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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2023 in Posts

  1. It’s Christmas morning, I’m too excited and can’t sleep so I'm the first out of bed. I am super excited this year. Usually, I get shipped off to Mom’s place for the holidays. But this year I finally get to spend Christmas with the guys. It is the stipulation of their divorce. Mom got me until I turned 18 and that’s when I could decide where I want to spend the holidays. I bury my nose in my Lucky Charms, searching for the various hidden marshmallow shapes on the box as I scoop spoonfuls of sugary goodness into my mouth. We opened gifts last night. My Christmas fleece robe feels so comfortable, snuggling my body as I eat. Every now and then I glance out the panoramic windows lining the north side of the log cabin we’re vacationing in. Another snowstorm is moving in, adding even more snow to what already blanketed everything last night. I look up and see Dad walk down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walks over and starts up the coffee machine. It’s one of my favorite smells – the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the crisp, pungent aroma of the Christmas tree next to the fireplace. I swirl my cereal, chasing bits of milk-drenched cereal with my spoon when Dad walks over. “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy,” he says as he tousles my hair. “I’m not a baby anymore!” I pull my head away from Dad’s hand. “Well, you sure couldn’t tell by the lack of hair on your chest,” Robbie ribs, reaching into my robe to rub the smooth skin of my chest before opening the top of his robe and puffing out his pelt of chest hair. “You’ll always be my Baby Boy.” Before I can protest, Dad pulls my head back and gives me a kiss above both of my eyebrows then heads to the refrigerator to pull out the container of half and half. “I’m so glad to have you with us this year!” “Me too, Dad.” Coffee-to-cream-to-white-mocha-syrup perfected, Dad leans against the kitchen counter and grabs his phone to start the day’s Wordle. I turn my head, drawn by the motion of Dad mindlessly scratching his crotch. Dad has a habit of letting his robe’s belt go loose, so I’m not unfamiliar with seeing the fur that covers him. However, this morning it went really slack, providing more than a peek. I could see Dad in all of his glory and I must say – it was mesmerizing. But what was gleaming amongst his fur? Dad looks up from his phone, the side of his face raising in a smirk and a wink of the eye. I dart my eyes back to my bowl and busy myself scooping up the last bits of cereal in my bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a giant grin on Robbie’s face as I upend the sugary milk into my mouth. Outside, the wind begins to pick up, howling. The blizzard conditions makes it nearly impossible to see the evergreens across the way. Dad walks over to the window and pauses to appreciate the beauty of such extreme weather conditions. He then turns his attention to the glowing embers in the fireplace. Some newspaper and a handful of kindling bring the fire back to life, flickering against the newly added logs with red and orange flames. I hear clanging as Dad pulls out a long, black duffel bag and places it in front of the growing fire. From inside of the bag, he starts pulling out a series of silver-grey pipes; connecting pieces to erect a frame. “Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas!!” We all turn to the voice at the top of the stairs. It’s Santa! Well…Grandpa in his Father Christmas garb: burgundy, full-length overcoat trimmed in brown faux fur, black pants, olive green vest, and of course, his black pair of brightly polished harness boots. I’ve seen him work gigs over the holiday season. He is a sight to behold. Grandpa much prefers the folklore version of the holiday gift-giver over the commercial red and white Coca-Cola Santa. It’s fun watching grown-ups turn into giant kids at the authenticity of his look. I must admit, with that trimmed white beard, rounded belly, and jovial smile, he always captures my attention. Dad greets him at the bottom of the stairs. Lifting a twig of mistletoe over his head, he cheers “Merry Christmas, Pops!” He lifts his hand under Father Christmas’ beard, cradling his chin to lean in and give him a deep, sultry kiss. My head twitches and I blink hard. My eyes dart over at Robbie who has made his way over to Grandpa for his own passionate kiss. “What the fuck is going on here?!” “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy.” Grandpa leans over me, gloved fingertips flicking my nipples as he reaches inside my robe for a hug and kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and I shudder. “Ummm…uhhh....Merry Christmas, Grandpa.” I feel my cheeks ignite as my face reddens. Yeah, sure…who hasn’t fantasized about sitting on Santa’s lap. But Grandpa?!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box wrapped in metallic red paper with sparkling, silver glitter. “I have a very special gift for you this Christmas morning that will make your holidays merry and bright.” “I know what you’re getting! I know what you’re getting!” Robbie gleefully rubs his hands together before helping Dad hang a sheet of thick leather from the corners of the poles. Grandpa takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the door. When he turns in my direction, I notice that he isn't wearing his usual black, oversized shirt. White tufts of fur spill over the top of his vest and escape around the laces tying it together. I have always wanted to rub my face in that beard as white as the snow blustering against the windows. Again – Santa fantasy. *shrug* Even if my own grandpa. “Come, sit on Santa’s lap.” I feel a bit silly, thinking I have outgrown such a silly tradition but I play along. It’s Christmas after all. Tis the season and all. It is only when the head of my dick pokes through my robe that I became aware of how aroused I am. I quickly cover myself hoping no one saw. Scanning their faces – they saw. “Your dad tells me what an extra special little boy you’ve been this year, Billy Boy, and that you hit a milestone birthday last week.” Grandpa hands me the glittery package. “He may now be 18, but he will always be my Baby Boy.” Dad tousles my hair again before I swat it away and turn my attention to the gift. I open the small, white box to find an orange-capped syringe nestled in white tissue paper.
    8 points
  2. Chapter 6 EV I’m starting to come back to myself. I know I’m high as fuck, and this isn’t just some molly like I’ve done in the past. I don’t know what that guy…these men…has given me but I’m barely aware of what’s going on. My ass hurts; it’s feeling needy…like a cat in heat. I’m plugged with something huge. It’s not comfortable, but when I rock my hips and my hole clinches around it, pain and pleasure shoot up my spine, and I’m not sure which one is stronger. It’s both the worst thing ever and the hottest thing ever. I let a out little groan with my next clinch around the plug, and I hear chuckles from somewhere. I try to move and look over and it only jostles the plug more and I whimper and moan more. “Well, gentlemen, looks like someone’s starting to come back to themselves.” I hear more laughs. I want to say something but my throat hurts, badly. I vaguely remember having someone’s cock (or is it cocks) in my mouth, and not gently. I’m trying to piece together the events of the last few hours…or is it a nights. I don’t know. “Hey darlin, I got you.” The bed or mattress I’m on sinks a bit on my left and I move toward the voice. A hand comes to rest on my face and I lean into it. “Shhhh. You’re safe. Can you open your pretty eyes and look at me?” I moan as I’m drawn up against a hard chest. I struggle to open my eyes, and when I get them open and somewhat focused, I see the handsome man I met in the bar….what’s his name…Brian? Bran?....no, Ben! So Ben did this to me….but I feel so good and so worn out. “There you are beautiful, starting to float down from the sky we had you in.” I feel the bed shake again and move and I close my eyes. Too much struggle to keep them open. “Now ain’t that a pretty sight, gents.” It’s another voice from somewhere else. “So subby and clinging to Ben. They’ll come to do that with all of us, eventually.” I must have a look of confusion on my face because Ben, I’m sure it’s him, cradles me against him and humms. A deeper, gruffer voice from somewhere just off my side pipes up “So, is this it now? This cunt goes clingy and we all just sap the fuck up?” “Fuck you, Horse! Claims don’t happen immediately and sure as shit not from as little as what we’ve done.” I don’t know this voice but it’s close…right almost….I jerk in Ben’s arms as more calloused hands start to rub me. I can’t make out all the noises around me, but my head is guided away from Ben’s shoulder and I feel rough lips against mine, demanding a kiss. I give in, and feel smoke enter my lungs. In my ear, Ben says “just inhale it, baby….let Axel make you feel good.” Axel’s kiss go on and on, it seems. He pulls back and let loose the breath he filled my lungs with. The bed moves again, and more lips come to mine, but different. “Such a good Hole for us, baby…..take Bull’s breathe, too. All of it will make you feel so good again.” That kiss ends, and there’s another….then another. I’m honestly not sure how many kisses like that I get from ever how many of these men there are. I’m floating again. I catch myself groaning and whimpering in Ben’s arms. He cradles me like I’m something special, and I hear “just let go and soar, baby. Your our Hole now.” BULL This kid is so fucking high, and so fucking beautiful, too. They’re limp against Ben’s body and just swiveling their hips from time to time, feeling that plug in their cunt. I reach over and tap it a few times and get a hearty groan for it. I fucking love it. “Ben, position him against your chest and throw his legs over yours.” Ben does as I ask and our Hole’s head just falls back against his shoulder. I’m in awe of this beautiful thing spread out before us and knowing it’s ours to do with as we please. My mind races with ideas and depraved ideas. I’m sure the grin that crosses my face isn’t a nice one. “Needles….I want a spreader and 4 cuffs, a massager, your sounding set…and the poppers, yeah.” We position our Hole flat on the mattress. I ask Horse and Needles to stay with me and tell Axel and Ben to enjoy the show. Needles comes back with what I’ve asked for and I start to work: cuff the ankles and attach them to the spreader, spread WIIIIIDE; cuff his wrists together and up over his head. I give the massage gun to Needles and notice as he catches onto my plan with that. I know I have tastes that maybe not all my other guys have, but I think Horse is enough of a mean and dirty fucker to be into this. I pull him off to the side some. “So…I want you to strip out your jeans and straddle our toy’s face and make him eat your ass. And hold the spreader up so his ass is open for Needles.” “Um, Bull, probably not a good idea….you know I haven’t been home to shower in a coupla days.” “Yeah I know that” I grin at him. “That’s exactly why it’s gonna happen. Look, this is new to you, I get it, but when this Hole moves to the clubhouse….let’s just say it’s gonna be easier to start the training now than later, if’n ya follow.” Horse’s brows pops up and he shakes his head side to side, “This just gets more twisted by the minute.” “Oh, and you’ll have the poppers with you….give him a good 4 or 5 deep inhales of that before you straddle his face. Pull his arms up and pin them between between your legs and then you’ll just be able to sit back and enjoy.” We step back over and Needles has the sounding set all ready to go. Everyone gets into positions and Horse starts feeding our Hole the poppers. Needles turns on the massage gun and puts it up against the plug and I watch our toy buck under the sensations, even as the poppers relax them even further. I pick up this soft tina-dicked little cock and squirt some lube into the tip and let it start to slide inside. Horse throws his leg over Ev’s face and sits back, completely smothering him with, what I’m absolutely sure, is probably a very ripe and rank hole. Our Hole starts bucking against everything. They aren’t at all happy with what’s his on face or with what’s going on in his cunt. They’re protesting more than I expected. Maybe Horse was even dirtier than I thought. “Fuckin lick it, you cunt!” Horse is growling and holding the spreader bar up with one hand and pinching the hell out of their nipple. “Clean my fucking nasty hole, bitch. You know you like it and deserve it”. He dismounted their face, held the poppers over it a few more times and slapped them hard and spit in their face. Leaning down he whispered in their ear where only I could hear, “you’ll lick my nasty hole clean and eventually you’ll be trained to love it. If you don’t I’ll beat the training into you and you’ll have to do it anyways.” With that, Horse straddled our Hole’s face and grinded back down on him. I’m guessing Ev was scared into it or was too out of it to protest because they just let it happen and Horse grinned as I’m sure that sweet tongue was licking him up. Needles turned the massage gun even higher, and I grabbed a twisted metal rod and started to let it slip down this little cock I held.
    5 points
  3. I've been to cumunion quite a lot, and I have never seen a condom in use. It's promoted by BBRT (barebackrt), and might have been originated by them although I'm not sure about that. I think you will experience a lot of rejection at that particular event if you try to make guys wear condoms for you. I can't speak for cities other than Atlanta, but I'd say that RAW is expected at cumunion. If it's at a bathhouse, I would suggest going on a "regular" busy night. It sounds like you're not a stranger to barebacking, so maybe you just want to tell yourself you're gonna be safe the first time. You don't have to do anything you don't want to there, so maybe just go, walk around watching the raw sex, let the shyness wear off and the hormones start pumping - then bend over for the bare cock you know you want and need 🙂
    4 points
  4. Like so many things in life, I do not believe there is an absolute answer here. I’m a strong advocate for privacy. I don’t care what people do behind closed doors. It’s none of my business. But as others have said, when there is someone who is fighting against our community, but is proven to be one of us, the right to privacy dissolves. IMHO.
