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Everything posted by dickluva

  1. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please keep sharing your pix, and adventures. [banned word] like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  2. Great topic and posts😘. For me, I continue to do something I am aware is detrimental to my health and well-being = that is addiction. Whether my behavior is disease of mind or body, or just a choice, I let others debate. Servicing men makes me happy, and periods of celibacy have not made me any happier. Many STI, one time 3 std's at the same time, do not make me care about condoms, or enjoy monogamy or celibacy. I tried sex addicts anonymous, and other 12-step programs and the steps work if I put my effort and faith that I will be happier if I discontinue my self-destructive behaviors. I have a nasty drinking and drugging problem that I have not relapsed in over 11 years. Today 1/2/2020, I have bronchitis, a painful infection that makes me very sad. This is the third time in 3 months. I had a very busy night at Club St Louis last week, Christmas night. Bronchitis ruined my new years eve plans, i will miss my nieces birthday party in 2 days. I will be better, that is it will not be painful to breathe, when I complete the course of antibiotics. Infections often follow after a good night at Club. Hope to see y'all at MAL 1/16-1/20 in DC. I'll be one of many dudes in the darkroom at Eagle DC trying to get your nut in my cumhole. XOX
  3. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please keep sharing your pix, and adventures. Pigs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  4. Fuckin'Oink🐷~! Thanks for sharing your honest🙌 experiences here on BZ. I think Woodrow can teach me about dating profiles and hookups. I live in St Louis, MO. I am aware prosecutors in the next county, St Charles, have successfully gotten convictions on failure to disclose, butt that was like 5 years ago. I think STL prosecutors have little interest in non-violent crimes. My county has not processed a rape kit in like twenty years, so difficult for me to believe they would have resources for a gay crime. My lover was murdered in 2008, perp plead guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to one year less time served awaiting trial. My disclosure is not about legal issues or laws of Missouri. My issue is I prefer to sleep at night....after a good breeding. xox
  5. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please keep sharing your pix, and adventures. Pigs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  6. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please share your pix, and adventures. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  7. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please keep sharing your pix, and adventures. Pervs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  8. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please share your pix, and adventures. Pervs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

    1. Kaleebottom85


      Kinda new to this site myself, but I've been into breeding since highschool. I'd love to share stories and get to know other men here.  I'm glad I could contribute to the best part of your day.

  9. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please share your pix, and adventures. Pervs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  10. Fuckin'Oink~! Thanks for the follow.XOX

  11. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please share your pix, and adventures. Pervs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  12. Love this thread. Thank you to everybody who has shared here. My list of grievances against the Democratic party is long. I live in St Louis County Missouri. I will try to be brief. There have only been Democrats elected to my local government my whole life. It was Democratic Governor Nixon who threw me off the welfare rolls for food stamps. 2008 I was not doing well. It was Gov Nixon who failed to deploy the National Guard to protect Ferguson from the protestors who set fires in the protests of 2015 that caused extensive damaged to a suburb making a bad situation worse for poor citizens; though Gov. Nixon effectively applied the National Guard to protect County assets in Clayton Mo, a ritzy suburb. Our schools lost accreditation during Gov Nixon era. Murder rates continue to climb. Assaults on people have soared. Our new democratic prosecutor is not going to prosecute child support violations or less than 100 grams of any illegal substance as possession. This part of Atty Wesley Bell's plan to make St Louis safer, and more profitable for the drug cartels. The rest of Missouri, the Republican part, does not have these violence issues. I lost 2 cousins, Nicki and Zac both under 25 years old to Fentanyl during Obama/Biden/Clinton era. When I was under 25yo, I doubt anyone in St Charles MO had died from Fentanyl. It is much harder to stop the drug cartels now, that they have established networks including police and media in the USA. St Louis City and County also are on pace for record-setting overdose deaths this year, said Brandon Costerison of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, that follows a record 760 Opiod-related deaths in the St. Louis region in 2017. I say the victims were murdered because the many victims didn't think they were buying something that will kill them right then. St Louis is well above the national average, with up to 95 percent of our overdose deaths involving the lethal drug according to St Louis coroner. 3 Houses on my block, 2 of which i share a property line with me went into foreclosure in 2008. The house just west of me just sold for a record for my street June 2019. Our family business that almost went out of business during the Obama era, each quarter since the 2016 election has improved on the last, and just set a new stock record price today. I am not going to base my vote on how the Kurds or any tribe in the Middle East is mistreated. I see plenty of people mistreated here in St Louis, MO. I do not pay taxes or vote to support foreign interests. I am not going to base my vote on one article from the Wall Street Journal either. If the WSJ wants to influence my vote they should unlock the article so I can read it. I don't care anymore what the media thinks. Lame Stream Media evidently doesn't care what this rich white boy thinks. I remember when the MSM told us tobacco is not addictive, and glycophosphate is not harmful. I pray you vote in your own best interests. I do not believe the Dems will do any better in the future than Dems did in the past at making life better in the USA for taxpayers, especially gay men. I have written pages on this subject that I haven't posted, I think I have already said too much here. Thank you for reading this.
  13. I was a teenager when I had to see a specialist because my rectum was bleeding so bad I had to have surgery to remove internal warts. I didn't understand it was an STI and told everybody. My dad didn't know it was STI either, until his bro's told us, when we were playing golf. I didn't understand because the bleeding started like a year after I had gotten violently raped at a city park, I had tried my best to forget the violence, and hadn't told anybody. St Louis Mo loves violence, and nasty cops.
  14. Wonder what happend to this guy? Met him once or twice. xox

