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  1. I didn't mention this before because I'm not sure where it fit in the "cumdump timeline." I moved into a new apartment years ago. It was one of those carriage house apartments - the ones down the driveway and in the house behind the main house. Well, I'd moved in during June, and naturally the air conditioning blew out in July. I was hot as fuck and always, and I mean always, in my underwear, naked or running shorts so I wouldn't sweat to death. Even with the ceiling fans on, windows and screen door open, (if locked), most nights I still sweated like a pig. One dark night, after having complained to the landlord yet another time, I was in my apartment around 9:00 PM, trying not to die of heat exhaustion, I heard a knock on my door. Not surprisingly the knock spooked the fuck out of me. I all but jumped off and hid behind the couch before I caught my breath. I looked over and it was a guy about 5'8", 150 pounds, and looked ripped with that V shaped body. He spoke fast, saying "Hey, man, I'm sorry for scaring the crap out of you. I live across the driveway in the other apartment building and I've locked myself out, without my cell phone, of course, and I wonder if I can use your phone to call my roommate?" "Sure," I replied, relaxing, and opened the door, gesturing to the landline, thinking to myself there was no way I would let a random guy use my cell phone. He called and apparently only got voice mail, so he left his roommate a message, asking that she call back on my number. I ran to put on a shirt because I was feeling kinda slutty sitting there in just my running shorts, which left nothing to the imagination. I only put on a tank top, but it made me feel better. We sat on the couch to wait for her to call back. It was about 15 minutes before he called her again. We watched television and chatted as we waited. After the second call, I offered him a drink. I had vodka and water, he had straight vodka and we waited, chatting about his service in the Marines, about lawyers, running, roommates, gay life, dating, being single, and so on. Looking back I can see he was flirting with me, but for some reason I was somewhat oblivious to as much. He called his roommate at least two more times and after the fourth time, as I was passing him to refill our drinks, he said, "I wish you hadn't put a shirt on. You looked really hot in just your shorts." I laughed and filled us with just some more vodka, and returning to the futon where he was seated, I sat next to him. Not surprisingly he kissed me, and we ended-up making out for a while. Then I helped him out of his shirt off. Mr. Marine had a hot body, six pack included. His cock didn't feel huge, but I liked how he felt overall. He leaned me back so I was on my back and he pulled off my tank top. We continued to make out. It was still hot as hell and we were sweating a lot. He was also in shorts, but mine were the nylon running kind and it was way easier to get into my shorts than his. Our hands were all over each other, but his hands under my shorts and on my ass and fingering me and stroking my cock the whole time I was on my back. Fuck, I was getting really worked up. I undid his shorts and he wasn't wearing underwear. I grabbed his cock and stroked it right away. It was probably 6" cut. I got him off of me,got on my knees between his legs and he told me to suck his cock. I did, licking his whole cock and then sucked the head and licked the tip. I wanted to give this hot Marine amazing head. I sucked him for about 10 minutes. He was moaning the whole way, telling me what a good cocksucker I was. My jaw wasn't getting tired yet, but my knees were from the hard wood floor. I sat next to him again and kissed him. I soon found myself on my back again and we were making out. "Are you a bottom?" he asked. "Yes," I replied, and with that he turned me over and started making out with me while rubbing his cock on my shorts, as his fingers explored my sweaty hole through my short legs. I looked back at him, kissed him hard and I slipped the back of my shorts down. "That's right. Show me your hole," he encouraged. So I slipped my shorts down more and he pulled them the rest of the way off my legs, and resumed making out with me as his cock slid up and down my ass crack. Then he spat on my hole and ate my ass for about a minute. He'd then put his cock head at my hole and rub it around and then eat my ass more. He did this a few times and then put his cock at my hole and said, "Can I ride you bareback?" "Yes." His cock slid in my spit and sweat slicked hole and stopped. The head hurt and I spread my legs and he said, "You have a sweet ass." He slid in more and I just grunted and took him until his bare cock was buried in my ass. He kissed me again and started to fuck me. In a few strokes I was pushing back to meet his cock and moaning. He said, "I'm not going to last long." I just pushed back, and within a few more strokes he added "I'm going to cum in your slutty ass." "Cum in me," I pleaded. And he did. He came in my ass, and I blew my load on the futon. He fucked me two more times that night and I took two more loads from him. His roommate never did call back. In the morning he said, "I don't have a roommate. I've seen you around and I made it up to come meet you. I never thought I'd get to fuck you, but you're really easy. Thanks for taking my loads slut." We were still naked and I said, "Give me another load before you go." He spread my legs and fucked me bareback again, blowing another load in my ass. I never saw the Marine again. I don't even know if he was actually my neighbor.
    6 points
  2. My Quick and Bloody Infection I was a wannabe bugchaser who had never taken a poz load. Red is a poz top I've been flirting with online for a long time. During that time he'd said he had been on and off meds. He'd told me he has infected men, 'they wanted it', and he wanted to infect me. This online conversation took place two weeks ago. Red You want my load in you soon? Me Yes. I want your load. Red will be ready on your bed, ass up, lube on the bed and ready for my raw cock? Me Yes, I want you to breed me. Red great, I'll seed you deep Me I jerked off earlier imagining you were infecting me Red fuck yeah, that's hot. I'll breed you soon and when you're ready to take my HIV strain, we can make it happen. Make your hole bloody with a toothbrush so my bug absorbs directly in your blood stream: Me Yes. I want it Red you want my HIV strains running through your veins? Me I do and I don't. Are sure you're on meds?. Not fibbing to me? Red once I slide my raw cock in your hole, will you care? I never pull out until I dump my load deep inside Me 3:22 I'll take what you give me Red you won't have a choice once I'm in you, I can't bring myself to pull out of a raw hole until my cum is inside Me I want it. Red emailed me a week ago. Red I want to breed you, now. Me Can you come to me? Red yes. address? Me 5341 NW 52rd St, #11. Red leave door unlocked, be on your bed, ass up and ready Me Yes. I want it. Please. I heard the door open and close, footsteps, clothes being shed. He climbed up on the bed, his knees pushed against my thighs, a finger probed my hole. I whimpered and pushed my ass up, the finger withdrew, then was back, wet with lube. It pushed deep in me, probed around, curled and pulled out, the nail scraping my rectum, pulling out still curled. It hurt as it cut my anus, he pushed back in, dug around more, scraping, cutting, pulling out, making me bleed. Red held a toothbrush up so I could see it, I moaned, knowing what was next. "Now to rough you up inside, need to make sure my virus gets deep into your blood." I whimpered as he shoved the brush in my hole and scrubbed vigorously, in and out, then scrubbed across my already bleeding anus. Back in and all around inside my rectum, it felt like a small animal clawing it's way deep into my guts. I knew Red planned to infect me. He pushed me over on my belly and mounted me, his cock slid into my bloody asshole easily, he started fucking me slowly. He put his mouth against my ear. "I've been off meds for two weeks, my VL is up over a million. I've wanted to infect you for a long time, now I will. I'm going to pump you full of my infected cum, my HIV strains will be in your blood, may be already." With that he shoved hard and held it, cock swelling and twitching. I felt his big, mushroom head pulse in me, hot semen spurted against my internal sphincter and a warm flood filled my ass as he ejaculated deep in me, humping, moaning, injecting his death seed deep in my guts. Red turned me over, slid up and stuck his dick in my mouth. I sucked eagerly and tasted ass juice, cum and blood. The taste of blood was strong, it had to be my imagination that I could taste the virus infecting his cum, and me. After I cleaned him up he slid off the bed and dressed. Before he left he patted me on my ass. "I know I just infected you, but we'll do it again next weekend. Call me if you get the fuck flu." We set up another trick for the next Saturday, I tried to cancel. I woke up that morning with a high fever and barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up. Red said he'd come over and give me another bloody fuck, just in case. It wouldn't be the first time he'd fucked a man he'd just infected.
    4 points
  3. My name is Will. I live in the South, in a really big small town, or a really small big town, however you want to describe the place. At the time I had just turned 30 and was very cute with dark messy hair and long eyelashes. I didn’t hang out many people so I had the reputation for being mysterious and that got me a lot of play. I also had the reputation of barebacking a lot, but everyone else was also barebacking, right? I was hanging out at one of the two gay bars in my town on a Tuesday night. This was the seedier of the two and on a Tuesday it was just a meat market. Of course I was trying to get laid. Why else would I have been there? I was sitting at the bar with my back to the pool tables trying to pick up Dave, who sort-of worked at the bar. Or at least just thought he did. Anyhow, I knew he was a big whore, he was so cute and funny that I just didn’t care - I wanted to fuck the hell out of him. I’m 5’10 and, after running a furniture store for several years my body was thick and strong. Dave was five inches shorter and looked like Peter Pan. I thought we made a great looking set, but Dave was hedging his bets. You know, trying to put off deciding who to choose because of the promise of something better coming along. I knew there wasn’t anything better coming along, but hey, we all know the type right? I had noticed he was also talking to a guy to his right, I was on his left. I looked over and the guy was really sexy, lean, clean cut and very preppy looking. He was obviously young because he bore the mark of the underage, Giant Xes on his hands in permanent marker to stop him from drinking. I was tired of Dave’s bullshit and was ready to call the night a bust, so I leaned over to Dave and told him I was calling a cab and going home. Dave said “Hey Mark," pointing at the guy to his right who was just about to leave, "I bet he’ll give you a ride.” I looked over at Mark who nodded shyly and I quietly remarked to Dave "I thought that Mark was your trick for the night." Dave whispered to me “No, you've got it wrong. Mark’s my ex, but just to warn you he loves to fuck and if you think I’m a whore, you haven’t seen anything yet!” I looked over again at Mark and thought the night might be looking but it was probably too good to be true, because although he was a slimmer than I normally went for, Mark was beautiful. With that Dave introduced us, and casually mentioned to Mark that I needed a ride home. Mark looked me up and down and quickly said "Sure, I'll give you a lift," and with that we were on our way. I just lived ten minutes from the bar so we just made a little small talk on the ride back. I asked him if Dave was a fun fuck and that relaxed him and got him talking. When we got to my place he asked if I had anything to drink, since he couldn’t get anything at the bar so I invited him to come on up. We had a couple shots of Everclear and were chasing with a Corona, and Mark told he had asked Dave to hook us up earlier and reached over and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes and I said we should go to the bedroom and we did. I took his clothes off. It's one of my things. I love to undress a guy. He was fucking perfect: tall, smooth, and a nine inch dick. It wasn't fair. He was fuckin' perfect. When I took my shirt off he ran his hands over my chest and stomach and said “I love fucking muscle guys!” Up until this point I had thought I was topping. "You’re a top?" I asked. “Yeah man, I don’t get fucked” he replied. "What makes you think I do?" I replied. "Oh, people talk" he casually remarked as he started pulling at my nipples. Damn people did talk. Playing with my nipples was the sure way to make me take a dick and a few people knew that. No matter what I was in the mood for, if you played with my nipples enough I would let you fuck. It wasn’t long before he had pushed my back on the bed, pulled my pants off and had my legs on his shoulders. He spat on his hand and rubbed it on my asshole and the pushed the head of his dick in. I couldn’t believe this kid. I barely knew him, and his bare cock was deep in my hole. He was so young and sweet I was sure it would be okay. He was good at it too. He worked that big dick in my ass till I was whimpering for it harder and harder. The more he fucked the less innocent he seemed, and the mantra he kept saying, “Fucking you bareback is so hot!” only added to the excitement. After a few minutes I suddenly felt really wet and warm inside, he had cum in my ass with no warning. "Did you just cum in me" I asked him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and just kept on pumping. There was something about that, about him loading my ass up without even clearing doing so with me. Man I wanted more. He must have seen that I was losing control cause he got ready to blow the second load he let me know “Fuck man I’m cumming, take all of it man, all of it! Fuck here it is, here its is!” With that my ass was flooded a second time. After he caught his breath he commented “I didn’t think you take my load like that man!” Not that he gave me much choice. Fuck, I thought. He pulled out and fell in bed beside me, pulled me on my side and spooned me, with my ass leaking his own cum out onto his slicked up dick and that’s how we fell asleep. I woke in the middle of the night with Mark pushing the head of his dick back into my ass for round three. When he blew in me again he left his dick in me and we fell back asleep like that. When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I didn’t hear from him in the next few days so I just chalked it up to a hot one-nighter and man, was it hot. Two weeks went by and I was trying to pick up a guy on Saturday night at the better of the two bars in town. He was a pretty guy, a little on the stocky side but I loved that and he had a great ass. To my surprise he turned me down, saying "No man, I heard you are positive!” I told him that I didn’t know where he had heard that but it wasn’t true. He replied “No, Mark told everybody that he fucked you without a condom a few weeks ago. He said he felt really bad about doing it, but you let him nut in you three times and never even asked. Everyone knows Mark is positive, man!” I tried to play it off like it never happened, but my face was on fire and I just walked away. Sure enough, a few weeks late I came down with the flu. 'Fuck', I thought. This is a true story. But what do you think? Is it the end, or the beginning?
    3 points
  4. This happened a few weeks ago. I was doing all that I could to get my hole loaded, but timing just didn't add up, but on one Sunday afternoon, having just awakened from a nap, my boyhole took over the brain and next thing I knew, I grabbed my travel bottle of lube and poppers and I was in my car, en route to an old ABS located a few miles north of my place. The last time I had been there it had been just okay, but that had been months earlier. Who knows? Maybe this time would be different. Pulling into the parking lot I saw a lot of cars. My hole puckered in excitement. Paying the fee, I walked around to get the feel of the place. To my surprise, there didn't seem to be a lot of guys, but still there was some potential dick, so I went to see what I could get into. 1st Nut. I entered a booth with a GH on both sides. I heard the door to the next booth open and close. A dick slid through the hole. I was on my knees in no time, taking his dick down my throat. As his hips bucked against the wall separating the two of us, he came in less than three minutes. It was a nice, tasty load. I left the booth, walked around, watched a dude jerk off, and even let a few guys feel me up, but no one was brave enough to take it further. 2nd Nut. I saw a guy coming out a booth, and the door closed and locked again. I enter the adjoining booth and peeked through the hole, only to see a thick guy in there, pants still down around his ankles. He had a nice, fat dick. Don't know what just happened, but he saw me, and slid his fat dick through the hole. I sucked his fat dick like a starving child and it kept getting bigger and bigger. Like the guy I had blown a few minutes earlier, this guy also came after three minutes of my tongue efforts, giving me a nice, sweet load. 3rd Nut. The second guy had no sooner blown his load then he pulled-up his pants and left, so I followed suit, entering a buddy booth, where I dropped my pants down below my ass cheeks and waited. Four minutes later I felt a finger seeking-out my lubed hole. When the finger slid, the guy pushed me into the booth and locked the door. I never actually turned around, but I heard him open a bottle of lube and apply it to his dick, so I bent over, hit my poppers, and enjoyed the sensation as (at last!) a raw dick slid into my hole. The entire rear section of the building could hear the man fucking my hole, furiously and intensely. Involuntarily I groaned loudly in in pleasure. When he came, he made sure all knew he was blowing his load, as he grunted loudly "Take my load in your sweet hole!" When he caught his breath he pulled-out, pulled his pants up, turned-around and left, leaving me to my own devices. 4th Nut. I left that booth and headed to another booth which featured a a GH on opposing walls. This time I didn't close the door, but stood there, my pants down below my ass cheeks. I heard someone behind me, apparently just enjoying the view. Then I heard the door to the next booth open and close, and sure enough, a dick appeared in the GH. Down on my knees I went, leaving the door open. I could sense the guy outside watching as I worked on the dick, which turned-out to be long and solid. I had to work diligently on this guy, and it took at least ten minutes before he unleashed a massive load of cum which went right down my throat. 5th Nut. While still savoring that nice load, I left the booth and immediately saw a nice looking middle eastern man, which is a main weakness for me. He entered a booth and I followed into the adjoining booth. A rock hard, darkly complected cock slid through the hole, so I went to work, getting him nice and wet. Now, the hole in this booth was a lot bigger then most, and when I stood and presented my ass to him, he knew what I was looking for. He dropped his pants to his ankles, and allowed me to position myself so his fat dick slid up my cummy hole. The guy fucked me through the GH for a few minutes, then pulled out and told me to come into his booth so he could really fuck my pussy (again, his words). I don't bother pulling up my pants, but left my booth, waddled into his booth. He closed and locked the door, grabbed my head and tongue-kissed me, nice and sloppy. When we paused, I asked "Please, cum in me," as I turned-around and bent over. For an entire five minutes, the man fucked my hole, nice and hard, making sure to bang my head against the wall, so everyone in the room knew he was up in my ass. I could see eyes watching us through the GH.. When he came, he slammed deep in my hole, had me pinned in the corner nad unleashed a valley of cum. I blew at least six strong blasts of cum myself. In thanks, when he pulled-out I went on my knees and licked his cock clean. When I was done he murmured 'thanks' and kicked me out. At this point the ABS was very quiet, so I dressed myself as best I could, and with my hole now thoroughly cummy, I exited, stage right.