    4 points
  5. Taking in the news that Jack, my son, has gotten into the party scene… It feels like I just slammed again for the very first time. Hearing the rentman in the next room got lit with my boy and fucked him in LA last spring was jolting, like the whoosh of that first point, the sudden drop in your chest and feeling of whoa. Then realizing all the different avenues this opened up for the sex between us... that was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of ecstasy. And now, like any slam rush, I am about to fuck the rentman senseless. But unlike topping after I have slammed, where I shove my cock up the nearest available and consenting hole without even bothering to lube it up, I am approaching rentman’s ass a little more thoughtfully. “Tell me.” I’m standing in the doorway of the bathroom, erection jutting forward. It takes rentman a few seconds to notice, transfixed as he was by the video of my boy getting spitroasted by two gorgeous black daddies he told me he found online, and who had become more than fuck buddies. And this video is transfixing. I almost lose my train of thought recalling the day Anthony told me about these guys. They were his west coast dads. I hadn’t met them yet - and with what rentman just told me, I understand why, these guys definitely like to party. They may have been the ones who got Jack lit the first time. But Jack had told me a lot about them. He had been vague on how they met. But he had been very detailed in other areas. The home cooked meals, and once a month, a trip to Roscoe’s in Hollywood for Chicken and Waffles. When he bought his car - an 84 El Camino he was determined to restore, they helped him find a good mechanic and a better body shop. The older one, Dave, even taught him how to do laundry the proper way, a lesson I had failed to impart despite repeated efforts over 18 years. And of course, they took him to the bathhouses and circuit parties. Judging by the dilated pupils I’m just now noticing Jack has in this, and probably other videos, they took him to plenty of other parties as well. I stare at these two beautiful Black men, each of them drilling my boy’s cunt, my boy screaming out in absolute perverted ecstasy, and my cock is painfully hard. I’m leaking so much precum it looks like I’m low key pissing. Feeling playful, and wanting to get rentman’s attention, I start helicoptering my dick, dousing him, myself, the bed and everything else in the immediate vicinity. He’s surprised at first, but I picked a good little pig to fuck tonight, and he’s on his knees licking it off his arms and my legs. He’s got that lustful look in his eye that you can only get when you’re high, a look that says ‘I’m using you to use me.’ It’s the kind of look I’ve given plenty of men, and plenty more have given me. It’s a look that makes my painfully erect cock bounce uncontrollably. Rentman sees my dick jerking on it’s own accord, and he actually whimpers. Like a puppy. There is nothing in the universe he wants, needs, more right now than to get pounded long and hard. Not oxygen. Not water. Not food or validation or respect. Just my cock. And more crystal. He crawls over on all fours, mirroring the video playing where Jack is crawling to the second Daddy - Derek - after being bred by Dave. Rentman starts sniffing and licking my cock, my balls, my taint, my hole. But I stop him “Tell me,” I repeat. And he’s puzzled for a second. I can see it click in his head. “Oh, you mean the kid in the video? He was so much fun. Insatiable little cum slut. I met him at a bathhouse called Flex. “ Oh I know Flex. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that my boy would like it there; the first time I went I said “this is my kinda trashy.” “Anyway, I was with a client, this doctor I fuck once a month. Dude flies me out there, loves getting fucked by me. Terrible lay though. Doesn’t know how to bottom and since he’s a doctor you can’t tell him anything. So I’m finishing with the Doctor, and I go outside to smoke a cigarette. I see this cute blond twink sucking a bunch of cocks around the hot tub. I sit and watch the show for a minute, but it gets broken up when the staff comes around - you’re not supposed to fuck in the water, apparently. Well, I swoop in immediately and invite him back to my room. One of the big ones with a big bed.” He takes a long hit off the bong, slowly exhales, blows a couple of smoke rings on my dick. “He laid down on the bed and turned the porn on, and then he looked at my reflection in the mirror - I don’t know why but I found that so hot - and asks me where the party’s at. I didn’t think anything of it, everyone gets high there, so I pulled out my bong and torch, told the kid to help himself. I had smoked plenty with the Doctor. The kid took 3 or 4 big rips and was flying. He got on all fours and started shaking his ass, wiggling it and licking his lips, still keeping eye contact through the reflection in the mirror.” He pauses for another rip off the bong. “I’ve never had someone ask me to eat their ass that way but it was such a fuckin turn on. So I fucked him for an hour or two, and then I had to leave to get to my next client. Gave him a couple of rocks and some G tho so I’m sure he stayed turnt that whole night. Where’d you find this video by the way? I love homemade porn, and I bet a bunch of my clients will as well.” Instead of answering his question, I said “show me.” I can hear the slightest trace of annoyance in his voice when he says “show you what? Mind if I take another hit?” The second question he asks as he’s in the process of taking a hit, he’s reached that point of being spun where he cannot begin to care about anything but his own dick and hole. I love a good rentman. “Show me how you fucked the boy in that video. Pretend I’m him. Fuck me just like you fucked him.” Rentman is amused but also turned on, I can see he’s going to comply. “Well, first thing then you’ll have to take a bunch of rips off the bong.” One, two, three, four major clouds later, I’m shaking with anticipation and the drugs. My heart is racing, my dick is bouncing, my asshole puckering, eager to be opened up by this stud and then fucked senseless. Just like I fuck Jack. Rentman stands up, puts his hand on my chest, and pushes me onto the bed. Wordlessly, he grabs my calves and pulls them up, getting me flat on my back. He sees the precum flowing freely from my cock, and dabs a finger on my dick head, drawing back a long strand he takes in his mouth and hungrily devours. He drops to his knees, and I know what’s coming next. I feel his hot breath in my crack, the scruff of his beard causing a little bit of friction that I find pleasurable, and leaving the musk of my asshole all over his face, which is a major turn on for both of us. And then I feel his tongue slowly licking my asshole. Lapping at it, the way a dog laps up some water. The way I lap at Jack’s hole. This goes on for 10 minutes or so, as he keeps feeding me shotguns, trying to get me as spun as humanly possible. After spitting on my hole one last time, He stands up, and repositions me so that the porn is behind him, “so you can watch” and he gestures to his phone. I make a quick decision. “Hold up a second.” I get up, and go to the bathroom. “Let’s do this right.” I open my toiletries case and pull out two syringes that I had preloaded, .5 each. I don’t party that often, and I slam even less, but after giving a great speech at a very lucrative conference and finding out that my boy is just as much of a meth craved cock whore as I am… Well, I knew this would be one of the nights where I go balls to the wall. I walk back out and rentman is taking more hits off the bong. He looks up, sees the syringes, and licks his lips, subconsciously echoing Jack’s invitation to lick his ass. “Can you admin yourself?” Rentman nods. I hand him the syringe, and he starts prepping his forearm with an alcohol wipe. I do the same. We pull the cap off the points simultaneously, but rentman quickly puts his back on, stands up and grabs his jockstrap, jeans and shirt. For a second I think he’s about to leave, but then he sets the phone down to record. Ah, he’s one of those guys I think to myself, and I decide to follow suit, as it were, putting my clothes back on too. Whenever I stumble across a slamming video, I think its so hot the way the guys take all their clothes off and start playing with their dicks almost immediately, no matter whether they are top bottom or side. Clearly rentman enjoys it too, and is one of the guys who gets dressed just so he can slam and get naked again. Thanks to rentman’s roided out body, his veins are huge and easy to hit. Mine are too, although that’s more from a lifetime of clearing the brush on the 2 acre lot my house sits on. Both of us insert our needles at the same time, his registers just a fraction of a second before mine does. We both push the plunger down, and I’m feeling the rush even before I pull the needle out. “Holy shit,” is all rentman says, as he starts coughing and taking off his clothes. “Fuck yeah” is all I say, through an even stronger cough. The warmth of the rush is almost overwhelming, as I rip my clothing off, literally ripping the shirt I had just put back on. “Come here.” Rentman’s voice has changed, lost all it’s playfulness and charm. Only lust and domination remain. I get on all fours and crawl to him, the same way he crawled to me, the same way Jack’s gonna be crawling to the both of us (I’ve already decided). “On your back. Spread those cheeks apart. Let me see that cunt.” I follow his instructions with enthusiasm. My asshole is puckering uncontrollably, begging for his cock, which is hard as steel and thicker than anything I’ve taken in a long, long time. “You want it like that kid? Well here you go.” He shoves his whole dick up my ass in one sudden thrust, and even though it’s painful, I take it in stride. I even look up at him and, feeling my playful side return, say “is it in?” Rentman gets a wicked smile across his face, right before lightly slapping me across the cheek. “Is it in? You tell me.” He starts thrusting wildly, slamming his dick into me over and over. I notice he’s matched the pace of the video, where Dave is once again fucking Jack. I’m in the same position as my boy is in the video, and I’m loving it almost as much as he is. My cock is rock hard and I start jacking it furiously while rentman continues his unrelenting assault on my ass. “Fuck oh yeah fuck me fuck that cunt give it to me fuck yes oh my god fuck me.” I can’t tell if it’s me saying this, Jack saying it in the video, or if I’m even saying it outloud, I’m that fucked up on the crystal. But except for the first night with Jack, this is the most intense sex I’ve had in years. Maybe because I’m pretending to be Jack. I don’t bottom very often, and Jack hasn’t even mentioned the possibility of me topping him - something I’ve been meaning to ask him because he clearly knows how to top, and from the videos and webcams I’ve watched, he enjoys it. “Yeah you like that big fat dick slamming in you? Dirty meth whore. You should fly us out to LA and we can take turn on that kid. I bet he’d love to get DP’d by the two of us.” Sweat is pouring off his forehead and chest, it feels like rain washing over me, and I’m just as thoroughly sweaty. Both of us are close to cumming. Rentman quickens his pace, I can feel his cock somehow get harder and harder in my hole. My own dick is covered in precum, and I’m jerking it in pace with rentmant’s powerful thrusts. “We don’t need to go to LA. He’s only an hour away,” I say, keeping eye contact with rentman as his orgasm continues to build. “Oh yeah, how do you know that?” “Because he’s my son, and you and I are going back to my house to get him high and fuck him senseless.” It’s enough to send rentman over the edge, as he busts a huge nut in my hole, I can feel 10, 12 spurts of his cum hitting inside me. That, in turn, sends me over the edge, and I shoot an equally large load all over his chest, my stomach, my face, a few arcs even hitting the TV, where Jack has just shot his own load all over himself. The two Black daddies in the video are panting just as hard as rentman and me. I point to the screen, ask rentman if he knows either guy - there’s a tiny snippet at the very end where they both show their faces. “Oh shit that’s Derek and Dave. Yeah I know them. They used to be porn actors before starting their own studio. I’ve actually done a couple of scenes for them.” My face breaks out into a smile of unrestrained deviance. “Get them on the phone.”
    4 points
  6. Last Friday Night Massage: Was a shitty week at work and pay week, so I decided to spoil myself with a massage. These are hit and miss and I love a massage that ends in me getting bred, but it is hard to broach the subject when the massage is somewhat a legitimate add. Found a guy that does Lomi Lomi massage walking distance from my house, and he is very reasonably priced. Interestingly he charges an extra $50 for kissing and touching on top of the low price which I liked. So, I opt for this and we share a few pic on text along with address. Seems like a nice guy and I hint at my expectations by sharing my arse pic which shows my pig tattoos on my arse and add “I will leave myself in your hands – do anything you like”. And I get a response, “I think I get the idea”. I am looking forward to this massage. I get there and he is a muscly smooth guy with a gorgeous smile. Cut to the massage which is both of us naked and I have never had a massage that uses so much oil. It is amazing. On my stomach my cock is going up and down all the time. He flips me over and starts on my front occasionally wanking me and asks if I have cum already because a leak lots of pre-cum lol. Probably about 40mins in the massage has been mostly legit with the occasional touch. He has done the usual teasing of his mouth right over mine but not actually kissing. Then he jumps on the table on top of me and starts sliding against me and he is rock hard. We are both covered on warm oil. And then he leans in and passionately kisses me. Let me tell you, it is so good it is worth the money lol. He then jumps off the table, swings me around on my back and lifts my legs over his shoulders and pushes his cock against my hole and says, “this is what you wanted isn’t it”. And before I can answer, he slides in balls deep with ease with all the oil. There is no more discussion. He fucks me deep and hard and repeatedly leans in and kisses me as he fucks me. I start to play with his nipples and he lets out a loud growl and starts to shudder. Pump after pump after pump of his seed floods my insides. He stands there for a minute and continues to slowly fuck me as he stays still and then leans in and passionately kisses me while still inside me after cumming in me. He does that for almost 5 minutes before slowly falling out. After a lot mere kissing and shower I leave totally satisfied and full of his seed. Really happened!
    3 points
  7. A top on Grindr hit me up on Monday of this past week. We exchanged photos and then proceeded to engage in hot breeding talk. I'm sure he shot a load while chatting with me. The exchange was so hot that we exchanged numbers. He wrote me yesterday, super horny and ready to fuck. I prepared my hole and drove a half hour over to his house. I walked in and got undressed. When I turned around, his 8 inch dick was already at full mast and up against my butt cheeks. I exclaimed, "Oh! You're ready!". He ate me out, made me suck his dick, and then he throat fucked my thrussy until I started to gag. He then folded me up in a number of very specific positions and fucked me senseless. We were both high off the poppers when he mounted me missionary. I could tell from the sounds he was making that he was close. He slammed into me, grunted and let loose. He went wild when I used my ass muscles to milk his cock. He stayed hard enough to keep right on fucking until he dropped a second load. As I lay on my stomach recovering from all the action, I saw that he kept playing with himself. He suddenly climbed on top of me and piston-fucked me until I got loads three and four. I've never had a top who could huff poppers like that and still be hard enough to fuck. I for sure thought he was done after that. We lay there chatting a bit. Because he has such a pretty dick, I began to massage his balls and suck him. Well, that got him going and he fucked load #5 into me. I got dressed, thinking his balls HAD TO BE empty at this point. I asked for a quick tour of his apartment. As I stood near the door, I thanked him for all the loads. He pulled his dick out again and asked me to suck it. I did and right there in front of the door, he pulled my jogging pants down and fucked me yet again. What the fuck?!? I got SIX loads in 90 minutes, so I know he wasn't lying earlier when he told me that he needs to cum 4 times a day. After I arrived back home, he texted me, "Come back soon to get my loads. Loved how you sucked me. I felt like there was no hurry. You just enjoyed sucking it and when I turned you over and used your ass, you just took it. Really nice." Nice indeed. I don't know what I did to deserve this big-dicked, multi-cumming top, but I'm hella thankful 🙏 .
    3 points
  8. After a year long dryspell when I moved to a smaller community I have been getting lucky a lot. Don't get me wrong during the last year I had plenty of hookups but they were all bottoms my cock was getting regular service but my hole was going without In theast month have had numerous hookups with 4 different tops I met on grindr and it has been fun if nothing to special that was until a couple days ago I was chatting with a guy I had hooked up with a few times he is older but has a nice cock and a decent fuck for a man in his fifties when he pointed out a profile on grindr he thought I might want to check out he had chatted with the guy but hadn't been able to hook up with him I admit I was curious my friend had pointed out other guys in the past but they were all sub bottom types he wanted to tag team this was first time he pointed out a guy who mostly topped. Then he told me why the guy claimed to have a ten inch cock My friend of course knew that in the past I had been a complete slut and definitely a size queen and figured I would love to have the chance at a cock like that When I saw the guy was on grindr later that day I didn't hesitate to hit him up and didn't take long for us to decide that we really needed to get together unfortunately because of my partner wasn't able to that day but we continued chatting The next day I had my chance my partner was working so I had the time she of course knows I'm with men on the side but has rules one of which me being with them can't take time away from me being with her but I had hours while she was working Even though was excited was also a little cautious despite telling me my friend was right and that he did have 10 inches he wouldn't send me a pic of it and his profile pic wasn't very attractive he was very skinny with long kinda greasy looking hair he also didn't have a car which is unusual in this area but I agreed to meet up with him There were more signs something was odd when he sent me the location to pic him up at it was at a business I knew wasn't open that day and not in great part of town many homeless stay in that area at night When I got there my fears were proved right he came out from a stand of bushes with his backpack and a blanket and I told myself thus wasn't going to happen I didn't want to be rude so I got out of my truck and introduced myself and even though I had decided I wasn't going to fuck him I went ahead and had him get in the truck since I had said I would take him to Walmart so he could get some money a friend had wired to him As we drove we talked a little and he started asking where we would go after Walmart he knew I couldn't host and obviously he didn't have a place I know several good cruising spots of course but hemmed and hawwed a little since at that point I was planning on backing out all I could think of is possible risks of letting a homeless man fuck me He could tell I wasn't likely to go through with it and I'm sure he knew why but he also knew what to do to change a man's mind As we git closer to Walmart he began rubbing his crotch as we talked his pants were thin and pretty loose so it was very obvious when his cock began growing with his attention and the bulge was impressive When we were just pulling into the parking lot he pulled the waist of his pants down and let it all slip out The guy hadn't been lying though not even fully hard yet it was at least ten inches and about as thick as a redbull cN maybe a bit more it was by far the biggest cock I have seen on a white guy outside of porn and only a few black men I had been with in Arizona could match him Once I was parked he pulled his pants up and got out of the truck to go into the store. I had been telling myself that once I got him there I would come up with an excuse for why I had to leave but I couldn't get that cock out of my head so a waited for him I told myself I was just going to be a nice guy and give him a ride back over to the side of town he had been staying in he was a homeless guy after all and not attractive no way was I having sex with him After about 15 minutes he came back to the truck and got in he even said he was surprised I had waited since he had noticed I hadn't seemed that into it We hadn't even left the parking lot when he was again rubbing his crotch and in less than a block he had his cock out again this time rubbing his hand slowly up and down this time I got a very good look though still not fully hard it was everything he had promised and a little more not only was it big it was uncircumcised I admit at that point I lost all my willpower and found myself Taking a turn that would take us to one of my favorite places to park with guys And as I drove he moved closer to me and took my hand and placed it on his cock As I rubbed his cock while driving and felt it get fully hard another concern came to me for a little over a year I hadn't had anything bigger that a finger in my ass until the last few weeks and of the guys I had been with the biggest was only average for a white guy it had been a very long time since had a monster cock like his Again I almost backed out this time because of his cock size but as I ran my hand up and down his shaft I knew I wouldn't be able to say It was a few miles to the parking area a little used parking lot for some hiking trails with a convenient little corner nobody can see you in unless they drive super close and the only people I had seen there were other guys like me Most of the time when park there just lay the seats all the way back and play I. The cab he of course had other ideas I had backed my truck into the parking spot to be able to be sure nobody snuck up on us but he hoped out and walked around the back of the truck At first I thought he had to pee or something first but I felt him put the tailgate down and he started motioning me to co e back there I was a little nervous but grabbed the bag I keep for hookups out if the back seat and joined him behind the truck and opened the bag getting out some lube and condoms Now I almost always bottom raw in fact had been almost five years since a man fucked me wearing a condom but always keep some on my truck because many of the guys I top insist I use them I really wanted to feel him fuck me bare but wasn't willing to risk it I knew he was homeless and he told me he would have sex with men just for a place to stay a night or 2 and didn't know if he was I to drugs so wasn't a risk I was willing to take The guy wasted no time with foreplay he simply spun me so I was facing the truck and pulled my gym shorts down then with one hand lightly pushed meso I was bent over the tailgate while his other hand began lubing my ass The guy was obviously very used to having to get guys ready for his giant cock because he took his time I felt first one than two finally three of his fingers lossening me up for him when he finally removed his hand I heard him open a condom package and looked back to see him putting it on that's when I noticed a problem The condoms I had were of course meant for me to use and were sized for my cock which is only six inches on him it was very tight and only covered two thirds of it He didn't let that bother him he git in behind me and put the tip against my hole then after asking if I was ready he began pushing it in Even after his prep work he had to push hard to get it into me after the first few inches I wondered if I had .are a mistake it felt like he was going to rip me open In the past when I had been with well hung guys they usually got a few inches in then began to fuck me their cocks getting deeper as the sex went on but he had a different idea he just kept pushing it slowly and steadily deeper I could tell he planned on bottoming out before the sex really As he pushed it in it was all I could do to just take it it had been a long time since felt that stretched and even stopped breathing a few times in discomfort But finally he had all ten inches in me and he stopped just stood there behind me for a minute I thought so I could have time to get used to it though later learned it was because he was filming then without a word he started moving again At first was going pretty slow alternating from long strokes to shirt ones but he slowly began picking up his pace and the short strokes were less frequent then the condom broke Cursing little he pulled out and peeled off the broken condom and I watched impatiently as he put a new one on Once rewrapped he got back behind and was able to re-enter no problem this time though he went right to it he held nothing pulling it almost all the way and shoving it all the way back he also started talking telling me how tight my pushy was what a dirty little fag I was a cum slut that loved his cock By then I was accustomed enough to his cock I still felt stretched but also felt like heaven my own smaller cock was rock hard The I felt it the second condom broke and I felt him get ready to pull out but this time I stopped him I was so very close to Cumming just from the feel of his cock so I reached back grabbed his arm and told himto keep going That must have really turned him on because he started fucking me harder and faster and talking more asking if I liked his dirty homeless cock asking if I wanted him to breed my dirty faggot pushy the said aren't you even going to ask if I'm clean than told me hadn't bee. Tested in over year All I could do is answer back yes I a dirty little fag I. His little batch I wanted his homeless seed After about five minutes of that I felt his strokes get shorter and his cock get Harder than he asked if I wanted him to cum in me. Without hesitating I just said one word yes Almost as soon as the word left my mouth hw grabbed my hips pushed all the way in and I felt his cock start to pulse as he came deep inside me for about 10 seconds at almost the same time my own cock shot my load all over the ground For almost a minute we both stayed in that position me bent over my tailgate him behind his cock slowly getting softer in my ass Finally I had to stand up straight I had lost track of time but had been bent over like that for half an hour and back was starting to get sore he pulled out and let me up I look over at him he was still breathing a bit hard and his cock was still out even mostly soft bigger than mine I also noticed a little blood on it even prepping me the way he had he had ripped me some We didn't really say much just cleaned ourselves up a little and got ready to head back when an idea struck me after I found out he did have a license I had him drive while I got into the passenger seat Giving guys road head has always been a turn on for me and there is no way I wasn't going to try it on a cock that big So as we drove a pulled his still limp cock out and lowered my mouth over it I had never been with a uncircumcised guy before so sucking him was a unique situation for me Honestly that soo. After sex I didn't really expect him to get hard again figured I would suck it a little it would feel good for him but that would be about it I was wrong by the time we git back to where he had slept the night he was fully hard I was going to have him drive to another place I knew but he said not to worry he parked my truck and lead me to the bushes he had co.e out of earlier once back inside the brush saw he had a well hidden. Spot and he also didn't have it to himself another homeless guy was asleep on a blanket in no time I was on my hands and knees with him one again balls deep in me this time I had no problem taking him as we fucked the other guy woke up and began watching taking his own cock out and rubbing it In other situations the other man's cock would have gotten .e instantly excited it was about eight inches and fairly thick but compared to the one that once again stretching my ass it was nothing the two homeless men began talking as the first one fuck with him telling his friend what a cumslut I was and again calling me a dirty whore and a fag At a certain point he told me his friend wasn't gay but would love a blow job so I found myself on my hands and knees in some bushes with a ten inch homeless cock in my ass and an eight inch in my mouth The second guy didn't last long I had only sucked him for maybe two minutes when he held my head hard against him as his cum went down. My throat It was almost an hour before they first guy was ready to cum again and I admit I was starting to get more than a little sore the whole second time he had been fucking me hard fast and deep though my own cock was hard again as well When he was about ready to cum he told me to start stroking my cock he wanted us to cum together so I did but he hadn't given me enough warning and I wasn't there yet when I felt him Cumming in me for the second time This time he came even harder and I was able to count him spurt 12 times into me that was almost enough to make me cum right then but not quite but I kept stroking as he just knelt on his knees behind me trying to catch his breath Then out of the blue he tells me he has to piss this time his cock had gotten softer faster it was still in my ass but seemed half the size it had been but seemed to stiffen a little as he just let his bladder go and I felt hi. Filling my already cum filled ass I was a little shocked but not bad I actually enjoy piss play but had never said anything his friend however laughed and asked if he had really just pisses up my he admitted he had as he pulled out of me and I felt his piss and cum run down my leg I was still stoking my cock wanting to cum before I left when his friend said he wanted to try I looked over in time to see him with his cock in his hand aiming it at my face . Before I could say anything I felt his wam piss hi my forehead and I just went with it moving me head so he showered the whole thing even taking some in my mouth That was as much as I could take as he finished emptying his blather my own cock finally shot its second load We really didn't talk after I pulled my clothes back on got I'm my truck and left as I drove home my face smelling like piss my ass leaking piss and cum part of my mind was asking myself what I had done I had let a homeless man probably a drug addict fuck me raw not once but twice the piss in me the list of what diseases he could have given were running though my head but another part of my was wondering if I could get a third from that beautiful ten in monster
    2 points
  9. Had just finished gymming and I was horny for some gloryhole action. The thrill of the chase, putting my ass against the wall and waiting until I feel the poke of a hard cock, drives me wild. Every time I go in, I always get multiple loads and I wonder how many today will score me. I walk in, go to the back past the wall lurkers and am in my booth with just enough time to take off my shorts when I hear the door close on the other side. Without having to even touch it, in pops this hung white daddy dick ready to fuck and I lube up and in he goes. I start riding it and within two minutes my hole is dripping his seed. As soon as he zips up and is out, the process begins and I ended up with 14 cocks unloading in me during that hour. I think the best fuck was when I walked in and this older and kind of pudgy straight guy saw me walk in. I love that I’ll take all loads as long as the tops cock is hard. He seemed hesitant at first but wanted to load me and was rock hard in the hall. Once I saw his shoes on the other side, after I had him buried inside my ass for a couple minutes I hit the buddy booth and let him watch through the now frosted glass as his cock slid in my hole, leaking loads all over his dick. He loved it and gave me one of the biggest loads. Can’t wait to take some anon cum again today.
