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About spartus4

  • Birthday 10/02/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Kalamazoo, MI, US
  • Interests
    I love raw messy rough life changing sex. Into anything. If I haven't done it, Ya baby, if I have and didn't like it, you're a different person, so maybe I will like it with you.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    I have lived a basically vanilla life. Low key, never experiencing new things, so boring. I am now 52 and have no family or loved ones to judge me anymore that matter. It's time to let the primal side come out. Safe=Lunacy
  • Porn Experience
    No porn YET.
  • Looking For
    I am ready to blow up vanilla and explore as many kinks and fetishes as I can. I am looking for a partner in crime that can show me new things, explore things that are new to both and encourage each other through any fear so new pleasures can be found and maybe enhanced..

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name
  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  1. I would say it's pretty clear you have the "Double D". People who have two copies of Delta-32 are said to be HIV resistant. Let me guess, Prussian and English ancestry?
  2. First thing guys who come for a hookup get is me on my knees with their cock in my mouth to show them the correct urinal to use. So most defiantly I love it.
  3. My first time was bare and my second was with a condom. What do you think happened? The condom hurt and ruined any pleasure, so it has been raw is law since.
  4. Just thought of another model/actor. Rhyheim Shabazz!!!! He is romantic but still rough and aggressive. Of course that is what draws me to black men. They always seem to know just the right amount of rough with a little bit of romantic.
  5. MAJOR TURN OFF reading along and reading "her" and "she" in place of "he" and "him". Very difficult read.
  6. There are tons of "straight" married men that are forced into marriage by religion and the hate that it spreads. An example is the laws in some African countries that makes being a LGBT person illegal and punishable by death. Most of these laws were introduced by fundamentalist christian groups from the U.S..
  7. Fuckin' 🥰ink~!🐷 ~! Please share your pix, and adventures. Pigs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too.  X🔱X

  8. I can't stand to watch videos where the bottom is moaning at the wrong time. The ones that really tick me off are the ones that moan with the same tone and speed all the way through the video. I don't understand way the directors put up with that shit. I'd tell them to make it real or they don't get paid, because it alway seems like it's the gay for pay guys that are shit at it. Broke Straight Boys is a prime example. I can't stand to watch those videos.
  9. It doesn't matter what the general gay community thinks. There is aways going to be goody goodies and they love telling you how to live your life. If that matters to you than you need to evaluate yourself. What you think of yourself is more important than what others think of you. The world is big enough that there are 100's of millions of us who think you are just fine.
  10. Thank you for following me. 

  11. The first time I had sex was without a condom and it was a fun and very enjoyable experience. The next time was with a condom and it was horrid. Had trouble getting him in and it hurt in a bad way. I never looked back and from than on it was always without a condom. Also the total zen mind thing that happens when a top blows his load in you is one of the best things there is. Nothing else comes close to that state of mind.
  12. Goodbye!!!! is my response. I am up front and always make it clear that bareback is the only way. If they still contact me, I tend not to be very nice because they are wasting my time.
  13. If you don't like what is here why are you here??? There are sites on the web that I find gross that I never go to because I don't like them. I don't make an account and tell people on that site how bad they are. I do the adult thing and leave the people on that site to their own lives.
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