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About PushMePullYou

  • Birthday 02/02/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Good old fashioned raw fucking. You take my dick, you get my load.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    BBRT: PushMePullYou
  • Looking For
    In NYC? Look me up or send me a note. I love filling holes. Let's make a mess together. All are welcome, alllll are welcome. I'm on BBRT.

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  1. Hi, Viking. Bring along store bought enema bottles filled with water. Dump the solution it comes with because that contains a laxative. Anyhow, that works for me. I also tend to travel with a well-lubed, decent sized butt plug to massage my prostate as I encounter an occasional bump in the road. Happy trails.
  2. "Elevator!" "Flashlight!" This New Yorker's ready for you! 🐖 🐷
  3. It doesn't put me off enough to not fuck him. What bugs me more is when a guy gets verbal and sounds like an outtake from a bad porn film. When i hear things like, "Please butter my bread" or "Yeah, I want daddy to make a milk delivery" - I wish I had a ball gag handy.
  4. They say, "When it rains, it pours." I have a straight married guy (our window washer) who came over yesterday. I usually suck him off and out the door he goes. This time he wanted to fuck and I was happy to try so he shot a load inside me from his painfully thick uncut sausage. Wanting seconds , I hooked up with a dude the same day. He had a beautiful 8" cock. Thankfully I was loose enough to let him in and I took a load so thick I felt it shooting inside my guts. I'm a vers/top so I rarely get this kind of attention and, believe you me, I'm ready for thirds!
  5. Oh, man. You know I'd be up in your ass in a New York minute. Hope all's well, Happy 2023.
  6. Nothing gets me off more than eating, sucking and chewing a big, pulsating ring of a used hole. Thankfully, Manhattan is full of them!
  7. LADave is the Meryl Streep of sexy daddies. I usually prefer amateur footage but this one gets me every time. [think before following links] https://xhamster19.com/videos/new-video-608-xhO2TD9
  8. Yes, I speak from experience. Like everything, practice makes perfect. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be a very happy piggy boy. Best of lick... I mean "luck!"
  9. Yeah, but did you like it? 😁🐷😉
  10. Ummmm, I can't count that high. 🐷
  11. "I'll have what he's having."
  12. You should look up Lurid Digs on Twitter: Interior designers critique the spaces of profile pics. Hysterical.
  13. I think we can all relate to your story. I certainly can. Would it be too much to at least put the overflowing laundry hamper in a closet??? Better yet, maybe I should ask for photos of the inside of the house before schlepping over to an episode of Hoarders.
  14. My motto is "Take my cock, take my load" and 98% of the time, they happily accept my little swimmers. If someone changes their mind at the last minute and asks me to pull out, I'll honor their request and then never see them again.
  15. I cannot agree more and I really like the way you look at this. From tasting a guy's cum I can tell if he's on meds, if he smokes. In fact, I love the taste of smoker's cum. I also will never spill or miss a drop of it when it's fed to me. My mouth wraps around his shaft tightly as I empty his ball sack, letting only enough air in for my taste buds to savor the flavor. My heart sinks every time a guy prefers to shoot his load on his chest. After that the taste is never the same.
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