ft, 140 lbs. I like pleasing older guys and do not leave til I leave with cum leaking down my hole My ultimate goal is to get whored out to a bunch of guys (im trying on CL to do so). Everyone wish me luck with that and if i succeed you may be hearing about it on here Also hope yall like my profile
    1 point
  19. Usually if i have 50 replies to a Craigslist post and I found a married guy with a big dick who likes BB i will usually pick him over the single guy. I find it so hot when a married guy is plowing me and he tells me my tight ass feels better than his wife's pussy. Nothing gives me more satisfaction then giving a hot married guy what he isn't getting at home.
    1 point
  20. Book II Jeremy So Steve and I have moved into Dads and we share the Spare bedroom I guess you could call it our room, and although it is a bit cramped with Steve’s queen and my “daybed” which is really a twin we have always gotten along well and have been sort of sleeping together off and on since freshmen year so no big deal. Sam hung out with us a lot, when asked if he had any friends in high school he said he liked being with us better, although he did have a close friend he thought we’d enjoy meeting. Sam was totally infatuated with Steve and me, we made a great triad, and Sam was turning into a total cumdump, and he wanted Steve’s cum in his hole. I couldn’t believe how my life had changed in such a short time, it had just been around Valentine’s day when I met up with Matt for the first time, now he was asking us Steve, Sam and I to make sure our schedules were clear on Monday he had something he wanted to do with us around 3, Steve went over to pick up Sam, and we all met at the clinic over on 21st. Matt was having us tested for HIV and STI’s to play it safe, we all knew what Steve’s test would prove, but Matt needed to confirm his progression, and told us we would most likely all go on Meds, PrEP for Sam and I , and the HIV cocktail for Steve. We each had the more expensive test to detect the actual virus along with the Swab test that took about 20 minutes to complete along with some blood was taken and we all had to piss in some cups. The results were not surprising, preliminary test had us as negative and we would have to wait on the STI test but we knew they would come back most likely as negative too since it has only been us fooling around since we all met. Matt paid for all of us to get our meds and we all started on Travada as our treatment. And on the way home he had a serious talk to myself and Sam about being true to our PrEP regimen or it wouldn’t work. Matt cooked dinner for us when we got home and texted Sam’s dad about him spending the night, Steve would take him to school in the morning and Matt would make sure he got his homework done. It was beginning to look like a family, even Uncle Tony agreed that we were slowly becoming like a close knit group. Spring break was coming up and once again Matt asked us to get the time off as he wanted us to enjoy or break from school, and he had some special plans for us. Thursday finally arrived and as we all prepared for school Matt came in to make sure we would be ready to go by 4 that afternoon. Classes dragged on but Steve picked me up at 3 from my last class, we arrived back at the apartment at around 3:30 Dad was waiting and already had loaded his luggage in the car, he was waiting on us to finish our packing based on what information he had provided us on our destination. Sam was excited, to see us, after his dad had dropped him off after school, we finished loading our suitcases with Dad’s help. Just before 4 we loaded into the car and Matt drove us to the airport, we parked in long term parking and caught a shuttle to the terminal, we checked in the followed dad through security to the boarding gate, it appears we were headed for Chicago We boarded the plane and were soon up in the air, about a hour in Sam got up to use the rest room, Steve suddenly had to go too. Ten minutes later he came back and whispered that Sam needed help if I could go check on him. I shuffled out of my seat and headed back towards the rest room where Sam was in need of help, I knocked lightly on the door that Steve had said contained the boy. Sam Opened the door and pulled me in quickly so as not to attract attention. Once the door was closed and locked Sam planted a hot passionate kiss on me while undoing the buckle of my belt and the buttons on my pants, before I knew it he had my pants around my ankles and had turned pressing his ass up to my now hard cock rubbing his cheeks up and down my shaft, soon my cock found his wet pucker and slid into his cum filled hole “Oh my god did you and Steve just have sex in here?” “Oh yeah, we both joined the mile high club, just like you are doing now” “And you let him fuck you bare” “What a better way to join the club, and I’m on PrEP” I just shrugged, all the time he was riding my cock and getting me close to shooting my load deep in his hole to join Steve’s, I grunted and blasted away filling Sam with my load. I reached around to find Sam’s cock drizzling precum on the floor, I pulled out of his ass and turned around towards the door, as Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a small butt plug, he turned around and shoved his cock up my hole, I hurt like hell going in with just his precum to lube the way but I knew Sam would not last after getting fucked by Steve and my cocks, he started slow and easy giving me a chance to get used to the intrusion, but soon all the precum had me lubed up well as I relaxed he was pounding into me pushing against my second ring then he growled a bit and shot his load into my guts, planting it as deep as he could get. He grabbed a towel and wiped us both off pulled up my pants and unlocked the door. “I’ll be right out, go back to our seats, don’t want anyone getting suspicious” I returned to my seat and Steve gave me that all knowing look and I just had to smile, as did my dad. About five minutes later Sam returned, grinning ear to ear. “What took you so long dude” “let’s just say the steward came to check up on me and I treated him to some special sauce” Steve and I kept asking him questions, as we got the story out of him we both got boned up, the cute steward who helped us board came to check up on Sam shortly after I left the restroom and Sam told him everything was ok, but the steward asked Sam to open the door so he could see for himself. Well Sam opened the door and let the steward in his hard cock hitting the steward in the thigh, the steward then dropped down in the cramped space and started sucking Sam’s cock, then Sam turned around and as the steward started rimming Sam the cum began to drip out and the attendant became quite attentive feltching out the two loads of spooge from Sam’s hole, before standing up and shoving his cock in and breeding my sweet friend with the third load of the flight at 30,000 feet. We all sort of drifted off to sleep after all our activities. The plane touched down shortly after midnight our time, 2am Chicago time. Dad went to the Rental counter as we all collected our luggage from the carousal, we double checked on the number of bags to make sure we weren’t forgetting something, we took the rental shuttle to the car and as soon as Dad loaded everything into the ford escape we piled into the vehicle. Dad started the car and programed our destination in the GPS navigation system. And we were off, arriving at our hotel around three in the morning. Dad checked us in and the bell hops took our luggage to our suite. It was two bedrooms, a living area and a small kitchen/bar area, for me the lap of luxury. We were all too tired to enjoy much and we all just stripped down and crashed on the king size bed. A tangle of teen and tween flesh, a horny sight for dad as he retired to his room, stripped naked and laid down on his king-sized bed, and was soon asleep
    1 point
  21. Nothing exciting, but I at least got two loads. A friend was feeling down yesterday, so I went over to his place to hangout. We talked, played some video games, and then cuddled on the couch. Well, it's impossible for me to cuddle and not have sex of some sort. Oh, he loves being awoken to his dick being sucked ... so when he fell asleep and was snoring like he anyways does when asleep, I carefully extricated myself from his arms ... got on my knees ... took his dick out through his boxers ... and sucked his dick (about 6.5" but thick). Funny enough he only woke up as he started busting his first load in my mouth. He held my face into his crotch as hard as he could, and came twice back-to-back. So technically two loads I swallowed. I love the taste and feel of cum in my mouth ... lately it's all I want xD.
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  22. 1 point
  23. I love cuddling too but before or after or a lead in to sex or more sex. It is all good. Can't turn down a hard cock though.
    1 point
  24. Hey guys - As fellow barebackers we give and take many loads often but what was the hottest load you gave or took in the last month? For me it was at Hawk's bathhouse in Vegas mid February when I was there for a work conference. When I arrived early evening the place was fairly busy so I pre-lubed myself and walked around and ended up in the maze area. A younger bear and I started playing and next thing you know he is fucking me with the door open. Of course others gathered and started to watch, which really turns me on. This guy had a very nice big dick and he was pounding me pretty hard and I started to feel his cock swell inside of me and his breathing getting heavy. Pretty soon he was unloading in me a HUGE load with about 6 or so guys watching. He pulls out and leaves and an attractive guy in his mid 50s took a turn fucking me, he didn't last as long as the first guy but he gave me another big load. After he pulled out I was hoping for another but no luck. While I was getting fucked both times, I noticed a tall good looking black guy walk by and watch for a minute or so and then walk away. Since the action was over, I started walking again only to run into the black stud just as I was going into my room. He followed me in and dropped his towel. HOLY FUCK, this guy was hung with a helluva cock, I start sucking his dick and can't wait to take it up my hole. He grabs me up and bends me over the bed and inserts his massive tool in me. Because I have 2 loads in me and his cock is so huge, the cum I have collected starts pouring out of my ass and down my legs. He shows me no mercy and starts to fuck me like a wild stallion and i gotta admit it is painful but I don't care. Just as I get used to his thrusts, he pulls out and puts on his towel and says he needs a break. I am bummed I didn't get his load, he says he will check in with me later which usually means it's not gonna happen. So i start cruising for more cock and have another couple of fucks and loads and I see black stallion again. He follows me to my room and asked if I have taken any more loads which I say yes. He pushes me down on the bed and starts eating my ass out and his tongue is diving deep in my ass for those loads. After he has his fill of loads, he puts his big tool back in my hole and he starts fucking me harder than before! The pounding I am getting has my eyes watering and I am chewing on a towel to keep from screaming out loud! He pulls my head back to his ear and asks if I want his load. Of course, I say yes and he says "I am going to fill your man pussy with my huge load". This guy then starts slamming me so loud it can be heard in the hallway. His pace gets faster and harder and he starts to make this very deep groan. I know what's next...he starts to release his cum in my hole and as he does he starts whaling very loudly. He shakes and shutters for a few more seconds and collapses on top of me making sure I get every drop. When he finally pulls out my hole fills like it is empty and void where he cock was. He puts on his towel and leaves as I sit on my bed with cum all over the floor of my room, down my legs and leaking from my ass in awe of what just happened. Share your hottest load story of the month if you want, would love to hear from you.
    1 point
  25. First Time with Hard Drugs It started out as any normal night with me on line looking for a hook up. I had no idea I would end up here, in this house about to do hard drugs for the first time. May name is CJ (that stands for Christian John), I am 27, 5’ 11”, weigh about 145 pounds with brown hair and eyes. I had always considered myself to be a straight lace guy only getting drunk on occasion and never touching drugs of any kind. Then I met Chris. I was on one of the usual hook up sites when he messaged me. His pics didn’t do him justice. He was just over 6’ tall with a lean, swimmers build, long blond hair (surfer like) and blue eyes. But what really grabbed my attention was what he was packing between his legs. Let’s just say there are 2 things I hate, size queens and guys with small dicks. We exchanged the usual messages about what we were into, what we were looking for, positions and such. I never thought I had a chance with this guy till he invited me over to party. I was a little skeptical but he gave me his phone number and I called him to finalize plans. I cleaned myself up (and out) really well and was out the door. He lived relatively close to me along the bus line I used to get to work. I hoped the next bus and in 15-20 minutes I was at his building. I buzzed him half expecting to be told that no one by the name Chris lived here, but he answered the buzzer and buzzed me into the building. I found my way up the elevator and to his door. The usual pleasantries were exchanged and soon we were getting down to business. He was a great kisser. In no time we had our clothes off and were in his bedroom. He had some porn already playing on the TV there and we resumed kissing. Then he stopped and said that he’d be right back. He headed into the bathroom, I assumed to pee, but came back with a couple of needles filled with a clear liquid. He said I’ll do your first then myself. To say I was a little scared would put it mildly. I was so hot for this guy I thought what harm could there be in trying what he had to offer. I sat there silent and let him do his thing. Here I was about to try hard drugs for the first time. He put a belt around my left bicep. Took one of the needles and stuck it in my arm. I watched as he drew back a little bit of blood and then it all disappeared into my arm. He loosened the belt and I felt a warmth rush up my arm into my chest and throat. I suddenly felt as if I couldn’t breathe when I coughed really hard. All I could do was say “FUCK!” and “WOW!” I felt as if my senses were in over drive. I watched as he did himself and noticed that his cock was super hard where mine was shriveled up. Chris leaned in a kissed me. He was all over me like an animal. AS the drug took a hold of me I felt an increasing need to get fucked. And when Chris began to rim my hole that need increased 100 times. I found myself moaning and begging for his cock inside me. What I didn’t expect was that he was going to stick it in raw. When he moved up me and positioned his cock at my hole (no wait he just slid it in) I was a little shocked. But the feeling was overwhelming I couldn’t resist it. I just yelled out, “Give it to me Chris, fuck me.” Chris was balls deep in side me in seconds. He just held still while I tried to wiggle my ass for movement. I looked him in the eye and begged him to pound me. He had this shit eating grin on his face as he began to fuck me in earnest. It felt incredible. I had never been fucked like this before. He knew exactly how to make me feel good in all the right places. I don’t recall how long we had been fucking, but I remember looking at his alarm clock. It was around 1 am when his breathing became heavier, quicker and he began to fuck me quicker. I watched his face as he began to grunt. Then I felt him tense up as his cock spasmed in my ass. I swore I felt a warmth deep inside me and knew he was cuming. After he came down from his orgasm I noticed that he was still rock hard. He commented, “Thanks to Viagra I should be hard all night.” He fucked me missionary, doggy style, standing up, laying on our sides. We fucked in the shower, out in his living room and he even fucked me on the kitchen table. He gave me a couple more ‘shots’ over the time I was there, 4 shots in all. I left late on Sunday with a sore ass. As I rode the bus home I could feel his cum leaking from my hole. I knew when I stood up to get off the bus everyone would see the wet spot. At that point I didn’t care; I was just looking forward to getting with Chris again next weekend.
