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Everything posted by Leatherman667

  1. Dirty Dicks in Amsterdam on Piss night! Guy pissed in my hole as another pissed in my mouth. Fuckin heaven.
  2. Well done for this. He's a sexy guy. Lots ahead for him.
  3. nice mate; nice to suck the cum from the condom!!
  4. you able to retrieve the cum from the condoms afterwards?
  5. And you have been a huge help to me on more than one occasion on this site bearbandit. Many thanks!
  6. Correct pozpig. Virus cannot live outside the body and therefore frozen poz cum is cum.
  7. Do these work even if ur drunk or hi?
  8. I caught Hep B too. It really was horrific. Was in hospital for over a week.
  9. Hey mate; now the end of May! What's your tally now?
  10. You are an expert at this stuff felchingpisser! I have been following you for a number of years now. The pigs recognise THE pig!!!
  11. Well done to you both. That 314 loads since Jan 2017. Fuckin hell man; awesome.
  12. 29/34 is fuckin nice mate. Porn industry always needs promoters! Think of going back to escorting? How have you managed to stay neg? PrEP?
  13. Later on in its progression; not in the Primary stages. Easier than the common cold to treat.
  14. Hey guys; I'd be grateful if some of you could share with me some of the symptoms that people experience with Hep C? Have no problem about STI's or HIV at all. Have had Hep A and B; don't want Hep C, thank you. Would be grateful to know your symptoms, and how you picked it up.
  15. Love to gather used condoms, freeze the cum and make a devils dick. Then use it at a sex party on some cum dump to get the party started.
  16. I think you've described me 25 years from now! Already the TOTAL PIG though
  17. Well done MH. Hope you get a chance to meet him again. Very impressed with 22/27 loads. Keep up the good work.
  18. Of course if you needed the chems to be able to take the step of being bare fucked, then take them. Great sensation either way.
  19. Admiration mate; well done.
  20. I really would be quite rude, if I shared my thoughts. So silence is golden.
  21. Not on meds for so long has he progressed to AIDS?
  22. You had a great fuckin night travelingbi! Usually top; but am tempted for one time to become a cumdump and take all loads. 16 is impressive.
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