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Everything posted by C10H15N

  1. Hunkering down with a fist buddy who evacuated San Francisco. We're eating too much and burning through poppers and Crisco at an alarming rate.
  2. Had a fist buddy evacuate San Francisco before the flights shut down and head to my mountain home. We are having a great time and burning through the poppers and Crisco at an alarming rate.
  3. Got first BJ at 8 from my best friend who was 9. I happily returned the favor and was hooked for life.
  4. Don't let your confirmation bias and the lame stream media cloud your thinking. The money never lies.
  5. Going to keep taking it. There are reports that those on HIV meds are seeing a much lower than average rate of Covid-19 infections despite known exposure. This is entirely anecdotal and not based upon any scientific studies, just news reports. The way I look at it - it might help and it can't hurt.
  6. Sorry. Biden is mentally incapable of functioning as President. All politics aside, the bookmakers in Vegas (the only ones I trust on this) show he doesn't stand a chance of winning.
  7. One of my dearest friends and fist buddies is a United Church of Christ Pastor. I refer to him as "Father" or "Padre" when I'm up to my elbow in his ass.
  8. Congrats! Nothing like that first poz load blasted deep in your ass without worry (thanks Guido!) 🙂
  9. Lifelong registered Republican. Since I'm slightly right of center, I vote for and fuck/get fucked by whoever the fuck I want. Basically, both parties are shit. I conceal carry every day. I'm an armed and dangerous faggot who will #shootback.
  10. Not usually for fucking, always for fisting.
  11. The poz symbol is actually the universal biohazard symbol. We use it somewhat more specifically to denote hiv infection. Glad it got you excited.
  12. Hmm. 3" diameter is my left hand. You're more than ready for fisting.
  13. The AHF is completely out of touch with reality. It's like buggy whip makers raging against those newfangled automobiles. Time to find a new job, assholes.
  14. No. Those tests are only looking for non-prescribed "get you high" drugs. Technically, Truvada is my best recreational drug.
  15. And hot loads given and taken
  16. Yep! Give it a week to build up then cut loose.
  17. I find being on PrEP is getting me a lot more of the right kind of attention. I don't waste my time with stupid.
  18. Overweight, out of shape, meds, age, party favors, poppers, etc... can all lead to erection problems. 35 is really young to be having these problems. Might want to see your doc.
  19. Bottoms are free.
  20. You are essentially HIV proof. Your chances are greater of winning the powerball. PrEP does nothing for other STDs and they are running rampant right now.
  21. I'm loving 52. I'm fucking and getting fucked by guys +/- 30 years of my age.
  22. Ha! Among fisters it means your hole has been douched free of shit and is ready to take a hand.
  23. Haha. The Clap.
  24. Yep. My best (POZ) native fuck bud and I both sent each other to the clinic in the last year. When I asked him if he wasready to start using rubbers his response was "let's not be hasty".
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