    2 points
  5. My drug dealer had forbidden his boyfriend from fucking me until tonight even though their relationship is open. Tonight he finally gave in and said the boyfriend may fuck me. Needless to say he fucked me right. Gave me two of his POZ loads and the he turned me over to my dealer who proceeded to fuck his Aids load up my hole.
    2 points
  6. This is my first story ever. I hope it turns you all on. It turned me on to write it and I look forward to adding on to it. MAC MEN By Randy Rawman I had been single exactly one month when my Powerbook died. I skipped the Apple store and went to a Mac Dealer in my neighborhood called MacMen. I’ve long thought that the guys at the Genius Bar are the unsung sex symbols of the new millennium, lanky bespectacled nerds with hard lean bodies and sexy tattoos under their royal blue T shirts with just a few clicks of their magic fingers and fix whatever’s ailing you and make everything okay. Yes, Apple geeks are dorky sexy. Angel’s just plain sexy. When I first laid eyes on him, I had come straight from the gym and was wearing my favorite ass-hugging red Umbro shorts and a gray Underarmour tank that caressed my pecs and shoulders and made me feel like a super hero. As Angel entered all my information into the stores computer, I took the opportunity to give him the once over. I couldn’t quite put my finger on his enthicity. There’s some Latin in there, a little Asian, maybe, definitely some black. Whatever it was, he was fucking hot. When I showed pick up my fixed computer a few days later, I was wearing the same shorts with a vintage Adidas nylon tank. Again, I had come fresh from the gym. I stayed extra long because I wanted to get a pump going in case Angel was working. Sure enough, it was him. “Hey Gym boy,” he says, even though I’m probably a few years older than him. “Here’s what we did.” He then proceeds to explain exactly what was wrong with my Mac and what they did to fix it. I could barely focus because his voice was so sexy (Where the fuck is he from?) and also because the way he was leaning on the counter, I can see his denim clad ass in the mirror behind him. While we’re waiting for my credit card to be approved, I consider asking Angel to coffee or something but can’t get up the nerve to say anything. He’s too fucking hot for me anyway. I thank him then head outside to my car. I load my computer into my trunk and when I slam the trunk lid, I see Angel walking toward me with a cocky smile. “Did I forget something?” I ask. “No,” he says. He walks the last few steps to face me before speaking again, this time in a much more hushed tone. “I wanted to catch you because I wanted to invite you to something, a party next month.” What? I was hoping that somehow our paths would cross again, but this I didn’t see coming. “A party?” I repeated. “Like a customer appreciation kind of thing?” Angel laughs. “No, it’s a private party,” he says. I shoot him a confused look. “Look, I fixed your computer,” he says, taking a step toward he and putting his arm on my bare shoulder, his volume lowering to just above a whisper. “I know what kind of dirty stories you read, what blogs you visit, what movies you download.” “I think that’s called invasion of privacy,” I say. “I think we share a common hobby,” he says. I don’t know whether to feel completely violated or totally turned on. “And what’s that?” I ask. He gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Breeding and getting bred,” he says, looking me dead in the eyes. This practically knocks the wind out of me. Just then, a mother walks by with two toddlers, totally unaware that helpful computer dork just called me out on my dirtiest little secret and that we were in the processing of bonding over one common interest; loads in asses. “Look, I gotta get back in there,” he says, handing me a postcard. “If I’m right about what you need, call the number on the bottom of that card.” He’s fucking me with his eyes now. “If I’m wrong, keep living in fantasy land and I’ll see you next time your laptop crashes from all the raw fucking you keep downloading.” It’s not until I get back in my car, that I realize my dick is rock hard and leaking in my shorts. I take a breath and read the postcard. If it was going to be an invitation to some kind of sex party, I expected it to be mysterious and vague. That wasn’t Angel’s style. BREEDHOUSE LA PRESENTS… SHUDDER Join LA’s hottest sex-studs for marathon night of load-swapping sperm-soaked fucking. JULY 24, 2013 THE RULES ARE SIMPLE: NO CONDOMS & NO PULLING OUT. NO LOADS WASTED. IF IT DOESN’T GO UP YOUR ASS, YOU BETTER FUCKING DRINK IT. The artwork is a cartoon of a blond muscle stud being fucked by a darker muscle stud who looks a lot like Angel while a group of other studs watch and wait their turn. Both fuckers are shuddering, heads thrown back in nut-draining ecstasy as the blond begs, “Breed me, fucker. Flood my ass,” and the Latino says simply: “Take. My. Cum. Uuunnnnnnnngh.” In the corner, written in ropy white letters is the artist’s signature; Angel S. Even his signature is made of cum. He’s a man of many talents. Am I brave enough to explore his other ones? It takes me two days to call him. I expect to get voicemail. I don’t. “Hello,” he says. Oh shit, do I hang up or do I talk? “Angel, this is Randy,” I say, my voice quivering. “You fixed my computer.” “I know who you are,” he says. “I was just thinking about your ass in those red shorts and how much I’d like to fill it.” I always thought my ass looked good in those shorts. Nice to have some confirmation. “How many times did you almost call me and then pussy out?” “None,” I lie. “Okay, four.” He scoffs. “Seven,” I say finally. “So I was right about you?” he says cockily. “Yes and no,” I say, fumbling the words as I try to explain myself. “I’m turned on by all that stuff, so turned on I can’t see straight, but in real life, I haven’t really explored that side of myself. Up until a month ago, I was in a monogamous relationship for ten years with a guy who didn’t like fucking. He was just into oral.” “Did Mr. Blowjob know what was on your computer?” he asks. “He didn’t want to know,” I say. “I haven’t been with anyone else in ten years.” “God, I bet you’re so fucking tight,” he says. I don’t know what to say to that. I’m saved from my awkwardness when I hear a doorbell ring on his end of the phone. “Look Randy,” he says, “I want to talk to you more, I really do, but I got a couple from Silverlake coming over here, a blond and a Latino…and the Latino’s going to breed me while I fill the blond with my four-day load. So I can’t talk. Have you thought about the party?” “It’s all I’ve thought about…but I’m not sure—“ “Check your email in tonight,” he says. “I got a proposition for you.” “You need my email address?” “I got it.” “What’s this proposition?” I say. “Just tell me.” The truth is, I just want to keep him on the phone. His voice makes me throb. “I can’t talk now, my buddies just parked…oh shit, they brought the leather, this is going to be so fucking hot, Randy. Fuck.” “Can I watch?” I say, jokingly. Angel laughs. “Hey, wait. Maybe you can,” he says. “You got Skype?” Fifteen minutes later, I’m matching a red-hot threeway unfold somewhere in the Hollywood Hills. Angel hasn’t told other two studs know he’s Skyping, but he’s positioned his computer with a nice view of the room. It’s his bedroom-slash fuck-den, complete with black leather covered bed and mirrors all around, and he’s making sure to be real vocal for me. “That’s it, Oscar,” he says when the Latino in chaps and a harness places his fat cockhead at his hot tight pucker. “Just drive it in. Uuuunnnnngh fuck! Don’t move for a second, let me get used to it.” “Okay, that’s a second,” says Oscar, with an evil smile. “I gotta fuck now.” He starts driving his cock in and out of Angel’s hot hole, withdrawing till just the head is inside and then slamming forward smashing Angel forward causing him to grind his hard cock into the bed. “Let me get on my knees, Oscar,” insists Angel. “This grinding is going to make me shoot and I don’t want to cum on the bed.” “That’s right,” says the blond, Ron, who’s in a leather vest and Nasty Pig jockstrap. “What’s the rule?” All three of them say it at once. “No wasted loads.” Angel looks right into the lens when he says that. And then he laughs. I know what he’s doing. He wants that to be my rule, too. He’s going to insist I live by it, too, or he doesn’t even want to fucking know me. No wasted loads. I can imagine him making me recite a manifesto, something like, “If there’s a cock in the room I’m in that isn’t mine, and it’s shooting a load, it’s going in me. It’s going down my throat or better yet—way better yet—up my hot ass. That’s what I was made for.” “And what else?” I imagine him asking. “And if my cock’s shooting its load, it’s going in an ass or a mouth, even if it has to be my own.” As I daydream about this, I make a promise to myself right then that from now on, even when I jack off, I eat the load. No wasted loads. “Oh fuck, I’m getting close and I don’t want to blast yet,” says Oscar. He pulls his drooling 9-inch breeding stick out of Angel’s ass, flips him around and shoves it down his throat. In the same flurry of moment, Ron, who’s 8 inches with fat mushroom head, goes balls deep into Angel in one smooth stroke. The whole switch happened so fast. There was maybe one split second when Angel when he wasn’t impaled on cock. “Fuck, your cock is amazing, Ron,” says Angel. “I can feel that fat head hitting my prostate.” “I want to drench it,” promises Ron. “But not yet.” When Ron pulls out, Angel’s hot fuckhole catches the light. Angel’s ass is already dripping with pre-cum. “I need your cock up my hole, Angel.” “This cock?” teases Angel, poking the head in and out of Ron’s tight pucker. “Is this the cock you want?” “That’s the one,” says Ron. “This cock with the four-day load in it?” says Angel. Ron throws his head back when he hears that news and groans. “Yes,” he says, like a man possessed. Angel’s rock hard 8-inch fuckstick plunges deep into Ron’s ass and he whimpers with pleasure and moans, “Yes, yes, yes, fuck me. Fuck me so deep. God, I need your cock.” "What else do you need?” asks Angel. “I need your fuckload,” says Ron. “I need you to flood my asshole. I need to you breed me.” “Get ready, fucker,” says Angel. “I’m about to reach the point of no return.” What Angel can’t see because of where he’s positioned, but what I can is Oscar priming his dick to go back in Angel’s hole. And it’s not going to come out until it’s drenched those asswalls with DN fucking A. This man, Angle. This man who looked deep into my harddrive and later my eyes, and could see that I had a need, a deep need, that I didn’t have the balls to explore. He’s going to change that. He’s going to break me in and introduce me to the Breeding Brotherhood and in case I think for one second that he’s all talk when it comes to bareback breeding, he’s going to breed one muscle stud on cam for me too see while another muscle stud coats his ass-walls with his creamy white load. And it’s going to happen right fucking now. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming, Ron,” Angel pants, just as Oscar jabs his shiny hot prick back into Angel’s puckerhole. “Oh fuck, Oscar! I was hoping you’d do that. Damn, that fuckstick is going to fuck the cum out of me and right into this fucker’s ass.” “Then do it, dude,” grunts Oscar. “Because I’m breeding you right…..NOW. Ungh…ungh…ungh…ungh…” Oscar keeps grunting with every jet of stud spunk that jets from his cock. “I can feel every squirt,” gasps Angel. “Damn, you’re still shooting.” “You’re pulling it out of me,” says Oscar. “I need cum!” Ron shouts. “Give me that four day load, Angel!” “You want it?” Angel asks. “I need it,” says Ron. “Here…it…CUMMMMS!” bellows Angel while grabbing Ron’s face and pulling him to be eye to eye. “Aaaah…aaagh…take my…cum….I’m…breeding… your….hot….fucking ….hole.” Angel arches back and is about to collapse on Ron with Oscar coming down on both of them, when suddenly Ron, stroking his hot fuckstick, says, “I’m cumming, too, guys. I wanted to breed but I’m fucking cumming. Who’s gonna drink it?” Angel and Oscar knock heads trying to dive onto Ron’s spurting cock but Angel gets their first. Angel takes jet after jet of thick cum, saying, “Mmmm,” with every spurt. After a bit, he pulls off and lets Oscar take over on Ron’s cum-soaked cock. While Oscar milks the last few drops from Ron’s delicious cockhead, Ron throws his head back, closes his eyes and tries to catch his breath. Since both his fuckbuds have their eyes closes, Angel can get away with looking right into the camera. He stares right into my soul and smiles. He heart, which has already been pounding out of my chest, nearly stops when he opens his mouth. He didn’t swallow yet. He opens wide and shows me the huge load Ron shot into him. He looks back into my eyes, swirls it around in his mouth, then points to me and then to the leather bed as if to say, “You’re next, fucker.” Then he swallows. I cum in my shorts without touching myself. TO BE CONTINUED. .
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  7. Chapter I. My boy and I had fooled around with other guys, sometimes together, sometimes separately. I totally got off watching our buddies fuck him bareback and fill him with cum. Nothing was more fun that sliding into his loosened ass and using our buddies’ seed as lube! I’m mostly a top, but it was equally as fun letting our friends cum in me and having my boy top me when my hole was good and sloppy. All of that changed after we had an STD scare a few months ago. We had invited Danny and his boyfriend Sam over to our place. They are both versatile, so we knew we’d all end up getting to fuck and get fucked as much as we wanted to. My boy took both of their loads before I seeded him, and I took Danny’s load before my boy came in me. After they left, me and my boy laid on our bed, tangled in cummy sheets, fingering our holes and kissing. Hot, right? Well, about three weeks later, Danny called to ask if they could come over and talk. It didn’t sound like they wanted to play. Danny told us the big news. He and Sam had both just tested POZ. They thought it had happened when they hired an ‘escort’ a few weeks earlier and he had fucked both of them raw. If that was indeed how they’d both gotten the bug, there was a really good chance that they had pumped both of us full of POZ seed. Of course, we immediately got tested and the results came back NEG for both of us. Our doctor advised us to get tested again in three months just to be sure. The three month mark came and went, and we were tested again, both NEG. After that, we decided to fool around less with fuck buddies, and play safe with them. We both hated using condoms with our friends, but they were pretty respectful. We had some guys over and had them bag up before fucking us. That seemed to be safe enough, so when my boy asked if we could invite Danny and Sam over to fuck us again, I agreed, but adding only if they agreed to play safe. They came over, and both dutifully wore condoms. I wasn’t planning on letting them fuck me, even safe, but after seeing them each sink his cock into my boy’s hole, I needed their cocks too. Sam even joked that wearing a condom sucked, but it made him so much less sensitive that he could fuck longer without cumming. Secretly, as Sam was fucking me and Danny was fucking my boy, I couldn’t help but fantasize about that condom bursting as my gut was filled with POZ cum. But, that’s not how we wound up taking POZ seed. After Danny came in the condom and pulled out of my boy, I fucked him raw. Danny and Sam egged me on to breed him. It felt so strange to be fucking him after two cocks had loosened him up, but with only lube in him; it felt so different. Danny asked if he could take pics of my load dripping out of my boy’s ass, and we were game. My boy told him how much it turned him on to be photographed like a common slut. Sam piped up that we should meet his friend Adam, who was a photographer. A few days later at a boozy brunch, Danny and Sam introduced us to Adam. After a few mimosas and Bloody Marys, Adam pitched something to us, explaining that in his work as a photographer, he did work for a gay website, soft core mostly, but sometimes featured boyfriends. My boy was feeling his drinks, and asked Adam if he ever joined in the action. He winked at my boy, then smiled at me saying, "Only if both guys are into it." Then he clarified his remarks, by shaking his head and commenting he joined in a lot less lately. "Why?" Danny asked. "'Cause I'm POZ," replied Adam. "So are we," Sam responded. Adam chuckled, saying "This just got a lot more interesting." To be continued….
