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  1. If my memory serves correctly, his car broke down on the way to school the following week and he was late again! Or so he claims! lol
  2. Characters Josh--6 ft, 180 lbs, student, all around athlete (swimming, football, gymnastics) , tight body, bubble butt, 8' cock, long black straight hair that hangs over his bright green eyes and the biggest tooth paste grin this side of the Mississippi. The girls just love him and the guys want to be him. He is super straight. Mr. Jaxx-- 6'2", 210 lbs, early 40's, teacher, big muscular build ( extensive weight training), short light brown crew cut, blue piercing eyes that look right through you, and a permanent scowl/smirk that intimidates both the girls and the guys. Wild rumors abound about Mr. Jaxx, everything from being a former porn star with a giant 10 inch cock, to being known to hold students against their will and subject them to all types of unconventional experiments after school hours. His sexuality is unknown and questionable. Some complaints filed by parents in the past and then mysteriously withdrawn. Josh is a transfer student and is late for his first day of school. He finally finishes completing all the necessary paperwork in the main office and is handed his weekly schedule of classes. The first class of the day is Health and Sex Education with Mr. Jaxx. After scouring the halls for the classroom, he rushes in just as the bell rings and class ends. Mr. Jaxx gives a stern quizzical look and asks who Josh is and what does he want? Now quite red faced and almost stammering the boy explains that he is a new student and apologizes for being late to class. He simply got lost trying to find the room. Mr. Jaxx, arches his eyebrow, gives a cold condescending stare to the boy, looks him up and down and in a dismissive tone says to Josh that he does not tolerate lateness and now Josh has detention and must make up the class. Because the school will be closing at the end of the day for a Teacher's Workshop, Mr. Jaxx gives Josh a piece of paper with an address and tells him to be there at 7pm sharp. When Josh arrives at the address he is surprised to find it is in a very sketchy part of town and looks more like an abandoned warehouse than an apartment building. He rings Buzzer 2D, as written on the paper, and gains entry into the building. He knocks on the steel metal door and Mr. Jaxx opens the door wearing white baggy shorts and a black tank top. He tells Josh to come in and have a seat on the well worn thread bare sofa. He offers him something to drink and not wanting to be rude Josh says sure. Mr. Jaxx hands him a glass of juice, unbeknownst to Josh it is laced with a generous amount of G. He tells Josh they will have to improvise since they are not in the classroom and Mr. Jaxx does not have access to his teaching tools. He says he likes to begin his Health and Sex Education class by teaching the negative effects of drug abuse, particularly how it can affect decisions involving sex. He starts by showing Josh a short film which is in essence a gay porn film where the hot guys are smoking meth and after slamming, rip their clothes off and begin having animalistic sex. By now the G is starting to take effect and Josh is feeling very light headed and warm and getting slightly aroused for some strange reason. His head is spinning. He is wondering what is happening to him. Mr. Jaxx stops the film and hands Josh a blue pill and glass of juice and tells him to swallow it. With some confusion he does as he is told and then Mr. Jaxx snaps at him as says, " Lesson #1, how stupid are you? Never take a pill from a stranger. Fortunately I just gave you candy but in another setting this could be dangerous." The teacher then produces a glass pipe and a lighter. He hands the pipe to Josh, lights it and tells him to inhale when he's told to and hold it until he's told to breathe out. Josh hesitates and appears baffled but Mr. Jaxx assures him it's okay and to do what he is told, he's the student and Mr. Jaxx is the teacher. The first hit is a mild one and Mr. Jaxx explains how pure white smoke in a clear glass pipe can seem completely harmless. He has Josh repeat the procedure 5 more times, each time making him inhale more and hold it longer. The G, viagra and now the t is taking the desired effect and Josh is feeling very strange, very horny and quite unsure what is happening to him, it feels sort of good but at the same time feels very wrong if that makes any sense. Mr. Jaxx then says the next step is a lesson on what to do if you come across someone who has overdosed. He explains and demonstrates how to tie a tourniquet on the person's arm and then says you inject him with the Narcissan drug to save his life. He