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Everything posted by Ieatcumholes

  1. Youth is wasted on the young! Give me older, wiser and more experienced EVERY day of the week! Naturally smooth is fine, but there is no such thing as too hairy in my book! 😍👅😍
  2. Thanks @Midsslut for posting this! I started taking these supplements on Thursday and have already noticed an increase in the volume, although not in the intensity, of my cum. I'll report back in a few more days.
  3. Doggy works. Or sit on my face facing my feet with your back straight - gravity helps force your hole further down on my tongue.
  4. As a top, I can say that "good pussy" can be unexpectedly good. I've hooked up with this guy who in some ways is most definitely my "type" (as if I only have one) but in other ways definitely isn't. Yet his pussy is some of the best I've ever had the pleasure of sliding into, fucking and breeding! I would've expected his pussy to be average at best. And I have to admit (although not to him) that his pussy is some of the best I've ever had. For me, bad pussy falls into the following categories: the guy is off to my fucking rhythm, thereby throwing me off my fucking game I understand that the pussy isn't the natural role for that part of the body, so I don't trip if "accidents happen"...., but someone who obviously hasn't taken the time to prepare for getting fucked is bad pussy if fucking you seems like "work," then you're bad pussy If I don't cum from/when fucking you, then you're bad pussy Average pussy means I got off, but had to work a little harder at it than I might've liked (like thinking about fucking another guy while I was fucking you). Average pussy is kept around for those times when good pussy isn't available. Good pussy is a pleasure to slide into, fuck and breed. And I want to do it repeatedly (as in on multiple occasions)! So, from my perspective, you should be happy/proud to have been called "good pussy" by 2 or 3 tops!
  5. Sorry everyone. I didn't realize that I didn't automatically follow a thread a I started.... We've been in contact. I never know what to make of a bottom who shows his dick. But you're a a versa-bottom. Sorry, from what I can see, I can't tell if I'm interested or not. Thanks. We're not a match though. Good luck to you! I believe I have replied to you in every thread in which you have pinged me. Neither of us can send direct messages to the other (yet), and I don't want to derail any threads/make public our private conversations. You'll likely be able to DM me before I can DM you. I look forward to the time when we can converse directly with each other!
  6. I can't send you a direct message and I don't want to derail this thread. Would be happy to chat though when that's possible. Right now I can only reply to messages that others have sent me.
  7. Decades ago when I was a bottom, one guy disabused me from being fingered. I swear it felt like he was doing a goosestep in my hole with his two fingers. Hated it! But the sex was pretty good. As a top I don't finger cause my nails aren't always trimmed. (Plus I'd rather use my tongue to get the bottom ready.) When I was a bottom, if the top tried to ram it all the way in at once, my hole would clench shut and he'd have a helluva time trying to get in after that. As a top I prefer to work my way in slowly, at a pace the bottom is good with. I'm all about mutual pleasure, and I get as much pleasure from giving pleasure as I do from being pleasured.
  8. I have never had sex with a woman and have no desire to. That said, the term pussy for a man's asshole turns me on. I know that some men don't like the term, so will confirm before using it. Manpussy doesn't do the same thing for me that pussy does. And I just have a denotative association with cunt. I'm much more likely to call someone (male or female) a cunt than I am to call them a pussy. So calling a source of great pleasure a cunt doesn't resonate with me.