    1 point
  26. tried a local ABS tonight that i havent been to since i was 17. it was dead and no glory holes but i managed to get bred within 10minutes of being there:)
    1 point
  27. This was my first Black Party and it open my eyes to what goes on in our life style. Finding how open people are in showing there sexual freedom. It was my first time with tina being put into my hole and taking E and the effects it has on me. When we left I had no idea of time and later the crash I would have. In the next coming months I learn what it will take of me to become a total pig slave. They had all my body hair permanently removed from my neck down and later my face so I would never have to shave my face again. I’m very feminine looking at 5ft8 120 lbs. and they want to in hanse the way I look. Even at the Black Party I kept getting ask to show my ID as I look like a 16 year old. It’s almost one year since I joined this family and my entrance into it will happen soon. In that time I’ve learned how to set up syringes with tina , how to set up G and others drugs. They like to get me exited with ED piles and watch me get so hard in my chastity cage.Next weekend will be my entrance into the family as I’ve been told that for the last 3 months all members have not taken there meds, so this week they all tested with high viral loads in the 50,000_70,000 range so there is a good chance that on the first try I will get the family DNA put into my system. I’n dead asleep when someone puts a bag over my head and they drag me I think into the play room. With cuff liquid put on to my wrists & ankles and I’m put into a sling they force some liquid into my mouth as its Gator Aid that taste horrible , next I hear someone says slam him. I feel my arm being tied off and the needle go into my arm. Then I’m having trouble breathing till I start coughing. Wile this is going someone is putting some kind of lube in my hole with a ruff brush. Someone says he’s ready , they say now don’t wast the lube so they open my mouth and start to brush my teeth with the brush. Now the effects are taking over my body I want my hole fuck but a dick is put into my mouth and told to get it good and wet as that is all the lube that will be used. This is the first time I getting a real dick in my hole but have stretch the hole with dildos.The first dick put in me is just rammed in me and is fucking me as fast as he could till he cums deep and wile this is going on I have a dick is my mouth getting the next one ready to breed me. They give me another booty bump and another slam but this slam is a lot stronger, they don’t stop with loads in my hole or after they drop their load in me to clean their dicks off with my mouth. I left in the sling for times with a butt plug in my ass. They come back and start all over again and again. I was in the sling for 16 hours, they remove the hood and are hugging me, all I feel is the plug in my ass. My brothers take me to the shower and clean me up, they say I’m going to crash very soon. I ask if the butt plug can be taken, they say NOOOOOO as it will help my body receive the family in my DNA. They lay me down and I think in 5 minutes I’m gone. When I wake up I’m between 2 of my brothers, one is looking me in my face and he pushes my head to he's dick to suck it witch I do and my other brother pulls out the plug, he say nothing is coming out so I guess my body absorbs and that was put in me. I spent the rest of the weekend getting fuck by any of the Masters and my Brothers any time they wanted. I found out what they went through to be part of this family and now they are making love to me and I’m really enjoying the sex we are having. more coming
    1 point
  28. It's hot to see that both of the main characters were immediately accepting the situation (even embracing it) while it was not previously considered. I do wonder if this party would have been sufficient for both main characters to get what was generously offered, or that it would take more parties or perhaps a transfer from your lucky boy to you, given the fact that Santa had been more generous to him...
    1 point
  29. Saw a post online for a guy with a private gloryhole. Went over and and it was a dark room with a guy kneeling behind a curtain. I dropped my pants and stuck my cock through the curtain and he started sucking like his life depended on it. In no time I was rock hard. I was almost ready to cum, but I wanted some ass so I reached through the curtain and pulled him up onto his feet. He knew what I wanted and immediately turned around and bent over. His ass was tight but well lubed so I shoved it in and started fucking. The harder I pounded the more he liked it. I fucked him for a good long time until my legs started to get tired. I pulled out and he dropped back down on his knees and started sucking again. This time I relaxed and let it happen, giving him a good load down his throat. He handed me a towel to clean up with and then I was out the door.
    1 point
  30. Have been craving a black load up my ass for a week. Haven't slept well, have had trouble focusing, have been obsessing over it. Been trying all my typical hook up sites with no luck. Tried cruising at the park yesterday and was only able to swallow a load. Chatted with an older black guy on A4A who said he was coming over, but then we had a miscommunication and we missed each other. This morning he texted me just as I was waking up, told him I could host, and he was on his way! 30 minutes later I was letting in a 50yo Caribbean guy who had a foot on me and a really perky butt. He was a great kisser with a big tongue that filled my mouth and really gentle hands. We were naked and in bed in less than three minutes, and he had his pretty sizable dick in me a minute after that. He had me in every position and all over the bed, sliding in and out the whole time. I'm pretty tight and most guys give up pretty quick, but he got his whole rod in me and wouldn't let it leave. He kissed and whispered to me the entire time I rode him. After 2.5 hours, I told him my friend was staying on my couch and was arriving in less than an hour, so he groaned and growled as he dropped his load all the way inside me. He kissed me goodbye and told me he would be back next weekend. I jumped in the shower and tried to keep the load in me, but my hole was so stretched it felt like it couldn't close! My ass is swollen and warm to the touch... finally feel like I got what I needed!
    1 point
  31. The fantasy is a long one so as long as you guys are interested I'll keep writing.
    1 point
  32. Last night, I met someone off bbrt for the first time ever. I was pretty nervous - first time taking loads from a stranger. He said he was neg as I am...but you guys know how this works. You say 'yes' to taking a load from a stranger, you're taking a load from a stranger. So...while I believed him, who knows? He came over after work. He looked just like his photos but different. In his photos, he was this his hot young buck, 28, tall, big dick, confident. In person he had a big brown dick, handsome, yes, but he was almost as hesitant as I was, almost shy. But when I started sucking his dick, he got less shy. He liked my mouth on his cock and started forcing it deeper. He fucked really gently, really lovingly. He worked my ass so expertly that when he finally embedded all 9 inches, I felt full and comfortable and right. I didn't realize how big his cock was until he withdrew it and I felt all of it slide through me. Incredible. I was on my back for the second load. He announced he was getting closer and I thought, 'holy shit, I'm taking a load from a total stranger.' Then he hunkered down and really drove that meat deeper, deep enough to make that cum shoot deep. I was shocked by it, really. Slowly, he stood out. We lay around talking for a half hour, until his cock got hard again and he put a second load in me. although this is "small potatoes" for some of you gents, I've never had two loads of cum in my ass at once, so it was kinda mindblowing...knowing he was fucking me while my ass was full of his sperm was a huge turn on to us both. I said, "You're impregnating me..." And he blew his second load.
