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  1. My mom and I lived in the house I grew up in after my parents divorced. The original thought was after I graduated high school I would go off to college, but sometimes life happens and plans get delayed or changed all together. After high school I decided to take a year off of my education and do some local work project to build up some cash reserves. Thinking back now, I am so glad I did. The summer after high school our neighbors, an elderly couple, decided to downsize and sell their home. I recall seeing a moving truck there one day, but was too busy to see the new home owners. A few days later I was doing some yard work outside, mind you it was summer and pretty warm, so I was already sweating and thirsty. I didn't hear anyone approach, but soon I heard someone asking, "excuse me". I looked up to find this very attractive man, probably late fifties, standing beside me with a cold beverage in his hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Jake, I just moved in next door and wanted to come introduce myself. I saw you outside working hard and I thought you might need a cold drink". Jake extended the drink out to me. "Thank you" is all I could say as I accepted the cold cup full of iced tea. Jake stuck out his hand, "and you are?". I took the cup away quickly, "sorry. Tim, great to meet you". I grabbed Jake's hand. Jake held my hand a little longer than necessary and I quickly got a sense of his strength and the length of his hand. "Good to meet you Tim. It seems you take great care of your yard, that is admirable", Jake said. I chucked, "I try, but this is my mom's place and when I finally leave home for college she might have to actually hire someone to do what I do for free." "How long until you are off to college?" Jake asked. "Not until next summer. I decided to take a year off and work". "Smart thinking" Jake said. "If you need some more work to do, please let me know. I don't really have time to maintain the yard, house, and pool." "I would love to help out, thank you for asking" I said. Jake said he would pay me, which I tried to talk him out of, but he wasn't having any part of it. "You can of course use the pool whenever you want, added perk", Jake said. "Oh man, you have a deal then" I handed the cup back to Jake and thanked him. "Why don't you come over tomorrow and I can show you around. You can swim if you want to and then maybe get started the day after? How does that sound?" Jake asked "I will see you tomorrow then, and thank you again Jake, looking forward to it. I said as we waved and Jake walked back to his house. The next day, in the late morning, I strolled over to Jake's. I decided to wear my swimsuit to let Jake know I was still interested in swimming. Just my swimsuit and a tshirt. I knocked and waited just a minute. Jake answered the door, swinging it open, "Hi Tim, great to see you". Jake was wearing a tight tank top, and very loose gym shorts. "Please come in" he said while waving me inside. Jake's house was very well decorated, with a lot of plants and sunshine, and very clean I noticed. I liked that and took note to keep it that way if I was ever around by myself. "You have a beautiful home Jake, thank you for inviting me over". I said. "No worries, hopefully you will be here a lot more helping me out, so please get comfortable and make yourself at home. I just finished up some work and was going to head out to check on the pool. wanna join me?". "that would be great". Jake led me through the kitchen to a patio door leading out back and the pool area. It was gorgeous, a bunch of plant life along with a nice medium sized pool. There were lounge chairs all around, great for sunning, I was jealous. I know how I would like to spend my days, here sunning. "There is another door to the patio", Jake pointed, "that leads to my bedroom", he paused for effect. "let me show you the pool equipment and then you can swim all you want. I am going to lay out and get some sun if you don't mind". "no of course not, it is your pool." I laughed. "besides a swim and sun sounds great, perfect weather". "The equipment is over this way." Around a corner, hidden behind a walled in area was the pump, filter, chemicals, and equipment. A very easy setup and system it seemed. "Easy enough. I can come by every other day, if that is ok with you". "sure, that works great. now for that swim. There are towels in that cabinet there and I will be right back", Jake said and walked towards his bedroom door. I got a towel, dropped it on one of the lounge chairs, and took off my shirt. I slowly got in and did a few laps as the water was very refreshing from the warm summer day. I didn't notice that Jake had returned, but when I looked up he was adjusting the lounger next to where I had dropped by shirt and towel. Jake was wearing bikini swim trunks now, which didn't leave much to the imagination. Jake finished adjusting his chair and turned to face the pool. I immediately noticed the outline of his cock, he seemed to be semi hard or very big while soft. My eyes were stuck on the front of his shorts, and I am sure Jake noticed. "how is the water Tim?" I quickly looked up at Jake, "water is great, thank you." Jake sat down on his lounger and started to get comfortable. "Tim, if you need anything please let me know, drinks or anything. I am going to get close my eyes for a bit". He started to spray on some sunscreen, "I fucking hate tan lines so try hard not to get them. I prefer an all over tan to avoid them". I think I knew what Jake meant, he liked to tan completely naked. I got out of the pool and quickly looked around, the backyard and pool were not visible by any of the neighbors, as the walls were a little higher than normal and all of the vegetation. "Do you ever tan naked Jake?" I asked quietly, not sure who could hear. Jake replied, "I love laying out naked, that is what I do when alone or company that thinks the same way. Tan lines are sexy in some situations, but not for me." I hesitated to ask what he meant by "in some situations", but I didn't. Instead I assured Jake that he should do whatever he normally would, about laying out naked. "Are you sure Tim?", Jake asked. "Sure, I don't mind at all" I replied. Jake responded "great" and stood to slowly remove his bikini swim suit. I did nothing but stare, how could I not? When Jake pulled the front down over this cock, I could then see that he was definitely soft at first, because now he seemed to be growing, and growing quick. Jake's cock was beautiful; uncut, veiny, and big balls. Jake stood up right fully now, with his dick swinging a little. "Thank you Tim, that feels much better." Jake sat back down on his chair, leaned back with his eyes closed and adjusted his cock in front of me. "Tim, if you want to lay out naked, it is alright with me", Jake said without looking at me. I started to get out of the pool and head for my lounge chair, quickly so Jake couldn't see that I was aroused. I quickly got my shorts off and laid on my stomach. "I love the heat on my body", Jake said. He looked over at me and said, "Tim you might get burnt on your ass, would you like some sunscreen?" "Yes, thank you. I hadn't thought about that". Jake sat up on his chair and took a tube of sunscreen, squirted some into the palm of his hand, then started rubbing it around my ass, from my lower back down along my inner thighs. He seemed to pay a lot of attention to patting my ass cheeks then sliding his hand through my crack, which was now aching. "I think I have most of it, but maybe just a little more to be sure", Jake said. "ok" is all I could get out. After another squirt into Jake's hand, I felt him applying the lotion again. Now I felt both of his hands on my ass, kneeding my ass cheeks and rubbing in the lotion. I felt him use both of his hands and pull my ass apart then releasing my cheeks. Jake said quietly, "fucking nice. you are definitely taken care of now". He patted my ass and adjusted to lay back down. As I turned to thank Jake I could see his cock was very hard now, his foreskin pulled back tight over the head of what looked like a wet tip. I stared at his big cock but murmured, "thank you". "Anytime, as you noticed, I enjoyed it tremendously". Jake said "um, I can see that". Jake propped himself up on an elbow and asked, "does it bother you that I got excited?" Finally I took my eyes off of his cock and looked at him in the face. "Absolutely not, the opposite really". Maybe that was too much information. Jake just smiled at me for a while and laid back down, "good" is all he said. He didn't soften at all, but rather seemed to get even bigger....or thicker. After a few minutes of silence I started to settle down, I could feel my cock shrink. Jake started chatting again, never opening his eyes, just relaxing while probing me, figuratively. "Tim, I am guessing you know I am gay" I laid my head down, so it faced him. I couldn't seem to stop staring at his cock. "Yes, I kind of figured". Jake continued, "By your reaction to my...situation and the way you reacted to me applying lotion to your ass, I am thinking you might also enjoy those same things. Am I right? Have you experienced things with men?" I had been staring at Jake's cock so had noticed he had turned his head toward me after he asked that question. As I processed my answer I glanced up and noticed him staring at me. "Jake, I don't know how much I should share, but you are somewhat close to right. I have only sucked someone before, but fantasized a LOT". I was rock hard again answering that, thinking back to all of my fantasies that involved me being fucked. "Do you mind if I ask what your favorite fantasy is?" Jake asked. I thought for a moment and decided to turn over, at this point I didn't care if Jake knew I was aroused. As I settled in on my back I started to relive my fantasy. "It isn't anything super sexy or special really, but since I knew I wanted to be with a man I have wanted a man to be inside of me, deep. I have had a toy in me and masturbated often like that, but never gotten to enjoy that for real". I realized I was breathing hard. I wanted so bad to wrap my hand around my cock and masturbate furiously. I kept my eyes closed and asked, "I hope I am not sharing too much". I heard Jake move on his chair next to me so I looked over at him. He was now on his side, cock straining, "absolutely not! I am very intrigued and interested in what you think about and fantasize about." I looked at Jake and asked, "can I ask you some questions about what you like?" "oh yes, please do" Jake answered. Thinking about the pictures and online porn I have seen I asked, "do you like to fuck or be fucked?" Jake didn't hesitate at all, "I like to be the one fucking for sure". I quickly asked, "why?". Jake took off his glasses and started to look past me, as though he was flashing through memories. As he started to answer I saw his hand slide down and hold his big balls in his hand. "For me Tim, I guess is the feeling of a man's ass on my cock, there is nothing like it. I love the slow penetration, watching him enjoy my cock as I slide into him slowly. I enjoy that naked contact of skin on skin, my cock all the way in him, and his pleasure finally taking over him. Simply amazing". Jake was slowly sliding his foreskin over the tip of his cock, back and forth, long slow strokes. His cock was just so nice, big and meaty. "Jake, do all men enjoy you that way? You seem to be pretty big". Jake let go of his gorgeous cock and laughed. "I think there is a compliment in there somewhere, but yes, they all do. It is the way that I fuck I guess. I don't believe in pushing in hard or forcing my dick into someone, no I would rather go in slowly and let him get used to me. Does that make sense Tim?". "Yes it does Jake, very much". I closed my eyes again and muttered, "just as I imagine it". "whew", Jake let out. "I have to go cool off, if you know what I mean and not just because of the heat". I opened my eyes to see Jake stand between our chairs. that big cock just bounced in mid air. Now that his cock was closer, it was truly amazing. Thick, long, and now I could see leaking wet. Jake turned to pick up a towel and bet over in front of me, his balls were huge and low, which I find very sexy. He turned back to me and said, "I hope to continue our conversation in a minute, just need to cool off". While he said cool off, he grabbed his cock again, right in front of me. He turned and I watched him head for the pool. He dropped his towel near the side and jumped in. I laid my head back down and tried to calm down as well. I laid there thinking about Jake's cock and really how his hands felt massaging my ass cheeks, it felt so good and wanted more. No way I could tell him that, of course, way too forward for me, but I could certainly think it. "uh um", Jake cleared his throat. I hadn't heard him get out of the pool, but he was standing next to me, already dried off. "I see you didn't cool off much in that time", he said as he saw I was still very hard from the thoughts and our conversation. I looked up at him, he was now only semi hard, but still...a thing of beauty. "Sorry, carried away in my thoughts", I said. Jake sat down again, facing me. "Continuing our conversation, what were those thoughts you just had, if you are ok to share?". I wasn't quite sure how to share those thoughts, because it is like a rabbit hole to me, but I shared this. "When you were putting lotion on my butt, the way your hands moved, where you touched me at, I loved that and was replaying it in my mind, over and over". "Tim, you have a great ass, I hope you didn't mind me exploring a little". I could see Jake's cock twitch when he said that. "No, I actually loved it". I was now breathing hard. "Well, in that case, I would love to apply more lotion or even better, give you a nice rub down. If you want". Jake said I really didn't know how to response, all I could come up with was "yes please". Jake said, "great!" and stood up. Now I could tell his cock was getting harder. Jake held out his hand for me to help me up. I took his hand and got up from the chair. Jake then turned and led me towards the patio door entry to his bedroom. When I walked through the door the bedroom was dark and it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. Jake's bedroom seems normal enough, not sure if I was expecting some gay dungeon, but it was just a normal room. A big bed, night stands, dressers, TV, etc. Jake turned to me, getting closer until I felt the wet tip of his big cock brush against my thigh. "Let me get a towel for you and then you can lay on the bed". He said. Jake turned, leaving a small wet spot on me where his dick touched me, to get a towel from the bathroom. Jake returned with a towel and what seemed like a larger bottle of oil or lotion, I couldn't tell. He laid the towel out and asked me to please lay down on my stomach. I crawled onto the big bed and laid down as instructed. I then felt Jake get on the bed behind me. I felt him move up so he was straddling my lower legs. I felt some oil being dripped onto my lower back, down over my ass cheeks, and on my upper legs. "Let me know if anything is uncomfortable for you Tim", Jake said softly. I just moaned. Jake's hands started on my lower back, above my butt. He was soft at first, while moving his hands down over my butt cheeks to my upper thighs, using as much of the oil as possible. It felt great and I told him so, "that feels very nice". Soon Jake's hand were at my lower back again but this time applying more pressure and slowly moving them down ass, kneading my ass cheeks with the oil. I was lost in pleasure when Jake softly said, "you have such a beautiful ass Tim". "thank you" is all I could get out. Jake's fingers continued to caress my ass and then lingering in between them, over my ass hole, rubbing the outside of my hole and then moving on again, either to my lower back or down over my balls. I had never experienced that, but it felt so damn good!!! Jake did this a couple more times and then I felt him get up a little and lean in toward my ear. As he did this his hands were on either side of me, I noticed because at the same time I felt something else, hot and hard, laying on my ass crack. 