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Everything posted by BarebackFan

  1. How messy does it get when you piss with a cage on? Can you piss at a urinal or do you have to sit?
  2. The past year has been quite remarkable. Andrew, Mike and I came through our sero-conversion with flying colors, and we all have Grade-A HIV coursing through our veins. Blake joined us on the trip to Windy City Tattoo to get an additional biohazard tattoo and to guide us through the process, since he has been there already. We all coordinated with the owner, Zak, regarding the standard biohazard tattoo above our cocks, and then put in our requests for our secondary tatts. Zak is poz and provides each recent Conversion Club success a premier experience. Blake got some color added to his pubic tattoo so that it will stand out more against his black skin, and got his second biohazard on his arm. The arm tattoo peeks out from underneath t-shirt/polo shirt sleeves. Andrew's second tattoo is on his right pec, placed so the bottom points of the symbol look as if they are pinchimg his nipple. Usually the biohazard symbol rests on upward facing curves, his is rotated slightly to create the pinchers. He also did that on his pubic tat so it looks like it's pinching his cunt. And my long-time friend Mike got his second biohazard tattoo on the back of his neck, and it shows above his t-shirt/polo shirts. I got a pec biohazard and it got it place so it shows when I wear a tank top. During warm weather if I don't have a tank top on, I'm shirtless, so I'm proud to announce my poz status anytime I can. Once the tatts were healed, it wasn't that big of a shock for the guys at the gym to see them, since there are a couple other Conversion Club members that go there ... other than the implied announcement that Mike, Andrew and I are now toxic. And we quickly learned it pays to advertise ... there are a lot of closet chasers out there that we've helped along their path. The three of us new Conversion Club members had our chance at pozzing willing initiates at a recent meeting. There were two guys, one from out of state, who wanted to lose their neg status. We all were totally into it, including Andrew who donated to the blood slam. On Tuesday afternoon I got a call from Doctor Woods asking if I was available to housesit for him over the weekend. He and Dr. Grant are heading to a medical conference and their usually house sitter had to cancel. "Yeah, I can do that," I replied, "I don't have anything going on and it will be nice to lay by the pool to get some color." "Excellent," he replied, "stop by tonight and you can pick up keys. We're on an early flight on Wednesday." "I'll see you then," I replied. After work I changed into my workout gear for the gym, and then headed over to Justin and Brad's place to pick up house keys. Brad met me at the door just wearing shorts and no shirt. He has such a pretty body, and his biohazard tattoo just makes him even hotter. "Hey Rik, great to see you!" he said. I replied, "Great to see you too, stud!" giving his nipple a tweak. Brad said, "That biohazard looks awesome ... nicely done!" He pulled my tank-top up so he could get a better look at my new ink. I grabbed his basket and said with a wink, "Your biohazard looks awesome too ... too bad it's covered up." He unzipped his shorts so they fell to the ground and then bent me over so I could suck his poz cock and get it hard. His response was to thrust his cock into my mouth and giving a yell "Justin, dinner's here!" I heard Justin enter the room and he started laughing. It wasn't long before I felt his hands pulling off my shorts and shirt. Brad and Justin swapped positions and it wasn't long before I felt Brad's cock rubbing against my hole. I said, "I didn't prepare for taking loads ... " Brad said, "We don't care. Your ass begs for toxic cum and we're going to give it to you. Let's fuck in the shower ... easier cleanup afterwards." They have a huge shower area with a douche hose setup, which is amazing. It's not often when your doctor says, "My poz cum is going to bring your immune system to its knees." but I was begging for the fuck of death, so I guess I was into a humiliation scene. And they knew it. Brad fucked me for a and would pull out, wiping his dirty cock all over me. Justin would take his place fucking my hole and do the same thing. "Yeah, he's a dirty pig, isn't he? We should text some pics of him to the Conversion Club to blow his squeaky-clean cover." Fuck, that made me hard! While Justin was fucking me Brad said, "He has no idea he's getting a new med-resistant strain. Let's give him a double dose of what we've been working on." I'm not sure what this is about, but I liked the sound of it. I was in a state of bliss when Justin said "I need to cum inside this slut." Justin said "Yeah dude, hurry up so I can shoot my disease inside him!" With that, Justin blew his