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Everything posted by Pampix

  1. I started to suck cock on a summercamp when I was 13. Being bullied because I was still wetting the bed and wearing diapers, sucking cock was one of the ways to get appreciated by the other boys. The second day of that summercamp 3 older boys took me apart and mistreated me, obliging to kneel down and suck one of the other boys. I did not know what was happening and when that boy started to ejaculate in my mouth he pulled my head even more to him and I felt spurts of something I did not know. The taste of it remained for quite some time as also the smell of the semen that was spilled on my tshirt. I was in shock but secretely liked that event. The next day the same happened and I had to ssuck the 2 other boys. Almost every day I was used by one of the boys on that summercamp. On that same camp I had my first anal sex. Being a bedwetter since ever diapers came also with me to the summercamp for the night. I was always the last one to be put to bed to be diapered by one of the leaders of the group. First is was a girl but being anoyed because I got a stiffy when she diapered me one of the fellow leading guys started to diaper me. They made fun of me but that guy that must have been around 18 years old. He was nice and gentle rubbed each day the diapercream a little deeper on and in my but after a few times he diapered me. After one week or so that he penetrated my butt with more then one finger; he pressed his penis against my ass and it went right away in me. He started moving and I heared his breathing accelerating while I was experiencing a very nice feeling in my tummy. He came then in me and called me a good boy and diapered me up. In the morning I felt a sticky substance in my diaper being his semen and I smelled at it and also tasted it and was not bad at all. It was a smell I did not know because I did not have ejaculations at that age. In the following week he also sucked several times my little penis but fnished each time by cumming in my bum. I am sure that it was on that camp that I linked diapers and sex and discovered gay sex that would be my sexuality for the most important part of my life. I did not have psychological issues because of that or I did not feel used, I felt pleasured and loved and wanted to do that also for others. My parents were amazed that I got so enthusaistic for summercamp...
  2. I wear my chastity cage. That makes clear that I am bottom!
  3. I discovered I liked men on a summercamp when I was 13. Being a betwetter since ever diapers came also with me to the summercamp for the night. I was always the last one to be put to bed to be diapered by one of the leaders of the group. First is was a girl but being anoyed because I got a stiffy when she diapered me one of the fellow leading guys started to diaper me. They made fun of me but that guy that must have been around 18 years old and that was very nice and gentle rubbed each day the diapercream a little deeper on and in my but after a few times he diapered me. After one week or so that he penatrated my butt with more then one finger; he pressed his penis against my ass and it went right away in me. He started moving and I heared his breathing accelerating while I was experiencing a very nice feeling in my tummy. He came then in me and called me a good boy and diapered me up. In the morning I felt a sticky substance in my diaper being his semen and I smelled at it and also tasted it and was not bad at all. It was a smell I did not know because I did not have ejaculations at that age. In the following week he also sucked several times my little penis but fnished each time by cumming in my bum. I am sure that it was on that camp that I linked diapers and sex and discovered gay sex that would be my sexuality for the most important part of my life. I did not have psychological issues because of that or I did not feel used, I felt pleasured and loved and wanted to do that also for others. The following years on summercamp I started also to suck dick from different boys. My parents were amazed that I got so enthusaistic for summercamp...
  4. Hello, I am now a total bottom for almost 10 years. My current boyfriend and dominant likes to take me whenever he wants anywhere he wants. So I tried quite some things to be always ready to get fucked in a convineent and easy way. What I did try, but do not think are worth it and/or a good way to have regular anal sex are: poppers, numbing lube/cream and continuous anal stretching. In my expeience being ready to be sodomised in a convenient way is a combination of following elements: 1: Use hair-removal cream on your asshole to remove all hairs. Besides the fact that a smooth boypussy makes penetration easier I have the experience that hair-removal cream softens the anal muscle and makes entry more easy. Apart of this chemical trick all my other advice is non-chemical! 2: Use a good (siliconebased) lube. 3: When you want to put something in your asshole open your mouth.This relaxes your anal muscle. How strange it seems the mouth and your asshole are wired together in your brain... 4: You have to stretch regularly your anal muscle to a certain amount to enhace its "ability" to strecht without wanting to strech it "permanently". If you really do this you will end u in diapers... How to: use butplugs till the plug comes automatically out of your ass and increase the size each time. Here you learn your inconscious mind not to clench when somehting enters your butt and learns to relax on visual command and hornyness. Once your ass is ok with the use of a buttplug you can use a dildo and fuck yourself with it. The more you practcie the better it gets. 4. With regular anal play and sex you will rewire your brain and shift your sexual focus from your cock to your ass. After all these years that I am a willing bottom my asshole gets relaxed automatically when I get horny and want cock. My asshole even stays emtpy and gets regularly wet of being horny.