tells Josh in this case, they will only be using water, although any clear liquid will do and the person (err victim) will cough and that is normal. He injects Josh with a mega dose. Mr. Jaxx says it's now time to discuss anatomy and safe sex. He says since he doesn't have the classroom mannequins sp Josh will need to play the role of the dummy, err mannequin. Mr. Jaxx instructs Josh to strip and get naked. The slam pushed him over the edge between the clouds, viagra and the g he is putty in Mr. Jaxx's hands. The teacher discusses the various human body parts, such as the penis, vagina and the ass and the correct way to have intercourse. He proceeds to lube Josh's hole and shoves several fingers up his ass. The boy moans and clamps down on the fingers and lets out an audible ''no' when the teacher removes them . Mr. Jaxx asks Josh if he is gay or straight and in a loud almost defiant tone Josh says 'I'm 100 % straight. Mr. Jaxx just sneers to himself and nods. Next he says there are tests to determine whether a person is gay or straight. If you are a man you either place your penis in the vagina or the asshole. He says since Josh doesn't have a vagina he will demonstrate using Jack's hole. He says always wear protection unless you are married and want to have children. The teacher then says there are certain things you should not do and he will go down the list. First, never put a penis in your mouth. It can be quite unhealthy. As he says this he shoves his penis into Josh's mouth and tells him to start sucking it. He slaps him very hard on the side of his head and says 'no teeth'! Second, he withdraws his cock from Josh's mouth and says 'never' fuck bareback, it can be dangerous and you can get Aids and as he tells him he shoves his raw dick into Josh's well lubed hole. Third, he tells him never ever go to a stranger's apartment as you never know what can happen. He proceeds to rape Josh mercilessly depositing loads and loads of cum up his once negative and now ravaged hole. Fourth and finally he tells Josh that the whole episode is being filmed and that if the boy tells anyone he willl release the tape on the internet and send copies to his parents and other teachers. He tells Josh that he is going to be Mr. Jaxx's new private whore and anytime he wants his ass he is going to take it. He also is going to be sharing it with others and making some money off his ass. Josh has been taught a valuable lesson from his new teacher. Never be late to class again! Reply ,
  3. Guys, this is my first attempt to add to the incredibly hot stories that have appeared time and time again on BZ. So please feel free to comment so I can get better and hopefully write more stories. Thanks! Jack, in his freshman year of college, hopes to join a fraternity, Stigma Alpha Cum Pig at Butte U in Montana. It's a fraternity that goes way back in his family with every male joining since his great great grandfather. After a meet and greet beer party at the house, all the frat brothers got together and selected who they would mentor and put thru the pledging process. Jack was very nervous as he eyed all the hot guys in the room. He felt as if he didn't fit in. Jack was 18, 5'7", 135 lbs, clean shaven with short blonde hair, blue eyes, tight swimmer's build, very cute and you could tell he was naive and a little nervous by the way he carried himself. He had that 'deer in the headlight' look about him. Everyone else in the room towered over him. Now Jack wasn't gay, but this one guy just happened to catch his attention, probably because of the way he was surveying the men in the room. He just had a penetrating stare. There was a swagger and overt confidence about him. He was extremely handsome, about 6'3, well built and very muscular, with a buzz cut, dark features and a heavy 5 o'clock shadow. The brothers of the house were clearly acknowledging him so he must be important Jack thought. As it turns out he was the President of the fraternity or "Master" as he liked to be called and had his eye on Jack the moment he walked in the door. He knew his family's lineage, it was legendary at the frat house and how desperate this guy would be to pledge which meant he was an easy mark for what really went on in the house. This was going to be FUN (Fuck U Newbie) he thought to himself!! This fraternity, Stigma Alpha Cum Pig, was actually a major money making enterprise, part of a bigger conglomerate "Breeders 'R Us" ! Every year the brothers would recruit new members to not only service the house but to rent out to the professors and other students to generate enough income so the brothers could continue living the 'high' life, emphasis on high. This house controlled all the sex and drug traffic on the campus and surrounding community which was