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Everything posted by Frenchpig

  1. Thanks man for this awesomely hot story 🙂 hope you'll tell us more about his conversion and andy's good caring 😉
  2. Wow, really great story, i can't understand why i missed it when it came on the site that first time
  3. So indeed two options : reinfection or resistance to the treatment (not long enough and/or not strong enough to work completely on the bacteria)
  4. still hot wainting for the following
  5. yeap, i agree. really hot and well writen story. a mix of hot romance and pure raw and wet fucking/breeding
  6. use Prep, you'll have the best of the 2 words
  7. yep keep going please
  8. this story is really amazing
  9. wow, i would fucking have loved to be in your position ! definitely a really good evening ending
  10. how did i missed the add on to this story ! but finding them now is sure a pearl
  11. really nice and hot story thanks
  12. it's getting even better, love this story !
  13. wow, one of the hottest chapters you wrote since the beginning if not the hottest, i'm all slimy on the chest and belly
  14. on sunday afternoon , tuesday night and thursday night mostly but other days aren't bad too
  15. thanks for the story it was really great to read and wank on it
  16. super story, hope you'll continue
  17. love your stories and the way you tell them
  18. to choose is to renounce hot chapter even if tinted with a bit of sadeness
  19. oh yes would love to hear more of this story
  20. really awesome, i agree with fisterm8 it's very descriptive and it's easy to visualise the scene unfolding, a real pleasure
  21. really good story thanks
  22. really good story and nice writing ! please keep going
  23. @ homo60 it's a pretty romantic vision in a way, to think when you're bred, you share something with your top donor, but i'm sorry to disapoint that it's not really like that. when i eat beef i don't envision eating grass because it's DNA is coursing in me... you change your mind because once you allow you to be who you deeply are, your denial begins to crackle and the more you accept being gay and liking what you do, the more you feel right about it. @ orlando, by the way it's hot what you've experienced and the way you describe it like disney would sing : let it go !
  24. @ homo60 it's a pretty romantic vision in a way, to think when you're bred, you share something with your top donor, but i'm sorry to disapoint that it's not really like that. when i eat beef i don't envision eating grass because it's DNA is coursing in me... you change your mind because once you allow you to be who you deeply are, your denial begins to crackle and the more you accept being gay and liking what you do, the more you feel right about it.
  25. really a good start ! hopping to read the next chapter soon
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