  5. The what is perceived as the "second ring" feels quite the same for the penetrator as it feels when a guy fucks a woman. In both cases it feels as you pass with the edge of your glans over an edge what gives extra stimulus to the glans. At the time I was straight that was one of my favourite sensations. It is only possible when your penis is long enough or the man or woman that you are fucking is not to deep that you can reach that end. The ridge on the glans and the ridge on the cervix wiil be designed for each other to enhance the chance of impregnation. As by miracle we as gays can also enjoy quite a same design. If your penis is long enough to reach over that edge in a woman there is also a lot more chance to give her a vaginal orgasm and with a guy there is a lot more chance to give him a sissygasm or a full body orgasm (as woman mostly experience it). Also for the gay-bottom as for the woman it ies especially when you are fucked so deeply that the semen stays in the body of the bred person. With women there is the extra effect that if she comes simultaniously as the man ejaculates, the womb will make sucking contractions to suck the semen in to the womb what enhances the chance to get pregnant. Long ago I experienced this several times with women that were amazed the semen did not come out of them after we had sex and thought they did not get the semen in them. An anal orgasm is more triggered by the rubbing of the prostate and that you can compare to the relocated glans to the anus for a experienced bottom or to be compared as the clitoris in a women. The "second ring" is defenitely the way to have profound orgasms asthough that not deep ejaculations and the semen coming out of your asshole is very hot too!
  6. I am always diapered. And its pretty convenient afterwards that you have been fucked...! :)
  7. I lost my virginity on a summercamp when I was 13. Being a betwetter since ever diapers came also with me to the summercamp for the night. I was always the last one to be put to bed to be diapered by one of the leaders of the group. First is was a girl but being anoyed because I got a stiffy when she diapered me one of the fellow leading guys started to diaper me. They made fun of me but that guy that must have been around 18 years old and that was very nice and gentle rubbed each day the diapercream a little deeper on and in my but after a few times he diapered me. After one week or so that he penatrated my butt with more then one finger; he pressed his penis against my ass and it went right away in me. He started moving and I heared his breathing accelerating while I was experiencing a very nice feeling in my tummy. He came then in me and called me a good boy and diapered me up. In the morning I felt a sticky substance in my diaper being his semen and I smelled at it and also tasted it and was not bad at all. It was a smell I did not know because I did not have ejaculations at that age. In the following week he also sucked several times my little penis but fnished each time by cumming in my bum. I am sure that it was on that camp that I linked diapers and sex and discovered gay sex that would be my sexuality for the most important part of my life. I did not have psychological issues because of that or I did not feel used, I felt pleasured and loved and wanted to do that also for others. The following years on summercamp I started also to suck dick from different boys. My parents were amazed that I got so enthusaistic for summercamp...
  8. Being myself a totaI bottom I can assure you that I do not like, want, need or use my penis in the way it was intended to by nature for breeding. I only use (sometimes) the head of it as a woman uses her clit. By stimulating it with a vibrator and that makes make me cum indeed as a woman with an ejaculation but without a hardon. I almost never have erections and I do not want it. Also when I am having sex with a guy I do not want my penis played, sucked or stroked. When I am horny or sexually excited I get shivers in my balls and behind them (perineum) and my ass relaxes automatically instead of having an erection. So it is really possible that a guy, me for instance hasn't anymore the standard natural reaction and cravings linked with his penis. Long time ago I was heterosexual but got so disgusted and mentally shaken by a cheating girlfriend that I did not want to have anymore the role of a standard male heterosexual guy. I wanted to be more like a kind of neutral genderless human. Next to the physical aspect of having an orgasm with or without ejaculation (through anal sex in my case) there is also the psycholohgical satisfaction of making cum your lover, beeing bred, used,dominated etc. what makes that it is not necessary for me to really have an orgasm. Using testosteroneblockers and/or female hormones (I tried that for quite some time in the past) will have the extra effect next to become impotent, fewer to no hard-ons, no morningwood, never hard enough, not long in time erections to penetrate somebody. After six months penis and testicles will start yo shrink and ejaculate will be much less and transparant and your breast will get very sensitive. If you take this products for many years some changes will stay permanent. BUT in fact that is MTF hormonetherapy that wil change you in a woman. Your butt will also get a more female form and your breast wil grow and you will gain some weight if you're not lucky. Also my libido dropped so low and got depressed that it was not fun anymore. I stopped with it beacause the goal of making my cock unusable was changing me into an asexual woman and I did not want that. I still have some effects of that therapy from years ago but staying soft and negating my cock has come by habit, the pschycological reprogramming of my sexuality (no hypnosis), the way I am having sex with my lovers and wearing most of the time a chastity cage. As a conclusion: have sex with focussing on you ass and wear a chastity cage!