    2 points
  10. Vintage - Brothers should do it. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/vintage-full-movie-3-1981-xhNTGqn
    2 points
  11. So you wanted more about Troy. I'll call this what's wrong with Troy. I know you pigs out there would like to think that Troy was over every night slamming me and breeding me. Sorry buddies but that was not the case. However, he was at my house all the time, we'd smoke and look for our separate fucks. He'd find his and take off and I'd do my thing. We became close enough that he had a key to my place. He needed it to bring his fuck toys to use in my guest room. I only had one rule, clean up your fucking mess. I have no idea what time it was, I was beat tired from a 16-hour shoot, up for at least 24. Passed out in my bed and sleeping like a baby, dreaming that someone was playing with my hole. It was definitely a hot sex dream. The touch was so real, the wetness of the thick finger pushing into me. Then there was a burning sensation, I knew it, the same as a booty bump. I remember thinking to myself, please don't wake up this dream is too hot. Then a push and oh fuck my hole was being opened and I hear, open up little cuz. Fucking Troy you're rapping me in my sleep. He pushed me down flat on my stomach as his cock goes balls deep. He tells me that little fuck got to spun so he dumped him. When he saw my ass his cock made a decision. He said and I quote "I'm high, horny, and need to cum. Just lay there and take it". Now let's think about this. This mother fucker came into my room, lubed my ass, and gave me a booty bump while I was asleep and you want me to just lay here? Hell no, now I'm horny from that bump he gave me. So I'm going to play his game and I say, stop or I'm going to tell my dad. He says, no one is home but us so take it. You know you want this cock, you always want it slut boy. Tell me you want it. I say I don't get off me. His trust gets harder, deeper. Tell me you want it. NO, get off. He kept telling me to tell him I wanted it, but I kept saying no, playing the game. He pulls out and flips me over, spreads my legs, and slams back into me, Tell me you want it. Ok, ok I want it. Now the two of us are at our high peak, the booty bump has taken full control over me and I want his cum. Were sweaty messy kissing, talking dirty about his thick 9 1/2 cut cock and my boy pussy. I remember him telling me to tell him to rape my pussy while mom and dad are gone. That I want him to get me pregnant. I tell him no I won't say that. That fires him up and he insists that I say it. NO! He becomes more forceful. My little 5'5 135 lb body is no match to his 6 foot 185 lbs. I'm being tossed around like jello. My hole starts to spasm, I lose it and start to beg Troy to bread me. Nothing is more important than cousin Troy's cum in me. Then he says it, Tell me to get you fucking pregnant. Get me fucking pregnant. Please Troy get pregnant. The next minute is haven as we both come down from the massive load he just pumped into me. We lay there and I ask him what the fucks wrong with you? He told me to shut up, I loved it.
    2 points
  12. This question is posed as a decision whether to interfere with an individual’s private sexual life, and under what circumstances it would be acceptable, but I don’t think that’s the actual value judgment faced in many of these scenarios. When a man in a position of leadership or influence speaks out or takes action against any group or practice which he then clandestinely participates in himself, he creates an imperative for right-minded persons to expose his hypocrisy, double-dealing and deceit. That the exposure may out his participation and cause him embarrassment because it reveals information about him that would otherwise enjoy an expectation of privacy is collateral damage, and a self-inflicted wound. He has no one to blame but himself. Privacy is only absolute when one cannot be observed. In any other case, privacy becomes a matter of social contract between individuals who either agree not to observe one another, agree not to acknowledge what they observe, or agree to hold what they observe in confidence, at which point it becomes a matter of discretion. Once a man begins acting in the way described above, he has already become indiscrete toward himself by drawing attention to his opinions on sexuality, which will cause others to scrutinize his own sexual practice more closely.
    2 points
  13. Went to Austin 6 here in Austin tx with the intent of getting bred. As soon as I got there some guy was desperate for my cock, but I was intent of getting fucked. He offered to eat my hole, and I accepted the offer. He did a good job, and most likely lapped up the lube from my hole. Tried to fuck me, but he couldn't get hard. Eventually went into the theater, and saw a lot of action going on. A young looking guy sucking off a daddy that I played with before. I whipped my cock out, and enjoyed the show at a distance since I understand not everyone wants people joining in. Well I was totally wrong, and both of them wanted me. Soon the young guy was going back and forth between both our cocks, the older guy and I are making out & eventually the younger guy got up and all of use made out together. Tongues clashing everywhere. The young guy eventually went behind me, and shoved his raw cock up my ass. While bending over and sucking the 3rd guy I couldn't help but moan loadly. Felt so good to feel raw cock inside me. After a few minutes he pulled out, and force me on my knees to suck both of them, and eventually he came in my mouth. I wasn't bred, but his cum tasted so fucking good. After that I walked around a bit, got my dick sucked through the gloryhole......wasn't the best head & wasn't the worst. He wanted me to fuck him, but I didn't want to cum yet. So I went back in the theater and in comes this sexy daddy with huge pecs. Both of us checking each other out in the darkness for a minute before he left the theater for the arcade. I waited a moment & followed behind him. Seeing him in the light was even better. Both of us hit the jackpot. As soon as we were in a booth together both of us were naked. It was a frenzy of passion. A lot of kissing, sucking, he spit in my mouth.....which I strangely liked. He even fucked me for a while. While sucking his cock I wanted to make daddy proud and worked my tongue to his hole. He shook with excitement as I ate his hole. As much as I was willing to fuck him, he admit that he was still new to bottoming, and I said his first time should probably be in a bed.....preferably with me. Eventually daddy rewarded me with his cum for working his cock and hole so well. He even helped me get off afterwards. That was a good way to end a Sunday. Sure I didn't get bred, but my hole was played with, played with some fun guys & swallowed some amazing loads.
    2 points
  14. Dude. For god's sake chill. Thoughtful people disagree with you, including me, but this is not the way to have this conversation. Any Republican politician who is gay deserves to be outed, in my opinion. They want to fuck us, but they don't want anyone to know. Fuck that damage. They're not some 18 year old kid in small town Alabama who has a rational fear of being out., they're adults (like CPAC's Matt Schlapp, who's been accused of sexually assaulting several young men). They made their bed, now they have to lie in it. I am a firm believer in "DO NOT fuck any Republican under any circumstances. They want us dead." I (and perhaps you too) am old enough to remember when the first question about AIDS was asked in the Reagan White House briefing room. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that room laughed. Press and staff. They all laughed because we were dying. I was 21 and will never forget it.
    2 points
  15. NO, NO, NO, NO! This is a privacy issue. Jesus May, and Joseph shut your mouths. It is no one's business if a person comes out of the closet. It is NOT your business to tell the world because you sucked his prick or he fucked you. SO WHAT? Shut your rancid little mouths..... This "holler then though"attitude needs to stop. Your PERSONAL beliefs can DESTROY someone's life. Just shut your mouth and your ass and keep his business PRIVATE.
    2 points
  16. My response to Signorile at the time - which remains the same today - is that there is a difference between harming and failing to aid. There is a streak of activism that wants to dictate for everyone else what level of engagement is not only appropriate, but demanded - and I reject that entirely. Signorile's approach was basically "Fuck your life and your marriage and your kids and anything else you think is important; *I* think you need to be out in order to advance the goals I want on my timeline, and it's your job to shut up and fall in line." To be fair to him: he wrote QIA at a time when the number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses was still rising almost exponentially, and concern for the very survival of gay men as a population was real. I'm not sure whether he'd argue the same today (he might well, or he might have moderated his stance somewhat).
    2 points
  17. I think there's an important feature to successful spitroasting - the tops have to work together to use the bottom, and not act independently. Spit roasting is usually less than ideal, and you have to choose whether to focus on the blowjob or the fucking, because once you're getting fucked, Top #2 shoves your face into his crotch without moving or adjusting, syncing up with the rhythm and movement, and just going straight for the deepthroat on the first plunge and holds it there too long. That said, when the tops are good together, and not just separately simultaneously, the oral component helps deepen the piggery. It's cognizant of breathing differently when getting pounded from behind, it's rhythmic, and it syncs well, then I am just in heaven.
    2 points
  18. The purist approach, of course, is that everyone gets to decide for himself or herself when and if to come out. So if the question is framed in terms of, say, a right to privacy, it's really hard to say that X has that right but Y does not. After all, one of our most telling arguments for recognizing same-sex marriage was that if a man had a right to have his marriage to a woman recognized, he should have the same right to have his marriage to a man recognized. Ethics, though, isn't about rights; it's about doing what's right. So, for instance, a person may have a right to kill himself, but it may be ethically right to pull a person back from a ledge from which she's about to leap, especially if one suspects she's not completely capable of making an informed decision at the moment. And sometimes the situation is like the classic trolley switch problem: if a trolley is hurtling down the tracks toward five people who can't get off the tracks, and you can throw a switch to shift the trolley to a different track, but it will kill one person who can't get off that track, do you throw the switch? On the one hand, not acting means more people die. On the other hand, acting means that one person dies but it's because of something YOU did. What to do? I think outing a married person who goes to bathhouses or bookstores for sex (but who otherwise is not a public figure) is like flipping that switch when there aren't five people stuck on the track to start with. You aren't saving anyone, and you're inflicting harm not only on the person who's cheating on his wife, but on the wife and their families, too - for no gain other than adding to the sum of brutal honesty in the world. Outing someone in a leadership position - a religious figure who preaches against gay sex, a politician who votes against gay rights - is more like the classic trolley problem - outing is throwing that switch to save the larger group - with the addition that the five people stuck on the track are there in the first place because of the actions of the person on the other track. He's put them in harm's way, and you're not only saving them from harm, but you're helping normalize the fact of being gay for other closeted people. But again, that calculus only comes into play, in my view, when the person being outed has actively, not passively, worked to harm the LGBT community.
    2 points
  19. I'm with @PozTalkAuthor in feeling conflicted on this one. If the person in question is taking actions in their life that harm gay people (e.g. conservative politicians and religious figures), I do think it can be justified. To be harming a group of people of which you are a member and not sharing in that harm yourself is malfeasance of the worst sort. But I am also mindful that judging and hurting other people is seldom, possibly never, constructive, and that no one should be entitled to do so. Justice and mercy are altogether too often in conflict.
    2 points
  20. I can add more to here, hooray!! My "Daddy" messaged me out the blue today asking if I was about, and I said I'd be home about 1.15pm. Exactly 1.15, doorbell rang and I let him in, me wearing nothing but tiny little booty shorts (his request) so he could grope me all the way to my sofa. He sat down, slowly removing his shirt and undoing his jeans while I took some deep hits of poppers. As soon as I saw his unwashed cheesy cock, I needed it. Sucking it clean over and over til Daddy was nice and hard. I bent over, knowing Daddy wanted to use my hole first, and my god it was amazing. His first load shot deep into my ass, just how I like it. But Daddy wasn't finished, he turned me around, pushed me to my knees and started fucking my mouth, letting my tongue clean his cock from my hole. A few more moments, and a second load, the sweet saltiness shooting straight down my throat. Then, he simply got up and left as always...... I now wait for the next message where I know I'll please him.
    2 points
  21. I think most of us bottom whores can understand what you are saying. We have all been put into situations where we thought….. how did I let myself get to this place. My last situation was with two very burnt out looking poz guys in Hawaii. They had been partying all night and both had to use trimax to stay hard. They both bred me and I got an uneasy feeling and decided to bolt. I have learned that you need to go with your gut. If it doesn’t feel right change your situation. Most bottoms are pleasers by nature so they put the top first. It’s ok to put your feelings first. There will be other tops and he will find another bottom. Life will move on.
