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Everything posted by Ieatcumholes

  1. Exactly! 🤮 He dropped off the face of the earth, so we never got to use his safe word. If I ever hear "Limeade" while having sex, I will definitely know, "Do NOT pass Go! Do NOT collect $200!" 🤪😂🤣
  2. I was talking to a sub and his safe word was "Limeade." My response was 😂 cause I think Limeade is nasty, so I would never use that word. And if I heard it, I'll know that was a safe word.
  3. When I'm close to cumming, I pull as far out as I can without actually pulling out and then push as far in as I can and hold there as I cum. (New this year, after I think I've finished cumming, I pulse a few more times and cum some more!)
  4. In the 90's I played with a guy who was 6'3", wore a size 13 shoe and probably had big hands (honestly don't remember). His penis was the size of a Vienna sausage. I guess the growth hormone hit every part of his body except his penis.
  5. My nipples aren't wired either. I've been more intentional this summer about using different nipple suction devices. My nipples still aren't wired, but they are more sensitive and erect more easily. I'm guessing I'm on the right path?
  6. I actually have a Phallomancy Oracle that was created by a gay tarot author and deck creator under the pseudonym Peter Zout. It's 32 cards and was self-published in 2015. Haven't looked at it in years, but I remember it being hysterically funny.
  7. THAT is the question, and I have far too many answers for the 13 minutes I have before I should be in bed! So, I hope to come back to this tomorrow. If I don't, someone PLEASE call me on it! (FTR though, I don't regret anything I haven't done, because if I didn't do it, I wasn't meant to do it. On the same note, if I had done things I didn't do, I wouldn't be the person I am today. And that person and I are GOOD with each other! 😍)
  8. I know myself well enough that I know if I had to GO to the gym, it would never happen. There is a gym in my complex. I've lived here almost 10 years and have never stepped foot in it! I have a Total Gym that I pull out 3x a week to use to workout, then I fold it back up and put it back out of the way until the next time.
  9. Sorry, but I have to give a contrary opinion. By someone who knows what they're doing, teeth can be used to nibble and/or lightly scrape instead of bite. When I eat ass, depending on the bottom's reaction to my tongue in his hole, I will lightly scrape my teeth across that spot between his taint/perinuem and ass lips. Depending on THAT reaction, I may lightly scrape my teeth across his ass lips. I have encountered bottoms who have just about jumped out of their skin (in a good way) when I've done that. If there's no reaction or a negative reaction when I lightly scrape across that particular spot, I don't introduce teeth and instead keep using my tongue.
  10. I prefer it as hairy (or not) as genetics intended it to be. Preference is hairy. Naturally smooth is fine. Manscaped/shaved is disappointing, especially if I know the hole should be naturally hairy. Disappointed doesn't mean that I would pass up a manscaped/shaved hole though!
  11. I actually miscounted. The recent sex I had was with two ex's ago. I might have sex with one ex ago if the planets lined up just right. Three ex's ago and four ex's ago? No way in hell! (🤔 OK, four ex's ago for a revenge fuck might be worthwhile... 🤔) I have zero interest in pursuing a relationship with two ex's ago (or anyone else just to be clear). But an ongoing FWB thang with two ex's ago considering how piggy we both are now? 😍😍😍 x 💯 x 💯 x 💯 And, for the record, I don't want to reconcile with any of my ex's! 😖 I definitely understand that we are ex's for a reason, and unless we have both changed, we're just going to end up right back in the same BS that caused us to break up. Thanks! But NO THANKS!
  12. I did a quick search and didn't find any other topics on the first page of results, so I'm starting a new thread. Anyone else enjoy having sex with an ex? Two weekends ago I had sex with my 3-exes ago. We have both gotten more 🐷 since we were together more than a decade ago. And the sex was hotter than ANY sex we had when we were a couple! That was in part because we understand that we're exes for a reason and in part because we both know it's just sex, which wasn't a problem when we were in a relationship.... We live close enough to one another that we plan on getting together regularly to have sex. And I told him that if he gets bred by someone else and still wants more to let me know, cause I'll be right over! Him having sex with another man would never have been a consideration when we were together, much less me enjoying sloppy seconds!
  13. From a top's perspective, I prefer to lick it and stick it since I don't fuck anything I haven't eaten first. But not all bottoms are OK with that, and I accept that. (But I've also found that more bottoms are OK with it than admit to it.) My second choice would be cum (preferably other men's, but my frozen cum thawed works quite nicely). My third choicce would be a silicone-based lube as there is at least a chance that I'll eat out the hole after breeding it. If any other (blank)-based lube is used, especially if it's flavored 🤮, I won't be eating that hole out again during that session...
  14. Having read through this thread, all I can say, is 🤯🤯🤯! My fantasies/kinks are just that - mine! If the vibe is right, I'll mention them as a possibility to the bottom I'm going to hook up with. If they're not into them, I drop the conversation as I don't need to have my fantasies/kinks happen every time I have sex. Some of the listed requests are so weirdly specific, that I have to wonder what happened in those people's lives to get them to that point...
