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Everything posted by norefusal

  1. sex addiction is like every other addiction. only u know if u control it or it controls u. ie ur not interested in love or u feel u dont deserve it. me, i like to have my cake an it it too. i was a full year into bein all loved up w my ex husband before i stopped serving every anon guy in the gym locker room. eventually i went back to my old ways. didnt live him anyless, just got to fuck a lot of rando too. win win 😜 but to answer your question, if ur into humiliation, havin a fb who whores u out to his friends or films u gettin pounded by rando etc add another layer of enjoyment to it. also, hookin up w randos while on a zoom group chat an lettin the other guys see u gettin used is 🔥too
  2. lol are u still able to drive to these places or do they only let u in if u pull up on a horse😜 i dont walk around the bathhouse w my phone or document any action but ive hooked up w many a dude via the apps. he'll text what room he's in an if hes fun it will turn into a group event vs all the guys just walkin round peekin into doorways but not engaging in any actual sex. ive even had guys come to the bathhouse cause i hit them up online. an dont get me started on all the princess an the pea guys clutterin up crusin spots, rejectin 99% of the guys hittin on them because they'll only get off w their 1 perfect ideal dream guy, but thats a topic for another thread 😜
  3. 4me raw cock n spit go together like pb&j i never carry lube w me an enjoy the idea of just usin spit as i take dick in a public restroom or park or whereever i used to use lube more for the times i dont open up so easy but now i embrace the 30 sec of pain when a top forces his way in. its kinda hot in a cnc kinda way. now i usually just lube if the guy is starting to get annoyed an i might loose him - like sometimes at the bathhouse in a group situation the guy will get frustrated that im not some loose old whore w a gaping hole an just move on to the next hole. luckily for me there are still guys who enjoy a tight hole an will be verbal about it while they pound u
  4. it can def fall in the "careful what u wish for" category lol one time i went to hook up w a stranger, no pics, min chat, i was really wingin it. on the ride home my ass was so tore up an abused but i knew if future me traveled back in time and told past me "dont go. he'll turn out to be a young fit guy w bbc whos gonna rough fuck u like he hates u including DP w his bbc an a huge dildo that he'll just do w/out ur consent, also film the whole thing w/out ur consent, then after he breeds u he'll literally throw u out like youre trash" i know past me would be "gat outa my way! thats exactly what i want!" 😜
  5. "safe sex" is a worse case scenario extreme measure. sometimes i look back at all those neg bfs that i used condoms w and think "what for?" its all based on the idea that all men are slutty liars. when i started anon bbing id always pull out at last minute so no one was actually gettin bred. by the time i started breeding it was with people i knew were neg. by the time i started taking no questions asked anon loads i was already on prep so... by the time i took my first known poz load from an undetectable guy i knew there was a risk, but like a1% risk of an undetectable guy pozzing up a bottom on prep. it was thrilling but it was really "risky-ish" and not really risky w a cap R.
  6. before smartphones we had to leave the house and get strangers to like us by talking. most kids never had to learn to literally charm the pants off of someone, and it shows. texting a completed stranger "hung?" as a way of intro? are you a psycho or somethin? who raised u?
  7. eh. glory holes ar like shower sex, hot in theory but so annoyingly impractical in practice.
  8. lets not pretend prep wasnt a game changer. swallow in 1983 - you had a deathwish. swallow in 2023 - you earned it bitch! swallow every load u can find
  9. its not always about choice. when i was young and m2m sex was new, i was more insecure, the world was a more dangerous place and other guys were more prejudiced, always wanting the younger guy to be more fem, so i was adamantly masc. now that im older and more sure of myself, society in general is much more tolerant, and guys suddenly think im a butch daddy just because im older, i feel more comfortable exploring my inner faggot. 25 years ago if u talked down to me id bounce. now, talk down to me an its like "schwing!" rock hard 😜
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