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  1. I would like to give my readers to this story a say on what Sir Doug gets sub Jason high on in the next chapter via react emojis to this comment. The choices are; pig = K thanks = Angel Dust upvote = Meth Clouds like = LSD
    7 points
  2. I heard about this club from one of my regular fuck buddies who knew I was really into vampires and while he was fucking the hell out of my hole he told me these guys and only guys don't just dress up as vampires and party they all get fangs implanted in their mouths and share blood during their parties but only after they get bitten themselves and are excepted into the coven . Hearing all this while he was plowing my hole really got me excited and it made my ass clamp down on his cock and made him moan more as he came in my ass causing me to come on the bed. Once we both could breathe better he slipped out of my ass with a pop and we sat for a moment and he explained more to me about this club. He told me since tonight was halloween the vampires were holding a night of a masquerade party to start and there everyone was welcome but at the stroke of midnight all the guys who didn't want to stay for the orgy left the club and the owner locked the doors and the frenzy started. He told me the dress code for new comers was slacks and white button shirt with a tie and a jock underneath so the coven members knew who were the humans and the bottoms for the night while the coven members dressed in the old aristocrat way. After he told me all of this I went and got all I needed for the night including a mask to wear and the rest of the day I was so excited I couldn't stay still. I made sure to clean my ass thoroughly around 7 and made my way to the club downtown and was impressed with it. The building was a 2 story castle style and it had been decked out for Halloween with lights gargoyles and everything else that made you feel like you stepped back through time. I got to the door and was let in by a massive muscled man dressed as an aristocrat and when he saw me he smiled enough that I could see his fangs. Seeing this plus the mounds of muscle on this man made me so hard and I could feel the precum running in my jock. He had in blue contacts and I could see how the shirt he was wearing with his costume could easily be ripped if he flexed in it. I licked my lips as he let me in the club and as I walked by him he held onto my arm as he crouched down and slipped his meaty hand down the back of my pants and probed my lubed hole. He smiled again showing those pointy whites and whispered in my ear that he was looking forward to the after party and he would be looking for me. The sound of his smooth deep voice made me tremble and clench my hole around his probing digit. He slipped it out and licked it saying that he hoped I enjoyed the night. I stepped through and was welcomed by the sound of some great music and the sights of many men all dancing drinking and lewdly feeling up everyone they could get their hands on. I smiled as I walked up to the bar and was greeted by the bartender that was also dressed as a aristocratic vampire. I say dressed but really all his costume was the clothes painted on his actually full naked body. He saw me looking and smiled at me exposing his fangs when I looked at his hard leaking bouncing cock. I was shocked because it was probably 12 inches long and had a large spiked prince Albert piercing coming from the tip. Seeing that bouncing on his tight six pack made me drool and precum even more that I didn't hear him ask me what I wanted to drink. I snapped out of my daze and ordered a bloody Mary and asked that he spoke it a bit more with some of his pre cum. It made him smile more and he said he was happy to and brought my glass down to his cock and stroked it some to bring out some fresh from the tap. He handed it to me and said he would see me around. I walked away harder than ever and started dancing with the other guys here getting felt up by what felt like everyone. I was having such a blast I didn't keep track of the time and was shocked that the owner of the club got on stage to announce that it was now midnight and that anyone who wasn't staying for the after party needed to close out their tabs and head on out. About half of the crowd started to make their way to the bar to close out their tabs while the rest of us who were staying met up to one side of the club to not be in the way. When the last guy left the owner called in the bouncer and told him to lock up. Once the doors were shut the owner announced that it was the witching hour where the creatures of the night went and decended on their prey and made new vampires for the coven. With that we looked as a door at the top of the stairs leading to the second floor opened and put walked over two dozen beautifully sexy vampires walked down. All of them dressed in the garb of the night and each one of them were muscled and sexy. When they all made it to the bottom of the stairs The owner said for the humans to now remove their garments except for their undergarments and step forward onto the dancing floor in a circle. Once we were all stripped into nothing but our jocks and we stood in a circle around the dance floor and the vampires step forward once more and circled each of us with lust in their eyes and each smiling showing their fangs for all of us to see. Once each of them was satisfied at looking at us the owner announced let the orgy begin. Each vampire grabbed one of us and brought us to different parts of the club what we didn't see behind the closed curtains were benches St Andrew's crosses slings and other stations where we would be used for tonight's coven entertainment and hopefully joining the coven itself. I was so happy to see that the bartender walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm guiding me to the nearest bench where he started to rub his still painted body on mine and making out with me and tweaking my nipples. After making out and feeling the tips of his fangs with my tongue I started to be pushed downward by the sexy vampire stud kissing and licking his painted body till I got to his spiked cock licking up and down the shaft circling the piercing and lapping at his balls causing him to moan in pleasure. While I was doing what I thought was a great job The vampire bartender said he was hoping that I would be available for him first because my fuck buddy told him about me in advance and showing pictures of how I looked and He wanted to be the one to initiate membership into the coven. Hearing this made me pre-cum even more and made my hole itch with excitement at my friend sent me up with a very sexy man. My vampire stud then lifted me from his crotch and had me bend over the bench and dove straight into my hole nipping at it with his fangs causing me to moan and yelp at the points as he nipped at my skin around the hole. His tongue felt amazing as it probe through my whole and I couldn't get enough at his tongue went deeper and deeper into the wetness of my hole. Once you felt I was probably lubed you lined his spite cod piece up to my twitching hole and plunge straight into it causing me to arch my back and yell in both pain and pleasure as I could feel the insides of my body be ripped apart. My vampire was kind enough to allow me to get used to his cock in my abused hold now and once the pain subsided pleasure took over my senses and he ravaged my hole even more thrusting in and out pulling out to where just the tip was in and then thrusting in with all his force causing me to jump each time and moan even louder. He fucked me for what felt like hours but I knew it was just for a few minutes and I could feel his thrust getting harder and faster and I could hear his panting in my ear. The sounds of sex were all around us flesh on flesh moaning and pain and pleasure and I knew each of the new members were ready to be a full fledged vampire in this coven vampires looking at each other nodding as the sign that each of them were about to breed the no longer to be humans and mark them as theirs forever. My vampire whispered in my ear telling me that my induction to the coven was about to begin and that he would be my Maker in this coven and we would always share a special bond. With that he let out a hiss and then struck me in my neck with his fangs causing my skin to break and my blood to fill in his mouth just as he slammed his hardest into my ass and I could feel his cock expanding flooding me with his cum I could feel the wetness and the heat of his cum filling me and causing me to come on the floor under the bench. Once he was done coming in sucking on my neck he once again whisper to my ear you are a vampire now but the best kind yet you have joined the coven of the poz vampires and have earned your fangs like the others around you but the night is still young Go enjoy more of your new coven spread around what we have gifted you with and turn more humans into our kind. Happy Halloween
    6 points
  3. Part 7 Hunter: July 2013 My tattoo looked darker on my skin than before. I knew it was probably a trick of the light or just my imagination, but I still took notice. It almost seemed as if it was coming back darker each time. The points of the biohazard symbol looked sharper, deadlier, as if they were the tails of scorpions ready to strike. Normally, while the idea of my tattoo striking fear could get me off, it was creating some panic. Soon, it would take even longer for the symbol to fade, meaning there was more of a risk of my prey seeing the mark before I claimed them. The last slut I had marked for the purpose of removing my tattoo was three years ago, and I estimated that he had “relinquished” a considerable amount of his “time” to me, but my tattoo still showed up earlier than I anticipated. I considered going to a poz-friendly club where men would beg me to infect them and their lives, but it just didn’t work the same. I was finding that men who wanted my strain, even if they didn’t know just how special it was, barely gave me any time. It only worked on men who were ignorant of my intentions, making the sacrifice even more powerful. I had decided to travel that summer, spreading my cum wherever I could, hoping to gain some time and to amass a few followers to my cause. I still felt the time my previous fucks were collecting for me, their work on my behalf giving me some time, but it was nothing like the strength I gained when I fucked a man myself. While it wasn’t normally hard for me to get men to fuck, my hairy, tall, sexy body a weakness for anyone I met, I found myself struggling as all I could think about was my tattoo. I had always known that sooner or later the time I took wouldn’t equate to the time I could use, but it seemed as if the years I took were no longer feeling like years. They weren’t even months at times. They felt like days depending on the guy, meaning what I took was practically useless, making the result of the fuck bad for me… though not as bad as it would eventually be for him. The last guy I fucked, as I journeyed across the country, was from Kansas. He was a married farmer who was closeted, out at a gay bar two towns over from where he lived with his wife and four kids (three daughters and a son). I hadn’t even entered the bar with the purpose of fucking anyone, but I’m not the kind of man who turns down an easy fuck when it should happen to cross my path. I am a hunter after all. I saw him with his baseball cap pulled down over his face, trying to hide in case someone noticed and recognized him. Seeing that fear, I pounced. I think he said his name was Craig or Collin or something. I wasn’t listening as he spoke; I was just looking him over, admiring the strong body he had created from years of hard, manual labor. I was feeling good about the time I’d get from him, hoping his hard work had created an expected long life. I felt in him a desperation, a desire to try something he knew was wrong but couldn’t say “no” to. Even with my game being off, it took little effort for him to become mine. I smiled at him, told him how much I loved guys with rough hands like his and weathered faces, and I then ran my hand over his ass, feeling the muscle beneath. “I can’t wait to get inside this,” I whispered to him, running my hands over his ass. “Well, I…” he started, his face growing red. “I’ve never… you know… been with a guy like that.” “Never?” I asked, unable to care. He shook his head. “I’ve only ever been with my wife.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, getting my body closer to his, allowing the heat between us to fuel the fire he already had burning inside him. “I’ll be gentle.” He didn’t want to go to a motel because all he had was his credit card, and his wife took care of the bills. I told him I was tapped out, but I also had no intention of paying for a room to fuck his life away. Instead, we went to his truck, drove out to an empty field, threw down a blanket his wife had made him in the truck’s bed, and I fucked his virgin ass as if he was a cumdump. “You said you’d go slow,” he moaned, his arms shaking as he tried to remain on all fours, his naked body shaking slightly in the breezy summer air. “I am,” I told him, grabbing his shoulders. “You just need to relax.” Turns out he was a screamer, and going out to a field had been a good idea as he cried out each time I rammed my enormous cock into his hole. I was pretty sure he was bleeding from the force behind each thrust. Still, even with the pain, my constant pounding on his prostate was sending him into a wild state. Since it was dark, I removed my shirt, unafraid that he would see my tattoo. Besides, he wanted my cock so badly now, I doubt he would have run away even if he had seen it. “How’s that feel?” I asked, not really caring what he would say. “Fucking incredible,” he cried. “Best fuck I’ve ever had.” Little did he know that this would be the start of the twisted sex he’d become addicted to for the rest of his shortened life. If he stayed here once I was done with him, there would only be a limited amount of men available to him. There was the possibility that he'd fuck every guy in the county, meaning I'd own every man and their time. Fuck, that got me hard. “Holy fuck,” he said, gasping for breath, “my dick is leaking so much cum!” “About time,” I said, our heartbeats only a moment away from syncing. “I guess I’ll have to wash the blanket before my wife sees it.” He laughed and moaned, my pace quickening, the time nearly there. “Don’t want her asking any questions, you know.” “I don’t think you’ll care,” I told him, shoving my dick as hard as I could into his married hole, our heartbeats finally synced. He threw his head back, eyes staring up at the stars, vacant of any sign of the man who had been concerned over his wife’s cum-covered blanket. “Who do you belong to?” I growled, our heartbeat quickening, my desire to shoot my load, claim his years, and fuck off pushing my pace. “You,” he said. “Does your dick belong to your wife?” “No.” “Does it belong to you?” “No.” “Who does your dick belong to?” “You.” “And whose toxic cum is churning now inside your balls?” “Your cum.” “And who won’t be having any more brats running around after this?” “I won’t.” “And whose life am I taking in replace of gifting you with my potent cum?” The man’s eyes looked down and focused on a picture hanging from the rearview mirror, that of his kids and his wife. “My life,” he said. “Then fucking give it to me you cheating piece of shit.” I grabbed his throat and turned his head back up to the sky, taking in the void of the night and the void which would become his existence. In that moment, I saw him watching his kids grow up, graduating from school and leaving their home. I saw him walking each of his daughters down the aisles of their weddings while handing over his farm to his son who would grow up to be just as strong as him. I saw him growing old with his wife, admiring the life they had made and the love they shared. I saw him reflecting on his life and how he had remained true to his wife, never cheating or faltering in his love for her. I saw it all… and then I saw it all disappear into the black sky. Now, he’d lose his family and his farm, spending the rest of his life selling his body at bars just like the one I found him at. He’d use the money to buy alcohol to numb some of the pain of losing his life so that I could gain a few extra days of mine. I came extra hard seeing the smiling faces of his daughters at their weddings, watching as they faded and I could feel within this married man the pain of losing these moments because of one careless night with a stranger. I felt his heart breaking, knowing he’d never hand over his farm to his son, instead becoming someone his son will be ashamed of. I saw his wife leaving him, seeing someone she hardly knew, knowing he had broken their wedding vows. Everything he was losing was getting me off, and I loved how horny it made me feel knowing I was the reason he was losing it all. My dick was fucking this man's life up. He collapsed on the blanket, his body shuddering from his changing balls which were now transforming themselves into mirror copies of my own. I cleaned my dick off on the blanket, leaving the man passed out in the truck’s bed. I drove it back to the bar to get my car, leaving him exposed naked and covered in cum. I took the photo of his family from off the rearview mirror and drenched it in the puddle of cum I had fucked out of him, the same cum which had made his four children. “This is what you gave up,” I told his unconscious body, sticking the photograph to his forehead so the first thing he’d see when he woke up would be the cum-covered photo of the family he betrayed and now lost. “And all of it so you could shoot out one last worthless load.” On his ass I could see his own biohazard tattoo vibrant on his skin. It looked good on him. As I drove away, I thought of him maybe one day filming himself and posting it online, using his old job as a farmer as a fetish category. People loved seeing rugged farmers fucking other men. It’s like they were acting opposite to what they were meant to do in Middle America. Fuck it. If you want to fuck a dick, you should fuck a fucking dick, especially if it’s mine. I reached Virginia where a friend of mine, Matt, lived, a fellow breeder with the same abilities as mine. Matt was a bottom who used the negative cum of men to fuel his youth. Since we couldn’t steal time from each other, we’d spend hours fucking whenever we got together. That, or we’d play a little game of wishbone and see who would end up the winner. We’d find a guy and make him our Lucky Pierre. Neither Matt or I would know who would be claiming the guy until the end and one of our hearts synced with the man. It was a fun game, and neither of us got upset if we weren’t the one to win. We still got to fuck. We’d do this a few times when we were together, and I was sure we’d be doing it as soon as I arrived. “You’re looking good,” he told me, welcoming me into his apartment. Matt was naked, as he usually was, showing off his strong, lean body. Matt was hairless and sported a thin waist. His cock, though not as big as mine, was still decent and could shoot buckets worth of cum across the room. His tattoo was on the back of his neck, meaning he could hide it if he fucked missionary or cowboy. From what I could see, his tattoo was nearly gone. “I’ve been better,” I told him, looking at my own tattoo which had faded somewhat since Kansas. It wasn’t nearly as much as I would have hoped “I think we’ll be able to find someone for you while you’re here,” he said. “Multiple,” I said. “My last didn’t do as much damage as I’d expected.” “Who was he?” “Married farmer,” I told him. “Wife and four kids.” “Sounds hot.” “I fucked him on his wife’s blanket in the bed of his truck in a field.” “What did you see?” “His daughters getting married; his son inheriting his farm; him and his wife growing old together.” “Fuck,” Matt said, his dick getting hard. “That’s better than my last one. I thought he had been a score, but it turns out he was a loner with hardly any connections. Sure, I got some good time out of him, but it felt like nothing. I barely blew a load.” “I came hard,” I told him. “Still, it wasn’t enough.” “Speaking of which,” Matt said, still sporting a semi, “seeing as it is tradition, I think I’ve found someone for our usual wishboning.” “It better not be some twink again,” I told him. “I know you love them, but they barely get me hard.” “He’s much better than a twink,” Matt said, smiling. “He’ll be one for the record books.”
    5 points
  4. For those in Melbourne, Australia, I went to bear night on Tuesday at Wet. Was meant to go with a friend for company but he has COVID so I was alone. Nervous, I started in the darkroom. Put my beary fag cunt up on the fuck table, huffed amyl and waited. Soon I was being bred like the fag pig slut I am. Lost count, think it was 12! Moaned and carried on got a bit verbal (didn’t shout some of my other kinks sadly) but yeah hot night! Hole was cummy as fuck when I got home, farted huge lumps of strangers cum in the toilet! Fucken love being a fag pig!