    2 points
  22. CHAPTER 4: BULL Fuck this felt like a virgin throat. This kid was still coughing from Needle’s slam and I had my cock buried to the hilt. Their throat spasmed over and over around my cockhead and I loved it. I pulled out and started fucking. I didn’t care if they puked or not, but I sure as fuck didn’t care about a Hole’s gag reflex. I was gonna feed it my first load tonight. I could hear the sobs but couldn’t tell what was tears or spit or whatever else on this Hole’s face. I craved the struggle and got even rougher since Axel had it’s hands pinned up overhead. I could see Needles jacking off and playing with his PA. I knew he loved watching his piercings ruin a hole, and I could almost see in his mind. I kept fucking the throat and started to feel my balls draw up – my load was about to get fed. I shoved my cock all the way deep and held it, trying to will myself a bit more time. I closed my eyes, but as soon as I felt the kid go limp, I opened them and growled, “Fuck yeah, cunt, choke on it!” I didn’t care, though, I’d repeat this a few times, I guessed. I pulled out and backhanded them across the face, “Wake the fuck up! I ain’t finished!”. I heard Horse make a noise and looked over to catch his eye. He looked entranced and I knew he wasn’t backing out. I could see his monster cock in his jeans and was surprised he wasn’t jacking it yet. I shoved back in once I knew the Hole was at least aware enough that it was getting skull fucked. Over and over, out and balls deep….out and balls deep. I’d feel myself getting close and I’d bury myself again and hold it while mentally steeling myself. That and I just wanted to choke them out a couple of more times before I had to stop. Nothing made me feel more powerful than using my cock to almost end someone. The Hole blacked out again, and I pulled out. I watched their head loll forward in my loose grip and looked around, “This is a good look on it, Ben. You cool if I keep going?” He looked up at me, “so long as they’re still breathing when you pull out, I don’t care how many times you do it. I want this Hole to be scared.” “Fear makes a hole and throat tighter. Makes it easier to ruin, too.” I backhanded the Hole again, getting it awake. I saw blood oozing from their split lip, but I didn’t care. It just made me all the harder. I pushed back in and went back to fucking like a madman. Ben called out, “Horse, check the sling…specifically the cuffs and locks. We’ll move the Hole over there once Bull is finished. Oh, and make sure the head is the right height; we aren’t ignoring either end while we’re over there.” Horse strolled over and got to fiddling around with that, and I focused again on these busted lips around my cock. Ben was giving me time, but I could tell he was ready to have this beauty spread wide for us. Just because I could, I went harder; this time I didn’t want to hold off blowing my load. As I busted, I shoved balls deep again and held it. I wanted two things: one to fill this cunt’s stomach with my load and to choke it out one more time. I grinned as I held it there and got my wish, feeling it go limp in my hold and I pulled out. Axel eased them down to the floor. AXEL: I picked up the limp body from the floor and carried them over the sling. I got this pretty angel settled in and got a really good look at them. Ben had definitely chosen a gorgeous one, even with a split lip from Bull and all the tears. They had a beautiful blush all over their neck and chest from the T and exertion. They suffered so beautifully. I nodded to Horse to get their hands cuffed while I positioned their ankles. Opening up the most beautiful ass and hole I think I’d ever seen. They were stuffed with a plug, and I knew Ben had already done a little work on softening it up for us. When we were done, we all stepped back and looked over at Ben. “Gentleman,” Ben started, “look at this beautiful thing laid out before us. There’s 5 of us and 2 holes, and I know y’all want to enjoy both. Let’s have it.” He looked directly at Horse, “you still with us, or you ready to leave?” “Oh I’m fucking staying. My cock is into it”. We all chuckled. Needles passed around a pipe while we sort of took it all in and started to undress. The Hole was moaning and wiggling in the sling. I knew it wanted more than that plug…I could feel the neediness. “Well, now I know why you’re called Horse” Ben smiled. “How do you feel about breaking it in for us and dumping the first load in that Hole?” Horse moved over and came between their legs. Glancing around, he asked “so, anything special you expect of me or what?” Needles piped up, “whatever you do, don’t give ‘em a booty bump. I gave ‘em a .5 and for a newbie we want to hold for another couple of hours on that again.” I heard the grunt of assent and we all got a little closer. We wanted to watch this with a good vantage point. Needles started feeding poppers to our Hole, and I watched Horse slick up his meat. And yes, we called him Horse for a reason – if he was less than 10” I’d eat my Harley. And easily as big as a beer can. Very few women even went after him. He was slick and stepped up. He nodded to Needles and he held the popper cloth over the Hole’s mouth and nose, making him take big, deep breaths. After a few of those, he removed it and nodded back to Horse. Horse stepped forward and lined up. “Hold their shoulders, Needles”. And then with one hand he held his cock and with the other gripped their thigh and shoved in with a powerful thrust. Our Hole yelled in pain. Horse yelled at Needle’s to push him down while he Horse forced even deeper. Our captive trashed as much as they could in the sling but there wasn’t anything they could do to stop getting impaled. Horse grunted again and pulled out. Needles had draped the popper cloth over the Hole’s face again and use his body to prevent the sling from moving backwards. Horse lined up and rammed balls deep in one thrust this time. And pulled out. Lined up again and repeated this….a third…a fourth….a fifth time. After the fifth time, he looked over at Ben “well, this hole aint resisting nothing now.” Horse gripped the chains at the Hole’s hips and started up a pace that was as hot as it was brutal. NEEDLES: Horse was power fucking the Hole and I looked down at this sweet, innocent face crying and yowling and finally they started to beg us to stop, complaining about the pain. They even said please. I held the popper cloth over their mouth and nose again and got right next to their ear. “Oh sweet thing, begging ain’t gonna stop us. You got claimed by the Big Bad Wolf, and he’s sharing you with the pack.” They weren’t listening to me, so I held the cloth even tighter and stopped their head from thrashing. “Stop it now. Just inhale and let go. We’ll keep you floating enough that you don’t have to be here for this. Just let us have our fun and you can float away.” I stood up and removed the cloth. I slid the blindfold away and looked down into their eyes. Through the tear and fear I could see a sweetness. No wonder Ben chose this one. Even though their pupils were blown wide from the T, I could see a pretty little ring of green. I knew I’d love looking into them when they weren’t saucer-eyed, but right now, it made my cock jump. I backed up and grabbed my cock, bringing it to their lips. “Open up, sweetness, and let me in. You don’t want to make me ask again”. Their lips parted, and the moment I could I slid down into their throat. I didn’t have to move much – Horse’s fucking was swinging our Hole back and forth enough that Horse basically fucked them onto my cock for me. I let go of the chains and pulled the pipe out for another couple of hits. I blew large clouds down on my cock and the Hole’s face. Not enough to make them higher, just really for show. I passed the pipe and torch off to Axel and reached forward to pinch both nipples laid out before me. HORSE: I’d never fucked a guy before, but goddammit this hole gripped my cock like a warm glove. Just knowing I didn’t have to worry about being “too big” or being “too rough” gave me a freedom I’d never had before when fucking. I didn’t care. I looked down and slowed my fucking a big. I could see some pink slick showing on my cock. I looked around for Ben, finding him sitting in a chair and hitting Needles’ pipe. “I think I tore something; I see blood in the lube.” “A lot? Like is it bright read or just a bit of pink?” “More a bit of pink than bright red.” “Nothing to care about it.” He waved me off, and then said “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” I had started fucking deep, long and hard strokes at this point. I knew I was fucking this whore’s throat onto Needles’ cock, too. “Oh fuck yeah I am. I’ve never been able to fuck a Hole like this.” “This claim belongs to you, too, now that Axel brought you in. No reason this will have to be the only time.” My rhythm stuttered a bit when I looked back over at him, “what? Seriously? This ain’t a one time thing?” Axel laughed from the other side of me, “No brother…a claim means we keep it, and since the 5 of us are breaking it in, it means we also get free use of it.” I was surprised, and looked back down watching this swollen pink ring stretched around my monster. “Mmmmm. I’m going to get used to this, boys.” I sped up again and wanted to breed this Hole. As turned on as I was, I wanted to blow my load, hit the pipe and watch whatever else was in store. I had an idea of what to expect from Axel and Bull, but Needles was a sick fucker, and I didn’t have any idea of Ben’s tastes. Whatever I could imagine, I knew it’d fall short of what we were doing. I let go of the though and focused on this Hole squeezing my cock. It was rippling around me as it swallowed me deep. Another couple of strokes and I was there, blowing the biggest load I think I’d ever shot. It kept going….and going. Fuck me…if that’s what fucking a dude was like, I needed to rethink things. This was better than breeding a cunt any day. After my last shudder, I heard Needles and looked up to see him blow his wad all over that pretty face. I pulled out and watch my own load start to leak out of that swollen gape. Axel shoved me out of the way and rammed a plug in. I looked up at him. “This is our Hole. Our cumdump. Don’t waste your cum by letting it drip out.”
    2 points
  23. I shoot huge high pressure loads.
    2 points
  24. Part 1 I think of myself as a very average guy. Even when I get compliments about my looks I think that the guys are just trying to play nice or cultivate a fuck buddy relationship. I'm 29 y.o., total bottom, kinda submissive, smooth, 5.57 ft, athletic "twinkish" body (pics attached for better illustration). This day I just needed to get my hole filled with stranger spunk and headed to a bathhouse. That's not something I do frequently because I live a little far from the good sex clubs and i hate getting stuck in traffic after or before a fuck session. So there I was. Took my clothes of, wrapped a towel on my waist and got on the booth. There was a lot of good looking guys walking around or standing in the same spot waiting for a fuck, but most of them looked like they wanted the same as me: getting fucked hard and taking a nice load in the ass. So, i was starting to think I was wasting my time. So i was there standing in the booths hallway when he passed by. He was white daddy around 50 y.o., 6,2 ft, kinda muscular, short grey hair, massive fur in his chest, huge belly but nice pecs, and wasn't handsome at all. As soon as he spotted me, he stopped close and pressed his big bulge under the towel. He wasn't totally soft but I was impressed by his potential thickness. He motioned to enter a booth while he was staring at me and still grabbing his cock. I hesitated a little but since no one was looking I thought I should give it a try. He had a very serious, kind mean look on his face, As i entered the booth he closed the door threw his towel away and forced me on my knees. I was hypnotized by the godly awful smell in his extremely hairy crotch, he definitely didn't shower that day. He had at least 9 uncut inches and was very thick . So the faggot slut possessed me and I sank my face in his huge hairy balls trying to get some of that stinky in it. I must have spent 5 min just licking and smelling his balls and then moved to his cock. I pulled his foreskin and his cock head was covered in cheese. With no hesitation, i put it all in my mouth at once and savored his dirty cock with my tongue. That made him go crazy and he started facefucking me hard and since i have no gag reflex, i forced myself out of his cock and barfed a little on the floor and some of it fell on his foot. That's when his first words came out. He slapped my face really hard and said: - Show me your fuck hole, slut! So i climbed on the booth bed and exposed my hole in doggie style, blinking it as an invite for a good anal fuck. I was hoping he wouldn't use a condom. I looked behind and he was wanking furiously looking at my smooth ass. So he spit on his tool and tried to jam his raw cock at once in my ass, which made me see stars and retract my hole immediately. Every thrust he gained a little more entrance and i lost a little more desire. We never discussed status since practically no words were exchanged, but i always think whoever is fucking me is giving me a poz load to make me hornier. The whole time he had one hand pulling me by the hair and the other pressing my back to force me arch my body. I took his giant cock silently so we didn't grab the attention from the crowd in the other booths. By that point I wasn't feeling pleasure at all, but my mind was tricking me. I had to please this man. I had to let him use me however he wanted because in the dark corners of my mind i truly believe that's how a total bottom should serve a (supposed) total top. He was fucking me for good solid 30 min. The plowing gets harder and harder and i was about to give up and tell him i couldn't take it anymore. But in a sudden move he pulls me by the hair and whispers in my ear: - Get ready you whore, here comes my load! Next thing i was being flooded by the most powerful load i had ever taken. I stood there on all fours tasting his load, desperately twitching my hole trying to absorb it all. I look back and there was that evil look in his face again, almost like he was despising me. Another hair pull: - Now listen to me carefully. We are going to my place now. I always come here to rape some stupid pussy and tonight is your night. Let's go get dressed and follow me. We went downstairs and i was about to bail heading to the smoking area but my legs betrayed me, so we head to the locker room, got dressed, paid and left.
    1 point
  25. Drew was a good friend of Jake's, who was having his 21st birthday bash. The thing was Drew was straight whereas Jake was gay and had mostly gay friends. Not that Drew believed it would matter for a birthday party. His choice of venue was nice: a good-sized room above a pub, where drinks flowed freely and the music was good. There was about 7 men in the room including Drew and Jake. One person who caught Drew's eye was a slightly older guy sporting a short-sleeved top that exposed a tattoo of a scorpion that had been inked high up on his left arm. After going around chatting to the party members, he soon learned he was the only straight attendee. Nevertheless Drew was enjoying himself with the drinks free-flowing. He discovered that Gus, the tattooed, slightly older gentleman ran a business offering strippers for parties. Then to Drew's surprise he told him he'd organised the entertainment for Jake's party. Knowing Jake's proclivities, Drew knew his luck wasn't in with female strippers, he hoped he'd cope with what was soon to happen as Gus left to usher in the male stripper. With a big fanfare, a very large black man appeared dressed as a boxer with rippling muscles. Music began and he removed his cape to reveal a well-toned body, in under a minute the boxer shorts had also been divested revealing his enormous manhood, not only was it extremely long but with a tremendous girth. Gus seemed to nod to the stripper in the direction of Drew. As the stripper approached, he whirled his dick round and round. It grew even bigger, but Drew waved him away and he gave his attention to the other guests, but did comment “later then?” As he went round the guests, they manhandled him, stroking his huge cock. When we offered it to the birthday boy Jake, he took as much of it into his mouth as he could and started to suck it. Drew was beginning to feel very uncomfortable and regretting attending this party, even though he was a good friend of Jake's. After a couple of minutes, the stripper pulled out and went round the others squirting foam cream on his dick and enticing each in turn to suck the cream off his cock. His enormous dick now upright glistened with the saliva from several blowjobs! He cam back to Drew, sprayed cream on his dick and offered it to him. Drew hesitated partly though his being a bit more uninhibited following maybe one too many drinks and also a certain peer pressure. Nevertheless, he did once again dissuade the stripper and got him to move on. He noticed Gus watching him intensely as this temptation happened. The event proceeded with the arrival of the birthday cake, all covered in thick whipped cream. Gus cut pieces for all the guests, clearly he was truly responsible for the smooth running of the occasion. They all had a piece and then toasted Jake's birthday. Drew somewhat slurred his words, but that didn't matter, things were going well. With the Dutch courage Drew now had, he questioned Gus about there only being one stripper and Gus admitted there were indeed two and he was the other. At that he started dancing and shedding his clothes, with rapturous applause from the other guests all clapping to the beat and his movements as he stripped naked. Even Drew although avoiding clapping, found himself eyeing Gus' body and his cock began to stir in his trousers. After quite a performance, Gus stopped his dancing and placed his cock in the cake, smothering it with the whipped cream. He offered it to Drew, Drew disinclined to accept as before, but Gus remained more insistent. “You know you want it, that tent peg in your pants proclaim your desire. With Drew's cock betraying him, he opened his mouth and started to devour Gus' cock. The rest of the assembled group, all cheered and clapped at Drew's blowjob, it went on much longer than Jake's special treat with the other stripper. Gagging and choking over Gus' meat as he pushed it in more. Drew continued choking and sputtering. With Gus' cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. Drew's hardon swelled as he as he gagged over Gus' cock. And Gus yanked down Drew's pants for all to see. "Oh shit baby, I'm going to nut." Gus moaned. The thrusts increased and his organ throbbed. Gus's massive balls were smacking Drew's head and his breathing erratic. The fingers curled round Drew's hair and he grunted. No, no no! It was swelling in his mouth. A massive rope of come shot down Drew's throat A second and third spurt followed with the same density. On the fourth fifth and sixth he began to pull out and it landed on his tongue. The sweet taste and saltiness was overwhelming. Not to stop this moment. Gus offered Drew a sniff of poppers, which he inhaled strongly. Gus beckoned the other stripper over for the main party piece! Something hot, hard and unnaturally sized was pressed up against Drew. He could feel it wiggling against his arse. Gus whispered, "just enjoy it." Drew looked over his shoulder to see the other stripper's massive cock rubbing against him. His grinding increased it was truly monster sized but it had beautiful thick veins, soft smooth skin and an angry red head. He angled himself so he was thrusting at Drew's crack. Then Drew felt him being pinned down. Four of the other guests, held Drew down, each taking a wrist or ankle to keep him from squirming away. Gus gave Drew poppers to inhale The poking continued. Then Drew felt it against his hole. The head pressed against it, testing it. He could feel it strain as he pushed to get access. He shifted his hips and aimed his massive weapon right at his virgin hole. Drew could feel the warm tip brushing against his sphincter. Drew felt more pressure as his massive thing tried to get inside. Hands were holding him so tight Drew was scared he was going to snap then all he felt was pain. It was going in, slowly one inch at a time a man's dick starting to enter him. "Hush baby, only halfway." Gus cooed. Halfway, halfway!? This thing was only halfway inside of me? Oh Jesus no, this was not durable. “No I can't take it! "Pull out! PULL OUT!" Drew screamed. But the stripper just grabbed Drew's hips and pushed hard until Drew had taken every last inch. "No more, please I can't do this. It's too much!" Drew cried. Drew felt wet inside. His massive girth was rubbing deep inside pressing against Drew's insides getting slick with something. It couldn't have been spit or precum?. There was a powerful thrust and Drew yelped. . He took this as motivation and began really hammering home. The thrusts changed their angle and Drew began to feel pleasure. He did it again and Drew felt his own cock start to grow. Drew's hard cock was bouncing along to the sodomy. He was getting fucked and Drew was hard. He sniffed the poppers hard as it helped him. Seeing how Drew was responding, one of the group who was restraining Drew released his grip and offered his dick to Drew's opened mouth, dripping with Gus' cum. Drew's mouth was stuffed with his cock. Drew was now being drilled at both ends. Drew was again choking and sputtering as the cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. He too splattered his cum deep inside Drew's throat. As Drew felt the taste, smell and cock driving into him and it was all too much. Drew's entire body shook as he was hit with his strongest orgasm. He screamed out as he shot his thick white load all over one of those still holding him. The man smiled at Drew then got up and walked over to Jake, who he noticed to his shock was filming it all with his mobile camera. Drew was horrified. But a combination of the lovely smile Jake gave him and his general sexual tension and inebriation meant Drew dismissed the filming and carried on with his intercourse, as another of the invitees shoved his cock into Drew's mouth to receive Drew's attention. Drew's tormented pleasure somewhat changed; the stripper was fucking with less rhythm, his thrusts deep and painful, his breathing ragged and he was coated in sweat. He was clearly close to cumming. He grabbed Drew's waist and spun him around on his dick. The blood provided ample lubricant because there was a slick sound as he spun like a top. Drew could now see the stripper plunging his huge dick in and out of his hole. “Stop, please not inside”, Drew begged. "I love breeding virgins." He panted. "No stop!" He was fucking too hard. Drew's entire body was shaking and breathing came out broken in time with his rapid thrusts. Just then the thrusts stopped. The cock buried itself as deep as it would go and began twitching. Drew's eyes widened as the reality took over. His straight ass had just finished off a man. He was being bred. "Nooo!", Drew cried. "Yes!" He replied. He could feel it convulsing. Then he could feel something warm soaking his insides. His cum just kept shooting inside Drew squirmed to the left then right, trying to push out the oversized cock but it wouldn't stop. He was growling, body flexed as the stripper held him with his dick. He could feel some of it dripping out. It seemed impossible. Cum was shooting inside him as well as pouring out. He looked over to see Gus, positioning himself to take over from the other stripper to breed his hole again. But I'm worried he's cum inside without a condom. “Don't worry”, Gus replied, “it's okay, he's the same status as me”. Not only did Gus breed Drew, but then the other four guests took their turns to unload inside him. Finally, Jake came over to have his turn, passing his camera over to Gus to complete the filming. “This is the best ever birthday present”, Jake exclaimed as he pushed his cock in. “But isn't it risky?” Drew asked anxiously. “But we've all been on prep the last couple of years”, Jake said misleadingly. For not only had they stopped taking them in time to be detectable again, but he had hired the two positive strippers to breed Drew. “Thanks for the gift”, Jake said, “let me give you mine now.” As he squirted his poz load deep within.
