Sorry for the delay in getting back - the holidays got in the way...
Before things got too far along, I found my "Anal Intruder Cockring" (a chrome cockring, that has a curved piece of steel and a ball on the end to slip into your ass). You have to get it on before you get hard, otherwise your cock and balls will never slide through the cockring. Looks and feels HOT!!! (And won't fall out like a buttplug!)
I had my laptop with me, so I logged in to PornHub to watch some of the hot bareback videos in my playlist. Found a hot one of Tex Davidson at some B & B at the breakfast table in leather. His buddy starts sucking his cock, while the other guests pretend not to notice. (Really? I'd have been down on my knees licking his buddy's ass...) They eventually get up from the table and go into the next room where Tex fucks the shit out him - then fists his hairy hole - Fuck!!!! As much as I would like to imagine being the bottom, the action did start to have a reaction on my dick - with a little help from the Viagra... Seeing Tex's fat cock slide in and out of that hairy ass, I tried to imagine my cock feeling the warm lining of that muscle hole.
As the blood engorged my cock, I could feel the cockring getting tighter around my cock and balls - and the steel ball in my hole started to press against my prostate. "Fuck!" I said to myself in the dark cubicle. "Looks like you wanna go fuck some butt!" I said to my dick, as if it had a mind of its own. It'd been awhile since I'd seen my cock that hard, and it started to trigger all those alpha top feelings! The "00" gauge PA stood out proudly, announcing, "I'm gonna rip your ass apart!" I slipped on my leather jock, squeezing my cock and balls through the hole in the front - then snapped on the chrome-studded codpiece - but my cock was so hard, I had to position it straight up - with the head and PA sticking out the top. "Fuck - that's hot!" I said, checking myself out in the mirror. Next was my leather harness, a red and black leather armband (this time on my left arm), and my leather biker's cap. I usually go barefoot at the baths - but, now I decided to put on my red wool socks and black leather paratrooper boots. I lit a Camel and stood there, fantasizing about fucking the hot ass I'd fingered earlier. Before leaving the room, I pumped several globs of J-lube into the leather pouch, and massaged it around my stiff cock. (I love the way Viagra - when it works - makes your dick hard without even thinking about it!!!) Primed and ready, I slid the elastic roomkey ring around my wrist, and headed out the door.
The hallway was quiet. I turned to my left to make a circle around the perimeter rooms. As I turned the corner, I ran into Jorge, one of the employees who cleans the rooms, etc. He's a hot, little Latino, with a fat uncut dick. He's fucked me and my bf several times when he's not on duty. And he introduced us to our current dealer - so he's definitely cool with the whole parTy thing.
"Hey Jorge! How's it goin'?" I said, rubbing his muscular shoulder.
"Great, man! Looks like you're having a good time!" he grinned, nodding at my cock protruding from the codpiece. "Is Pete here?" he asked, referring to my boyfriend.
"Yeah - he's here somewhere." I answered. "We got an extra room, just so people wouldn't be wierded out by playing with a couple."
"Ohhhhhhh," he replied, still not quite understanding why a couple would want to have sex with strangers.
"If you see him - tell him I'm hard, and I wanna fuck his slutty hole!" I grinned, rubbing my hand up and down the codpiece.
"Si papi!" Jorge said, rubbing his own packed denim crotch.
I continued slowly down the hallway, making sure Jorge got a good look at my leather-strapped ass. I wouldn't mind getting fucked by his fat cock when he got off work! - - - All the doors were shut - obviously cleaned and prepped by Jorge for the next pig. I made another right to go down the back hall - a fairly long stretch of rooms. About halfway down, there was an open door. I slowed down and stopped short of the door. Nice-looking guy laying on the narrow single mattress. Towel draped over his crotch with his hand underneath massaging something. The light was flickering from the TV, obviously a gay porn playing. I moved a little closer, 'til he could see me partially in the door. He seemed a little taken aback by the leather - or maybe it was the PA poking out of my jock. He stopped stroking - usually a signal of no interest. I nodded his way, and moved on, slowly taking in the rest of the small room. A bottle of poppers on the bedside table, a pack of cigarettes, lighter, lube and a small dildo. Not my kind of wild pig - - - but I've been surprised sometimes by the curious...