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  8. All the talk on this site seems to be about sub bottoms who want to be used by tops and don't care about their own pleasure only that of the top blah blah blah Any guys out there who would consider themselves a dominant bottom? I'm no sub, but I am a full on bottom. Loving raw dick in my hole and getting filled with loads, but I don't submit completely. I still like to get off and have my needs met- one of those needs being cum in my hole. Any other guys out there like this?
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  9. Disclaimer for my shitty writing, but everything written here is true. The first time I had bareback sex was also the first time I ever had sex. After graduating from college in 2010, I moved to NJ for grad school. I created an account on Planet Romeo to meet up with the local guys, but usually it was just for a quick blow job here and there. After a few months, a guy messaged me, and specifically stated he was interested in my ass. At first I was a bit hesitant, but I desperately wanted to pop my anal cherry, so I made plans with him. We first met at a grocery store parking lot. He jumped into the passenger seat of my car and we started chatting to break the ice. I wish I could remember his name, but honestly he might not have even told me. He said he owned a painting company, working with clients and builders in the area. I couldn't take my eyes off this tan Latino man with dark glittering eyes, and a tight solid body. Maybe he knew I was a novice, he grabbed my thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze, which got me rock hard. I told him that I had no lube or condoms, so he left the car momentarily to pick some up from the grocery store. After getting the essentials, we made our way to the motel. He grabbed a room, and I followed behind, my dick still hard. We began making out and getting undressed, no time wasted. I dropped to my knees and sucked his dick, doing my best to get him hard and wet as possible. He then threw me on the bed and we assumed the missionary position. My ankles were around his neck as he slowly pushed in, and he seemed to know how slow to enter into me. At the moment I was too focused on overcoming the pain, and pressed my hands against his chest to guide him. "Is this your first time?" He asked. "No," I lied, "It's just been a while. Can you get the lube and condoms?" He brought over the lube and we tried again. "I like it. Your hole is really tight," he said. I grinned a little, but mostly grimaced, but he finally was inside my ass all the way. Let the fucking begin! But at that moment, I just remembered, he was not wearing a condom. "Can you wear a condom?" I asked, looking up at him as he slowly fucked me. "Just a sec. If I pull out now, you'll be too tight to fuck later." I nodded, that kinda made sense. We began kissing, and I got lost in the sensations of his cock in my ass and tongue in my mouth. He gradually built up the momentum, and he soon began pounding my hole. Everything felt amazing, I enjoyed the way he varied his motions and speed, and also how he kissed me deeply. He slowed down after a little while and he asked me how I felt. I kissed him in response. "I think I might have forgot to mention something to you." He said while looking down at me. "I'm married. You okay with that?" I didn't know how to respond to that. I was a little shocked to hear it, but wondered why the awful timing. "To a guy?" I asked dumbly. "No, I'm no fag. To my wife." He said. He explained how he was discreet, but was looking for a fuck buddy on the side. He wanted someone he could call up anytime and fuck whenever he wanted, on his terms. "So, are you interested?" He said all this to me while he was on top of me, fucking me slowly. My cock got even harder, and I felt I was losing myself to the moment. "Fuck yeah." I gripped his arms and squeezed my ass around his dick. He pumped harder and asked, "You want to be my bitch?" It felt like dirty talk. "Yes, please. Fuck me." And fuck me he did. He quickened his pace and pounded my ass harder. He pinned me down with his body, so that I was unable to push him away if I wanted to. He finally came, groaning in my ear and collapsing on top of me. I felt my dick pulse too, sandwiched between our bodies. Then I remembered, he was not wearing a condom. I freaked out in my head, and freaked out even more for committing myself to be this man's bitch, whatever that meant. After we finished cleaning up, he made a big deal about having my phone number on his cell. He said if I ever get a call from his number, it might be his wife. If I answered, he told me to lie to his wife, and say that I was a client of his company. We parted ways and never met up after that. He reached out to me occasionally, but I was still too freaked out to even respond back. I still look back on that afternoon fondly, and I feel my fetish for barebacking came from this first fuck. My second fuck was also with a married man, which I will save for a later date, if you guys are interested.
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  10. Pass the Bottom My boy and I are both pretty versatile, but lately, he's been getting more into topping. Now, I like to get fucked every now and then, but not as often as he's been interested in topping, so we decided to open our relationship up a bit and find other guys for him to fuck. We've always played bare with each other and only felt it natural to let him fuck other guys raw too. We've placed a few ads online and hooked up with some hot guys for some pretty steamy times. Sometimes I'd fuck the guy after he pulled out, sloshing around in the bottom's hole, already well-lubed and well-fucked. Maybe we hooked up with six or seven different guys, but one, Tom, was really special. In fact Tom was absolutely adorable. He was no taller than 5' 6” and had a tight little swimmer's body. He kept his strawberry blond hair close cropped, which butched him up a bit. I loved watching my boy plow his raw hole. Tom would bounce up and down on my boy's pole with his head thrown back. He could ride for as long as we could give it to him. Hot. After a really hot three-way, we were piled on our bed with Tom's legs spread wide and his hole loose and cummy with both of our deposits. He asked if we'd be interested in joining him and some fuckbuds for a party. We said sure and he sent our email addresses to Dylan, the guy putting the fuck party together. We got an email from Dylan a few hours later. Here's what he wrote: Dudes, We're a group of guys who like to fuck bare and like to share. We lost two tops and Tom says you guys would fit right in. Condoms provided but not necessary. Frankly, few guys wear them. The bottoms prefer to take their tops' loads home in them. Cum play... We were boned just thinking about it and made sure to clear our schedules. The next Saturday night, we arrived at a fancy house in a really expensive neighborhood. Dylan answered. He was fucking hot. Must have been over six foot tall. Wide shoulders, trim waist, and washboard abs pressed against a tight black muscle-t. He had red hair and big green eyes. Without knowing if he was a top or a bottom, I knew my boy and I would have fun with him either way. Dylan escorted us down to the basement where there were a few guys waiting. He introduced us around and we chatted up the guys. Dylan told us that we could discuss our favorite positions, top or bottom, and fetishes, but no one was the mention status. “Status?” I asked. “POZ or NEG, man. It brings the mood down if we know who we're playing with. Besides, isn't it more exciting not knowing?” Fuck, I thought. This might be more intense than we had planned, but from the growing bone in my boy's shorts, I knew he wanted to stay. I figured since we were both invited there as tops, the risk was really low anyway. My boy and I shook a few hands and groped a few hardening cocks as we mingled. Tom was there with another top friend of his, Andy, who wore a leather cap, was really skinny, and was in his 40s. When the last two guys arrived, Dylan grouped us into a circle. There were eight of us altogether, but it would up being five tops and three bottoms, not including Dylan himself. Dylan asked for a volunteer to switch sides and bottom. My boy's hand shot up in the air immediately without even asking me what I thought. I was a bit taken aback, especially since he had been so into topping lately. Dylan had him and the other three bottoms stand in a circle as he had the tops gather four chairs, plus one for him into a circle around them. “We're gonna start tonight with a round of PASS THE BOTTOM.” “Fuck yeah!” one of the guys shouted. Dylan continued, “Here's how it works. While I play some music, you tops will have about twenty seconds with a bottom in your lap before you have to pass him to the next top. If you don't have a bottom in your lap when the music stops, you loose an article of clothing. If you wind up with your date on your lap when the music stops, you get to remove an article of your bottom's clothing. And remember, there are condoms in the bowl if any of you are chicken...” I did a head count and realized that the numbers were off because the rest of the couples had been invited top/bottom. The rules seemed pretty simple. Dylan sat down to my left and clicked his phone to start the music and the bottoms picked a top and started grinding in his lap. A hot skinny black guy started first with me. He sat down with his back to me and ground his tight ass against my crotch. I reached around and tweaked his nipples. He got up, and the next round, I was without a bottom. I looked two guys to my right to see my boy writhing on the lap of a really big beefy bald guy. The guy had his hand snaked into my boy's shorts and must have been working his nuts or his ass. The top next to me was a lean gym bunny. He had both hands down the back of the black boy's shorts. Then, came the switch. Tom wound up on my lap and straddled me, sticking his tongue into my mouth as he ground against my crotch. A middle-aged guy with a bit of a gut sat down on me next. He sat down so hard that he practically knocked the wind out of me. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my head then grabbed my hand and shoved it down the back of his shorts. He whispered into my ear, “I've had my eye on you, stud. Like what you feel down there?” My fingers found his loose ass all greased up and ready for fucking. I grunted, “YEAH!” and he hopped up. Just after he pulled off to sit on the next guy, Dylan stopped the music. My boy was in Dylan's lap and I was alone. I pulled my shirt over my head as the guys clapped and Dylan restarted the music. My boy plopped down on top of me, grinding away. I reached my hand into his crotch and could feel a puddle of precum there already, moistening the basket of his jockstrap. “Gotta make the next round faster! I want to end up in your lap so I can loose some clothes!” Instantly, the skinny black guy was back on my lap. He worked my nipples hard with his fingers and slipped his tongue in my mouth. He was a great kisser. I grabbed his bubble butt with both hands and helped him dry hump my crotch. Tom skipped over Dylan and was next in my lap. “Having fun, so far?,” he teased as he sat down on my lap. He reached behind himself and started unbuckling my jeans. “Is that against the rules?,” I asked. “The rules are gonna go to shit in a few minutes... Looks like your boy's having a nice time too.” I peeked over Tom's shoulder and saw my boy on his knees in front of Andy. My boy was working down his tight jeans and Andy was forcing my boy's face into his swollen crotch against his briefs. Another switch brought the guy with the guy into my lap again, and then my boy. I'd never seen him so wild. He was fingering his own hole with his hands in his shorts when the music stopped. I yanked his shorts to the floor and he stepped out of them, leaving his ass exposed and beautifully framed with his jockstrap. So far, he was the only bottom with his hole exposed. I knew things were about to get interesting. As we passed the bottoms around again, I saw that some pants had been unbuttoned and some shorts pushed down, but all of the tops seemed to still have their underwear on. As much fun as I was having with those bottoms dry humping my underwear clad dick, I was equally turned on stealing glimpses of my boy's bare hole rubbing against five big hard underwear-clad precummy dicks. The bottoms were passed around three times before the music stopped. While the skinny black guy was wriggling on my lap, Tom wound up on Andy's lap. With Andy's jeans at his ankles, his cock was straining to pop out of his briefs. Tom helped him poke his dick through the slit as he pulled off his own shorts revealing that he wasn't wearing underwear. Before the music started, Tom aimed Andy's dick at his hole and sat right down it with a loud gasp. Dylan restarted the music and pulled Tom down in his lap. I didn't have a bottom, so I looked to one side and saw my boy pulling the bald guys shorts up and freeing his drooling massive cock. He was slipping his asshole over the hard cock smearing the bald's guys precum all over his hole. I jerked my head to the left as I saw Dylan sink his cock into Tom's hole. I couldn't help but pull my underwear down and fist my cock. When they switched, Tom sank right down onto my dick as the guy with the gut shucked down his shorts and took Dylan's bare cock. My boy was bouncing up and down on Andy's tool with his head thrown back in ecstasy. By now the rules were out the window and all bottoms were getting barefucked. Dylan kept the music playing and the bottoms kept moving from guy to guy. I was amazed at how silky and tight Tom's hole was compared to the loose wet sloppy cunt on the guy with the gut. We kept passing each bottom after a few strokes in their hole. Dylan yelled, “Round and round and round they go. Who gets a TOX load, nobody knows!!!” I realized that at least one of the top must have been POZ. I wondered if my boy wanted to take my load or someone else's. When he came by I asked him as I grabbed his ass, raising it onto my dick. “You want my load, or you want one that might be charged?” “I can get your load whenever I want it. I wonder whose I'll get!” With that he winked at me and pulled off of my dick and mounted the gym bunny to my right. I knew I was getting close and thankfully I only had a few strokes in each bottom's ass before they were passed. I loved knowing that I was mixing my precum with each top in all of those asses. The gym bunny was the first to cum, with Tom on his lap. He held Tom's shoulders down and shot his load deep with strong thrusts, raising his muscled ass off of the chair. “I'm taking his load!!!!!!!!,” Tom shouted. That send Andy over the edge and he came hard in the black guy's ass. Those guys pulled their chairs out of the circle leaving me, the bald guy, and Dylan, passing around my boy and gut-heavy guy with the loose hole. We passed them around between us about three times before Dylan lost his load deep up my boy's raw, used ass. The bald guy was balls deep in the guy with the gut and exclaimed, “Help me out over here. He's so loose I can barely feel a thing!” I hopped out of my chair and slid into that sloppy stretched-out hole right alongside the bald guy's thick tool. Finally, I could feel some friction. The bald guy fired off first and I followed suit coating the sloppy cunt with my load. Dylan started applauding and the guys all joined in. My boy had his arms wrapped around Andy and Dylan. “So, can we talk status now?,” he asked. Dylan and Andy smiled at each other and they pulled their shirts over their heads. Andy had a red biohazard tattoo over his left pec and Dylan had a black one around his navel. The gym bunny and the bald guy took off their shirts too, but no tattoos. “Just 'cause we're not marked doesn't mean we're not carrying charged loads!,” grunted the bald guy. Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders saying, “I think me, you, and your boy might be the only guys here who are still NEG.” My boy was weak at the knees, and not from shock, but from elation. “I guess I'm going to get it sooner or later. Anyone want to go for round two and make it happen tonight?” The tops all shouted, “Hell yeah!”, “Fuck yes!” I knew he wanted to be the center of attention. As each guy who wanted to fucked him, I cradled his head and kissed him. Dylan pulled out just before he was ready to cum and slipped behind me. As the bald guy bred my boy, I took my first and only cock of the night. Dylan filled my hole with his toxic spunk before pulling out. All in all, I only took one POZ load compared to my boy's four!