    4 points
  5. Chapter 16 “I’ve got a surprise for you son”, Jason exclaims on the ride home. “To show you how proud I am of you. Tyler is helping to prepare it.” “What is it, Dad?” Jake asks. “You’ll find out soon enough. We are headed to Tyler’s place now”, Jason explains. Soon they arrive at Tyler’s house and Jason guides Jake to the basement where they enter a windowless room. In the center of the room is a sling with a young muscular man wearing only a jockstrap. The young man’s hands and legged are restrained and has a ball gag in his mouth. He has a distressed look on his face. Jake recognizes him immediately: the man in the sling is Brock Stevens the guy who had tormented Jake for years as the school bully. Off to the side is Tyler, fully erect, with nothing on but a metal cock ring. There is a Small side table with an assortment of dildos which it appears Tyler has been working into Brock. Jake and his father approach the sling. “I think you know our special guest don’t you Jake?” Jason says as he places his hand on Brock’s abs. Brock tries to Recoil at the touch. Jake nods in awww of the sight in front of him. Brock has been the subject of many of his nightmares but also many of his fantasies with his broad shoulders and large muscular frame. Both Brock physique and his bullying has inspired him to start working out and build his own muscular body. Brock stares at Jake knowing exactly who he is and how he has tormented him. The fear in his eyes is clear as he becoming more and more aware of his vulnerable position. “Brock I think you know my son here, Jake.” Jason starts out, “what you might not know is that I know how you’ve been bullying my son for years, which which I didn’t like too much, so I was thinking it’s about time that we show you what a little faggot cunt you are”. And with that Jason stabs two fingers deep into Brock’s hairy hole, causing Brock to jolt in the sling, screaming into his ball gag. “Damn! That’s a tight hole”, Jason states. “But it’s won’t be by the time we are done with you.” Jason then withdraws his fingers scratching Brock anal walls as he does so. Brock body flails in the sling but his resistance is futile. Jake approaches Brock, his dick immediately starts to stiffen at the sight of his surprise. He caresses Brock’s hairless chest and is completely electrified. “It time for the next step in your journey Jake. Now you must spread your gift”, Tyler explains. Jake looks at his father and his father nods, “That is the next step son”. Jake undoes his pants and his rigid member pops out and sticks straight up, the blood rushing to his dick. His dick seems larger and harder than it has ever been. As the pre cum oozes out of his cock he lines it up with Brocks hole and Brock starts yo squirm. “You’re gonna need some lube for the that hole. He very tight and since I believe cum the best lube, I’ve come prepare”, Tyler explains as he hands Jake a jar full of jizz with ‘Poz Cum’ written on the side. “Fuck yeah!” Jake exclaims and scoops out a handful and massages it onto his cock making him even harder, his cock head flaring. He then scoops out more and massages onto Brock’s hole, fingering it in. “Love a cummy hole”, Jake states looking Brock straight in the eye. Brock’s eyes fill with tears. “Bet your girlfriend Claire isn’t going to like you coming home with a cummy hole.” Jake states. Brock shakes his head and the Jake presses his massive dick into Brock’s hole. Meeting resistance at first, Jake grabs the chains from the sling to force Brock’s hole onto his cock and Brock’s hole finally gives way, letting Jake’s fat head attack his insides. Jake moans in pleasure, his eyes rolling into the back of his head while Brock struggles to accommodate the massive dick entering his virgin hole. Jake continues to work his dick deeper and deeper stretching Brock’s hole to its limits and finally his entire 8.5” cock is balls deep inside. Jake fucks his former bully as tears run down his face. As he does, Brock start grunting, softly at first and then a little louder. As he does this, Brock crotch begins to inflate in his jockstrap. “I think you found his prostate son”, Jason exclaims. Jake smiles as he fucks Brock and starts stoking his cock though the jockstrap. “Fuck yeah son!”, make him addicted to cock. Soon Brock is rock hard and his cock is peaking out of his jockstrap, precum leaks like a faucet out of his piss slit. As Jake continues to fuck his, Brock moans like a whore. After a while Tyler undoes Brock ball gag. “Fuuuucccck!! What are you doing to me?” Brock exclaims as his prostate and dick are stimulated simultaneously. “Pleease!” Jake abruptly stops. “Please, what? You want me to stop fucking you?”, Jake ask. The sudden stopping of Jake’s fuck shocks Brock and Brock immediately craves the stimulation of Jake’s cock again. “No….” Brock says softly. “Then you’re gonna take my dick until I fuckin’ seed you, faggot!” Jake yells and then spits in Brock’s face. Brock spreads his legs wide to accommodate the rough fucking and Jake shows no mercy for the former bully. “Oh fuck, that cream filled cunt is so tight, I’m ripping that hole wide open!” Jake says as his balls slap against Brock’s muscle ass. “I think that hole is almost prepped for my tainted load” Jake registers the confusion on Brock’s face and then continues, “that’s right fag, I just converted and am now HIV positive and as soon as I fuck the cum out of you, I’m gonna plant my dirty poz seed deep in your cunt” Overwhelmed with feelings, Brock’s whole body tenses. Jake milks Brock’s prostate and begins jerking Brock’s meaty dick at a furious pace, knowing how close he is to shooting. “Gimme that load slut” Jake eggs him on. Brock’s whole body squirms trying to hold back as long as he can and the finally his cock starts blasting out his hot cum.Shots fly over Brock’s head then shooting all over this face and muscular chest. Brock’s hole clamps down on Jake’s cock and Jake starts slamming his dick deep. “Fuuuccckk! I’m gonna shoot!” Jake screams and then begins flooding Brock’s hole with its first poz load. The hot cum burning Brock’s wretched hole. Jake continues massaging his load into Brock’s sensitive anal walls until he’s planted every drop into him. Jason and Tyler cocks stick straight up as they stoke their heavy cocks as Jake finally pulls out his cum covered dick from Brock’s quivering hole. As Jake steps aside, Jason marvels at at Brock’s dripping hole, cum leaking down his crack and on the floors. Before Brock can catch his breath, Jason take Jakes place between Brock’s legs, lines up his hairy dick, grabs him by the throat and slams his cock balls deep. “You think you can bully my boy and there aren’t going to be consequences?” Barely able to scream, Brock doesn’t respond as Jason begins his violent assault on Jake’s bully. Jason’s massive dick rips and tears at Brock’s tender hole as the brutal fuck continues. Jason looks down with pleasure as he sees his dick streaked with blood and cum. He knows he won’t last long now. His balls tense up and his dick head flares , anchoring himself deep inside Brock. Just then Jason’s dick starts spitting out massive amounts of poisonous cum deep in Brock’s destroyed hole. Jason screams in ecstasy as his thick dick pulses inside Brock’s anal cavity, his hole overflowing with toxic seed. The slimy cum matting down Jason’s thick hairy bush. As he comes down off his orgasm, he continues to stab a Brock hole with his death dick. Jason and Brock both begin to catch their breath after the violent rape. The fear on Brock’s face is evident and Tyler works to sooth him. “It’s ok boy, I’ll take care of you now”, Tyler states as he gently caresses his smooth muscular body. Jason steps aside and Jake kneels down to clean off his dad’s dick. Tyler, reveling in the sight of Brock’s Cum blood dripping hole, kneels down and begins tenderly licking up the gooey liquid. Intoxicated with Brock’s hole, Tyler beginning hungrily eating away at it. As Brock recovers he begins moaning at the feeling of Tyler’s facial hair cleaning his aching hole. Brock’s dick begins to stir. Jason and Jake untie Brock’s wrists and Brock begins to slowly stoking his dick. Tyler stands and meets Brock with a kiss with his cum coated tongue. Brock wraps his arms tight around the muscular man. Tyler lifts him and carries him over to the bed at the side of the off and lays him down. Brock, succumbing to his darkest urges, spreads his leg wide for the hairy man hovering over him. Tyler descends onto Brock resting his full weight on him. Brock wraps his arms and legs around the beast of a man. As he does this Tyler’s dick then slithers into Brock’s slimy hole and Tyler begins to fuck him. Brock feels the pleasure of Tyler’s large dicks massaging his prostate and begins to moan. He revels in this new found pleasure and pulls Tyler closer. Tyler, encouraged my Brock’s enjoyment, goes in to kiss the young man, probing him with his tongue as he fucks his tender hole deeper and deeper. Brock, in a fog of fuck lust, meets Tyler in his kiss and savors every every moment as his dick inflates and begins leaking pre cum once again. Tyler’s excitement builds at Brock begins stroking his cock again. “You gonna cum for me as I fuck your faggot hole?!” Tyler taunts. “Yes sir”, Brock responds. “Don’t cum until I say so”, Tyler commands as he builds up a massive load with every thrust. “Yes daddy”, Brock replies. Brock jerks his dick at a furious pace as Tyler fucks him harder and harder. “You want my toxic load boy?” Tyler presses. “Yes please”, Brock responses his eye hungry. “Shoot your load for me! Show what a cock slut you are boy!”, Tyler demands. “Fuck yeah! I’m gonna shoot my load daddy! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Brock is exclaims as he begins to shoot volleys of cum over his smooth abs. As Brock shoots his hot load his hole convulses, gripping Tyler’s big daddy dick. Tyler long strokes his cock into Brock’s hungry hole. His balls tense up as they reach maximum capacity. “I’m gonna fuckin’ bust!!!”, Tyler exclaims. “Breeds me, sir!” Brock shouts as he grips Tyler’s thick hairy ass. Tyler pounds deep into Bocks hole as he power washes his fuck chute with cum. Both moan in ecstasy of their shared orgasm. As Tyler catches his breath he pulls out is still hard cock coated with blood and cum and presents to Brock. Without instruction Brock eagerly sucks Tyler’s cock clean. After Tyler makes out with Brock tasting the reminisce of blood and cum from his own dick. Jason and Jake watch in aww as the men bond. Their dicks rock hard again. “You're coming to bed with me”, Tyler commands and Brock gets up and follows the man to who has just claimed him. As Tyler and Brock leave Jake and Jason go back to their house next door and fuck one last time before falling into a deep sleep.
    4 points
  6. After Mr Wilson left I just lounged naked in my parents bed for a while...watched tv and dozed until the cat jumped up and loudly protested his lack of breakfast.Fed him did the 3 s's(shower shave shit) and started the yardwork.mowed front and back,trimmertime leafblower....went to garden center for some plants my mom wanted installed around the pool deck.Caught myself crotch watching....looking at guys with a new interest....one colored by a new realisation men were sexual with other men,and it was giving me a real hard time.While I wasn't "gay" I HAD been bred by a man without any real discussion,he had done me just because HE wanted to.And he had cum in me.At least twice.And I gave little to no resistance to being bred.Even now his seed was still in me and as these thoughts were consuming my attention I heard "earth to niklas,hello?"The girl at the register was an old school friend.Stacy.:)"22.50 Nicklas cash or credit?"she asked.Flustered I fished out the cash and paid.Gave her a big smile and left with the plants.Getting into my pickup truck my phone dinged with a text message from the hospice care agency,they wanted me to come in first thing monday for a meeting to discuss work schedule.A Mr Hadden wanted to meet for this months assignments.He was always looking at my ass,and crotch with a smile.....and with a shock suddenly realised why.Was I attractive to other men?Without a doubt Mr Wilson thought so...oh man I had SO MUCH to learn.Part of me was coming alive that had lain dormant but now craved attention and I had to learn....how, you know?Returned home and threw mysef into getting the plants installed.Another ding....from Mr Wilson.We would have guests at his house for dinner at 7 so dress sharp.Sent a smily face too.And attached a pic of his cock in me from this morning....didn't know he had taken one.and it got me hard staring at it.It was only 4oclock and 7 seemed so far away.
    4 points
  7. Back on for the first time in a while and had a few messages asking where I’ve been. Access has been shut off to members living in Texas and a few other states. I’m in Mexico for a bit and able to sign on for the first time in a while. Glad my account is still around but that’s the reason why I haven’t posted. Been having fun in Mexico and life is good. Not sure how often I’ll be on as I don’t get back to Mexico a lot.
    3 points
  8. Put adverts up last night (tuesday) looking for anon bareback tops to breed me in darkroom......i use both gay and bi/hetro websites (but im gay). My first load was from a 34 yr old bi guy whos filled me many times - nice cock and always rough and deep - lovely......He had just left 10 mins when i got a message from a 40 yr old str8 guy needing to unload......he was at mine 10mins later using my ass like a pussy and pumping a huge load up me.....he thanked me later in a message saying he wants to come round again soon (ive said this friday eve).........3rd load was a bi guy 29yr old visiting from out of town.......Very big cock with mushroom head.....When he arrived in darkroom i told him to push it right up me to base and he did - he squirted his big load up me after fucking me for less than 3 mins...id have taken his cock all night tbh.............final load was from a lovely 24 yr old whos bred me more time than i care to remember....he was passing on his way home from work and needed to pump me and he did........i kept 4 loads in me overnight and my hole smells beautiful this morning.....I LOVE THAT SMELL.
    3 points
  9. I was on squirt for the first time in a long time yesterday and this guy was hitting me up, then going off line, pissing me off. A regular buddy hit me up saying he needed to unload, so I ran over his place. he doesn't take long but he's dark black 9 inches and cums huge loads. so I always jump when he's horny. so he filled with cum and I leave. The guy on squirt starts up again and I say I'm filled and sloppy and he sends me his address. I show up to a nasty trailer with trash on the porch, part of me is excited and a little freaked out. I go in and the lights are out I can kinda see him, he's naked and my eyes are still adjusting. He pushes me to my knees, says nothing, and slaps my face with what turns out to be at least a 10 inch dick. I go to work, it stinks of sweat, just how I like. I rub it all over my face. I love smelling like cock. He man handles me over to the couch and bends me over, rams it in me balls deep first thrust. I jump, he finally speaks, Fight it and I will hold you down. so I fought, just to feel him hold me down and fuck me. The next 15 minutes was the most savage fucking I have ever taken, balls deep he unloaded in me. As I was getting dressed I told him I fought on purpose. He said, So you like it rough. Yes. How rough. Rough as you can dish it out. Dont say it if you dont mean it. You got another one in ya? Drop your pants faggot. He threw me over the end of the couch, grabbed me by the throat with both hands and choked me as he rammed his dick back in me. told me this was gonna take a while. He fucked my ass so hard my back was cracking. I could barely breath, the squishing sounds from my ass, and i cold feel cum running down my legs and splashing as his thighs slammed my ass. He blasted his load in me, and said I got shit to do. My back was killing me, he didn't let me clean up at all. pulled up my pants, cum all over myself. Got in my car and started searching for more loads. but my back was hurting so bad I went home crawled in bed still covered in cum. Pushed out the loads into my hand and jerked off all over myself, rubbed it all in and went to sleep.
    3 points
  10. Part 3: ''The Job Offer'' He stood there looking down at me, smiling as he stroked on his fully erect and throbbing veiny 8.5" in length by 6.5" girthy Dick. He let go of it so it bounced in the bathroom air. Wet with pre cum as time continued to strengthen the bond that we had begun to build. - I bet you want this buried deep in your faggot cunt, don't you pig? - Yes PLEASE Sir. He promptly put his Dick away and zipped up, and told me to get another beer and to meet him in the living room. Upon entering the living room with his fresh beer I noticed he had layed out a vinyl play sheet in the middle of the room. - Open my beer will you boy, then lie down on your back on the vinyl play sheet. - Yes Sir. Now lying on my back Sir came over with the bag he brought in earlier and brought out a set of steel nipple clamps. Onto my small boy-tits they went. - Lets turn those little boy-tits into a pair of fully fledged pig-tits. Next came out a steel chastity cage which was attached to my pointless fag-dick. Then he took his right Leather glove off and liberally lubed up his forefinger with lube, inserted it into my cunt and set about locating my G-spot. It didn't take him long to find it, and once he did he started off with small, slow circular movements. - Fuck, what are you doing Sir? I feel like I am going to pee. He didn't say anything, just continued working on my prostate, small and slow circular movements, stopping now and then to enhance me getting worked up. It got to the point where I was moaning quite loudly at which point he covered my mouth with his leather gloved hand and increased the intensity of the speed and pressure to my prostate. After a while I was literally screaming through the leather clad gloved hand that muffled my screams and before I reached an internal cunt-orgasm he stopped. He tightened the nipple clamps and began to pull on them and pull hard. My body tingled from my G-spot being worked on as my boy-tits were in pain with rough treatment. - I see you enjoyed that. What does your faggot cunt want next? - I NEED you to fuck me Sir... PLEASE, I'm begging you... - You are begging me for what, pig? - You to fuck me Sir. Stick it to me.... PLEASE... - It's too early in your training for that. Now that my cunt was just gagging for anything and everything to be up there, Sir took out from his magic bag of tricks a set of anal beads and slowly took to opening up my cunt. Slowly getting all the beads in, then slowly pulling them all out, and repeat over and over. And then, all the beads were back inside of my hungry cunt with the string hanging out when Sir went and got himself another beer before sitting back into his armchair where he relit his cigar and started smoking again. - C'mon over here fag. I want you kneeling on all fours parallel to me and the chair. With my cunt stuffed full of the anal beads I crawled over and positioned myself as instructed. It was now that I became a piece of furniture. A coffee table no less as Sir rested his booted legs on my back. - You have a strong back boy, just as well. How long have you been working out? - I have been a gym regular since I was 14 years old Sir, so 8 years now. I love it. One of my real passions. - I have a proposition for you boy that would see the number of your workouts increase. - Yes Sir? *I asked quizzically* - What you don't know is, is I have for some months now been watching you from a distance at work, watching how you conduct yourself, and I can see you are a hard worker with a conscientious obedience. My reason for observing you as such is I have been observing more like you and you are one of two who I have decided that were not only fags but just what I am looking for. And what I am looking for is a live in house boy who will do all the house duties including the cooking. This would be alongside training you to be the best sub Sir desires. Your sub training would include forced workouts which would work together with your regular working out and all of your household duties. Of course this would mean giving up your current home and job in exchange for security and safety here with me. However, during your training which I expect to last at least a year you will be expected to reserve your body including your mouth and cunt for me and me alone as to not distract you from becoming the best sub that you can be. You don't have to give me an answer now. As said there is someone else in the running who has not gone through this initial stage yet, so I think 48 hours to make up your mind is more than fair. He went quiet as he sat there using me as a table and continuing to puff on his cigar and drink his beer. Several minutes of a comfortable silence passed as we were both deep in thought. - Sir... - Yes boy. - Would my training involve recreational drug taking? - Why do you ask? - Because being off of my face, high and horny would I think give an added level of being submissive and helpless, not that I would need to be high to serve you the way you deserve to be served. Just a kinky extra is all. - Have you ever taken any recreational drugs before boy? - No Sir. - How about trying some now whilst you make up your mind if you want me to properly train you alongside being my live in houseboy? - FUCK.... YES Sir. He took his legs off of my back and got me to lie on the vinyl play sheet again where the anal beads were removed, and the nipple clamps were tightened again. He tugged on the chain hard on my now already sore boy-tits. - Ready to get high pig? - YES Sir. - Okay then, follow me into my play dungeon in the cellar. I wonder what Chems Sir was about to get me wasted on....