    1 point
  26. So after a brief pause in writing fictional stories, I couldn't resist. I've learned my lesson on being more careful in content! Hopefully you enjoy this story. I grew up in a small Midwestern town of 600. People there knew something that happened to you before you knew about it! One thing they never knew was the relationship my dad and I had. As a young child, I was a heavy set guy. I had no interest in girls, neither did they to me. Sports weren't my thing. Sure I played little league, but it wasn't uncommon for me to skip practice to watch Sonny and Cher. In fact little league likely piqued my interest in guys. At that point in my life, I really didn't know what gay was. Apparently I was a slow learner. One of the team members however was mature beyond his age, and was my first "gay " experience. I didn't think it was really gay, just a curiosity. Jacking together. Skinny dipping. Finding our dads magazines and reading the penthouse forums to each other. And yes, admiring the female form. One thing we never did then was have actual sex. What did happen finally started in our Senior year, one hot May day after a playoff game. He invited me to his house and once there, suggested we skinny dip in his pool. We were both hot and sweaty, so why not? His mom was out of town, and his step dad at work. We stripped poolside, and I was in awe with his 8 inch cock. I was your average 6, but he was mean and lean. Before we jumped into the pool, he sniffed his jock, and asked me if I wanted to sniff it? Sure why not. It had an odd odor to it, not just sweat. He later told me he Jack's and shoots his load into it, usually after practice. I asked him if he would do that for me before getting into pool. He said yes, as long as I did the same. We each got on a lounge chair and started jacking our cocks. I came really quickly into my jock, and before he finished, we heard a car door slam, and jumped into the pool. It was his step-dad coming home. I'm pretty sure his dad saw us jumping into the pool naked, but he simply said cooling off after practice boys? We said yes, but my friend said yes Sir. I couldn't help that his dad grabbed his crotch as he said that. Fortunately his dad went back into the house and my friend and I got out of the pool, and sniffed my cummy jock. He then had me sniff it, and said he'd return the favor when his step dad wasn't around. TO BE CONTINUED!
    1 point
  27. I have a major foot fetish. Ugly bad 'fucked-up' feet are a HUGE turn-off. So yeah, I tend to judge bottoms attractiveness based on their feet rather than their ass. I might enjoy a foot-job at some point.
    1 point
  28. If any men here are attending Folsom Street Fair this weekend with other men in their family, hit me up. Submissive af pig here, few limits, put on this earth to help men feel as good as I can.
    1 point
  29. Totally agree with ya! Sperm belongs in the ass !!
    1 point
  30. I haven’t yet been to Cumunion, but I also have a question. Is a Cumunion event that is held at a bath house really all that different from a regular busy night at that same bath house? If so, what makes it different? Here in Dallas, Cumunion is held in a private warehouse type space, I think. Seems preferable. But hopefully I’ll find out for myself next month.
    1 point
  31. This was the best part of the wildest ride! bravo
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. My fave cock has to be an old school friend. He had no idea I was Bi. We were at another friends birthday, probably 20 years ago, drinks were flowing, someone was smoking weed, it was all very relaxed. I walked into the bathroom to see him zipping up to walk out, I couldn't help but look at his cock. Not the biggest, but nice. He caught my glance, we stood for a moment waiting before I knelt and began sucking. Honestly, sweetest cum I ever had. Shame it was only a one off, but definitely the best cock / cumload I ever had.
    1 point
  34. This is simply awesome… and the plot is wonderfully twisTed.
    1 point
  35. I like to top, but I love the feeling of a throbbing cock in my hole.
    1 point
  36. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. Been traveling for work and just haven't had the time. In any event, I got the next installment ready. Chapter 5 BEN: I loved seeing my Hole laid up in the sling. A watching Horse’s rip into it was a thing of beauty. Our Hole wasn’t completely in Heaven right now – it was feeling horny and wanting but it was still a little too resistant, even after Bull and Needles took it’s throat and Horse tore up that Hole. Axel had him plugged at the moment, and we all stood around, watching this beautiful body laid out before us. Needles was passing around the pipe, cock still out, and I could see throat slobber hanging off his huge PA. And this gave me an idea. “Axel, how much struggle was there on that plug you put in?” “Not much at all. Horse broke it in right.” I smirked, “find something about 3 sizes larger than what you put him it. And grab some of that powdered T”. Before he could speak up, I looked to Needles “I heard you…and I’m making this call. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Needles nodded and kept his mouth shut. “Get a popper rag ready…our Hole will need it here in a few min”. I saw Horse make the move; I got a big swell of feeling knowing that he was enjoying this far more than he expected. I rolled a little stool over between these split legs, and tugged on the plug. Ev moaned as I jiggled it and spun it inside his hole. I pulled it in and out, toying with the ring, making sure it wasn’t going to giving resistances to the widest part. I pulled it out and rolled the tip around in a good amount of crushed T and then shoved it back in. I was toying with it; I wanted to let that fresh T get my Hole is a place of utter and complete need. I was fucking in and out of our Hole with this plug and looked over to see what Axel has brought me. “Ben, does this one work for what you had in mind?” Axel knew exactly it was, and I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I was too far gone. Axel lubed it up and glanced at the crushed T. I nodded. I knew I was playing risky here, but frankly wasn’t in a mood to care about it right now. Lubed and T’d, I grabbed the flare with my right hand and toyed with the one in our Hole for a few, then yanked it out and immediately pushed the larger one in. It got about 2-3 inches in before I felt resistance and I heard a noise from Ev that told me they were on the same page yet. “Horse…poppers. Do it like a chloroform rag. Count to 5, remove it….count to 5….repeat. 3 times please.” Horse grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Ev’s face up and covered his mouth and nose with the rag and his huge hand. The look on Horse’s face was pure feral. I held the plug where it was and waited for Horse to remove the rag, and then I pulled back some and started to push in again. Our Hole was fighting it, still tight and resisting, and then watched Horse repeat it for the second time. While he was counting to 5, I got another inch or so in….we had about another inch before the widest part….a fat 5 inches across. Horse went in for the 3rd and final time and I knew this was it. I wasn’t taking “no” from this Hole. As soon as the poppers were removed, I pulled it back and shoved forward again. There was still resistance, but I wasn’t stopped until I got what I wanted: this giant plug in our Hole. Ev was whining and definitely was not enjoying this piece, which I was A-OK with. I heard a “I can’t stand that whining” from Needles as he stepped over and buried his cock down Ev’s throat. “At least this will keep it quiet until you’re finished”. With one final push I felt the Hole give up against my pressure and it stretched beautifully around the plug before sucking it in. Ev was shaking and struggling in the sling, between their ass hurting from the stretch and their throat full of Needles. I grabbed the plug and tugged on it some. Pulling hard enough to where it was almost slipping back out past the thickest part, before letting it slip back inside. I picked up a bit more lube and pulled the plug back, until the thickest part popped back outside. I didn’t pull it all the way out, no, just enough and I drizzled more lube on the thickest part and pushed again. Pushed it back inside against the resistance, but didn’t let it settle in….as soon as the thickest part breached, I pulled it back out. Over and over. I wanted to teach this Hole that it didn’t resist what I put inside it. After about 5 or 6 times, I let it settle in, Ev’s ass gripping the smaller part of the plug and keeping it firmly seated and stuffed. They were still whimpering around Needles’ cock, but I didn’t care. I was rock hard. I got off the stool and walked around to Ev’s head. Needles pulled out and I leaned over looking into Ev’s eyes. Their pupils were saucers; I could barely tell their color. I knelt down and cradled their head, whispering in their ears, “I know beautiful, I know you don’t know which was it up or down; I know your hurting and scared and higher than a fucking kite. And you’re so beautiful for me. So fucking beautiful, and I can’t wait to take you to new places.” “Axel, take the stool. I want to play my favorite game.” “Ben, are you sure that’s where you want to go? This is supposed to be a claim.” “Fuck yes, Axel. Do you not trust me to know where that fine line is?” “Sure, man….sure. This is your find, anyways.” Axel took a seat and reached up to jiggle the plug in Ev’s ass. I undid my pants and finally let my hard 9” out. I lined up and pushed against Ev’s lips, feeling them part as I slid inside their mouth. I wasn’t going to deep, just deep enough to get them used to my cock. I could see Axel playing with the plug. I started fucking Ev’s throat deeper and deeper, forcing past his gag reflex and resting my balls on his nose. I could see my cockhead stretching his throat as it pushed deep and dammit if that wasn’t the hottest thing. Once I could get a rhythm of fucking in and out and going deep, I pushed all the way in and held it. I grabbed Ev’s shoulders and steadied them. I held it in. Ev struggled. And then….Ev went limp and I immediately pulled out. I could see Axel moving. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew what it was: pulling the plug out of Ev’s relaxed hole and pushing it right back in. I slapped Ev to bring him back to me and leaned over “So beautiful for me, Ev….you’re so beautiful, and this will help you be compliant.” I looked into glazed over eyes, and saw that flicker I saw in the bar…one of need. I grinned. I shoved my cock back in their throat and went back to fucking in and out, long steady strokes. Another few min, I went in and held. Ev struggled some before they went limp again. I watched Axel as he repeated his job down between their legs. I got Ev back with me, and whispered, “just once more, baby, and then we’ll let you rest for a few….can you do that for me? Just give me one more?” I pushed in again. This time, I wasn’t going to just lazily fuck it. I went with more force. Holding it down longer and making Ev wonder if this time was when I’d pull back or not. Over and over, teasing them; fucking with their mind, before I slipped balls deep and braced myself. This time there was very little struggle before they went limp, and I saw Axel do his thing one more time. I got Ev’s awake again and gave them a deep, passionate kiss. “Such a good Hole for me. So compliant and brave.” “Ok guys, let’s get them out of the sling and on the mattress. I think our Hole needs to rest for a few before we keep going. Bull, get some water for them and for us.” Horse and Axel maneuvered Ev to the mattress and got them laid out and looking as comfortable as can be with that huge plug in their ass. I sat next to them and helped them drink some water, since I knew they needed it. “Ok, pretty baby…lay right here and rest for a few. We aren’t going anywhere and you’re perfectly safe right here.” The guys were all sitting around on the sofa and chatting, and I joined them with a big grin. “You men having fun, yet?”. A round of chuckles went around the room. I screwed the top off the water and kicked back where I could keep an eye on Ev on the mattress. They were squirming some, rocking their hips, and wincing when I knew they’d squeezed down on the plug. The T was doing it’s thing and make their hole so fucking hungry. I was doing my thing and breaking down their mental barriers. Slowly the conversations turned back to where the rest of the night/day was going, and the different things they’d like to see or maybe try. I didn’t really veto anything, but also didn’t want to have any set plans. Things would go exactly as they should, regardless of what we planned.
    1 point
  37. What makes one a slut? Well, if you look at the definition of the word, it means a prostitute, whore or harlot, an immoral, dissolute or wanton person, someone dirty and slovenly. Clearly, the definition understood - and embraced - by many here has significant differences from this clearly derogatory standard. Some would apply it simply as a synonym for promiscuous, and feel no sense of shame whatever. But the question is, is ‘slut’ a definition one gives oneself, or more a label that is applied to a person by other people? I tend to think it’s more the latter, tends to be more negative in aspect, and is something one can’t do much about. I have no doubt that there are those who, if they knew of my sexual habits, would call me a slut in the standard sense, even though I am not wanton, dirty, ethically barren, or an actual prostitute. But there’s nothing I can do to stop them from applying that label to me except not acknowledge it. I consider myself a slut in the limited sense that I am indiscriminately promiscuous, have had intercourse with many hundreds of men, and will do so at any opportunity. But that’s as far as it goes. I’m not going to carry a suitcase full of shame along with it.
    1 point
  38. I’m a raw top for me in nyc it’s the best to be a raw top and when your dick is big and normal anon raw bottoms at gloryholes are the best too and the trans 🏳️‍⚧️ bottoms are the who take any raw dick but for me raw is law
    1 point
  39. Are you in Tijuana or Juarez Mexico by chance? Maybe you could start by providing some kind of assistance to some of the migrants.
    1 point
  40. By the way if any older men here are interested in knowing more… reach out… for guys my age or younger… the breeding doesn’t have to be more personal… well I guess it goes for everyone when I say: if you see me as just a hole and that gets you off to bust inside my pussy… bro go at it. Im a wide open faggot for you and your man juice is safe in my sloppy boy cunt
    1 point
  41. PART FIVE It was a combination of happiness & relief when I turned around and saw the sexy tatted guy from before standing in front of me, his fingers still in my arse. I was so relieved, and let's face it, high & horny, that I wrapped my arms round his neck and started making out with him. During the blowbang I didn't kiss anyone & I'd never kissed a guy properly before so here I was, having my first ever passionate kiss with a guy while I was being filmed for a gay site. His cock was rock hard between us as we continued to kiss and he drove his fingers deep into my arse, working them in & out. It kinda hurt a bit as he worked his fingers deeper but I was loving it so much even though the poppers were wearing off. He REALLY knew what he was doing! "Looks like someone's happy to see you again Tim!" I heard Seth laugh. I broke off from our kiss, "Hey I'm not the only one!" and started stroking Tim's long hard dick as I started to kneel down while he turned the shower off. I couldn't help myself, I needed that cock in my mouth again. "That's my good little faggot, get my big dick good & wet so I can claim that arse of yours." I knew I railed against being called a fag earlier by one of the other guys, but Tim had such a calming presence I just wanted to make him so happy. "God you're so good at that baby. That'll do for the moment, I don't wanna cum too soon. Now get up & turn around for me." I did as he said, presenting him my arse. "Mmmmm, you've been giving it a good soaping up too, wanting to get it ready for your man." He tapped me to take some more poppers as he brought the cameraman closer. "Get a good look at this hole mate, because it's gonna look totally different in a few minutes' time." I'd taken a few hits as he was saying that so I couldn't help but push back as he inserted three fingers into my arse to brace himself while he was standing up. The anticipation was overwhelming me, I needed his cock so bad! "Put your hands against the wall Cody, and lean over as far as you can." I did as he said while he roughly pulled his fingers out. It hurt a little, but my need for his dick surpassed that. I looked back just in time as he was slowing pushing the head of his dick inside me. I was too far gone to care that he didn't have a condom on, I was just enjoying the feeling of my hole slowly being filled. I was moaning out of pain & pleasure at the same time. Tim had taken the one hand he was using to guide his cock into me and now had both hands on my hips so he could get as deep as he could. And I wanted him all the way in. He told me to stand up properly and I could feel his pubes against my arse. "ALLL the way into my little bottom faggot!" he announced and Seth & the crew cheered. I could feel his hot breath against my ear and he whispered into it, "Now I've fucked so many arses in my lifetime and I know a virgin when I'm in one. This is your first time isn't it?" I nodded. "I thought so, so I'm gonna make sure you never forget it!" and with that, he pulled my face back into a deep kiss and started pounding me from behind. I was shocked at how good it felt to have a cock inside me, I'd heard about the sensitivity of the prostate & stuff but the absolute pounding Tim was giving my arse was that to the nth degree! I couldn't help but groan my pleasure as he fucked me. I leant my face back towards him for another kiss and he spat into my open mouth, "You need to know your place fag, and that is to lean over further for me." He pulled my legs back a bit & I braced myself against the shower wall for him. I'd seen so many girls striking that pose before in pornos and here I was doing the same. "Oh fuck yes......I can get even deeper here......won't be long now!" I could hear Tim say as he started driving deeper and harder. The poppers had well & truly worn off by now but the feeling of him deep inside me was all too much & I shot thick ropes of cum onto the shower floor. Seth & the guys started to cheer, telling Tim what I'd done. "Fuck yeah...and that's why I'm the best in the business" he said and held himself hard against my arse. I could feel as his cock pulsed that he was cumming inside me which drew me back to reality a bit. I'd taken this guy without a condom & he'd cum in me?! Given he was one of their regular performers, he'd be making sure he was all clear from anything though. "You're a natural mate, now let's make sure it takes so you're fully converted" he whispered as he withdrew his cock before jamming a couple of fingers roughly into my hole, hard enough it made me jump. What did he mean by that? That I was a total bottom now? "He a good one Tim? I heard Seth ask. "Fucking awesome mate, brought us in another beauty" he said and high fived Seth as he walked past. I wanted to catch up with him but Seth called out to me before I could. "You bend over for us Cody so we can see that freshly seeded hole of yours." I did as I was told, and once again, could feel the camera moving in for a closeup on my arse. "Well Tim was right, it does look a lot different from when he started!" I was expecting to feel some cum dribbling out of my arse but I guess Tim had cum so deep (and with the use of his fingers) it was well inside me. "Looks like there's still some cleaning up for you to do too thanks Cody." I turned round and saw the puddle of my cum on the shower floor. "Be a good boy and clean that up for us." and he motioned for me to get down to lick it up. I felt so degraded, on all fours, arse way up in the air and wide open, looking into the camera as I slurped up the cum from the floor. Fortunately I hadn't been using too much soap so I was just slurping & licking up cum with a bit of water from the shower there too so it wasn't too different from last time. Despite how I was feeling & the thoughts racing through my head I picked up every drop and did my best to smile for the camera when it was all gone. Thankfully the cameraman said he'd got enough & I shakily got to my feet again. END OF PART FIVE
    1 point
  42. The first time a breeder top made out with my feet as he fucked my hole I got it. Since then I have foot pics I share with top guys into it.