    1 point
  33. Matt Well to say I sparked an old flame might be an understatement, finding out that Tony had a secret crush on me when I was seeing Amy was a revelation I hadn’t expected, Sure we fooled around together, giving each other hand jobs, sucking each other of and such but I always thought it was innocent fun. This morning though I think I fulfilled his fantasy, then had to send him home to the wife, interesting turn of events, actually to tell the truth he was one of the reasons I kept seeing Amy was so I could see him. Jeremy texted me just after 1 asking if he and Steven could come over and have dinner again. I went to the store and got a nice roast some salad mix, Yukon Potatoes, Fresh broccoli and some frozen Pepper strips. Just as I was getting home from the store he texted back “can Sam Come too?” I texted back that there would be plenty of food for everyone. They arrived just after four as the food was finishing cooking, by quarter of five I had carved the roast and placed out the mash potatoes, salad and vegetables on the counter and instructed them to dig in. once again Jeremy sat close to me only now he was much more enamored with pawing and stroking me as we ate, I think he was scared his uncle would have disapproved of us having intimate relations, Sam seemed interested in Steven and was fondling him throughout dinner. After we all finished we all cleared our plates and Jeremy helped me rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. When we emerged from the kitchen Sam was straddling Stevens lap and had his tongue buried in his mouth. His hands caressing his chest and Stevens hands fondling Sam’s cute butt cheeks. Jeremy reached over and slipped his hands beneath my tee shirt and pulled it off over my head, then unbuttoned my chinos and let them drop to the floor, as I had gone commando I now stood in the living room naked, as Jeremy led me to the love seat he undressed himself on the way. We were wrestling on the love seat and caressing and fondling when I looked over Sam and Steven were bare ass naked as well and Steven had his tongue buried in Sam’s hot ass. Alternating between his tongue and his manicured fingers he slowly opened the boy up I tossed him the lube and he slicked up his pole then out of nowhere pulled out a condom and slipped it on just moments before Sam’s hole slid down it, I grabbed the lube and wet my cock and Jeremy followed suit and sat on my engorged phallus, Steven and I started fucking our respective boys. I was the first to blast my cum deep in Jeremy then Steven lifted Sam off his lap tore off the condom and Stood up and blasted on Sam’s face and chest a huge load of cum then proceeded to lick it off the boy. Jeremy ran to the Kitchen retrieved each of us a beer then we sat and shot the bull as we downed our refreshment When we had finished Jeremy grabbed Sam and started making out with him so I wandered over to Steven and round two was under way Sam began blowing Jeremy before they worked their way into a 69, not easy for two athletic guys close to six feet tall on my loveseat I let Steven suck my cock before I started eating out his ass then he turned me around and was slipping on another condom and lubing up my ass. As if in anticipation of my “What the Fuck” look on my face he leaned in and Whispered “It’s for your protection, I just tested Poz a few weeks back and I’m not on meds” I had a wrapped Poz cock up my ass and I was suddenly excited and frightened at the same time butt started bucking back on his big cock to get as much of him inside me, hoping the condom didn’t break and at the same time wishing it would. I was in pig heaven, conflicted but enjoying every thrust and retreat of Stevens’s large tool in my ass. I heard Jeremy start grunting, his breathing became rough and I knew he was breeding Sam’s tight hole, the sound an smell of man sex permeated the room and soon Steven was shooting deep in my as his toxic seed into the reservoir of the condom. He finished his nut, and slowly pulled out, I spun around before h could remove the condom and slid it off him myself then sucked in his cum streaked cock, putting the condom to the side, I cleaned off his cock then went over to clean up Jeremy and rim, feltch out Sam’s hole. When no-one was looking I went in the kitchen and deposited Stevens Used condom in the freezer. It was getting close to 9 when I sent the boys home, Sam was going to spend the night with Jeremy and Steven was going to drive them to their respective schools and work in the morning. Sam was about the size of Jeremy so he asked to borrow an outfit for school, Jeremy was only too happy to oblige. I hit the bedroom and watched a movie on-demand then drifted off to sleep, waking around six in the morning to the alarm clock. I got up and fed the cat then went in and brewed a coffee in my one cup coffee maker climbed on the bed and opened the laptop, scrolled through the various job hunting e-mails and then was disappointed I hadn’t heard back from either lawyer, but then again it was still early on a Monday, I grabbed my phone and pulled up growlr looking for a special person, a contact I had made about 2 years prior, who happened to own a real estate office, I also looked for him on A4A and BBRT. I had lost touch with him a bit and he hadn’t been very active on any of the sites recently. I finally found him and sent a message “hey stud contact me I have a Challenge for you, this is a professional request” I left it at that knowing when he got the message his interest would be piqued. I pulled up my bank info and saw that my account was getting close to being overdrawn, noting the contact information for later that day, set the alarm on my phone for 9:30 so I could call the bank and let them know that the lottery deposit would be made sometime in the next 7-10 days and they wouldn’t think it was an error. I also checked all my credit cards to see how close I was to maxing them out as I might have to start living on them until the lotto deposit cleared. I scheduled each of them to pay the full balance on the Friday after next giving time once again for the lotto moneys to clear. I paid my Electric and cable bill along with a couple other payments that were due. Then headed out to the gym. Having a good workout I noticed several of the younger guys actually paying attention to me, was it my new attitude had they been, cruising me all these months and I never knew it, were my senses just heightened since meeting Jeremy, or had they seen my picture on the news as the winner of the multi-state lottery. It was hard to tell and I didn’t have the courage to ask, not really wanting the answer especially if it was my new celebrity status which attracted them to me, I hadn’t changed I was still the same guy I was last week at this time. I finished my workout and headed back to the locker room a nice soak in the Jacuzzi and a sit in the steam room was what I needed to soothe my muscle pain and to relax all the tension from my body. I was sitting in the steam room enjoying the warm vapors swirling around me, most likely with my eyes closed, when I heard the door open then close, I felt a body sit down close to me but couldn’t make out much through the steam suddenly a hand brushed against my leg and I opened my eyes and saw the silhouette of a guy just off to my right stretching “Sorry dude, how’s it going? By the way the names Miguel” “It’s alright Miguel, no harm done” Miguel started caressing my leg and working closer and closer to the hem of my gym shorts, now this was a family gym but we were the only two in the steam room and the place was close to deserted in the pool area, so I let him massage my legs. The steam had cleared enough I could see Miguel was a young Latino with a really cute face and a couple tats across his upper chest. He turned around a bit and ran his hand up into my shorts, being commando my hard cock was soon tenting the flimsy fabric, Miguel reached up and pulled it out the leg hole then engulfed it into his mouth. Oh my god I was getting blown in the steam room and loving it, the anxiety of getting caught and that I hadn’t gotten off since last night soon had me shooting a load down Miguel’s throat. After leaving a load in Miguel’s throat I went back to the locker room and got changed after showering. I left the gym and headed over to the bank, figuring it was better to talk to the branch manager in person and I also wanted to open a savings account and a secondary Checking as well as set up accounts for Jeremy. I arrived at the bank and asked to see the manager then described my situation to him, he helped me set up the auxiliary accounts and we arraigned for them to be funded shortly after the big funds arrived. Having got those details out of the way I headed over to the University to see if I could catch Jeremy between classes for a quick lunch, he had given me his schedule so I knew he had about 45 minutes between his classes, I texted him asking if we could meet up in the union for lunch. I arrived on campus, paid for a 2 hour parking pass and headed over to the student union, by then Jeremy had texted back and asked if I could pick him up a chicken sandwich from one of the venders and he would be there shortly. I got his food and some for me and found a table, Jeremy joined me about five minutes later, and started eating like it as his last meal, I slipped the documents from the bank envelope and asked him to sign “What’s this? I told you I didn’t expect you to support me” “Well I have come into some money lately and I want to share some with you, after all you are partly responsible” “I’m confused but alright” I explained to him that we would be receiving the debit card in the mail about 10 days after the accounts were opened and we enjoyed pleasant conversation during the rest of our lunch together, Jeremy telling me about his morning class and what had transpired with one of his cute classmates. I sent him off to his afternoon class and headed out to the car, I had a few more errands to run before returning home. I arrived home around 3 and went in and stripped off my clothes then opened my laptop and checked my e-mails, both lawyers wanted to schedule a meeting so I arraigned to meet one on Wednesday and another on Thursday, I’d check both out and see which one offered the best deal for retainer services. I then checked out my BBRT and BZ accounts I had a new message on BZ, it was from a new user and it said “ Hi this is Steven would love to get together with you, also left message on BBRT” I went over to BBRT and checked my messages and there it was a message from Steven “ Hey dude can I come over before Jeremy gets home, Need to talk with you” I messaged him back that I was home, come on over, a few moments later I heard a knock on the door, it was Steve, he was almost in tears, when asked what was wrong he indicated his sugar daddy had dumped him for a younger guy he wanted to convert, and use as bait to get guys to sleep with. I consoled Steve and after we talked for a bit convinced him he had been used by the sugar daddy, after all it was the Sugar daddy who tricked him into the Conversion party and got him pozzed up then used him to lure negative boys back to get loaded with toxic seed, he even was used to lure the newest twink into a conversion party so he could be trained to be a lure. Steve then told me he loved Jeremy like a brother and was worried that his tales of erotic exploits twisted his mind and made him a bug chaser. I told him that I knew that he and Jeremy were both on BZ and that I thought maybe Jeremy’s reading of bug chasing stories were more to blame. He say there and wept a bit saying he always thought Jeremy was a hot little number and he had hoped that someday to be able to have the kind of relationship with him that we were beginning to have, that he fantasized about breeding him M: so you want to be able to Breed him S: yeah I’ve wanted to be his first as I was really starting to fall for him then I got lured into that party where I got used as a cumdump M: so then you were afraid he would hate you if you knocked him up S: yeah I didn’t want him to be upset with me if he really did Poz up M: would you breed us both if we asked you too? S: if you guys were sure, it would be my honor to knock you up I went over to Steve and sat next to him, I told him about my encounter in the complex’s laundry room and gym and what Eli and Jess said to me, rubbing his thighs getting him turned on. He said it sounded as if they might have tried to knock me up, but it was still too early to tell, that I didn’t know their status or how toxic they were, if at all. I told him that we would have to wait and see then he kissed me and said he was going to keep on fucking me like he did last night for the next two to three weeks then the condom was coming off and he was going to do me bare if that’s what I wanted. I told him I knew he was a slut with a big heart and I wanted all of his used condoms and asked he would like to cum over daily to help me make cumcicles. He said now that he was a free man he would love to jerk off for me daily, and would collect his toxic semen for me. I felt so evil and dirty but it felt great having someone else in my twisted plan. I sent Steve home and made myself dinner finished up some cruising on the internet and watched a sappy movie. Over the next couple weeks I worked around Jeremy’s and Steve’s schedules and had them over several time even managed to have Sam over quite a few times as well and I soon found that we had corrupted little Sam and he was turning into a cum pig like the rest of us, Steve kept his promise to us and always played safe with us and I think Jeremy was talking to Sam and even taking loads from him although he now said he was a 75% bottom he seemed to enjoy it when we had him top us. I got word that the lotto deposit had been made and I was enjoying not having to worry about what I was going to do next. My friend Sean finally contacted me and inquired what Professional task I had for him, since we only chatted on a sex site he thought it was something down and dirty, when in reality I needed him to find me a home, a house for me and my boys to live comfortably in to have fun, maybe open it up to young college guys. And he suggested we could meet up and see a few he had in mind, I made a date with him and told him that we would have to get together and discuss my needs and wants. It had been just over a month since we met and Jeremy was still very much infatuated with me, our circle of friends was tightening and we were happy, I still hadn’t fully disclosed to him or any of our friends just how much I had received from my lotto winnings but he knew we were fixed for a time, summer was fast approaching and we started to make plans to travel and have some good times, Sean had found us a 8 bedroom fixer upper mansion in the foothills and I was in the process to having it remodeled. Jeremy and Steve moved in with me to save on rent for now and I enjoyed frequent visits from Tony. Of course this was just the beginning , but that’s a different story altogether
    1 point
  34. Sam I can’t believe my luck, I met up with a hot Dad and son, a couple of nights ago, the son was a guy I had lusted after in my first year of high school, and now he was sitting in my section of the restaurant I worked in. They were flirting with me all throughout their dinners, then the son hit on me when I asked if I could get them dessert, they ordered the Molten chocolate cake one of my favorites, I couldn’t believe how hard it was to keep getting a boner while working. Then when I went to take the check back to close it out with tip I had to call my manager over, they had left me a $150 tip on their bill, they also offered me a ride home, how could I refuse, but I kind of felt like I was a hustler being paid for sex. I guess I shouldn’t have worried. Jeremy and Matt were extremely nice to me and I realized they were taking me to their home not mine, I pulled out my phone and texted my Dad I was spending the night with some friends, and that I’d see him on Sunday when he got back from his business trip. I had lived with my Dad since I was 12 after they divorced, Mom said he was never there for her, in a way she was right always traveling for business, it wasn’t easy growing up with nannies when dad was away but he always seemed to make it up to me when he spent time at home with me. Lucky for me my Dad has a few contacts as well and he helped get me this Restaurant job when I was 16 as a busboy/dishwasher, granted it wasn’t the most glamourous but for a 16 year old spending 4 hours after school one day a week and a couple 5 hour shifts on the weekends got me so spending cash and I got along with all the wait staff. On Friday nights I could walk out with an additional $50 in tips from all the waiters I had cleared tables for. A couple months ago the manager started training me on waiting tables with the promise of being promoted shortly after my 18th birthday. My birthday had come and suddenly I was off the schedule. I went up to my manager Mgr: hey there Sam S: what gives I have no hours and there’s a new bus boy on the schedule? Mgr: Don’t worry we gave you some time off to enjoy yourself S: so I’m not being let go Mgr: Sam I made a promise to you you’ll be back on the schedule next week S: Whew I thought I did something wrong I was relieved and my manager handed me an envelope with a bonus in it. I decided to go shopping and that’s when I saw him, my fantasy boy from high school, seeing him again at A&F brought back the lust I had felt as a freshmen and my jerk off sessions became ritual fantasy scenarios. I soon got back to work then they walked in, I was hard all night as I waited on them, not sure if Jeremy would remember the scrawny little red head that used to hang out with the Lacrosse team and spy on them in the locker room when he was just a senior in high school. Now I was a senior finishing up soon no longer scrawny as I had started working out and buffing up, I still had a curly mop of red hair on my head but I was now the one the girls and guys drooled over. Suddenly he was flirting with me and so was the man he was with, a little older than I was used to lusting for but still a hot hunk, maybe in his late thirties I guessed, then I overheard their conversation that the guy was Jeremy’s Biological father and my dick stiffened in my pant, he was dating his own dad, I know taboo but in my opinion also very hot. When they took their time and ended making me miss my bus I was a little pissed, although I got along with my manager I really didn’t want to wait for him to close the restaurant and I suspected he had a thing for me, and now that I was over 18 I thought he might try to make a move on me, he was hot just not my type, more like a big brother. Matt and Jeremy showed me such a good time but I was a realist and knew they might come by and see me every now and then at the restaurant but that night was most likely a fluke, Then this afternoon I get a call from Jeremy asking me if I wanted to meet him at the mall and maybe go over to Matts for dinner with him and his roommate. When I told him I’d love to do that but the buses ran a weird schedule on Sundays he offered to send his roommate for me. How could I pass up a opportunity like that, and it most likely meant I wouldn’t have to jerk off to the memory or fantasy of him, I might just be able to have him that night. I gave Jeremy my address since we had dropped him off first before Matt drove me home Saturday morning, about half an hour later I was waiting outside for some guy named Steven, when a yellow Acura pulled up, the window rolled down “Sam?” “Yeah” “Hop in Jeremy’s waiting on us” I climbed in the passenger’s side and I was hoping I wasn’t drooling, Steven was beautiful, Marvel comics super hero pretty. We drove to the mall and met Jeremy at the Central food court then after gulping down a quick bite cruised and window shopped at the mall for about 2 hours before getting back in Stevens car and heading over to their place. I hoped Matt was a good cook, because I was a Foodie, a picky eater you might say, but my fears were quelled when we entered Matt’s apartment, it smelled delicious.