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  11. POZ Exam with my Boy My boy and I had tried monogamy, and we had both failed miserably. Whenever one of us had a business trip, we both tripped up. Somehow, I wound up on the bottom of a pile of guys in a hotel room, with at least three loads in my ass. My boy had taken loads at least four times in my absence... He thought at least of those guys was POZ. I couldn't fault him for wanting the guy's load, especially after I had taken one or two questionable loads myself... After a few weeks, neither of us seemed to have come down with the fuck flu, but it bothered me that we didn't really know our status. We decided to go get tested. Happily, my job had good benefits, and we were both able to schedule a physical exam to get tested for everything. We even got to choose our Doctor. From their photos on the hospital website, we picked the hunkiest of them all and got appointments back to back. I went first. Doctor Sizemore was a hottie, at least six foot two tall, wide shoulders, broad pecs, cropped blond hair, a smile full of perfect teeth, and looked like a full swaying package in his khakis. He wore an unbuttoned white coat over an almost-translucent shirt revealing his hairy chest. I stuttered as I answered his questions about general health and sexual history. He asked me how many sex partners I had had. I chuckled and said, 'Too many to count.” He said, “Try me,” and I flirted back a little, “Boy, would I,” and licked my lips a bit. He smirked and continued with the questions. He asked if I had any STDs, and I told him, “No. Not yet.” He leaned forward and put his manpaw on my leg saying, “Well, I'll be here for you either way.” Was he coming onto me, or was I just thinking dirty? He asked if I had any more concerns, and I told him that I wanted to be tested, and he excused himself, calling in his nurse to draw some blood. The nurse was adorable. Maybe five foot ten, olive skin, green eyes, and perfect swept dark hair. He could have been Superman's latin cousin. He took my blood and made small talk. He asked me if I had come alone. I told him no, that my boyfriend was in the waiting room. He remarked that I was lucky to have such a hot boy. I thanked him and told him he was pretty hot himself. He said he'd like to see more of both of us. I was turned on, but surprised to see such a frank and hot medical team! I wrapped everything up, and patted my boy's ass as he entered the exam room. I waited for him in the reception room as the hot nurse clicked away on his phone. I thought I would log onto one of those dating apps and see who was online, I laughed out loud when I saw the nurse's profile, fifteen feet away from me! He messaged me and told me he and my boy had made friends already. Knowing my boy, I wondered if he'd already blown the nurse. I read the details of his profile and saw that he was advertising as POZ, open to POZ and POZ-friendly. We chatted for a few minutes courtesy of the phone app, and then he excused himself to go in and do some blood work for my boy. The doctor came out of the exam room as the nurse entered. I could tell he was semi-hard and there was a dark spot on his crotch. I wondered if he had been turned on listening to my boy's exploits. He walked back into his office and I kept trolling the dating app just to see who else was out there. Seconds later, his own profile popped up! Doctor Sizemore's face was only partially visible, but I knew it was him. His pic was shirtless and hot. He messaged me and told me what a small world it was. A few minutes later, the intercom on the reception desk rang, and Doctor Sizemore reappeared to answer it. The nurse had summoned him back into the exam room, right away. He winked at me as he entered. I heard muffled speech and movement, but couldn't quite tell what was going on. I was worried that my boy had fainted during the blood draw... I got messages second apart from Doctor Sizemore and the nurse on the phone app. Both asked me to come to the exam room right away. And both attached blurry pics. I got up and ran into the room before I really looked at them. When I opened the door, I saw my boy on his back on the exam table, with his legs up in the air, and the nurse's raw POZ cock slamming into my boy's ass. Doctor Sizemore was perched on the edge of the table with his hand on the nurse's ass, guiding the nurse's cock into my boy's upturned ass. To be continued...
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  12. Last night my partner and I were feeling horny and went to what's locally called as the "Warehouse" party. This is a weekly private party that's basically a sex club and is in an small warehouse which has been converted to play space. Since there is no dedicated local play space, the Warehouse stands in. My partner was really intent on my being a bottom, saying he wanted me to see me used and breed all night. This is one of his bigger turn ons. We decided to go earlier than usual to have more time for play, so we arrived at 9:30, got naked and walked downstairs where there are a few slings, a bed and lots of areas to fuck. At the bottom of the stairs I found a nice, (possibly married) daddy, with whom I began playing, asking him if he wanted my dick in his ass. He replied he didn't think he could take it, and in any event, didn't fuck raw, so we started playing oral. While sucking him another daddy with a big dick came up, he slid in me without a word and shot a big load up my hole. Then more guys started stopping to check out the action, mostly daddies and a bear. Eventually the guys walked me over to the fuck bench. Married daddy stuck his dick in my mouth and then I proceeded to get fucked by many of the guys. My partner was nearby egging people on and telling them to nut up my slut hole. He told them I take every load. As one guy would pull out, another would slide in. This is something you read about often, but rarely have done in person. It was the first time I've been on a fuck bench letting guy after guy fuck my hole raw and not see who was in me. I lost count how many guys slid their raw dicks in me and shot, but thankfully my partner was keeping track. At the end of the nights, ten individual guys had slid into my ass, I had taken seven loads, many of the guys had fucked me more than once, and one guy came in me three times. Not surprisingly my hole was so wrecked it took me a while before I could get it up and slide into anyone, but eventually I fucked one guy, then played with the married guy again. Afterwards one more guy slid into my ass, then it was time to go. Today I'm hard and wanting more writing this.
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  13. I live in a condo high rise building, so there's a lot of foot traffic in the staircase all the time. Now that it's almost summer, the pool is open and is pretty festive since it's the start of the season. There's a really hot straight couple that live in the building - both gorgeous, very personable and just fun to be around. On weekends, they're typically out by the pool socializing/drinking. This past weekend they had a buddy visiting. He's muscular, hairy and has a bit of an accent. We were all hanging out and drinking beer and having a good time when someone noticed the beer is running low, so I volunteered to head down to the street and hit the market or liquor store. The straight couple's visiting buddy said he had to piss and he asked to tag along. I didn't think much of his remark until we were walking inside the building toward the elevator bank and he asked if I minded taking the stairs. "Sure, why not?" I replied. Before we even got down the first flight of steps his hands were all over my ass. As we made-out, our cocks were growing full tilt. We were both a little nervous because we could get caught by anyone, and in addition, it was quite obvious he wanted my hole. I sucked his hot piece, got it super wet and started spitting in my hand and wetting my own hole. With that, he fucked me right then and there. We tried to keep quiet but we were both working up quite a sweat. After he blew a huge nut into my guts, we composed ourselves enough to make it down the stairs without raging hard-ons. It was SO HOT to walk around with his cum inside my ass.
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  14. A guy responded to my craigslist ad a month or two ago. Straight guy...well, mostly straight. He liked fucking thick beefy ass, but has only had one other experience doing it. Loved it. He loves dating women and loves pussy, but somehow, thick beefy ass drives him nuts. Being new to this and nervous, we met at a bar near my home and drank a pitcher of beer together. We talked and laughed, and he could see I was a regular guy, just like him. He was not a regular guy. No, not at all. He was handsome. Big thick hair, handsome jawline, perfectly white teeth. He was not muscular, but had muscles. More like average/athletic with little fat. We had exchanged photos, but his did not do him justice. As soon as he walked into the bar that first time, I realized he had no problem getting women to fuck. No problem. That first night we hooked up was fun. We had great sex. He said that he wanted to try kissing, something he had not done prior. Asked me if it was okay. I didn't mind. We kissed and he said it was okay, but kissing a woman was still better. The sex was fun and he nutted inside me--in a condom. I wanted his raw load. I figured it might take a few sessions, but I thought that eventually, I might persuade him. A full month passed before I heard from him again (he preferred I not contact him and I agreed). We exchanged texts about getting together and I thought I'd start planting the seed in his head. Well...the seed to plant his seed. These are the actual text messges we exchanged a few hours before we were to get together: Him: I'm very very horny right now. Might have to pound your ass multiple times tonight. That sounds good though. Me: Multiple times sounds hot...You might be tempted to slip off the condom and dump your first load inside me so you can use it as lube for the second time... Him: Ha ha. I'll try really hard not to. I'd like to do that. Fill your ass up all the way to the brim. I'm already about to explode just thinking about it. Me: Hmmmmmm. It's hot thinking about it, isn't it? All your warm creamy sperm swimming deep inside into that pink hole.... (after a few minutes of him not responding...) Me: Freely ejaculating with the goal of shooting it as deep as possible... Him: Alright, you seriously have to stop. Me: LOL...I like teasing you. Straight guys are proud of their cum. They wanna breed. Gosh, what's going to happen if I don't stop teasing you?.... He did not reply to that one until close to our meeting time. He got distracted by a hockey game with friends. We met in the bar again and drank. I refereced our hot text exchange and he groaned. I apologized if I was making him nervous or uncomfortable with this topic. Not uncomfortable, he said. He wanted it...but... I explained I was on Truvada, the HIV prevention drug and told him the stats. He had heard of Truvada, but didn't realize how effective it had become. I could see him mentally debating in his brain. I told him one of my fantasies was to be with a top who secretly took off the condom while we were fucking and only told me once he was close to cumming. His eyes bugged out and said, "That sounds dangerous." I said, "Yeah, maybe ten years ago. But with the Truvada...well, I'd find it hot. I'm just saying...it's a fantasy." I worried I pushed too hard. I tried to explain that it was more about giving the top power over my butt...giving him the decision-making power over how I got fucked. THAT he understood and liked. That he could appreciate. The first time we fucked, he held my head into the mattress as he pounded me. I made sure we had plenty of beer before we careened back to my place. He was eager to start fucking right away nad bent me over the couch. "Right here," he said. He pulled out a condom from his pocket and I heard him unwrap it. I was disappointed but at the same time, I kinda figure that one of these days...one of our sessions, he would come around. I have also discovered I kinda like trying to convince a guy to bareback...to go raw. It's a turn on to me. He entered me and it was good. HIs dick is about 6 inches. Maybe 6.5 It's not huge. Average thickness. But he's a hot guy and he fucks well, as if he figured out how to make the most of his cock. He fucked me for about five minutes and I groaned my appreciation. He kept saying how much he loved my ass. Then he pulled out and said, "I'm taking off the condom." Just like that, he was back inside me again, this time raw. He moaned as soon as he slid in. He felt the difference right away. I knew I was gonna get his load and within about four minutes, he growled, "I'm gonna breed you." And he did, collapsing on my back. When he pulled out, I suggested we go upstairs to my bedroom and I would massage his body until he was ready to nut again. He liked that idea. I gave him a great massage and told him how amazing it felt to have his semen inside me. He liked it. He liked hearing how much it turned me on to carry his sperm. I described how he came, how turned on I was by his words, "I'm taking off the condom." In less than ten minutes, he said, "I wanna fuck you again." When he slid into me, I said, "Does it feel wet?" "Yeah," he said in a heavy breath. "Yeah, it's wet." He nutted in me twenty minutes later. I sucked a third load out of him and we slept for a while in my bed, naturally falling asleep. He woke up and put his cock inside me. I asked him if he liked feeling how creamy it was and he said that was his favorite part, feeling his own cum on his dick and knowing it was going to stay in me all night. Making out with a man must not have been so bad after all, because we kissed for a long time with his cock in me before he pulled out, dressed, and went home. On his way out the door, he said, "That was intense. I've never been inside a guy bareback." Next time, I don't think we'll even start with the condom.
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  15. Chapter I. My boy and I were planning on day-tripping out to Fire Island. We had our swim suits, towels, and a picnic lunch, all ready for spending some quiet time on the beach. It was a gorgeous day, and as we lounged, we enjoyed checking out the hot guys, some of whom were sunbathing naked. As my boy frolicked in the surf, I slather myself in sunscreen and fell asleep. When I woke up, some time had passed, and there was no sign of my boy anywhere. I entertained myself with my book for a while and then figured I would ring his cell phone to see when he was coming back. Of course, he had left his phone in the carry bag which was next to me on our towel, so I had no way of reaching him. As the afternoon moved into early evening, I became increasingly concerned, as the hour was approaching for the last ferry back to the main land. Just as I was about to pick up everything and see if he was somewhere in town, he reappeared walking down the beach with a super cute 20-something, who was wearing a tiny speedo and, I noticed, filling it out very well. They were carrying on like they were best of friends. My boy casually introduced me to Blake. Apparently, they had gone to school with each other and fallen out of touch. I got the feeling that they might have fooled around when they knew each other, and it crossed my mind that they may have fooled around while I was asleep on the beach. Blake had his arm wrapped around my boy's back and it seemed like his fingers were slipping into my boy’s board shorts. "We're about to miss the last ferry," I commented, only to learn Blake had invited us to crash at his beach house for the night. The house had five bedrooms, and only four of them were taken for the weekend, "...not that there will be a lot of sleeping going on tonight..." Blake muttered. "Why not? Thanks," I accepted, and with that the three of us we headed to the house, where, upon arriving, my boy and I were introduced to Blake's much older, much heavier, much hairier boyfriend, Tom, who, like the three of us, was wearing shorts, but unlike the three of us, Tom was also wearing a polo shirt. Even so, I could easily see his hairy chest, pot belly, and firm nipples poking out of the shirt as it stretched across his broad chest. Blake broke-out a bottle of vodka, and between the four of us, it went down very rapidly. Tom and Blake were sitting on either side of my boy on the sofa, and I was in the only chair in the living room. I could swear that they were getting closer and closer to my boy, until their legs were all touching, then crossing over each other. Tom put his hand on my boy’s thigh and when my boy didn’t complain, he slowly inched it up to my boy’s crotch until he was cupping my boy’s balls. Rather than feeling uncomfortable, I found myself turned-on, as was apparently also my boy. At least it sure looked like he was getting hard. Neither of us had fooled around outside of our relationship in a long time, and neither of us were particularly interested in heavyset hairy guys, but we didn’t stop what was clearly happening. Blake leaned in close to my boy and Tom used his free hand to steer my boy’s face into Blake’s. The two kissed gently, then harder and harder until they were full on making out. Blake’s sizeable cock worked its way out of the waistband of his speedo and my boy wrapped his hand around it. Blake steered his head to Tom, and Tom dove into my boy like a man possessed. I felt like a third wheel, but didn’t know how or if I should participate. My boy seemed to be enjoying himself, and they were only making out, and maybe a light jerkoff, so I didn’t stop anything from happening. Blake looked over at me and gave me a ‘come hither’ glance. I stood up, my raging hard-on fighting to be free of my swimsuit. ‘You guys wanna fuck,’ he asked rather directly. My boy moaned approval as he continued to suck Tom’s face. Blake had me come over to him and he forced me to kneel in front of him on the floor. My boy saw that I was about to be forced to go down on Blake and he murmured, "Fuck yeah. Suck his cock! It tastes so good!" It was then that I knew they must have fooled around earlier in the day because he had only kissed Blake up to that point. Blake grabbed the back of my head and forced his thick eight inches deep into my throat. I surprised myself by not gagging. I let him fuck my mouth, as his dick oozing sweet and salty precum into my throat. My face buried in Blake’s crotch, I couldn’t see what my boy and Tom were doing, but I sensed them moving around on the couch. When Blake let me come up for air, I saw that my boy was sitting on Tom’s lap. Tom’s dick was out of his shorts and my boy’s shorts were gone. I saw my boy’s ass crack shiny with Tom’s precum and he was squirming around trying to get that dick to ‘accidentally’ enter him. I was okay with us fooling around, but I didn’t know these guys and was wary of fucking at all, especially fucking raw! After a few minutes of watching my boy try to get fucked by a bear he had just met, Blake reached over and grabbed his boyfriend’s cock, suggesting "Let’s help them out, shall we?" he said as he grinned at me. Blake took my hands and guided them to my boy’s ass. "Spread those cheeks wide so he can get some of what Tom’s gifting." I did as I was told, mesmerized by the bare sex show playing out only inches from my face. Blake guided Tom’s thick stubby drooling cock into my boy’s hole, and I did nothing to stop it. I helped force my boy’s cheeks wide to make Tom’s access easier. My boy grunted as he lowered himself onto Tom’s wet dick. No lube, not even spit, just Tom’s precum. And it popped right in, deeper and deeper. After he raised and lowered himself a few times, I saw Tom’s cock covered in white juice. It dawned on me that my boy had been fucked while I was asleep. Blake, or someone, had bred him and seeded his ass. Blake held my head down and told me to lick Tom’s cock. When my boy raised up, I flicked my tongue across Tom’s dick and could distinctly taste cum mixed with my boy’s ass juice. Blake re-positioned himself behind me, and I knew he was going to fuck me. He worked his dripping cock, still wet from having deep-throating me, and eased it along my ass crack. He held one hand on my head, forcing me to lick Tom, with his other hand on my ass. He roughly entered me with three fingers. I winced at what must have been his fingernails. I worried that he was cutting me open back there, and then groaned with pain as he thrust his thick cock balls deep into my gut. The sensation changed as he held himself inside of me. I felt so full. Blake used both hands to hold my hips and pile drive my pussy, which allowed me to look up. My boy was craning his neck around to watch his friend breed me. Tom grunted "I’m getting close. Wanna knock these boys up together? Wanna fill them with our special seed?" "FUCK YEAH!" Blake shouted as he picked up his pace. Tom exclaimed "Fuck, I’m cumming! Filling your ass with my POZ cum! This is what you wanted, right?" "YES, YES, YES," was all my boy could muster. Blake jackhammered into me and then held himself deep in me. He just grunted. I couldn’t feel it, but I knew he was cumming inside me, and I was almost certain that he too was POZ. The thought alone was enough to make me cum, hard, without even touching my dick. I sprayed all over the front of the sofa and the floor. Blake forced my head down to lick up my own cum, saying "Share that with your boy. Don’t swallow. It might be the last NEG load he gets tonight!" As I was licking up my cum, we heard a series of hoots and hollers from the porch. I guess the rest of the house guests had arrived, and found us as sweaty mess, both me and my boy leaking toxic cum from our holes. Tom’s stubby cock was still firmly planted in my boy’s hole and I had a mouthful of cum. Blake forced my boy’s head back and I snowballed my seed into his mouth. He loved it. The guys, four couples broke into applause at the scene they had walked in on. The guys were generic Chelsea muscle beauties, each and every one of them. They had names like Colt, Steve, Brad, Chet, Brett, and Cliff. I would describe them individually, but they all blended together into one mass of tanned taught muscle and six plump packages straining to escape their trunks. I wanted to ask my boy to fill in the blanks for me. I wanted to know if, while I was asleep on the beach, he really had talked about taking POZ seed from these guys, but, I wasn’t going to get a chance. Tom and Blake introduced us to our housemates and showed us our room. They told us to freshen up so we could get ready for a party, but Tom was careful to tell us not to clean out our assholes, advising "You boys keep that seed simmering inside you. It’ll take some time to seep in, and you’ll want to be cum-lubed in case your holes see more action tonight." Turns out that that night was going to be a big blow out celebration on the beach, and I knew it was going to be a long hard night. To be continued…
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  16. If I know I'm going to be fucking a lot for a few days (for an event like Southern Decadence or Folsom), I'll switch to just protein shakes and juicing for a week before and go back to solid food when my ass can't take it any more. I still clean out periodically with touch-ups a few hours before a party just to make sure I'm squeaky clean. You'll need to see what your body responds to, so trial and error are your friends.