'HIS big cock'. "It seems as though you really enjoyed that last bit Tim. I hope you it all. I am going to work your upper back a little now". I just moaned softly. Jake leaned back but his big cock staying in my ass crack. I felt some oil being poured on my shoulders, and ten some drops dripping on my ass crack, must be falling on his big dick too. As Jack started in on my shoulders his cock slid up and down my crack, his thickness spreading my cheeks apart. I started to feel things I had never felt before and only wanted more. I am was not sure why, but I started pushing back slightly on his cock, not really sure if he was noticing. When I was sure he didn't notice me push back on his cock, one hand left my shoulders and held my ass cheek, pulled it apart to let his cock head actually touch my hole. electricity surged through me. Then I felt a small pat on my ass and his hand returned to my shoulder. "I like that boy. It seems like your ass is aching". "mmmmmmmm. yes sir, it is aching". I managed to get out. Jake's hands started moving down my body again, over my back muscles to right above my ass cheeks. I could feel his cock between my cheeks, still hard and I was still pushing back on him slightly and I knew he was enjoying that. Soon Jake's hands were kneading each of my cheeks, his thumb would move under his big cock and brush my hole, first one once in a while then with every passing of his hand. Before long his thumb would get stuck on my ass hole, each time it would get stuck it would poke in a little or pull my hole open. I was feeling very very exposed to him and I really enjoyed it. "Fuck Tim, your ass looks so good and is so eager for something in it. Damn you really have me going." Jake said..panting hard. "Tim, I do have to apologize, I have made a bit of a mess....this whole time I have been leaking precum all over your ass." Jake reached over and took my hand, guiding it behind me to feel his precum all over my ass and crack. I was amazing I hadn't felt all of it already. I was very wet back there. He then guided my hand to his swollen, and very wet, cock. "ummmm...I told you, I am leaking like crazy." Jake said. "That's it, hold my big cock in your hand, milk some more out of me". I was definitely milking Jake's big cock. I had never felt one that big and only fantasized about it to this extreme. I wanted something inside of me, needed something inside of me, needed Jake's cock inside of me, BAD! I held Jake's cock in my hand and turned to ask him 'the' question. "Jake, will you fuck me?". Jake leaned down close to my face and said, "yes Tim, I would love to". Jake then kissed me fully, his tongue in my mouth, not sure I would have liked that, but I found it so sexy and sensual. I wanted more. Jake raised up and I started to spread my ass cheeks for him, but instead of his big cock, I felt his thumb slowly enter me. "Tim, I think I should fuck you with you on your back to start with." I looked at him with a puzzled look, I didn't understand. Jake continued, "Since it is your first time, and my cock is a little big, I can take my time and see the reaction on your face and now how fast to go. Plus the angle of my cock entering you will be easier this way. I know you want a cock in you from behind, and trust me I want to fuck you from behind, but let's start with this position." I felt Jake pull his thumb out of my ass, I felt so empty and wanting more. "Turn over Tim", Jake said while helping me turn over so I was on my back. Jake's fingers went right back to my ass, playing with me and then stroking his amazingly hard cock that was bouncing right in front of me. "Tim, I am going to lube you up to help me sliding into you". Jake grabbed a bottle of lube from nightstand drawer. I felt him drizzle some on my hole and then watched him lube up that big cock. It was so impressive to see. My own cock was twitching just watching him. Jake then took my legs and put them over his shoulders. while holding his cock with one hand, Jake asked, "are you ready Tim?". I nodded my reply, it was all I could do. Jake rubbed his wet cock head around my hole. "Tim, I want in your ass so fucking back, I am leaking everywhere. I hope that is ok". "Yes Jake, I love that feeling". "Tim, I want in you so bad, but I also need you to know something". "ok" "Tim I am hiv positive. Do you know what that means?", Jake asked. I felt the pressure of his cock at my ass now, slightly pushing. "Yes", I said letting the conversation drop. "Tim, I am on medication, and truly undetectable, but I wanted you to know before I push into you. I have been leaking in your hole for a few minutes now, but at this point it is your decision.". Jake stopped pushing. He looked into my eyes and I knew I wanted him in me so fucking bad. "Jake, please fuck me". Jake smiled and started to push in again. "Tim, you should push out a little, like you are taking a shit, but don't push that hard. It will help you accepting my cock.". I started pushing out a little, and at the same time Jake started pushing in. I felt a lot of resistance by my ass, not wanting that big thing in me, but our will power overwhelmed us both. In an instant it was like a 'pop' and I felt his cock head expand my ass open wider than I had ever felt before. It was painful, but at the same I just wanted more! Jake paused, "thank you baby, fuck that feels so good. I am going to start pushing some more". Now Jake had his hands on my hips and alternated looking into my eyes and looking down to see his cock disappear. "Good boy Tim, you have taken half of my cock already. here comes the rest". Taking the rest of Jake's big cock was more of the stretching and dull pain that there at been, but I could tell the pleasure was also increasing. I looked down at Jake's waist, which was so sexy but it is now I noticed my cock was only semi hard, but oozing a continual stream of precum. I had never done that before! I knew right then I needed more, much more! Finally Jake's hips were touching the back of my legs. "There baby boy, I am all the way in you, fuck it feels good". Jake said. Jake took one leg in each hand and started to slowly slide in and out of my ass. Jake's face and an intense look of passion and lust. "Your ass is so tight Tim, you are milking my cock" Jake said while watching his cock slide in and out of me! Jake pulled his cock all the way out of me and I was left open and panting, wanting more. I felt so empty! Immediately he pushed all the way in me, up to his balls. I moaned out loud...no it was more of a very loud whimper. "yes baby, take my big cock", Jake said. "You love it don't you boy?" I moaned a loud, "YES"! I was in pure ecstasy . I had never felt anything like it, the true fucking of a true man. My eyes rolled back into my head I felt so full with Jake in me, full of that massive cock. I looked at Jake again, his eyes were open and staring at me as he slid in and out. Jake pushed all the way in me and bent down between my legs so his face was just above mine. He then kissed me deeply and I returned his intensity and wrapped my legs around his back. Jake broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes, "baby, I need to cum so bad. I will tell you and then pull out and shoot my cum on your stomach and cock". He paused, looking at me. It look me few seconds to think, and I asked him, "is that the best way for you to cum Jake?" "No boy, I would love to fuck you fast and deep and then cum deep in you, but only if you wanted that too." Jake said. Again, I paused and thought, then looked into Jake's eyes, "I want you to cum in me sir, please". Still looking into my eyes,Jake began to smile and I almost thought I felt his cock swell a little more. "That makes me so happy Tim, good boy." Jake rose to kneel again between my legs, taking each leg in a hand. His look was of pure desire now, and that turned me on even more. Jake removed his hand from one leg and wrapped it around my hard cock. "That's it boy, we are going to cum together". He started picked up the pace of his cock sliding in and out of me. Each thrust back in me I felt his cock head touch an area I didn't know existed and heard the slapping sounds from his waist hitting my ass. "fuck yes boy. you want my cum, don't you?". Jack said while breathing hard. "yes daddy, please! I want you to cum in me". The pressure of Jake's big cock sliding in and out of me, hitting every pleasure spot, and his hand on my hard cock was all I could take. "Jake I am cumming, I am cumming" and shot my load all over his hand as he jerked my cock up and down. "fuck Tim, I am cumming, take my load boy". Jake pushed in deep and I felt his cock grow and then felt the pressure of a stream of liquid in that deep place in my tummy. Jake was shooting his hot cum into me...four...five...I felt the streams in me. Jake was cumming so much. Jake stayed buried in me....hand still on my cock. I noticed Jake was shaking a little as every drop of man cum left his body. Slowly, he stopped shaking and then his eyes opened and a big smile crossed his face. "oh fuck Tim, I am still dripping in you! That was so fucking hot. Your ass feels so good on my cock. Did you enjoy it too baby?" Jake asked I smiled wider than I had in a long time. "yes daddy, it was better than anything I could imagine". Jake slowly pulled his softening cock from in me and collapsed on top of me, head on my shoulder. He was breathing harder than me and I just wrapped my arms around him. I whispered to him, "I would love that again sometime". Jake raised his head from my shoulder and looked at me. "Tim, anytime you want me inside of you please let me know. I loved fucking you. Honestly Tim, I want to breed you so much". I closed my eyes and smiled, and then I felt his cum load making its way through my insides. I smiled even wider.
    10 points
  2. Got bred my 1st load of 2024, FINALLY! Young bear from Bbrt while I'm visiting Vancouver. Took public transit and was slowed down by a 'police incident', had to take Uber to finally get to his place. He messaged I needed to give him a great bj to make up for his wait ...lol. I'd been on the run all day so took time for a quick clean out and shower keeping him waiting even longer. Found him on his back naked on his bed rubbing his average size hard on. He's much bigger than I thought from his profile pic and lots of beautiful dark hair everywhere. I climed on the bed and immediately go to work on with my mouth on his cock. He's very vocal about how hot and expert 'daddy's' mouth is! He let's me know it's been worth the wait, and we're just getting started. After a bit he says he's ready to fuck. I straddle him, apply lube, and sit on his raw cock with my starving hole. I ride him hard keeping his bed squeaking. He's even more vocal. "Oh daddy's horny, bet he’s been riding lots of guys with that hungry ass and sexy body." I don't correct him. My turn to speak; "Fuck me hard son." "Oh yeah, let me take you doggie then." We shift so I'm bent over the edge of the bed. He lines up and this time drives in. He's very vocal about the heat inside daddy's wide open hole. After a bit he let's me know he's getting close and wants to cum in my hot mouth. Contrary to my usual submissive self who acquiesces to my partners every need I tell him I want his load painting my guts. "Breed me big boy. Breed my hungry ass son!" He picked up his pace and soon pushed in deep to unload. From his moans and length of time pumped in a big load. When he pulled out I cleaned his cock. He loved daddy's return to oral and was soon hard again to his own surprise. We alternated between oral and him fucking me a few more times. "Hot daddy's gonna make me cum again!" When he did my mouth was on his hard cock. I swallowed an amazingly large salty load for number two. He expressed enthusiasticly how 'worth the wait ' it had been. It was now too late for transit and he insisted on driving me the half hour back to my hosts. It had been a long wait into 2024. Riding my fifth raw cock and finally got my ass bred! But it was well worth the wait! Hopefully the rest of the year will be more generous to my thirsty ass!
    9 points
  3. sorry for the delay, been super busy with midterms hope y’all enjoy — A few hours later we had just had dinner and I had an intense craving for more cum. I tried to beat my dick so I could eat my own load, but my cock was totally soft and wouldn’t get hard. I then remembered the flesh light in the shower. The bathroom was empty and I went into the shower praying that my father had left a load in it. Getting on my knees I grab the flesh light and held it to my mouth. As I lifted it up the bitter taste of seman hit my tongue. I licked it up viciously trying to get every last drop. Once the flesh light was empty i grabbed the half finished bottle of water I had from dinner, as I drank it I reminded myself to ask dad if he could get new water since all the bottles in the closet had tasted strange. I half thought they were moldy because I always felt weird after drinking them. After finishing the water I was going to change into some pjs but as I opened the drawer the pink thong caught my eyes. I looked at it for a second before getting the sudden urge to put it on. As I slid the thin thong on I felt the string press between my cheeks. The front pouch just covered my flacid cock and balls. I walked to the mirror and began admiring how good my ass looked in the thong. Just then the door opens and my after walks in wearing only a pair of jeans. I can see not only the numerous tattoos covering his hairy body but also his massive nipples rings sticking out of his puffed up nipples. The only thing he had on his upper body was a thick industrial chain around his neck with a large lock on it. “Hey son I’m gonna be heading out to meet some friends. I'll be back in a few hours” he said as I stood mortified. “Oh looks like you found your step dads welcome gift you how’d you like it” he said as he walked up to me pressing his bare chest into me and grabbing my one of my ass Cheeks with his huge rough hand. “Um it’s alright I guess” I mumbled out in horror. “I’d say it’s more than alright on you son” he said with a smirk as he pushed on my buttplug. “I’ll see you in a few hours, don’t have too many guys over while I’m gone” he said with a chuckle. I just stood there for a while mind racing. My dad thought I was some kind of sissy that wears thongs and butt plugs. Hell I am a sissy wearing a thong and a buttplug, but strangely that didn’t bother me, in fact it turned me on. My dad had thought that I was dressing up to get fucked, my ass definitely looked good enough to be. I began mindless playing with the plug again. I couldn’t really be thinking of getting fucked, a few days ago I thought I was completely straight. But when I looked down and saw the stream of precum flowing through my flacid cock and thong I knew I needed to get fucked. I had heard that Grindr was the gay tinder and so I decided to at least check and see who was on there. I took some pictures of myself in the mirror and made my profile. As soon as my profile was set up messages came rolling in from tons of pictureless accounts. I ignored them and tried to find someone I thought was attractive. I soon settled on a large hairy man who claimed to be 6’5. I messaged him and while waiting for a response browsed through the messages I’d already received. Most were bland and basic, one word texts or people begging to suck my cock. One of the messages was different though, it said “I can tell you’re craving cock you stupid whore” Though in all honesty what drew me in more was the picture of a massive 6 in cock with it. “ I think I might be” I responded “Then come get some” and with that he sent his address. Without thinking I threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt and walked out the house. He was only 5 blocks away so it was a short walk over. As I rung the doorbell I realized I had no clue what this guy looked like. But I put the worry out of my mind as I was buzzed in with a deep voice saying “Third floor 2nd door faggot”
    7 points
  4. My Older Black Friend - Part VIII Without much notice Robert did just that. He pushed into me, passed that second ring, and held still. His cock was now pulsing and I could feel a different pressure in my ass, almost my guts, his poz cum blasting into me. With that last bit of pressure my cock just started exploding alll over my stomach and waist. stream after stream flew out of my hard cock. I was now moaning deliriously. Without pulling out, Robert felt to my chest and I wrapped my legs around him to keep him in me. Robert looked up, "I love you Tim. You are now mine" I had just taken John's cock and cum deep in me for a second time this week, and now my lover lay between my legs after giving me all of his hot cum deep in my ass. This was truly what I had fantasized about for so many years, fulfilling every sexual desire for my man, and pleasuring him more by giving my ass to him to own and give out when it turned him on to do so. I had barely noticed John while making love to Robert, but now sensed him next to me, while still on my back and Robert inside of me. I opened my eyes to see John slightly rubbing Robert's shoulder and a big smile on his face. "Tim, that is one of the hottest things I have ever been a part of", John said as he bent down to kiss me. I felt John's tongue and spit filling my mouth, it was a great turn on, and very sensual. John pulled his face away from mine slightly and spoke quietly to Robert. "My friend, I don't now how you found your boy, but Mr. Tim is very much in love with you". John smiled and added, "damn lucky!". John stood fully again and now I noticed his cock was semi hard. I looked up at John, he was staring intently at me, moved his hand down to his cock and squeezed. "Yes Tim, when Robert wants me to fuck you again, I will not hesitate". Robert lifted his head from my chest and turned to us. "John, I am thinking my boy will always love that". We all smiled!!! He was very right! After we had all cleaned up, we dressed in shorts and t-shirts then headed for the pool area at Robert's house. We all grabbed some water on the way out and got comfortable in some of the lounge chairs by the pool. Robert had grabbed us each a towel. I was in the middle chair with John on my right and Robert on my left. The sun felt so good as we started to chat about our day so far. It was moving in to late afternoon so the sun wasn't as intense, but felt so warming on my body. "Fuck that was amazing Robert, and Tim", John said without opening his eyes. Robert both said 'yes it was', almost in unison. There was a moment of silence and Robert started talking. "John, I am really glad we finally found the right partner to help us with our fantasy, everything we have discussed over the years. I know Tim has been wanting the same thing, to be the bottom in this type of scenario, so it seems it works out for all three of us. Is that right, Tim?" "Yes sir. I honestly couldn't have imagined it happening in a better way". I turned my head to John and he was looking me and my body, I caught his view and said, "John, I am so happy you joined our love making and exploration". John smiled. "I can't tell you how great you are Tim, willing to be with us both and so thankful that it turns you both on to share you with me". I saw John reach down and grab his cock through his shorts. His