    1 point
  35. Tony Growing up was tough. Mom kicked Dad out of the house when I was just four and a half, mainly because he couldn’t keep his cock in his trousers. He was always chasing tail and getting caught. My sister, Amy, took it hard when he was forced to leave. She was, after all, daddy's little girl. I guess Mom wanted to keep her from becoming daddy's little conquest or slut. To say Mom hated men or didn’t trust them was a understatement, and as I got older it became more evident she didn’t really care for or trust me, but as or trusted me, but Amy was there to act as a buffer between Mom and me. I loved my sister for being there for me when mom would go on her weird tangents. I turned to sports and became the guy that all the girls wanted for their boyfriend, but I also noticed the guys drooling over me and wanted to return the attention, but feared I would be harassed for it, so I stuck to my fantasies and went through a lot of Kleenex. A lot changed though when I was about 17. Amy started seeing a hot jock type guy she had met in a PE class over at the JC. They 'dated' for about nine months, during which he took Amy to an out-of-town wedding, only to break it off with Amy about a month later, telling her it wasn’t working for him. That’s what she said he had told her, but I knew it was because he was gay. I was just past my 18th birthday when I confronted him, well more like seduced him to jack off with me. Then a couple dates later I got him to suck me off, and towards the end I was trading blow jobs with him. I was hooked on the taste of cum and couldn’t get enough of his sweet nectar. I just wish I could have been the one he took to an out-of-town family wedding, instead of Amy. I figured she had done something to piss him off. About 8 months later Jeremy came into this world. I loved my little nephew, especially knowing who was his father. I helped raise the little tyke and always offered my baby sitting services even after I had gotten drunk and accidentally knocked up a sorority girl at a frat party. Mom told me I had to marry her since she wasn’t having two illegitimate grand-babies. That was almost 18 years ago. I brought up my boy as well as Jeremy and his other two cousins who somehow managed to appear after I would go out and get some dick and man cunt. My little side affairs caused fights with my wife. She never knew I was into guys, but rather assumed I was after one or another floozy who hung out at the local bar, and with whom, my wife thought I would have sex while in a drunken stupor. Well Tom, Hank and Mario were born about two years apart. Jeremy was only five when Tom hit the world screaming, seven, when Hank was born, and nine when Mario made his debut. So Jeremy was old enough to provide light babysitting duty with Mario. I had a job supervising landscaping crews out on the road so sometimes I wasn’t always around but I could count on my nephew to help out my wife, when I was gone, then Amy started getting sick and she needed Jeremy around the house more, it was a good thing we lived in the same neighborhood so I could watch over her the way she had done for me. Jeremy hit junior high and high school a total hunky Jock and I felt bad because I would find myself thinking about him the way I thought about his dad. I knew Jeremy was like his dad and even took him to a gay 18 and over club the day after his 18th birthday, he was so excited, he ended up creaming his pants when this hot 20yo hunk started feeling him up while kissing him. He went off to college but would keep in touch, even calling to give my boys pep talks about staying the course and getting into good colleges and stuff. Then he called me this morning and told me he had found his daddy. I thought at first he had found an older man who he connected with then he explained to me his neighbor that he met, and had coffee with turned out to be his biological dad. I thought life comes full circle, I was already coming up to visit my nephew for the evening when he told me Matt had planned on cooking dinner and Steven, Jeremy’s roommate would be in attendance as well. I always enjoyed hanging with my nephew and his hunky roommate, although Steven had been absent on the last couple of trips up. I picked Jeremy up from work after spending time with Steven at the mall and we drove back to their apartment. Jeremy wanted to freshen up a bit then we walked over to Matt’s apartment. Matt greeted us at the door and invited us in, after Jeremy made quick introductions and rushed into the kitchen to get everyone beverages. The tension was thick as we began with small talk but we all soon eased up especially after the first couple of drinks, dinner was put out on the stove and we all prepared a plate and sat down to eat. Pleasant dinner conversation continued on and stories were exchanged back and forth until Jeremy noticing the time called it a night, Steven and Jeremy started out the door and I was about to follow after asking if I could crash on their sofa, to avoid the long drive home and feeling a little dizzy from the many drinks we had consumed. Matt suggested I use his Spare room saying his day bed was much more comfortable, I accepted the invite and hugged my nephew goodnight as well as Steven. Matt showed me the bedroom and the bath and bid me goodnight as well. I lay there naked on the day bed fantasying about Matt in the other room before I finally got up the courage and walked quietly down the hall, seeing Matt covered in just a light blanket, l lifted the blanket and slid in next to him spooning him and my hardening cock wiggling up between his cheeks. “I thought you were married?” “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her” Matt chuckled, as he pressed his ass back into me “Still the same old horny Tony” We cuddled some more then we both nodded off to sleep. I was woken up from a great dream of having sex with Matt around 6:30 then realized it wasn’t all a dream as Matt was gobbling down my cock with three fingers up my ass working their way inside me. I was in heaven as I felt my hard 9 incher hit the back of Matt’s throat, and him trying to slide a fourth finger into my loosening mancunt “Oh you finally woke up now the real fun can begin” He pulled off my cock and removed his hand from my ass and scooted up on the bed embracing me his lips intertwining with mine, his cock sliding into my prepared hole “You know it’s been almost thirteen years since I’ve had a dick up there” I whispered in his ear when our tongues stopped warring in our mouths. He had done such a good job of stretching and loosening me up there was little pain just an overwhelming pleasure of being filled by a large cock as it kept bumping into my prostate causing me to spurt pre jizz from my piss slit. Matt began a gentle fuck of my hole, slowly speeding up till he was pounding me fast, then he stopped suddenly thrusting as deep as he could go. I could actually feel the pulsing on both ends of his cock, the tip jerking and spraying his seed into me and the pulsating of his root as the jism was pumped up the shaft. He collapsed on top of me and held me, his cock still hard in my rectum my sphincter gripping and pulsating him as I shoot my load on the sheets, my chest, my face, the wall behind us, my cum was flying everywhere. His cock shrunk in size and slipped from my hole finally releasing me from his tight grip “Guess we need a shower now, so I can send you back to your wife” I chuckled and agreed, we both got up and Matt went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, then came back for me. Kissing me passionately but gently he escorted me to the awaiting flow of water and then climbed in behind me. I allowed the water to cascade down over my body as he grabbed a loofa and gently started washing my chest and back , then moved down to my hardening again cock. His was semi hard again too, we both just laughed and I thought how perfect for my fantasy man to be bathing me like this. After he had finished rinsing us off he turned off the water and grabbed us some fresh towels to dry off. “So after we get dressed you want to head over to school and surprise Jeremy by eating at the cafeteria, I know they used to have some kick ass Sunday brunches.” Matt inquired, I was up for it and I always was in the mod to see my hunky nephew even if he was at work. We rode over in my car and did indeed surprise Jeremy and he actually took his break with us and snacked on Matt’s plate. After brunch I dropped Matt off at his place and headed home to the wife and kids. My life was not going to be the same now that Matt had entered it again.
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  36. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 6 We spent the night spooning each other in bed. I woke with morning wood and Zak’s hard cock sandwiched between my ass cheeks. It felt so right waking in his arms with his boned up dick against my body. I snuggled further into Zak and worked his shaft against my hungry hole. Thoughts of last night’s breeding made my cock dance rock hard. Zak yawned and stretched, rubbing his boner tight against me. “Morning, babe.” “Morning.” He sighed and kissed the back of my neck, “Did you sleep well?” “Yep. Feels good waking up with you.” As he snuggled me and ground his cock against me, “Doesn’t feel so bad for me either.” “I can’t stop thinking about last night.” “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?” “Want to do some more breeding today?” “Yeah, I’m game.” “You still have Jonathan’s number from lunch yesterday?” “I’m sure it’s still in my pocket.” “Why don’t you message him and see if he wants to have a drink and some threesome play?” I reached for my phone. Tap, tap, tap….. I tried to reach Jonathan with a text message. “Hey Jonathan….it’s Zeek from yesterday at the restaurant. U have plans today?” I snuggled into Zak again. A few minutes later my cell phone called out to us with a “ding.” I had a message from Jonathan. “Hey Zeek, Glad to hear from u. Enjoyed our ‘bathroom break.’ No plans today. What did u have in mind?” “Brunch and some 3some play?” “Love to. Where and when 2 meet?” Zak was stroking my hard shaft while I tried to concentrate on messaging back and forth with our new play bud. “How about Café Centraal on Kinnickinnic at 11:30?” “Sounds good. Will give me time to get moving. Still lying in bed. Feels good to sleep in on my day off.” “We are hangin out in bed yet too.” “Awesome. Nothing like a lazy start to the day.” I snapped a selfie of Zak and I in bed and sent it to Jonathan with a message, “U need 2b here in bed with us swappin cum.” “U R getting me turned on.” About a minute later pics of Jonathan’s hard rod and tight hole showed up on my phone, “Look forward to seeing u guys.” “Damn, can’t wait to tap that ass again. See U at 11:30.” “Boned with anticipation. Will your BF fuck me too?” “U bet he will.” I snapped a pic of Zak’s cock making sure to not include his biohazard tattoo then sent it to Jonathan with a message. “Here’s Zak’s cock….inked and pierced. You’ll love it…..feels amazing!” By the time I finished texting Jonathan, Zak had his lips wrapped around my shaft and was deep throating my cock. “Fuck, Zak that feels so good.” Between panting, “Jonathan wants…. you to…. fuck him too. I want… to see you… unload your…. poz seed in him.” “We can both breed him, babe.” I pulled Zak off my slick cock. “The thought of pozzing Jonathan has me so close to cumming. My dick throbbed and stiffened over and over. Precum glistened on the head of my shaft. “You better slow down, or I’ll be shooting my swimmers down your throat in no time.” We showered fully erect. I don’t think our cocks dropped to more than half mast the entire time. We made out while lathering each other’s bodies and stroking each other’s rods all soaped up. We both pissed on each other at the same time. Our urine mixed together as it ran down our bodies with our lips locked. On the drive to the restaurant our cocks strained against our jeans begging to be released. “Damn, Zak, I’m so boned up. I can’t get my cock to go down.” “I know, breeding always gets me going too. Try thinking of something else.” Thought I had it licked. I focused on thinking about the landscaping I wanted to complete around my house, but that led to thoughts of Summer, the hot sun, sweaty construction workers, to stripping their shirts off and my cock boned up again. Zak chimed in, “Not working I see. I have a sure way to kill your hard on.” “Go for it.” “Think about a woman naked. Her cunt is steamy and goopy with a yeast infection. When she spreads her legs it smells like a rotting fish.” “Damn, Zak….talk about not only killing my wood, I may be vomiting on top of it.” He chuckled, “Works every time.” We arrived at Café Centraal a few minutes early and ordered a drink at the bar. The bartender was a sexy number with ink up one arm, a trim waist, reddish brown hair and a scruffy 5 o’clock shadow. In no time my cock was boned up again. “Hi guys, can I get you a drink?” Zak blurted out, “I’ll have a stella.” “Bottle or tap?” “Bottle please.” “And you sir?” “I’ll have a Sam Adams……bottle.” “Coming right up.” The bartender bent down to get the beer from the cooler, allowing us both to check out his firm ass. Zak and I glanced at each other. Zak smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. “My thoughts exactly,” I said. “Here you go guys. Are you having lunch too?” “Yes, we’re just waiting for a buddy to get here.” “I’ll start a tab, add it to your food bill.” “Ok, cool,” I added. Swinging my bar stool toward Zak, I motioned toward my crotch and softly stated, “Think I’m going to stop battling the monster in my pants, because he’s clearly winning.” Zak chuckled, “You ARE a horny devil aren’t you, babe?” Jonathan was a few minutes late. He slipped onto the bar stool next to me and nudged my shoulder with his. “Hi, guys.” “Hey, Jonathan.” Zak added, “Hello, Jonathan.” “Zak and Zeek,” he said, “Kind of has a ring to it.” “It’s actually Isaac, but my friends call me Zeek.” “Well, I really enjoyed meeting you both yesterday……. Zak and Zeek.” “Same,” added Zak. “We just ordered a drink, Jonathan. Would you like something?” Zak motioned for the bartender. “What