    3 points
  11. Part 2: ''Piss-pig'' - Showing initiative.... Good boy! Sir leaned down and patted my head in praise before he sat back into his armchair and continued to smoke his cigar and drink his beer as I got stuck into the job at hand.... Boot shining! Upon my arrival Sir had just started his third beer of the evening, and with his boots now glistening with my homemade boot polish his third beer had come to an end. - I think you have done a very good job on shining up my boots boy, and you did not even need prompting. We are off to a very good start. Now, my beer is dead and I need a new one and you will get it for me, but before you do you will now stand up with your feet hip width apart, hands clasped behind your back, with your head held high and looking straight forwards for a initial inspection. - Yes Sir. I got into my position and Sir immediately saw something that he was not happy with at all. And on that note he pulled a leather riding crop from the inside of his left Police Boot and gave my erect dick a good hard *thwack*.... - Ouch... Ow...ow - Why is that pointless fag-dick of yours hard? - Because you are hot inside and out Sir, and as a result you really do excite me, a lot. - Good to hear that I turn you on, but if you are to be a true faggot then you will have to learn your pointless fag-dick is just for pissing and nothing more than that. The leather riding crop came crashing down once again on my still erect dick, already reddened from the first strike. I started to whimper through my ''ouches'' - Ow.... ow... ow.... - Are you okay boy? Standing to the side of me he gently placed his right leather gloved hand onto my left gym trained young bubble ass cheek and gently rubbed it in a circular motion to compliment the sting in my dick. - Yes Sir, I'm fine. It just hurts, but I know that I need to learn that my dick is a pointless fag-dick which is for pissing only, and that erections are not allowed. I want to please you, Sir. - Good boy. And you know what your sole sexual organ will be from now on? - No Sir. He took his leather clad hand off of my ass cheek and taking the middle finger he nestled in between my ass crack and the tip of his gloved finger pressed against my hairy hole. - This will be your sole sexual organ from now on. And what is it called? - Er, my ass hole, Sir? He took his hand away, sucked on the glove to the middle finger, nestled back inside of my ass crack, pushed onto my hairy hole until the tip slipped in, then leaned in towards my ear, and in a low yet short and authoritative firm tone barked... - Your cunt, boy! I shuddered with delight. YES, this is what I have been craving and needing all this time. Someone to really show me who is the boss around here, and really make me subMIT. - Oh FUCK YES SIR, my cunt. Please teach me how to use it properly so I know how to give you the pleasure that you truly deserve. He licked my neck, growled into my ear, then told me to find the kitchen and fetch him another cold beer. With my red stinging pointless fag-dick I walked out of the living room in my completely naked state to find the kitchen. Once I found it and got the cold beer I came back into the living room but Sir was not there. Fuck, what do I do now? I want to please him. I went over to his armchair where there was a bottle opener on the table, so I knelt by the table, opened the beer and put it on the table. Sir soon came in with a small bag. - I got your beer Sir, and I have opened it. But I thought it best not to hold onto it as I don't want the heat from my hands to make it warm. You deserve the best, and that is a refreshing cold beer. - Good boy, you clearly are blessed with initiative. I like that. Now pick up my beer and follow me. I followed him where he led me into his bathroom. He had me lie on my back in the empty bath whilst he sat on a chair drinking his cold beer as warm water from an enema bucket came down a tube and out of a catheter that he had inserted into my cunt to give me a good clean out. He told me I was to hold what was going in and if I had the urge to let go of the water that I had to breath through it. As the water went in we spoke.... - Going by your hairy ass cheeks and hairy legs and the landing strip of pubic hair you have created I would imagine that waist up you are not naturally smooth? - No Sir. I am not that hairy waist up normally, but what is usually there I like to keep shaved off. But I do like my legs and ass cheeks to be hairy. He stood up and reached for a pot of pills from a shelf, and proceeded to take one with his beer. - I can see from your face boy that you are wondering what I just took. - Yes Sir. But only because I hope you are okay. - Don't worry boy. I am HIV positive, I have been for 31 years now, and this medication keeps me undetectable. Does me being positive bother you? - Not at all Sir. I myself am HIV negative. I usually am on PrEP but I have been forgetting to take it as I have been doing extra shifts at work so have not had the energy for play time. Not taken it for 10 days now. But if you are undetectable then there are no worries, is there. - Correct, boy. All the warm water had gone in and Sir now made me stand up and sit on a bucket to empty out. He administered another warm water enema on me. And then came some hair care in the form of clipping right off my pubic landing strip of hair so it was now bare, and wet shaving my cunt hole so that it was smooth. Sir then took a wet flannel to my pubic area and my cunt hole as to get rid of any stray loose hairs and to generally clean up. He then towel dried the bath and made me lie in it again, this time climbing in and standing over me. There were two zips on his leather trousers that were either side of the crotch that zipped down from the hip area downwards to open up a flap that exposed the entire crotch area. And out flopped a thick semi flaccid veiny Dom Dick. He held it and pointed it in my direction and took to looking into my eyes. I returned the gaze. With our eyes locked on each other I suddenly felt a warm and wet sensation on my chest. - What is the point of getting clean if you cannot get dirty once in a while. Fucking beautiful. Now open your mouth wide fag. I opened wide to which he stepped forward so his piss now went from hitting my chest to gushing into my gaping mouth. Each time my mouth would become full to the point of piss spilling out over my chin I would gulp until my mouth was empty and let it refill. Once his urinary bladder was empty and my belly full of his warm golden piss he stepped out of the bath and ordered me to step out to and onto a towel where he dried me. But his boots were wet with his piss, and he made me get on all fours to again clean them up. Once satisfied with my work I was ordered to kneel before him with my hands clasped behind my back and to look up and at his Dick. FUCK, it was beautiful!
    3 points
  12. Part 1: ''Meeting'' How many loads did I take in my guts during lastnight and this morning? I'll tell you later. It all started just over a year ago when I was at work at the grocery store shelf stacking when a handsome man who I had helped find items he was looking for over a period of a few months came in dressed in full Leather Gear; Shirt, tie, waistcoat, trousers, and army boots. Until this day he had only come in wearing casual clothes. Even in just his casual gear I felt an instant strong connection between us as he turned me on with his rough rugged looks and his air of dominant attitude, tapping into my inner sub as his presence naturally made me feel extremely submissive. At the age of 22 I had been sexually active for a year now, but it was all rather vanilla with fucking and sucking quickies. I was on PrEP so was happy to get bred. But my inner piggy sub craved more beyond just getting fucked. Much more! I longed for a Dom-sub connection. On this day that he came to the store in his full Leather Gear he made a bee line for me as soon as there were no other customers around, and he got straight to the point.... - Am I correct in thinking outside of this job you are a sub? Wha'? Seems he was in tune with me already after our handful of brief encounters of me helping him as a customer. Intuitively knowing that not only did I have sex with Men but that I indeed am a sub too, albeit with no experience with the latter. I instinctively looked to the floor, and in a submissive tone said.... - I hope to be. Yes Sir. Sorry, that was inappropriate of me to say that. - Look up at me and look deep into my eyes, boy. I looked up and deep into his eyes as he told me to. He just stared back for several seconds, saying nothing, searching for my inner being, not that he needed long to establish a strong firm connection with me. - Why did you just apologise? - For calling you Sir. I strongly feel that you are exactly what I have been longing for, yet I forgot for a moment that here you are a customer. - That is okay. You only went with your gut instinct, and I liked how you addressed me. Listen, what time do you finish work today? - 6pm. - You live out of town? - No, in town Sir. I have a room in a flat share with three others. - I see. I live about a 30 minute drive out of town. Would you be free to come to my home for 9.30pm? I'm sure you don't get paid much here and would be more than happy to pay for a taxi for you. I would pick you up but I probably might have had a few beers by then. - I'd LOVE to come. *I said with a great eagerness* - Great. Give me your number and I'll have a message in your inbox ready for you once you have finished work. I verbally gave him my number which he saved into his phone. Before I had a chance to say anything else there was a tannoy announcement.... - Jason to customer service please, Jason to customer service. - I've got to go Sir, I... - Is that you? - Yes Sir. - 55 year old Sir Doug won't keep you from your work any longer. See you later sexy pig. I walked off to go to the customer service area, and all I could think in my head was a 55 year old Leather stud called Doug who I already now knew as Sir would have me in his lair later. I was in a daze. I was on a huge high. My cunt twitched in excitement and anticipation on what he would be doing with me later. How would I get through the next two hours of my shift? I need not have worried as the last part of my shift was over in a flash. As soon as I finished work I checked my phone, and sure enough there was a message from Sir Doug waiting for me. He asked me for my address and said that he would send a taxi to me for 9pm and that it would already be paid for. After I got changed at work and said my goodbyes I got home for 6.30pm. Plenty of time to get ready. I heated up leftovers from lastnight's dinner, ate, had a shower where I thoroughly douched just in case I were to be fucked tonight. 9pm soon came and my arrival at Sir Doug's house at 9.30pm seem to come even sooner. In a message he told me that the front door would be unlocked and to let myself in, make my way down the hallway and turn right at the end into his living room where I would strip naked and kneel in front of him. And that was the point we were at right now. I was knelt before him as he sat in his armchair drinking beer and smoking on a big fat cigar. His Leather attire that he now wore was what he was wearing when he came into the shop earlier, except the army boots he had been wearing were now replaced with knee length Police Boots, and he was also now wearing the most magnificent Muir, and black leather Police inspection gloves, ready to give this hungry eager pig a full inspection. I had my hands clasped behind my back and my head bowed as a mark of respect for the alpha that sat before me... - Look up at me, boy. And look deep into my eyes again like you did earlier. - Yes Sir. Sorry. - I will let you know if I ever need you to apologise. Nothing to apologise for right now. For the next several minutes he smoked his cigar and drank his beer as I knelt before him, searching for one another's inner being via constant eye contact. He then leaned in and kissed my neck, brushing his thick tache against my soft skin. I shuddered and gasped in delight. He sat back into his armchair and fixed his focus back onto my eyes where I sighed as I let go of pent up energy straight after he smiled and winked at me. I smiled back, giving an instinctive puppy eyed look. Putting his beer down and with his cigar between his teeth he firmly pulled with both hands my head forward and down into his Leather clad crotch. I took one big sniff of the intoxicating Leather and once again my sub instinct kicked in and I started to lick the Leather where I could feel a throbbing meaty bone underneath. Releasing one hand from my head he took the cigar from his mouth and ordered me to look up at him. I tilted my neck sideways up so I could see his face, and looking at me he spat a huge gob of spit onto my face.... - Now show me how you in this situation we are in now how you would please me. Let's see if you have got what it takes. I brought my body upright and walked back on my knees a couple of paces then bent over bringing my face to Sir's Police boots where I eagerly took to licking them. A Sir should always have shiny clean boots! Did I have what it takes to be trained by Sir Doug?
    2 points
  13. It’s vitally important that we guard against confusing correlation with causation. For example, we can observe that hospitals are filled with sick and/or injured people and therefore that hospitals are the cause of their illnesses and injuries and therefore greater health comes from staying away from hospitals which would, for the whole of society, be a tragically fatal conclusion to reach. However, sometimes hospitals do make people sick (hospital acquired infections come to mind) but in those instances a direct link has been established through extensive investigation, pathogens and vectors have been identified. They didn’t stop at correlation, they found the linkage. The sequence of events doesn’t establish linkage. Linkage establishes linkage.
    2 points
  14. Considering you have virtually nothing filled out in your profile, I'm not sure why you're surprised that people aren't falling all over themselves trying to contact you. But again, as @viking8x6 noted, this isn't a hook-up site, and if that's what you're looking for, I'd use the DISCUSSION sections of this site - its primary purpose - to find discussions about which sites might be better suited for your needs. I realize you may not have understood this, but basically this is like going into a Chinese restaurant and complaining that they don't serve lasagna.
    2 points
  15. pig, but it’s ultimately Your choice, Sir
    2 points
  16. Kevin grabbed my cock thru my scrubs and pulled me out while Will's fingers were still in me. I was talking down the hallway with one man dragging my by my caged cock and the other pushing me with his fingers in my mancunt. I was in heaven. I was so high on adrenaline and testosterone i could fuck an army. We finally arrived at Will's apartment. Will pulled out his finger from me and pushed me towards Kevin. Kevin shoved my face in his crotch and i sucked thru the spandex short on his hard cock. I peeled it down and out popped a nice thick 8" cock with a small PA ring. I slobbered immediately as i was so horny for cock. I sucked on him for a few minutes. I saw Will in sit down on his leather chair and pull out his huge cock and stroke it. I looked at him hungrily as i sucked on Kevin. Kevin then pulled me up and told me to strip. I dropped everything off quickly. Will thru me a set of keys and said to unlock my cock. I did but not knowing why i was being uncaged. "Your mine tonight and i want to see your whole body and enjoy tonight. But dont cum unless i tell you so. Got that?", Will said "Yes", i said. "Yes what?", Will sternly replied "Yes Daddy", I replied "Good boy. Not spread your legs like the whore you are and give him your mancunt", Will commanded I did as i was told. Kevin put his legs on his shoulders and in one swift hard motion stuck his stick in me. I moaned and yelled. He wasnt the largest i have had in me but he was still big and not easing in cause some pain. But as he fucked me i started to moan and my hole took over and i was pushing back on his meat. As i was being fucked hard, i looked over at Will and he was on his phone. His cock out and still semihard. I focused on Kevin as he fucked me. He was cute and had a nice body and nice cock and he was fucking me and hitting the right spots but there was something off. It was not as primal as other men I have been fucked by. Dont get me wrong he was a good fuck compared to some of the others who i let have my body but there was something missing. After about 10 minutes of pounding he started to get near the edge and ready to nut in me. As a bottom whore i could always tell when a top was close to nutting in me. I couldn't wait to get creamed and then have Daddy Will in me. I wanted him so bad. Also as there was something missing my cock wasnt rock hard and leaking like normal. I pushed back on Kevin and worked his cock with my ass muscles. "Give it to me, give me you hot poz load, give it to me", i moaned. Kevin looked at me and kept fucking, "Yeah you want my load. You are going to get it you dirty whore. You want poz loads don't you. Well i am going to give you a load but it's not poz you filty whore", he said breathing hard as he fucked me. I looked at him in amazement and was actually kind of let down. I looked at Will and he just smiled stroking his now hard cock. I kept pushing back going thru the motions but wanted Will so bad. Now that i knew he wasn't poz i wasn't into the fuck as much. As a bottom i will take all loads but for some reason my body wasn't into it. In fact i noticed my cock wasn't rock hard anymore. It was now semihard. I started to use my ass muscles again to work over his cock and get him to nut. He finally shot in me. "Ugghhh here you go your dirty whore", he yelled as he came. I could feel some good spurts in me. After he was done he leaned over and started to kiss me. I kissed him back but wasn't really interested. He finally rolled off me and i got up. Will was looking over at me. Before i could walk over to him, he said to get the door. I opened it and there was another cute hot white dude standing there. "Hi I am Roger. You the bareback slut", he asked. "Yes i guess i am", i said and let him in. "Get to it", Will said. Roger was about 5'10, 190 lbs medium build and fit. He was cute and model looking like. He dropped his shorts and had a nice 8" cock. I got on my knees and starting sucking his already hard cock. After a minute he pulled me up, turned me over and pushed me down and started fucking me on all fours on the leather couch. He could fuck just like Kevin even a little better. He rammed harder and it felt good. He was also missing something primal. I just kept pushing back and trying to get him to cum. We fucked for a good ten minutes with me now on my back and he was ramming and close to cumming. Again to get things going cause i really wanted Will, i started to work his cock with my mancunt and push back. He was close and said "Where do you want it whore", he said panting as he rammed me. "In my cunt. Fill me with your charged seed", i said pushing back on him trying to get him to cum. "You got it but its not charged. I'm neg. You are a dirty whore like Will said", he said smiling and fucking. Again my body reacted and went through the motions. My cock now wasnt even hard. He finally came in me. After pushing it in for a few minutes, he pulled out, pulled up his shorts and left. I was tired but still horny for Will. I walked over to him and dropped to my knees and engulfed his cock in my mouth. I sucked on him as if my life depended on it. After a minute i looked up at him, "Please fuck me please. I need you in me. I need you to take me and impregnate me with your dirty seed please", i begged. "No", said Will I looked shocked. "I want you to service more men. I am whoring you out tonight and making some money off your fine ass" , he said smiling I look dejected and sad at him. "I need you. I need poz seed in me.", i said back begging "Oh...you want poz cock in you", he asked smiling "Yes. I need poz cock. I need charged seed in me.", i said "Why?", he said i explained to him my body has changed since i seroconverted. Its like my body needs poz cum. I am addicted to it. My body can tell when the top isnt poz. I explained how there is something primal missing not just in the fucking but my body senses poz cock. I began to sound desperate for poz seed. He smiled back at me. "Good your conversion is complete. Your body has been taken over by the virus. Your cunt needs poz cum.", he said. It was true. I felt a little betrayed by my body. Only a few months ago i made men wear condoms, now i don't event like taking bareback men if they are negative. What the hell happened to me! Will then leaned over and kissed me very intimately, our tongues engaged. I moaned in his mouth. He pulled back. "You will get fucked by whoever i say. I have a bunch of neg guys lined up. Be a good whore and maybe ill give you want you need", Will said Over the next 2 hours, 6 guys came over, all negative to fuck me. I went through the motions and even faked moaned. All of them wanted to kiss and i did but as a matter of business. I even closed my mouth on some. And funny they were all what most considered to be hot handsome or cute guys. All in there 30-40's, in shape, some well built and all with decent cocks. No one was under 7". All came in me. I didnt cum or have the urge. It was now midnight and there was another knock on the door. "This is the final fuck and is your reward. ", Will said as i opened the door. As i opened the door, stood a 6' older man, balding and a bit skinny. He had an ok build but you could tell he was sick. My body knew he was poz and it reacted. My cock got instantly hard. "Hi im Bill", he said. He slowly took off his clothes and have a gorgeous 9" cock and a nice build. A little skinny but nice. His face was just a hint gaunt. I couldnt hide my desire and excitement. "You poz whores are all the same. All addicts. Look at your body. Its telling me to fuck it now", he said smiling "Please fuck me, and impregnate me with your charged seed. I need it so bad.", i begged "You want my viral AIDS seed in your cunt", he said looking at me with lust. "Your hole is leaking cum. all over. Its running down your leg", he said. It was true. I had been fucked and creamed so much it was running out of me. "You know what you are getting huh", he asked "Yes i know and i need it", i said "I have a very hig viral load", he said "I dont care i need it. My body needs it", i begged. Over the next hour it was like being fucked for the first time again. We made love. We kissed deeply, and our tongues danced as i could feel a lesion in his mouth. I worshiped his body with my tongue eating his ass before he fucked me. I was in a rapture, my body knowing it was going to get what it needed, poz seed. My body reacted to every thrust of his and my cunt worked his cock without trying. It was if it knew there was a poz cock and it was going to milk it on its own to get the seed it needed. At the end he fucked me on my back, our eyes locked and tongues dancing as he finally came. "Here you are you whore. Take my dirty seed.", he moaned as he came in me. "Please cum in me, i need your charged dirty seed, please cum in me", i yelled. I felt 7 strong spurts unload in me. My cunt kept milking his cock trying to get all the poz seed out of him as my legs wrapped around his waist to keep him in me. We stayed like that for a while, kissing, our tongues dancing. My body felt alive again.