eyes never left mine. I smiled and laid back on the chair, closing my eyes. "John, those thoughts make us all hard I think", I said. We all laughed. As I lay there, I could start to feel cum making it's way to my ass opening and I knew two big loads wanted to exit me! I smiled, but felt a little embarrassed. I started to get off the chair and said, "I need to use the restroom", paused as I got up and continued, "no thanks to the both of you". Both of the men just stayed laying down, eye closed, and said that I was welcome. These guys were great! I made it to the rest room and let some of their big loads drain from me. I was amazed at first, but honestly knowing that John produced huge cum loads I wasn't really surprised after all. I cleaned up and exited the bathroom. When I made it back to the pool, both Robert and John were now naked, enjoying the sun on their bodies, and semi erect. I wondered what they had been chatting about! That made me smile. "Oh, naked time now, huh?" I asked. They both said yes and I quickly removed my clothes and joined them. This time I adjusted my lounger more upright so I could stare at both of their massive cocks and older frames. All this time in my life I Had fantasized about these two men, not them exactly, but this type of situation and these types of men. With my left hand I reached out to touch Roberts chest, nipple, and let my fingers slide down to his hip and rest right next to his cock head. I looked at John next to me. "John, what about you, why don't you have a boy of your own?". John moaned a little. "good question Tim. I guess I just haven't found the right man. Sure I find them to fuck, which is always great, but some still want protection, which you know isn't my thing. For those, I just need to fuck and cum. Finding that perfect bottom boy, that knows what real sex feels like and is very ok with taking my raw cock and cum, it is rare." Just with those few sentences, I saw John's cock start to grow. John continued, "Robert can testify to this, you are a very rare young man Tim. That you immediately recognized that connection between you and Robert, realized that the connection you two shared was bigger than statuses. That is really amazing". As I was watching John's cock and listening to him, I suddenly felt Robert's wet cock head touch my hand. I quickly looked at my man. His head was still back, but his cock had grown towards my hand and he was now leaking on me. I started running my thumb over Robert's cock head, rubbing that sexy precum all over. That only encouraged Robert's cock to grow harder and harder. While I was playing with Robert's cock I had heard John get up from his lounger, but was focused on my man's cock. Then I heard John, he was next to me, "suck my cock boy". I turned my head towards John and his cock was hard and leaking next to my face. What a gorgeous sight he was. John still had his cock ring on and he was pushing his cock down so I could get my lips on it. I opened my mouth and helped guide his leaking cock into my mouth. His cock tasted so fucking good. It tasted like precum and cum from our previous fuck session. I brought my legs up and spread them wide so my ass was exposed. I felt Robert shift and my hand left his cock. Soon he was kneeling next to me telling me to suck John's cock while his finger found sore, dripping, hole. I moaned in response to his gentle touching of my lips. John started in on the hot talk, which turned me on even more. "Suck this cock baby boy. Do you like the taste of my cock? This cock bred your cunt a little while ago, how does your ass taste?" This was driving me crazy with lust, John knew exactly what to say. Robert then stood up, "we should take this into the bedroom". John slowly pulled his wet cock from my mouth, "yeah probably" as I watched him stroke his big cock once more, right in front of my face. I looked at Robert and he was standing, rock hard, again. Fuck he is gorgeous. Robert helped me up and as I turn pats my ass to remind me I am his good boy. I reach behind me and take hold of Robert's big cock and start to walk into the house. As soon as I enter, John is there, cock now semi hard, but still leaking. while holding Robert's big cock in my hand, John takes my face in his hands and kisses me deep, tongue invading my mouth. I reach down with my free hand and hold John's cock, it is already rising to being fully hard. Robert's hand is now on my ass, fingers making their way to my wet hole. Robert wastes no time in burying his finger deep into me! I moan into John's mouth. John backs away slightly and tells me, "I want to be under you while Robert fucks his cock into you". Robert pulls his finger out of my ass, pats my ass again, and says "you heard him, let's go boy". When we entered the bedroom, John immediately got on the bed, on his back with his head toward the end of the bed. I followed him and got over him on all fours and immediately my mouth found his gorgeous cock! My mouth took over right where I had left off outside, sucking and tasting that gorgeous man cock. Before too long, I felt some lube being applied to my ass and Roberts big fingers slowly working my hole in circles and then penetrating me. first one finger, then two fingers. Robert's other hand was gripping my ass cheek, trying to pull my hole open wider. "Fuck your ass lips are puffy boy, your ass is begging for my cock again", Robert said. I removed my mouth from John's big cock, long enough to say "please fuck your baby boy. I need your fat cock in me". I felt Robert's fingers withdraw from my ass and heard him apply lube to his cock...I could almost see in my mind his hand sliding all around my man's hot thick cock. I knew what was next. I was right, within seconds I felt Robert's big wet cock head at my hole, pushing slowly...almost rocking, into my hole. one more slight push and Robert's cock head broke through my hole. "boy, my cock head is in you and fucking eh, it looks so good! do you want more of daddy's cock?", Robert said. "Yes please daddy, put your cock in me. my pussy belongs to you, please take me", I almost yelled. Robert put his hand on top of my ass and said, "here it comes baby, take my cock". Robert was pushing steady now! At some point I want to jump forward as I felt it was too much cock, too quick, but I made myself push out and push back on his black did. "my little slut, you want daddy's cock and load in you, I can see you pushing back on my dick. Yes, take it baby", Robert said. John said, "Robert, this boy loves your cock, you can tell. With each inch of your cock this boy leaks even more precum. Only a true daddy's boy reacts like that". I was really stroking and swallowing as much of John's cock as I could. His precum, and my spit, was flowing around his cock and down over his balls. I couldn't help it. Soon enough I couldn't keep my mouth on John's cock, I was panting and moaning so much with Robert sliding in and out of me with a nice steady speed. It so fucking good, and I felt so full of his big cock! John maneuvered out from underneath me and was now standing beside the bed. I felt John's hands on my ass, pulling them apart for Robert as his big black cock slid in and out, relentlessly. "Fuck boy your ass is really opening up to that big cock", John said. "We have really turned you into a hot slut bottom, haven't we?". John continued, "Robert, are you going to give him what he wants? I want to watch your cock breed your boy". Robert just moaned and picked up his pace. I was moaning out loud every time that big cock penetrated my ass again. Robert was sooooo deep in me and by his pace and heavy breathing I knew what was coming. I could feel that black cock start to swell in me, stretching my hole even more. Robert started gripping my waist even tighter, "baby are you ready for daddy's hot cum?" "....mmmmmmm.....yes please", I replied. "take my cum boy, take my poz seed baby!" was all Robert said as he slid all the way in and passed my second ring. HIs cock swelled one last time and I could feel him shooting his load into my guts. Robert held still, buried deep in my ass. I couldn't even believe I was taking all of his cock. It felt so amazing. Slowly Robert's cock was shrinking and I felt him slowly start to pull out, which seemed to last forever. As soon as he finally pulled free I immediately fell on my stomach, legs still shaking. Robert got off the bed and moved to the top so he could whisper in my ear. "take John's cock and cum now boy, he is going to take you". I felt John get on the bed behind me, he didn't pull me up but instead mounted me with his legs on either side of my legs. I felt the tip of his cock at my hole, but I couldn't move to help him. "Don't worry boy, I will do the work, I just need to unload in you", John said. I felt him pulling my ass apart, and the tip of his cock at my used, now sore, hole. He was going to fuck me one way or another, and I secretly loved that. In one motion John slid his big cock all the way in me. After Robert's massive cock having been in me, and breeding me, John could easily sink in to his balls! John was more grinding his cock into me than really fucking me, churning Robert's cumload in my ass. It felt so great to feel John's weight on me, and the emptiness of Robert pulling out to be filled with a big hot cock. John lowered his body to lay on top of my back. His mouth was next to my ear telling me all the good things I was feeling and of things to come. "baby boy I am going to fuck my poz load deep into you. is that ok?" John asked. "please John, please give me your load". "That's it baby, I am going to cum right on top of Robert's big load, give you my babies. Fucking hot, here comes my load baby boy". John pushed in deep and felt him swell, but my ass was already too wrecked to feel his load shoot., but I knew he was cumming hard by the guttural moans was making, and telling me in my ear. John slowed down his motion, but kept his cock in me. "I hope we knock your ass up today Tim". "me too" I sad, "me too". John rolled off of me to his back, and I was empty once again. I lay there, breathing hard. Robert the joined on the other side of me, his big hands slowly and gently exploring my ass where John had just been. gripping my ass cheeks hard and thanking me for being his. I smiled and slowly started to drift off to sleep. Two weeks later. I had been at Robert's house for the past several days. A week or so after I had been with Robert and John I got pretty sick and while talking to Robert he suggested I go get tested as soon as I could and then come stay with him so he would nurse me through it. I had been at Robert's house, while feeling shitty, also very glad to be here and guided through it by Robert. He was so caring, and when we did find out my results, we cuddled and kissed. I could tell me was super turned on, hard to hide that big cock, but I wasn't really into it, and he totally understood. Two days later I managed to get showered, and cleaned out, and made it back to bed. I got it bed naked, not that Robert could tell, but after checking on me I asked him he wanted to lay with me and watch something. Sure enough Robert got into bed and soon realized I was naked. His cock was so hard. I looked at him and kissed him deep while reaching for his big leaking dick. "Tim you are sure you are feeling up to it?", Robert asked. I guided Robert's hand to my ass and bare cock. "Yes sir, please take me again" I said. Robert proceeded to give me my first post-poz fuck and load! It made me so happy to know I was now truly his.
    7 points
  5. Yesterday was simultaneously one of those days that makes you question why you try to hook up with random strangers, and rekindles your faith in the hookup culture. It was a lazy Sunday morning when I got a message on Grindr from a bbc top who lived about 30 minutes from me. We chatted for a while. He was into topping fat asses and only did it raw. And what's more, he had two friends who were coming over to smoke some 420, and they were all looking for an ass to use. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it was. Normally I can smell the bs a mile away, but this time I got duped. I cleaned out and made the drive. He stayed in communication with me until I messaged him to say I was turning onto his street, then he went offline. To make matters worse, once I had parked another bbc top messaged me, saying he lived in a different building in the same apartment complex, and stupidly I went in and all the way up to the floor he told me to go to. I should have picked up on the fact that he didn't tell me his apartment number, but in my horned up state I didn't. So yeah, I got played. Twice. I'm sure he was watching from his window and laughing at the dumb white guy. Fuck him. My drive to the town where he lived takes me through a particularly busy interchange with another highway, and on the way home the exit ramp was a fucking mess, so I decided to stay on the road I was on and take the back way home. That back way takes me past an adult bookstore with a backroom that's all booths (no public space) - but a LOT of the booths have glory holes. I was still pissed and thought about driving past, but found myself steering into the parking lot nonetheless. The parking lot was pretty empty but what the hell. I went in, paid my entrance fee, and soon found myself in a glory hole booth with a loud video playing to announce my presence. I had been in there less than a minute when I heard the door to the other booth close, and soon a cock made its way through the hole. I huffed my brown bottle, got on my knees and took it into my mouth. It hardened quickly into a nice 6-incher, and I was just getting into sucking on it when it pulled back. "Come over," said a voice. I complied, and found myself on my knees in front of a big, beefy redhead. He grabbed my head and fucked my mouth, maintaining a steady rhythm until I felt his cock stiffen even further. His pace quickened, and before long he was spewing a big load on my tongue. I swallowed greedily. My first 'customer' satisfied, I went back to the other booth while he zipped up. No sooner had he left than I heard the door close again. I got on my knees and presented my open mouth at the hole in the wall, and soon another cock was sliding across my lips. Like the first, it pulled back once it got hard, and this time its owner left the booth and entered mine. He was a Hispanic guy, about my age, average hung. It only took a few minutes of working his shaft and head with my lips and tongue before I was rewarded with my second load of the day. Once he dressed and left, I sat down and huffed on my brown bottle a little while I watched the video. Then my booth door opened, and an older guy came in. Once again I got down on my knees. His cock was about 5 inches but it was THICK. I greedily licked and slurped on it, tonguing his balls while I had his entire length in my mouth. He placed a hand behind my head as he tweaked his nipples with the other. In no time, I was swallowing my third load of the day. Things got quiet after that, and I spent a little time sitting in the booth waiting to see if anyone else came in. I was just about to leave when the other booth door closed again. I waited, and before long another cock appeared at the glory hole. It was small and uncut with a lot of foreskin. Nevertheless, I got on my knees and got to work. And WOW am I glad I did! The moment I took that cock into my mouth it began to grow. And grow. And grow. Soon it was a thick 8 inches and it was all I could do to work it down my throat. The guy on the other side of the wall grunted in pleasure several times as I licked and sucked and tongued his shaft and head. Then he said the magic words I've never heard at a glory hole before. "Give me that ass." While I've been fucked in bookstore booths several times, I had never ridden a completely anonymous cock through a glory hole before, so I was extra glad that I had stuck a small tube of lube in my pocket in case I needed it for the guy who stood me up. Plus, I was already cleaned out! I grabbed the tube from my pocket and smeared some on his shaft, then stood and dropped my pants. I rubbed some lube on my hole, dipping a couple of fingers inside as well, then backed onto that thick slab of meat. I had been hitting the brown bottle off and on for much of the day, so I was nice and relaxed and he slid into my ass with ease. I took as much as I could until my cheeks were pressed into the wall. "Fuck yeah," I heard him sigh as the walls of my hole stretched around his shaft. He began moving his hips back and forth, fucking my hole as I placed my hands on the opposite wall for support. He slid almost all the way out, then plunged back in balls-deep. That big cock felt amazing in my hole, and I squeezed my sphincter around his shaft. His belt buckle hit the wall with every thrust, making a loud clack sound each time. I found myself hoping it might attract others. At last I felt his cock swell, then pulse as he emptied his balls inside me. He gasped and moaned in pleasure as I squeezed extra-tight to milk every last drop from him. At last the pulses subsided and his cock slipped out of my hole. To show I'm a good slut I quickly spun around and took his cock in my mouth before he could retract it. I savored the flavor of ass mixed with cum as I cleaned him off. I waited as he straightened his appearance and stepped out the door, listening for others who might be waiting to come in. But alas, that was all. As my time ran out on the video monitor I pulled up my pants and headed for the door. As I got in my car, some of the last guy's kids slipped out of me, making a wet spot in my underwear that I sat in for the rest of the drive home. What began as a waste of my time had turned into my first glory hole breeding. All in all, a good day.
