Are most of these crusing spots closing down because of political pressure or because of financial issues?
I know some got shut down for more or less political reasons in the past, like a couple in the Austin area that got shut down because they targeted the owner and eventually busted him for some kind of tax issues or something. The other ones lately it seems like it is more due to financial problems. It seems like the amount of cruising is way down since covid. Places that used to be busy all the time are now much more hit or miss. Even the free scene, parks, bathrooms, etc., seems like it is less busy than it used to be.
I'm not sure what is going on, because it doesn't seem to make sense as much as there is more acceptance and with PrEP and whatnot it seems like there should be more cruising happening and not less.
Are people only meeting up through apps now? I must not be on the right ones because I've tried a bunch of them and they seem to be less active and more full of fakes, flakes and scammers than ever.
I really wish I had money to invest in starting a new adult bookstore, spa, sauna, etc. Seems like it should be a lucrative business if it is done right. So many of the places out there don't really give people what they want.