  9. I've had guys from halfway around the world (on this and other sites) hit me up. Since transporters are still an invention of Sci Fi, there's not a whole lot two people can do for each other from that far apart. While it's nice that someone lets me know they want what I have to offer, there's not a whole lot I can do.... Don't know if the guys you're talking about fall into that category or not. But if you and I were in the same city, there would be some fucking going on. Just saying.... It's something of a trope, but it's also TRUE! Youth is wasted on the young. I can look back and see where I was, "young, dumb and full of cum" but didn't have "sense enough to pour piss in a boot with the directions on the bottle!" (in the words of the inimitable Richard Pryor) I didn't even THINK I was the shit in my 20's. I KNEW it! With 20/20 hindsight, I didn't really come into my own until my 40s. So part of me can't fault them. But part of me thinks, "Let's see what you have to say in 20 years!" That's a large part of the reason why I'm not all that inclined to play with those more than 20 years my junior - nice to look at, but not really worth the hassle. Why, thanks! 😊 We share the same sentiments/outlook. The bottom can get fucked by the whole town as long as he brings that used sloppy cumhole home to me to enjoy! I don't necessarily need to see the breeding though. But I will definitely enjoy the end result! Lucky you! 🤚 I would enjoy a slut as a partner! I don't believe this was directed at me, but I'll answer anyway. For me, "date" is synonymous with sex. If we don't have sex on a date, there won't be a second meeting! "Meet and greet" is what I would equate with "date" as you described it - there is no expectation of sex. I also don't assume that other people interpret terms the same way I do, so date vs meet and greet would have to be clarified before we met to avoid any confusion. Of course this is only hypothetical on my part cause I haven't been in a relationship with a cumdump, but although I would keep my options open to fuck other bottoms since my partner was regularly getting fucked by other tops, I likely would only use that option on rare occasions. My loads would be reserved for my bottom as a thank you/reward for bringing me cumholes to enjoy. I firmly believe that "variety is the spice of life,", but the cumhole that my partner would be bringing me would be different each time, giving me that variety that I crave. Thanks HairyJake! The first guy I can fault. The second one I can't. The third one I alternate back and forth between he's a flake and he's a catfish. I do believe that things happen for a reason. And in all three of those cases, the reason could be because they weren't the right man for me. History has shown me that compromise doesn't really get me what I want. And being an Earth sign, compromise isn't a strong trait of mine anyway.... Thank you too! 😍 Sites like this have shown me that there are a lot more cumdumps around than I might've thought. The optimist in me wants to believe that means I'm more likely to find one who wants the kind of relationship I want.
  10. I generally prefer positions that allow for easy kissing. My favorite is the bottom on his back with his legs in the air (or his heels in the small of my back if he knows what he's doing) to allow access to his lips, nipples and pits
  11. Still can't direct message anyone, but when I can....
  12. I'm extremely happy for you @ohmalewhore! @hntnhole my feelings about drug use come from a hypothetical place. Yours come from a place of experience. If I were in a relationship with someone who was going down the spiral of drug use and my best efforts weren't enough to help him, I probably would have to distance myself from him. And that experience would certainly color my experiences after that. But I haven't been there, done that yet, so I can't make a blanket statement about it.
  13. I 😍😍😍 cumsluts and wish I had more of them in my life! You do you and don't worry about what other people think! As the old saying goes, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize!" Haters are always going to hate. But don't let them make you feel bad about something you appear to be good at that brings you pleasure. I'm the type whose validation is internally derived instead of externally derived. At the end of the day, if I'm happy with myself, I could care less (if I cared) about what anyone else thinks of me. You are the only one who can live your life. Don't let other people live your life for you!
  14. Southbay top (North San Jose) looking for cumdumps to enjoy. Non-cumdump bottoms also welcome. 😜
  15. Been a busy few days. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far! @rock-cock-jock and @MuscledHorse it took quite a long time, but I finally got to the point where I can separate love and sex - just because I have sex with a man doesn't mean that either of us is or will become in love with the other. That reason, coupled with the fact that I crave variety in all areas of my life, is why the thought of a monogamous relationship holds zero interest for me. My partner would have to understand that me having sex with another man is just that (sex) and not a threat to our relationship. @blackrobe the above said, while I think I could be satisfied with the variety presented by a cumhole partner, I would still leave the door open for me to have sex with other men. If my partner can sleep with multiple men in a day (with my blessing and encouragement no less!), then I should be able to sleep with another man whenever the urge strikes. @blackrobe I would love to find a local cumdump and see what we could build together in terms of a relationship. But so far all the ones I've found who are interested in the kind of relationship I described have not been local. 