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Everything posted by sleazebugga

  1. Fucking hot. How breeding should be
  2. Hot story. More please....
  3. Fucking hot story, can't wait for chapter 2
  4. Fucking hell, this is so hot. More please.
  5. Fucking hot story. I like where this is going. Please continue.....
  6. want to see where this goes
  7. Fuck this story is so hot. love where it its going
  8. bugger, was hoping to find out if I could go on prep. in uk here. Guess I will have to go playing Poz roulette!
  9. fuck! nice story
  10. same here. was a condom only freak until 5 years ago when I discovered the pleasure of raw load swapping. not covered up for ages now and don't want to. raw is SO much better
  11. fuck shot a good load over this
  12. love rimming and being rimmed. such a hot and intimate sensation either way and a great warm up to a raw fuck. I suppose it all depends on one's level of sleaze. I am certainluy getting sleazier as I get older (more rimming and more raw fucks). I did once meet a guy who didn't want me to snog him after my mouth had been on HIS cock. Weird!!!!
  13. I Love Harem, it is one of the first really hot gay porn films I ever saw. Real sex with real men fucking . got me into all of this......
  14. fuck! nice post, got me well hard
  15. Got a couple of m8s who are Poz. Both struggled to come to terms with it, but both are leading happy fulfilled lives now and say that it is not really a great deal. I have also recently been to the funeral of a (straight) friend who took his own life in the early stages of severe depression before the docs had a chance to get his meds right. His family and friends are all in a bad state now and will take a very long time to get over it. So.... Please, please go and get help for the depression NOW. It may take a while, but with good treatment you will eventually be able to enjoy life again and spare the people that you care about.
  16. hope it's good this time m8
  17. sling sex is great for both top and bottom. got one set up in my garage and had some very hot fucks using it
  18. fucking hot story. loved it. Always wanted to see my dads cock
  19. quite like to put the condom on my cock (the only sort that goes on there is a used one!!) and then massage the cum into my piss slit. love the cum - especially anon cum - lubing my cock as i wank.
  20. piss from the tap is fucking good
  21. I like my hairy back!
  22. like anything that cums from a cock, so piss cheese cum all good
  23. yep please send link. vid sounds hot
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