  15. An angle that hasn't been mentioned so far is that you may have a knack for attracting the "pump-n-dump" crowd who not only want NSA sex but don't even want you to know who they are. So when they see you in public, they pretend not to recognize you for fear of you knowing who they are. That's about them, not about you. And I agree with @viking8x6! I'd do you in a heatbeat! (And I've only seen your avatar pic. 👅)
  16. As has already been mentioned by @Bibttmmiami, once consent has been rescinded, any further action turns into rape. If the bottom says stop, for whatever reason, I stop. More often than not, that will be the last time we get together. (I know that for some bottoms that after they cum what had been pleasure turns into pain. But if you know that's you as a bottom, you should do everything you can to make sure you don't cum and put a premature end to the action...) But I DO have a story about that... Back in late 2017/early 2018 (?) this Filipino versatile bottom hit me up and wanted to hook up. I was game. I took my time getting all the way in, and it was THE BEST hole I'd ever been in! 😍😍😍😍😍 And then he asked me to pull out! 🤯 😱🤬 But I did! I believe in mutual pleasure. AND I wasn't trying to catch a case! He left shortly thereafter. A few months later, when I was in a relationship with someone else, he hit me up again, and I had to say no cause I was in a relationship. Every so often he would hit me up. The answer would still be the same. About two years later he finally said, "Oh, you should've done X, as I was nervous, and it would've been fine." 🤯 😱🤬 Um, you tell me that NOW and not THEN? Cause the relationship I was in would likely never have happened if he and I hadn't experienced coitus interruptus... Any relationship would've been with him! The relationship I was in finally ended and he hit me up again and we reconnected. Between his work and school and family, we don't get together anywhere near as much as I would like. But when we do get together? We're both 😍😍😍😍😍! Looping back to the opening post, I honored the bottom's wish to stop, but, at least in this case, that wasn't the end of the action with that person. (Long game vs. thrill of the moment.)
  17. My last load was actually five loads in 24 hours in the same bottom. Second time we tried for five and accomplished that feat. Yesterday we tried for six, but it just wasn't in the cards... I was too pooped to pop again! I'm damned near 60 and can honestly say I've never cum that much in a 24-hour period at any other time in my life! HE actually got more than five loads from me though. He got five fresh loads and probably six-ish thawed loads that were used as lube before depositing fresh loads... I can honestly say that a good time was had by all! 😍 According to him, he still has all that cum inside of him as of a couple of hours ago.
  18. I wasn't talking about someone like you who has control over your hole, and can basically tighten or loosen it rather easily. I was talking about someone whose hole is so tight that it's going to take longer than I have patience for to get inside of it. I'll let others put in that effort and enjoy the benefit of their work.... 😉😜🤣
  19. I'm quite happy to let other tops break them back in first. If it's too much like work getting into a hole, that's an easy pass!
  20. 💯 x 💯! I tell people all the time, "I was a Boy Scout. So I've done the whole sleeping on the ground in a tent thing and don't ever have to do it again!" Although with climate change and natural disasters, I may have to modify that to be "don't ever have to willingly do it again!"
  21. I was a Boy Scout long enough to earn 8-12(?) merit badges. If anything untoward happened, I have zero memory of it. Considering other history of mine that I've divulged on BZ, if something untoward had happened, I might have instigated it and definitely wouldn't have been adverse to it. So I can only guess that nothing untoward ever happened to me while I was a Boy Scout. For anyone who was a Boy Scout and had something untoward happen that you didn't want, I hope you have been able to achieve some level of healing and acceptance that something was done to you that you did not want or deserve. Acceptance is not forgiveness though! Whether or not the person who did something untoward to you continues to exist on this plain, I hope you hold the organization that protected that person accountable! 💜💜💜💜💜
  22. The better kisser the bottom is, the better top I am..... Guy I hooked up with last weekend for the first time told me afterward that I made him love kissing again. And he was a good enough kisser that I gave him two loads in fairly rapid succession. And even though he's a bottom who prefers his dick be ignored by the top, I did note (and he commented later) that he was precumming when I was making love to him and kissing him.
  23. Only just noticed that the embedded link I included got stripped out. Weird. Let's try this - [think before following links] https://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/may/national-outdoor-intercourse-day.htm
  24. Searching for something else, I came across National Outdoor Intercourse Day! 🤯 For those who enjoy getting it on out in the open, you have your own special day to do so!
  25. Back when I was a bottom, there was this guy whose name I think was Bill. Top. Thick 8" cut and knew how to use it. But randomly while fucking he would pull out (still hard) and put two fingers me. I kid you not, it felt like he was doing a goosestep in my hole! Then he would fuck some more. If he only did that once in a session? It might've been alright. But it was multiple times a session. That was 25-30 years ago, and I can't stand to be fingered to this day! 😖
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