    2 points
  17. Chapter 6. Two weeks later, Douglas sent me a message on WhatsApp. I hadn't heard from him in all the time since we left the beach. I had secretly hoped that Douglas had forgotten the whole thing. Douglas informed me that I should be at the Motel across town at 7pm that evening. He told me that I should go to the door of room 107 and knock on it. The room is located in the wing of the building, so the door can be accessed directly from the parking lot. All I need to know at this point is to be there at 7 p.m. In the evening, I told Max that I was going to the gym and drove my car to the motel parking lot. My heart was beating so hard I was afraid it would explode. With unsteady steps I walked to the door of room 107 and knocked on it. The door opened ajar, but I saw no one. I entered and an unknown gruff male voice told me to close the door behind me. The room was completely dark. The voice told me again that there is a blindfold on the table by the door that I should put on. "Are you ready," asked a rough male voice. "Yes," I replied. I noticed through the slits in the blindfolds that the lights were turned on in the room, but I couldn't see anything. I was led to sit on the edge of the bed, and they started asking me questions. What is my name, how old am I, am I in a relationship, what is my husband like, how big a cock does my husband have, do I also let other men fuck me, Does my husband know, do I use protection, do I let men cum in my hole raw... I answered the questions honestly. Finally a male voice said I should take my clothes off. I obeyed again. Finally, I sat on the edge of the bed naked, with only Blindfold on my eyes and socks on my feet. "Well then, get on all fours on the bed and now spread your cheating hole on us," said the rough-voiced man. "For us? Is there anyone else in the room besides the rough-voiced man". I was lying on the bed with my ass up and my head in the sheets. I spread my buttocks with both hands. "You first," said the gruff one. I heard someone spit and must have rubbed his spit on his cock. After that I felt a hot cock in my hole. "Give the cheating husband what he came here for," said the rough-voiced man. I felt the cock sinking into my ass. I shuddered from both pain and ecstasy. The man hammered my ass for a while and the rough-voiced man told me to beg the man to seed me. I kept repeating breed me, breed me... And the man roared and seeded me. As the man pulled out of me, I felt a new cock on my hole. With a strong thrust, the cock sank deep into my already spermed hole. The unknown man began to push and pull at a fast pace. Soon he emptied his load inside me too. After that, the rough-voiced man told me to spread my hole again and thank the unknown seeders. I did as I was told. Very soon I heard the sounds of getting dressed from the room and very soon I heard how the front door of the motel room opened. The room became very quiet. 5 minutes later I guessed there was no one left in the room. I opened the blindfolds and saw that the room was empty. I got dressed quickly and left for my car. When I got home I had received a whatsapp message from Douglas, where he told me to send him a video showing sperm pouring out of my hole. Fortunately, my husband Max was watching his favorite series on netflix, so I quickly sneaked into the bedroom and videoed my hole and pushed out the sperm of unknown men. I fingered my hole at the same time and it felt really good. I sent the video to Douglas and he complimented me on being a nice slut and sent me back a short video clip taken in a hotel room. In the video, I sat in a hotel room with blindfolds on my eyes and answered a rough-voiced man's questions with my own name. Douglas said he has the entire video of my insemination. We could watch it together sometime, Douglas messaged.
    2 points
  18. Just had one of my roughest gangfuck overt the weekend. The setting was a top who use me often organised watch along for the rugby worldcup for some of his Africans guys. The game is actually early morning on Sunday but they wanted a few hole to use all night and after the games. Unfortunately the other two bottom was a no show and I was the only one shows up, and there were about 12 guys. I came around to my friends place around 8pm, and immediately my friend use my hole and fuck me good and gave me the first of his many loads:). After that he prepared me on the fuck table, basically I lay Down on my back, blindfolded me, tied my leg to my thighs, like a chicken ready to be roasted, then tied my hand to my ankles. He then secure my next by tied a round of rope around my neck to the table so I can’t lift my head at all. I was given a dildo gagged for my mouth. I stayed basically in this position until they finish the next morning. Before any of the guys arrive, my friend basically wank me up multiple time, making sure my balls are empty and he would wipe my cums around my holes as added lube. Can’t tell how long I was waiting until the other guys arrive, but felt a long time and very uncomfortable already. My legs was starting to hurt from the ropes. when the guys finally arrive they just went to fuck hard and fast! But no one came or breed me, they would stop and let other guys take over. It went like that for hours,! All I know , it seems they were all reasonably size cock, no smaller one and I felt a little relieved when a few start cumming deep inside, giving me a bit of lube. My hole felt it was on fire! Each stroke was painful, but I was gagged so I can’t ask them to stop. Had a really long break when the game started, I needed to piss, but was unable to move , so I pissed on the table. Felt like there were both cums and blood leaking from my hole, which was confirm later. I felt a sleep or fainted , not sure. the game ended , South Africa won the rugby World Cup and some of them celebrated by fucking me again. I was woken up by a hard cock starting to fuck me hard again. It went for a while let go around 11am, I can’t really stand. My friend drove me home. My hole still in pain today but I’m horny again thinking about it!
    2 points
  19. "no mom,missed church this morning"...mr wison was a skilled cocksucker....omg it was hard keeping a conversation going with mom while my cock twitched at his attentions..."well I won't go to hell for missing just one sunday mom"mr wilson grabbed my cock and led me down to my parents room and pushed me down on my back on the bed,holding my legs up as his tongue found my puckered lil hole and drove into it...making it slick with saliva.Moving his lips to my nipples,then my neck as his cockhead found my twitching wet asshole and pressed into me.....uch faster than our last time he was in as deep as he could go....and brushing my prostate on every stroke was making my dick bounce and twitch.My body accepted him much easier this time....and as my mom and I talked he fucked me gently but deeply,stealing a kiss as breaks in my speaking allowed...his tongue in my mouth tasted of ciggarettes...a pool of semen leaked from my penis onto my belly as his big cockhead stirring my insides up.... a man with aids is fucking me while I talk with mom...and he is goingto ejaculate soon as his pace quickens and becomes more violent."Okay mom.love you too.talk with you monday." and with that I switched the phone off and endured mr Wilsons last fewdeep violent strokes and felt my insides get all gooey as his infected semen shot from his body into mine,and began to cum myself as the stilulation was just too much.Mr wilson felt this and looked down as semen erupted from my penis at almost the same time his did.He had the biggest smile as he said"I can feel you cumming,your ass clamps down on my cock so fucking tight with every spurt....we just rested there for a minute or two,my semen running down my side onto my parents bed as his poz infected semen pooled deep within me for the second time.Stirring the cum on my belly with his fingers he brought them up to my lips,smearing my cum across them and pressing his lips to mine I could taste my cum as his tongue drove deep into my mouth.His cock was still hard and he started fucking me again.Wow such stamina for a man who had aids....it took a lot longer but I swear I could feel him cum again as he grunted....he looked me in the eyes and smiled,saying"you belong to me now Nick.I look forward to having you over as often as possible....you will come to crave this"he said.I want you to sleep with me tonite Nick.Be over at ny place by 7,I will make us dinner."With that Mr Wilson pulled out,kissed my cock and sucked the last drops of cum out of me and left,leaving me in my parents bed with two loads of poz cum deep inside and a sore ass soaking it all in.
    2 points
  20. I've never had to ask a guy to fuck raw...most are already down lol
    2 points
  21. Ricky drove me back to my Daddy's place. Ricky said he wanted to come in and see Brian. Brian was waiting for us. I went to him and he kissed me deep, out tongues locked as he grabbed my ass. "Hmmm, I taste some dirty jism on you", he said "Yes Daddy, I just got fucked", i said looking down "Good boy. Ricky breed you good over the last couple of days?", he asked "Yes i did. He is a fine piece of ass. Thank you for sending him over to me. He is one of the hottest, tightest cunts, i have ever had", he said smiling "I also took him to see Mike", Ricky said "Ohhh. How is he doing?" Brian asked "Not good. Going down hill, but he can still fuck hard and pump cunts like yours full of dirty seed", he said smiling "So you took full blown AIDS, gono and whatever else he has cum, did you", Brian asked "Yes Daddy i did", i said "You enjoy it?", he asked "Yes Daddy i did. His cum felt different and tasted different", i said "Yeah cause its got all that other charged stuff", he said With that he took me into the bedroom, Ricky followed, and Brian pulled down my shorts, bent me over and ate me out. I let out a loud moan and spread wanting him to eat me out. "Yeah your filled with dirty cum you whore", he said Without saying a word, he pulled out his tongue and pushed back his huge cock in me. I let out a groan of pain and pleasure Pain as my ass was still raw and stretched. Pleasure cause i have not had my Daddy in me for 2 days and it felt so good and comfortable. His cock is huge and has a particular shape that fits in me. He started to thrust in me hard, pounding me with a fury and speed. It was animal...pure instinct mating and it was incredible. He started panting, pulling me back chewing on my neck, twisting my nipples, kissing me, our tongues stretching out to intertwine with each other. "Oh Daddy please fuck me, take me, its been too long Daddy please fuck me, breed me!", yelled "Fuck bitch you'll get it. You dirty slutty whore", he said He fucked me pounding me from behind for a good 20 minutes until i felt his cock expand and shoot his hot seed in me. "Ohhhhhh", he moaned "Ohhhh Daddy yes please give me all your seed", i moaned After fucking for another 5 minutes he slowed down and collapsed on me. He lay there with his stick up my ass. It felt so good to be with him again. I hear Ricky get up pull down his pants and could see his huge cock hard now, looking down as he stroked his stick. "Now its my turn whore", he said. Brian rolled off me and Rick sat on my ass and rammed his huge cock in one motion. Brian took his cock and put it at my mouth. It was covered in cum, my pussy juice and it was pink as there was some blood. I hungrily took his cock in my mouth and sucked him clean and started to give him a bj. "Oooooow", i yelled out in pain as his cock seared into my tender worn ass. And as his cock is longer i felt him deeper in me. "Ohh yeah you just got fucked good by a huge cock, but your cunt is still tight....Damn what a hot ass", he said stroking deep into me Its true my ass was able to keep tight for all the recent fucks. Part i think cause that is just how my ass is and the other is hard work. I practice my ass muscles to keep them strong so i can always squeeze and pleasure the cock in me. I've come to believe that if i really want to be a good submissive bottom its about the tops pleasure first. He just sat on me and took over where Brian left off but fucked me harder and deeper. He kept me down and just fucked my ass. It hurt in the angle he was pounding me from but he was also stroking my prostate to crap. "Yeah fucking tight pussy. Im gonna fill you up with more poz seed you dirty little whore", he moaned Brian started to fuck my mouth and ram his cock down my throat. I opened up my pipes and let his assault my mouth. After pummeling my ass for another 10 minutes Ricky finally yelled out and shot his load deep in me. He kept fucking me for another 5 minutes and was rock hard when he pulled out and Brian let out a moan and dumped another load into my mouth. I sucked his cock dry and savored the taste of his cum in my mouth before swallowing. I was beat at this point. I just had been double fucked and fucked again 2x by two very large cocks. Daddy rolled over and kissed me. Ricky came on the other side and kissed me too. I closed my eyes spent and dosed off. I opened my eyes and my two Daddy's were still sleeping next to me. Brian was on his side facing away from me and Ricky was on his back, his cock semihard on his thigh. I couldnt resist and started to softly kiss and suck his cock. I just let his cock head lay in my mouth and used my tongue to softly tease his head. I didnt want to wake him up....yet. After a few minutes he got hard and while my cunt was wrecked, stretched, sore and a little torn, i need more cock and cum in me. I straddled him and placed his cock at my hole and slowly sat on his fuck stick. Halfway down his eyes opened and he said, "You little filthy whore, you need cock all day don't you". I looked back at him with my sexy stern eyes and said, "Not just cock but your poz seed." and leaned down and kissed him. I felt empowered and like the top at this point. Riding his cock and owning the scene of me taking it and making him give me his seed. His poz dirty seed that i wanted, no needed in my cunt. I started to ride him hard taking his cock deep in me, massaging his cock with my cunt muscles and gyrating my ass on him. "Ohhhh fuck yeah you whore....ride me like a cunt you are", he moaned loudly By now i was riding him hard. Brian woke up and i could see him stroking his hard cock. I had my eyes half open just enjoying the pleasure of Ricky's hard huge cock. He was not as thick as Daddy but he was long and touched me deep. I was so into my own pleasure i didn't realize Brian was behind me and pushed me forward and stuck his cock at my hole. "Oh god no please you are both two big", i cried "Shut up whore. Go for it Brian, he took me and Mike today", Ricky said "Yeah that's my dirty little whore", Daddy said as he pushed in his fat head. "Aaaaahhhhhhh", i yelled as his fat head pushed into my ass I felt like he tore my cunt up as he kept pushing. Half way in i had to breath deeply as the wind got knocked out of me as i was being filled my two mammoth cocks. "Yeah bitch we are going to fill you up", Daddy said He them thrust in one push and was fully in my pussy. "Ohhhhh God", i yelled in both pain and pleasure. I felt my cunt stretch and rip a little but suddenly i felt huge pressure on my prostate like i have never felt before and both of them were past my second ring deep in me and it was like they were stretching my cunt and stomach. They were both now fucking me good, Ricky lifting his hips and pulling me down and Brian mounting me from behind like a Rottweiler fucking me hard. The pain and pleasure was incredible. I just started moaning uncontrollably and babbling, "Ohhhh yes fuck me please, breed me, make me your whore please. i want to get pregant please fuck me please i need your seed in me", i moaned. As they both came earlier, they fucked me for a good 30 minutes pummeling me, our tongues intertwined, Ricky sucking on my tits and chewing on my nipples and Brian sucking and chewing on my neck leaving hickey marks. It was incredible ecstacy. "Ohhh god im going to cum", i yelled. Brian stopped fucking me and grabbed my balls hard causing a sharp pain and subduing my orgasm. "Not yet your dirty whore, you cum last", he said and then turned my head and gave me the most intimate passionate kiss, then started rammming back into me. It was incredible animal sex as we fucked more and more. I felt Ricky expand first and shoot his load and then a few minutes later Daddy finally shot in me. They both kept fucking and grinding into my cunt telling me they wanted the seed to soak in. Then Brian started fucking me hard focusing on my prostate and in a minute i shot a huge load all over Ricky. DAddy then grabbed my cock from behind and kept stroking me and with his other hands played with my nipples. As i had just cum my cock was oversensitive and i started to squirm and push his hand away. Ricky grabbed my hands and held them away. i kept squirming but couldn't get away as i had two large cocks still hard in me keeping me from moving or wanting to move as i realized i was still on my own riding them and grinding against and on them. Brian pulled me back towards his chest and i kissed him while he kept playing with my cock and tits. It was sensory overload and couldn't take any more it being milked, fucked and my nipples being played and i shot again another load and let out a deep guttural moan. Brian kept playing with my cock and i begged him to stop but he kept going and kept fucking me and i couldn't take it and before i blacked out i felt another orgasm take over my body. I was spent and out.