extremely lucrative. They kept files on everyone so they were above the law and completely untouchable. The pledges were texted by their frat brother the time and place to report for the hazing ritual. The Master decided he was going to handle Jack differently than the usual pledges he breaks in. Instead of using force he was going to 'trick' the new bait into submission. He would start by being very friendly and charming, totally not threatening or abusive which was his typical demeanor. He would propose a toast and of course give the pledge a G spiked cocktail. He would then suggest they smoke a traditional 'peace pipe' in the name of brotherhood. If the boy protested he would tell him it was completely harmless white smoke, just a vapor like from a hot cup of 't'!. He would manage his breath control and after a solid 5 hits or so he would proceed to the next phase. He would start discussing the benefits and requirements of living in the house. He would mention the private gym in the basement that all the frat brothers were required to utiilize on a daily basis. All the men at Stigma Alpha Cum Pig were in prime shape and were the envy of all the men and women on campus. Jack realizing his short comings in this area as he was only 5'7 and 140 lbs asked Master if there was anything he could do to help his chances of being accepted into the house. Master knew he had Jack just where he wanted him. He 'might' be able to suggest something but that Jack would probably reject the idea. Jack said no he was willing to do 'anything' because joining the house was so important to his family. The Master said, well there are steroids, he could take on a daily basis, several times a day to start, that along with an extensive workout schedule would have him buffed to perfection in no time. Jack naturally said 'oh no' he couldn't do that and Master said he understood completely. It's probably for the best and Jack should just leave now and abandon any hopes of joining the fraternity. Master said it was his choice and headed towards the door and motioned for Jack to leave. Of course, he added 'could it really hurt any to just sample a little tiny bit? 'he smirked as he touched the door handle. Jack thought for a moment but by now the t and g were having the desired effect and he was no longer in complete control. He was totally suseptical to any and all suggestions. He thought it might not be so bad to try a little. How could that hurt? What the stupid idiot didn't know was that he was going to get the slam of all slams. Master suggested that in order to get any benefit at all Jack needed to start some form of exercise regimen right way and they should head down to the G>Y>M (Guys You Molest) immediately !! Of course this room was set up with cameras and video equipment and a feed to all the tv's in the house and to special subscribers. Jack said he didn't bring any gym clothes and Master said no worries he was sure he'd find something for him to wear. He pulled out a black canvas bag and was rummaging thru it obviously looking for something specific. With a devilish grin Master administered the slam and after it hit, Jack's head was spinning. He never felt like this before. Master had Jack change into the gym clothes aka as a 'whore's uniform. A Nasty Pig black jockstrap, a pair of knee high Breedwell black socks and a black leather collar. Now to put the rest of the plan into action. Jack would be filmed looking like a slut and taking cock and cum up his hole and doing whatever Master wanted including servicing him and begging for more. Soon it was time for more g, smoke and slam part 2. Master said he needed a favor from Jack. He needed a model for some men's workout gear he's promoting and asked if Jack would model for him. He said not to worry his face won't be photographed (he lied). He needed pictures of Jack to post on the internet along with the films for the big promotion of this semesters newest 'it' boy aka fuck toy! Now Master had all the film and pictures he needed to start the.process to turn Jack into quite the slut of the frat house. There was enough stuff to blackmail Jack into total submission. The fraternity had also entered the porn industry and was looking for a virgin to star in their new breeding trilogy. Jack was reciting anything Master told him to say all which made everything appear Jack was quite the willing participant. He was so fucked up he was willing to do anything Master suggested he do. Time to reload that hungry hole! Now on to the ABS!
  4. Where is the Adonis?
  5. Hot Desert Knights....Palm Springs Ca gay porn production company
  6. I will be in a NYC hotel Monday Sept 30, 2024. Will gladly take all loads . Message me if interested.
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