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  17. Hey all. I actually made my very own Fuck Machine. I'll let you all know as soon as get some video posted up on my xtube acct.
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  18. Mostly T-Shirt, Sneakers and some pants that make a nice bulge. No underwear, just a cockring...
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  19. I had virtually the same experience when I was in Chicago last fall. It was three in the morning and the only place to hookup was the stairwell to his parking garage. It was so hot taking his cock and load knowing we could be caught if anyone opened the door.
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  20. Anyone interested in sharing a room during Decadence this year? I'd love to find another piggy barebacker to bunk up with. I'll be out most of the time cruising for loads, so I'll only really need the room for cleaning up and showering.
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  21. I usually keep a load until I have the next natural movement. This can take up to 48 hours when I am cleaned out thoroughly and don't eat much. Sometimes more loads are being added within that time. When I got fucked very long and hard, and by very big cocks, the loads might leak out of my hole due to temoprary lack of sphincter control. I prefer to push them out in the beathroom then. The most loads I ever took in a row was when I lost counting after 16 or 17 in a gang bang where I was the only bottom to a bunch of 12 or so tops.
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  22. Nice idea. But you would have to list the hotels or destinations (domestic or abroad) that you're going to so guys would know if you're within their reach. AND take or give cock to whoever pays, regardless of their looks or age. After all they paid for it. And use a camera man to record it. Wish you luck and let us know how it goes.
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  23. Got a message on Gayromeo from a German Arab guy asking me if I wanted to get fucked. He was in town for business and this was his last night. He had a blank profile (including blank on safe sex) so I asked him to send me some pics. Big hairy guy. Same size cock as mine but beercan thick and cut. Luckily his hotel was around the corner. Told him I would be over within an hour. Rushed to the bathroom to clean and went over. I had told him I don't speak German, which I actually do but find German sex talk offputting (sorry to the German guys here). Took a while to get used to that beercan thick dick but once used to it it was fucking hot. He fucked me for about 10 minutes, grunted and came in my ass. I was about to get up and leave when he told me he wasn't done yet. He had taken a blue pill when he knew I was coming over. So we talked a bit, I sucked his dick until he told me he was ready for round two. Fucked me for another 30 minutes, forgetting the English, calling me a "geile Sau" (horny pig) when fucking me and dumped a 2nd load in my ass. After that he sucked me off until I came and he swallowed all of it. He's a hot fuck!
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  24. I'll suck off, get fucked by ANYBODY but I specialize in BBC. My 1st cock thru a gloryhole at age 18 was also my 1st black cock. (I imagined my mom watching me the whole time. But did it anyway.) I was immediately addicted on both counts -- gloryholes and BBC. I'll suck off, get fucked by ANYBODY but I specialize in BBC. My 1st cock thru a gloryhole at age 18 was also my 1st black cock. (I imagined my mom watching me the whole time. But did it anyway.) I was immediately addicted on both counts -- gloryholes and BBC.
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  25. Had the pleasure of breeding Ali Steele in LA over the weekend. Talk about a hot power bottom.
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  26. Met a trashy white trailer park type Boi at a park around 4am he wanted 420 and he would give me fuck me. Said that he was 26, 5'4", 126lbs, 6 pack abs, and 7" uncut. He was fucking hot! Smelled a little musky, mmmm! Trimmed pubes, smooth and clean asshole, nice low hangers. I knelt down in front of him and he dropped his basketball shorts which did nothing to hide his hard on. He was free balling! Played with his foreskin with my tongue and kinda edged him. I also was playing with his hole not entering it but lightly using my spit, he sap that he wanted me to rimm him,so I obliged. Tasty! He said your turn, leaned me over the park picnic table spit on my asshole, sticking his fingers in me, rubbing his dick that was drooling with precum on my hole on slid it in and he lasted for about 5 minutes. He came a huge load into my ass and I could feel it running down my leg as he kept fucking me and then came again! He pulled out and caught some of his cum that followed his dick out of my ass and turned me around and forced me to my knees and! Made me lick his cum off his hand and stuck his dick in my mouth telling me to clean up his dick.....
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  27. I had such an amazing weekend my cock is still trying to recover.I live in a college town and this weekend was graduation weekend. That means more ass than you can imagine. Friday night I was checking BBRT when I noticed a message from a hot ver. bottom. He simply said in his email "Here for brother's graduation and looking to take a load in my ass" I responded how hot his ass was and that was all either of us needed. He told me the hotel that he was staying at and said that he would prefer an anon scene where I walked in and found him naked on all fours. he didn't want me to fully strip. Just get my cock out, fuck his ass, breed him and go. No complaints from me! I get to his hotel room and he was ass up in a dark room...he had a hot smooth assmy cock was rock hard with anticipation. I pull it out rub some lube on it and slide it in! I pump his ass for about 15 minutes with him moaning like a fucking bitch in heat. Finally he can tell I am getting close and tells me to pump my load into him and leave him sloppy for the next guy. That was all I needed! I inject stream after stream of seed into his ass. And as agreed I pull out and leave his room. Saturday was just as easy to get laid. I was out to dinner with a buddy when I see this hot 45 yo muscle bear on SCRUFF. I message him and say "Hot pic" He says thanks but says he is going to bed soon. I said "Too bad...look like fun". A few minutes later he messages me asking if I have a cock pic. I send him a pic and that was all the encouragement he needed to forget about going to bed early and invite me over to his room. No discussion about condoms just that he wanted my 8 inches buried in his ass. I finish as fast as I can and leave my friend. I head to his hotel which was just across the highway. WHen I arrive at his room he answers the door in nothing but a a t-shirt. No pants or underwear. We waste no time in getting naked and a before I know it this muscle bear god is on his knees sucking my cock. He slobbers on my knob for about 10 minutes before I tell him that I need to fuck. And in true slut form he grabs the lube rubs it on my cock. Again nothing about condoms was EVER talked about. He lays on his back and I enter his ass. I can feel how tight this ass was and I was in heaven. Over the course of the next hour and a half we fuck like animals!!! I ended up pumping three loads into his hole. We exchange numbers and as i am leaving his hotel I get a message on SCRUFF he tells me that he has never been bred like that. Then the next text made me chuckle. He says that he forgot to ask my status and I tell him I am poz. He responds good and that he as hoping that was the case. Then informs me that when he flies back to Atlanta in the morning he is going to make sure he has his bf use my poz seed as lube!! GOD I LOVE pigs like that!!!
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  28. DENVER - Had a really, really cute 27 year old hit me up on Scruff today. He asked if I was interested in breeding him. I certainly was. He asked what I'm into and I gave him my list of things. He was particularly interested in my desire to pimp bottom boys out. So we set up a noon whoring session of his butt and had a decent amount of interest but only 2 guys ended up coming. Before they got to the hotel I seeded the boy 2 times. He is such a hot bottom and takes cock like a champ. The first guy to arrive was in his 40's and not a looker but the bottom gave me an ok sign that he wanted the guy's load. No sooner than the first top got undressed did top # 2 show up. This guy has a cute face and is 30 but looks 21. He stripped right down and had his raw cock in the boy's hole within 5 minutes. The daddy had trouble staying hard and the two tops switched back and forth for a while as I looked for more cock on my laptop. The daddy finally quit trying and decided to leave. I took his place and was glad to fuck the boy's hole right after the younger top came in him. I shot another load and then the young top shot one last load in the boy. He got 5 loads from the 2 of us and left with a big ol' smile on his face!
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  29. My feeling exactly
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  30. Not much too it really once you go bareback you realise damn that feels good, the way it should always feel, I'm a no loads refused bttm cumslut & totally love being fucked bare, I would never go back to wrapped rubbers, disgusting feeling.
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  31. Tanner lapped up the cum and his ass juices from Jake's lap as I texted Bruno. "Fuck" came his almost instant reply after I'd sent him the pics. "You weren't lying, bring him, everything is ready...you got 30 mins" I smiled, pit down my phone, crouched behind Tanner and dug my tongue up his cum soaked, slightly open hole. I needed to taste it, enjoy the salty, musky sweetness of his corrupted pussy before Bruno wrecked it. "We good to go" Jake sighed, getting Tanner to suck his fingers. Two, three vanished down the boy's throat easy. "Good fucking dude" he sighed, fucking his throat with his digits. "He's so fucking ready" Tanner's hole pulsed, agreeing. God he tasted good...and the heat from his hole....Fuck. If Bruno wasn't waiting I'd take him again...I slipped three fingers up his cunt easy as he groaned. "Yup" I admired, "you're good to go" I said, smiling. "You wanna cum baby boy?" Jake removed his fingers from Tanner's throat, pulled his chin up. "Answer him ok bro, you wanna blow your wad" He bit his lip...so fucking cute with spit and cum still smeared in his blonde stubble. "Or..." I whispered, tickling his prostate, "you wanna get fucked into manhood?" I pushed hard against his little button, grinned as he bucked in pleasure. "No" he yelled, "no....I don't wanna cum! Uh....I...oh Fuck....please, fuck me more...get me pregnant with your sperm....oh Fuck....I don't wanna cum till...Fuck....I'm ready" I massaged his heavy, full balls. "Right answer" I smiled, pulling my fingers out his well lived cunt, spinning him around and shoving my cum drenched fingers down his throat. He groaned in ecstasy. Jake was pulling on his jock and some loose shorts as I abused Tanner's throat. Having him maintain eye contact as he sucked my fingers clean. "You wanna get bred some more? Wanna be a cum dump for some friends...? He nodded. "Get up" I ordered. Time for a drive. He looked around for his clothes but, Jake stopped him. "Naked bra', you don't need clothes....look at you, you are fucking perfect...show it off" he soothed, kissing him deeply. I pulled on my shorts, grabbed my keys, slapped Tanner's hot little bum and ushered them out the door. Watching Tanner embrace his inner slut was a fucking turn on, watching him saunter to my car stark bollock naked, cum dripping down his thigh made me instantly hard. The boys got in the back of my jeep, I adjusted my mirror so I could watch my two perfect tweakers make out as if it was the end of the fucking world....I could watch that forever. I sighed, pulled out of the drive and hit the gas. Bruno was not someone you kept waiting. 20 minutes later and we had arrived at the gates to Bruno's mansion. Bruno's boss, Jaeger, kept a number of these 'houses' about the country. Private, secluded...perfect for their collective 'tastes' They buzzed us in and, as the gates swung open I couldn't help but glance back at Tanner...after tonight, I thought, he'd be a seriously cock hungry little cum dump....I couldn't wait to fuck him whenever Bruno was done with him. We pulled up to the front of the house. The massive doors opened and a naked, rippling hunk of muscular sex walked out. He flashed me a grin, caught sight of the boys in the back, opened the door and pulled Tanner out. Tanner stood there, as Jake and I sauntered out. The muscular god seemed super happy with Tanner...and Tanner looked like he'd fallen love with the stud. "Bend over" the guy growled in a thick Spanish accent. Tanner obliged, bending over so that he was resting half in, half out the car. "Yes" the guy said "Go in" he said to us, not taking his eyes off the seed seeping out of Tanner's hole. I nodded to Jake, as I caught sight of the thick tool growing between the Spanish studs legs. Jake saw it too...10 inches at least and thick with rippling veins. As we let ourselves in to the mansion, Tanned let out a muffled cry. The Spanish boy had him mounted, impaled on his ever growing cock, hands firmly covering the boy's mouth. "Valet parking" I heard a voice boom from inside the house. Bruno was the biggest guy I think I'd ever seen, even after all the years I'd known him he still intimidated me. A huge German with a penchant for ruining twinks foolish enough to fall for his perfect, daddy persona. He stood in the hall, rippling with iron. Jake met him in a deep kiss, eagerly reciprocated. "Hello good fucking boy" Bruno cooed, slapping Jake's ass. "And you" he nodded at me, smiling. Outside we could still hear Tanner's deep, full cries. "Whos the valet?" I chuckled, snatching a glass of champagne from one of Bruno's houseboys who had suddenly appeared. All twinks, all gorgeous, all his and all strictly off limits. "Jaeger" Bruno answered. Jake and I caught each others eyes. "Yup" Bruno laughed as he led us into the party room. "Your boy is very lucky, the boss was in town and trust me...he was very excited to meet Tanner" "Fuck yes" I thought. I'd never met Bruno's boss but I heard the rumours....all of them twisted, all of them hot. As Bruno opened the doors to a room packed full of half naked men, chatting, drinking...waiting...I smiled. "This was going to be fun"
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  32. Tanner was moaning as he sat, impaled on Jake's still rock hard cock, riding it and tweaking his own nipples, lost in the feeling of being fucked like a boyfriend. His ring was red raw but, everytime he ground down, a small deposit of cum would leak out around the edges, massaged into the battered edges of his hole. "Fuck...Jake..." He kept saying as I passed Jake a repacked pipe. "Shotgun" I ordered. Jake grinned as he started to meet Tanner's thrusts. "Hold still Tanner" he said "let me just pulse a bit in your hole" Tanner looked fucking gorgeous, prone on Jake's cock as Jake began lighting up the bowl. Tanned was a still mass of rippling muscle, glistening with sweat and dripping with cum. I walked up to them as Jake grabbed Tanner, pulled him to his tina full mouth and exhaled a thick cloud of corruption into our prize, pushing his tongue into his mouth at the same time. The cloud fizzled and dissolved around them, I leant down to where Jake's cock vanished up Tanner and, as I heard them light up again gently licked around Tanner's perfectly stretched hole. It tasted like Jake, a taste I could still remember, and salty sweet jock sweat with a hint of musk. Fucking wonderful. I heard Tanner moan as my tongue massaged the tiny crevices of his outer ring. I felt Jake's cock swell and a little more cum leak out and straight onto my tongue. "Again boys" I said. I wanted Tanner more fucked up, more cock hungry...he'd thank me for that later. As they happily hit the pipe again, I shoved my tongue up alongside Jake's shaft, swirling as best I could into Tanner's hole, tasting our hot like fuck toy and his spunk soaked cunt. Tanned groaned thickly into another deep kiss "Poppers" I commanded, I heard the bottle unscrew, stood up, grabbed my thick shaft and poised it at the entrance to Tanner's chute. They each took three big hits. I counted to three, watched Tanner's whole tan body relax and pushed into him. He grabbed at Jake's pecs as I forced my head into his sphincter. His hole was still wonderfully tight and I literally popped in...but, as soon as my head vanished, Tanner's ass sucked my entire 10 inches into him till I was hilt deep again. "Yesssssss" Tanner screamed "Fuck me, please!" Jake winked at me from over Tanner's shoulder, big black eyes, fucking gorgeous face. He pulled Tanned back down meeting him in a rough kiss, exposing his hole for a real double fucking. He was made to take cock, a hole that tight, that soft and warm was built to get pregnant. I grabbed my phone, hit record on the video function and started deep shafting the little jock. Thrusting him violently into the back of the chair as I reamed his gaping little pussy. I felt Tanner reach behind me as I continued my onslaught, he grabbed my ass cheeks to steady himself on the two dicks fucking him. "Uh....Uh....Uh" he groaned religiously as a river of cum ran out of his hole, coating our crotches. "Oh...my....fucking...Christ" Tanner bellowed, his heavy ball sack churning for release against the clamp, keeping his precious neg boy cum where it belonged, in his tight, taught little body. Jake grabbed the boy's ass, pulled the cheeks wide as I made sure to film the hard-core dicking up close. "Take a few photos from your angle" I said to Jake who eagerly snapped a few pics, directing Tanner to flex even as we ruined his no longer virgin hole. Jake put the camera phone down, grunted as Tanner squeezed that velvet chute of his and cried, almost in pain "I'm cumming!!!!" I felt Jake tense up, felt the blood surge into his penis as it convulsed another hot load into Tanner's shuddering ass walls. I felt the hot cum soak Tanner's cunt, lube my penetration of his little jock butt as I forced it into his insides, massaging it into him as I upped my tempo. Jake kept his still hard dick up the boy as I felt my load boiling in my balls. A few well placed, piercing shoves and I began to leak. I felt my cock expand, the veins pulse. "Here...it...comes..boy" I yelled "Another hot load for you" I fucked him deep, felt his rippling muscle tighten against my assault, gripped his shoulders, shoved deep and unloaded a fuck load of my potent spunk into the boy. "I can feel it....feel both of you...." He tensed up, as my dick hit his prostate. "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...." He cried, orgasming without cumming again. "You perfect fucking boy" I sighed. "No cumming, remember" "I...Ugh...remember daddy" he said, coming off his anti orgasm. I pulled out of his gaping hole, laid next to Jake as Tanner climbed off his dick. "Hungry boy" I ordered Tanner looked confused till I gently pulled his neck to my cum soaked crotch and held him there till he tentatively flicked out his tongue tasting the seed that now owned him. "Mmmm...it's...still warm" he cooed, licking along my gym soaked shaft. "Me next" Jake said, helping feed the boy some left over cum from my crotch...sighing as the boy sucked on his fingers like the jizz hungry whore we'd turned him into. Now to send Bruno some pics and vids...