    2 points
  22. After lying with his cock in me and very sensual kissing. I climbed off his still semihard cock. It plopped out and cum fell out on his stomach. I leaned down and licked the cum which was pink from the stretching and tearing of my cunt with these two huge cocks. I then cleaned his gorgeous meat of cum and my ass juice. His cock oozed some slightly yellow cum. It looked like infected discharge and i bent down and sucked it up, he moaned and pulled me towards him and he kissed me deep and out tongues exchanged his cum and discharge. "You are such a dirty whore aren't you. You can get enough of my infected seed and my filthy dirty puss leaking out of my cock", he said, "No i can't. I want your dirty seed in my cunt and in my mouth so i can get pregnant and taste you all day", i smiled back at him and kissed him again. Ricky came up from behind me and stuck two fingers in me and swirled them around and massaged my prostate. I fell foward in surprise and closed my eyes a little and moaned as my pussy was so wet. "Yeah you dirty slut. You just got fucked by 2 cocks and we all came and no more than 2 minutes later i'm fingering your pussy and your all horny again", he laughed. It was true. My ass got wrecked and bred and i was still horny. He kept massaging my pussy walls and my prostate and started to moan and breath harder. He quickly pulled out his fingers and i looked back in disappointment. He laughed, "No more pleasure whore", he said taking his fingers with cum, puss and a little blood scooped up in his fingers and stuck it in my mouth. I opened gladly and sucked on his fingers and licked them as if they were a cock. "Yeah good boy, suck all that dirty diseased cum and puss and your pussy juice", he said. He stared at my and our eyes locked as i sucked them clean. He pulled his fingers out of my mouth and pulled me in and kissed me deeply. "Good boy" I them without being told, dropped on my knees and sucked his semihard cock and cleaned it good. It tasted of cum and blood and some puss. He pulled me up turned me around and put the butt plug in my ass abruptly. And then he started to twisty and rotate it around a bit and i started to moan again. He stopped and slapped my ass. "Lets go slut before i fuck you again and leave you here as his property", he laughed. I looked back at him and had that look in my eye of wishing he would. "Ohhh someone's in lust. Mike you may have puppy here that won't leave", he said. "Yeah, he's a hungry little bitch. You can leave him. I could use a slut around the house", Mike said and laughed but was serious. Mike stared at me while i put my panties and short shorts on with lust and hunger. "Sorry he's not my boy to give but maybe we will come back soon. You want that don't you", Ricky asked. "I do but only if its okay with you and Daddy", i said. "We will see. Take care Mike.", Ricky said I walked over to him and kissed him deeply. "You come back now", Mike said. "I hope i can", i said. As we drove back to my Daddy's place i couldn't believe i just took diseased, AIDS cum and loved it. In fact i wanted more. I was both scared and excited. My cock grew hard and i reflected on those last few days of incredible sexual pleasure and experience. I wanted more.
    2 points
  23. Sorry i have been away. Next chapter below. Enjoy! After we finished out breakfast, he asked me if we could stop by his friends place and drop off some groceries as he doesnt get out of the house cause he is sick. I agreed and we went over. When we got there, Ricky had a key to his place and we let ourselves in. We went into the living room and there his friend was lying on the couch. He looked like he had full blown AIDS. "Mike this is my friend Jeff, Jeff this is Mike", Ricky said. I said hello and shook his hand. For someone who looked sick he had a good grip. He was black, in his mid 60's and was about 6ft but he was no more than 110lbs. He was gaunt and has lesions on his chest as he was wearing no shirt and some tight boxers. I glazed over his cock and it was a good size and starting to get hard. "Mike you devil you, Jeff got you all worked up", he asked "Yeah he looks like he has a nice ass. You fuck him", Mike asked "Yes ive bred him several times and his pussy is still tight", Ricky said slapping my ass and telling me to help Mike out. I got on my knees near the couch and pulled off his boxers. While he was gaunt his cock was about 8" and really thick. I sucked on him and swallowed him in one felt swoop. "Ohhhh yeah what a whore you have got here", he moaned pushing my head further on his meat I easily took him into my throat and massaged his cock in my mouth. He was too weak to really fuck me so i pulled out my butt plug and sat on his cock. He grabbed my hips and pushed me up and down on his cock. He felt really good as he was thicker than Ricky but nowhere as long but long enough and he was wrecking my prostate. I was so horny my pussy started to convulse around his meat. "Oh shit this whores pussy is eating up my cock. Work it bitch" he said digging his fingers into my hips. I squeezed really hard and he let out a large moan. I knew he was close. Ricky had pulled out his cock and fed it to me. I sucked him while riding Mike. I was heaven when Mike pulled out of my mouth and whispered into my ear, "I am going to make you feel so good. Inhale", as he put a bottle under my nose. It was poppers and it made my head feel fuzzy and my body relaxed. He went behind me and i felt his cock at my hole. "No Daddy please dont you are both too big", i cried out "Shut up whore take it, you know you want it", Mike yelled "Dont worry baby it will hurt as first but you will enjoy it trust me", Ricky said soothingly He pushed in and it hurt like hell. Mike kept me where i was and started lifting his hips off the couch and fucking me and nailing my prostate...."Ohh God", i moaned "Yeah you whore you luv my cock in you dont you. Its hitting your gspot", Mike tease "Yes it feels so good to have you in me", i moaned "And what else whore", Mike asked "I want your diseased cock and cum in me", i moaned "Yeah i got a high viral load for your now. You are going to have my baby bitch. Ohhh damn your pussy is so good.", he moaned while fucking me Mike pushed more into me and I yelled in pain. He had about 3 inches in and it hurt. Ricky put the bottle back under my nose and i inhaled deep. It made my head spin and i leaned forward more. Mike pulled me down and kissed me. Our tongues danced with each other and i felt a lesion on his tongue. I played with it and sucked on it. "You dirty whore, you like my sick tongue with that lesion", he asked "Yes its so sexy", i moaned back. I was in flux...it was incredible pleasure our kissing, being fucked so good and yet in pain as Ricky shoved his stick in me. I was in heaven kissing Mike, sucking on his lesion, while he was working my cunt. Ricky was slowly sinking into me. It hurt like hell. "Oh bitch your cunt is expanding to take our cocks, and your cunt is pink a little so i know you are going to get pregnant today", he said I just put my head down and focused on taking Rickys cock in me. I felt myself being torn into two but just breathed and enjoyed the moment. I just tried to relax and take both cocks. I was sweating all over and it really did hurt but i wanted to please both of them. I felt his slowly sink in me and finally felt his balls at my hole. "Ohhhh damn, your cunt has both of us in you whore", Ricky laughed "Damn your cunt is tighter than ever and its fucking squeezing me. You are one horny cunt arent you", Mike said It was true i was a horny whore. My cunt on its own started to spasm and massage their cocks. They both moaned and Ricky started to push back and forth slowly letting me get used to having both of them. It was the most intense feeling of my life. My pussy was being stretched beyond belief and they were moving me me touching me in different spots. Ricky was so deep in my pass my 2nd ring and Mike was wrecking my prostate and together they were stretching my hole. My cunt relaxed and intense pain turned into amazing pleasure. My pussy started to spasm and massage their cocks and i couldnt stop moaning. "Ohhh yeah look at this whore. One minute please dont and then next moaning like a slut", Mike said ":Ohhhh yes it feels so good", i moaned "You want us to stop?", MIke asked and he stopped fucking me "No please keep fucking me both of you", i moaned "Yeah he needs it", Ricky said They were right...i needed both of them. I was moaning so loud like a bitch in heat. I was babbling and moaning. It was the most intense fuck of my life. They were both so huge and stretching my cunt more than i thought it could take. Mike pulled me towards him and gave me a deep kiss, our tongues made out and i could feel lesions on his tongue. I sucked on them and wanted more. Me flat on his stomach allowed Ricky to almost sit on my ass and pound the shit out of me. He jackhammered me hard and swift. I let out a moan of pain and pleasure into Mike's mouth. He just took it in and grabbed my nipples and started to play them. I couldn't stop moaning, i was in ecstasy. After another 10 minutes of this pounding, Mike let out a loud moan and yelled, "I am going to poz your cunt with my aids" I yelled back, "Oh yes please make me pregnant with your seed". He froze and grabbed my hips hard and thrust in me. I felt his huge cock expand and shoot a hot charged load in me. Ricky couldn't hold off any longer and i felt his cock burst in me. I was a bitch in heat and kept riding Mike and pushing back on Ricky trying to get as much cock in me and using my cunt muscles to squeeze every drop out of them. "Ohhh yeah bitch you want it all don't you", Ricky said as i kept pushing back and forth onto his huge stick. He was wrecking my prostate and i was on the edge. "Yeah bitch ride cock.....that's all you are good for", he said. After a few more thrusts i couldn't hold back and shot all over Mike's chest. After cumming, Mike pulled me down and gave me a deep sensual kiss. I stayed there calming down from my orgasm with 2 huge cocks and all that poz seed in me while kissing this gorgeous AIDS man.
    2 points
  24. When we woke up the next morning i jumped into the shower. He came in a little later and was partially hard. I couldn't help myself and dropped to my knees and sucked him till he was rock hard. He then stood me up, pushed me against the shower wall and pushed his huge meat into my cunt. I bent over and pushed back to open myself to him and take all of it. He rammed me that way against the wall hard. This was not lovemaking like last night but pure animal fucking. He also started to suck on and bite my neck making me moan and tilt my head to offer more of my neck to him. He kissed, sucked and bit into my neck making me moan even louder and pushing my cunt hard back on his cock. He rammed me against the wall and pounded me like we hadn't fucked all year. It was so intense and hard. He didn't care if it felt pleasurable to me, i was just a piece of ass that he was using for his pleasure and nothing made me happier or hornier. "Milk my cock boy" , he whispered into my ear. I complied and squeezed my cunt muscles around his mammoth meat. "Ohhh yeah your cunt is hungry isnt it", he asked "Ohhh yes it is i need your dick in me", i begged He was fucking me so hard my insides felt like they were getting rearranged but i didn't care. I pushed back even more on his cock. He kept hammering my prostate milking my pussy so bad. He fucked me for a good 20 minutes. "Here is comes, milk me bitch" , he yelled I felt his cock expand and shoot hot spurts of his toxic cum into me. I nutted myself pushing my cunt to convulse around hi obelisk of a cock. "Ahhhh yeah boy", he yelled fucking me in overdrive. He grabbed around and kept milking my cock which made my cunt keep squeezing him. I felt like i came again it felt so good. We caught our breath and kissed him still lodged in me. He slowly pulled out and i dropped to my knees and cleaned him off and sucked any leftover cum in that gorgeous piece of meat. I then licked his balls and when back to suck on his cock. He pulled me up, he pushed my back against the wall and gave me a good keep kiss. He then lifted me up and lowered me back on his still hard cock and fucked me against the wall while holding me up. He was wrecking and massging my prostate at the same time as he fucked me while kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked them and held on for the ride. He fucked me like that for another 10 minutes before dumping another poz load in me. I dropped to my knees again and cleaned up my pussy juice, his cum and a bit of blood off his cock. We finished our shower and left to eat breakfast. What a way to start a day!
    2 points
  25. Sorry i have been away. As we lay there we talked a lot more. "Can i ask how you got pozzed", i asked He told me he was in his early 30's when he started experimenting with men and went to a bathhouse in SF. It was there he met a guy named Steve who fucked him bare for the first time. He had been fucked before but only with condoms. Steve was much older than him and more experienced. He said they started dating and Steve opened his eyes to the true joys of male intimacy. Steve helped him become comfortable with his body, receiving and giving pleasure and exploring all forms of male sex. Steve would take him to bathhouses and whore him out, or have breeding parties and invite 10 guys over and have an orgy all night. Steve would also have him breed other neg guys who wanted to convert. He made me dinner and as we ate we talked about our lives, coming out, sexual explorations and fantasies. We also just talked about other stuff, traveling , food and life. He was really engaging and also funny. He asked if i wanted to stay over night and i said, "I was hoping you would ask". We went to his bedroom and he made love to me all night. It wasnt raw pounding sex it was true male intimacy. He kissed me so passionately, worked over my body like it was an instrument and every touch was exhilarating. I went down on his hard huge cock and got most of down my throat, then licked his balls. He kissed me pushed me on my back and slowly entered me as it was our first time together. Once fully lodged in me, he fucked me in the most tender sensual way, slowly fucking me and gyrating his hips. Our lips locked, my legs trying to wrap around his waist to keep all of him in me but he pushed them away and just fucked me. It was the best love fuck ever. Its as if we had all month to fuck. He kept it at a slow methodic pace fucking me. As he gyrated he touched every part of my cunt and stomach. I felt him in places i have never felt a man before. HE fucked me like that for an entire hour mostly in missionary and some doggy but he kept his slow pace. I was in a ecstatic sensual daze, i was so high on what he was doing to me i didn't want it to end. After a good hour he finally came. I felt his cock expand and his breathing pick up but he kept the same fucking pace. I nutted twice while getting fucked. He finally collapsed on me and our lips locked. I wrapped my legs around him keeping him in me. I needed him so badly. We drifted off to sleep as lovers.