    6 points
  6. I love the intense feeling I get in my stomach before I take a load especially an anon load. The need for cock grows and I begin looking on all the usual sites. My inbox flooded as I sifted through. Finding a sexy bear I set up a meeting. He lived close by and came to pick me up. I could see his dick was hard on the ride over he kept grabbing at my chest. We arrived at his house and walked in, he lead me to his bedroom and began stripping me down. He got me naked quickly. He picked me up and placed me on the bed. Getting on top of me he put some lube on and slid inside of me. Daddy was pounding my tight hole I was maoning. I suddenly felt the presence of another person. I couldn't see anyone, I slowly got back into getting fucked. He came inside grunting and forcing his cock deep inside. After he pulled out I started to get up, I suddenly fetly two hands pushing me down. "Can I fuck you" a voice said as he grabbed my ass and spanked it. I instinctly said yes and he slid in pounding my tight ass. He pulled my hair and kept smacking my ass he left a red handprint on it. He pushed my head into the pillow as he grunted. I could feel his load as he filled my sloppy ass. I then left. Getting a ride home I gave a bj to the driver as you should when gifted a rode.
    5 points
  7. I seduced a 30ish married guy last week. We had met while he was working at the gas station. He's rough around the edges, bearded, bad tattoos... So of course my type. I had him stop by after work for a few beers, and well I noticed him staring at my cock a lot. We got to talking about sex and he's telling me about his various gay encounters, in addition to his female trysts. I get a bit bored after a while and just pull out my cock and ask if he's interested in sucking my dad cock. He smiles and gets inthe floor in front of me, and I guide his mouth to my cock. I'm enjoying his work, and telling him what a great cocksucker he is. I force him down further and further, til he has all 7" in his mouth. I cum a fuck ton, and he didn't miss a drop. I sit him on my lap and pull out his cock, and start jerking him off, telling him the next time he comes over I'm going to breed his ass. He squirted all over his chest and my hand, and I held him for a few minutes longer until he was ready to head home. I definitely need to fuck him soon.
    5 points
  8. When I got home, I did my best to be quiet and made my way through the kitchen and up the stairs, I passed by Adams room, where the door was open, but the room was empty, the bed barely rumpled. I continued down the hall and peeked into Shayne’s room to discover my son and stepson cuddled up together, spooning tightly, it actually appeared that Adam’s cock was impaled into Shayne rectum. I slowly exited the room and went down to my bedroom, stripped off my clothes and took a short shower to rinse off the sex that was clinging to my body. I reached into my nightstand and withdrew a butt plug applied some lotion and inserted it to keep in whatever spooge was left inside me. I lay on the bed piecing together what had occurred tonight. I also began planning what the day and evening would hold, I needed to convince Adam and Shayne to accompany me to the baths for Twink night. 4) Robert When I got home from the baths, I went up to my room, entered the on-suite bathroom and stepped into the shower, I washed my body of the nights residue of sex and then looed at my body in the mirror. I had mixed filling as to what this night was going to lead to. I had met Adam in preschool, and we quickly became chums and hung out together during play periods, and the teachers would often group us together for activities and lessons. We remained friends in kindergarten and throughout our school carriers. As friends do, we hung out a lot and played at each other’s homes, encouraged each other in sports and hobbies, attended each other’s birthday parties. As we entered sixth grade, Adams Parents divorced and Adam remained with his mother, while his dad left to take a job in a different community, a couple of hours away. His dad would come to visit on special occasions and during the summer months when he could get away. Shortly thereafter my dad accepted a new position with his company and was absent quite a lot of my seventh-grade year. As It turns out Adams Mom started seeing this guy that they had known, for some time while she was married to Adam’s dad, they dated a lot, and soon were engaged, Adam would have new Step brothers, whom I met at the wedding, I was Adams plus one. As summer was approaching, my dad announced we would be moving to a new home about 45 minutes away, but it would save dad a long commute to work. I was not happy, but my parent let me know I could text and call Adam as much as I wanted and would make it easy for us to see each other. I think I always liked Adam, he was my soulmate and I think I started loving him early on. We did stay in touch even going on camping trips together in the summers since, and once I got my drivers license we’d meet up sat the malls or for movies periodically, I was a few weeks older Than Adam, so my birthday fell in September, we met up over labor day weekend and I came out to him, tears in his eyes, which I initially took as a bad sign, he took a deep breath and said “I love you, Robert, I am too” I had come out during my Junior year of High school, actually I was forced out by a bully who was relentlessly making comments about how sissy I was, even though I was team captain on the lacrosse team he still told everyone I was just a faggot and was constantly staring at his junk, I denied it at first, then one day I had had it with the torment and blurted if front of everyone “maybe I am a fag but why would I be looking at that little piece of meat that dangles between your thighs”. He turned beet red as everyone laughed at him, then we were both marched off to the principle’s office, him for bullying me and me for my inappropriate outburst. He got a suspension, I got a lecture and a warning, then sent over to the councilors office where I received information on the LGBT community. The Regional LGBT youth group met on Friday afternoons at the Pride house, in the community that separated Adam and I, started going to get support as my parents really didn’t know how to handle my gayness, and to be honest other than loving Adam I didn’t really know myself, I really did not look at my peers in a sexual way. I met some really awesome guys and I felt like I had found a place where I could be free to be myself. The group had picnics and movie nights, they took us bowling and on campouts, the comradery was great. One night in the spring I was getting a drink at the refreshment table during one of the dances they put on for the youth group, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see a new but familiar face, I couldn’t place him at first “ you are Robert are you not? I’m Mark, Shayne’s younger brother, Adam’s stepbrother.” Mark and I became friends through the group, and I told him of my love for Adam and he encouraged me to come out to him. Mark suspected that the feelings were mutual, with Adam. He told me from what he knows Adam does not even want to date anyone, that he ignores or avoids him and his brothers at family outings and get togethers, because Adam isn’t willing to admit to his attraction for guys to anyone including himself. Mark was a psych major in college, and I thought maybe he was onto something. I decide to come out to Adam on our camping trip on Labor Day weekend. I did and we hugged and kissed and cuddled all night long. The day after we returned home and texted cute little text back and forth throughout the school day. The night of my birthday Mark handed me a cupcake with a candle in it at one of the youth meetings. I blushed and thanked him, he leaned in and gave me a birthday kiss, I kissed him back, our kissing led to fondling and soon we were in the bathroom, Mark gasped upon pulling my cock out, all ten and a half inches were standing up drooling precum, he leaned in and took most of it into his mouth, he tried for more and gagged backed off then went down again. He finally got all of it into his mouth and throat and I shot a load into his stomach directly. He backed off and stood and kissed me, ”I feel guilty you are my stepbrothers boyfriend and I just blew you” I chuckled “just like in the stories I’ve read. After coming out I found a story archive of gay teen romances and I had read some really hot stories. I had written one of the more prolific authors and said how much I enjoyed his work, he wrote back to thank me and supplied me with his twitter account and his Instagram to help me follow him and keep me informed when he released new stories. He also asked if I had read and stories on Breeding Zone as he had written a couple there which could not be published on the other archive. I messaged I hadn’t but might check it out. I immediately brought up breeding zone and started browsing through the offerings. I pulled up a story he mentioned and was soon rock hard reading how a cheating boyfriend had gone to the baths and been gangbanged. My cock was pulsing as I read a couple more stories of young guys being bred by HIV positive daddies and becoming cumdumps for anyone who would breed them. I shot multiple loads and then had to clean up my mess. By the messages sent to me by Adam I knew he was sexually frustrated and was trying to save himself for me, he confessed to me after one of our phone jerk off sessions he had just after his birthday that he was afraid that he would become a sex addict once he started having real sex. That his drive would make him a pig in search of encounters, I laughed at him and told him we could be pigs together and sent him a link to a incredible hot BZ story of best friend and lovers being converted and craving more sex from whoever would spread their holes. Shortly after my eighteenth birthday Mark had called and said he wanted treat me to a night out, we had been friends for close to half a year and sexually active with each other for about a week, I told him sure and he asked me to meet him at some diner across town, he bought me a light dinner then leaving my car at the diner he drove us to a warehouse in the next town over where he lived. We got out and he escorted my to the doorway, there was a small line, of hot young guys like us and a few older daddy types. We stepped up to the window and passed over our drivers’ licenses and Mark paid our way in along with a three moth membership. He told me It was twink night and that the place would be crawling with hot twink meat, if that was what you were into, and quite a few daddy types and those in-between. We stripped down and I realized it was just like in the stories I read, my cock began to plump up as I wrapped my towel around me. We began to wander the corridors and soon found ourselves in a maze of sorts guys going at it in every corner and nook, I had several guys grope me and when I paused one even went down on me and Mark, I pulled out of the guys mouth and thanked him, not wanting to cum to soon. Mark led me to a central room and I soon found myself face down on a fuck bench, Mark found his way into the sling. Someone came up behind me and began rimming my hole, a sensation I had yet to have then I realized his tongue had turned into someone else’s cock, the rim job had loosened me up, but the first guy came Sucking the come out of marks ***around and feed me his cock, the cock head pushed into my hole, it hurt like hell and the mother fucker rammed another couple inches in, my ass was on fire and I was sure he ripped my hole with his aggressive fucking, then the head hit something deep inside me and my ass was soon sucking his cock in, pleasure pouring over me as he pumped into my tight hole. The guy fucked me for aa few moments then pulled out and another guy came up behind me and plunged in, I didn’t feel any pain this time and my ass felt very wet. I had four guys fuck me on the bench before I got up and looked down at Mark in the sling, he didn’t have anyone waiting and he looked like he had enjoyed himself, “how Many” I asked, he held up six fingers, I stepped closer and slid my cock in his hole, it was sloppy and loose I began to pump in and out then pushed even harder, I could feel my cock head slid past his inner ring, he tensed and his ass began spasming around my cock, I began flooding his ass deep with my seed. It took me a few moments before my orgasm subsided then pulled out, a guy was under mark and in front of me cleaning my cock off and sucking the cum out of Mark's ass.I pulled mark up to me and gave him a hug. We headed for the showers and cleaned each other off. Mark drove me back to my car and we kissed and hugged before parting. I texted Adam, actually feeling guilty about going to the bath without him, even more so of keeping the secret I was friends with his youngest stepbrother, which all of whom were a touchy subject for Adam. I beginning to believe Mark had it right that he avoided his stepbrothers not because he didn’t care for them but that he felt very attracted to them and that confused him and made him extremely nervous. When I arrived home I went straight to my room and stripped down, debating whether to shower again or just go to bed. I decided to just lay down, although I could still feel the cum dripping from my hole, I reached into my nightstand and pulled out a diaper and pulled it on. I turned out the lights and fell into a deep fulfilled sleep. Adam and I had several outings between my birthday and his and on the Saturday after his birthday I took him out to dinner, then to a movie. Not sure what movie it was, it was Adams choosing but I was just paying attention to Adam, I held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder throughout the movie. If it wasn’t such a public venue and a crowded theater, I probably would have gone down on him. We made plans for Halloween to go to a youth group party, one which I knew Mark would not be at as he had plans to party with his older brother at a frat house near the university. He went as a sexy cop and I as a sluttly inmate, we had a good time and kissed and fondled a lot. He took me to dinner on Veterans Day and we discussed our plans for thanksgiving, knowing that we both would be busy with finals up to Christmas. We went shopping on the day before Christmas eve and had lunch together, however his mom had plans for him later that day through Christmas morning. I had become a regular at the baths on twink nights which were held twice a month on Saturdays, free admission with membership, which afforded the twink a locker and a towel, for 6 hours. Adam knew I was attending on occasion as I would fill him in on all the details, as we shared our favorite stories from BZ, we were both becoming horny pigs, at least in theory. We hadn’t had actual sex yet, but we came close a couple times. On the day after New years day Mark called and asked if I wanted to attend a party for Saul and Ricco it was their 2nd anniversary, I said yes and He picked me up around five thirty and we went to Ricco’s apartment after about an hour Ricco said it was time for the real festivities to begin as we piled into several cars and drove to the baths, there was about a dozen and a half of us eighteen through twenty year olds who descended on the facility, it was a special night called CumUnion and it looked to be packed even that early in the night. Mark told me to keep an eye out for his older brother James as he was going to be here with his fraternity. After paying our way in and stripping down in front of our lockers I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed to the bathroom, there was a vending machine in the bathroom which offered several amenities, I inserted my credit card which I had held back when placing my wallet in the lock drawer the front desk offered to patrons to secure their valuables, and purchased a bottle of jungle juice, a silicon cock ring, a small bottle of lube and a douche tubing. I went into the stall and cleaned out my rear then wrapped the cock ring around my cock and balls, wrapping the towel around my middle I walked back to my locker and deposited my credit card and the tubing alongside my jeans, I reached into my pocket and retrieved a neckless that was for inhalant bottles and screwed the Jungle juice in the holder, I shook the bottle pushed the button and took a huff, my head buzzed as my body began to get a warm glow, I squeezed out a drop of lube and applied it to my freshly cleaned out hole, working two fingers into my anus. I suddenly felt a arm encircle me and a cock slide towards my newly lubed hole, while the hand played with my nipple and the man kissed my neck I felt the cock slip into my hole, I took another hit on the bottle and melted into the embrace as the stud behind me began humping up into my anal cavity, I tilted my head back to kiss my Impaler, Ricco kissed me back as Saul looked on. Ricco grunted loudly and stiffened pumping me full of his essence, he pulled out and Saul slid in, pumping my hole, using his boyfriends cum as lube, he shortly fired off several ropes of cream in my hole then both exited the locker room leaving me feeling empty, yet full. After regaining my composure I wandered the halls and dark areas before heading to the steam room, the cum slowly dripping down my inner thighs, I entered the steam room which had a few of the benches occupied, o wandered around before stopping in front of a fit daddy I dropped my towel and allowed him to take my engorged cock into his mouth, he