charged load inside my hole. It wasn't too long after that when Brad slid inside me to gave me his toxic cum. I could feel both of their loads pulse in my hole, and it felt fantastic. We showered off and I got the house keys and security code. They said I could invite Mike, Andrew and Blake over while I was house sitting. I asked Justin about the new HIV strain. He said, "I shouldn't have said anything about that. We're going to make an announcement at the next Conversion Club meeting. You'll get the whole story. It'll be worth the wait." I gave them a kiss and wished them a safe trip ... and promised to let their infected loads marinate in my ass all night. Late Saturday morning, Mike, Andrew and Blake joined me at Justin and Brad's place. The weather was warm and the pool was just as inviting. It wasn't long before the four of us were naked in the sun and pool enjoying some beers. About two beers in, I said, "I gotta go in and piss, anyone need a beer or water? Blake said, "I'll take a water ... and I'll take your piss too don't waste it." I said, "Sweet! I'll take yours too." I brought back two waters out to the pool deck and told Blake to get on his knees. He willingly complied by positioning his lips under my cock, waiting for my flow to start. I told him, "Here it comes" and he wrapped his lips onto the tip of my cock, and then drank me dry. We switched places so I could drink from his cock. It doesn't take much to get his cock too hard to piss ... and I enjoy getting him stimulated. I lightly rub his piss slit with my tongue and drives him wild. "Dude, you're killing me ... I really got to piss!" It wasn't long until I got to take in all his hot piss. Once he was drained dry, I got up and gave him a deep passionate kiss. I said, "I hope I get a lot more of your cock today." He said, "It's a deal." After some time of sunning, my cellphone rang and I saw it was my younger brother, Tommy, calling me. "Tommy! What's going on?" "Hey Rik, I'm in town for a couple days to enjoy the weekend. You available to get together? It's been a long time." "Yeah, I'm house sitting through the weekend and you'd like the place. Mike is here with me now by the pool, along with a couple friends. You should stop over." "Perfect. I was hoping to hook up with Mike this weekend too, so this works great." I gave Tommy the address for the Uber driver and let the guys know Tommy was coming over. Andrew's first question was, "Please tell me he's going to be cool with us being naked." Mike said, "When they were growing up, Rik and Tommy never had clothes on when their parents were not home. It won't be a problem." Blake said, "Have you told him you're poz yet?" I said, "No, not yet, but I think my tattoos will tell him all he needs to know." The doorbell rang and I put on a pair of shorts to let Tommy in the house. I gave him a hug and saw him glance at the biohazard. I said, "Let's go to the pool, the guys are out there." Andrew, Mike and Blake were in the pool when Tommy walked out there. I shucked off my shorts and said, "This is a naked only event ... get undressed." Tommy quickly threw off his clothes and sat on an open chaise lounge and the guys came out of the pool for introductions. Mike gave Tommy a hug and said, "Hey stud, good to see you. You're still a younger version of Rik ... it's crazy." Tommy laughed and said, "You look the same too ... except for those amazing nipples. They're getting huge!" Tommy rubbed his finger over one nip and took a quick suck on the other one. Both Mike and Tommy's cocks started getting aroused from the attention. I interjected to introduce the other guys standing next to me before they started fucking right in front of us, "Tommy, this is Andrew and this is Blake." Handshakes and nipple tweaks all around and then we took a seat on the lounges. Tommy said, "I gotta ask ... What's with the biohazard tattoos?" I asked, "You like them?" He replied, "Yeah ... they're pretty cool, but I'm used to seeing them on poz guys." I said, "Yep ... and we are." "All four of you?" "Yeah, all of us." "Dude ... that's crazy. Undetectable, right?" "Actually, we're not. We're unmedicated and pretty toxic." "Whoa ... that's hot!" Tommy had a smile on his face, and I looked around ... so did the other guys at this point. Tommy's cock started to get hard again. I said, "Well, this isn't the reaction I thought you'd have. Since you never really came out to me, I didn't know how you would take this news. Your cock tells me you're cool with being around poz guys." That was an understatement. Tommy's cock was fully hard by now, and the other guys were rock hard watching his cock fill out. Even Andrew was hard with his nub sticking out. Tommy said, "I dated a poz guy at school. He was really sexy ... great cock ... but was scared to death of getting his cum near me. He wasn't on meds and he made me go on PrEP but he was still to frightened to fuck me. I