    2 points
  26. I woke up the next day. Daddy had left for work already. He left me a note on the table. I want you to visit my Daddy today. Offer yourself to him as if was me. Dress up for him. Cock cage. Take the butt plug with you but not in your pussy. On the back was his address which was about 20 min away. I got dressed in a light blue lace thong, short jeans cut offs that showed my ass cheek and a tight tank top. I also put on sheer black knee high stockings and wore my high heel boots. I looked in the mirror and put on a little eye shade. I drove out parked and walked up to his apartment and knocked on the door. Opening the door was a tall mixed handsome latino black man. He was at least 6'1 with broad shoulders and was early 60's. "Hi i am Ricky you must be Brian's boy. Come in", he said I went in and i sat on the couch. He got us some wine and walked over to sit next to me. He was wearing thin shorts and i could see the outline of his cock which was huge. He also had on a terry robe top that went to his waist and was wrapped around his thin body. As I looked at his face it was gaunt. He looked a bit sick. He had a bit of a thin beard and moustache. He sat right next next to me and turned towards me. "So tell me about yourself", he said while tuning his body facing me, his legs touching mine and his hand resting on my leg. I was nervous but yet calmed. He had a very calming and warm demeanor to him. "My name is Jeff and I am Brian's boy. We met about two months ago and he has changed my life", i said "How did he change your life and in what way", he asked I turned to Ricky and made sure our legs were touching and started telling him the story of how wet met and got involved. And I also went back further and talked to him about my journey being bicurious and hook ups with other men via massages and road to being gay and more importantly a total bottom whore. I felt totally comfortable with him telling him my whole story. I didnt realize that our fingers were intertwined and my leg was now on his and his other hand was now on my thigh. While is face was gaunt his eyes were stunning deep brown and he had long eye lashes. I could stare at his for days. He leaned in and kissed me. It was the most soft and tender kiss i have had even more than Daddy. I opened my mouth and let him in, wanting his tongue to ravish my mouth. It was so sensual. His hand on my thigh was now stroking it sensually as he touched my cock. He felt the cage then went back to my thigh and felt up my balls through the bottom of my shorts. I let out a soft moan. His other hands were working over my nipples. He broke out kiss and leaned over and started to kiss on and suck on my nipples. He didnt bit but rather sucked, licked and swirled them around with his tongue. I held his head there with my two hands softly rubbing kissing his head. "Take me please", moaned He stood up and took off his robe. I saw a muscular and gaunt frame. Then he took off his shorts and saw the most magnificent cock. It was huge, probably 10" and thick. Not as thick as Daddy but very thick. It was veiny and has some red splotches on it. His chest also had some dark red splotches. "Are you sure. I have full blown AIDS." he said as he stroked his now huge hard cock. I just stared at it, my mouth watering my cock hard. I was torn. He was so hot and sexy but he had full blown AIDS and who knows what else but it didnt matter and I didnt have to remember what Daddy told me, my desire, my cunt was running my mind. I was so wet, I wanted him in me. "Yes I want you to take me and make me yours. I want you to impregnate me with your seed. Please" i said taking off my clothes then getting on my knees to suck his huge cock. "Ohhh yeah suck it good", he said moaning I sucked him for a good ten minutes teasing his head then taking most of him in my throat only gagging once. "Your a good cock sucker. I see Brian has trained you well", he said lifting me up and putting me on the couch, spreading my legs lifting my ass and eating my pussy. I started to moan loudly as i opened my legs more. He ate and ran his fingers in me massaging my prostate, teasing my hole also he scraped my pussy walls with his fingernails. I winced in pain but didnt care cause it felt so good to get eaten out. He then reached over the stand next to the couch grabbed a key and unlocked my cage and took out my cock and removed the plug. Then he lubed his cock and put my legs on his shoulders. "You sure about this. Once i am in you and i am going to cum in you", he said "Yes please i dont want you in me", i said as he looked at me confused "I need you in me. I need your AIDS sperm in me marking me and making me pregnant. I want to have your baby like i had my Daddys", i said opening my legs on my own offering myself to him "Please take me please", i begged He then stuck his fat head at my hole and pushed in slowly, He took his time entering me. A while later he pushed through my 2nd ring and he was deep in my cunt be he kept going. I had never felt anything so deep in me. I felt so full and complete. He pulled out his cock, i gave him a sad look, he smiled and grabbed lube and put more on his cock and stuck his baseball bat of a cock back in me. He quickly got passed my 2nd ring then pushed deeper into me. I threw my head back and moan and opened my legs as much as a could. "Ohhh shit please take me please", i moaned and begged He kept going until i felt him hit a 3rd ring. The pressure was incredible and there was some pain with him being that deep. I breathed and relaxed to take him. He pushed a little more and he passed the 3rd ring. It felt like he was in my stomach he was so deep. He leaned down and gave me a deep kiss and out tongues danced together. The he started to fuck me good grinding his cock deep in my belly and gyrating his hips. I started to moan uncontrollably as he fucked me and i wrapped my legs around his waist to get all of him in me. "Damn your pussy is so tight" he said fucking me His cock felt so amazing in me, its like it could feel every inch of him sliding in and out of me. I could feel the veins stroking my pussy. He left my lips and started kissing and sucking on my neck that sent me into overdrive. Then he started to do medium strokes and go after my prostate. My head fell back and my eyes went back in my head and my pussy started to spasm around his cock. "Ohhhh damn your cunt is hungry isnt. It wants my cock bad", he moaned "Yes my cunt needs your cock and your dirty seed in me" i moaned back to him We were both in heat. He pulled out and turned me over and began fucking me doggy style and pounding me deep. He would do long strokes, pulling all the way out and slam back into me. The first few times hurt and took the breath out of me as he went so hard and so deep in me. He dug his hands and nails into my hip. It was hard pain and immense pleasure all in one. He pounded me like this for a good 15 minutes in doggy as wells as pushing me flat on my stomach and sitting on my ass and rearranging my insides. Normally i can take cock like this but because his cock is so long it was difficult and i felt it deeper in what felt like my stomach. It was an incredible feeling As he thrust his cock deep in my body i pushed up with my pelvis to meet his cock and get all of him in me. He thick meat scraped my prostate on the way in and out. I was panting and moaning like a real whore. "Oooohhhhh yeah Daddy fuck me good and deep please", i moaned "Don't worry babe you are going to get all of Daddys cock and my seed in you. I am going to give you a second baby. My boy Brian gave you your first baby now i am going to make you pregnant again.", he said fucking me deep He got off me and turned me over and lay on me our lips meeting. I instinctively opened my legs and offered my self to him. He accepted and entered my as i wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn't believe i was fucking a guy with full blown AIDS and begging him to cum in me. We stayed like that for a while, him gyrating and fucking me while our lips were lock with the occasional sucking on my neck or my nipples. I love the ways he sucked and chewed on them. Every time he did my cunt squeezed his huge invading meat. After 45 minutes of fucking and what i felt was making love, he got off me sat upright on the couch and told me to climb on and take my load from him. He was running low on energy and wanted me to work for his hot charged load. I slowly climbed on him with my knees outside of his legs facing him and grabbing his thick hose and aiming at my cunt. I pushed down and slowly got it in then worked my way down while kissing and staring into his deep eyes and kissing his beautiful and gaunt face. I dont know why but his gaunt face was so beautiful and sexy to me. His gorgeous eaten body made my cock so hard and my pussy wet. As we kissed i went down and licked and inhaled his armpit, i swear i almost came from doing that. His scent was pure animal. "I cant believe how much i want you and your turn me on. You are so beautiful and sexy", i said in his ear. "I know. Whores like you want my AIDS body to fuck you and make you pregnant", he said back "Yes please", i begged "Please what", he said manipulating my nipples "Please cum in me, breed me, give me your AIDS babies", i said as i kept squeezing his cock with my cunt muscles "Your cunt is going to get what it wants", he said I felt his cock expand and suddenly send huge spurts deep in me. I felt the hot cum hit inside my 3rd ring and 2nd spraying me with his babies. I started to convulse on his cock and also started to ride him harder. He dug in his hands and nails in me as he was cumming. "Oh my God....uhhhhhhh", i moaned as i shot all over him with 7 huge spurts as i had not cum in a long time. We kissed out lips interlocked as we rode our orgasm together. After 5 minutes of me slowly gyrating and working his cock with my pussy to get all his seed out of him i collapsed on him. He held me in his arms. I climbed off his horse sized cock and went down on my knees and cleaned his wet cock. The taste of his cum and my pussy was delicious. I held some in my mouth and kissed him pushing it into his mouth. He willing took it and said "We taste good together" I went back down and kept licking him clean and working his cock to get every drop out of him. I couldnt help notice there was a tinge of red in the cum as he really ripped my ass in half. "Ohhh yeah suck it. You want every drop dont you" he said and i just nodded I climbed back on the couch with him and we lay together legs interlock and lips together. It felt right to be with him. I cant wait to get pregnant again.
    2 points
  27. e let me go and i felt his cum running down my leg. I wiped up and licked it. Then I felt my whole. My lips felt raw and puffy. I walked over to the mirror and bent over looking at my hole thru my legs. "Your pussy lips are nice and fat now", said Daddy "My mouth is watering watching you finger yourself", he said as i fingered myself I stood up and licked my fingers clean. I tuned around and bent over in front of the mirror again to look at my lips. I liked my cunt lips looking fat, I thought it looked sexy. And i could see the lust in his eyes when talking about my fat pussy lips. "I gotta get to work. I will see you later tonight", he said as he kissed me and left for work I also had to get going as i started my nursing assistant accelerated course today. I got dressed in a hot pink thong, a high neck short sleeve to cover the hickeys and tan scrubs. I looked at myself in the mirror and i was excited about my new career. I also notice i had picked a tight size of scrubs. If i moved in a certain way you could see the outline of my thong and even the color. My nipples also protruded a bit when i turned a certain way. I didnt mind. I am glad that Daddy let me keep the plug out so i could heal. But i still had to wear my cock cage and nipple magnets. He said he still wanted me to remember my cock doesnt matter and wanted to keep working on my nipples to get them fatter. I got to class and sat down. There were 5 of us in the class. Three guys and two women. All of them were young maybe 20 or 21 with me being the oldest. The instructor walked in and introduced himself. His name was Richard Stockton and he is a registered nurse for 10 years and had been teaching for about 5 years with the last 2 years at this campus. He had moved to Palm Springs with his former partner. He was handsome, 5'11 medium build with an arm tatt. He went around the room and asked everyone to introduce themselves. First there was Jessica. She was 19, from LA and new to PS and just moved out here to be on her own and try this program and get a job. She was hot. When i was into girls i would have gone after her. She was 5'1, nice body and very girly. Next was Rex, he was 20 also new to PS from San Diego and also was interested in getting a job. He was 5'2 thin build. Third was Syd short for Sydney. She was born and raised in PS and wanted to get into the health field. She was actually older then me at 27, petite build. She was cute but had a short cropped haircut, and an arm and neck tatt. Then there was Aaron who was also from PS and looking to get into the health field. He was also 19 and was 5'4" and had a tight fit build. Lastly I introduced myself to the class. After the introductions we got started on the course. As it was an accelerated course it was 4 hours long. The class started off with an instructional overview of nursing, what our duties would be and what we would be learning. Each day we would have a mix of lecture and then practicum with short breaks in between. During practicum we broke out into pairs to learn how to use the stethoscope to listen breathing, how to take someone's pulse and take someone's blood pressure. All the other students paired up and i got paired up with the instructor. Even though we had a lecture with a demonstration the instructor felt the need to walk around and help each pair of students. So i just waited and watched everyone do their session. He came back about five minutes later and we started. He told me that he would practice on me first so i could see how to do it again correctly. As he listened to my breathing he started casual conversation which he also taught us during the lecture as a way to relax patients. "So how long have you been in Palm Springs", he asked "About two months", i said "What brought you out here", he asked I paused as i was sure how honest i wanted to be. I thought me might be gay but wasnt sure as a lot of hetero couples refer to their other half as partner these days. "A friend and just a change of scenery", i said "Cool. There is a lot of opportunity in healthcare and you can make really good money. I think you will enjoy it and do well", he said as he listened to my breathing. In moving the scope on my chest he brushed over one of my nipples. He didnt say anything. Then it happened again on the other nipple. My nipples were getting hard. Not to mention as he was in close proximity he smelled so hot. He has that manly leather bit of unwashed BO smell. I was starting to feel a little flush and my cock was hard. Lucky i had the cage on but it still rises and in some ways is a little more noticeable as it has a hard shape. I just hope he didnt notice "You ok", he asked as his hand softly grabbed my shoulder. "Yes sorry just felt a little flush. I am fine now, thank you", i said He then moved the scope to my back, took my pulse and then told me to move my chair as he was going to take my BP. "Mr. Stockton, why do you think I will do well in this field", i asked "Well i can tell you are smart and can adapt based on the questions you asked", he replied He sat across from me as we didnt have a table and grabbed my arm and put it on his leg as the arm needs to be relaxed and laying on something when taking someone's BP as he was talking me thru what he was doing in each step. My arm lay up on his left leg with my hand at the top of his thigh. He twisted my arm a bit to fit the cuff and the back of my hand brushed against the head of his cock. He didnt have a hard on but it was semi hard. He adjust my arm and it wasnt touching any more. He looked at me and caught me staring at what looked like a nice thick piece of cock meat. He finished taking my BP and then told me to do him. I did the breathing and pulse as he instructed and then the BP. We did the same in reverse and i put his arm on my leg. The other students were finished and he told them to take a break and come back in 10 minutes. I strapped the cuff on him and noticed he had nice tatts on his arm including a scorpion. It wasnt large about 2 inches but it was very hot. "You like tattoos", my instructor asked "Yes i find them very cool. You like scorpions?" i said "Lets just say i have a bite", he said smiling I smiled and laughed back at him. His hand was relaxed palm up on my upper thigh. As i was trying to get the cuff on his arm it moved his arm and the back of his hand brushed against my cock or more precisely my cock cage. I moved his arm quickly in hoping he didnt feel the plastic cage. He didnt say anything and he was watching watching me put on the cuff but caught his glance at my hard cock. After taking his BP i removed the cuff. "You did a good job. You can go take a break now", he said Standing up i saw how big his cock was. It was a nice thick hung piece of meat. I went outside and chatted with the others for a short while. We all came back and continued class. Why he was lecturing i looked up that scorpion tattoo. It talked about evil spirts and other things then it said gay men. I click the link and it meant the person was HIV positive. My cock got suddenly hard and i got flush again. The last part of class was practice again with bandages. At 6p when the class ended i and Aaron stayed back to help the instructor clean up the class and reset the tables and chairs. Aaron was cute and had a tight body. As I was putting away some supplies in a box and placing them under a table i bent down and over to put them away. I could see in the stainless steel I picked up dinner on the way home. When i got home i dropped the scrubs and kept on my thong. I waited for Daddy on the couch watching TV. He finally came home after 7p. When he came in we started to kiss and make out. I dropped on my knees and sucked his cock as if i hadnt eaten anything all day. After he was hard he took me put me on the couch ass in the air and ate my pussy. "Ahhhhh Daddy yeah eat me please", i moaned "Yeah your pussy is all wet isnt it. Your all horny", he said in between eating me out. He stuck his tongue and fingers in me working my hole then he started to lick and nibble at my pussy lips. They were still raw and sensitive but it felt good. He stopped reached over to the stand next to the tv and pulled out lube and put some on his cock then stuck his mammoth meat in me. "Ohhhhhh Daddy fuck me please. I need your cock in me, i need your cum, your babies swimming in me", i begged He started to ram into me and fuck me good. All i could do is brace for his thrust and push back to get as much of him in me. He fucked me ramming deep into my cunt then gyrating and working my prostate. My cunt started to spasm around his huge meat. "Ohhh yeah baby, your cunt missed Daddy huh. Yeah work Daddys cock", he said pumping in m "Yes i do. Please cum in me please", i begged After a good 10 minutes of pounding i got my wish and felt his cock expand and shoot 5 spurts in me. He kept fucking me for another 5 minutes then finally pulled out. I turned and sucked on his cock cleaning him and trying to keep his cock hard so he could fuck me again. I wanted him back in me so badly. He pushed me off his cock and then went down on my already hard and leaking cock. He sucked me for a good 3 minutes then grabbed the lube and stuck a finger in his ass and then put some lube on my cock and stroked me. I was surprised and in shock at what he was doing. "I want you to fuck me", he said "What.......i never did that before", i stammered "Youve never fucked before", he asked "I have but only girls", i said "Trust me you will like this more", he said stroking my cock which was leaking "I want you to fuck me and cum in me. I want us to exchange our charged loads now that you poz, baby. And its not a request. Fuck me now" he said and then leaned over and gave me a wet passionate kiss He got on all fours and he entered his slowly. He was tight and while i wasnt huge like him my cock was a good 7 inches and fairly thick. I entered him slowly till i was all the way in and then slowly started to fuck him. He started to moan softly. He was right this was way better than pussy. His ass was tight and warm and it grabbed my cock. "Now I know why tops like fucking so much", i said fucking him "Yeah feels good dont it. But dont get used to it that much. You're still a bottom whore", he said "I know Daddy" i said ramming into him I started to focus on his prostate and he really started to moan loudly. Being a bottom i think makes you a better top, i thought. I wasnt going to last long and after 5 minutes of fucking him i started to shoot. "Ohhh here it comes", i said shooting 6-7 spurts of hot cum into him. I kept fucking him then finally pulled out. He turned around and he licked me clean then put my legs on his shoulders and rammed into me. "Ahhhhhhhhhh", i yelled He was now fucking the shit out of me. It wasnt gentle he was ramming into me with all his might. He ripped passed the second ring and started to wreck my prostate and rearrange my insides. All i could do was hold onto his arms and he rammed and pounded me. His sweat dripped from his head on me and we kissed deeply. Then he started to chew on my neck and and i wrapped my legs around him pulling him into me as he fucked me good. After 15 minutes of pounding he finally shot another huge load in me. We stayed like that intertwined with his cock in me, my legs a vise around his waist and our tongues locked. Twenty minutes went by making out and he pulled out of me still hard. I sucked him clean then we both were starving and went to eat dinner. We talked about our day. I told him about my class, my hot instructor and the other students. He told me about his day at the store and that Cody was going on vacation for a week and if i could help him out at the store. I said sure. I also told him i was schedule to go back to the clinic for my check up. In bed we talked and I thanked him for taking me to the bar and helping me with my journey on being a total whore bottom. "Did you enjoy it", he asked "Yes i did. It felt strange. At the beginning when you told me to go with Raymond i was a little hurt. I felt like you didnt care about me and i was just to be passed around. But when i got back there it felt natural. I couldnt stop taking cocks in me. I wanted all of them and all of their loads. It felt so good to be fucked like a total whore, a piece of meat, to be used for others pleasure to be filled with all that hot cum and even a bunch of poz cum. I felt so sexy." i said We started kissing and he pulled back. "I want you going forward in your next phase to never refuse a cock or a load, understand. If anyone wants to fuck you, you need to let them bare and breed you. If someone flirts with you, i want you to let them flirt and flirt back. Dont refuse any load ok", he said "Yes Daddy i understand. Can i ask what about us, are we a couple?" i asked "Yes we are but we are not exclusive. I want you to take any cock and load. I may fuck around and you will have to learn to live with that but in the end we will have each other", he said "Yes Daddy i know. I tasted someones ass and cum on your mouth when you came home" i said "Yes that was Cody. I ate him out, fingered him and sucked a load from him. He begged me to fuck him but i wanted to come home and fuck you good", he said "Thank you Daddy", i said kissing him then going down on him sucking him hard then straddling his cock and sinking on his obelisk of meat I rode him for a good 20 minutes and used all my strength to milk his cock "Ohhh yea boy milk Daddys cock. You want another load huh", he said "Yes Daddy i need your babies in me. Knock me up please", i moaned as he gripped my hips and thrust into me shooting another load in me. I collapsed on him with him in me and we fell asleep.