Coming down the hall toward me were two leather guys - probably the guys that Roger had mentioned earlier. They looked a little spun - unblinking eyes, rubbing their crotches, a little unsteady. We gave each other a good stare - they continued on past, but I turned around to get a better look and they were staring back, too. hmmm - might be fun? - - - One more turn down a hallway, and I was done with that floor. So, I took the stairs down to the 2nd floor, each step down forcing the steel ball in my ass to rub against my prostate. Under normal circumstances, I would have taken it easy (fearing a leaky shit or a squirt of piss) - but high on meth and with a clean fuckhole, I surrendered to the pleasure - and took full advantage of being in this sleazy temple of taboo sex!
The second floor was a little more active - guys walking the halls in raggedy towels or jockstraps, and actually doing some cruising. There were the usual clusters of party twinks, gathered in small groups, making comments about the bathhouse crowd. I find them somewhat annoying - but I've found that if you can get one separated from the group, they can be turned into a pretty hot, nasty, pig! In fact, Ty, a hot blonde muscleboi, was hanging with his friends in the TV lounge. He grinned when he saw me, so I moved toward him. I put one hand on his butt and one on his shoulder, and leaned in to whisper, "Gonna have some good chempiss for ya later." I knew he wouldn't respond in front of his friends, so I just moved on, but I could hear his friends giving him a hard time about the "leather daddy" who'd just made a pass at him. I turned around long enough to see him blushing like a schoolgirl!
Moving on down the hall, I saw a crowd gathered outside of one of the rooms. The closer I got, I started to hear the grunts and moans of some serious fucking! Looking over the heads of the crowd (I'm pretty tall), I could see a young guy on his back, legs in the air, getting fucked by Leroy (one of the regulars at this club). Leroy is a skinny, black guy with a HUGE cock! The bottom was taking it well - obviously used to getting fucked on a regular basis. He had a black leather collar around his neck, and as I scanned the rest of the room, I saw that the collar had a chain attached to it - and the chain led to another young guy in a ballcap. He was too far away for me to hear, but I caught enough to know that he was telling Leroy to fuck the slut. Nuthin' like havin' a lover who forces you to be a fuckwhore!!!
I thought about stopping and waiting my turn to try out the slut's hole, but I was on a mission to get my cock in that muscleass I'd played with earlier. I stopped in the bathroom briefly and got a few handfuls of hot water from the sink to drizzle in to my leather codpiece (the J-Lube had started to dry out and get super sticky - and the hot water helped to reconstitute it to its slimy gooiness).
One more turn down another hallway, and I was closing in on my goal. I could see the door to "muscleass's" room open, and I was hoping that he hadn't already checked out. Trying to keep my calm, I moved slowly down the hall until I could see a little ways into the room. The pig was still there! He was still in his black jock - but he had added a leather harness. And I had only noticed his amazing ass before, but now I saw that he had an incredibly worked out body. He was laying on his back, legs spread, smoking a cigarette and watching whatever was playing on the small room TV. I moved closer, until I was standing in the doorway to his room. He looked down and stared for the longest time before finally motioning me in.
I walked to the side of the bed and stood there. "Looks like you've been having fun," I said. He sat up - his face at eye level with my pouch - looked up at me with big dilated pupils and nodded his head slowly. One of his hands massaged the leather pouch, sending pulsing waves of blood into my already hard cock. The light flickering from the TV reflected on my PA, which he rolled back and forth through the pierced flesh. While he was "getting to know me," I looked around the room checking for toys - and other sTuff. He had some good-sized dildoes tossed in a bag on the floor. And then, there sitting on the plywood cube next to the bed, I saw a little plastic baggie peeking out under a pack of cigarette. I reached down and picked it up. "Hmmmm…. looks like someone likes to party?!" I grinned. "This all you got left?" I asked, flicking the bag with my finger and seeing that there was barely enough for a booty bump.
His face remained motionless, but he raised his arms toward me, asking for help getting up. I placed my hands under his armpits and lifted him to a standing position. Shit! He was almost as tall as me (I'm 6'4") and his body felt rock solid. He was a little wobbly on his feet, but he walked the few steps to the door and shut it. Then he placed his index finger to his lips, as a signal to be quiet, squatted down and fished through the bag of dildoes until he pulled out an Altoids tin. He popped it open, and there were at least six more FULL bags of crystal neatly arranged. "Fuck!" I said a little too loudly, forcing him to put his finger to his lips again. "He leaned in close, and said, "I think I'm covered for awhile," followed by a big smile and a grope of my balls.