began to hum around my cock as I began coating his mouth and throat with my precum, he soon had is face planted in my pubes and me cock pulsated in his throat. He sucked me till I began to feel a pressure in my groin as my cum shot down his throat. He pulled off and turned me around and spat the last of my load onto my hole, mixing it with the cum that was already oozing out he worked it in with three fingers then began licking my rosebud and slurping at the contents. He pulled me into his lap, directing his cock at my hole, I slid down his pole and was ass check to pubic area when he began thrusting up into my ass. We had begun to attract a crowd and as we performed several of the frat guys that were in the crowd began to let loose with streams of urine covering me and my daddy Impaler, this made him thrust even harder into my anus and past my inner ring, sending me into a anal orgasm and milking the cum from daddy. As we came down from our orgasms he whispered in my ear “Bobby I’ve wanted do that for some time, every time I’ve seen you with Adam” I turned my head and realized I just had gotten plowed by my boyfriend’s stepdad. He stood up me still on his cock his arms around my waist to support me, I felt his cock twitch in my ass as we reached the door. He slid out of my orifice as he opened the door and led me away to the showers, where we washed each other down, a few guys from the youth group and the frat were also in the showers and I went down on Jake to clean off the remnants of our steam room session they crowded around and showered us with their golden streams. I drank as much as I could hold then stood up and caressed my partner. We cleaned up and he took me back to his room, we talked mostly about his relationship with Adam, and his concern that his sons and stepson were not getting along together, a animosity between them seemed to exist. I told him Mark’s theory of Adam avoiding his sons due to a attraction that he could not ignore, and that confused Adam. Jake took this in consideration and kissed me again, “play your cards right and you could be my son in law” he said, while pinching my butt cheeks we left his room and cruised the halls before heading to the dark area maze. We walked through the corridors, watching the sex happening around us, we continued to the center area and he led me to the fuck bench and had me lay down on it, he motioned for a daddy type to come use me as I soon was filled with a cock again. He moved the short distance to the sling where some frat guys was being plowed by a younger guy, it was dimly lit so features were not discernable but Jake slid into the fuckers ass as he plowed into the guy in the sling. It was a couple moments later I heard him exclaim,” oh fuck it’s you Mark, and James” his youngest son was plowing his Eldest son in the sling as his cock was deeply inserted into his youngest, it took him a couple seconds before he thrust forward into Mark and shot his load. The trio fucked for another five to seven minutes before they all orgasmed together again. The group that formed a train on my hole began marking my ass with a sharpie as they filled me with spunk, Jake, Mark and James took their places in line and added their spunk and tallies as well Jake adding three lines to my tally. We chummed around the bath the four of us the rest of the night, using Jake’s room as a orgy point, his son’s and I taking turns in the sling that was suspended over the bed. Taking loads and sucking cocks till early in the morning. Mark tapped me around two and said our time was just about up and we headed to the showers and cleaned up. We checked out and went to his car, the other members from the youth group were checking out at the same time and soon joined us in the parking lot. Mark popped his trunk and dug into a small bag, pulling out several adult diapers he handed them out to anyone who wanted one, he handed me one saying he didn’t want me messing up his car, I slipped my pants off, noticing a small amount of cum on the inside seam of my jeans pulled up the diaper and wiped up the jeans with my boxers, slipping my jeans back on, then hugging and kissing various youth member climbed into marks car as we head to my home. Upon reaching home I got out Kissed Mark good night and said I’d see him later tonight, he suggested he drive since Adam would know my car if he saw it at the baths, Jake had conjured up a plan to bring his sons and stepson together, and hopefully eliminate the sexual tension which had come to a crescendo. I got into the house and went straight to my room, I peeled off my clothes leaving the diaper on, I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of juice and went back to my room. I crashed down on my bed and texted Adam goodnight, not expecting him to reply. I soon was in a deep sleep dreaming of the nights activities and fantasizing what the following evening would have in store. Visions of a mass orgy with Jake and his boys, Adam included. Adam texted me back around nine: A. “You will never believe what I did last night” R. “Is it hot and sexy, did you get photos” A. “no but if you are nice to me I’ll send you the link to the video” R. “oh my, cannot wait, so how was your night alone with Shayne” He sent a mpeg file which I opened, I was watching my boyfriend kissing his stepbrother then getting rimmed and railed by the stepbrother, my boyfriend was finally getting his fantasy fulfilled. R. “oh my god, it happened, are you bonded now” A. “might be impregnated, you’d love his cock, and he shoots buckets” We chatted about his night and I briefly told him about going to the anniversary party which ended in a orgy at the baths, leaving out the part about his stepdad and brothers. We texted several time throughout the day, him filling me in on the gym escapades and saying that he wouldn’t be available tonight to get together since his stepdad was planning a “boys night out” for him and Shayne after catching them sleeping together last night. I snickered and was glad we weren’t talking on the phone, but were texting since I doubted, I could keep the surprise, I would be seeing him and his family at the baths tonight for twink night.
    4 points
  9. My 3rd stop of the day was another couple that we play with, it was very similar scenario, got in, sucked them off and we started fucking, this time they wanted to only fuck me together, so my plug was removed and as I was lowering myself on top of the first cock the second pushed in as well, my hole was so flexible and lubed with cum they was in me in no time. they started fucking me hard and dumped their first load pretty fast but didn't stop and continued fucking me. This time it was much longer, alternating between a slow gentle fuck to jackhammering my cunt! about 20min into the fuck they asked if I had room for more, at first I didn't realize what they meant but soon the guy behind me presented a large dildo very similar to his cock. it was a dildo that was molded after his 9.5" thick cock! I just told them that if they can push it in I'll try and take it! Oink! I lowered my body hugging the guy laying on his back while his partner behind me started pushing in the big head of the dildo. it took a while and I was huffing on poppers till the big head popped in and I was just frozen in my place, it first took my breath and he we all just remained in that position for a couple of minutes, allowing me to adjust my cunt while i was told how good of a slut I was and fed with more poppers. then he starting pushing in more and more of the dildo, with every bit entering me I just moaned and cried out for more. it took a while but then I felt the base of the dildo and the partner from behind just laughed and commented on how good my tight hole felt having basically 3 cocks inside me!!! it was such a turn on I came handsfree again and they slowly started fucking me and finding a nice rhythm to alternate between the 3 cocks! i was in such a high from this experience I just wanted the sensation to last forever but about 30min of this they both couldn't hold back from the tightness of my filled hole they announced together that they were cumming in me again. They literally flooded my cunt with a huge amount of cum and just stayed in me till they cocks softened while keeping the dildo shoved all the way in. when they finished my hole was gaping like it hasn't been for a long while and they shoved my plug in but it was too loose it fell out of me lol they brought a bigger plug for me to borrow and shoved it in and I got dressed, smelling like cum and I slowly walked to my car, feeling my cunt with every step I took. When I sat in my car it was a combination of relief and pain with that huge plug in me, holding 22 loads of cum and after I was just triple fucked! I debated for a min if I should continue straight away but decided to have a break so I headed back to the house and lay naked, relax and feel my cum filled, puffy and stretched out hole while I was on FaceTime with my partner telling him all that happened since he left the house this morning. that got him horny and he was heading back home asking if I wanted it to be just him to should he organize more men to breed me. I just replied "fuck yeah, bring more!!!" then I fell asleep waiting for him to arrive
    4 points
  10. 15 min later I was going up the stairs to my next seeder, a hot mid 40 with a thick 9" that makes me drool. He greeted me naked so it was only appropriate I strip too. We started kissing and he went straight to feel my cummy plugged hole and shoved a few fingers as I was telling him I was holding 10 loads already and it wasn't even 9am 🙈 he lit up and wanted me on his bed, bent me over and requested I push the plug out so he could eat my cummy hole. That was so hot to feel him licking my puffy, gaping hole! Then he slip all the way in and started pounding me hard! I was moaning like the cumdump I am and he told me he wanted to surprise me and invited a few of his friends. BINGO!! 10 min into the fuck 3 men entered the bedroom, stripping and I got to service them with my mouth as the host continues pounded my cummy hole. One of them was 10" and thick as fuck! I was drooling seeing him and I couldn't wait to feel him inside me! after the host loaded me they all took turns fucking me and cumming in me, calling me a cumdump and a whore while holding my throat hard just as I love. when it was time for the biggest cock there to enter me he asked if I was ready but didn't wait for a reply (which was fuck yeah anyway) and went all the way in! I grunted with pleasure and begged him to fuck me hard! and boy did he fuck me, this guy was jackhammering me like I was a toy, he had the ability to pull all the way out but the tip and push all the way in repeatedly, making me moan so hard around the cock that was in my mouth at the time. When he came he roared so hard and I could fill each spurt flooding me! then, as the previous fuck I wanted them to double fuck me too! this went on for a while, changing between them as pairs of who's opening up my cunt and dumping another load in me. the best combination was the finale with the 2 biggest cocks there (the 10" and the 9") ramming their cocks all the way in me, they didn't alternate their cocks but they both pulled out and pushed in together making sure I was fully stretched at all times. they could fuck for a long time since they already dumped a load in me earlier so it was almost 30 minutes of them fucking my hole! after they both came I had to lay down on my back to catch my breath. i was a sweaty mess and my hole was buzzing when they continued playing with it, stretching it with their fingers till one of them 'accidentally' had his entire fist in me. When it happened I couldn't control myself and came while my entire body was shivering! after a while he pulled out, found the plug and pushed it back in so I could keep all the cum in me. 18 loads in before lunch time. before they left I cleaned their cocks, tasting the cum and my ass juices. i didn't bother with a shower and just got dressed and left to my next seeder.
    4 points
  11. My pierced cock runs everything I do in my life. And, to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I never used condoms ever because I was raised the my cum belongs inside whoever I chose to fuck and unload into. He/she/they/them - it doesn't matter. My pierced cock will always fuck bareback and pump whatever hole I'm fucking full of my DNA. A piece of me will live on inside of them one way or another. Just this past weekend I knocked up a man of God in trade so my bf could take a nap in in his room after a cruise. I knew as soon as I saw the man of God I'd have to fuck him, but my bf got his nap, and the man of God took his first pierced cock. Maybe something else took as well, but that's the mystery of life and letting your cock make decisions for you... I wouldn't have it any other way
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. After we woke up and my hole was filled with 6 loads from my partner (4 during the night + 2 in the morning) I was so horny for more. He left and I started contacting my regulars and immediately got a reply by a hot couple living close by that we often play with asking if I wanted to be used now. 6 minutes later I was in their house, naked and on my knees servicing both their 8.5" cocks. They were rock hard and alternating fucking my throat till we moved to the bedroom to continue the fun. I was instructed to ride them and ride I did, being the best cowboy I could be, hugging their cock with my fully loaded cumhole and they rewarded me with equally hard fuck. I switched between them for a while and they both came once but kept hard so I asked if I could please have them both inside me. bingo. I was riding one while the other came behind me and almost effortlessly shoved his entire cock all way in. I was in heaven as they developed a good rhythm fucking my cummy hole and stretching me so good their second load took about 20 minutes for non stop fucking but they both cummed in me at the same time which I always love as the warmth spread in me with all the cum is just bliss. I unmounted and took a minute to adjust my legs from the non stop ride and realized I unloaded too handfree while they pounded me. then I was plugged back and we all took a quick shower together and I left them to start their day. As I reached my car I saw a few other text replies asking to breed me soon, so the only thing I could do was reply. "on my way" ...
    3 points
  14. I reconnected with a guy who I thought had moved to LA years ago. He's a personal trainer, so I went to his home where he has a gym in the front of the house and his living quarters in back. It must be ten years since we hooked up the last time. I've gotten older, he hasn't, as far as I could tell. He sat on my face and I tongued his hairy hole while he played with my boner. His knees got tired before my tongue, I could have eaten him out for hours. He then put me face down and ass up on the bed and shoved his fat cock into me. It's been a long time since I felt like a virgin, it was nice to have to struggle to take a cock up my ass. He asked me if I wanted his load, which, of course, I begged him for. He collapsed on top of me after he pumped his sperm into my guts. He didn't go soft, but started to move inside of me after we rested a couple of minutes. I think he was going to go for load number three after he shot off the second time, but we didn't have time. One of his training clients was scheduled soon, so we called it a day. It took a couple of days for my hole to get back to its previous state. And, yes, I will be checking back with him soon to see if he's up for more.
    3 points
  15. They were at least trying, I get the distinct feeling parents that even try are a minority.
    3 points
  16. I was a super shy and naive 14 year old Catholic school kid with a 16 year old best friend living next door. He was physically already quite mature (a very accomplished wrestler at 175). We were both only children and the summer before I started high school I would hang out at his house all day, often wrestling in his basement. One afternoon, after pinning me (as usual), he just pulled my dick out and started playing with it, I was totally confused but became hard very quickly, at which point he put my hand on his cock to return the favor. His cock was already hard and filled my hand. The whole thing felt scary but amazing; I knew it was wrong but didn't care. He soon guided my head down to kiss and lick his cock, and I eventually did my best to give him a blow job. That first time he only dry humped me, eventually blowing his load on my ass. I went home a bit freaked out but knowing I would do whatever he wanted to experience these feelings again. In the following days, he would finger and eat my pussy until I was ready to try taking his thick cock. The first few times, it hurt too much and I made him stop; but finally one afternoon, he gave me a few shots of his dad's whiskey, lubed up, and, ignoring my muffled cries of pain, deflowered me, lasting just a few minutes before shooting his load into me. For the rest of the summer break, he fucked me regularly and also basically trained me to see myself as a gay sub, though we never put it that way. My blossoming interest in girls vanished, totally eclipsed by the rush of serving his dick, and I basically functioned as his gf (on the downlow) for his remaining two years of high school. (He did pursue girls actively but would call me to come over whenever he needed real attention). Still remember his cock very fondly.