    2 points
  28. I woke up the next day in bed. I looked over at the clock and it was almost 11 am. My body ached and my ass was sore. I rolled around in bed and just rested. Daddy came in and sat on the edge of the bed next to me. "How are you feeling", he said "My body is a bit sore but my ass is hurting", i said He lifted up my legs and pulled out the butt plug. It slipped out easier than normal but still hurt as my ass was still raw. He showed me the plug. It was a glass plug. "I used this since i knew your ass would be raw from all that fucking. It was covered in cum and has streaks of pink. "Open up" he said as he stuck it in my mouth. I sucked on it licking it clean. "Thank you Daddy for last night and taking care of me and showing me what i need", i said "I want you to realize what you are and what you are capable of and stretch your limits. Last night was the first step in your journey of what i have planned for you", he said "And what is that Daddy", i asked shyly "Its to become a true bottom whore. To become and own your sexual potential", he said "Lets get you cleaned up", he said While i rinsed off last night at the bar i was still a little sticky and smelling of cum and sweat. I went in and took a nice hot shower and cleaned off. When washing off my hole, i felt that my lips were still puffy and red. After cleaning up i dried off and went into the bedroom to put on some underwear. When I walked passed the closet mirror i looked at myself. From top to bottom i was covered in marks to memorialize what happened last night. One eye was a little red as cum got into that eye and it got irritated. On my neck i had two large hickeys, one on each side. They were dark red and also had other marks around them. My tits had bite marks and hickeys on them. My nipples were both swollen and red and each had hickeys. I had other bite marks on my stomach and the groin area along with a few hickeys. Turning around I could see hickeys and bite marks on my shoulder and ass cheeks. "What are you looking at", Daddy asked "All the marks from last night" i said as i touched each one sensually Daddy came up and snuggled from behind me with his hands roaming my body. "Tell me how you feel", he said in my ear "It weird, I should say it looks ugly all these marks on me but actually its sexy and is turning me on", i said pausing while touching them "How so", he asked holding me and kissing my neck and shoulders "I cant really explain it but it makes me feel sexy. Like all these marks is someones desire of me and treating me like a piece of meat to be marked and owned", i said leaning back into him and turning my head to allow him greater access to my neck His cock was now hard and poking against my hole. I grinded back against him wanting him in me. While last nice was incredible there is nothing like Daddys cock fucking me. He pulled away and went to the night stand and put lube on his cock. "I dont want to make your pussy hurt. I know its still raw. And yes you were a good whore last night. They all wanted to use you and some mark you but some it was just raw desire." he said as he slowly slipped his huge cock in me. I went on my toes to lift up to make his access easier and essentially climb back on his cock. Slowly i slipped on it. It hurt as my ass was still raw but the lube helped a lot and i didnt care i wanted him to fuck me and take me. I needed to mate with him and have his seed in me. I stood there impaled on his meat with him slowly fucking me deep. He grabbed my arms as i bent forward as he started to pick up his pace and give me a good fucking. He then picked me up keeping his cock in me and put me on the bed and sat on my ass with monster meat buried in my stomach. "Ohhhhhhhh", i moaned as he was past the 2nd ring and rubbed my prostate. The friction was intense, there was pain as he fucked my raw cunt and yet there was incredible pleasure as he fucked me so deep and filled my pussy and wrecked my prostate. He didnt last long, after 20 minutes of fucking me i felt him expand and shoot a huge load with 6 plus spurts in me. Even after he came he kept riding my ass keeping me flat on my stomach pushing all his cum in me. When he pulled out and got up i turned around got on my knees and sucked his cock clean. He picked me up and we embraced in a deep passionate kiss.
    2 points
  29. The guy fucking me let out a loud moan and he shot his load in me, i think. At this point my ass was so full of cum that it was hard to feel it unless they were hung. A biker dude about 5'10" medium muscular build walked up pulled down his jeans and out plopped a thick 7" inch hard cock with a big PA ring and what looked like piercings along the bottom of his cock. He turned me over and put his fat head at the entrance of my cunt. Then slowly stuck it in. It hurt a bit as he was thick, my pussy lips were raw from all the fucking and the PA ring. For a rough guy he was gentle in slowly entering me. Once he was balls deep he started to fuck me good. "Ohhh god....uhhhhhhh", i threw my head down and moaned. The piercings on the bottom of his cock were like nubbins massaging the walls of my pussy. It felt amazing. He started to fuck me good ramming with his pierced cock which massaged my pussy walls. I also felt all the cum swoosh in me more. I wasnt sure if it was his cock shape or all the piercings swirling it around but i didnt care it felt so good. He also started gyrating his thrust in me working my cunt over with his stick and caressing my prostate. My cunt started to spasm around his cock. "Hmmmm somebodys pussy likes Daddys cock huh", he said in my ear then started to kiss and chew on my neck. Even those my neck area was raw and red i turned my head so he could get to it easier and openeed my mouth hoping he would kiss me. Instead he just spat in my mouth. "Swallow whore", he commanded. I did like the good slut i was. "Good boy", he whispered and then gave me a long wet tongue filled kiss. After our kiss broke he really started to work over my cunt with his piercings. It wasnt his first fuck and he knew how to use his tool and all the attachments on it. Energized I started to push back on his cock trying to get all of him in me. "Yeah thats it let your cunt eat my cock whore. Thats what you are a cock whore. YOu need cock and cum dont you slut?", he yelled I didnt answer being enthralled by his fucking. Then he suddenly stopped and pulled out. "Please put it back in me please", i begged "Please put what back in"where, he said holding my hips in place as i tried to push back on his metal laced meat "Please put your glorious cock with all your piercings in my cunt please", i begged loudly. Guys around cheered him to ram me others said make the whore beg more. One guy who i saw jacking off approached stuck his cock in my mouth and shot 5 spurts of hot jism in my mouth. I swallowed and cleaned his cock. Another approached and just shot loads at my face. I tried to catch them with my tongue. "What else", he asked loudly "Shoot your cum in me please. I need your hot cum in my pussy", i begged even louder "You just got cum in your mouth, you dont need anymore", he said as he teased my swollen hole with his pierced cock "No i need cum in my cunt please. Please fuck me like a whore and cum in me. I need your cock and cock......please!!!!!", i begged loudly almost screaming With that he rammed me in one thrust and went on to fuck the shit out of me. I wasnt a person at this point, only a hole a cunt to pleasure his meat and take his cum. "Ohhh yeah i cant feel your cunt eat my cock. Its hungry isnt it", he said fucking me hard He was right, my pussy was convulsing on its own from all the stimulation of his cock and piercings it was in overdrive. I couldnt stop it squeezing if i wanted to. "Yes my cunt needs your cock please breed me please dont stop", i moaned HE kept fucking me hard like that then pulled my up by my shoulders and back against his chest. He chewed on my neck, twisted my nipples and then kissed me. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh Daddy uhhhhhhhhhhh", i moaned The position i was being fucked essentlally siting on his cock raped my prostate with his PA and really felt his other piercings press against the walls of my cunt. "Feels good dont it", he said in my ear while he fucked me hard and chewed on my neck he was tender on my nipps working them into a frenzy. Another guys came up and started to suck on my balls and cock thru the cage. I started to have an incredibly cunt orgasm squeezing his cock like a python and cumming. "Ohhh shit. Ahhhhhhhhhh damn your cunt is strong", he yelled as his cock was squeezed of its life and expanded to push back against my cunt he shot load after load in me. I kept riding him as he was left panting in my neck holding on to me. After a couple of minutes of grinding he let me go and pushed me off his cock. He came to my mouth and i knew my duty and cleaned him off. All that cum, pussy juice and a little pink tasted so good. I lay back spent as i stared at this biker god. Then another anonymous guy mounted me. I am a whore. He pumped me for about 5 minutes. I just lay there taking his cock. I was so tired and drained and spent. Another younger Latino dude with a nice cock was jacking off on the site came up to me and stuck his cock in my mouth. I lay there on my back with his cock in my mouth sucking on him when after not more than a minute he shot a huge load of 6-7 spurts in my mouth. I almost choked but kept it all in my mouth, swirled it around while liking his head and started to stroke his cock to get all that honey out of his stick. I swallowed it and cleaned his cock good. He pulled out of my mouth and said. Your pussy gets my load next time and disappeared into the crowd. "Oh shit your pussy is filled with so much cum....feels so good. Here come another", he moaned as he shot into me. As he pulled out my legs opened and a some cum spurt out of my ass. There was so much cum in me i couldnt hold it all. I couldnt move at this point. There were two more tops waiting there turn when Daddy walked over and held them off. He stood me up and helped me walk to back to the bar. The light started to come on so it must have been closing time. The bar was not as crowded as before but there were still a lot of guys there even though the lights were on. As we were walking through the crowd i was getting groped along the way. One guy came up from behind and stuck two fingers in my ass. I just let me self get felt up like a slut. As we kept walking the fingers came out but others groped. We finally got to the bar and walked in the back to a door that said staff only. The bar tender unlocked it and let us in. Inside there was a shower. Daddy took off my top and turned on the shower. As i looked at myself in the mirror i looked like a slutty wreck. I had cum, spit and swear all over me, my mascara was smeared all over my eyes and i have bite marks all over my neck. Daddy helped me get into the hot shower. I managed to stand up holding on to bars in the shower. "Ill go see if your clothes are still back there", he said. I just stood under the hot water soaking. It felt good and what i needed. I heard the door open and what sounded like someone taking off there clothes. Then the curtain opened it wasnt Daddy it was the bartender. "Now its my turn whore. I've been waiting since the first time i saw you and been hard all night", he said. "No please my ass hurts i cant take any more", i begged "You sure you dont want some of this", he said while stroking a fat 7" cock. "Please no", i said softly as he turned me around and put his chest up against my back caressing my ass then my nipples. He was gentle and touching me in all the right places. I let out a soft moan as he started sucking on my neck gently and working my nips over. Then i felt his cock enter me slowly until he was all the way in. His cock was really fat. He then started fucking me in a good pace. While my ass was raw at this point i just bent over and took it. I knew my place. I was just a whore. After fucking me for about 5 minutes he started short strokes and wrecking my prostate, i let out a soft moan. "I knew you couldnt resist. Your brain says no but your cunt says yes", he said It was true he was hitting me on the right spots not to mention as he had a really fat dick it was like a plunger pushing all the cum deeper into me. I felt it push past my 2nd ring and almost felt like it was in my stomach. While i really didnt want to fuck my cunt had a mind of its own as it started to squeeze his cock. "Ohhh damn was a sweet pussy you have. After all those guys your cunt still feels amazing and tight. And all that cum in you. Fuck i am not going to last long your slut" he moaned He didnt. About a minute later he started pumping quicker and then yelled out he was cumming. "Here it comes another charged load in your dirty filthy cunt", he yelled and shot his load in me. He kept grinding into me when he finally pulled out. In my normal fashion i turned around dropped to my knees and cleaned off his cock. I also saw Daddy there watching me take another cock. The bartender left, and thanked Daddy. Daddy found only my mesh shorts. I put them on and we walked out of the room and into the bar. As we walked out a few more gropes along the way. Daddy put me in the car. When he got in he pulled out a butt plug and stuck it in me. When we got home he helped me into bed and i was out before my head hit the pillow.
    2 points
  30. The guy fucking me let out a loud moan and he shot his load in me, i think. At this point my ass was so full of cum that it was hard to feel it unless they were hung. A biker dude about 5'10" medium muscular build walked up pulled down his jeans and out plopped a thick 7" inch hard cock with a big PA ring and what looked like piercings along the bottom of his cock. He turned me over and put his fat head at the entrance of my cunt. Then slowly stuck it in. It hurt a bit as he was thick, my pussy lips were raw from all the fucking and the PA ring. For a rough guy he was gentle in slowly entering me. Once he was balls deep he started to fuck me good. "Ohhh god....uhhhhhhh", i threw my head down and moaned. The piercings on the bottom of his cock were like nubbins massaging the walls of my pussy. It felt amazing. He started to fuck me good ramming with his pierced cock which massaged my pussy walls. I also felt all the cum swoosh in me more. I wasnt sure if it was his cock shape or all the piercings swirling it around but i didnt care it felt so good. He also started gyrating his thrust in me working my cunt over with his stick and caressing my prostate. My cunt started to spasm around his cock. "Hmmmm somebodys pussy likes Daddys cock huh", he said in my ear then started to kiss and chew on my neck. Even those my neck area was raw and red i turned my head so he could get to it easier and openeed my mouth hoping he would kiss me. Instead he just spat in my mouth. "Swallow whore", he commanded. I did like the good slut i was. "Good boy", he whispered and then gave me a long wet tongue filled kiss. After our kiss broke he really started to work over my cunt with his piercings. It wasnt his first fuck and he knew how to use his tool and all the attachments on it. Energized I started to push back on his cock trying to get all of him in me. "Yeah thats it let your cunt eat my cock whore. Thats what you are a cock whore. YOu need cock and cum dont you slut?", he yelled I didnt answer being enthralled by his fucking. Then he suddenly stopped and pulled out. "Please put it back in me please", i begged "Please put what back in"where, he said holding my hips in place as i tried to push back on his metal laced meat "Please put your glorious cock with all your piercings in my cunt please", i begged loudly. Guys around cheered him to ram me others said make the whore beg more. One guy who i saw jacking off approached stuck his cock in my mouth and shot 5 spurts of hot jism in my mouth. I swallowed and cleaned his cock. Another approached and just shot loads at my face. I tried to catch them with my tongue. "What else", he asked loudly "Shoot your cum in me please. I need your hot cum in my pussy", i begged even louder "You just got cum in your mouth, you dont need anymore", he said as he teased my swollen hole with his pierced cock "No i need cum in my cunt please. Please fuck me like a whore and cum in me. I need your cock and cock......please!!!!!", i begged loudly almost screaming With that he rammed me in one thrust and went on to fuck the shit out of me. I wasnt a person at this point, only a hole a cunt to pleasure his meat and take his cum. "Ohhh yeah i cant feel your cunt eat my cock. Its hungry isnt it", he said fucking me hard He was right, my pussy was convulsing on its own from all the stimulation of his cock and piercings it was in overdrive. I couldnt stop it squeezing if i wanted to. "Yes my cunt needs your cock please breed me please dont stop", i moaned HE kept fucking me hard like that then pulled my up by my shoulders and back against his chest. He chewed on my neck, twisted my nipples and then kissed me. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh Daddy uhhhhhhhhhhh", i moaned The position i was being fucked essentlally siting on his cock raped my prostate with his PA and really felt his other piercings press against the walls of my cunt. "Feels good dont it", he said in my ear while he fucked me hard and chewed on my neck he was tender on my nipps working them into a frenzy. Another guys came up and started to suck on my balls and cock thru the cage. I started to have an incredibly cunt orgasm squeezing his cock like a python and cumming. "Ohhh shit. Ahhhhhhhhhh damn your cunt is strong", he yelled as his cock was squeezed of its life and expanded to push back against my cunt he shot load after load in me. I kept riding him as he was left panting in my neck holding on to me. After a couple of minutes of grinding he let me go and pushed me off his cock. He came to my mouth and i knew my duty and cleaned him off. All that cum, pussy juice and a little pink tasted so good. I lay back spent as i stared at this biker god. Then another anonymous guy mounted me. I am a whore.
    2 points
  31. Yes. And yes. I have a few fuck buddies with whom I can experience this. Whether it’s a night, a long weekend, or even a week or two vacation. We both understand and respect the others hard limits. But other than that, we are so comfortable with each other, we trust each other, implicitly, and we have an animalistic sexual hunger for each other that that scenario plays out for us. other than our hard limits, it’s all fair game. I trust them and they trust me. There is no need for inhibition or second thoughts. I’m willing to let him do to me and for me and with me anything he wants. And I know I have that, free rain with him as well. There are no roles in our sexuality. There is no top and there is no bottom. It’s a matter of what feels good at that moment and what we need. It’s a barrier free and open sexuality that excites us and wants us to explore more and more.
    1 point
  32. On further research, I did find the device I previously used and liked. It is only sold on eBay. Pic of the kit is attached. Here's a link for those of you who are circumcised and interested in restoring your foreskin: [think before following links] https://www.ebay.com/itm/231332642225?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110025%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.COMPOSITELISTINGS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20220405142716%26meid%3D094abe3aac2844c9bf20c4e9f12574f5%26pid%3D101506%26rk%3D8%26rkt%3D25%26sd%3D115499358899%26itm%3D231332642225%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D3458402%26algv%3DAlgoIndex5SimRanker&_trksid=p3458402.c101506.m1851
    1 point
  33. Well if they don’t have insurance, than HIV treatment and possible hospitalization will cost dearly, too.
    1 point
  34. Having worked tangentially with the medical profession, I can speak to how dangerous it is to fully swallow anything up your ass. Of course, that’s not to say I haven’t done it myself!