  9. Mainly it is all in the mind, habit and training. I suppose taht you are younger guy with a high sexdrive. With getting older (more then 30) and a lot of anal stimulation you should get your ass reprogrammed as your main sexual organ and you will be able to be fucked without having an erection. In fact you should never stimulate your cock when you are riding or using a dildo so that you do not make the link between ass and cock. For most men, as for me you loose your erection when you get strong stimulation in your ass. This is what I do when I wear my chastity cage and get morningwood and it hurts. I push then one of my bigger butplugs in my ass and I loose my erection right away to loose the pain.
  10. I always go to bathouses with my dick in a chastitycage. I wear a Holytrainer 5. It makes very clear that I am a total bottom and that I am there to offer my hole and also my mouth to other guys. I do not know who does not want to make contact because they do'nt and I never had a guy come and said to me he was disgusted because of this. Every time I get fucked at least once. On evenings in bathouses where also heterosexual & bisexual couples come for sex it works even better. Some socalled heterosexual guys even like this more according to what I experienced severeal times because they want to sodomise a guy but are sometimes scared by the dick/erection of the bottom they fuck. One time a guy wanted me to make love to his woman knowing I could not fuck her because of my chastity device. Although I am gay it was a very nice experience licking and fingering a woman. He fucked me as reward and did a good job! :)
  11. I have the same experience and I love being fucked by maried men with none or not much gay experience. But on the contrary of what I read from previous reactions I experienced a lot and appreciate their gentle touch asthough they touch a woman. I have also the impression they are very thankfull that they get what their wife does not want to do, suck cock and take it anally. I personally also enjoy the psychological aspect that they put their semen in me and not in their wife...
  12. Dungarees/overalls with a diaper under it! :)
  13. I have the same experience, although a lot of people say it is not the case. Next to the fact that the penis has to stay small not getting erect frequently makes it less performant anyhow.
  14. As a total bottom and apparently as most other bottoms here cumming is not important at all for me..
  15. I have the impression the shape changes towards a more longer slit-form instead of being round a little bit like a vagina... It is not a joke!
  16. Chastity is indeed the way to and never masturbate again in the standard way of stroking your penis. What works very well is cumming in your chastity cage with a Magic Wand vibrator and always having a plug or dildo in your ass when you do it. So you learn your body to orgasm with a soft penis and focus on ypur ass. If you have a spontaneous erection like a morning ercetion simply put a butplug in ypur ass or dildo to move the focus to your ass and the erection will vanish. I do this diapered what is an extra convenience..
  17. Having a loose pussy gives me the idea that I am available to be fucked any time without being able to refuse the entry of the top. Having a loose hole makes that the top comes not so quickly and makes the fuckingsessions longer making that you have more chance to have a sissygasm! I love it.
  18. I totally agree! :)
  19. All my roomates during collegetime were straight however as a lot of guys around 20 years wanting to experiment and being horny I hasd sex with most of them. At that time I was quite genderneutral and had a quite soft and gentle attitude what gaven them the impression I was a kind of girly to them and I think it did not feel very gay to have sex with me. Also I was at that time wearing diapers at that time for my bedwetting and they all knew and had seen me around in my diaper what gave also the image of not being very "manly", alpha or threatening for theit manlyness. Mostly the first time it was when they were drunk or when they had problems with their girlfriends. Also most of them only had had only vaginal sex with women and had never had a blowjob. So I was ideal for giving hem their first blowjob and anal sex with my tight ass (at that time... :) When I was horny in the morning I left almost always the door of the bathroom open and releaved them frequently from their morning hardon. Mostly I was then still in my nightdiaper and they simply came behind me pulled my diaper down and entered me and fucked me standing. I mostly did not orgasm but I liked the psycholic aspect of being used and also ad extented periods of happy feelings due to the semen interacting with my body. More the once I saw other roomates look funny tat me when they noticed a strong smell of semen coming out of pants or diaper. I was also very discreet and never said something afterwards to them or to others so they could never been accused or being suspected of being gay what for the most of them would had been difficult to get around with. It is there that I became addicted to cum and had for 3 years mostly sex with so called "straight" men... Most of them treated me very respectfully and not at all as a slut. More then once they fucked me not being aware that there was still semen in me from one of their other roommates. The most exciting was for me that severall times after they had fucked me I noticed afterwards that they got a hard on in their jeans during our normal interactions in het house we were living what I really appreciated and giving me an idea of having power over them and their penises and I suppose they had the idea they had power over me because I sucked them and I allowed them to fuck me. It was very nice time!