    3 points
  17. This is a totally fake story. I started dating this guy. He was very cute and sexy. Damn just looking at him, made me want to plow him so bad. But he's one of those guys. He likes to take it slow and get to know each other before we get naked, and I can respect that. It's kinda hot actually, and I think I'll be rewarded handsomely in the future. But damn, I have been so hard lately, I'm trying to break my old ways. You know heading to the adult book store and fucking cumdumps in the back. I remember after our first date, I dropped him off at his place and we made out. My dick was so hard, but he went up to his apartment without me. I knew I shouldn't, but I thought I would head to the video store and pay the 15 bucks and go to the back. I was looking for my usual latino cumdump. He's a thin sexy guy who already wears a hoody, a track suit and walks around exposing his with his sweat pants pulled down enough exposing his cheeks and his jock. Right now he was getting fucked by some old dude and I walked around a little looking for some action before seeing him free. He gave me a look, and I did back to him then I pulled my dick out and in the long dark corridor with booths playing porn on either side, he moved up against the wall slightly bent over as I stuck my raw dick up his cumdump ass. It didn't take any time to slide in, he wasn't tight and was filled with cum. Fuck the cum in his ass felt so hot. Facing away from he, he put his hands on my torso to guide me in slowly, and then I was finally all the way in. From there I started slowly, but moving faster and faster. Finally I had a good ryrhym and he kept whispering "oh fuck, oh fuck..". It didin't take long for me to cum. I pulled my dick out and walked away with a feeling of shame come over me. This was going to be the last time, I am dating this dude and it's promisng so let's not fuck this up. Meanwhile, back to this dude I was dating. He was talking to his other super cute friend about me. He was a little worried. He wanted our first time to be special, and that was really cute. But he was worrying that I would lose interest if he made me wait to long. Or worse, he thought maybe I was out there hooking up. I would never lol! He also told his friend he preferred condoms and wonder if that would be a deal breaker, and his friend spit out his drink and started laughing. "He doesn't look like the tyoe of guy who wears condoms." And his friend was right. I am not. We ended up going to a house party a few days later. I was at his side as we mingled with his friends, he seemed so proud he kept showing me off to everyone. After a while I started talk to other people and so did he. I ended up outside at one point to smoke a joint with his friend. "So you two haven't fucked yet?" He asked me with a big smile on his face. "He tells me everything." He started to let me know how the guy I am dating is having some anxiety and was worried that I would dump him and I assured his friend that wasn't going to happen. But his friend was acting so weird. Flirting, but giving me seductive looks as he breathes in the joint we were smoking. "You never have to wait for me," he said. Confused I asked him what he meant. "I mean, you can have this anytime you," as he gestured to his ass. He took a big hit from the joint and then lean in towards me and blew it into my mouth. He then rubbed my dick and started to kiss me. Fuck I was super horny but this was risky and wrong. What if someone saw us "no no we have to stop" I pleaded but I just couldn't give in. "And you never have to wear a condom with me, I always take it raw." Fuck. He grabbed my hand and walked down the stairs in the back to find a place to fuck. We opened some door that lead us to the laundry room. We kissed some more but then he whsipred, "cmon fuck me real quick". He licked his hand and rubbed my dick to make it went to enter his smooth hole. He dropped his pants down to his sneakers and leaned slight over the dryer. "FUCK" he said as.I started to enter. "Fuck fuck fuck" as I slowly entered more. "FUCK" when I was in there deep. Then I started to move back and forth. "Fuck baby, fuck me baby" as he moaned. "Oh fuck me baby". "Use me to cheat on my bestfriend". Fuck yeah, "use me baby. Fuck." I fucked harder and harder. "Give me your cum baby!!" Harder harder, he turned his head around and pulled me head closer to him so we could kiss. Then we heard something. It sounded like a door. We stoped for a second, pulled our pants up. Waited a few seconds, saw nothing and he pulled his pants back down again moving his thong to the left and guiding me cock in. This time I didn't have to slowly put it in, his ass was set and open enough that.I got right back to fucking. Harder and harder I fucked has he closed his eyes and whispered to me "fuck you fuck me so good, fuck. Shit. Fuck." "Fuck, I'm gonna cum I said as my balls strarted to drain. "FUCK" I screamed as my balls start to drain all my cum up his slutty ass. He turned around and kissed me some more. Then got down on his knees and sucked my dick clean, keeping eye contact to me. We started to pull our pants up and I said to him, "if you can keep quiet, we can do this some more." "yes, baby he said to me." A week later, the dude I was dating and I finally fucked. Yes, I had to wear a fucking condom lol. But we still had good sex, it was very passionate and I loved that. We are a couple now actually! I like how he treats me to be honest and it's time to settle down. Oh and I am still cheating on him with his best friend. You can't expect me to not fuck slutty friend's raw ass. We fuck all the time and we started to call it love making time when we make love on the bed my boyfriend and I sleep on. In fact, last week I told my byofriend I had to go out of town for work, but it was actually romantic getaway with his best friend. Oh and no, I haven't changed my old ways....yet. I'm still going to the dirty bookstore and fucking that latino cumdump.
    3 points
  18. Ha! Friday after work! A new colleague, about 50, at the company now about 6 weeks. He'd never given me any indication of interest before Friday afternoon but I was interested! He barebacked me in his car on the far side of the lot after most people had already left! We smoked a little Tina (he didn't have much) then he put the seat back. I volunteered I'm on prep as he mounted me. He didn't say anything, just barebacked me and blew his load into me! Said that was a full work week's worth! I intend to take all he has going forward!
    3 points
  19. There are a lot of guys who plan their conversions and others who never know it’s happening, but I was part of that middle group who hadn't really planned it but let themselves get carried away in the heat of the moment. Like most guys I started out practicing safe sex almost exclusively, except for those rare occasions where I knew the top well, and knew he was neg. After all, who wants to get sick, right? But as time went on I found safe sex less and less satisfying, and began to bareback more, although always with guys who were disease-free. Then I discovered the old bug share site and found that the idea of getting pozzed turned me on. I had no real interest in the reality of it, but the fantasy of being pozzed led to many a hot jack off session. I also found the thought of being pozzed made those occasions where I took raw cock even more intense. I wasn't a bug chaser by any means, but my lustful desires were beginning to drive riskier behaviors. One night I was online at BBRT looking for some action and spied an advertisement that looked to be very close to me. When I clicked on the guy's photos my cock went instantly to full-hard as this stud was the man of my dreams. Well built, without being a gym rat, handsome as heck, and seriously hung. Possessed by lust, I never really looked beyond his pictures in his profile before I hit him up, and and as it turned-out he had just moved into my apartment building so he was literally next door. We agreed to meet and I logged off, grabbed a quick shower, cleaned myself out, got dressed and headed over to his place. When he opened the door it was clear this pictures didn't do him justice. My cock, which was already hard and leaking precum, got even harder. He invited me in and within minutes we were making out hot and heavy on his couch, hand groping each other’s cock. He then stood-up, and invited me to the bedroom where, upon arriving, he slowly undressed me, driving me wild with his touches and kisses. "God, your hot" he told me as he licked the precum from my cock. Suddenly he paused and asked "Dude, you know I'm poz right?" My heart stopped. I certainly had not noticed that little detail, didn't and I really didn't want to get pozzed, but a part of me got even more turned on when he said it. It was weird. I knew I didn't really want the bug but a part of me did, and suddenly that part had an opening. "No man, I didn't" I said "and I'm neg. Kinda like to stay that way, you know?" "It’s cool" he said "Normally I make sure guys know I'm poz before they show up, but you were so close and it all happened so fast." "We can still have some fun though if you want" he said "Yeah, man I'd love to, just so long as you know I won't be sucking you or fucking tonight." "No problem" he said, adding "there are lots of ways to play." As I was already nude he stood up and invited me to undress him, which I did slowly, trying to build the same excitement in him he had in me. When opened his pants I discovered an obscenely huge bulge in his briefs with a perfect thick cock head that was leaking precum sticking above the elastic waistband. It was the cock of my dreams and I wasted no time completely removing his shorts, and working his balls and shaft with my tongue, oh so careful to stay away from the poisonous tip. Soon we were on the bed, I was on my back and he had my cock deep in his mouth, giving me the blow job of a life time. I was moaned and squirmed, what few inhibitions I had were being overcome by raw lust. So, when he crouched over my body in a '69' position, his perfect cock dangling over my face, I wanted to taste it sooooo bad. As he worked my cock I worked his shaft and balls, but not surprisingly our mutual movements frequently brought the tip over my mouth, giving me a taste of his poison necter. God, it tasted good. And the fact it was leaking poz juices only turned me on more. I soon lost control and begin deep-throating him with a passion I'd never before possessed. His automatic and natural response to my sucking was to begin fucking my face, pushing his rod deep in my throat. As he sucked me his fingers probed towards my hole and began to massage it causing me to emit low groans of pleasure. Sensing he'd found something, he asked me if I liked being rimmed. "FUCK YEAH!!" was my immediate response and he quickly rolled me over onto my stomach and lifted my ass into the air. His tongue found my pussy fuck-hole and began working it, causing me to moan and squirm even more. God, I wanted his cock sooo bad, but I knew it was a decision I'd regret. Then his tongue was joined by fingers and he began opening my boy pussy up spreading it wide. The sensations were indescribable and I'd never wanted to be fucked so bad in my life. "God you have such a tight perfect ass" he moaned "I'd love to feel it wrapped around my cock." "Me too" I told him. "How about I just push in once get the feel and pull out?" I swear my body shook and a chill came over me. I wanted his cock more than I'd wanted anything in my life, especially since it was poz and although my last bit of rational thinking fought against the invitation, I found myself thinking I wouldn't get pozzed from 'one penetration'. "In and out once nice and easy right?" I asked. "Yeah man" he said "nothing you don't want." I felt his cock head rub my now opened and dripping boy cunt and I whimpered slightly. He started pushing in and as his 9" long shaft worked its thick head inside me constant whimpers escaped my throat. My body shaking as I contemplated that this was a real poz cock sinking its way inside me. He sunk it deep and worked it around a bit not fucking me but not pulling out either. "Mmmmm you're hot" he moaned in my ear "you like that in there?" "Ohhh God FUCK YES!" I moaned rocking my ass on his shaft a bit. "You want me to fuck you don't you?" he asked, grunting "You want me to shoot that hot load deep inside you?" Every fiber of my being wanted to reply with a firm 'No' but, lust had taken over. All of my poz fantasies were coming true and reality no longer mattered. "Yes please fuck me" I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me. "What was that, boy?" he asked, as his cock slid about half way out then back in deep against my prostrate. "YES, FUCK ME" I cried out and he unleashed his monster cock on my neg ass. Holding me tight he began fucking deeply and I knew his brutal thrusts were doing more than stretching my hole. They were tearing me open creating a path for the bug into my system. There was going to be no escaping it. I lost myself in the lust of it all begging him to fuck me fully yielding my body and my being to him. He was atop me having mounted me so he could fuck his shaft in deeper and harder and he began to whisper in my ear. "You want that poz load don't you boy? Want that neg hole of yours converted don't you?" Totally lost in the moment I responded "Yeah man give it to me poz my fucking hole - ohh fuck ohh fuck." I sensed his rhythm change his cock swelling even more inside me. "Here it comes, man" he moaned in my ear. "POZ ME man GIVE IT TO ME" I cried out as he exploded inside me, filling my hole with his poz cum. The excitement resulted in a no-hands explosion, in what was arguably the strongest orgasm of my life. After we were both spent. I lay there, his cock inside my ass, as I contemplated what I'd just done. I was thinking about dashing off to the bathroom in the vain hope of washing his poison cum from my hole, but he showed me his thick cock tinged with my blood and I knew it was useless, so instead of retreating, I wallowed in his arms. Before long his cock stiffened again and found its way back to my hole. As he fucked another load into my hole, I remember feeling dirty and ashamed I had allowed him to make me into a poz cum dump, but at the same time I loved every minute of the experience. Sure enough it took and a month or so later I came down with the fuck flu. I was another notch on his belt but more to my interest, under his tutelage I became a full blown cum dump pussy boy taking all comers.
    2 points
  20. Started a new job last week, park in a big parking deck at work. Not many cameras if they even function. Took a massive creampie during the day on the top deck 🙂 parked next to my car, and I leaned over the back seat. Load was HUGEEEEE dripped out while i drove home to my wife New routine is to try to get bred before/after work WOOF
    2 points
  21. Another good reminder of how nature takes over at the end of fucking to complete the breeding process and ensure the seeding of the bottom [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/39-pulsating-cocks-xhIoPjM
    2 points
  22. I agree. They were both victims of O.R., which only taught repressive notions, and the advent of "free thinking" had barely just begun. Frankly, I think they were both too embarrassed to ever allude to sex in general, let alone anything useful to a kid. Once, my mother actually made a date for me, after receiving a call from one of her friends. The friend's oldest daughter (a real mousey wallflower) didn't have a date for the Prom, and asked my mom if I'd take her. My dad was home, sitting in a wing chair with this Cheshire Cat look on his face, glancing at me sideways. He knew what was coming, and I didn't. So, mom explained the situation, and asked if I'd ask what's-er-name to the Prom. I was stunned, and my dad was trying not to smile. I told my mom that she could never ever try to make a date for me again. Dad began to lose the battle not to smile. At which point, mom said "alright, you call (her friend, the mom of the girl) and tell her "your daughter isn't good enough for you". I'll never forget that exchange - my mom was furious. I simply replied "No, YOU call her, and tell her not to make the same mistake with her son (3rd or 4th oldest, I think). Now. I would have gladly taken the second-oldest daughter - she was a firecracker if ever there were one - she was a lot of fun. Loved getting into mischief, laughing, just a lot of fun. Not for anything sexual at all, just for the fun that surely would have taken place. I don't know how my mother dealt with the issue: she never mentioned it again, thank Whatever.
    2 points
  23. I once had a nocturnal emission in my teens. The only thing my Mum had to say about it was 'stop leaving your disgusting pajamas in the wash'...and I looked at her quizzically because it was weeks after the fact. 'If you have to pollute yourself at least use a tissue'...what it did was then to make me trust my parents less as a source of knowledge. And, was this 1880, instead of the 1980s? I replied, 'I had an accident, these things do happen, you know, Mum' Thank goodness Gran was there to say something like 'yeah, it happens. Next time, wipe it up so your Mum doesn't get upset. Your Mum is going through menopause, so try and not argue with her.' But yeah, welcome to '60s parenting, where sex was a shameful thing to discuss, instead of a teachable moment.