    1 point
  33. Fucking hot. Thanks for writing. Boyfriend stories make me hard.
    1 point
  34. After several agonizing minutes, I saw them both back on screen. Joey wasted no time and went in for a kiss while grabbing the latin man's dick through his boxers. Poz latin grabbed Joey's shirt and pulled it off. He pushed him onto the bed and quickly yanked on Joey's pant legs to pull off his unhooked jeans. He wasn't even wearing any underwear. My poz latin man crawled between Joey's legs and kissed his thighs, eliciting seductive looks with lip biting from Joey. I watched with fascination as my poz latin moved from the thighs to Joey's dick, licking first the balls and then sucking to full erection. He moved to kiss up Joey's chest and nipple and even moved to his armpits. He pulled back and made a face and I heard him say "deodorant". Joey smiled awkwardly and the poz latin smiled back and pulled both Joey's legs up on his shoulders leaning in for a kiss, which put Joey's ass in the right position for him to grind his dick on. He had to have gotten hard and I heard their moans for a couple of minutes as I stroked my own cock wondering if Joey would let him in raw. As I had expected, Joey pushed on my latin man's chest and said, "wait, I have a condom in my jeans." As he got up to grab it from the floor, my man grabbed a bottle of lube from the desk. Standing on his knees on the bed, he watched as Joey crawled back on with condom in hand. He sucked his dick for a bit, though it was more like he was being skull fucked. Joey removed the condom and handed it to my poz latin, then flipped around to face the other way. I watched as the latin squirted some lube on his hand and rubbed it briefly on his cock before wiping his hand on Joey's ass. He put the condom on, making a show of it and smiling at the camera. Joey looked back to see him squirting lube on his covered dick and then moving to finger lube into Joey's hole. "Ow," he cried as my latino's fingers dug in. I saw him pull his fingers out and wipe his hands on a hand towel on the table. I watched him line his cock up behind Joey and then push in. Gasps escaped Joey's mouth as my latin man didn't stop until he bottomed out. He didn't wait for Joey to get used to his dick, just started thrusting into him. I saw him add more lube and then run his hands down Joey's back to his shoulders, pushing them down while Joey lifted his ass up, letting him enter more. "Fuck yeah, like that, you feel so tight. I bet you love this thick dick ripping you apart." Joey could do more than groan in reply. His head flopped over to face the camera and I could see his eyes scrunched up. He was in pain, I could tell. Yet he was loving the torture. The latin leaned back and grabbed his phone from the table. He fucked more and aimed his phone at the action and pulled all the way out. I watched as he pulled the condom tighter on his dick and saw it give. He pulled the latex back up to his head and added more lube before going back in, all one handed as his phone recorded the action up close. His thrusts this time looked more purposeful. Or maybe that was just me. I looked at Joey's face again and he still had his eyes shut, though he seemed to be enjoying it more. I watched as my poz latin built up to a frenzy before it looked like he finally came. His last few thrusts being deep and hard. He was still recording as he pulled out, still hard, the condom bunched up at the base of his dick. He rubbed Joey's ass and back as he aimed the phone at Joey's hole. He fingered it and smiled, pleased by his work. I saw Joey's eyes open and my heart skipped a beat at being caught, but they closed once more when he aimed his dick back in and thrust once or twice and pulled out again. He put his phone down under the pillow and then entered him again, this time reaching under Joey with both hands to bring him up to a kneeling position, his back pressed against the poz man's chest. He reached down to Joey's dick with one hand and rubbed Joey's chest with the other as he thrust into him, fucking him while jerking him off. Joey's load came quick, shooting high. his deep breathing and moans were warning enough that they sat back on their feet and leaned back so the cum could shoot high and onto Joey's chest and face. As that all happened, my poz latin looked right at the camera and winked. That set me off and I came all over my chest, the first spurt hitting my chin. I cleaned up with a hand towel as I watched him push Joey face down on the bed again. He pulled out completely and reached under the pillow and pulled out what looked like like a used condom that was tied off. He held it to his own cock as he peeled off the broken one and then hid the broken one back under his pillow. "Fuck that was amazing man," he said. Joey looked up at him and nodded, hardly able to say a word. He watched as the poz latin threw the full condom in the trash can and then lay his head back down. After Joey caught his breath, he cleaned up and went on his way.
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  35. I stepped into the shower after our fuck and thought about what was going through my mind. Had I really been turned on by the thought of my cheating boyfriend getting pozzed by one of his tricks? As I washed off the sweat from our fuck, my hand soaping up my dick and nuts, I thought of the intense orgasm and I started to firm up again. Something that should be said about an Aquarius is that we have intense fantasies. I imagined Joey going to meet a poz trick and pictured him bending over to receive his gift. I got rock hard as I thought of the guy, who I pictured as Ethan Wolfe, sliding into him raw and thrusting, unloading his cum. Just then my second load burst forth and I stood there panting. I rinsed off and got out of the shower. My mind kept playing over that scene and I knew that I wouldn't be able to forget about it. When I went into my bedroom, Joey was fast asleep, cum drying on him. I was still awake so I went grabbed my laptop and went out to the living room. I had heard of a site called BBRT from a friend I knew who was into barebacking when I lamented to him of the fact that Joey was so staunchly "safe", but I told him I wanted to try being monogamous as Joey had asked. I went there and signed up for a profile quickly realizing there was more kinky stuff than I realized. Skipping most of it, I put in my stats thinking I would probably be better off being honest with whomever the guy would be so he knew what he was in for. I put up a cropped photo of my shirtless body when Joey and I were at the beach last summer. In my bio I put that I was discrete and looking to play out a fantasy - vague enough not to rouse suspicion in case there was someone who might report me for my immorality. I navigated to the search options and checked of boxes for poz tops who give loads within 10 miles of my zip code and looked through the options. Living in a major metropolitan city, there were plenty of guys fitting that description. I scanned through the first page and found a Latin guy the same age as me, 26. He was uncut and his bio explained he was into poz talk and dark fantasies. I had to purchase a membership to see his pictures better, but it was worth it. He looked hot and I felt my dick plumping up as I viewed each pic of his thick furry latin frame. I got a notification that I had a message and clicked over to see that it was from the same guy I was looking at. >hey there stud. What fantasy are you looking to play out? My heart fluttered and I hesitated, staring at the message for what seemed like hours. There was no taking it back if I told him, but if I didn't I knew I wouldn't be able to tell anyone and I wouldn't be able to get my revenge. >hey sexy. Well, to put it bluntly, my fantasy is to poz my boyfriend. I just found out he's been cheating on my the last year and a half we've been together. I sent the message and sat waiting for a second. I went back to his profile and looked at his public pictures some more, taking in his brown furry skin. I got another two messages and clicked back to see one of them was him unlocking. >that's one hell of a fantasy, very hot. I unlocked, do you have any pics of him and you? I quickly went to upload some nude pictures of Joey under private, adding the caption as "the bf" and added a few of myself just for good measure. I clicked onto his profile and unlocked my pics and started looking at his new photos that showed a pert furry butt and an impressive thick 8 inch tool. I began salivating at the thought of it pumping Joey full of cum when a new message appeared. >you two are very sexy. You've both got a sort of jock/cub thing going on, I like. So he's been cheating and you wanna get revenge by pozzing him. Tell me more. I told him how Joey and I had been together for a year and a half and that he was being shady so I snooped in his phone and found messages from a lot of guys that he hooked up with. I mentioned our rough fucking and how he wouldn't even let me fuck raw. Then I told him about my fantasy and that I even jacked off in the shower thinking of him loaded with poz cum. While waiting to hear back, I went to the picture of his cock and rubbed my dick through my sweat pants. It was thick and even hard there was skin bunched up at his head. There was another pic of his foreskin pulled back and I saw his thick mushroom head leaking cum. I rubbed my cock head and felt how wet I was getting when the alert came. >that can be arranged. For some reason the condoms I use tend to break And I've been poz for a year now and haven't started my meds yet so I know I got some toxic cum. I'd love to help you get your revenge. What's his name on Grindr? I sent him what I knew and described the image, as it wasn't one he sent to me. I gave him my address and said he would be around for at least the next day. He told me that he would head over to the Starbucks near my apartment and look for the thumbnail and hit Joey up in the morning.