asked, "so he wouldn't fuck you at all?" He replied, "No ... and I wanted it bad." Mike asked, "You were into it even though he was poz?" Tommy shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yeah, he was hot and I wanted him. He never found out I never took the PrEP." Andrew said, "Sounds like you've been chasing a while." Tommy said, "Not really ... he was really special and it was different." Mike said, "I gotta piss here, anyone thirsty?" I said "Yeah, I haven't had yours yet today." I got down in front of Mike, pulled back his foreskin and rubbed my tongue over his PA ring. I said, "I love your pierced cock. I'm sure it helps get guys holes ready for your infected load. I might need to get mine done." Mike said, "Here's my piss..." and I drank him dry. Tommy checked out our boners and then smiled. He said, "I've never given or taken piss, but I really want to try it." I said, "Go grab something to drink and tank up." Blake said, "We just met, but I'll give you mine if you give me yours!" Tommy smiled and said, "We're just talking about piss, right?" Blake said, "Whatever you want, stud!" He came back with a beer and walked over to my chaise, brought his lips to my cock and said, "Let me taste your poz precum." With that, he inhaled my cock and brought my uncut cock fully hard. Tommy and I fooled around when we were sharing a bedroom, but this was different. Clearly, he's had practice sucking cock ... and he's totally cool with sucking poz cock. Andrew said, "If Tommy plays his cards right, he'll be poz before the sun goes down!" After a minute sucking my cock, he got up and moved over to Mike's cock. "Hope you're ok with me tasting everyone here," he said to nobody in particular. Mike said, "Hope you're ok with us sliding up your neg hole too!" Tommy didn't reply but spent some time sucking Mike's pierced uncut cock before moving over to Blake. Blake said, "Yeah, Tommy ... let me fuck your mouth before I fuck your hole ... just like I did to your big brother." He sucked Blake's cock for a couple minutes before moving over to Andrew. Tommy said, "This is new to me ... tell me what to do." Andrew smiled and said, "See my cock? Put it in your mouth and suck me." Andrew spread his legs and pulled Tommy's face firmly into his crotch. After a while Tommy came up for air and moved over to his chaise. He said, "That was amazing." I said to Tommy, "I have a question. Are you really chasing poz cum?" He paused and said, "I'm pretty sure I am." I said, "Pretty sure ... Listen, I would love to poz you ... and these guys could certainly help get it done. But "pretty sure" isn't good enough." Mike said, "It's a huge decision, Tommy. But it's the best one I ever made." Blake said, "I'd love to poz him. It would be just like when you and I first started fucking ... like poz breeding a clone of you." I said, "Let's take a break and go into the pool for a little bit and cool off before we do something stupid." We all jumped in the pool to cool off. It provided a break to clear our heads and talk about what might or might-not happen. Tommy swam over to me and asked "Did one of these guys poz you?" I smiled and said, "Wow ... this is going to be a little complicated. Here's the bumper sticker version: My doctor is poz and so are some of his employees. His husband is poz too. All of them fucked me bareback after I went off PrEP. Then I met Blake at the gym and he fucked me bareback afterwards on the night we met. Then the doctor arranged a conversion party for Mike, Andrew and I. We were guests of honor of the party. Not long after that I converted. So, in theory, Blake might have pozzed me, but I've had a lot of toxic, unmedicated loads before I converted." Tommy's eyes bugged out and his mouth was hanging open. You could tell he was trying to process what I just told him. The one part of his that already processed it was his cock ... his cock ... a mirror copy of mine ... was totally erect. I pulled my brother close to me and gave him a kiss. I told him, "I've wanted to fuck you for a very long time. Getting my cock inside you is the stuff dreams are made of. But things are different now. Talk to the other guys before you make your decision. We all want to fuck you ... but you'll be guaranteed to be poz afterwards." He replied, "Ok." Tommy swam over to Blake and asked, "So, do you think you're the one that pozzed my older brother?" Blake smiled and said, "Rik got a couple toxic loads into him before I got fucked him, but I'd like to think I'm his poz daddy. He did blood slams and one of those might have done it" Tommy said, "Besides having my older brother be the first one to breed me, it would be hot to have his breeder be the one to breed me." Blake grabbed Tommy's cock and said, "We'd have a lot of fun working to convert your hole, if you decided to go through with it." Mike was facing away from Tommy when he swam over to him. Tommy reached from behind