    2 points
  24. Delicious can I clean up afterwards
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  25. I started fucking with my uncle who was 8 years older than me when I was in college. He was a total muscle stud. Wish we could have joined these two for a foursome
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  26. There I was, an 18 year old boy looking at poz guys on BBRT. One guy messaged me asking me if I wanted to play. Told him it was my first and just wanted to kiss. He said sure and went over to his place. Nervous and anxiety level was over 9000. I got there and we started to kiss. He suggested we both get naked and I did. He sucked my dixk and asked if I can do the same. I sucked my 1st poz dick. He then told me to lie on my belly. He started to eat my ass which had me in another world. Then he put lube in my ass and on his dick. I told him I wasn’t ready for that. He said he just wanted to put the tip in to see how it feels. Yea that’s cool, just the tip. All of a sudden he puts his weight on my back and goes in his dick. I put my face in the pillow trying to get through the pain. He goes close to my ear and tells me I’m his little poz boy now and start’s pumping his load in me. I get up, take my clothes and leave. Outside of his building l find a dark corner and sit down and try to get myself together. After sitting for a half n hour, he comes downstairs and happens to see me in the dark corner. He rubs my face, tells me he loves me, takes my clothes off, turns me around, and shoves his poz cock back in my ass and ends up breeding me the rest of the night.
    2 points
  27. Always unprotected sex. As a bottom, anonymous sex is my favourite thing in the world because I’m providing a complete stranger a sensual intimate experience. When a condom is used the experience is not authentic. The top won’t feel my sphincter tug the head of his penis each time he pulls out and he won’t feel the actual immersive warmth and wetness of my actual hole, especially when it is full of sperm from other tops who fucked my ass. and also anonymous sex is a NSA outlet for release. the condom prevents men from fulfilling their need to unload into my hole.
    2 points
  28. Not teaching kids about sex is one reason red states, which largely lack sex education, lead the nation in teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. It's also why they lead the nation in child brides and sexual assaults on children, because when you don't have a culture that tells children from an early age that it's wrong for people to do things to certain parts of their bodies, surprise! people get away with doing just that. And before anyone jumps in and bleats "Buh that's the parents' responsibility, famuhleeeeeeeeeeeeeee values!" that's also why most child molestations are by family members. The state won't step up and tell kids that this is a violation of their bodies, and the parents who are molesters are thrilled because they're much less likely to get caught - there's no "message" out there for the kids to hear that what Daddy or Uncle JimBob does to them when Mommy's out is wrong.
    2 points
  29. Lovely Swiss private pilot, poz undet. cock unloading in me.
    2 points
  30. heres my faggot ass taking hot tranny cock and a big load in it
    2 points
  31. I prefer to shoot balls deep. It’s one of many reasons I prefer loose hole. I can get really deep and plant it way up in there.
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  32. 2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. He just sits there with his legs wide. His boxers still on and he keeps sucking on the pipe. Then he moves the chair he is sitting on towards me. He looks me in the eye. I am pretty sure you have wanted to have sex with me for a long time, he says. But I want you to know I am going to be the boss tonight. Do you get that? Of course, I answer. I think he means, that he will set his boundaries because he is so new to this. But that thought is immediately shattered when he lifts his right leg and holds his foot right in front of my face. Lick it, he says. I’m spinning and just look at him. He now pushing his foot right into my face. Listen, if you wanna do this you are going to do what I tell you to. That needs to be clear. I can’t talk. But I just grab his foot, his sweaty, smelly but beautiful foot and start sucking on it like my life depends on it. His other foot starts gently kicking my cock and my balls. I get such a kick out of it. He suddenly pulls his foot away and I miss it but he straddles me and sticks the pipe in my mouth. Suck baby, he says. I carefully inhale but he pulls the pipe from my mouth slaps me hard across my face. I said suck, bitch. It’s the combination of things that make me so wasted. The kick of relapsing, the drugs of course but most of all my treatment by him which is so completely unexpected. You are going to be my bitch tonight, Kyle, he says. I have been thinking about this for years and when I did meth for the first time a few weeks back I knew this was the way I could make you mine. So you’re going to be my fantasy tonight, understand? I hold in the smoke and am losing it. I’m so wasted and so turned on. Lie on the floor, he says. I get on my stomach, but he orders me to turn around so I lie there on my back, spacing out. He places his knees on either side and then lowers his ass on my face. I can hardly breathe. I don’t know this feeling. I feel like a total pig and I start to ferociously eat him out. I try to get my tongue as deep in has ass as I possibly can, and I hear him moan. He rides his ass on my face, up and down, up and down. He hits my cock which starts to get harder. I hear him laugh. Oh you’re enjoying this aren’t you. You fucking little pig. He suddenly gets off me and I beg to get his ass back but he slaps me in my face, hard. I decide. Everything tonight, he says. He turns around and so I have that beautiful cock right in front of my face. I open my mouth to swallow it, but get another slap in my face. He raises his voice. I said I fucking decide EVERYTHING tonight. He slaps me and then spits in my face. I never liked degradation games before, but now I only want one thing: to be his bitch. Man, I am so fucking high, I say. Thank you. Thank you. You’re not even halfway there, mate, he replies. I can’t believe it. He walks to the bedroom and comes back with a bottle of poppers and a bottle of lube. Get up. Snort. He holds the poppers under my nose. It hits me harder then poppers ever hit me, and the weirdest feeling comes over me. I need to get my ass touched. Again, as if he reads my mind he says, turn over. On hands and knees. I do what I am told. He gets up, fumbles with his jeans that lie in the floor and suddenly I get wacked with his belt on my ass. It fucking hurts but I want more of that pain. Another lash and I moan in ecstasy. He laughs. Then I suddenly feel a finger, lubed up entering my ass. Even though I usually top, I want to tell him my ass is his, but I can’t speak; can’t find words. I feel like I am literally in heaven. He pushes his finger in and pulls his finger out. Have my ass, please I wanna scream, but I can’t. His finger is out and doesn’t come back and I want to beg, beg him for it back. And then it comes back and I’m in bliss. But then it starts to burn. Burn quite heavily. Just breath through it, he says. I do and the pain slowly subsides. But something else comes in its place. A horniness I have never felt before. I am off this planet. I need you to fuck me, I hear myself say. Please fuck me my master. Whack. Again the belt over my ass. Go to the bedroom, he says. I do and he follows. The bed is quite high up and he makes me bend over so my stomach lies on the bed and my legs stand on the floor. Again the belt, but I devour the pain by now and the feeling in my ass is sensational. I feel the head of his cock slowly circling my sphincter and it is driving me mad. Please, I beg, please. He laughs. You’re a pretty pathetic fag when you’re high, he says, aren’t you? And then in one go he thrusts his entire cock, which is neither thin nor short in my ass. It hurts. It hurts like mad, it might have been more than ten years since I have been fucked but at the same time the pain is exhilarating. Oh god, thank you, I stammer, thank you. Yeah, you’re a good bitch, he says while he places a hand over my nose and mouth which makes it hard for me to breath. I wiggle to get out of it but at that time he starts slowly fucking me. I don’t even care I can’t breathe no more, this is all I want. I think I can lie here all night and just be his hole.
    2 points
  35. PART 2: Massage Time While driving home all I could think about was Robert, his cock, and his invitation. My mind was racing with thoughts of tasting that cock, holding it in my hands again, and possibly having it inside of me. My mind drifted back to that tattoo, 'he is poz' I kept saying, but that didn't ease the strain on my cock, which was hard most of the ride home. When I arrived home I quickly got on my computer and emailed Robert telling him how great it was to meet him today and that if he ever needed help with his computer, please let me know. I wanted Robert to know I was interested without seeming too eager. I stripped down to be naked and sat back at my computer, I now had to browse some black cock on the internet. Within minutes I had a response from Robert. Dear Tim, It was great to meet you too. I felt as though in our brief time we had an immediate connection and I thought about you the entire drive home, mostly good thoughts! <wink>. Thank you for your offer for computer help, as I mentioned mine is always giving me fits so you are more than welcome to help me with these constant pains. ha. Please let me know when you can come over and check it out, tonight is good if you have time. Like I said, I can pay with a great massage that I am sure you would enjoy. Hope to hear from you soon. Robert My heart lept, and my cock started getting hard! I immediately responded to Robert letting him know I could drop by around 7pm if that was ok. Of course he said sure and sent his address. I had to start getting ready and prep myself further for going to visit Robert. After showering and cleaning out my ass once again I dressed in some loose fitting shorts and a tshirt Nothing too constricting as I am sure I would be semi hard most of the time visiting my new friend. I drove the twenty minutes to Robert's house which was located in a nice peaceful residential neighborhood, very cute. I knocked on Robert's front door a few times and turned around to look at the neighborhood again. I heard the door open behind me and I turned to see Robert standing in the door way with a big smile on his face, "Tim, great to see you!". Robert was dressed in a white wife beater shirt and thin white bicycle shorts that didn't leave anything to the imagination. "Please come in". I walked in and felt the calmness in his house. Soft music was playing, the fragrance was soothing, and it was very clean. I like all of that a lot. "I was just going to have a glass of chardonnay, care to join me?", Robert asked. "Yes please, thank you". Robert walked to the kitchen and I followed. Robert already had two wine glasses out, pretty much knew I would like a glass, and poured from a chilled bottle on the counter. Robert handed me a glass and thanked me again for coming, "oh, I should show you my computer". I said "sure". Robert led the way on the first floor to what seemed like this office. Robert pulled the chair out for me and said, "let me know what you think"? Robert was standing next to me now as I took a seat, knowing that gorgeous big black cock was right next to me was exhilarating. First thing I noticed on the screen was a web browser open to what looked like Robert's barebackrt.com profile, sneaky devil. Immediately I noticed all of his naked pics and some private naked pics. I wanted to read through every detail and consume it all, but I quickly looked over all the pictures and asked, "um, what are you having problems with"? I turned to look up at Robert while asking, but my eyes never got past his cock that was growing and straining behind the thin white fabric. oh fuck! Robert slowly rubbed his long cock one time and then said "sometimes when I watch videos on here they don't play any sound, and what is the fun of not having fucking sounds while watching fucking videos?" and laughed. "can you show me an example?" I asked "sure". He took the mouse and opened another browser that was on youporn.com, to a video that was all ready to go, a black man fucking a white ass bareback. Robert pushed the play button and I just started at the scene, that made now sound, so he was right. "It is so fucking hot, but I want to hear the sound of him fucking his bottom". Now I was so hard and no hiding my cock either. I fumbled for the mouse, letting my hand linger on his until I took control and started doing what I remembered to get the sound to play. I figured out the problem pretty quick and immediately we heard the sounds of these two men fucking. It was sooooo hot. You could hear the top black man sliding his raw cock in and out, the wetness of their fucking, and the bottoms moaning and begging for all of his top's big black cock. wow! After about thirty seconds of that, Robert quickly paused the video and said "whoa, I better save that for later" and laughed. "Thank you for fixing that Tim, it has really been bothering me. Now, are you ready for that massage I owe you?". "I would love that!". There was just no hiding our hard cocks now, so we just ignored the obvious! haha Robert led me to the basement where he had his studio setup. There were pictures of nude men, artistically done, hanging on the walls. The soft music was here as well, but there were candles burning now in what felt like a zen type garden. "You can undress in that room Tim, leave your underwear on if you like. When you are done come on out and we can get started". I disappeared into the small changing room that had a mirror on one wall, a chair for changing, and a small stand for my clothes. Well, little did Robert know I didn't wear underwear to his house. Thankfully my hard on subsided as I got ready to leave the changing room. When I opened the door I found Robert there, next to his massage table, wearing just a short robe. Wow, he was a fast changer. He placed a towel down for me to lay on and then looked up. "oh nice, full nude, much better anyway". "I didn't wear under my shorts so I hope that is ok" "Oh yes Tim, I think that is the best way to get started. Please lay down on your stomach and I will begin." I got up on the warm table and laid down on my stomach with my face in the hole cutout. Robert patted my ass cheek lightly, "perfect Tim". I could hear him squirting oil into his hand and then I felt his warm hands on me. At first I was very anxious for Robert to just go for playing with my hole, but that subsided quickly as this expert took over really giving me a great massage, my shoulder and back felt wonderful and at times I almost dozed off. With more oil applied right above my ass cheeks, Robert took the time to start slowly rubbing his hands over my ass and then slowly kneading each cheek. Of course his hands were not small so my hole started getting plenty of attention. The pleasure my ass started receiving was incredible and soon my hips were matching his kneading hands and I was moaning softly. I felt Robert's hands leave my ass and he asked, "Tim do you mind if I take my robe off, it is getting a little warm in here?. I turned my head towards Robert and answered "please do". I could already see the huge tend in his short robe. I had to watch him slowly take his robe off revealing that massive cock that was now hard and leaking. once his robe was on a chair, Robert lubed up my ass some more and got close to the table, the tip of his cock brushing my leg and ass. I let my head fall back to enjoy the pleasure I was receiving. "you have a hot ass baby" Robert said has is finger brushed over my hole again, but this time it stopped right on my ring....and slowly entered me! Not just lightly this time like the beach, but rather pushing in past his first knuckle. Spreading my ass apart with his other hand. "fucking hot baby, you sucked my finger right in". With his free hand, Robert took my hand and guided it towards his big cock. I started slowly stroking him as he finger fucked my ass. I lifted my head from the table again and turn my face towards my sexy new friend. I stared at his cock and opened my mouth. Robert got the hint and guided his cock to my mouth. I could barely fit him in at first, but that salty goodness of his precum was what I really needed to taste. Robert pulled his finger out of my ass and smacked my ass a little rougher this time, he was now moaning and leaking more. "Tim I really want to be inside of you, please". I took my mouth off of his cock and said "I want you bad baby, please fuck me". Robert stepped away from the table behind me where I couldn't see. I heard a drawer slide open and close. He was next to me again, positioning me on my back with my legs at the end of the table. I watched him move between my legs his cock bouncing and leaking like crazy. Without asking me, Robert reached over and opened a condom, taking it out and sliding it on his meaty black cock. I saw him then get lube and applied some to my ass and hole and then his condom covered cock! He put the lube down, lifted my legs, and pulled me closer to the end of the table. I could see Robert's cock start to soften a little bit. I asked, "are you ok? is everything ok? We don't need to fuck Robert, It is just a turn on to be around you". "oh baby, it isn't that. I am sorry. I have been poz for a while now and don't really use condoms anymore. so using them always takes me a while to get used to and realized not everyone wants to go without." I sat up and put my hands on his chest...rubbing his sexy chest hair. "Robert, it is ok, I do understand, once you get used to fucking raw, how could you want to go back?". with that said I reached down and pulled the condom off his cock, tossing it aside on the floor. I grabbed his big cock and said "since the moment I saw you I wanted to feel your heat in my cunt. Can you do that?" I could feel his cock hardening in my hand, like magic. "Tim, are you sure? I am poz and I believe you are neg." My legs were still up on his arms and I tried to guide his big cock to my hole, let the precum soaked tip touch my hole, "please be gentle baby" is all I said! Robert kissed me deeply and I let my arms reach around his neck. The next thing I felt was his cock head pushing into my tight ring! oh fuck!! that feeling of him stretching me open, wow! I reached down to feel his rock hard bare cock entering me! Robert stopped after a few inches, letting me get used to his size. "Tim you are so tight, I fucking love it". I leaned into Robert, "give me your cock baby". Robert had both of his hands on my hips and my legs up over his arms...he slid out about an inch and then started sliding in more. I could feel his precum was adding to the lube as I got wetter and wetter. I was moaning loudly now, "give me your big cock baby, fuck me good". Robert then pulled out almost all the way and slid back in, one full long motion. "push out on your ass when I slide in baby, I want to get all of my cock in your tight cunt" I did exactly what this sexy fucker said, I pushed out slightly when he slid in again and he went further than any man ever had, so deep. Robert looked me in the eyes, "I want to put my cum in you that deep Tim, but only if you want it too. I can pull out and shoot on you, that is very sexy and I would love to see that". My hand went to Robert's ass and pulled him into me, so deep, "please cum in me, deep, Robert". Robert just moaned and pulled out again, to slide back in. I knew that got him..he couldn't control his fucking any longer. Sliding in and out, my ass getting wetter and wetter, prepping for his hot cum load. I just kept talking nasty to him between my loud moans. "Fuck me Robert, cum deep in my ass, please breed me baby. breed my neg ass deep". I could feel him swelling, bigger and bigger I thought he would tear my ass a little. By this point my cock was so hard I couldn't hold back anymore, without touching my cock I started shooting my hot load all over he and I. Robert grunted hard and shoved all the way in as his thick veined cock unloaded all of his poz cum deep in my neg ass. so many throbs and jets of hot cum, I couldn't even believe how long he came! After about five minutes of Robert deep in me throbbing, he slowly pulled out and now I know what all of those men felt like, my ass felt so empty after his massive cock. my hole must have been open as it felt like my insides were exposed to the world. Robert looked down at my hole and said "fuck Tim, that is so sexy. your hole is still open wanting my big cock". He was so right! I wanted more and more, but was afraid to tell him that.
