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Everything posted by einathens

  1. I love older men so much I became one. It's useless to fight your maturity, so embrace it. Just today, a 22yo hit me up to ask if I'd be his tutor in kink. He can't learn what he needs from guys his own age. Be patient. They'll catch up to you eventually. You're too old for this when you're dead.
  2. still think you should take a buddy with you. a vers top one would be perfect.
  3. if I recall correctly, the TIM model application gives performers the option to serosort if they so choose. but that was a few years ago. and didn't Brad Maguire retire from the screen? last I heard he's tending bar in the Castro. and he and James Roscoe are still together, which I think is wonderful. used to see the two of them back when TIM had meet&greets during Folsom and dore weekends, and the affection and attraction between them was palpable.
  4. I always say that doubt means don't. but you have time enough to resolve the issues that are bothering you. first, I'd advise that you know at least one other person well before going. second, have your own transportation. no hitching, and only carpool with the one you knew well before the weekend. this fantasy might turn into a nightmare, and you need to be able to leave at any time. being just a hole for a dozen strangers to dump in is a hot idea, but in reality can be much less appealing. manage your expectations and have an exit plan in place just in case.
  5. Understandable but annoying, cuz once they get high they'll be online looking for more cock, which I find rude. I bought a charging stick for $10 and I keep it in a pocket of my slut pants when I'm prowling or visiting. Problem solved.
  6. Finding him should be part of the fun. Perhaps you're putting too much pressure on yourself. You live in a large metropolitan area, no? Have you checked NKP for neighbors?
  7. How do you compartmentalize honesty, trust, loyalty, responsibility, commitment? I know that I'm surprisingly uptight and judgmental on this subject, and I won't apologize for it. I've been cheated on, and I will never condone or excuse anyone for making anybody else feel the way it made me feel. If getting fucked in the ass is more important to you than your wife is, divorce her. If she's more important, stop cruising and get a squirting dildo and introduce it into your play with her. My final statement is a question. What do you think will happen when this hot daddy (or his replacement, because if you can justify it to yourself once you can justify it to yourself every time) gives you an STD and you pass it on to her?
  8. Which is more important to you, your wife or your anus? The way to get over the fact that you'd be cheating is not to cheat.
  9. Doubt means don't.
  10. Vaseline and Crisco were standard back when I was getting started, Coppertone if it was a fancy occasion. They're classics for a reason. I still keep a tube of V-line handy if I'm on the prowl. Fits easily into cargo pocket or tucks nicely into top of boot if I'm not wearing pants. Recently tried Shaft lube from Ft Troff when I was in San Francisco. Consistency between liquid and solid. Advertised as being great for toys and fists. Indeed it was. Also great for just plain ol' buttfucking. Sometimes it's nice to just have to lube up once and not have to worry about it for the rest of the night. I wouldn't worry too much about greasy underwear. Some internet perv will buy it from you.
  11. Fort Troff makes a nozzle you can put on a water bottle. Has a carrying case and fits in your pocket or tucks into your sock. Personally, I travel with my StreeMaster Mini. Best $10 I ever spent.
  12. I'm a double Capricorn, so I prefer to plan every part of my life six months minimum in advance. I realize that doesn't work for most people , so I'm working on being more spontaneous. Still, I like Some sense of structure, so I like to line up Tuesday night fun by Monday afternoon.
  13. Know a guy who gets aroused by the smell of rotting garbage. Another likes when you blow snot into his mouth. An ex liked me to freeze my puss into ice cubes for his drinks. One guy wants to suck my clock while I'm defecating. Either I only know weirdos or everyone has their own kink. Some are just afraid to share them.
  14. There's no shame in being a cumwhore in theory but not practice. Your brain hasn't caught up to what your body wants, and that's okay. If you're not ready, you're not ready. Don't pressure yourself, and don't allow anyone else to.
  15. My advice is, manage your expectations. Sounds to me like you've got a lot of fantasies conflating into one big one. You admit that you don't have experience, just desires. That means you don't know how you'll react to any of the situations (for instance, you've never backtracked; first raw cock in your pass might feel like heaven, or it might induce panic), much less all of them happening sequentially or simultaneously. I suggest that you break everything down into manageable steps. Narrow down your possible locations, research what play facilities are available, start making online buddies there, be honest with them about how new all this is to you, and keep the conversations going. Once you've sorted all the logistics, made all the plans, and arrived, recognize that realistically maybe half of what you've been fantasizing about might actually happen. And that's okay.
  16. ....and when you're too busy, your phone dings every 30 seconds. It's a corollary to Murphy's Law of Cock-- the hotter the guy, the farther away he is. If you're in Atlanta, he's in Berlin. You go to Berlin, he's in Nashville for the weekend.
  17. You always have the right to say no. If you're approached by a cock you don't want, the polite thing to do is say, "I need a break" and exit the sling.
  18. doubt means don't. If you have to ask strangers on the internet if you should do it, you're not ready to do it. Don't let anyone shame or coerce you into it if you're not 100 percent certain.
  19. Perhaps the fact that 'boys' is in the title should be a clue as to the maturity level of many of the participants. On the occasions when I get trolled or baited, I rarely engage. Just not worth it. You probably won't change anyone there's mind. Those who want real discussion will contact you privately. To hell with the rest of them. Save your energy for being the strongest, hottest, most badass you that you can be.
  20. back in the day, before I began featuring them in my various profiles, I'd ask guys to send me pics of their naughtybits and what I'd get from them were pics of mine. happened at least half a dozen times.
  21. I have great chats on kik and wickr (I prefer wickr) with guys from here. my sn's einathens, same as here. drop me a line.
  22. shouldn't this be in the Enhancements section?
  23. if you don't enjoy it, don't do it.
  24. Doubt means don't. "Sorry, I won't be able to make it, but I wanna hear all about it on Monday."
  25. easiest version is to attach 4 chair legs to a wooden toilet seat. I'd recommend reinforcing it.
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