    1 point
  43. Part 4 He mentioned his ass was warm and he asked for more in his ass. He was begging for it, he had no idea what was coming I was looking at the kids ass, round and inviting and decided that I needed to get a piece of it before the Viagra wore off in me, I took a hefty dose this morning before it took a booty bump myself. I got behind him and asked if he was ready for a hot cock up his hole. He was almost begging for it. The Tina was doing it’s job and he was already starting to sweat. My friend walked in front of the bound kid and said he understood he didn’t want to suck any. He waived his 7”+ cock in front of the kids face and the kid said “ I want to “. You talk about Meth being a bottoms drug. It really is. My friend told me this past week that he finally got a test and was diagnosed as HIV+ and apparently a pretty aggressive strain. His company had him in Germany for 6 months and only got home a couple months ago. All he said about his trip was that those guys really know ow to party and fuck. The kid was sucking on the cock and I lined up mine to his ass. This was going to be epic. I told the kid to take a deep breath and say “ I’m a fagot “. He did as instructed and just as he started to say the line I shoved as hard as I could into his ass. He screamed the word Fagot in a high pitch that sounded like straight porn I use watch labeled Painal where women were anal virgins then the squealed with the penetration. I wish we had gotten a video of that. He was now truly a fagot pig and I was only starting. I fucked hm for a few and rested, I wanted to cum but not that fast. I wanted to open this new pig cunt , I knew what was coming later. My friend put his dripping cock back in his mouth and stared skull fucking him. All the kid was going was muffled moans. I stopped and asked him if he wanted to stop and all we could hear was a muffled NO. I couldn’t hold out any longer and began really pounding is ass. I shot several shots up him. I stayed in him and asked my friend for a plug. He pulled out of the kids mouth and reached for a huge one. I told him to get a smaller on for now. At the same time I let loose a load of chem piss up the kids ass. This was my first today so I knew it would be very potent. I knew it was flooding his guts and it would be spinning him more, he felt it and moaned and said it felt great. This kid was going to be fun. My friend handed the plug with a small shard. I pushed the shard up the kid and then worked the plug in. The kid said it burnt a little . He was well on his way for the next part of his conversion to pig slut
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  44. CH4 Alec had been taking loads for a week now from the twins and Kanan, still unaffected by the bug. He lies in his room fingering himself, wondering just how he'd finally get gifted the bug. He wanted it, the thought alone made him wet. He kept fucking his ass with his fingers until he came all over the bed, lying face down, moaning softly as he pulls his fingers out. Alec hears his phone ding, and he looks to it, he got a text from Giralt saying "Im back". He smiled widely, maybe this would finally be his chance. "Welcome back" He texted back, he then takes a photo of his ass. "Miss me?" He then gets a response. "Oh you know I did, Im coming up now." Giralt then opens the door to Alec's room, being greeted by the sight of a little sissy boy in heat. "I wasnt able to get pozzed yet, Ive been trying my best." Alec tells Giralt. Giralt chuckles and walks towards him, taking something out of his bag. "Well, your immune system is strong, maybe you just need me to not hold back anymore~" He takes off his pants, exposing his monster cock, and thrusts it into Alec. Alec yelps and moans loudly as Giralt brutally butt fucked him. To the both of them, this was no longer about pleasure, it was about breeding, and Giralt was certain that tomorrow Alec would wake up pozzed. Giralt kept thrusting deeper and harder, and Alec loved every moment of it. The little slut even enjoyed it when the thrusting was so intense that he started to bleed. Eventually Giralt dumps his first load into Alec, filling him up. Alec pants and looks up to Giralt smirking. "Is that all you got old timer?" Giralt chuckles. "Watch your mouth, I'm only 35." He then pulls out, looking at Alec's loose hole. "Well now I guess its time for my secret weapon." He takes out a little glass jar. "While I was away, I kept jerking off into this jar, sleeping with the occasional poz guy to make sure my viral counts were extra high. I also made sure to get toxic cum from Kanan, Josh and John. And now an entire week of highly toxic cum from three men is gonna be put inside you. Are you sure you want-" Giralt was cut off by Alec leaning up to kiss him. "I want it" he said as he pulls away. "I wanna stay with all of you forever, so make me yours" Giralt smirks and spreads out Alec's hole, slowly dumping all the cum into him. Alec moans from the feeling of all that sticky cum entering him, sticking to the walls of his ass that were bleeding still. This was it, this was the moment Alec was feeling himself get impregnated by the bug, from the four men he loved the most. His greedy ass easily soaks up all the cum given to it. Eventually the deed was done, but just to make sure their new breeding bitch was pregnant, Giralt called the rest of the boys into the room. Once all together, they began to fuck Alec's loose little hole, taking turn after turn pumping hot seed into him. They also fucked his pretty little mouth, cumming bucket loads down his throat. Alec could practically feel the cum swimming around in his stomach. Eventually they spread out Alec's hole and they all jerked off into it, filling him with the loads of all four men as once. Half way through this, they decided to let Alec have a break, cuddling up next to the exhausted sissy boy. Alec felt like he was in heaven, being cuddled by four muscular hunks all at once. Alec took a nap for a little while. An hour later they were back to it again, fucking the shit out of the little slut. Alec must have taken atleast 50 loads not including the loads from the jar. Eventually they all had to stop for the bed frame's sake. So they ended it off by filling Alec's ass full of piss and their final loads before plugging it up, and also pissing into his mouth which he gratefully swallowed. They then made Alec lick their shafts and balls clean before they all lied down together to fall asleep after this rough day of breeding. The next morning.... Alec opens his eyes, as he went to sit up, he was suddenly hit with something. He felt awful, his body felt like it was on fire, and that he was going to throw up at any second. He realized that he has finally done it, he's finally poz.
    1 point
  45. CH3 Alec woke up the next day, groggily heading to the bathroom to clean up his sticky hole. Despite Giralt's highly toxic load, he did not feel any symptoms of contracting HIV. An Alec from a week ago would be ecstatic to not be Poz after a fucking like that, but this was a new Alec. Alec sighs to himself and puts on some pants, not bothering with a shirt since it was going to be hot outside. Once Alec got outside, he decided to look around for any more toxic studs he could breed with. Eventually he struck gold, two twins were trying to unearth a tree stump in the ground, getting all hot and sweaty, and frustrated, like they needed a release. Alec walks over to them and sits down on the stump they were struggling to unearth. "Looks like you boys are struggling." The twins look down at the neg cutie, nodding. "Well how about this, if you can get this stump out, I'll let you both do whatever you'd like to my neg boy pussy~" He winks and gets off the stump, going up to one of the twins, rubbing his bare chest up against their's. "Well Josh, you heard the little sissy, lets get this fucking thing out the ground." Josh nodded and goes to help his twin. The two eventually unearthed the stump, looking back to Alec. "Well, a deal is a deal" He then rips off Alec's pants. "The name is John, and this is my little brother Josh." Josh gets behind Alec, surrounding the little twink with two muscular bodies that would be more manly than he would ever be. Alec starts to lose it and starts licking and sniffing at John's chest. John chuckles and looks down at him. "Wow, the others turned you into such a pig already? Well shit, this'll be fun." He starts to finger Alec, loosening him up for whats to come, Josh turns Alec's head to him and kisses him while Alec got loosened up. The three men decided to not do this out in the open so they headed to the horse stables to continue. Josh and John then decide who got to fuck which hole, due to being the younger of the two, Josh was left with the mouth while John got first breed. John was very rough, making up for the fact that he was not as big as Kanan or Giralt." Alec moaned like a girl as his g spot got hammered, giving head to Josh. Josh face fucked Alec's pretty little mouth roughly, clearly wishing he could be breeding him instead. Both men came alot, not quite used to a boy as fine as Alec. Josh then looks over to John and finally says. "Okay move over...I want a turn" John smirked. "No way man, Im gonna keep cumming in this ass till my dick goes numb, feels too good" Alec pulls away from Josh's dick, swallowing the most recent load down his throat, feeling both men's toxic cum swim in his stomach and guts. "Well, my ass is kinda loose now,,, we could up try fitting you both in there" He spreads it to prove his point. Both men smirk. "Well if we do that tearing could happen, might hurt and get you pozzed up." Alec giggles with lust in his tone. "I dont care, I love the pain. And I need to get bred, give me your bug please,,," With that confirmation, Josh thrusts into Alec's hole as well, both men pumping inside the little sissy in rhythm. Alec could not stop cumming, his dick twitched everytime they both thrusted back in. The young ranchers continued for hours, having much greater stamina than the older men, filling Alec up to the absolute limit. It ended with them plugging up his hole to keep all their cum inside of him, and pissing into his wide open mouth, not having the courtesy to drink alot of water before hand like Giralt or Kanan. But Alec did not mind that, infact he kept licking at their dicks, trying to get more. The two men then carry the piss and cum covered femboy back to the house to get him cleaned up. Alec felt pangs of feelings, of not just desire towards all four men. Yes they might be brutally breeding him with their toxic cocks, but at the same time they do seem to care about him. After showering he went to sleep, still wondering if he could make this whole deal last more than 6 months.
    1 point
  46. John Saxon on the beach wearing a black swim suit. "Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation" 1962.
    1 point
  47. Part 24 It became clear that Thomas knew what he had gotten himself into as he began to beg to be 'knocked up' and for 'poz cum'. As people started to leave and Thomas was left with the twins and Steve he openly admitted that he had been looking to get pozzed so that he could be free to take any cock and load offered him and possibly poz a few neg asses along the way. This news got Steve thinking and as he looked and the fit, 18 year old asked him if he'd like ti work for him. Thomas didn't hesitate and answered yes without knowing any details. Thomas had a dark side from reading stories on Breeding Zone. He then asked Steve, "What would you want me to do for you?" Steve told him that there were many facets to his business from performing like the twins to being paid to have sex with someone. Thomas began to get hard while Steve went into detail on the money he could make starting with getting paid for his pozzing video that would be privately sold. Noticing Thomas's growing hard cock Steve asked him if he'd like to 'do something with his tool?' Thomas said he wanted to fuck the twin who had watched him fuck his brother. He added that he already gave his brother 3 neg loads and feels he should give his last few to his twin. Thomas had a talent of cumming without the bottom ever knowing it, especially when he's smoked some Tina. The twin in question took Thomas's place in the sling and before he knew it he took 4 loads from the soon to be poz friend. The fourth load was known since it was the largest and strongest orgasm. Thomas was eager to start working for Steve, but was told he could only start working after he had the 'fuck flu'. Thomas understood this and asked what the odds were that the bug took during his getting fucked by so many different guys. Steve told him that the odds were even money considering the rigs used to slam him with were dirty point from poz guys. Sure enough Thomas came down with the 'fuck flu' 10 days later. The first weekend after his recovery Steve had arranged a light schedule of clients and Thomas began his work. Some of the clients he met with wanted to show him off, some wanted to just party and fuck. During this time Thomas kept priming the pump (as he called it) with his nerdy roommate who he knew to be a closeted fag. Troy was his name and he was from a small farming town. Through the talks he had with the shy kid, he knew him to be a virgin. Troy asked a lot of question about gay sax and Thomas could see his little dick get hard as they talked. Thomas thought he's make a good cum dump working for Steve. He took the idea, along with a few pictures he took of his 5'6", 110 pound, brown hair and eyes, slim roommate for Steve to look over. Steve knew that with the right atmosphere and chemical enhancements Troy could easily be turned into the whore he was meant to be. Thomas made one request to Steve, he wanted to be the one to take his roommate cherry and give him his first taste of cock. Steve agreed and with his monthly party coming up the next weekend figured that would be the perfect time for this boy conversion of questioning, neg virgin to poz, cum dump whore. He supplied Thomas with GHB to dose his roommate with before they would leave for the party. All week Thomas started to tell Troy about this exclusive party he was invited too this weekend and that he was allowed to bring one person and he wanted to bring Troy. Troy felt special since he was going to his first real college party and an exclusive party. The night of the party Thomas suggested that they have a drink together before heading over to the party. As they walked across campus Thomas could tell the G was already starting to work on Troy so that when they arrived at Steve's Troy didn't really notice that there were no girls attending. The naked guys swimming didn't even seem to bother the G'ed out Troy, in fact he openly stared at the naked bodies before him, Thomas noticed his roommate gawking at the naked party goers and asked him, "See anything you like?" This made Troy blush and gave Thomas the opening he was looking for as he leaned in and gave his roommate his first real kiss. Troy seemed to naturally accept his roommate's kiss. Thomas made sure to introduce Troy to Steve, Matt and Bam Bam, before escorting Troy to a designated area where he could start to push Troy's buttons and start his journey to becoming Steve whore. The area was semi private with night vision cameras to record all the details. The two kissed again once they were in this secluded spot, this time the kiss was more passionate as Thomas slipped his tongue inside his roommate's mouth causing him to moan. Thomas knew he had to make this 'first time' for Troy one he would never forget. In fact it would be a feeling the soon to be whore would chase again and again as he would try to please any man he was going to be with after that night. As the long, passionate kiss ended Thomas whispered to Troy that with all the talking the two has done that he knew exactly what he needed and that they'd take it as slow r as fast as Troy wanted. Troy nodded in agreement as he leaned in for another kiss. This time as they kissed Thomas began to slowly undress his (now willing) roommate. Soon enough Troy followed his roommate's lead and worked to get his clothes off. In short time both were naked. Thomas first give Troy's 6" cock a light stroke before he made a quick move to give him his first rim job. As he keeled behind the naked roomy he dove in between his hairless ass as he began to lick the outside of his freshly washed hole. Thomas could still smell the faint hint of Ivory soap as he worked his tongue around and eventually into Troy's virgin hole moaning at the new found sensation he was experiencing. In Troy's slightly, bent over