would you like, sir?” Jonathan ordered a brandy and coke. “With Korbel if you have it, please.” The bartender returned shortly with his drink in hand. “Thanks, man.” Jonathan scooped it off the bar, and we shuffled off to get a table. You could feel the sexual tension in the air as we perused the menus. I fumbled on my words, “So Jonathan, I bet it has to feel good being on the receiving end……ah, I mean being served rather than serving…..um….you know, waiting tables.” We all laughed….breaking the ice. Jonathan grinned, “I do like being on the receiving end in more ways than one.” (Thinking to myself) You’ll be receiving a lot more than you realize today. My cock twitched in my pants. “Good because Zak and I are in a giving mood.” (Thinking to myself) Or I should say gifting mood. Zak glanced at me with a cheeky grin that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. Our waiter popped in out of nowhere. He was short and thin, smooth shaven, and proper with his shirt buttoned to his neck. Nice, cute, maybe 19 or 20 and a little nerdy. “Hi, guys. I’m Coty. I’ll be your waiter today.” We all said hello at the same time. He quickly blurted out, “I see you all have drinks. I’ll give you some time with the menus and stop back in a few.” “Thanks, Coty.” As fast as he appeared he disappeared. Jonathan said, “Boy, he’s fast. Too much coffee or something, another cup and he may explode.” “Well, Jonathan, that bubbly personality you bring to your customers certainly stands out.” Zak tapped Jonathan on the shoulder, “Not to mention the added attention you give to some of us.” He blushed, “I do like my customers to leave happy, but yesterday was a FIRST.” Zak inquired with a flirtatious air, “Ok, Jonathan, see anything you like on the menu?” Jonathan smirked then continued to browse his menu. Without looking up he said, “Well, that would be on the dessert menu, guys, but yes I do.” Coty slipped into position at our table with his pad and pen in hand to take our orders. I wanted to tell him to loosen up a bit, unbutton his shirt and let his hair down a bit, but resisted the urge and let the young lad be. I just thought to myself a good stiff cock up your ass would do you wonders, Coty, as I smiled and placed my order. After a short wait Coty promptly returned with our lunch plates. I noticed his glances at the three of us. This was more than looking. This was checking us out in a subtle way. It set my gaydar off. “Is there anything else I can get you guys right now?” Zak said, “No, I think we are good, Coty, thanks.” He shuffled off to the bar area, but every time I looked at him his eyes were glued on us like he was ready to break into chorus of Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out.” About halfway through my Waldorf salad I asked, “Are you guys reading these signals from Coty too?” Jonathan replied, “You mean all the looks and stares from a distance?” “And all the glances every time he comes to the table,” Zak added? “Yeah, my gaydar is ringing like crazy.” “How could we miss it?” Coty returned to clear our plates, “Are any of you interested in dessert this afternoon?” Jonathan replied, “We saved room for dessert, but we’re having that at my place in a bit.” Coty naively said, “Oh, what’s for dessert guys?” Zak couldn’t resist, “It’s not WHAT’S for dessert, but WHO.” He glanced over at Jonathan with a smirk on his face. Coty’s mouth dropped open. The silverware slipped from his hand, and he nervously bent over to pick them up. It took him a while before reluctantly standing up. He couldn’t hide it. The tenting to the front of his pants was obvious. Coty was family too, whether he knew it or not. His face turned three shades of red, “I’ll be right back with your bill guys,” and he scurried off. My cock twitched and half boned in my pants, “I know he’s a little geeky, but there’s something sweet and innocent about him too.” Jonathan added, “Yeah, he is kind of a cute little number.” “He’s definitely a bit closeted or unsure of his sexuality,” Zak said. About 5 minutes later Coty returned. He placed the bill on the table. He could hardly look at us. Mortified, he said, “I apologize guys, and there’s no rush with this; whenever you are ready.” He turned to walk away and Zak stopped him by grabbing his shirt sleeve. Coty let out a little gasp. “You know, Coty, I hope I don’t offend you. There’s no reason to be embarrassed around us. I only said that earlier because we noticed your glances. We’re all gay here. What I said obviously turned you on. It’s cool, and you’re very welcome to join us for dessert if you like.” Coty nervously stuttered, “Ah, th…thanks, but um…..my shift doesn’t end until late.” Then he awkwardly slipped away. I left a note with Coty’s tip. “If you want to explore your gay side or just chat a bit give us a call, Zak and Zeek.” I didn’t expect to hear from him, but you never know. My focus shifted toward Jonathan and us breeding his ass. Zak was so excited at the thought of pozzing him. I’m surprised he didn’t cream his pants on the way to Jonathan’s place. “I can’t wait to dump our loads in his neg hole,” he said. I have to admit my cock was pretty boned up and leaking too. “Ditto!! The anticipation has me turned on big time.” We followed Jonathan to his apartment. My rod was throbbing in my jeans watching his tight ass strolling down the hall to his front door. Perfectly round, and plump, it filled out his pants so sweetly. I could hardly wait to tear those jeans off and bury my dick in his man hole. We no sooner got the door closed and Jonathan stripped his clothes off. His cock stood straight up in the air. He walked over to Zak and started making out with him and pulling his clothes off. As he reached to unbutton Zak’s jeans he was distracted by me pulling him to me, burying my tongue down his throat. I dropped my jeans to the floor. Having gone commando, our cocks immediately touched. We ground our wet shafts against one another, soaking each other with our slick precum. Jonathan pulled my t-shirt off over my head and tossed it aside as Zak slipped in behind him. Zak unzipped his jeans, flipped his hard shaft out, and worked it against Jonathan’s tight hole. Zak grabbed our prey by the hips and pumped his cock hard between his ass cheeks. I made eye contact with Zak as I made out with Jonathan. He winked at me, puckered up and blew me a kiss then shot me a huge smile. Jonathan arched his back and worked his ass against Zak’s poisonous meat. Zak reached in his pocket and pulled out a jacket, “I have a condom, let me suit up.” Jonathan broke away from kissing me and said, “Drop the rubber, get those jeans off, and fuck me with that poz cock!!” With shock in his voice, Zak replied, “What did you say?” Jonathan chuckled, “You came to poz me, and there’s nothing more I want than to charge up. Bury that poz cock in my hole.” My cock stiffened even more. Zak kept grinding against Jonathan’s tight ass, “How did you know I’m poz?” “I’ll tell you later after you both breed my hole.” Jonathan led us to his bed and sat down on the edge. He leaned back with his cock standing tall in front of him. While looking right at Zak he said, “Are you going to get out of those jeans now?” Zak reached down and unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them to the floor, revealing his big, brazen biohazard tattoo marking him as poz and proud. “Fucking hot!!” Jonathan’s cock stiffened and pulsed down the length of his shaft as he gazed at Zak’s poz dick and ink. “Turn around and get on your knees,” Zak demanded and walked toward the bed. Zak greased up Jonathan’s hole with spit and worked the head of his shaft in his hole. I wasted no time in crawling on the bed on my knees and making out with Jonathan slow and deep. Zak shoved farther into Jonathan’s hungry hole raw. He moaned into my mouth as we continued to kiss, and Zak impaled Jonathan all the way onto his rod. Jonathan stroked my pole. Zak pumped his ass slow and deep. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s grip by standing up on the bed before him. After grabbing the back of his head I buried my cock deep in his throat. “Suck my cock, pig,” as I continued to face fuck him. Zak and I were in perfect rhythm fucking Jonathan from both ends. “You like my poz cock leaking poison in your hole, don’t you, pig?” I pulled my dick from Jonathan’s mouth after about ten minutes of deep throating. “Oh fuck, I want your poz loads in my ass so much.” Zak asked, “Yeah? You want my DNA?” “Yes, give it to me.” I stroked my pulsing cock, stiffening even more with each word. “Yeah? You ready for my swimmers to poz you?” “Fuck, yes.” Zak pounded into Jonathan, “Take my virus, pig. Here it comes.” “Fuck!!” Zak’s body jerked as ropes of charged sperm filled Jonathan’s guts. He quickly pulled out of Jonathan, leaving a trail of cream dripping from Jonathan’s stretched hole. “Get over here, Zeek, and get that cock in his cunt.” I scooped up Zak’s seed leaking from Jonathan’s hole and fingered it into his ass. I worked my fingers in and out of his gut then lined up my cock and plowed in. My meat was immediately coated with ass slime and my babe’s toxic cum. Sloshing my rod in Zak’s demon seed with Jonathan’s hole wrapped around my shaft made my cock throb. I worked my boyfriend’s charged load into Jonathan’s intestinal walls with each thrust. It was wet, slimy and incredible. Zak worked his dick into Jonathan’s throat, “Clean my cock off, pig. Suck it all down.” I slowed my thrusts, pumping into Jonathan feeling every inch of my cock slip deep inside. “Fuck your hole feels so good. I love working poz cum into you.” Zak held Jonathan’s head in place on his shaft, and let out a small shot of piss in Jonathan’s mouth. He quickly gulped it down his throat. “Yeah, you like that sweet piss don’t you? Want more don’t you?” Jonathan simply nodded, and I continued to fuck his ass, groaning with each thrust. I said, “You want my seed too, don’t you pig?” He again nodded as Zak fed him his piss. Jonathan devoured every drop of urine into his belly. “Are you ready for more DNA in your ass?” He nodded and mumbled, “Yes,” between gulps of piss. “Fuck, yes, cause I’m getting close.” Zak pulled his cock from Jonathan’s mouth after emptying his bladder. Jonathan licked his lips with piss dribbling off his tongue, “Oh my God that was hot!!” He took a deep breath, “Now give me your charged seed!!” “Fuck, you love that piss too, don’t you?” “Yes. I love poz cum and piss.” “Here’s my seed, pig.” “Fuck, yes.” My cock pulsed and throbbed over and over. “Yes, Fuck, yeah……I can feel you cumming in me.” I grabbed Jonathan’s hips after draining my balls in his ass. With each slow thrust of my cock I could feel our cum gushing around my shaft. As I pulled my meat from Jonathan’s hole he leaned back against my sweaty chest and with only a few strokes of his cock he splattered Zak’s chest with his creamy spunk. “Fuck, I want to poz so much!!” “Well, I definitely have a viral load,” Zak replied. “Awesome. What about you Zeek?” “Not even sure I’m poz yet. I haven’t tested, and Zak’s been filling my hole with tons of his virus.” “So you may be poz already?” “Could be.” “God, I loved that so much. Thank you, guys.” Jonathan kissed Zak on the lips and slipped his tongue in his mouth. We all flopped down on the bed in a clump of sweaty, hot flesh. After catching our breath, Zak again asked, “So how did you know I’m poz?” “Easy. I checked out guys in Milwaukee and Chicago on BBRT when I knew I was moving here. I saw your profile.” “I don’t have face pics unlocked in my profile.” “You didn’t need face pics. Your ink is hot. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw your tattoos at the restaurant. I knew it was you right away from your profile pics.” I said, “So you knew all along when you took my load in the bathroom stall?” “Sure did, and you guys thought you were going to stealth my ass.” Jonathan chuckled, “I would have played along, but the poz talk while taking seed is hotter.” We both laughed. “You’re a sly little devil, aren’t you?” Jonathan grinned with satisfaction, “So you don’t know if you’re poz yet, huh Zeek?” “Nope. No symptoms yet either.” Zak cut in, “But he should be converting any time now, if he hasn’t already. He’s taken a lot of my cum. You may very well have gotten two toxic loads today.” “Awesome!!” The surprise turnabout from Jonathan left us horny as hell. Driving home our conversation about our weekend of toxic play left us with two rock hard cocks wanting release. I pulled into my garage, and we were ready to fire off another load. The garage door closed and by the time I got out of my car Zak had circled around to my side. He tore my shirt off, and pinned me against the car door. His lips were gentle but aggressive against mine. “I want you Zeek. You need another dose of my virus?” “I want you in me.” Zak pulled my jeans to my knees and flipped me around against the car. I heard his zipper fly down and seconds later his throbbing cock was plowing into my hole. It was raw and rough. He pinned my face to the roof of the car and thrust in me repeatedly. I arched my back against his meat. My cock danced with excitement against the car door. The harder and faster he pumped my ass, the closer I got to firing off my own load. I could feel he was getting close too. His panting grew more intense, and he moaned and groaned building toward climax. His shaft expanded and stiffened, opening me up wider as he shot off round after round in rapid succession. His pulsing cock filled me with sensations that pushed me over the edge, and my rod exploded with a huge load of creamy jizz streaking across my car door. Zak pressed his body against mine. His cock still buried deep in my guts. He kissed my neck then whispered, “You know I’m falling in love with you, don’t you?” I rubbed my head against his. “Ditto, babe,” and he caressed my head and body then kissed the back of my neck. The feel of his body against mine sent chills from my head to my toes. I wanted to tell him I wasn’t falling in love with him; I was already in love with him, but I didn’t. Our relationship was still new. I wanted him against me all night, but I knew he would soon be heading back to Chicago. More to come......
