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PozTalkAuthor last won the day on May 7 2023

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About PozTalkAuthor

  • Birthday 07/03/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Central European Timezone
  • Interests
    Writing and reading bug chasing stories, sexting, role play with poz talk involved.
    My main story project is called "we have to talk" in Bugchasing fiction area, one of characters is a talking HIV virus which I might involve in other stories too.
    I'm not here to hook up in real or intentionally transmit HIV - gifting/chasing is just a fantasy.
    Don't like to be considered a walking dick or virus and I hate to be objectified; I'm a person with interests - including music, art, reading and writing; not into drugs.
    I won't talk to people who judge, blame or sermonize me for my fantasies.
    In sex life I love kisses, cuddles, long foreplay and afterplay. Not into anon encounters.
    Roles here contemplate just top, bottom, versatility but all body can be used to give and receive sexual pleasure so I'd define myself "side-verse"; I actually do anal but penetration is not my first and only goal.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Blogger, computer professional, proud piano player.
    Unwanted HIV since 2013 because of a serial cheater ex boyfriend, now I'm undetectable and in a long-term relationship with a neg guy.
    Strong gifting kink since 2010 or earlier, embraced thanks to BreedingZone in 2019; I am here to talk, read, write stories and overal poz talk roleplay sexting chats.
    == Results from bdsmtest.org:=
    71% Switch
    67% Dominant
    66% Vanilla
    62% Experimentalist
    60% Non-monogamist
    55% Degrader
    39% Voyeur
    30% Submissive
    29% Exhibitionist
    28% Brat tamer
    28% Master/Mistress
    20% Rigger
    16% Degradee
    14% Owner
    11% Sadist
    9% Slave
    8% Daddy/Mommy
    7% Brat
    5% Primal (Hunter)
    3% Pet
    2% Rope bunny
    0% Ageplayer
    0% Boy/Girl
    0% Masochist
    0% Primal (Prey)
  • Porn Experience
    not at all and not interested
  • Looking For
    What's welcome: sexting -especially poz talk role play-, to have some fun in chat. Yes I tend to be sweet even in roleplay but if you're searching for a love affair, I'm the wrong person as already engaged, here I just have fun with whoever's up for it.
    what's NOT welcome: hate speech in any form, scat, animal roleplay, non-consenting sex, judgments and sermons. Don't want to be objectified any way.

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  1. Fuck ... go on writing this! And, you know, you have another couple unfinished stories around here... Don't leave us hanging!
  2. Feeling better and better. Not normal yet but I believe in progress.

    1. negchaserlooking
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      good, deep sleep isn't an option yet

  3. HIV-S (sentient) and HIV-X (exterminator) the 2 opponent viruses I have as next idea. Now with nothing to think of, I have much time to play with my fantasy and creativity, but pain is still excruciating and I definitely don't know when the fuck it'll stop.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. negchaserlooking


      Okay, sorry I didn't mean to be nosey  😊

    3. PozTalkAuthor


      This site is about sex, and about poz fetish. It's normal that someone asks questions.

      What's not normal it's if someone asks me to poz them in non-roleplay circumstance, given that my profile explains everything.

    4. negchaserlooking


      Yes I have been following you for some time 

  4. Fuck, last night I managed to read half a book!

    I need to get back to life. But still need forced rest. Btw, my brain works!

    1. BarebackFan


      Take care of yourself and feel better soon.

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      I am doing my best. But broken ribs have no other cure than rest and painkillers

  5. I think a male nurse's gaydar just rang! 

  6. progress! Managed to write an entire e-mail today!!! 😣📥📧

  7. at least my brain has nothing (except the nasty thoughts it already has). It is just pain, not allowing me to focus on mental activities for long. After 10 minutes I'm literally K.O. 