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  36. Chapter III. Tom and Blake led us to the bedroom and laid us down. My boy and I wrapped around each other, fingering POZ seed out of our loose holes. What started as an innocent day trip was about to devolve into a night of toxic debauchery. I fell asleep and dozed for a bit. When I woke up, my boy was, of course, gone. I heard him whimpering as he was getting fucked. One of the twinks from the Ferry had my boy bent over the sofa and was fucking him hard. My boy moaned as this this skinny suntanned guy pounded his hole with what must have been a nine inch dick. Tom was standing beside the twink pushing the twink’s hips back and forth. “Yeah Billy. Fuck him hard. Seed him good like we seeded you.” That sent Billy over the edge and he fired off his load into my boy’s ass. Tom saw me standing there, hard, and had me kneel down. Billy withdrew his cummy cock from my boy’s ass and Tom had me suck it clean. A river of seed was trickling down my boy’s thigh. Tom introduced us to Billy, who was apparently Tom’s nephew. Tom, Blake, and their friends had all been breeding the boy since he turned eighteen, but he had yet to convert. Billy told us that he would be working the party later and lining up cock for us. Billy kissed all three of us and flitted out of the house. Blake walked into the living room with two jockstraps. “Here, cumsluts. Put these on. They are all you’ll be wearing to the party.” We hopped into our jocks as the rest of the housemates filed into the room. They hugged us and told us we would be well taken care of, and we all headed down the boardwalk to the beach. Outside, we passed dozens of hot guys wearing very little, all on their way to the party. Several people commented that they recognized the two chasers from the ads they had seen online. They were talking about us! One really burly guy walked right behind me and my boy for a bit, grabbing our asses and working his fingers into our asses. “I’ve got my eye on you, boys. And I’ll have my dick in you both before the night is out.” He winked and headed on. The party was a blow-out. There must have been three hundred guys crowded into a small area. It was body pressed against sweaty body as far as the eye could see. Blake made sure to separate me from my boy and Tom guided me over to the railing, overlooking the ocean. He pressed against my ass and I could feel him working his drooling cock up and down my crack. “Just going to warm you up for your new friends!” He eased his dick into me and it felt glorious. I was looser than I had ever been and I felt no pain. The cum I already had in me was lube enough to get him going. I arched my back so he could fuck me easier and Tom hammered away. “Don’t want to cum yet, slut. I’ve got to you find your boyfriend.” Tom pulled out of me and disappeared into the crowd. A couple of the guys around had seen Tom fucking me, and moved in closer. A tall muscled guy pulled his shorts down in the front to reveal a stubby thick six inch cut cock, balls and pubes completely shaved. He whirled me around and shoved into me. His meat was so wide that I felt my ass struggle to accommodate him. He leaned his weight against me and rasped into my ear, “You take loads from guys like that, you’ll never get the bug!” I was confused for a moment, and he continued. “You want to convert, you take seed in the Rack.” He continued as he pistoned away, “Most of us pretty boys here are all medicated.” He was breathless as he kept fucking me. “You could take every load here and not become… ONE… OF…. US!!!!” He came in me hard and his dick was replaced by another one. And another. And another. As I took bare dick after bare dick, that guy’s words kept ringing in my ears. I lost track of how many cocks I had taken after ten or so, but I kept at it until my knees went weak under me. Billy appeared every few dicks with a new friend for me. He was there when the last guy pulled out. “Thanks, fellas. Looks like this chaser is all fucked out. His boy is still going strong though. That slut is a real champ!” Several guys waiting their turn with my hole walked away as Billy helped me to lean over a chair and rest a bit. I couldn’t see my boy but I knew someone was balls deep in him. Over the roar of the guys dancing, and the cluster of guys in the middle of the deck fucking him, I could hear my boy, “Yes! Yes! Feed me that big cock! Give me that dirty cum!!!” Billy and I drifted to the edge of the party. I told him what the first guy had said about loads from POZ guys on meds. Billy said he was probably right. He’d only taken loads from Tom and Blake’s friends and they were all really healthy. He said that he had heard about guys in the Meat Rack who really wanted the bug finding what they were looking for. The really sick trolls were not exactly part of the ‘in crowd’ anymore and kept their fucking to the darkness of the woods. I started to hatch an idea. If my boy really wanted to get sick, I knew a way to help him out. Blake and my boy appeared arm in arm. Both were grinning ear to ear, faces and hair sloppy with streaks of cum from countless guys. “Anyone up for a real adventure?” To be continued…
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  37. Chapter II. The guys introduced themselves to me and my boy, but our heads were spinning from just getting fucked, and filled full of POZ cum. My boy looked like he wanted to play some more and approached Colt, the tallest and most well-muscled of the six guy who had just walked on us, with our asses leaking cum. Colt spun my boy around and forced him to bend over. He went to town, nibbling and rimming my boy’s sloppy cummy hole. “Push it out, man. Let me have some of that hot seed!” My boy complied and squeezed out a big dollop of Tom’s, or Blake’s, cum onto Colt’s tongue. Colt’s boyfriend, Steve, also dead sexy, kissed Colt and they passed the ball of cum back and forth across their tongues. Then, Steve pulled his tiny speedos aside and spit down onto his dick, lubing it up. Colt rearranged my boy so he was leaning against the arm of the sofa and guided his boyfriend Steve’s bare cock into my boy. Steve’s thick seven inch uncut cock was glistening as he forced more and more of himself into my boy’s guts. When he bottomed out, my boy groaned and started fucking himself against that big hard dick. “How many loads you got up there boy?” “Two, so far,” he grunted as Steve hammered his dick in and out. “They both POZ?” “Yes, sir!” “You want another POZ load?” “YES, sir! Please give it to me! Give me something my boyfriend can’t! Well, not yet at least!” I was so hard hearing my boy say these things. We had talked about chasers and PrEP and I thought we were on the same page. We had both wanted to stay NEG, right? I couldn’t have been more wrong. “You boys both take POZ seed,?” Colt asked, smirking at me as he released his own big cock from his swimsuit. Blake smacked me on the shoulder and shoulder and spun me around as he fingered my hole. “They do now!,” he exclaimed. “Fuck, yeah!” Colt shouted. Blake held my shoulders and Colt approached me from behind and eased his cock into my asscrack. I could feel myself getting more and more moist as his precum oozed into my hole. My boy and I were facing each other, both wide-eyed, as we took those guys’ POZ cocks. My boy was drooling as his eyes started to roll back in his head. “Fuck me, sir, fuck me hard! Fuck me deep! Deeper than I’ve ever been fucked before!” I knew he was right, as my dick was nowhere near as long or as thick as Steve’s POZ tool, currently fucking his brains out. Colt leaned forward as he picked up his speed, hammering in and out of my ass. “It makes me hot, watching my man plow NEG pussy. Makes me so hot that I could cum! I’m cumming! CUMMING!” As Colt released his seed into me, I felt my hole get wetter and cooler immediately. It was almost a relief after his rough fuck. It made me hard knowing that he was doubling the amount of toxic brew swimming deep inside of me. Steve was talking dirty to my boy as he lost his own load. My boy squealed with delight as he took his third POZ load of the day. Brad, one of the other muscle beauties who had arrived, had gotten out his phone. He was taking pics, or videos, of the two of us taking raw POZ cock. I couldn’t remember when he started, but at least I knew both of us being bred had been recorded. Brad’s boyfriend, Chet, had his phone out, and was taking pics of Steve pulling out of my boy. Chet snapped away as more and more cock slowly plopped out of my boy, followed by a waterfall of spooge, leaking down my boy’s leg. Chet took a bunch of photos of both of our asses, spread wide and dripping cum. He had a wicked grin as he typed madly away on his phone. “You guys are gonna be the life of the party tonight. I’m posting an ad telling everyone who’s anyone to be on the lookout for two chasers out on the dance floor. Before you sleep tonight, you’ll both be filled to the brim with POZ seed!” Tom and Blake were both jerking off and laughing. I felt my stomach tying itself into knots as my boy grinned from ear to ear. “How will they recognize us if they don’t see out faces? Take some face pics of us so they can find us!” Tom and Blake arranged us on the sofa, sitting side by side, legs akimbo, both of us facing forward, with their bare dick sawing in out of our mouths. Two virtual strangers, the last two houseguests, Brett and Cliff, were sitting below us, calming steering their own raw POZ cocks in and out of our holes. When my boy was satisfied that Chet’s pics showed us off clearly and unmistakably as cumsluts for POZ seed, he begged Brett to fill him up with his toxic sauce. Brett was only too happy to oblige. It was my boy’s fourth POZ load of the day, and when Cliff followed suit a few moments later, I took my third POZ load. The guys then had us pose, with our assholes exposed, facing the camera, dripping POZ seed. To be continued…
    1 point
  38. Week 2 I started off the week dropping by for my next set of blood work and to pick up my first check. I took the $500 check straight to the bank and waited all week for Friday to come. I thought back to last Friday and how it was the best sex of my life. My classes for Friday were canceled and I was able to head to the testing site early. The staff didn’t seem surprised to see me back early and let me get ready as the men gathered in the play rooms. Since I was early and a few guys had already arrived in the play area I was informed of an idea that they had for me to try. I was asked if I had sex in a sling. I had seen a few videos of guys getting fucked in slings and they always looked like they enjoyed it so much. I let them know that I had never had sex in a sling and wanted to try getting fucked in a sling. They took me to a special play room and had me climb into the sling. Once I was settled in I was ready for my shot. For the second week in a row I was memorized as they applied the piece of rubber to my upper arm, wiped a prominent vein, then stuck the needle in, drew back a little getting a flash of blood indicating that they were in the vein. With no warning the rubber tourniquet was removed and I felt the drug work on my body as I coughed out hard. I was really feeling the drug this week as they open the door to the room and the few men in the play area began to enter. The first guy stepped up and applied lube to my eager hole. As he slipped in a finger I felt a slight burn as he lubed my hole. I asked about the burn and was told that it was probably the lube and that I’d get used to it quickly. The guy lubing my hole was right and as I started to suck the cocks that were presented to me the burning faded and my hole became hungrier as he removed his fingers from my hole. I began begging for someone to fuck me. As I went back to sucking cock I felt a hard cock drive inside me in one stroke. I let a moan escape around the cock in my mouth as the guy inside my ass began to long dick me like a stud. The guy fucking me took his time as he used my ass and boy did it feel good to have a nice hard cock inside my hole. I thought he was going to cum inside me several times only to have him keep long dicking me. Finally when he began to grunt and groan I felt his cock spasm. He looked down at me, smiled and pulled out. It felt like a gallon of cum began to drip from my ass as another cock quickly was shoved inside. As the new guy between my legs began to pound away the guy who had just fucked me moved up next to me and leaned in to kiss me. As he began to pull away he told me to enjoy the 4 loads of jiz he shot inside my great ass. It didn’t take the guy fucking me long to cum as he was replaced by another guy between my spread legs. After a few hours in the sling I was ready to stretch my legs as a couple guys helped me down. While In the sling I was fucked by over a half dozen guys and took nearly a dozen loads. I felt cum running down my thighs as I walked around and noticed that there were more college guys getting fucked. I wondered around only to discover to find the first guy who fucked me that night lying on his back with hard cock pointing up. It was the first good look at that cock to see that it had to be nearly 9” long. It had to be the largest cock I had ever taken inside my ass. As I approached I noticed that he was lying there with his eyes closed. I climbed on the bed trying not to disturb him and position myself over his hard cock. His eyes opened as I began to lower myself down onto his magnificent cock. A smile came to his face as he asked if I remembered him from last week. I had to be honest and let him know that I was fucked by so many guys last week I did not remember him. He reminded me of when he fucked me, and that he didn’t cum since he had fucked so many of the other guys there that he was shooting blanks. He went on to tell me that he is usually good for many loads but that there were so many hot asses to fuck he ran out of cum. He figured that he’d keep from cumming all week as to have a nice reserve built up in his balls. As I began to ride his cock he pulled me down for a nice kiss. As our tongues began to duel I felt a hand on my back and felt a cock begin to work in alongside the one already inside my hole. I felt a slight burn as the cock made its way inside. As the burning faded the two cocks began to feel great as I looked over my shoulder to see a black guy behind me. The guy I had mounted told me that the guy joining us was his roommate and they were just waiting for a hottie like me to take the bait. I was motionless as the two cock inside began to piston in and out. This time no one held back as I felt the cocks spasm in turn emptying their load inside me. When we got up I noticed that they both had identical tattoos on their upper back between their shoulders. I still couldn’t place the symbol and asked what it meant. They looked at each other, flashed a grin and let me know that it was a reminder of their time here at school a few years back. They were sure that I’d probable get my own at sometime in the future to remind myself of the good times like tonight. I kept moving around getting fucked by who ever wanted my ass. When I started to get tired and the tops were heading home I made my way to the showers to clean up and get dressed. As I left I was reminded to stop by on Monday for my pay check and to submit to the weekly blood work.
    1 point
  39. This is Correct. In the IPrEX study people did convert, but no one who had the proper levels of the drug in their system did. Additionally "high levels" does not mean correct levels.
    1 point
  40. Sorry I cheated for years. Lucky for me my husband understood me better than did I. It was my inability to simply accept my self warts & all. Funny when I decided to chase. I finally did accept that I did not have a monogamous bone in my body & never would. & became comfortable with myself. I know full well I am a twisted pervert & I like me this way. My point is in order for a relationship to really work one needs to be more than anything honest especially with ones self. If not you are guaranteed to lie since you have no clue of what is truth for you.
    1 point
  41. Yes if you are untruthful you may well get into legal trouble big time. But sorry I was a chaser & very serious about it. THE VERY BEST DECISION I EVER MADE. & my experience is that the ones who find it a surprise weather or not they should are the ones who regret whine & even try to retaliate. EACH & every chaser I have done has thanked me repeatedly. & if that is what they are looking for someone else is just going to get to enjoy.
    1 point
  42. Part III My mind was in a fog. I came to thinking I must have been having a wet dream. Images of Bobby fingering a knowingly POZ load into his gaping hole swirled in my head. I knew I should be angry, or disgusted, but all I could think of was how hard my cock felt, and how hot it had been. I seemed to have passed out, and my crotch was wet. Turns out that I had cum, hard, without even touching my dick. I fell over and landed on the mattress next to Bobby as he lay there, his ass covered in POZ seed. There were at least six guys standing around, some fully clothed, some jerking off, but all still had their cameras firing away. I opened my eyes to see a tangle of bodies. Ryan and Kevin, the guys who had posed last week had stripped out of their clothes. Kevin was pleading, “Help a guy out, Bobby. Gimme some of that TOXIC lube.” Bobby leaned up and pulled his body down on top of him. Kevin lined up his cock with Bobby's wrecked hole. He dipped the head of his cock into Bobby's ass and withdrew. I knew it was covered in Tom's POZ jizz. Ryan leaned in and snaked his tongue first into Bobby's mouth, then kissed his own boyfriend. Ryan laid down next to Bobby and pulled his ankles up. Kevin re-positioned himself at Ryan's ass and started fucking. I knew he was working Tom's POZ cum deep into Ryan's bare hole. The frat boy host crouched down beside me and asked if I was ok. I nodded and he handed me a glass of water. “Let me help you out of those shorts, man. They seem pretty soggy.” I was embarrassed that I cum all over myself, but figured under the circumstances, he was probably the only guy who had noticed. I let the frat boy undress me and shivered as he ran his hands over my body. Bobby lay there, working his cummy hole, smiling as he watched me being handled. The frat boy sunk his tongue into my mouth. He smiled. “You taste good. Want to taste something even better?” He pushed my head down to Bobby's ass. “Eat it. Wouldn't want that TOXIC load sinking in too deep, would we?” I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue. I had rimmed Bobby before, but never after fucking him. His ass was usually so tight and pink, but now it was loose, puffy, and red. It tasted sort of tinny, mixed with the tartness of fresh cum, cum that I knew was POZ. I thought I would just run my mouth over Bobby's hole, but it was so open that I could practically fuck him with my tongue. I noticed Tom was standing beside me. He knelt down. “Don't be mad at me, dude. I promised I wouldn't cum in him, and I didn't.” I don't know what I was thinking, but I raised my head enough to kiss him. I had a glob of his cum on my tongue, and fed it to him. One of the guys standing around jerking off saw what we were doing, and leaned in to snap a few pics. I decided to show off a bit and let our tongues move apart as Tom's cum formed into a strand, perfectly suspended over Bobby's upturned ass, leaking still more POZ seed. Knowing that Bobby's hole had much more where that came from, I went back to eating Bobby's ruined ass. The guy snapping pics was naked from the waist down. He straddled over Bobby's head as he leaned forward to get pics of me eating Tom's load. Bobby's gasps changed to moans as I realized he was swallowing this stranger's thick dangling cock. I knew this was out of hand, but there was nothing to do to stop it. The frat boy climbed up behind the photographer and started rubbing his bare dick over his crack. I knew the frat boy started fucking him when Bobby's moans turned to gagging. As the frat boy fucked, the photographer's wide dick was choking Bobby, and he was loving it. I could hear cameras clicking mixing with Ryan and Kevin fucking right next to us. Just then, I felt something wet at my ass. “You want that ass fucked too?” Tom asked. “Please. Don't.” I wrestled with wanting to know the freedom that Bobby had felt as he felt that bare POZ cock filling his hole. "Okay, we'll be safe, well, as safe as I was with your boyfriend. You'd like that, wouldn't you?” I knew he was right, and I nodded. Tom went back to the bag of dildos and found a thick five inch flesh-colored one. He handed it to me. I spit on it to lube it up. He chuckled and leaned it to stick it in Bobby's ass. Poor Bobby didn't know what was coming as he was too busy blowing this guy getting fucked. He yelped as that dildo went deep into his hole and came out covered in a sticky mix of pink ass juice and POZ cum. I shuddered knowing that I would have some of that cum in my hole in a few seconds, and maybe a whole lot more if he came inside me. Tom pulled the cummy dildo out of Bobby's ass and swiftly jammed it into mine. I squealed, both in pain and delight. “Go easy. I'm not wet enough.” Tom chuckled again saying, “We can fix that. I felt the mushy head of his dick move against my ass, drooling POZ precum. I then felt something going into my ass, much easier than the dildo. I knew it was his cock, and I didn't know if I wanted it to be or not. I clenched my eyes shut and started lapping at Bobby's ass again. I felt Tom going deeper and deeper into my ass. With each thrust, he filled me more than I had ever been filled before. I heard Kevin saying to Ryan. “Like me working that POZ load into your hole.” “Fuck yeah,” Kevin answered, adding “Looks like we're gonna have three asses leaking POZ cum before the night is out! That's gotta be some kind of a record." The frat boy grunted, as his pistoned away at the photographer's hole, “Fuck no. We've seen at least six holes full of TOXIC loads on one single night before.” That sent Kevin over the edge and he fired his own NEG load into Ryan's ass, mixing it with Tom's TOXIC seed. I could feel drops of Tom's sweat raining down on my back as he fucked the hell out of me. I heard the photographer grunt and felt his load shoot all over my back. I pulled off of Bobby's ass and looked up, seeing Bobby's chest covered in the photographer's wad. I couldn't help but lap it up and swirl my mouth over Bobby's bouncing dick. He grabbed my head and came hard down my throat. The frat boy fired off, filling the photographer's ass. Tom pistoned away, holding hard onto my hips. “There's a lot of cummy holes here tonight. The third ass is about to be full of POZ seed. Not bad for only one POZ top, right?” Everyone standing around cheered him and snapped away with their cameras as he jack-rabbited away. I could feel his cock swelling up, and then it happened. He shot at least four volleys of POZ jizz deep into my ass. Tom wiped his brow as he pulled out of my ass and flipped me onto my back. “Well done, bro. You want to join Bobby and Ryan there and see if we can break our record tonight? I've got some friends I could call....” To be continued...