and grabbed Mike's budding nipples. Mike said, "Easy big boy, those are really sensitive. Go lightly on them." Tommy eased up and lightly teased Mike's huge areolas. He then started kissing Mike's biohazard tattoo at the top of his neck. Tommy asked, "Did this hurt? It's so sexy." Mike said, "Just a little bit, but it was totally worth it. All of the guys in the Conversion Club have biohazard tattoos, and I love having guys see that I'm poz and toxic. It's so important to who I am." Tommy replied, "We've known each other all our lives. I think this is what I want. What should I do? I really like the idea of getting pozzed ... and you guys are awesome. I also think getting converted by the Conversion Club is a fantasy come true." Mike said, "Only you can make that decision." Lastly, Tommy went over to Andrew and reached out to stroke the biohazard on his chest. Andrew said, "Kiss it. Kiss my tatt." Tommy reached around to Andrew's legs to lift his tattoo out of the water and started lightly licking and kissing his biohazard mark. "Yeah Tommy, suck my tattoo and think about getting the virus in you." Andrew reached down to Tommy's cock and rubbed it up and down his lips. A couple times, Andrew slipped Tommy's cock inside him, being careful to avoid having him cum ... just yet. Andrew said, "You know getting infected is a one-way trip, right?" Tommy replied, "Yeah, the risk makes sex with guys so much hotter. Any guy can be poz." Andrew said, "You ever have sex with a guy and then worry that you were unsafe." Tommy said, "Yeah, a couple times." By then, Mike, Blake and Rik were standing around them. "I don't like condoms ... nobody does." Andrew replied, "We don't worry about that any longer. We fuck whomever we want and we don't care about them being poz. We take poz cum and sometimes poz blood and it just makes our virus stronger." Tommy said, "That would be so fucking hot to have you guys convert me ... but the Conversion Club ... as scary as that sounds ... would be amazing." Mike said, "Think about it ... you don't have to decide this minute." We moved over to the lounge chairs to dry off. I hugged Tommy and said, "Whatever you decide, I support you 100%. You're my baby brother and I'll love you always." He said, "I'm you're 6'4" baby brother ... and I love you too. I've wanted you to fuck me as long as I can remember ... I didn't know how to ask for it." He and I made out for a couple minutes, and then he leaned over and kissed the biohazard tattoo on my chest. Blake reached over and lightly stroked Tommy's nipple saying, "Remember, that tattoo has to be earned. You have to take toxic cum to earn that." Tommy whispered, "I want that." Standing behind him, Mike pulled Tommy's ass cheeks apart to get his tongue up and down his crack. I pulled Tommy down further to move his lips from my chest biohazard to my pubic tattoo. He started licking my uncut cock but I moved it away, instead focusing his attention to my tattoo. "Yeah, suck my tattoo ... It is the tattoo you earn with the Conversion Club. It means we're all infected with HIV and we're not going on meds." Tommy whispered, "I want that." I moved my uncut cock towards his lips and then spread my poz precum on his lips. I milked my cock a couple times so there was a lot of it get get on them. "Taste my infected precum, little brother. It first goes on these lips ... and then the virus goes on your asslips." Tommy whispered, "I want that." I put my hands on his head to bring him up and had him stand up to look in my eyes. I asked, "It sounds like you want a lot of things in general, but we're interested in hearing exactly what it is." Tommy said, “I want to piss.” I said, “Really? That’s what you have to say? He said, “Dude … I gotta piss, so how about you help a brother out. I’ve never pissed in a guy’s mouth before, so help me out.” I got on my knees and put his neg uncut cock in my mouth. I never realized how fat my cock is, and it takes having an identical one to mine to bring it home. After a moment he started a slow stream of piss … and I drained him dry without missing a drop. He said, “That was amazing. It felt like an extended orgasm. I want more of that.” I said, “Oh, you’ll get more of that … and whatever else you decide on … which brings us back to the question … are you leaving tonight negative or are you going to walk out of here poz?” Tommy thought about it for a minute and said, "I know what I want. I want you guys to fuck me and poz me. I want my big brother to breed me first, and then Blake. I want Rik to have the first chance at pozzing me, and then next the guy that bred him. After Blake, I want Mike to fuck me with his piercing in his cock, and then I want Andrew to infect me next. After that, I'd like to meet the Conversion Club guys at the next meeting and have them breed me. That's exactly what I want. I want to earn my biohazard and be proud of getting your HIV."