  8. Guess what. Going to be sexless for (at least) a month

  9. sorry I haven't read it completely yet. I'm in hospital, have pain and can't focus on reading for long. Accident.
  10. At hospital. For some days. I'm not well, definitely not

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      thankfully he came to help, he didn't run away. He has called ambulance and waited. But I really have felt I was dying

    3. rublthlad


      hope your feeling better soon

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      one month prognosis

  11. Less present here around, sorry. Not a good period.

  12. What I see from here in the EU, is sort of revenge: MAGA folks are doing whatever to hurt political opponents in general, and underrepresented groups (including LGBT) are the "object" of their conflict. I try to be rational, I ruined my days for the shock in November already, I do not want to do it again. So, they also are eliminating all statements concerning accessibility, I have my best friend who's hetero but they're totally blind, and if accessibility is dismantled from tech, they'll be screwed both in work, and personal life. Tell me I'm building a conspiracy, even tell me my author attitude is influencing me. You could be right. But I have a couple ideas. They have no interest in America's values or what they call them. They're interested in themselves! So... Musk has ALWAYS declared his intention to "destroy the woke virus" ...woke? Mine is blissfully sleeping! 🦠☣️ No, seriously. Musk's daughter is a trans mtf and he's never accepted her as she is. Always saying "my son is dead" and so. Honey, you never had a son, open your eyes dude... Trump is Musk's handpuppet and I even think of it about the guy he set free from prison, the one who sold substances in the darkweb. Musk needs those """meds""" and maybe he asked daddy Donald to provide the right person... Then, about DEI and accessibility cut-offs? Basically it's matter of money, and following weeks we'll see if he dismantles ADA (american disability act) too, and section 508. Hopefully not. But, is it coincidence? I just heard about an AI tool called "openAI Operator" which should do things, shopping included, by itself. I have quite an experience with computers and digital products for my blind friend, so, I know they use AI as well. But while it's now possible to navigate, explore, accessible products give you freedom, what happens if accessibility is dismantled? "Well, AI does all of it for you". And you'll get some super-expensive unaffordable devices which have a fence. You can do everything, but from here to there. With that closed-source account, and nothing else. They just use us "underrepresented" group according to their convenience. And careful, I said "they" not just about MAGA's, but even before. If DEI and stuff was seriously a value for them, do you think they'd accept to eliminate it? Let's see what Apple does after February 25th, it seems the only one to resist, but I'm grown-up enough to be aware that there are no "good powers".
  13. and social media polarization doesn't help. Commercial social media are built with this philosophy in mind: the more you interact, the more you get visible. And what creates more interactions? Love? No, hate speech. So, the paradox is you have no sex material consultation freedom, but hatred is openly permitted.
  14. I agree at this, having VPN to try resolving the issue in short term. But the problem is huge, it's not pornography or breeding zone itself. The importance is to speak louder, to protest about privacy implications and about the real risk of isolating sex related materials. It won't protect minors, it creates the, oh damn how to call it? If the mountain doesn't come to you, you go to the mountain... If before the risk was of minors eventually finding porn, now those dispotic/dystopic folks wants to make life more difficult to porn producers and communities. With the illusion of having built a wall to protect kids. But kids aren't protected, because, first of all they're not educated. Sex AND DIGITAL education. And they aren't because adults themselves aren't. Then? Given that minors have their presumed "safe space" of kid-oriented contents? It's well done! The offender just walks in, pretending to be a parent, and like "smartschoolboy9" did, they can even become the one trying to educate other parents, creating trust. And then... Then they're screwed. All of us must participate into pro-privacy movements, I talk about Electronic Frontier Foundation because it's the one I know and often join, but even movements related to free software. ... Always staying with the guard up, because I fear that american current administration could think of declaring those organizations as terrorists. As a long experience geek, I am optimistic and think that just death has no solution, when we talk about computers. But how long will we last? The most dirty-handed geeks are all about 45-50 years old. The enthusiastic 15-20-30 years old folks are more passive than us, less curious, they accept what tech offers in immediate surface. But they seem afraid to go in deep.
  15. This matter of verification harms communities and not predators. Search for "Smartschoolboy9" on the Internet to understand what I mean - SPOILER: predators don't use porn sites/communities to chase for preys...
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