  20. I lost my virginity on a summercamp when I was 13. Being a betwetter since ever diapers came also with me to the summercamp for the night. I was always the last one to be put to bed to be diapered by one of the leaders of the group. First is was a girl but being anoyed because I got a stiffy when she diapered me one of the fellow leading guys started to diaper me. They made fun of me but that guy that must have been around 18 years old and that was very nice and gentle rubbed each day the diapercream a little deeper on and in my but after a few times he diapered me. After one week or so that he penatrated my butt with more then one finger; he pressed his penis against my ass and it went right away in me. He started moving and I heared his breathing accelerating while I was experiencing a very nice feeling in my tummy. He came then in me and called me a good boy and diapered me up. In the morning I felt a sticky substance in my diaper being his semen and I smelled at it and also tasted it and was not bad at all. It was a smell I did not know because I did not have ejaculations at that age. In the following week he also sucked several times my little penis but fnished each time by cumming in my bum. I am sure that it was on that camp that I linked diapers and sex and discovered gay sex that would be my sexuality for the most important part of my life. I did not have psychological issues because of that or I did not feel used, I felt pleasured and loved and wanted to do that also for others. The following years on summercamp I started also to suck dick from different boys. My parents were amazed that I got so enthusaistic for summercamp...
  21. Diapers 24/7: comfy and even handy when you're a bottom! :) Handy to wear a buttplug, being lubed in advance and after being well fucked and the day after to protect you from little accidents... Also sleeping every night in a diaper I had frequently that my top simply in the morning pulled down the back of my diaper and fucked me right away with his morningboner. Then simply pulled my diaper up again and I could prepare the breakfest for both of us without having to clean up. Then while being busy in the kitchen or while eating breakfast feeling his cum leaking in my diaper and smelling it makes me also very horny and wanting more! Safe and easy, I love it!
  22. When you are a bottom, as we all know, you have the highest risk of getting an std of all possible sexual roles. Allowing you're top to fuck you without a condom can be for several reasons. For me it is out of love, comitment and surrender. For me allowing the top to come in me is very special to me. So some time ago a top with whom I already had several times sex with and that was always wearing a condom on our previous dates and had some trouble keeping his erection apparently due to the condom I allowed him to enter me without one. Just before we were going to start fucking I gave him a blowjob and tasted regularly some small spurts of precum that had a delightfull and salty taste that made me real horny. Also realising that I am taking some fluids of another man in me always triggers me. I kwew from the beginning that he wanted to fuck me without but he was very respectfull and kept using a condom. So last time when we were making love I took off the condom that he already had on his penis a I told him he could come in me without. This was a very erotic moment. I thought he diserved it and I feeling some butterflies in my bellly for him I thought I also wanted to have his semen in my belly. He was very happy with this and I saw that he appreciated that I trusted him. I wanted to appreciate the most as possible this moment and I layed on my back so we could make love seeing each others facial expression and having the most intimate communcation possible. It is for the biggest part psychological but I really enjoyed every inch of his penis entering me bit by bit. Not using a condom made it more easy to move a lot and I could move with my hips with every stroke he was fucking me. Him seeing my ecstatic face was for me also a surrender of showing my feelings to him without any restraints. More the usual making love to reach an orgasm we were both enjoying each stroke of his penis in me. Most gay people do not like to hear it but I really felt very feminin and I wanted heis seed in me to breed me and his DNA to remain in me with all my hart and body. So after quite some time that he were fucking we both were feeling we were coming to orgasm and we stopped moving. I only made some small movements with my hips to get him over the edge feeling his penis start to pulse and I felt he started spurted deep in me. I pulled him even closer to me to being bred as far as possible and receiving his sperm the deepest possible that it could stay as long as possible in me. He did really a good job, his semenn did not come out later on an I really felt a fantastiv bliss. Sometimes it is the right thing to do and remoce the condom8 :)
  23. Because you get addicted in receiving semen in your body and always want more
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