position he couldn't help but look between his legs and clearly see in the dim light Thomas's 8", hard, drooling cock bouncing with his heart beat. With the G releasing his inner desires he couldn't help himself as he asked, "Your dick looks so good, can I please suck it? I want to suck my first dick." Not wanting to disappoint, Thomas Stood up knowing (from his personal experience) that a good whore gets on his knees to suck cock. As he applied a little pressure to Troy's shoulders getting him to lower to his knees he let him know, "Of course you can suck my cock." As Troy assumed his new position on his knees Thomas let him know as he grabbed himself, "This is a cock, not a dick, if you want to suck my cock, do it right and please me, you'll need to follow my directions, understand?" Troy looked up and answered a simple "Yes." Thomas began to instruct Troy in the art of sucking cock. He first had Troy show his cock love with his tongue before having him take the head into his mouth. Troy was eager to please as he followed everything he was told. Troy was a little hesitant when it came time to take his roommate's cock into his throat. Thomas simply looked down at him and he knew his place and that if he was going to be good at sucking cock he'd have to learn to deep throat a cock. Thomas told him to breath in through his nose as he lowered himself onto his cock and to relax his throat as the tip reached the back of his mouth. Once his cock was there ready to enter he was to breath his cock into his throat. With Thomas's hand on the back of his head he had little choice as he felt his head being pushed down and the cock he was sucking slowly snaking its way down his throat. He did his best to follow the directions he was given. Just as he thought he was going to puke or pass out due to the lack of air, the hand on his head let up and he was able to slowly pull back. Thomas let Troy know that he did well for his first deep throating and asked if he was up to try again. As if sucking cock and deep throating was becoming natural to Troy (and it was) he bobbed up and down 2 times before burying his nose in his roommate's pubs. Troy repeated this a couple more times to Thomas's amazement and bring him close to feeding Troy his pos cum. Of course he had better plans for his poz seed. He pulled Troy off his cock as he lowered himself so that the two could kiss some more. While the two kissed Thomas asked, "Are you liking what were doing so far?" Troy answered with a "Yes" to which he was told, "Stand up and turn around, I was to eat that ass some more. Get you ready to lose that virginity you told me about." Troy had an idea where this was going and stood up and turned giving Thomas access to his ass. It was now time to get Troy's hole ready to be 'seeded'. Thomas had a small bottle of warming lube (warmed from the Tina mixed into it) along with a nice shard of Tina. He figured he'd tell the dumb farm kid as he started to lube his hole after a good rimming that he was 'opening' him up in preparation for his thick cock. Again Troy couldn't help himself as he began to moan while Thomas began to work his tongue around and then inside Troy's neg ass. Thomas again asked his roommate if he was enjoying himself. At first troy nodded yes, but then added, "OH FUCK! Take me, give me what you know I need. You know I want it all." Was Troy asking to not just be fucked, but to be pozzed? In the small farming community where Troy grew up it was very religious. It was so religious they never taught sex education in school. There was no information provided on safe sex, the use of condoms or HIV. Thomas knew all this and why Troy was ripe for the 'picking' (or pozzing in this case). Thomas knew it was time to 'lube' the neg boy up and start getting his ass hungrier for his cock. He alternated between tongue and finger as he let Troy know, "I'm going to start getting you ready for what you really need." Troy again could only nod in agreement as he felt the transition from tongue to fingers. The first bit of tainted lube pushed in by a single finger into his tight hole made Troy gasp. It was followed by a little more lube and a second finger as Thomas slowly worked his fingers stretching and tearing at the walls getting them ready for his seed to be planted. A low moan was still escaping through Troy's lips as more lube was added along with a third finger. When Thomas pulled his three fingers from Troy's hole he marveled at how his hole seemed to stay open a few seconds as if it was asking for something more. Thomas knew exactly what it was asking for and knew it was time to booty bump the unsuspecting roommate. Thomas took the Tina shard with some more lube and slipped it inside as he let Troy know he was almost ready after he stretched him open some more. With his three fingers he pushed the shard in as far as it would go and then began to flex his fingers so that Troy would think the slight burn was from having his hole stretched open to accommodate the poz spike that was ready to breed him. Troy's ass began to respond as the shard inside him was almost completely melted. He began to grind his ass backwards onto Thomas's hand trying to get more inside. Thomas knew he was more than ready as he stood up behind his roommate, wrapped his arms around his body, positioned his cock at the entrance to his neg ass and slowly applied pressure trying to breach the outer ring. What surprised him was Troy pushing back and trying to impale himself onto his cock. As his cock head popped inside Troy let out a decent moan that was sure to be heard by anyone around the corner at the party. Both of them held still as Thomas first kissed Troy on neck before whispering, "Breathe in and just stay still, breathe in and relax, let your hole get accustomed to having a cock inside." The two were frozen still. As much as Thomas wanted to just go ahead and plow on in and fuck he knew that he needed to let Troy enjoy his first fuck, to learn the pleasure his ass would give others as well as the pleasure it would bring him when he let anyone fuck him. As the two stood there Thomas could feel Troy's hole start to relax and open up as it accepted his hard cock. He was already heavily leaking precum as he asked Troy, "How are you doing bro? Are you ready for some more of my cock in your hole?" Troy not only nodded he began to push back as Thomas took the cue and slowly pushed forward. Troy couldn't understand how all of a sudden he felt this hunger inside his ass that could only be satisfied by being filled by a dick, no not a dick, a cock. As he continued to moan he turned his head a little and asked Thomas, "Push it all in. Please push your cock all the way inside me. Make me yours." Thomas replied, "Only if your sure." About a third of his cock remained to be pushed inside as Troy nodded yes and added "I'm sure." Thomas first gave Troy a kiss on his neck. He didn't need to be asked again. With the position Troy was in and the hold he had on his body gave him the ability to thrust forward sinking his cock balls deep and eliciting a yelp (that was definitely heard by the party guests) followed by a satisfying moan. Thomas held still allowing Troy to get used to his thick, 8" cock before he st about slowly pistoning in and out of the former virgin. It took about 10 minutes for Thomas to give Troy his first poz load. The next load took a little longer. Troy continued to moan as Thomas began to fuck him making Thomas wonder if this was just cause it is his first time getting fucked or would he do this with anyone who fucked him as a whore. Thomas made sure that Troy was enjoying his fucking, although he figured he must be since he was pushing back to meet his inward thrusts. Thomas said, "I can tell your enjoying my cock inside you." Troy replied, "Yes I am. Are you enjoying having your big, thick cock inside me?" Thomas gave a nice hard thrust as he was close to delivering his second load and answered, "What does that tell you" while giving Troy a couple more hard thrusts eliciting the former virgin to moan with each one. Troy then asked, "Fuck me like you know I need to be fucked. Give it all to me. I want to feel you explode inside me." He had no idea what he had just asked for and Thomas wasn't going to let him down as he moved his arms from around Troy's body to placing his hands on Troy's hips as he began to power fuck his roommate. He delivered 2 more loads without Troys knowledge before his cum dump said, "Your cock feels so hard, so big inside me. It feels so good to have your cock inside me. Fuck, I need your cum inside me making me yours." The cum already inside Troy had him marked. The drugs he has already had, and soon to have more, will cement his brain to chase this feeling again and again with every man he is paid to service. Thomas was really pounding into Troy. He asked his fuck toy, "Are you sure you're ready for me to breed your ass?" Troy nearly shouted, "Yes, fuck yes, breed me!" That was enough to send Thomas over the edge as he slammed into Troy deeper than he had past the deep internal ring) and shot his biggest load. As the two were recovering from their fuck Thomas noticed a figure in the shadows. He knew it was Steve.
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  48. Part 20 A few night later Matt showed the video of the boys to Steve. Steve knew the guy who hosted these partied main business was having his boys perform on camera. They had an agreement that they never tried int the other's line of business without consulting the other before. Steve knew that his friend rented his boys out on rare occasions and only to their 'fans' who paid to make their fantasy come true. Steve had always wanted a couple 'performance' boys to do live sex shows at private parties. He thought the idea of the twins working for him like that was a perfect idea. Since Matt discovered the talent he had rights to them as per their agreement. He called his buddy to discuss this before having Matt retrieve the twins for a private meeting where they'd get an offer they wouldn't refuse. Matt knew exactly how to contact the twins without drawing attention. He knew that they like to go on a run every night. He took Bam Bam and they waited down the block his Bam Bam car knowing the twins would stop to talk. After they left the party the twins were so out of the closet. The twins got in the back of Bam Bam's car and began to make out which progressed into cock sucking and ending with them fucking. The twins thanked the two men who helped them out of their shell. Matt told them, "Don't thank us yet. We can show you a lot more if you're interested." The twins were excited at the chance for these college men to teach them more and that's when they told Matt about their nightly run since their father wouldn't let them have cell phones. Upon seeing the car the twins made a quick stop at the open window and leaned in to hear what Matt had to say. Matt asked them when they would be able to get away for a night like they had that previous weekend. The twins looked at each other knowing that their parents had a wedding to go to that up coming weekend and they would be home alone from Thursday through Monday. Matt asked, "You think you could skip school on Friday?" to which the twins replied, "No problem." Matt told them to be ready after school and arranged a place to pick them up. The weekend quickly came and soon the twins were brought over to Steve's. They had no idea what was really planed for them they night as they were taken to the basement basement where they were allowed to shower and clean up (an out) as the final 'preparations' for the weekend were made. When the twins were ready they rejoined both only in their underwear, a now naked Matt and Bam Bam who had a naked Robbie with them. The twins quickly shucked what little they had in upon seeing their naked hosts before being shown the play area that was well equipped with a number of items that intrigued the twins. One thing they recognized were the two slings hanging in the middle of the room. They were then asked what they had been up to all week at home. The twins could hardly contain themselves as they confessed to fucking when ever they could with their parents in the next room while the three college men were already blowing clouds as Matt asked, "You just kissed and fucked? What but sucking cock?" With the twins staring at the pipe they admitted they had thought about that but liked fucking more. Matt told "It's time you learn" as the pipe was now being passed between the twins as Robbie dropped to his knees and directed the twins to join him as he began to suck Matt's cock first (since he is not as big as his boyfriend, Bam Bam) taking the rod into his throat a couple times before switching to Bam Bam's cock which he had no problem deep throating his monster cock. The whole time the twins were watching they were blowing some impressive clouds. After some instruction it was time for the twins to try sucking both cocks. Knowing this was (possibly/probably) not easy for them to accomplish, they wanted to see them try. After only being able to get the cock to the back of their throats it was time for Plan B. That's where Robbie really was going to fit in with his smaller cock. They then had the twins start taking sucking on Robbie and soon they were deep throating him with ease. Then the twins moved onto taking turns sucking each other since they each seemed to have bigger cocks them Robbie, but not nearly what Matt and Bam Bam were packing. The plan here was mostly Steve's with the idea of getting them into sucking each other for an audience making suggestions they took turns sucking each other. Once the Matt was satisfied that the twins had found a 'new hobby' to occupy their time he figured it was going to take a little more to get them to swallow cum. It was time for a little G before the twins were going to be shown the finer points of swallowing. They were each given a cup of G laced cola and tole to drink it all down as they continued to play with each other as the 3 college men watched. As the action continued they were prompted as to what they should do as the G took effect. The audience grew as the action between the twins continued until it was clear that they were going to need more 'chemical' courage. When Steve finally joined the small group he was introduced to the twins. He asked the twins how much they were enjoying their new found mutual pleasure. After the twins admitted to Steve, the gather group and themselves that they each had thought about sex with each other. Steve then told them how they could make some money working for him, but they needed to be able to follow direction. He then asked them about their fucking each other and if they liked dumping their load inside the other's ass. The twins admitted they liked that the best. The twins were then asked about swallowing the other's cum, to which the twins admitted that they were a little apprehensive about swallowing since their (straight) male friends admitted that girls they would get blow jobs from didn't like to swallow. That's when Bam Bam stepped forward with Robbie who quickly knelt at his (more dominant) boyfriend's feet and began sucking cock like his life depended on it for life. The twins watched as Bam Bam placed his hand on the back of Robbie's head to prevent him from pulling off (as if he would even try) and within a few minutes it was very clear Bam Bam was ready to blow his load. Bam Bam grunted as he filled Robbie's mouth. Steve whispered something to the twins as they watch only nodding in agreement. He looked to Matt and nodded. Matt then appeared with 2 sets of ankle and wrist restraints. The twins were then bound before each was given a small slam. One by one the twins were getting his mouth 'raped' by a member of the small group gathered not being given a chose as to swallow (or not). Steve and Matt were the first to feed the twins a load. After they were done each of the guys who came to watch the new sex performers "audition" took a turn giving the twins a taste of cum. Within a couple hours the twins were freely swallowing and ended the 'audition' by 69'ing until each had tasted his brother's cum. To celebrate their new found love of cum Steve told the twins that they could get into the slings and be slammed again as they would be gang banged like the previous weekend. Neither twin said a word as they climbed into the slings and (without the need of being restrained), freely took a large slam. As each twin coughed out and rode what would eventually would become familiar to them just before taking a load from every guy present but multiple loads from Steve, Matt, Bam bam and Robbie.
