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Everything posted by lungfucker

  1. I've always been infatuated with masculine smokers (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, more). When I was younger, I hoped someone would grab me and force me to become addicted, and then become a heavy smoker. Sadly, I had to start on my own. I'm still seeking a Top/Master who will force me to become a heavily addicted smoke machine. Tobacco is just the beginning if you wish to work on me.
  2. In general, to be called a "whore," you have to accept money for the sex. "Whore" = "prostitute." Some definitions just allow you to just be promiscuous. However, in general, "slut," "cum bucket," "cum dump," "fuck toy" and "skank" are good words for having lots of bareback sex. "Fun" is another good word.
  3. I've been a fan of Steve's for ages. Loved his barebackerman blog. I'm so impressed that you got knocked up by him. If I had been closer, he would have been my ideal gifter for multiple reasons! I also wonder what has become of him.
  4. Once you've signed on to become a personal toxic cum dump, you've got to share the rest of the details, PLEASE! Excellent start!
  5. Excellent start! Boned by the comments of the first breeder! Please keep up your wonderful adventure tale. Spin the wheel!
  6. Excellent series of descent followed by ascension. New directions, new opportunities, a new life are always good. Thanks for a wonderfully written story series!
  7. Are you exclusively barebacking, and does your doctor know the degree to which you bareback? I am guessing that his caution may be based on the belief that you would use condoms if not on PREP. I think he wants to avoid a false sense of security when there are other STD (like HEP C) that one could contract. If you are an exclusive barebacker, and the doc knows that, then he is being irresponsible in not prescribing PREP automatically to minimize exposure to HIV.
  8. Age means nothing. I've known guys who are 20 with whom I wouldn't have sex. An 80 year old, giving permission for you to fuck him, could be awesome. He came of age in a time of liberated sex, and he could be a tiger in bed. There can't be anything wrong with it, unless you are turned off, and then you should let him go. However, if you want to fuck him, then do it. Have fun.
  9. As a former Chicagoan, I'm really eager to see where this goes. Since it's set in 1985, I was happy to see "Sears Tower" rather than that other name. And the CTA alone can create all sorts of adventures! Thanks for the memories of my former longtime home.
  10. This story touches so many of my darkest fantasies and dreams! Excellent writing and dialog! Thanks for two boner-producing chapters! Truly looking forward to all of the sequels!
  11. Both of these videos are several years old, and while they are sad and pathetic, both individuals have changed their positions, and so posting these is unnecessary and obsolete. Regarding Republicans and gays: As with any party, there are individuals who support equality, and individuals who don't. I am not Republican, but I will say that there are many Republicans who support equality for all people; their party choice is economic and not social, though the two are often hard to separate. I think it is better to frame the original question in terms of religious background, and too many Republicans believe that the US is a Christian country, when it isn't. It is a secular country. Religious doctrine should play no role in legislation, and those who forget that, will find their legislation challenged judicially, and it will be overturned based on both federal law, and Supreme Court precedent.
  12. I would call him "often."
  13. FUCK! This is one of the hottest stories I've ever read. Totally boned and dripping thinking about it happening to me!
  14. As a former Chicagoan, I enjoyed this narrative. I look forward to what Joel encounters, and how it might parallel my own experiences.
  15. Seeking evil, perverted phone (# and kinks in profile) from men who want to pollute, contaminate and trash me.

  16. Still stuck at home. Available for nasty phone (# and kinks in profile) from men who want to do their worst to me.

  17. I'd love to hear from men into the kinks in my profile. Let's start with sick perverted phone (# in profile), and then see if we can make it IRL. THANKS!

  18. Obviously that Daddy knows BEST! Such a great story about how a son is going to get exactly what he needs and deserves! Looking forward to the next chapter (also looking forward to someone doing this to me!).
  19. If your doctor is prescribing antibiotics for the flu, which is a viral disease, s/he's an idiot. Antibiotics only work on bacterial diseases.
  20. I'll be home most of the time until early January, so please call for nasty phone if you get into the kinks in my profile. My # is there, too. Thank you.

  21. GREAT holiday story! It really gets me into a festive, celebratory mood! Love the term "spiced up eggnog." Definitely looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you!
  22. Love the line in Chapter 4 when Anthony whispered sweet nothings into Gary's ear: "You need to die". Fuck! Why does that bone me?
  23. I see that the OP hasn't been on this site since the very day he posted his last response to this thread. For whatever that's worth.
  24. Awesome concept! Very creative, and this first chapter is really well-written. Looking forward to more!
  25. The quick answer is "No." I worked for an international dental organization for almost a dozen years, and I'm a trained biologist. If you have bruising from cocks in your throat, the dentist can see that, but he won't know why. He may ask. You can tell him that you are rigorous in brushing your tongue for hygiene purposes, and that you often hit the back of your throat with your toothbrush. He will probably tell you to calm down, but that will be the extent of it. It is also very unlikely that cocks will bruise your throat, because they are soft tissue, but an aggressive top could cause a bruise. Just blame it on exuberant tongue brushing if anything comes up.
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