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  37. I'll go round two with you, yr a decent top, next time make a longer session eh
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  38. Hi are u poz or undectable, I'm in melb
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  39. PART THREE I knew that Sam's comment should've made me feel uncomfortable but it didn't. Maybe it was the alcohol or just getting used to the environment itself but I was starting to feel a lot more relaxed and before I knew it, it was midnight. As we were sitting at the bar, the MC came up to us, "Hey guys, sorry about before. I want to make it up to you". We both looked a bit puzzled at him as he continued. "See, first prize isn't usually just the drink cards & a couple of sashes. I usually give the happy couple a little bit extra if you know what I mean. Here, have a great night on me." and slipped something into Sam's pocket. Sam fished into his pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag with a couple of tablets inside. Even though I'd never tried it before, I knew straight away that they were E's. "Wow," I blurted out quickly. "They don't do things by halves here do they?" "I know. Have you ever done ecstasy before?" Sam asked me "Never, what about you?" "Yeah, a handful of times." "At your age?" "Hey man, I'm in my 50s. I'm not 80!! Did you want to give it a try? I totally understand if you don't want to" "I'd never been to a gay bar before tonight either! And hey, you've protected me pretty well from harm so far so of course I trust you. Down the hatch I say" I closed my eyes and downed the rest of my drink along with the pill. There was no question I felt a little nervous having taken ecstasy for the first time but Sam was doing a great job in relaxing me. Our conversation continued to flow freely and I was starting to see Sam in a new light, thinking that I wouldn't mind catching up with again another time. Before I knew it I started feeling incredibly at ease with everything and I knew the molly was starting to take hold. Previously, if guys were giving my ass a playful pat when they came up to the bar I shifted nervously on the stool. Now, I was returning the favour and even flirting with them. I could tell it was having a similar effect on Sam as we were sitting closer together, hands "accidentally" brushing against each other's body as the barman came up to us, "Sorry guys. Bar's closing in fifteen minutes" Despite the rush, I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I knew I had about 3-4 hours of the high left but the bar was soon to close. I knew I wanted to make the most of it so I grabbed Sam by the hand, "Come on, let's dance!" Our actions on the dancefloor this time were the polar opposite from a few hours previously. We were dancing so much closer, Sam had his hands on my hips on more than a few occasions and even stroked my ass. Feeling so much bolder, I turned around and even brushed my ass against his cock once or twice. Although a few guys also brushed my ass a couple of times I only had eyes for one man. "LAST DANCE GUYS!!!!" and the unmistakeable strains of "I've Had The Time Of My Life" started up. "Oh no" moaned Sam. "Nuh uh," I replied with a smile. "There's no way you're sitting this one out" and began to grind my hips against his as I threw my arms around his neck. I looked deep into Sam's eyes, he mine and I was totally lost. I had no wife, he wasn't 25 years older than me, there wasn't a massive number of people on the dancefloor and his hardening cock pressed against me felt so natural. "Thankyou for such a wonderful night" I said with a smile, brought my face up to his and kissed him with more passion than I'd kissed anyone for a long time. No-one would have ever known given how deeply we were kissing that not only were we perfect strangers hours before but that I was a happily married straight man. I'd never felt so alive, kissing this sexy older man out on the dancefloor. There was no need to play coy now as he put both his hands on my ass and cupped my cheeks. I smiled at him only briefly because I needed his tongue back in my mouth immediately. I'd no idea where the rest of the night would lead, all I knew was that I'd never felt this way before. END OF PART THREE
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  40. You are correct; this story is perfect just as it is in terms of plot, characterization, and length. A "sequel" would not be a great idea - you did everything just right the first time. However, it is always one of my favorites... I keep coming back to it! You should definitely write new stories
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  41. PART TWO Fortunately the music started up straight away so Sam and myself made our way back to our seats. As we sat down Sam said to me "Man, that Jessie of yours is a lucky girl, you're a fantastic kisser", blushing I replied that he wasn't too bad himself. Our plan for one last drink went out the window though after winning the drink cards as I wanted to remove all evidence of me being there and whenever someone came to the bar they wanted to buy us a drink in celebration (and who says no to a free drink?) The drinks eventually took their toll though and I made my way to the bathroom for a piss. As I stepped inside I moved to the trough which had room for 3 guys side by side. I was pissing with my eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of breaking the seal for the night when I heard a familiar voice beside me, "Mmmmm, and a nice dick as well" and then gave my cock a couple of long strokes. I turned in shock to see the MC from earlier in the night. He was standing next to me jerking his cock and not even pretending to piss and I could tell that he'd be rock hard before too long. A voice on the other side of me said "Sorry mate, but he's all mine and I don't like to share." Turning round I was incredibly thankful to see Sam's smiling face. He batted the MC's hand away & took hold of my dick, expertly stroking me. Thinking it would be best if I played along I agreed, "Maybe some other time but tonight's it's just the two of us" and I slipped my hand inside Sam's pants and started to fondle his cock, turning towards him for another passionate kiss. I was thankful the MC couldn't see my face as I was so shocked by the size of Sam's cock. Even semi-hard it was longer & thicker than I could imagine! "Let me know if you change your mind then" the MC said as he left while I did my best to get my hand out of Sam's pants, zipped myself up & returned to the bar. Sam returned shortly after and apologise immediately. "Sorry I had to do that again mate but I figured it was the easiest way out for you and I'd already grabbed you once tonight. What's one more between friends!" We both laughed, "Hey I'm sorry if I went too far in there myself" I said, "It was probably the alcohol talking but I thought it was better if I played along" "No problems at all man, especially seeing I got to kiss you again. And Jessie's even luckier from the looks of that dick of yours" I choked on my dick, "Jessie's lucky!?! Mine's nothing compared to yours. God you could cause some real damage with that thing!" "It's been known to" Sam replied with a smile END OF PART TWO
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  42. Sorry for the delay guys. I'll start on chapter 5 and post it ASAP. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 4 As usual the phone rang at around 3 p.m. I didn’t even look at my cell phone screen or give my mom a chance to respond. “Hello mom. Yes, I’ll be there on time.” “I’m just checking.” “I know. I was expecting the call.” “Well, you don’t have to be rude about it.” “I’m not mom. I just knew you would be calling.” “Well, I’m glad you will be making it on time. You know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” “Yes, I know mom. I’ll be there.” “I know you don’t like when I ask this,” (Here it comes….. my mom’s opinions), “and I don’t want to pester, but your Aunt Ester and I have been wondering if you found a nice church yet.” (Thinking to myself) Well, I tricked with a priest in the rectory at St. Sebastian’s once. “No, I’m still looking, mom.” “Now whatever church you choose is really up to you, but remember, you were brought up Lutheran, and even though we weren’t fond of those Catholics, Aunt Ester became one…..well she married into it, dear, but Aunt Ester thinks you’re old enough to be safe around those priests now. So if you’re meant to be a Catholic, then so be it, but don’t be putting your fingers in that holy water, that’s so unsanitary.” “No, Mom, I wouldn’t think of putting my fingers anywhere that wasn’t sanitary.” (Thinking to myself) Unless my tongue checked it out first. “You remember Betty across the street don’t you, Isaac? You know the one with the ugly pansies in front of her house? I’m talking about flowers, dear.” “Yeah, mom.” “She told me today that her son is getting a bunch of tattoos. Betty was shocked to say the least. I don’t understand why he would want to do that.” “Well, it is his body, mom.” “Yes, but…..what do you mean It’s his body? You’re not thinking about getting any of them are you?” “No, mom, I’m not THINKING about getting any tattoos.” “Good because if God wanted you to have tattoos you would have been born that way.” “Oh, so it was divine intervention that you were born with pierced ears, mom?” “That’s different and you know it.” “How is that different, mom?” “Tattoos are defiling your temple, but earrings are just….. just a little bling.” “I’m sure God sees it that way.” “Don’t get smart with me, Isaac.” “I’ll see you tonight, mom.” My mom was going to find out about my tattoo sooner or later. Might as well be sooner and get it over with so I wore a short sleeve shirt to my parent’s house for dinner. I pulled up in front of their house and parked on the street. I started to walk toward the front door and saw my dad standing in the front window. “Walter, get the baseball bat!!! There’s a thug coming up the driveway.” Looking out the front window Walter said, “That’s Isaac’s car out front.” “Oh my God, the thugs got Isaac. Call 911!!” I opened the front door, “Hi mom. Hi dad.” “Oh for heaven’s sake, Isaac, get in here and shut the door before Betty sees you.” “It’s nice to see you too, mom.” “What is that on your arm? And what happened to your hair?” Sarcastically, “What?! You don’t like my new look?” “Well, your hair can grow back, but……but…..you told me you weren’t thinking about getting one of THEM.” “I’m not THINKING about it. I already got it.” “I suppose you think that’s funny.” “Not at all, mom. I happen to like tattoos a lot.” “Well, your father hates it.” Speaking quietly in the background, Walter said, “Actually I kind of like it.” I smirked a little. “You see, he hates it.” “Mom, I’m still the same Isaac as I was before. Actually I’m MORE myself now.” “Well, I don’t have to like it.” “No you don’t, mom, but it’s for me, not you.” During dinner my mom kept looking at me. I could tell she wanted to say something and it was only a matter of time before she couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Please tell me you’re not joining a biker gang or doing drugs, Isaac.” I chuckled, “No, mom, I’m not doing drugs or joining a gang of bikers. Dinner is good, by the way.” My dad added, “I happen to like your tattoo, Isaac. It looks well done.” My mom chimed in, “Walter!!” “Whhhhhaaaat? It looks good.” “Thanks, dad.” My mom changed the subject, “Are you seeing anyone, Isaac?” “I’ve