    2 points
  36. Shawn was getting ready to head to the orgy he had been looking forward to for weeks. The organizer was a hot otter guy. There would be 5 other guys there. All either Vers or bottoms. He was strictly a top. He was 28, 6’1, 185 lbs of muscle with olive skin he got from his Italian heritage. He had a fat 8.5 in uncut dick. He never had a problem finding a hole to seed. But his true passion was pozzing neg hole. Especially stealth pozzing. That is why he was looking forward to this orgy so much. He knew 2 of the guys were not on prep. And the rest he wasn’t sure but hoped they were not. All participants had to send negative tests within a week of the party. Shawn worked in a lab and had fake documents to share no problem. When he got to the party the otter, Steve - 23 Vers bottom, welcomed him and lead him to the room where he could strip and then told him to join them in the living room across the hall. Shawn stripped and walked across the hall already half chubbed. He was then introduced to the rest of the guys. Max - 21, bottom, no prep, twink Luke - 23, Vers, twunk Sumner - 29, Vers, no prep, jock Jason - 25, bottom, cub Shawn knew sumner and Max were not on prep as he had talked to both before the party and they confirmed it. The other 2 he had not talked to before tonight. And Steve did not say when they talked. With the introductions out of the way Steve worked on making drinks for everyone after he pointed out the lube and poppers on the coffee table. Shawn zeroed in on Sumner and started to chat him up and kiss him. He lead him to an over-stuffed chair in the corner. They proceeded to more deep kissing and making out. Then he pushed the jock to his knees to start to suck on his big fat poz dick. He loved seeing the big muscle jock suck his meat. After a few minutes Shawn pulled Sumner up and bent him over the back of the chair and started to eat his hairy hole. Sumner moaned from the tongue assaulting his hole. He reached for the pooper bottle next to him and started ti inhale. Shawn stood and bent over Sumner to make out with him as he was still bent over the chair. His big fat uncut dick leaking poz precum in Summer's neg ass cracker and hole. Summer moaned as the leaky head and spit allowed Shawn’s dick to enter this hole. Shawn could tell sumner took a lot of dick with how easy it went in. He was tight, but that’s just because of how big his dick was. To an average dick the hole would have felt looser. He was amazed his was still neg. But he wouldn’t be for long. He continued to work Summer's jock hole open as he fucked deeper and deeper. Then started to pick up speed. The moan coming form Sumner was so hot! The fucking continued, with ocassional stops to switch positions or east his ass. Making sure to use his finger nails to scratched his hole as he ate it and fingered it in between fucks. Finally Shawn decided it was time to impregnate his first hole. He started to make out deep with Sumner as he pounded hard into his hole. Finally shooting a huge load of poisonous cum balls deep in the neg hole. All while the jock begged for his cum! As they rested and recovered Sumer said, “Fuck that was hot! Thanks so much, I have been craving a load. i am so glad we did tests before this, I love raw dick but never take it. I can get anything cause I have a girlfriend. I am so glad I know taking your load was safe. I can’t wait to get more from the other guys!” “No problem man! I am glad I got to fill your hole. Maybe do a another round later tonight!” With that Shawn got up and moved to the bar to get his drink and rest a little as he watch the other guys go at it around the living room. More to follow.
    1 point
  37. I had a fun experience with a guy yesterday. I'd been casually wanking my dick through my jeans and thinking about having a guy in me all evening. The idea wasn't going away. My butt needed that feeling way more than ever before. So I went online to see who was around. I found some guys I liked and talked a bit but nobody was free. Then a guy comes up about 300m away, looking now, and he's my type. No full face pic, but I can see a thick beard, muscular guy, bit shorter than me and one pic he's in some kind of security guard uniform. All cool for me, but he's looking for fem. A lot of guys are now looking for trans and fem, which rules me out. I'm a big hairy hockey player, so not a match. Whatever though, he's nearby, my type and I want to just get some dick in me because my hole is hot for it. I want to know how it feels when I want it that bad. I message and tell him I know I'm not his type but I'm horny and will be cool to just lie down, pull my jeans down and let him do it. He doesn't reply. After a while I say hey, it's ok if not, but it's free man hole, I'll come to him, no strings, just enjoy it. He replied that time and we talked a bit. Turns out he's a mostly straight guy who wanted to try with a t-girl or fem boy his first time and riding a tall hairy guy with a beard was way off plan for him. Fair enough. He starts sending me dick pics though so something is going on. Eventually I end up at his place and we have a very awkward greeting at the door and showing to the bedroom where I lie down and pull my jeans down. He's a hot guy though and my hole is still eager. He asked about a condom and turns out neither of us had any. He's unsure, I say it's ok, just tease the entrance, it's warm and feels good on your dick. He gets on top, dick out, but isn't performing well, for a bit. He keeps trying to wank it and harden up. But I'm horny and it's just good to feel some dick on my hole. Eventually he's hard and I can see in the mirror his eyes are closed and he's doing his thing, poking inside a bit. It feels nice. I say it's good but we're going to need some lube. He pulls some out the drawer, lubes up and goes back to work, and drops the tube on the bed. It's conception lube, the stuff that helps sperm live longer. This was hot and unexpected. I guess I know what he's been up to lately with his wife or gf and why there's no condoms in the house. I'm enjoying him inside me and watching in the mirror as this guy is pumping inside me, eyes closed, imagining whatever he likes. He started out just teasing my hole, but fucked me properly in the end and when he finished I felt him throbbing and spurting cum inside me. Later that night I was lying in bed and could feel his cum and thinking maybe his sperm are still swimming around in me. I'm thinking about it again and I don't know how long sperm can live inside a guy like that? I know they can live for a few days inside a woman, but in a guy, has that ever been figured out?
    1 point
  38. Not really, my partner was smaller than average. I was 12, he was 17.
    1 point
  39. Very nice ass and great cock to be bred by.
    1 point
  40. Looking back I was afraid of coming out as gay but after I got hiv I have no problem or regrets of being gay now I am happy and proud of being gay now and if I could have come out sooner I would have done it to the first guy I kissed at a bar was so cool
    1 point
  41. I had gotten dressed, and then with my cunt plugged and my cock locked, left Sir’s apartment. He had given me an address a few blocks away and no other information. My heart was pounding and my cock was drooling through the slit in my cage. I had no idea what to expect. Holding the fat plug in my well used hole made it difficult to walk as quickly as I wanted to but I made it to my destination quickly. The plug pulled at my hole as I walked. I loved it, it felt like I was still getting fucked. I rang the apartment number Sir had given me. The door buzzed open, and I walked in. The apartment was on the third floor of the walk up, and looking at the stairs I felt my hole contract around the plug knowing the struggle I was going to have keeping it in and getting up the stairs. The plug banged against my prostate each time I climbed a step and by the time I got to the third floor I was out of breath, and my cock was leaking so bad that there was now an obvious wet spot in my shorts. I knocked quietly on the door to the apartment and it swung almost immediately open. I was a little taken aback to be greeted at the door by a twink who had to be barely 21. “Come in,” he said, smiling. He had light sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes and wore nothing but a jockstrap. His thin body was almost entirely hairless apart from a little blonde trail sticking up from the band of his jock. “Take off your clothes,” he commanded as he closed the door. “Yes Sir,” I said and pulled my shirt off over my head. He laughed lightly and smiled a broad toothy smile, “I’m no Sir. I’m a pig cunt like you, well like you’re going to be.” He pulled the front of his jock down to reveal a shockingly tiny metal cage where his cock should be. “Sir is waiting for you in the bedroom. He loves breaking in new boys. Although,” he reached behind me and patted the base of the plug, “from what I hear you’re pretty broken in already tonight. Just through there," he instructed, gesturing towards a half-open door at the end of the hall. The twink walked away through another door, and I walked down the hall. I opened the door to find a dark basically empty room on the other side. The only thing in the room was something I had only seen in porn videos before, a sling. “Get in the sling faggot, I don’t have all night,” said a deep voice from behind me. I turned around to find myself face to face with a handsome black man of about my height. He had a square jaw and clean-shaven face. His hair was so short it was basically stubble. He was stouter than Sir but looked strong as hell. My eyes continued south to his cock. I almost gasped. I can only describe his cock as mammoth. He had the dimensions of a tall boy of beer. My cunt throbbed around my plug and a string of precum oozed from my dick. “Get the fuck in the sling,” he said again, and came towards me. I backed-up into the sling and then, grabbing me by the waist, he tossed me into it. Automatically I flung my legs up and stuck my feet in the loops in the chain. “Look at this fucking cunt. Michael’s done a good job cunting you so far. I see why he sent you to me. Normally he waits a couple of days before sending me a new boy. My cock tends to make them nervous but in the end, they all end up begging me for my seed. Do you want my seed too boy?” “Yes Sir!” “You want me to breed this pathetic faggot pussy, and pump you full of my cum?” “Yes Sir!” “Good. Push that plug out of your cunt then boy. I wanna see your pussy gape.” I closed my eyes and pushed, slowly at first and then harder. The plug was stuck deeper than I had realized and it took a forceful push to get the base past my cunt ring. Once it did though the plug shot from my hole and landed on the floor below with a dull thud. I could tell my pussy was gaping open. It felt cold and I could feel air inside myself. “Fuck. You sure you only started wrecking this cunt today?” “Yes Sir. I’d never been fucked raw before today.” “Damn bitch. Your cunt was made for this then. You’ve already got the lips of a blown-out pussy. It took my bitch months to get this sloppy.” He rubbed his fat cock head against my pussy and moaned. Without any effort, his head was slipping in and out of my hole. Being plugged for so long along with the loads I was still holding inside of me had made me looser and wetter than I knew was possible. He dropped a big wad of spit onto his cock and, looking me dead in the eyes, slammed his cock balls deep into my cunt. I groaned, his cock was wider than Sir’s and possibly longer. My pussy stretched just a little bit more than it had been before. I loved it. I didn’t have to wait to get used to it. There was no pain, just the glorious feeling of my hole stretching around a beautiful, perfect cock. He pulled his cock completely out of my hole, and turning to the open door shouted, “Get in here boy.” The twink appeared almost instantly in the door way. Now completely naked, his silver cock cage glinting in the light. Without being told the boy fell to his knees next to the sling and opened his mouth. The man shoved his cock down the boys throat and at the same time shoved four fingers into my cunt, “Lick this boy's cunt juice off my cock and get me wet again for his pussy.” After a few minutes, he tore his cock from the boy’s greedy mouth and replaced his probing fingers with his cock in one deep stab. I grunted again. The boy got up off the floor and walked over to the corner of the room where there was a small chest of drawers. He grabbed a phone and started taking video. The man was pulling his cock completely from my hole and slamming it back in over and over again. I was a whimpering mess and the twink was zooming in on my face to catch every moment of my ecstasy. “Come over here and film this boy’s cunt. He’s going to want to see his pussy take my cock later.” The twink moved next to his Sir as he changed his pace and started quickly hammering me. I felt like he was slowly pulling my guts out of my body, like my internal organs were being rearranged for me and there was nothing I could do about it. My moans changed to yells and his cock slammed past my second hole breaking me open. My legs were shaking and my arms had gone limp. I couldn’t move or do anything. The rocking of the sling kept ramming me back harder and harder onto his cock. I had completely dissolved into a silent mess by the time he said, “I hope you’re ready for this seed boy. I’m going to change your life.” He grabbed the chains and pulled me to a stop as he bottomed out deep inside my cunt. Growling, he pumped his seed into me as far as he could. My body felt numb but my hole was alive with electricity. I felt his cock swell with each pump, and I swear I could feel his flooding me. When his cock finally stopped throbbing he shook his head a little and breathed for a minute. Then he withdrew his cock from my cunt and left the room saying to his boy “Plug that faggot up and send him back to his Master.” The twink picked the plug up from where it had fallen on the floor and pushed it back inside me. I barely felt pressure now, my hole just welcomed it back inside me. He then helped me out of the sling and handed me my clothes. Just before opening the front door he said, “You did really well. Your Sir will be pleased.
    1 point
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