    1 point
  43. The entire bathroom was done in slate, the shower merely a step down in the corner of the room, covered on one side by a clear glass wall and the other two covered with the slate that continued up from the floor. A sturdy showerhead jutted out from the wall. “Get on your knees,” he growled as he shoved me into the slate enclosure still wet from his morning shower hours before. My knees harshly rubbed against the stone floor, and I looked up at him holding his soft cock. It was still incredibly impressive, still gorged with blood, at about 8 fat inches of juicy man meat. “Please don’t…” I started to implore, but before I could finish my plea, a pale yellow stream of urine erupted from his tasty piss split and hosed down my chest. It was wonderfully warm, like the water in a heated pool, and the smell was somewhat indescribable. It was strong but not repulsive while clearly the scent of something debaucherous and nasty. He stopped the flow for a second to command me to open my mouth. I did so without questioning though I really didn’t want to drink his piss. “Hold it in your mouth until I tell you to spit it out, understand?” I nodded in disbelief that I had been lowered to the status of a urinal. His jet of piss restarted, aimed directly at my pie hole. I collected his fragrant amber fluid in my mouth until it was overflowing and dripping down my chin onto my clit-dick, now soft and even more pathetic looking. Once again, he retracted the steady flow. Eyes expectantly wide, I looked up at him, begging him to let me spit out the pee that was making me feel like a cheap, worthless public restroom. “Swallow it.” My eyes got bigger, surely he wasn’t serious. “I mean it, every drop. You should honor and appreciate anything that comes out of my body. I just sired you, bitch. I gave you my kids, passed on my gift, and showed you your true calling. Anything that I produce from my holes should be your favorite meal…so swallow my piss, fuck hole.” I steadied myself and then closed my mouth and drank my first (but not my last) piss cocktail. The aftertaste haunted my mouth and nose, but I looked up to him proud of showing him proper respect for his bodily fluids. And actually, after the fucking I had just sustained, the nasty drink was somewhat refreshing, and I found myself wanting more. I cast eager eyes up to him and was met with an abrupt spray of piss all over my face. I knew he did it just to degrade me and a part of me did want to cry as his urine splattered across my face and all over my body. “Wash your hair with it, piggie.” He managed to keep shocking me. “Don’t just kneel there like a whore, really be a whore. Scoop some piss off your body and the floor and wash your hair with it, you worthless hole!” I cupped my hands and tried to scoop up some piss from the slate, and then I massaged it into my hair. Tears were definitely flowing now. When I went to scoop up some pee from my body, what should catch my eye but my newly erect boy-dick. I couldn’t believe it! As I cried and rubbed another man’s urine into my scalp, my sorry-excuse-for-a-cock was hard as a rock. “You pathetic cum dump, look at that little miniature dick standing straight up. What a pitiful motherfucker, this REALLY is what you are, a fucked out, piss soaked, pozzed up boy cunt.” All I could say was, “Yes, Sir.” “Stand up, pussy boy,” he barked, the bombardment of piss having stopped. As I faltered, I felt his beefy hands grip my waist to speed my ascension back to upright and turned me to face the wall. I felt his sausage thumbs apply immense pressure on the small of my back, forcing me to bend over, catching myself with my hands on the slate wall. He wrapped his hand around the base of his puffy cock, pushing all of the blood still escaping his erection toward the last five inches of his tool. Without a word I felt it at my sore, worked over cunt, and soon is was lodged in me a few inches. I couldn’t believe he was ready to fuck again…but that’s not what he had in mind. A warm sensation rushed into my bowels, completely washing through my insides. My God, he was peeing inside of my asshole. I moaned, reliving the sensation of being ejaculated into, though this was slightly different. It was more consistent and stronger. And more degrading. I truly was a human toilet. My mouth and ass is where you go to relieve yourself. I have no worth beyond this…collecting fluids from bigger men than me. These thoughts were interrupted by an incredibly full, bloated feeling in my abdomen. Of course, all that piss was ballooning my insides and corked with his big rod. Finally, the flow of urine stopped and he leaned forward to give me instructions, “Okay, when I pull my dick out, I want you to clench your hole as tight as you can so you keep all of that piss and cum in you. I want you to squat down, not kneel, but squat and suck my dick until it’s hard again, got that?” I simply nodded, and he said, “Good bitch.” He pulled his meat from my anus and I contracted my hole as hard as I could. The discomfort was intense as it began to make me cramp a bit. I squatted in front of him and took his cock, still dotted with rivulets of pee, in my mouth and began sucking it. “Aw, come on, I already taught you this,” he said annoyed and grabbed the back of my head. Once again, he skull fucked, brutally using my mouth as if it were a pussy he was raping that he had no respect for or concern for leaving it in any kind of usable condition. I gagged causing my asshole to spasm open and propel some of the piss, and presumably toxic cum, out of my ass. “That’s it, faggot. That’s what I want. I want to see your choking clear that cunt out.” So he continued to assault my throat with his ever growing manhood, instigating my gag reflex and causing my newly seeded pussy to convulse and slowly but surely expel all of the piss and cum he had just forced into me. This went on for about 5 minutes until my ass was just making wet fart noises when I would gag. “Okay, it’s empty. Take a shower, faggot, and meet me in the bedroom.” He abruptly walked out of the bathroom, leaving me to shower and regroup my senses. I showered as quickly as I could, not wanting to anger him and anxious about what was coming next. I dried off and walked into the hallway, easily finding the master bedroom. He was on the bed, sunlight pouring through the window, shafts of light tossed across his furry muscular pecs, his tight trunk-like stomach, his dangerously powerful legs, and of course, his ten and a half inches of man at full mast. It was already glistening with lube as he stroked it. “Come over here and get on it, fuck boy.” Knowing that begging him for a reprieve would do no good, I climbed onto the bed without hesitation, straddled him, and pulled my ass up high enough to connect the end of his cock with my hole. I pushed out on my hole to open for him and began to sit down. Fuck! Would this ever get easier? (The answer to that is ‘with him, no’…he would disembowel me whenever he fucked me.) Loud guttural noises and high pitched whining poured from my mouth as I tried to sit down to the base. He brought the bottle of chemical up to my nose again, “Take a hit of poppers, cunt.” I inhaled deeply into both nostrils and felt my battered walls give in. Once I had him completely in me, he said, “Get yourself off. Ride that dick and beat your tiny meat until you cum again. Use my dick. I want you to fully realize that you used another man’s REAL cock to make yourself cum like a woman.” So I did. He just lied there, but I bucked up and down; I got up on my feet and gently used the whole length to caress my prostate; I took him deep, pressed firmly against my colon to make me whimper and jerk my boy-clit faster. It was humiliating, and yet, it felt SO good. The pain was exquisite and soon, ropes of cum were shooting all over his torso, my four-incher going almost immediately soft. “Lick it up,” he ordered and although I wasn’t crazy about the taste of my own cum, I hopped off his cock and lapped it up obediently in mere seconds. As soon as my cum was eaten off his stomach and chest, he got up and positioned himself behind me doggy style. He slammed the entire length into me in one stab, sending me into a bout of screaming and howling. His hands pulling on my waist kept my butt firmly planted against his hips, and he advised, “The poppers are right there. I think you should take a hit.” I hit the poppers hard and as soon as I had the cap back on, my asshole was railed with excruciating brutality. The poppers were turning the wreckage into pleasure, but I couldn’t catch my breath as my guts were repeatedly tossed aside to make room for the massive invasion of his cock. He rammed it in one final time and kept it there. I was trying to catch my breath and wipe the sweat from my face when I felt the dull point of something against my ass. I didn’t realize what he was doing until I heard the familiar squeak of a marker. “Wait—“ I began. “You hold your position and don’t even think about saying or doing anything. Just shut the fuck up and stay on all fours like the breeding bitch you are.” He continued writing whatever it was he was writing on my ass. Mid-way through, he asked, “What’s your best friend’s name?” “Matt Bennet, why?” “Don’t you worry about it.” He had finished writing, and he pulled his cock from my hole about 3 inches, and then I heard the familiar shutter release of an iPhone taking a picture. I looked back over my shoulder. That fucker had gone through my stuff and gotten my phone while I was in the shower. “I know this is making you upset, but don’t think about doing anything about it. Just stay there,” he warned. He tapped away on my phone and I recognized the sound of a sent text message. He threw my phone on the bed in front of me so I could see what he had done. Staring me in the face was a text conversation between me and Matt with the last entry being from me saying, “Great Saturday! I’m finally taking big raw cock up my ass like I've always wanted to!” and a picture of my ass stuffed with my assailant's junk. On my tight white hairless ass - decorated with a few pink hand prints still – was written in black marker CUM DUMP. And a little lower on my right butt cheek was scrawled the word CUM with a little arrow pointing to the place on my crack where my hole would be. I was devastated. My best friend was going to get this picture. He would know that I was a worthless bottom bitch. I started to cry as the beast began to drill me again. He slowed his pace, wrote something else with the marker, snapped a picture, and went back to mercilessly pounding my cunt. He fucked me down on to my stomach, his entire body pressed to mine, crushing me with his weight. His legs and hips moved his cock into me at a different angle making me cry out in a new high-pitched shriek, but he just kept sawing into my hole. Once again, he changed positions, putting me on my side and scissoring my legs so that he was straddling my left leg and my right leg was on his shoulder. I didn’t believe he could get deeper, but this proved me wrong and I scrambled for the poppers, sniffing them for dear life as he plunged through my inner ring again and again, but this time managing to get further past it. The poppers helped but I was still clutching the sheets, biting into the pillow, screaming, and crying. That’s when my iPhone chirped. The top just chuckled as the plowing of my cunt continued and I reached for my phone. I swiped the icon across the screen and read the message from my best friend. “Dude, what the fuck? I always kinda’ knew that dick head Jordan Micelli was right when he would call you a fag! But with a dick that size in you, you’re a REAL faggot! You’re a sick-o. Leave me the fuck alone!” The phone was swiped out of my hand and he read the message. He mocked me, “Oh, what a shame. I guess being an anonymous fuck hole cum bucket isn’t going to get you a lot of friends. Just a lot of cum. And piss.” Violently, he flipped me onto my back, his dick never leaving my shitter. Once on my back, my legs on his shoulders, he methodically pumped into me, his balls banging against my ass like a bell tolling the coming of a great event. He grabbed by phone, clicked a few options, and turned it to face me, showing the second picture he took. The words that he added across the top of my ass were POZ FUCK HOLE. I whimpered and he threw the phone down on the bed and began to slam into me with new vigor, grunting and cursing. I looked down my body, taking so many things in: his toxic tattoo slapping against my ass rhythmically, his stomach muscles clenching as he drove another fucking home, my soft useless dick flopping around as I was used for the hole that I was mean to be, and his hard eyes looking directly into mine. “You want that poz cum?” “No, please, I don’t.” “Yes, you do. Really think about it. If you didn’t want it, you wouldn’t still be here. You want that release, and I want you to ask me for it. Beg me for my load.” “I can’t.” “You’re not getting it until you beg me for it, which means I just keep fucking you until you’ll never be able to hold a shit in again, hear me?” “Please. I just want a normal life.” He snorted, “Not after today. It’s not in the cards. You were never meant for a normal life. You barely have a dick and you crave submission to real men. A normal life isn’t for you. My toxic cum is for you and you want it. So just give in to it and beg me for it.” Something in me snapped. My body’s needs suddenly took over and although my brain was still saying “no,” my body was sick of having to be inhibited by it. My legs fell from his shoulders and wrapped around him tightly, the heels of my feet digging into his muscular ass, pulling him into me and meeting every vicious thrust. “Yes! Give me your pox load! Give it to me. Fill me up with your toxic babies, make me carry you DNA with me forever. Please, I’m begging you for it. I need your poison in me, it’s worth it ‘cause it’s yours. I hand my hole over for you to deposit your dirty spunk into my worthless cunt. Please.” He taunted, “Maybe I’ll pull out and cum on the bed.” I panicked, wrapping my legs tighter and contracting my pussy walls to keep him from escaping. “No, please no…don’t waste it. Put it into me. Let it sit inside of me and do its job. Knock me up with your disease and then toss me aside like the worthless cock sleeve I am. Please, Sir, please, I need this. I need you. I need your poz seed!” That knocked him right over the edge and he groaned, “Here comes my jizz, you stupid cunt.” Once again, I felt the monster lodged in my bowels pulse, spraying my insides to overflowing with HIV ridden semen. I imagined his swimmers scattering to find every nook and crevice in my ass in search of a home to take root and fester. Once every drop was emptied into me, he pulled out with a sloppy plop, and immediately shoved a small butt plug into my stretched hole to keep the cum from spilling out. Checking his watch, he said, “A little after 4:30. Perfect. Time for you to go home.” As I slipped back on my jock and shorts I realized that at no point in time had this man ever kissed me. I really felt like a whore now. And as I picked up my torn shirt knowing that I would be heading home shirtless, I realized that I didn’t even know his name. Worse than that, he didn’t know mine. “I just realized, I don’t know your name.” “So?” he retorted. “Well, I mean, you just loaded my ass, I thought—“ “You need to stop thinking. You’re a set of holes. Got that? Why does a set of holes need to know my name?” I tried again, “Well, my name is—“ “Shut the fuck up. I don’t care what your name is … I don’t want to know it. You’re my possession now, my boy cunt.” “What?” He explained, “You father owns your ass now. Believe me, he owns it, but you’ll always be my boy, my fuck hole. Oh, you’ll be mad at me for a while, but soon you’ll start thinking about me and the moment when I poured my juice into you, changing you forever. Giving you my DNA, my baby, and you’ll feel lucky to have carried it full term. And you’ll want to be my fuck hole again, to feel the lack of identity, the lack of choices, the lack of distinction. Just one more fuck hole for me to knock up, but to you, I’ll always be the one who broke you.” What he was saying sunk in, and I wondered if he was right. Would I feel an instinctive urge to come back and be his fuck hole again and again? Did I really want to be a nameless poz cum dump, but was having trouble letting myself go for it all the way? I guess only time would tell. “Now go home,” he said. “Your father is waiting for you.” More to come…
    1 point
  44. my dinner break at work - FB from BBRT was hosting tops at a hotel. So i stopped bye. He has the MOST spectacular smooth round bubble butt. He gets off on being used as a hole - so that is just what i did. Fucked him hard for half hour or more before i gave him his eleventh load of the evening. That was at 6 pm.. at midnight he had taken over 30 loads and lost count, but was till inviting guys over
    1 point
  45. Last night I got a call from a swimmer I met at the pool a few months ago. Said he wanted to fuck and feel another of my loads inside him - he knows I am poz. He got what he asked for. Who knows - he may become a conversion project!
    1 point
  46. Dumped one in my 24yo FB's hole last night and in his mouth this morning. Took one from my bro in my hole today.
    1 point
  47. I got my last load in my mouth this morning from my brother's cock.
    1 point
  48. I got 5 loads last night at Slammers in Ft. Lauderdale! First one was almost as soon as I walked in the door by this TOTALLY hot top! Took a load in the mouth in addition to the 5 in my ass!
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  49. 1 point
  50. The rambles in Central Park? I always wanted to go there at night but its WAY too creepy. I did go through Central Park at night once trying to get to the east side. As I was walking, I asked this sexy middle eastern guy if I was headed east, he said yeah and started following me. I thought it was hot and as I kept walking, he whistled for me to sneak into these bushes with him. Good times.
    1 point
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