been on a couple dates.” “You know you can bring your guy friend home.” “You mean my boyfriend.” “Well, I don’t know what to call him.” “It’s no different because I’m gay, mom. He’s by boyfriend.” “Well, your boyfriend is welcome here.” “I know. We’re not at that point, mom.” After dinner, while my mom was in the kitchen, my dad hugged me. “Don’t listen to your mom. She means well, but….. You look good, son.” “Thanks, dad.” “Take care. See you soon. I love you, Isaac.” “Yeah, I love you too. Bye, dad.” My mom hugged me goodbye and whispered in my ear, “No more tattoos.” I whispered in her ear, “It’s my body, mom. I happen to like them.” “You’re mutilating your body.” “To you I am. It’s art, mom.” “Art shmart.” “I love you too mom.” “Just take care of yourself, Isaac.” She kissed me on the cheek. “I am mom.” (If she only knew I was also chasing poz seed). “I love you, Isaac. I just want you to be happy.” “What makes you think I’m not happy?” “Nothing.” “Well then……” “I just worry about you. I’m allowed, you know.” “I’m fine mom. I’ll talk to you later.” “Bye. Call me when you get home so I know you made it alright.” “Ok. Thanks for dinner. See you later.” As much as I love my parents, I was happy to be heading home. My mom can be a bit exhausting at times, and tonight’s dinner was about as relaxing as having a root canal. When I got home I called to let my mom know I was home. I flopped onto my bed, let out a deep sigh of relief, and drifted off to sleep curled up with my pillow. Zak and I talked during the week. His laughter at the details of my event-filled evening at my parent’s brought a little too much pleasure to his world. I had to chuckle a bit, though. He did not have the pleasure of meeting my mom…….YET. If our relationship continued to progress he would experience her bubbly personality firsthand. He suggested I grow my beard long, tattoo my neck and head, and pierce my septum, then invite my mom’s neighbor, Betty and her son, to my mom’s house for lunch together. I could see from his response that Zak may enjoy goading my mom relentlessly. I invited Zak to spend the weekend with me in Milwaukee and sweetened the bait by telling him we could initiate my house with some poz breeding. He took the bait and immediately cleared his schedule for the weekend. I was excited to have him coming to Milwaukee to spend time together. By Thursday I couldn’t keep my hands out of my pants, but for all the wrong reasons. My pubic hair was growing back and my crotch was itchy as hell. I tried to look like I didn’t have crabs or something while at work, but every step I took just made me want to tear my pants off and scratch like a dog covered with fleas. I never shaved my pubic hair off before our play last weekend, and as erotic as it was having Zak take a razor to “the playground” I vowed I would never do that again. I prefer pubic hair and body hair anyway. I had no choice but to tough it out. Zak had tattoo appointments Friday night so he drove up early Saturday morning. I took him to an early lunch at my favorite restaurant in the Third Ward. We arrived early, so it was still quiet before the lunch hour crowd flooded in. Our waiter was extremely handsome with dark hair pulled into a pony tail, a neatly trimmed thick beard, tattoos covering his right arm, and a beautiful, round, fuckable ass. “Hi, I’m Jonathan. I’ll be taking care of you today.” (I thought to myself) Yeah, I’d like to be taking care of you too. Zak said, “Hi Jonathan.” I added, “I don’t remember seeing you here, and I come here fairly often.” “I’m pretty new. I just moved here about a month ago.” Zak joined in, “Oh, where abouts are you from?” “I’m from Palm Springs.” “Ouch, you moved from California to Milwaukee?” “I know, I loved Palm Springs, but I have family here.” (Again thinking to myself) That you do, and we’re sitting right in front of you. “So, can I interest either of you in a cocktail to start?” Before we could respond, Jonathan dropped his pen on the floor. I reached to pick it up at the same time he bent down and our hands met at his pen. He brushed his hand lightly against mine and oh so intentionally. My gaydar was dinging “off the chart,” and my cock was half boned in a flash. I picked up his pen and handed it to him. Jonathan looked into my eyes as he stood up, gave me a smile and wink, “Thanks a lot.” With a grin on my face, “You’re welcome.” “Uh, oh yes, cocktails?” Zak ordered a bloody mary, and I got a martini. We skimmed the menu, and the waiter shuffled off toward the bar. “Did you see what just happened?” “How could I not? That boy is family, and hot looking family at that.” “He boned up my cock that’s for sure.” “Bet you’d like to poz his ass. I bet my virus is already taking over your body as we speak. You’re probably already poz with a growing viral load. Your body just hasn’t reacted yet.” Jonathan returned a few minutes later with our drinks. “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?” Zak said, “Sorry, we were chatting not looking at the menu. I’ll shut up and focus on the menu. I need a just few more minutes, please.” “Ok, I’ll step into the men’s room for a second and be back in a bit.” Jonathan glanced over at me, before turning and disappearing down the hall toward the bathroom. “Well, what the hell are you waiting for, Zeek? Get your ass in there.” I strolled over to the men’s room and as I walked in Jonathan glanced over his shoulder at me. He was standing at the urinal with his legs slightly spread. I took the urinal next to him and didn’t say a word. He was stroking his hard shaft and looking at his cock. He didn’t flinch as my hand slowly passed into his line of vision and grasped his boned up meat. His cock throbbed in my grip, and he let out a quiet moan. I stroked his cock and led him by his hard pole into the bathroom stall and closed the door. Our lips were locked in a flash. Jonathan unzipped my jeans and pulled out my hard cock. He said, “We don’t have much time.” “Then we better get to it.” I dropped Jonathan’s pants to the floor. I grasped his ass and massaged his man cave as I turned him around. My cock found his ass crack and I pressed my shaft against his hole. “I want to fuck you.” “If you can make it quick, go for it.” I gave him no time to bring up a discussion about condoms. I bent him in over, spit in my hand and lubed up my cock then pressed my shaft head to his cunt. Jonathan spread his legs and arched his back into my hard tool. With a little force I shoved the head inside. Jonathan flinched and his ass tightened around the head of my dick. Thinking my fast entry was painful I held my cock still. With one quick thrust, he shoved my cock deep into his ass. A gasp escaped from Jonathan’s mouth. He reached behind me and grasped my ass, holding me tight against his cheeks. After taking a few deep breaths he released his grip on my ass. “Fuck me, man. Give me that cum.” “Fuck yes. I’ll load you up.” I began to thrust into him, first slowly, then hard and fast, burying my meat all the way into his gut. Knowing someone could walk in at any minute I held nothing back. There was no verbal talk, no kissing, no massaging or caressing, just all out hard fucking. I grabbed his hips and drove my tool into his hole over and over. The thought of filling his ass with what I hoped was a potent dose of charged seed brought me to the edge in no time. My cock stiffened and swelled even more. I gave him no warning as my shaft began to throb and pulse. A huge load of cum shot from my cock in rapid succession, coating his guts with my DNA. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s ass, tucked it into my pants and zipped up my jeans. He stood up and planted a big kiss on my lips. Jonathan’s rod remained rock hard, standing at attention with precum leaking from his piss hole. He stroked his shaft a few times then stuffed his stiff rod into his pants and zipped up. “Thanks, man….that was fucking hot.” “Sorry it had to be so fast, but I loved it.” We kissed one more time then I slipped out the bathroom door. Zak glanced at me over his menu as I approached our table then stared at me after I took my seat. “Well?” I just grinned and gave him a few slow nods of yes. He smiled back at me then we both continued to browse the menu. Jonathan returned from the bathroom with a professional posture. Except for the slight bulge remaining in his jeans from his still half erect cock, he was put together neatly. “See anything you would like on the menu?” Zak couldn’t resist, “From the silly grin on my boyfriend’s face I would have to say yes.” Jonathan immediately made eye contact with Zak. Zak winked and smiled at our waiter then gave him a lusty once over with his eyes, “I’ll have what he just had with a bacon burger on the side.” Jonathan chuckled and blushed a little. Now turning slightly toward me, “And you sir?” “I guess I had my dessert before lunch, didn’t I? But, I’ll have the mushroom burger and fries.” Jonathan smiled and collected the menus, “Thank you guys. I’ll get that right in.” (Thinking to myself as I glanced at Jonathan’s ass) Think I just did that, man. “No…..Thank YOU, Jonathan.” He didn’t know just how much I meant that, but maybe he would find out in a month or so. While chowing down on our burgers Zak wanted details. I shared that Jonathan never inquired about my status and there was no discussion about condoms. “He has no idea that you’ve been taking poz cum?” “Nope, not a clue.” By the time I reached the part about me filling Jonathan’s ass with my seed, Zak had a raging hard on. “Fuck, you have me so turned on, Zeek. I want to fuck your ass so bad.” Our lunch continued with plenty of flirtatious fun with Jonathan. After finishing our meal he returned again, “Can I get you anything else, guys?” Zak suggested, “Like coffee, tea, or me? Because I’ll take the ‘ ME’ part to go.” Jonathan and I chuckled, “You guys are fun to wait on. Please do cum again.” I added, “Oh, we’ll definitely cum again.” He placed the bill in the center of the table with a brief note with his phone number, “Call me anytime for the ‘ME part to go’ guys…..thanks again for EVERYTHING.” He got a good tip. While driving back to my house Zak was still turned on by our erotic lunch. He whipped his rock hard cock out and stroked his meat. I reached over and wrapped my hand around his shaft. His rod stiffened and throbbed as I stroked his cock. I knew what was ahead for my ass and the thought of that gave me a raging hard on.
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  43. Wow, if i decide not to wait until I'm in a relationship with a poz guy or get slammed up then gangbanged to get charged up, then I hope this is how I'll get the gift. Love the biohazard tattoo.
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  44. I normally am not ridiculously into black dick. But I met this black tip today whose dick was huge. And just beautiful. He didnt fuck my face as hard as my ass, but it was still nice.
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  45. I love BBC also... I like it when the TOP will talk nasty, about taking his dirty black cock in my "cunt"...
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  46. every year i celebrate my bday the same way and im gettting lil bored... this year i want to try something new and embrace my new piggy lifestyle . i live in the bronx could host monday -friday but during the day cause i have a bf and he is extremely vanilla... love my dirty sleazy pigs. guys over 40 turn me on. who here would like to b a piggy friend with me ?