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  49. Part 18 Bam Bam gave Charlie a ride home early Monday morning. Right after he disappeared into the house Bam Bam saw his father down the street. He slowly drove towards him with his window rolled down. Bam Bam let him know that everything h e wanted was accomplished. He had been exposed to Bam Bam's un-medicated virus through multiple loads deep in his ass along with dirty needles that contained some of his poz blood. He also reported that by the end of the couple days his son was openly asking for Tina any way he could get it into his body. His son was given a small amount of Tina, a pipe a one dirty needle to inject himself with if he desperately wanted to slam. Bam Bam was handed an envelope containing $1500 as Charlie's father said, "Half now, the other half converts." Bam Bam told the man, "I figure he'll be poz 7 to 10 days." He was basing the tie frame on when Robbie converted after his weekend visiting. Robbie began to feel slightly ill one week after his visit. His conversion was solely from poz cum he had deposited inside his ass from himself and Matt. He figured the added poz blood he received in the dirty needles along with the extended drug use he expected from the 18 year-old cum dump would get him there about the same time if not quicker. Bam Bam made the drive back to school and found Robbie home alone in bed. Bam Bam knew Robbie had an appointment Saturday night to strip for some drunk frat boys before servicing each and every brother who was there to watch him do his thing. He quickly stripped off his clothes to join his boyfriend naked in bed. The two shared stories of their weekend work which turned them both on to the point where Robbie quickly mounted Bam Bam's growing cock using the cum still present in his ass for lubrication. This brought Bam Bam around knowing that they both would be needing to add something to the fucking that was just beginning. Robbie had 2 points prepared as he handed his man a rig he prepared or himself. The two became still as they each simultaneously slammed the other. They kissed as they removed their tourniquets together only breaking the kiss as they each coughed before They rolled over so Robbie was on his back as Bam Bam began to plow his ass. They spent the morning fucking before Robbie had to go to a late afternoon class and Bam Bam had a lecture right after dinner. Bam Bam made sure to see Steve before going to his lecture to give him the $1500 he received for his work that weekend. Steve took $500 out of the envelope and handed it back to Bam Bam along with a bag of Tina. He then asked his new boss where he was headed the coming weekend only to be told that the next scheduled pozzing would be in 2 to 3 weeks. He had someone who wanted to get back at his ex boyfriend by pozzing him through his new boyfriend. The only activity for the weekend ahead was Robbie going to a private party at a local rave. This rave was held every 3 months. The guy who arranges the rave has always had a VIP room where special guests could hang out. He was able to book Robbie to work the room as a sort of host making sure his special guests are treated right. When the weekend came Bam Bam went with Matt as he took Robbie over to the rave to work. The host invited them to stay as long as they wanted. The two figured they check out the guys attending the rave to see if they could find a boy to corrupt. They quickly spotted a group of high seniors from one of the area high schools. Matt knew that they were seniors when he spied the twins in the group. He knew the twins twins (Allan and Arthur) from wrestling and although they were seniors, the pair was 19 years old. Their parents held them back a year to help with their wrestling in high school. Matt made a comment to Bam Bam that he thought their might be something going on between the two identical twins as they continued to scope the group out the group of dancing jocks. They watched as they began to break away dwindling the group from 8, to 6 to 5 before 3 dudes headed off leaving the twins all alone. The guys who split off went to chase female pussy (although it was suspected one of them went after a known bottom boi fag with whom they'd easily end up getting action with before the night was over. Matt thought this was a perfect opportunity to lure the twins away from the rave. he knew that the twins were big pot heads. He hoped that they might remember him from last summers wrestling camp when he first laid eyes on the two and figured them to be closeted fags. He knew neither had a girlfriend saying that they didn't want a girl to get int he way of their wrestling. The two were inseparable. Matt figured with a little weed, some G and Miss Tina, he could bring these boy out of their shell and discover their true self. The twins looked like they needed a break when Matt went over to say hi allowing him to introduce his friend Bam Bam. One of the twins asked Bam Bam about his nick name, to which he was given a direct answer about his club of a cock. The twins seemed oblivious to much of what was being talked about until Matt suggested they go somewhere and smoke a little weed that he had with him. Matt was familiar with the rave having attended the last one and he knew there was an area where they could go and light up. The weed was primo stuff and quickly had the twins baked since they made sure to get them to smoke more then the two college guys smoked. The next step was to offer the twins a 'drink'. Although anyone over 18 could get into the rave, they were strict when it came to serving alcohol. Of course Matt had a small bottle of booze that they could slip into their can of Coke with no one being the wiser. A nice dose of GHB was added to each of their Coke cans and between the weed and the G both twins were starting to loosen up while also starting to become slightly tired. Matt knew this opened up an avenue to lead the twins down the path of no return. They told the twins about a banging private party they could go to where they do some more drinking as the Twins were quietly escorted the sluggish twins out a back door so they wouldn't be seen leaving with the two college jocks as began to yawn and fight to stay awake. One twin was placed in the front seat of Bam Bam's car as the other was put in the back seat with Matt. As they drove off Matt commented kept building up the party as the twins fought to keep their eyes open. It was time to introduce them to Miss T. Matt pulled out his pipe and torch as he told the twins he had something to 'perk' them up for the rest of the night (and a good chunk of the next couple days) as he lit a torch and heated the bowl. He inhaled a decent hit before blowing the white cloud out and saying, "Damn, that's good!" He then handed the pipe to Bam Bam so he could take a hit. After he exhaled the white smoke he added his own comment, "I really needed that hit" before handing the pipe back to Matt who was now offering it to a curious twin asked what was in the pipe thinking it was more weed, "More weed will probably put me to sleep." Matt told them, "This stuff is a mild stimulant called T. It will help wake you guys up. So relax, let loose and have fun." He then urged them do as he and Bam Bam did in sucking the smoke and blowing out some clouds. Matt first offered the pipe to the twin in the back directing him when to start sucking in the magic smoke. Bam Bam made a comment about being hot as the twin in the back was blowing out his first cloud. When the twin in the front took his first hit and blew out an impressive cloud, Matt was agreeing with his friend driving about being too warm as they each took his t-shirt off revealing their well defined, muscular upper bodies. As the pipe went back and forth between the two twins each one cloud help from noticing the half naked stud sitting next to him. After each had taken 5 massive hits as Matt and Bam Bam worked to challenge each twin to attempt to out do the other by taking a bigger and bigger hit off the pipe. By this point each twin had perked up and began to feel the warmth around them as Matt encouraged them to take off their shirts. The twin in the front seat was the first to bare his smooth, lean, defined upper body before he told his brother to quit being a pussy and take off his shirt. The one twin in the back seat with Matt was trying to sneak a look at Matt's well defined upper body. He quickly asked Matt, "How hard was it to develop such your chest and arms?" The twin in the front seat was now looking back at Matt as he answered, "I got this from years of wrestling." Matt then flexed his arms and chest before suggesting the twins have a feel of his muscular upper body as they touched us arms, shoulders, chest and abs. Matt then pointed out the definition Bam Bam had was was all natural. Bam Bam never really spent any significant time in the weight room like Matt. Bam Bam offered then had the twins feel his body like they had done to Matt asking them to compare their muscular bodies. The twin's opinions were split with each twin picking the one that were sitting next to in the car. Then Matt and Bam Bam commented on how lean and fit the twins looked each now picking the twin that had picked them. Bam Bam was the the first of the two to reach over and feel the upper body of the twin next to him. Matt made sure to add his ow two cents in and compliment the twin close to him as he reach over an felt the twin's arms, chest and paying particular attention to his tight stomach. At first the uninvited touching ad the twins a little freaked, but after all they had just touched both of the guys they were riding with when they suddenly began to feel a little excited about being shirtless and touched. It was a long drive to get to the party they were taking the twins too and since they didn't want them to remember the directions, let a lone, the parties location. They twins began to ask more questions about the party, something they probably should have done before getting into the car. After a good 30 minutes they pulled up to a nice house on the edge of a near by town. The twins had no idea where they were or what they were in for as Bam Bam parked his car. The twins were about to put their shirts back on when Matt told them to leave them off. He added,"It typically gets very warm inside, your shirts will be safer in the car. Besides you guys have great lean, tight bodies. You should show them off." The twins followed Matt's advice and seeing the two older, well built guys leaving their shirts int he car did the same. The twins followed Matt and Bam Bam as they walked up to the house and walked right inside without ringing the door bell or even knocking. They seemed to know some of the people at the party as Matt had Bam Bam take the twins to the den. With the little bit of Tina and G already in the twins they probably didn't notice the crowd at the party were mostly gay guys, most of them showing some skin (with a couple bare ass naked) now ogling the half naked twinks. Matt quickly joined them with G spiked drinks as Bam Bam offered the pipe so that the twins could blow more clouds. Before too long each twin had taken another half dozen hits as they slowly drank down their drinks. Both twins seemed oblivious to what was going on around them as their eyes seemed to be half open. Matt took this opportunity to lean over and kiss the twin who rode with him in the back seat as Matt was working on his twin to shot gun of Tina. Matt wasn't sure what the twin's initial reaction would be, but knew what ever it was, it could be changed with more G and T. The twin Matt started to kiss surprised him as he quickly parted his lips giving allowing his tongue access to his mouth along with a quiet 'MMMM" to be heard. Bam Bam was already on his second shotgun with his twin as he got him to stand up as they were now kissing as they embraced and allowing him to loosen the twin's belt letting his baggy jeans to fall to the ground leaving him only in a pair of skimpy green bikini briefs.. Not to be out done, Matt maneuvered his twin to stand as Bam Bam began to lead his twin towards the host up stairs play area. Matt followed his friend as he worked to free his twin from his cargo shorts which now had this twin only wearing some black CK boxer briefs The guy who owns the house was a good friend of Steve. He created his second floor play room by knocking down all the walls (with the exception of 4 small, private play rooms. He had half a dozen slings hanging from the ceiling and mirrors on the ceiling and walls which provided the ability to see most of the action. Not to mention the numerous hidden cameras that recorded all of the action, They were greeted at the top of the stairs by one of the host 'house boys' who asked, "Fresh meat?" Matt simply nodded as he granted them access as Matt whispered to the 'house boy' and handing him his bag of party supplies. Matt knew he could trust the houseboy to make up a 4 slams, a couple nice ones for the twins and one each for he and Bam Bam. Most of the part guests were still down stairs except for a few who followed the twins as they were guided to the second floor. The twins were easily maneuvered into the slings as they lost the last bit of clothing that remained. Once in the sling the twins were distracted as they each were now on the receiving end of a rim job and thus allowing Matt and Bam Bam to loose their own clothing. Like clock work the house boy who had greeted them at the top of the stairs returned with a few of his fellow house boys to assist in making sure that each twin was secure in his sling. The twin had no clue as now a naked Matt and Bam Bam moved from where they had been eating ass to standing next to their twin with point and tourniquet in hand. With the ability to see each other in the mirrors of the play room they each began to administer the slams to their respective twin. They quickly applied the tourniquet and without the twins being ant the wiser with the G freely flowing through their lean, compact bodies, had a needle slipped in a prominent vein. They each registered that familiar red flash just before pushing the plunger down and bring the twins on the last step to becoming chem sex slam pigs, Matt spoke as the twins began coughing, "Ride it out boys, we'll see you on the other side" as he and Bam Bam moved back between their twins spread legs and administered their own slams. As the now wide eye and confused twins looked up at the naked forms before them as they were each impaled by a hard cock driven balls deep as the host joined them proclaiming, "Let the fucking begin!"
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  50. Part 16 As the new semester started Matt had stetted into one of Steve's spare bedrooms. Bam Bam & Robbie were moved into the one bedroom apartment Matt once occupied. The studio was left vacant for the time being. With the addition of Robbie who was Steve's first 'willing' worker. Matt already had him booked to work some special parties. The one thing none of them knew was Robbie's dancing abilities as he quickly became know as a stripper (which made a good cover for when he went out to service men). Shortly after the weekend Robbie spent on campus, Bam Bam was already getting action as a potent gifter. His first gig was for a single father who wanted his 'queer fag of a son' pozzed on his 18th birthday. The details were clear, he was to use what ever methods necessary to accomplish the job. Matt, with the help of James, taught Bam Bam everything he needed to know on how to administer a booty bump to an unsuspecting bottom, prepare and administer a slam, the importance of GHB and how best to dose (so that he intended does not get too much). Bam Bam was a quick study and was ready for the job earlier then expected. The set up was for the kids 18th birthday dinner where Bam Bam would make contact his target. He was able to get some G added to the kid's drink and with the right moves, hoped to take him to a local hotel. There was help from the kid's father as the night progressed, The father played it up as Bam Bam flirted with his target by urging him to talk to Bam Bam. The kid was a little reluctant, apparently not enough G in his drink. The opening came when on Que excused himself and headed to the bathroom. Bam Bam wasted no time and approached and wished the kid a 'Happy Birthday!' As the conversation continued the kid finish his drink allowing all the G to get into his system. Bam Bam asked if the kid was enjoying himself to which the lid admitted it was ok. Bam Bam when in for the 'kill' asking the newly 18 year old if he'd like to celebrate his birthday with a lonely, out of town visitor. The kids eyes lit up at the offer and with some urging, the kid left a note for his dad and the two walked out. Getting into Bam Bam's car (which Steve supplied as part of his work), Bam Bam gave the kid a birthday kiss on the cheek before they sped off for Bam Bam's hotel. After parking the car and heading inside the room. Bam Bam offered to make the kid a drink, asking if he would like a rum and coke (of course with the G in his system he was not going to get any alcohol, but more G), as Charlie had a seat on a love seat that was in the room. As each had his own drink, Bam Bam finally asked the kids name. Bam Bam introduced himself as Lucas before asking the kid for his name. The replied, "Charles, Jr, but most people call me Charlie." They chatted about consequential, mundane topics as the G slowly took affect on the intended victim. Bam Bam began to put the moves on the kid as the effects of the G became self evident. First he placed his hand on Charlie's thigh as he began to kiss him. Then slowly he moved his hand higher up the kid's thigh and closer to his slightly noticeable cock. Charlie showed a slight hesitation to Bam Bam advancements even with the G already consumed.. He took this opportunity to attempt to get the open up asking him about his sexual experience to which Charlie admitted that the only experience he had had was jerking off while watching porn. This gave an opening for Bam Bam. With his laptop already connected to the TV he asked if he could put some porn on the TV for them to watch. Charlie jumped at the idea since he only had a couple, short video clips on his phone. Once the porn started playing it was easy to get Charlie to finish his drink (and the remaining G). The videos being played were a mix of home made by Steve with some commercial porn. Bam Bam assured the 18 year old that he was going to be gentle as he showed charlie the time of his life, adding, "We won't do anything you don't want to do, I promise." He knew full well that with the G (and soon to be T) in the boy's system along with Bam Bam pushing the right buttons, the kid would do anything Bam Bam wanted. The porn had the kid memorized and increased his horniness. Bam Bam resumed exploring the kids body with his hands and soon was kissing the kid full on the lips. He easily slipped his tongue into Charlie's mouth as his hand moved over a hard cock. Charlie moaned slightly as his cock was ever so slightly squeezed. Charlie really liked the porn and asked if there was anyway he could get a copy. Bam Bam flashed a devilish smile and answer that he intended to leave a copy for the teen. Before Charlie knew it he was slowly being undressed. His shirt found its way to the floor as his belt was loosened and the button on his cargo shorts was unfastened. Bam Bam had the kid stand up allowing his jeans to fall to the floor leaving him in a pair of bright blue 2xist, low rise briefs. As charlie sat back down on the love seat as Bam Bam quickly removed his own shirt. They resumed kissing as now Charlie let his hand roam over Bam Bam's body, quickly finding his belt already unfastened to which he unbuttoned Bam Bam's khaki's and the two stood up allowing the slacks to fall to the ground as Bam Bam guided he prey to the bed. Once at the beds edge he pushed the teen onto the bed where he landed on his back. This gave an opportunity to remove his briefs. The G was in full effect as Charlie made to attempt to protest as he lay there now naked, looking up at Bam Bam now wearing a nice pair of black Andrew Christian boxer briefs that really accentuated the size of his growing cock. While looking down at the innocent looking teen beneath him, Bam Bam hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his boxer briefs and slid them down before climbing on the bed to resume kissing Charlie. The now naked two-some kept exploring until Bam Bam made a move to give Charlie his first blow job. He took the kids (nearly) 7", hard cock into his mouth down the the root as Charlie let out an 'Oh my GOD!' The blow job had its intended effect on Charlie, but had to be stopped quickly as Bam Bam could sense the kid would cum real soon if he continued. He made his move, to the disappointment of Charlie at first. But when he pushed the teen's legs back and began to give him his first out-n-out rim job, the moans returned. The kid needed to be shown that his hole was to be the center of all his pleasure as was directed by the man paying for Bam Bam's work, the kid's father. What was not know to that point was that his father intended to turn his son into his private cum dump while sharing him with his friends and maybe whoring him out for drugs. This position gave Bam Bam the opportunity to booty pump the unsuspecting teen as he started to prepare the kids hole for his 9" death stick. As Charlie was lost in the sensations he was experiencing for the first time Bam Bam used the porn to distract the kid as a video showing a young, 18 year old Lucas being fucked by Matt. Bam Bam drew Charlies attention to the video and saying, if your lucky, "Maybe that will be you tonight.? Between the G in him, the physical sensation of being rimmed and visually watching a teen kid like him getting fucked had his mind distracted enough to allow Bam Bam to slip a spit lubed (Bam Bam's preferred lubrication) finger inside where nothing had ever been before. He made sure to hit the kid's prostate sending a shock wave through the kids body. Charlie watched as the twink in the video was getting fucked. As he watched he realized he did not see a condom on the top (Matt) and asked about this fact. While alternating between eating the kids virgin ass, and slipping a finger (or two) inside he let his prey know "This is a bareback video. I'm guessing the little clips you watched had the top wearing a condom?" With his eyes still occupied by the porn on the TV, Charlie slowly shook his head 'yes as Bam Bam took this opportunity to slip a shard of Tina inside hos hole along with a third finger. Charlie complained for a moment about a slight burning in his ass as Bam Bam worked the shard in as deep as he could telling the teen, "Relax sexy boy, I'm just working to open up this tight hole of yours so I can give you my birthday gift" This would have Charlie thinking that any burn he would feel from Tina being shoved into his hole was just Bam Bam loosening him for his steel, meat, spike. After a third decent shard of Tina was deep inside Charlie, Bam Bam got on the bed next to the teen and had him lay on top so he could work on getting his 9" death stick hard while Charlies hole was finalized for penetration. He urged Charlie that if he wanted his cock inside his hole, he'd have to get it as slick as he could. As Bam Bam continued to rim, finger and booty bump Charlie, he also coached him in the art of sucking cock. When he had added a fifth a final shard of Tina, he took his free hand to the back of Charlie's had and helped him work down his cock until his cock was 2/3 the way in the teen's mouth and poised at the back of his throat. Although this was the first cock Charlie had ever sucked he knew from the mini porno clips he had watched that it was important to be able to get the other guy's cock in as far as possible. Bam Bam told him to breath through his nose and on the next down stroke his only thought should be to relax and breath his cock. He should concentrate on the pleasure he was receiving from the cock in his mouth and the pleasure he would bring when it slides into he throat. With that said, when Charlie worked down the 9" shaft when he reached the point where the cock was right at the entrance to his throat, Bam Bam applied enough force to the back of his head he only had one choice as to what to do next (whether he was ready or not), that cock was going down he throat. He did his best to follow what he was told, concentrating on the pleasure he was giving as the cock seemed to grow hard inside his throat and pushing a little further into his throat. Bam Bam didn't hold him there long and soon Charlie was allowed to pull back so he could grab a breath of air while still getting his ass eaten. He moved down again with a determination to deep throat this cock on his own. Again, there was the hand on the back of his head as the cock slid into he throat before he stopped still a good inch from his goal as a little pressure was applied allowing about half and inch more to slide in before the hand let up and Charlie repeated getting a quick breath before quickly plunging back down the full length of Bam Bam's cock this time feeling his pubes in his chin as he continue to work the last little bit inside with the hand on the back of his head nearly resting on his head. Bam Bam felt a sense of accomplishment since Charlie proceeded to work all of his 9", dripping, rock hard cock completely in he throat 3 more times as a sixth and final shard of meth was shoved inside with 3 fingers as Bam Bam made sure to massage the prostate. Charlie stroked Bam Bam's slicked up cock and only had one thing to say,"FUCK ME!" It very clear that both the G and T had taken effect in the birthday boy. Although this plea was noticed, it was ignored as the attention given to his aching prostate and hole continued and intensified. Now the virgin asked again, but with more pleading in his voice, "PLEASE FUCK ME! FUCK ME LIKE A BITCH!" Charlie was asked, "Are you sure you are ready and can handle this fucking you?" Charlie shook his head yes and added, "If I can take this in my throat in my throat, I'm sure I can get it in my ass." The kid was ready for his birthday present, a present that would last the rest of his life. Bam Bam had Charlie stand up and straddle him before lowering his ass right over his throbbing, dripping, spit slicked cock. Suddenly Charlie felt the tip at the entrance to virgin territory as Bam Bam guided him down. When the pressure was sufficient the tip of Bam Bam's cock slipped inside as Charlie could only say,"OH FUCK!" Bam Bam helped to steady the teen who had just started to impale himself onto his cock. Slowly Charlie slid down until he was just over 3/4 the way down as the tip was now at the deep internal ring. Bam Bam grabbed popper (that were planed to be close at hand) and instructed the impaled teen on their use while he held him firmly by the hips holding him in place. After a half dozen good hits in each nostril Charlie was told to recap the poppers, take some deep breaths, relax and let gravity do the work. As Charlie was taking those deep breaths it was like a switch was thrown as the last reaming part of Bam Bam's cock disappeared inside him.
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