  15. How was Pride~? Dreams cum true~? XOX
  16. Hey Dallas PIGS.. Let's gather some POZ and those who love POZ BB Tops, Bottoms, vers, couples, etc together to do what PIGS do... Open to all races and ages... be in good shape with good hygiene.. this is a BAREBACK SEX group.. be prepared to give and get hot loads!! NO PNP AND NO SMOKING bring lube, poppers, gear, a towel, a hot buddy.. husband.. etc. Friday, 10/18/19 @ Noon Room number will be sent out an hour before.Posted on BBRT too. XOX
  17. Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please share your pix, and adventures. Pervs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  18. I often stay at the Best Western Hawthorne Terrace on N Broadway.
  19. Welcum to BreedingZone🐷~!

    1. mitch



  20. Fuckin'Oink:drool:~! Thanks for the follow.xox

  21. Fuckin'Oink🐷~! Please keep sharing pix, and adventures. Pigs like you make visiting BZ my favorite part of my day.Thanks for the follow. XOX

  22. Fuckin'Oink🐷~! Please keep sharing pix, and adventures. Pigs like you make visiting BZ my favorite part of my day.You pix are gone? and xhamster link is dead. XOX

  23. I started carrying a couple of rigged rubbas in my pocket now.
  24. I am on Testosterone replacement therapy,TRT. Last week I took like 4X prescribed dose, 250mg X 4 doses= 1000mg/wk. I feel like a god. Doing athletic feats way over my natural abilities, and talking trash like a sailor's drunken whore. HornyAF. Having pervy fantasies of taking sick cocks. Watching hypno demonic Sarah Palin porn daily too. Sunday spent like 4 hours at the bathhouse. Gulped loads down my throat, and few planted deep in my cumhole. Had to leave because of the nausea. Was up all night shitting. This happens every time i get more than 3 loads. Oh for dudes into chastity. My Dick doesn't work without mega amounts of Viagra either. Dudes seem to prefer a bottom with a hard cock, & no poz talk. I said to one to dude on a darkroom fuck bench that looked totally hot and poz to me "You want my load in your hole?" he replied "Are you clean?" I said "probably not." I know Right? WTF? I got full STD panel late July butt I been fuckin busy since then. I couldn't breed him anyway, because of my chems. I take all loads. The pretty ones just wanna watch. I think I'm getting fewer STD than I used to. Dudes who are going to bathhouse at $30+/ room are also getting treated? I also get more action without my jockstrap on. I thought my white Adidas jockstrap, Adidas white soccer sox with red stripes, & black & white high top Adidas soccer kix were sexy. Dudes are always taking my gear off.LOL XOX
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