😞 @hntnhole Yes, you and I are cut from the same damned cloth except for the fact that you've experienced the kind of relationship I have only longed for to this point. I do appreciate where you're coming from with "no drugs tolerated" especially since I don't do (non-prescription) drugs. But I think such a caveat would unnecessarily open the door to secrets and lies. If the person I'm playing with uses drugs, fine. A guy I used to play with semi-regularly who was an Engineer by day would use non-prescription drugs when he played. Not my thing, but it helped him to be ready, willing and able for a long session. (This was before I realized how attracted I am to cumdumps.) So, win-win in my book. Since I haven't been in the situation yet with someone whose need for such substances turned into an addiction, I'm not 100% sure how I'd handle it. I did have an experience with someone on another site who consumed while getting ready to meet up with me to the point where he couldn't even take an Uber to get here. That told me everything I needed to know. So, maybe I do know how I'd handle such a situation within the context of a relationship. I hope it's ok to say I 😍 you for this! I'm at the age where "daddy" is inevitable, but sugar is not even in the picture! This is definitely why monogamy is not my thing. And, yeah, that's probably true about me and casual partners too. Sorry to hear that. One thing I've come to realize is that I can't live anyone else's life for them. While you can see that nothing would be different for him in terms of being a cumdump, he apparently doesn't see that. And nothing you can say or do will convince him otherwise. And that could just as easily be about him and not about you. He could have the mindset that he can only be a cumdump when single and when in a relationship he has to be monogamous. And he could have no idea where that belief even comes from inside of him. (Reference @rock-cock-jock's first post.) @rock-cock-jock, as with my response to hntnhole, I'm not all that inclined to impose rules on a relationship in general. I know myself well enough that if I'm told I can't do something, that just makes me want to do it all the more. So I wouldn't be surprised at the same behavior/desire by my partner. I was in an open relationship with a guy who told me I could sleep with other men but he just didn't want to know about it. And I didn't sleep with anyone else while we were together. But I could have if I wanted to. If I'm in a relationship with a cumdump and either one of us finds someone else they want to be with more, our relationship has run the course it was meant to run. If it were my partner who moved on, I'm not going to pine over what is gone. To flip an old adage, "The best way to get over one man is to get on top of another one!"
  16. I prefer bushy (and naturally hairy in general) but shaved or trimmed isn't a deal breaker.
  17. I realized more than a few years ago that I'm not really "Relationship Material".... That hasn't stopped me from trying, but every time a relationship ends that little voice inside me says, "But you already KNEW that!" So, I've come to the conclusion that the perfect relationship for me would be with a Cumdump. (Note my screen name.) Not only would he be allowed to sleep with as many other men as possible, he would be encouraged to do so on a regular basis in order to bring me a cumhole to enjoy! I only have two rules for such a relationship: Your cumhole is always available to me When you get a cumhole, you bring it home for me to enjoy I don't think either one of those is too onerous. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Over the last 6 years, I have had serious talks with three different guys about entering into such a relationship. And in all three cases, the guys disappeared for weeks or months only to resurface after I had already moved on. The first guy lived on the East Coast of the US (and I'm on the West Coast). We had gotten to the point where I was ready to fly across country, rent a U-Haul and drive him and his stuff back to California. Then he dropped off the face of the earth. Turns out he had reconciled with an ex and was exclusive to the point that he couldn't even contact me to let me know what was going on. By the time he realized they were exes for a reason and the ex hadn't changed his spots, I was talking to guy #2. He lived in the southern part of the state. We had gotten to the point where I was ready to fly down and visit him and if everything was as good in reality as it appeared to be through conversations, I would've relocated to his area. He disappeared. Turns out he had gotten really sick, was hospitalized and almost died. By the time he resurfaced, I was in a (non-cumdump) relationship. Last December I talked to another guy from the southern part of the state. He has family in this area and was coming up for the holidays anyway, so he was going to spend that first night with me with an option for spending the whole weekend together if we hit it off. Didn't show, and no contact for 3 weeks afterward. (I actually think he's a catfish if he's even male-identified. But that's another story for another thread.) My general rule of thumb (applied to many different situations, not just sex) is that once is a fluke, twice is a problem and three times is the Universe sending me a message. Is a relationship with a cumdump just a pipedream that I should give up? Has anyone had such a relationship that was successful? Would self-identified cumdumps be interested in such a relationship? Or should I listen to the Universe's message that I shouldn't be in such a relationship?
