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  1. The 2025 booklet is online (don't be fooled by the year in the link) [think before following links] https://blf.de/easterberlin/easter-booklet-2024/
  2. Cologne's gay scene is split into two centres: one close to Heumarkt near the old town, the other around Rudolphplatz where Cologne's 'Gay Bermuda Triangle' is situated. You'll be able to find venues catering to most tastes (bears to twinks, raunchy to stylish). Near Heumarkt you'll be able to find several bars: - on Pipinstrasse: Baustelle 4U, Barcelon Colonia - on Mathiasstrasse: Pullermans (Cologne's only Cruising Bar worth mentioning, theme nights, mid to older ages), Deck5 (micro darkroom 🙄, 30s-40s crowd) - on Mühlenbach: Gentle-Bears (🐻, unsurprisingly) Near Rudolphplatz most bars are on or near Schaafenstrasse (leave your jacket at Zentralgarderobe): Ex-Corner, Die Mumu (younger crowd), Exile (drag), Kinkz (Fetish) The best saunas in Cologne are Phoenix (near Rudolphplatz) and Badehaus Babylon (near Central Station/on Friesenstrasse). Both attract mixed ages: Phoenix is the livelier one & affiliated with Berlin's Boiler. Badehaus Babylon has better facilities, usually quieter, but is packed for special events like "Stosszeit" Party. Unlike Berlin there are neither dedicated leather bars nor many dark rooms. Watch out for special parties on/around NYE: - KitKatClub @ Bootshaus on the 30th - GREEN KOMM Afterhour Party on the 1st Have fun and enjoy all Cologne has to offer.
  3. The testing window (i.e. time from exposure until screening test turns positive) for Gonnorhea is 5 days to 2 weeks, for Chlamydia 1–2 weeks. If you haven't developed symptoms earlier, it makes sense to wait for two weeks to get accurate results.
  4. Ah, those damned lawyers. Always trying to fuck you over. 😉
  5. I know 11 guys can definitely be considered an orgy. However calling a sample size of 11 a small study seems to be a bridge to far. One would be better served to call it anecdotal evidence.
  6. That really depends on whether you're asking about a neg person pausing their HIV Prep or a poz person interrupting their HIV ART, @WantingBB If we're speaking about pausing your prep and restarting it that shouldn't render the medication ineffective in the future. Bear in mind though that until you start your Prep up again you won't be protected against HIV if you have bare sex. If a poz person interrupts their ART there are several negatives. Among others the viral load will increase and the infection will progress. That might lead to life-threatening consequences. Additionally as the virus multiplies one has the risk of mutations leading to drug resistance. Therefore it's not recommended to take a planned break from their therapy. If unplanned interruptions occur due to e.g. illness or severe toxicity to the medication these pauses should be kept as short as possible and/or alternative treatment be tried. Generally speaking it's inadvisable to interrupt your ART without close medical monitoring. For an overview of the topic have a look at [think before following links] https://www.poz.com/basics/hiv-basics/hiv-treatment-interruptions
  7. Not just the tip, but all of it as @Cutedelicategaytells it. 😉 Sounds like you received outstanding customer service. 😂
  8. OK, admit it: you're all just looking for punishment. 😉 @hntnhole @Treehugger @ErosWired
  9. Perhaps you should change the title of this thread. It might sound catchy and interesting to people interested in the subject matter who are tech savvy or into internet law. I seriously doubt that anyone not familiar with the technical jargon would know what a DMCA is and click on this thread. So your target audience will not be reached.
  10. You mean Easter Berlin - Leather Fetish Week which will have its golden jubilee in 2023. Very popular and you're right, it's magnificent.
  11. You'll have to wait quite a bit for Folsom Europe in Berlin: the next one is 6 - 10 September 2023. This year was grand though.
  12. That's a very interesting conclusion you draw, @Close2MyBro , from the study you mentioned. The article suggests that there might be ED caused by COVID-19 infection. It goes on to advise everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccination. This and other studies have shown that it's not the COVID-19 vaccination that causes ED, but the infection by the virus and it may be a symptom associated with long COVID. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36073235/
  13. Do you really think that your COVID vaccination caused your ED? The causality seems to be highly improbable unless they vaccinated you in your cock and hit a nerve.
  14. All the planning for a just-in-time workflow-optimised cumdumping probably won't survive the reality of tops that don't show up. You'll have your scheduling book full, but not your arse, I'm afraid. Setting up an appointment on calendy to breed a cumdump feels too much like booking at a hairdresser's. Given that I'm shaved bald should tell you how much I would love your idea.
  15. Do you really shave your underarms (i.e. from elbow to your wrist) or do you mean armpits? Some hair is nice, but too much of a good thing spoils the fun. So moderate manscaping is ok. I hate having/giving a furry smile after eating arse or sucking cock.
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