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  47. Part 3 He didn't wait for a response before he reached out to me with his spare hand, saying “Here, give me your hand,” taking hold of my wrist and pulling it over to his crotch where his massive cock floated in the bubbling water. I tried to pull my hand away, but he held onto it, putting it on his dick and closing my fingers around it. He never broke eye contact with me, and encouraged me saying softly “Go on," as the hand around my waist came up out of the water. His fingers tangled themselves into my hair and began stroking softly. I wanted to run away, out of the tub and back to the locker room where people seemed to leave me alone, but the heavy weight in my hand did feel pretty good. I relented, and began to very slowly pump his dick. A big smile spread across his face when I did. “Good boy.” He practically purred into my ear as his hand left my wrist and moved to my thigh. I gasped when I felt his tight squeeze, but I continued working his dick. Whenever I brought my hand up near the tip of his dick, I'd feel the piercing brush against me. I'd never seen a pierced dick outside of porn before, and I didn't know what to do with it. I wondered if touching it too much would hurt him, so I kept my hand away from it. My heart was pulsing pretty hard, and my vision had gone strange. The lights – what few there were –had gone all pale and a bit blurry. My friend had told me about this though, it was a side effect of the pill he'd given me. The main effect was also starting to work as well. The movement of the water,along with the admittedly nice feeling of the skinheads cock were making me begin to get hard, even despite my nerves. His hand traveled further up my thigh to my hip and my hardening cock. He didn't take the shaft itself, but slipped one of his thumbs under my balls and pressed down on the skin there, rubbing the hardness and making me gasp. I tightened my grip on his dick and pumped a bit harder. “So, you gonna let me fuck you later?” he asked. That snapped me back to reality a bit. “I-I-I'm saving myself for my friend,” I stuttered, getting increasingly red faced. I let go of his cock, but he kept a firm grip of me. “I know, I know! You don't need to keep reminding me. He'll be your first tonight, but I'm happy to let him loosen you up. I doubt you'll be able to take me straightaway, but it's not like you're here just for him, are you?” I didn't respond to that, just stared at the skinhead, swallowing as I realized my mouth had suddenly got dry. “Unless... Unless you mean you're literally saving yourself.. You mean, tonight is your first time?” I nodded weakly. At that point, he did move his hand away from my cock. His other hand left my hair, but stayed around my shoulders, as he laughed softly saying “Well then, that does change things a bit, doesn't it! Then he said in a voice a bit louder than he had been using, “That's quite the gift, and I guess I should let your friend unwrap his own presents, shouldn't I? Don't worry – I'll make sure everyone knows that there's a cute, twinky little virgin running around the halls, and that they definitely shouldn't touch him. At least, not for a while.” With that, he stood up and moved in front of me. This time, I got a quick look at the tattoo on his stomach. It was some sort of symbol – something I'd seen before,but at the same time, I couldn't quite place it. I only got a quick look though, before he leaned down and brought his face close to mine. “But how about you come find me later, yeah?” He forced his lips roughly against mine, taking me in one quick but heavy kiss that pushed my whole head back. Once he pulled away again, he grinned,before turning and heading out of the pool. I didn't know what to make of the encounter, but my heart was racing, and my cock was rock hard. At the very least, I didn't want to get out of the hot tub until it had gone down.
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  48. Part 2 I thought the changing rooms were warm, but the heat that hit me when I entered the sauna itself was like a wall. The smell of water and the cleaning agents filled my nose, but they weren't strong enough to cover up the smells of men in the air. A few guys sat on benches positioned against the wall. Most of the guys had closed their eyes, presumably listening to the background music, which was some sort of repetitive house beat that sounded like the background music in a porn film. One guy, who looked like he was Turkish, checked me out as I came in. He looked me up and down and smirked. His skin shined with sweat and water, and he looked like he'd been there a while. I smiled weakly back before sliding through the first door I passed, not really paying attention to where I was going. My heart thumped in my chest – just that one interaction was enough to get my pulse racing. I wondered if I'd even last till my friend joined me before chickening out, but I pressed on. After a bit of searching, I managed to stumble to the place that my friend had told me to go, the hot tub, which was at the far end of a corridor off of which were showers that bubbling away. Two guys were in the hot tub, one, an older guy with greasy black hair and tattoos, who sat in one corner, his eyes closed, and the other was a white guy with a completely shaved head. He looked to be fairly young, by no means as young as I, but probably in his early 30s. He smiled at me when I approached, which again, was enough to make me worry, but as my friend told me to try out the hot tub, I knew that when he finally arrived, that was where he'd look to find me. As casually as I was able, I removed my towel, and hung it on one of the hooks that lined the wall by the hot tub, and, covering my cock and balls with my hand, the mark of a newbie, and which made the skinhead laugh, I climbed up the steps into the hot tub. The water wasn't as hot as I was expecting, but it was still warm enough. The bubbles splashed over me as I moved through the water. At its deepest, it came up to my bellybutton, but the seats around the side submerged me right up to my shoulders. Placing the poppers on the ledge nearest me, I sat well away from the other two guys. The older guy didn't seem to notice me at all, or, for that matter, even open his eyes, but the skinhead stood-up pretty much the second I sat down and moved closer to me. I felt myself flinch as he sat down next to me, but I didn't move away, reasoning that he might get angry. “Hey,” he asked, “I'd ask if you came here often, but I think I'd remember if I'd seen you here before.” With that, he leaned in, I think with the intention of kissing my neck, but at that point, I did pull away, and moved further along the bench until I was backed into the corner. He responded with a quick laugh, asking “Oh, it's actually your very first time, isn't it?” I nodded, explaining “I'mmm, I'm waiting for my fffr, my friend. He should be here soon.” The skinhead chucked at my explanation, and again closed the gap between us, put his arm on the ledge around me, though only slightly touching me, he stroked my shoulder with his thumb. “Err, I'm err-” I tried to stutter some sort of response. "Waiting for your friend, I know. But he won't mind if I wait with you, will he? Keep you safe from some of the creeps who want to suck you off right here and now." He smiled as his arm slipped from the ledge, went around my waist, and pulled me closer to himself, so our bodies were touching slightly. I swallowed. At that point, the pump that circulated the water in the hot tub switched-off, undoubtedly on some sort of timer, with the result that bubbles cleared after a few seconds. I was stunned: the skinhead's cock was huge, and fully erect, and he had some sort of piercing in the head of his cock. I gasped and jumped, intending to to leave the tub, but the skinhead held me down with his surprisingly tight grip, and nodded towards the older guy across the tub. “It's alright, he'll get it.” And even as he spoke, the older man reached-over, and pressed a button on the wall. There was a quiet rumble, and after a few seconds, the bubbles began again. I couldn't help but take one last quick glance downwards before everything disappeared beneath the moving water again. I guessed his cock was about nine inches, and was as thick as all hell. Round the base, I saw that there was a thick black cock ring, and further up his stomach, I saw something black, a tattoo on his stomach I assumed, but I couldn't make it out before it was obscured by the bubbles. I looked back up at him to see him smirking, and quietly he asked “Like what you see?”
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  49. PART 2 [Above: My ass in December 2012, waiting for anonymous dick to deposit a fresh strain of POZ cum.] After showering, I returned to Jake and Trey's living room. They already had a third guy there -- a very handsome dude, a little younger than me, smoking the pipe while Trey sucked his fat dick. "Hey, boy," said Jake. "Meet Beau. I told him that we had a neg hole all hopped up on Tina, and he came right over. Let's just say that he's gonna play a very important role in your pozzing tonight. You wanna tell him why, Beau?" "Sure," said Beau, right after blowing out a giant cloud of white smoke. "Around this time last year, Jake and Trey pumped me full of their sweet poz strain, and I got knocked up with the bug I'd been craving. Since then, I haven't gone on any meds, and my viral load is pretty fuckin' high. I love sharing my virus with boys like you, and especially with boys not like you -- boys who think I'm a neg total top, and trust me to destroy their perfect neg fuckholes with my poison shaft." "Trey and I are on meds," Jake explained. "So we're practically shooting blanks. But Beau here, he can do some serious damage to your immune system. Tell me, then: do you want this stud to fuck you after Trey and I have wrecked your neg hole?" "Yes. I want his unmedicated poz load," I said. Beau smiled. "I think we've got a good boy on our hands." "We definitely have a good boy on our hands," Jake replied. Then he motioned me over to the couch. "Sit down here, boy. Spread your legs. We're going to do a few things to help your cunt get even hungrier." I eagerly walked over to the couch, the Tina still making my head buzz after those first few hits almost an hour before. Jake lit up the pipe, took a giant hit, and blew it in my mouth. Then he handed the pipe and the lighter to me. "Here boy -- I'll teach you. Hold the flame right under the T," he said to me. "See that smoke coming out the top? That's when you start your slow inhale. Slow. Keep it slow. No, keep inhaling. Don't stop. Good boy." They watched me take four giant hits. Then I handed the pipe to Trey and lay back on the couch, lifting my legs to expose my hungry jockhole. "Oh, that's pretty," Beau said, smiling. "I can't wait to destroy that thing." Meanwhile, Jake was dipping his finger into a small plastic bag. He applied a little lube to my hole -- again, those fingers brushing against my cunt drove me wild -- and then he shoved into me with the finger that had been in the bag. There was a sharp pain, followed by a sudden warmth as he roughly rubbed the inside of my hole. Then my cunt relaxed, opened up, and began eagerly swallowing up that finger, then two, then three, with no pain -- just total eagerness for this man to use my butt however he wanted. Jake laughed. "Thatta boy," he said. "Jesus. I can feel this pussy getting hungrier by the second." Then he stood up, his dick looking even bigger, its curve pointing to his steady stream of precum. "You want this poz dick, boy? It's so ready to invade your neg cunt." "Fuck yes," I replied. "Please. Please give me your poz cock. I want to be just like you. I want you to mark me. Infect me. Please, please, please poz me." "You want my strain? Beau here has my strain. You like my strain, Beau?" "Fuckin' A," Beau said. "I'm so proud to carry your strain, and pass it on to every boy I can seduce with T and breed full of my virus." Jake knelt down between my legs, placing the head of his dick against the entrance to my hole. "You feel that, boy? That's my poz cock," he said. "Feel it?" "Oh fuck yeah, I feel it," I replied, squirming with total hunger for this man to transform me into a poz dickpig. "This is the point of no return, buddy. Once I'm inside, you're getting pozzed. In fact, even if I don't shoot a big wad, I'll still be dripping my precum the whole time, lubing you up with my virus. You ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "To get pozzed. To feel your poz dick in me. To beg for your poz cum." He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. He didn't last long. As I watched his muscular chest flex with every thrust, and his abs tighten each time his shaft drove all the way inside me, I could hear his breath grow shorter, his body beginning to shake with an intense need to release. "Tell me what you want, boy," he said. "Tell me now." "I want your poz cum, you fucking stud. Poz me." "What was that?" "I said PLEASE FUCKING POZ ME. PLEASE. PLEASE." "Fuck you, faggot. You didn't. Ever. Have. A. CHOICE." At that, his whole body went into a powerful convulsion as he plunged his cock even deeper. The muscles in his stomach spasmed repeatedly, and he grunted and growled with each pulsation of his stud-dick as he emptied a ballsac full of poz sperm inside my neg guts. Beau laughed. "Congratulations, boy," he said to me. "You are now officially a pig. Hungry for more?" "Yes, please. Please more poz seed. Please." "That's good," Beau replied. "Because that wasn't really a choice, either. But first, you're going to do what a true bottom does, and clean off the cock that just pounded your guts full of sweet poz cum." At that moment, Jake pulled out, and his dick glistened with the deathseed he'd just injected into my hole. I eagerly scrambled to the ground and wrapped my mouth around it, slurping greedily to taste this man's toxic DNA and worship his perfect boy-wrecking dick. "Jesus, he's a good boy," said Jake. As I knelt on the ground, carefully cleaning off my man's dick, I felt something slightly prickly press against the inside of my warm, wet cumhole. "Just hold still," said Trey. "I'm just rubbing the inside of your cunt with a toothbrush. Brushing some of that poz jizz up inside you, giving you little abrasions so that you can welcome more poz spunk into your bloodstream." Hearing that, I arched my back to spread my hole a little wider, allowing the toothbrush to plunge deeper inside my cum-soaked cunt. Seeing that, Jake whistled. "Jesus," he said. "I'd say we've created a pig. And trust me when I say this: this night is going to get much, much wilder. Just wait to see what fuckin' nasty surprises we have waiting for you." I glanced over at Beau, who was busy at work under the desklamp. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but it looked like he was carefully measuring T into little vials. Jake grabbed my head, turned it back in his direction, and impaled my mouth on his beautiful giftgiving cock. "Don't worry about what's next," he said to me. "Just worship my poz cock like a grateful faggot who knows his place." "Thank you," I murmured, as I plunged my hungry mouth down on his poz dick over and over again, with blood and cum oozing out of my partied-up hole. MORE SOON...
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