  18. In my 20s I was a versa bottom and liked guys well into their 40s more than I did guys my own age. In my 30s, my range became 20s-50s. I discovered I was multiorgasmic in my mid-to-late 30s and became a versa top. That didn't really change the range of ages in which I was interested though. In my 40s, I moved over to a total top and my interest range became 20s-60s. Now that 60 isn't as far in the distance as it used to be for me, my range is 40s and above. I'm honest about my age in all my profiles. I won't ping anyone under 40, but if someone under 40 pings me, I'll respond. If we hook up, we hook up. If we don't, his loss. (I tell people all the time how old I am and am consistently told that I look 10-15 years younger. There's no picture over the mantle, I doubt it's good genes, and I'd be lying if I said it was good living. So, <shrug>.) In OH so many ways, youth is wasted on the young. I neither ascribe to nor worship at the cult of youth. I do see it for what it is though. And it rather bores me. (And I just realized a large part of that may be my naturally contrarian nature, where I shy away from what everyone else does.) As others have said, older men know who they are, what they like/don't like and what they want. The same can't be said for as many young men. Twinks are nice to look at but I don't think one of them could handle a 3+ hour session of sex with me like a more mature man can. I'm way past the age where looks matter to me, in part because I'm old enough to know that a pretty package could contain something ugly and putrid. So things OTHER than looks are what attracts me to men. Many of them DO revolve around body hair, but there are other things I find attractive too. And I like builds from skinny right up to linebacker. (I find a Pooh belly OH so attractive, especially when it's hairy!) So, yes, I would fuck Quasimodo if he ticked off any of a number of boxes on my list of things I like in men. Even if I fucked a man who is older than me every day for the next 20 years, I still wouldn't make a dent in that population. But I would do my damnedest to make sure every one of those 7300 men had an experience that they would remember for years to come!
  19. If a man who self-identifies as straight has sex with me, his self-identification is more important than my identification of him. Off the top of my head I have had sex with four self-identified straight men - one lived with his girlfriend, one was single and the other two were married. I'm sure there were others, but those four immediately come to mind. I did enjoy reading @rock-cock-jock's post as it struck a number of chords for me. I don't purposely seek out straight men, but I have a decades long record of getting crushes on them. The four I mentioned above were all active and willing participants in the sex so they didn't need the "I was drunk" or "I was high" excuse. At least one and probably two of them were "any port in a storm" types who didn't care what gender the other person was as long as they got their rocks off. I do agree that sexual attraction can be a spectrum, although in America that's not really encouraged. The other week on RuPaul's Drag Race the first ever straight drag queen said, "there are many ways to be gay, but there's only one way to be straight" (or words very close to that effect). That pretty much sums up the state of heterosexuality in America for anyone who might want to veer away from the perceived "norm." And, on a related tangent, I decided a couple of decades ago that I had no problem having sex with straight (and especially married) men because I didn't promise fidelity to their wives or girlfriends. They did.
  20. What happens if you click the Forgot Password link right above the login button?
  21. I feel you. I have a friend I've been wanting to bed now for some time. But it's a process with him. (Wouldn't go through this with just anyone.) On our third get together where all I could do was lay back and be serviced (SO not my thing!), he actually made me cum from sucking me. That hasn't happened in at least a decade, probably closer to two decades cause that's just not the hole I'm interested in coming in. (But this third time was the first time he got completely naked, so I'm making progress!) As someone else suggested, make sure you have Loads in Mouth set to No in your profile. And for this particular guy, my response would be, "That's not the hole I want to cum in." And then leave it up to him....
  22. ^^^ This. Most definitely! I actually won't fuck anything I haven't eaten first. And the hairier the hole, the better in my opinion. And any hairs that get stuck in my teeth can be used for flossing. And few things are better in this world than a cumhole, hairy or not.
  23. I don't fuck a bottom's cock. I fuck his ass. After I've shot my load(s) in him, I do the polite thing and ask if he wants to cum and how I can help. But if I'm being honest, my favorite bottoms are those whose pleasure center is their ass and not their dick. So they don't care about it and neither do I.
  24. 11 with the next door neighbor. We were both standing over the toilet and stroking ourselves (maybe each other?) We were approximately the same age, but his dick was much larger than mine. I'd had orgasms before that, but that was the first time I actually ejaculated.
  25. I played with two cousins at a young age. I have a very vivid memory from when I was 6 or 7. A cousin who was probably 15 at the time, his best friend and I were in one of the bedrooms. They were sitting on the edge of the bed. I don't remember sucking him but I'm guessing I was kneeling in front of him as he cock was at face level for me. He came, and I wondered why puss was coming out of his dick. I had no idea what cum was. I don't have a memory of the best friend's dick, so he may just have been watching. I have another memory of that cousin grinding on top of me when we were both fully clothed. If it ever went beyond that, I don't have any memory of it. Another cousin who was a year older and I used to do a lot of naked crotch grinding during sleepovers. That must've been before I was 11 cause that's when I had my first ejaculation and I don't remember either of us coming. No penetration though with anyone I'm related to by blood.
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