    1 point
  35. So hot that you both came twice flip fucking
    1 point
  36. After a weekend busing my family back home I was starved for sex, and needed a good dicking down. After my husband left for work I got on the apps and started for search for raw cock and cum. There was a sexy business traveler on Grindr, a top that “loves bareback” (his hiv status was blank, my cock stiffened at the thought of extra risk) just my type. I send him an horny message and a picture of my ass; he responds that my pics are hot. then switch over to Sniffies. By all of the business hotels there is a hard cock looks like it is made for my hungry hole. I shoot off a quick message and picture. I get a prompt response “you whore, just chatted with you on Grindr🐷” so I knew he was interested. We do the standard chat back and forth, negotiating time… he says he just got to his hotel room and needs to eat before he fuck, he also prefers sloppy seconds so I get find a load while he is eating. I’m never one to turn down a multiple load day, so I keep stalking the apps. I find a dude that fucked me once before but couldn’t cum. He says he has a big load built up and is ready to bust in my ass. He gives me the address and directions to the hidden key so I can get wait naked inside for me. He asked if I was living room or bedroom, I say living room because it makes me feel sluttier. I get to his apartment and in no time I am on my knees throating his thick Latin cock, feeling it stretch my throat and enjoying the sounds of him moaning as i get stupid on his dick. He’s playing with my hole, and I’m huffing the poppers and I keep sucking. He bends me over in the middle of the living room and dives face first into my ass, after brief rim session he bends me over the back of the couch and plushies in to the hilt in one push. He pounds away while I continue to beg for his load, he has an amazing loud orgasm deep inside me. He pulls out and there is one last pearl of cum on the tip of his dick, “you want this too” he asks. Not one to turn down cum, I drop to my knees and clean it off. With out any other words spoken input on my cloths and walk out the door. I get on my phone “load one in, coming your way” I get to his hotel, thankfully no key cards are required for the elevator, I take a huge hit of poppers before I knock on the door. My sexy bull answers the door in a tshirt and boxer briefs, hard as a rock. We have a quick make out session before I strip down to my jock for the second time in 30 minutes. He gets his phone to take pictures to send back to his friend; showing off his newest hole to conquer. His dick is a little thinner than the first one but MUCH LONGER. And he is fucking my throat deep and holding it there till I gag. Which just promos him to pull it out and force it back in, while taking pictures of the bitch in heat that is is owning. We are both getting into this game of “gag thr fag” me looking up at him with a hunger in my eyes, him looking down on me calling me a worthless slut as he shoves his down down my throat. As I’m looking up at him he spits on my face and I take him down past my tonsils. At this point he has had enough foreplay and is ready my my hole. Before I know it I’m on my back ankles on his shoulders with my nose to the brown bottle preparing myself for the anal assault that is about to happen. Usually I prefer to be bent over to take cock but the dom top wants want the dom too wants. He gives me a good firm fucking. Never shying away from going deeper and fucking hard. I am hitting the poppers like crazy and he takes a bit too. I know this mean to brace myself. He continues to fuck harder and deeper. Than stops stays inside for a second then pulls out. I ask if he want to cum “ I already did” is is response. We have breif small chat as I get dressed to head home. I kept thr load in all night long, never talking my husband about hr double feature brewing I had. When I woke up in the morning to take a piss a huge glob of pink tinged cum plops out of my ass into the tile floor. I wipe it up before my husband wakes up to notice. I asked him later that day about his status and just just gives me a non committal ☠️ so I know his toxic babies were swimming in my guts
    1 point
  37. I was in a park in LA this summer, where this form of cruising seemed to work. Once I got past everyone staring at their phones and looking like zombies, I managed to use Sniffles of a couple of decent fucks. Here in Portland, I have know idea what would actually work well for cruising.
    1 point
  38. Total bottom here but started to love to share my tox passion with twinks and muscle cunts 💦☣️
    1 point
  39. Tbh as a top it’s the first question I ask , if the bottom doesn’t answer directly ( it’s a simple Yes / No question) I’ll just assume he’s a time waster and more on. just this top’s perspective
    1 point
  40. Smooth now but here’s one from 2 months ago before I took a few loads
    1 point
  41. I fucking love being filmed while being filled hehehe A couple of my buddies would regularly take videos and pictures while I was strapped into the sling and they were taking turns flooding my hungry hole. Great times. Always up to film while being fucked.
    1 point
  42. He pulled down my pants easily as they are elastic grey nylon athletic pants. He pulled down my briefs and and started to finger my hole, "Oh what a nice tight pussy...hmmmm.", he said. I let out a low groan as he started to finger me, i unconsciously pushed my ass back and up. He kept fingering me, and found my gspot and i let out a panting moan, "Hmmmmwhat a slut.", he said. He then leaned in and started to eat my pussy. "OHHHHH Fuck.....ughhhhhhhh", i panted like a bitch in heat. I then felt his cock at my hole entering. "Noooo please not bare", i called out. Once he he heard that he rammed hard into me. "Ouuuuwww.....ugghhh", i grunted. It hurt as there was not lube only my spit. He started stroking me hard. I tried to pull away but his boy pushed me back on his cock. Oh damn he was pounding me hard and it hurt but he was also hitting me in my prostate and i let out a moan, arched my back and started to pant. "Ohhhh someone likes it now huh", he said. He kept hitting that spot in me that made me moan like a little bitch in heat especially as his boy had his cock back in my mouth and he was playing with my sensitive nipples. "I am going to charge you bitch.", he said. "What's....ughh guhh, charge?" i moaned. "I am going to poz your pussy with my charged seed.", he grunted back. "No please i don't want to you to cum in me...please", i managed to blurt out in between panting moans. "Fine bitch", he said. He pulled out and pushed me away. I looked back in shock and sadness. "What, you said you didn't want me to cum in you so i stopped. I don't give cum to bitches who don't want or appreciate them." he said staring at me. "Can you fuck me more but not cum in me", i asked shyly. "No i am not going to waste my time with you.", he said. He looked at his boy and waved him over. The younger guy came over dropped to his knees and sucked him clean. The Daddy pulled up his shorts and they both left the bathroom, grabbed their drinks and left. I laid there mesmerized by what just happened and still horny. I got up, wiped my ass and went back outside. As I started to clean up and close the shop a guy walked in, and asked if we were still open. I apologized and said sorry we are closed and I forgot to the lock the door. He was a stark handsome looking man. He was about late 40's, 6'1, medium build, tatts on his arms and neck. He also had an large loop earring on each each and a nose ring. There was something animalistic about him. "No problem. My name is Mitch and i am a new massage therapist in this area and wanted to know if i can put my flyers on your business board. I said sure. "What kind of massage do you do?" , i asked him. After he posted his flyer, "It depends on the customer. I tailor it to their needs. I like to find that spot and relieve their stress, especially in the lower back regions. We keep a lot of stress their that needs relieving and stretching.", he said in a very calm yet seductive tone. "Do you need a massage?", he asked. "Yes who couldn't, and its been a long day.", i said. "Great why don't you come over to my place at 8p. I would love to work on you and help you relax.", he said. "Uhhh i have to run some errands and stuff, maybe another time." i said nervously and reluctantly. "You sure, i can really make you feel good and stretch your limits." , he said as he leaned in towards me over the counter. Our faces were about a foot a part. His eyes were so seductive and his manly body odor scent was overpowering me. "Ok that sounds really nice.", i said. "Great, see you at 8p. I cannot wait to get my hands on you.", he said walking out. I closed up the store and ran my errands. I got home around 7p and my mom asked if I was going to join them for dinner. I told them now i was going out to meet some friends. I quickly took a shower, cleaned my hole and was getting dressed. I picked out some jocks i had, loose shorts and a shirt. I left and arrived at his place right at 8pm. He lived in 3 story walk up apartment off the main road that was surrounded by small businesses. I called him to ask what apartment number and he said to come around the corner to his studio. I walked around and found his studio. It was the only one in the area that had lights on and i walked in. It was a nice studio with a massage table in the middle, a couch, tv and bathroom with a shower. He grabbed my hand and welcomed me with a soft hug. It felt so good i hugged him back and we just held there for what seemed like a while but was only probably 10 seconds. I am much short so i only came to his shoulders and i was intoxicated with his manly body odor no deodorant scent. It was so animalistic. We parted and he said, "why don't we sit on the couch and talk for a bit before we start.". We sat down next to each other our bodies slightly touching. I could feel his sexual energy that was oozing from his body. He put his hand on my knee and said, "So what would you like to get out of your session?". "You know just a relaxing massage", i said nervously "is that all? Are you sure?", he said smiling I saw the TV on on the side and never noticed until now but there was gay porn playing on it. And it caught my eye. His hand ran up my leg and massaged my thigh and i turned back to him. "You sure that's all your want from your session?", he asked. He kept rubbing my thigh and I was having a difficult time concentrating. "I would like a full body massage that releases all my stress", i said while touching his leg as well. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. I traced the outline and it was huge and thick. "I want you to feel comfortable to explore and enjoy male touch, okay?", he said while smiling at me. "Okay", i said relaxing. He stood up, grabbed my hands and pulled me up. We stood against each other. "Here let's get you out of these clothes.", he said pulling my shirt over my head. I slowly pulled down my my pants. He then grabbed my jocks and pulled them down, my hard cock popping out dripping with precum. He then took off his shirt. He was gorgeous. He had tattoos all over his body. He then pulled down his short and out popped this huge 8"+ thick cock covered in tattoos. I couldn't help myself and tried to reach out and touch it. He let me just hold it and caress it. He pulled me closer and just held me while fondled his huge meat. Then he pulled us a part and told me to get on the table. As i turned i looked at the TV playing gay porn and i couldn't figure out what was going on. The bottom was in a sling and there was the top in between his legs but he wasn't fucking him. He was moving his arm back and forth slowly and twisting his wrist. The bottom was in total pleasure. I turned to Mitch and asked, what is this, i am confused. He chuckled, "It's fisting". "What", i said. "He has his fist in the guys ass. It is called fisting.", he said. "OMG, you mean he has his hand in the guys ass? That must hurt like hell", i said. "Actually it doesn't. Does that guy look in pain?", he asked as his hand rubbed my butt. I was mesmerized. I couldn't stop watching. I didn't realize that his chest was on my back and his hands were starting to run slowly and sensually over my body. He was hugging me from behind while his large hands roamed my body. "That looks incredible as i watched the TV", i gasped softly leaning back into his embrace. His hands were slowly teasing my nipples and lightly brushing my hard cock. "Let's get on the table", he said softly in my ear. I got on the table face down and he slowly worked my shoulders, back and legs. I was jello and horny at the same time. He then slowly ran his hand up my inner thigh and i let out a low moan. He focused on that area and my cock was rock hard and leaking all over. I felt him climb up on the table and start to massage my buttock and then started to rub my hole then he leaned over and started to eat me out. I raised up my hips to meet his mouth and tongue and started to moan loudly. He ate me and fingered me slowly. First one then two then three fingers. "Ughhhhhhh", i moaned like a total slut. He continued to work on my hole opening it up. It felt so good. He was working it, stretching it open. Then he got four fingers in. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. He has really large hands and it was having both pain and immense pleasure. He then started to kiss up my back then the back of my neck my ears. I lifted my head to meet his lips and our tongues were intertwined. "You like the taste of your pussy", he asked. I leaned in to kiss him and cleaned his mouth and tongue of all my pussy juice in his mouth. Now his cock was sliding between my ass cheeks. "Do you have a condom", i asked. "No sorry i don't fuck with condoms", he said. And i don't fuck in my sessions. I want it to be exploring and sharing of our bodies beyond sex. "We will get there", he whispered. I turned over on my back and we embraced kissing and his hand went back to my hole playing with it, teasing it, probing it. I opened up my legs and lifted my knee to give him more access. We made out like that all the while slowly sinking more fingers in me driving me crazy. He tried to stick his thumb but it wouldn't go in so he kept swirling his fingers in me a stroking my prostate when suddenly i started to shoot all over. "UGhhhhhhhhhhh", i moaned. Spurt after spurt erupted all over us. His hands worked faster fingering my pussy. Our lips locked. Slowly i came down but his fingers were still in me and our lips doing slow intimate kisses. "That was incredible", i said. "It's only the beginning", he said and kissed me. (I appreciate your patience. We will get there soon.)
    1 point
  43. I woke up half startled, with Trevor sucking my semi hard dick. He was fully nude, ass sticking up in the air. I grabbed his hair and kept guiding him up and down my dick. His hands ran up my thighs, body and his hand grabbed my other arm, bringing my other hand to his head, then using my hands he pressed his own head all the way down on my cock, lightly gagging. "Oh Fuck" I let out, as I continued to force his head up and down my shaft. I almost felt him loosen up his body giving me complete control. I held him down as far as he would go, after 10-15 seconds I could feel him struggling so I lifted his head all the way off my cock and up towards me. His eyes were watering, mouth open taking in air again. I spit into his mouth and playfully slapped his face. "I want to cum in your ass again" "Yes Sir" he said, straddling my cock and pointing my wet cock against his hole, gently sitting down onto my cock. He sighed as his ass reached the base of my cock. As he usually does, his magical hole squeezes my cock as he goes up the shaft and loosens as he sits down. He is looking toward the sky, slowly working my cock. "Your ass needs to be filled doesn't it" I said reaching for his soft cock. "Yes it does" "What's the use of this tiny cock?" I asked moving it around. "How ever you want to use it Sir" "I don't see a use for it slut, you won't be cumming today" "That's ok Sir, I want to see how many times you can cum." "Good boy, come here." I grabbed his head and brought him to my mouth, kissing him and taking over the job of fucking his ass. Our tongues played deep, our body's pressed together. I sped up my pace and our body's slapping together was loud and I could feel his balls and soft cock getting crushed on my hips with each thrust. I moved my hands from his head to his hips and thrust as deep as I could go, cumming into his ass a 4th time. "I love your ass" "It loves your cock" He got off my cock and my cock slapped against my body. my cum dripping down onto my thigh. "Hey don't waste that, and my cock needs cleaning" He immediately licked up the cum on my leg and moved up to my still hard cock. licking my balls on the way up the shaft. "I think from now on my cum needs to stay in your ass as long as possible" He popped his head off my cock "I like that idea, it's like your cum will be absorbed into my body" "Right, my cum will absorb into your body. Trevor... do you know what the symbol above my dick means?" "Yep!" he said and got up off the lounge chair, grabbed my drink and ran inside, his amazing ass bouncing with each step. "what the..." I thought to myself. He knows what it means but he still wants my load in him? Is this not just a kinky fantasy? Is he really willing to give it all up for me? For us? So this isn't just him playing a role? My mind raced. He came back with my drink and another empty glass and handed me both. "What am I doing with this empty glass?" I think I knew the answer. "Are you going to make me a drink?" "Sure I can, where-Oh you dirty little slut, you want to drink my piss!" "Yes sir, if that's ok." "Of course it is, hold the glass and hold my cock." He got on his knees and sat on his heels, his soft hands holding my cock near the glass. I lifted my head and let loose, my stream filling the glass rather quickly. I could hear the glass getting close to over flowing, and then I felt his mouth wrap around the tip of my cock. I looked down and he was not only drinking from the tap skillfully, he was making eye contact. I placed my hand on his head and finished the last few drops. Man I could get used to this. So far I haven't gotten sick. But I must any day now right? He didn't feel any piss coming out so he took his mouth off my cock, gave the tip a kiss and took his drink to the edge of the pool and got in. I sat down on the edge and put my feet in, watching Trevor swim around and smiling at each other occasionally. He swam over, I opened my legs and like a dog seeing dropped food he smiled and dove headfirst into my groin, taking a ball into his mouth and then licking all around. He stopped at the biohazard symbol and gave it a big kiss, looked up to me and smiled. "Where will my tattoo go?" "I'm thinking a tramp stamp or just above the crack of your perfect ass." "Are you really POZ?" "Not yet I don't think. Do you wish I was?" "Wish is a strong word. It would make me fully yours, like I promised, but I don't want you to potentially become sick or something just so you can continue to fuck me longer." "You think all I want to do is fuck you? I love you, I'm crazy about you" "I think I love you too. Sorry... it's the first time saying it to a guy" "I understand, lets go inside, I want to make love to you for the 5th one. And then we'll go get lunch." "He got out of the pool, helped me stand and held my hand as we went inside." There was no rough play or fucking, and we spent the whole time kissing, moaning, body's in contact. I came deep in his ass, my tongue still in his mouth, I felt him tense up, and let a "Oh god" whisper through his lips. "What?" I said breaking the kiss. He kissed me again, dropped his head and had a big smile with his eyes closed. I looked down and noticed a gigantic load of cum all over his stomach and mine. Not only did he cum from fucking, it was during our love making. I went down and licked his cum off his stomach and licked his cock, he shuddered and his legs closed. "I can't belief you came" "Me neither" he said still smiling with eyes closed. I rolled off him and pulled his head onto my chest, he placed his leg over mine and we laid there for quite some time. "5 and it's not even lunch" I said. "Yeah I wonder if we can double it" "I'm going to need a lot more water" "More water for you equals more piss for me!" he said and he got up ran to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water and his glass of my piss. "To get load #6 you need to refer to me as your boyfriend at some point during lunch" "Yes Sir"
    1 point
  44. Younger guy here, my last load was Sunday. I finally worked up to courage to tell a friend that I, a neg boy, wanted his poz load. So, my hot older daddy friend had me come over to his place, go down to his basement, strip, and get on all fours. I did so obediently. He came down, his hairy, muscular body completely nude, and forced his dick down my throat. He made suck on it until it was rock hard. Then, he went behind me and forced his cock in my hole. I was dripping with precum thinking about his poz cock in my hole. We had fucked a couple time before, but I was never chasing his bug before. It was so hot being able to moan and beg for him to knock me up and fill me with his dirty load. The verbals were the best part, that is, until his toxic cock erupted in my hole. Huge load too! I came just thinking about his bug in my hole. Needless to say, I left with a smile on my face.
    1 point
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