  3. Some of the FTM guys are really sexy. I have regular breeding/insemination/impregnation fantasies involving a FTM stud.
  4. Yeah, interested in hearing from guys who have attended one of these. Sounds like fun.
  5. I was very close to cumming. I was being fucked by a really hot guy - who happened to be a doctor. He was fucking me in an exam room, and I was quite aware the doctor's assistant could hear the doc's thighs slapping against my butt. Add to that, I had agreed to take his viral poz load. Fuck this was hot! To his credit, Dr. Woods threw a really hot fuck. His ample cock probed my hole in every direction possible as he long-dicked me, making sure I felt every inch of his cock as he withdrew it from my hole ... and likewise felt every inch again when he slammed it back in. "You doing OK?" he asked mid-stroke. Nodding, I replied "Yeah, this is hot as fuck." Dr. Woods smiled saying "I'm painting your guts with my toxic precum. You're going to love being poz." "I know." "You gonna share your gift once you convert?" "Yeah, I'm sure I will." "Good ... you'll be a great breeder ... this is a special strain I'm giving you ... you ready for my poz load?" "Yeah, give it to me stud!" Dr. Woods didn't really need to tell me he was getting ready to blow his charged load inside my hole. Like a lot of guys with whom I've played, his chest hairy chest started getting flushed, and his abs and pecs were visually tightening, almost as if all the muscles in his body were tensing up to shoot his cum even harder inside me. His breathing became erratic as he started gasping for breath. We were in a marathon and he is getting close to the finish line. "I'm coming now!" "Yeah, give it to me!" "Fuck!" "Breed me!" "Take my poz load!" "Fucking infect me!" He kept churning his huge load inside me, pushing his demon seed further into my body. After a while his strokes stopped, and, his cock lodged in my hole for a minute or so, he struggled to catch his breath as he commented "I want to let my disease to soak into you for a couple minutes. Just remain still for a minute." With that Dr. Woods withdrew his cock from my hole and pulled his pants up while I marinated in his juices. He reached out and spreading my legs apart, he rubbed his fingers over my abused hole. After feeling the heat of my hole, he stuck two fingers inside me and moved them around. He pulled them out and saw there was mucus, his infected semen and a little bit of blood. Leaving his shirt off, and said, "I'll be right back." Laying naked on the table, his charged load full inside my hole, I was startled when Dr. Woods walked back into the room, accompanied by a very tall man, perhaps as tall as 6'6". "I hope you don't mind," Dr. Woods explained, "but I have someone you need to meet. This is Kevin." Kevin was clearly poz, and clearly really hot looking, with some evidence of facial wasting and extraordinarily prominent veins. Really quite sexy in a twisted way. Dr. Woods continued, "I figured since you were going to take my poz load, it wouldn't hurt to add one more load while we're here. I think you'll enjoy Kevin." Without saying anything, Kevin reached to me and felt my cock and balls, and then to my battered hole. He stuck a finger inside me, worked it around a little bit and then pulled it out ... and then licked the blood, mucus and toxic cum off. Just before he stepped out the door Dr. Woods remarked "I'll let you guys get to know each other, but I'll be back." With that, Kevin took off his shirt, showing a (sexy) veiny wasted body complete with KS lesions on his chest, arms and legs. Once he was totally undressed, his big cock started to get totally erect. Right above his cock was a big biohazard tattoo, almost a sign warning anyone who might consider his fuck. I had never seen KS lesions before in person, so I reached over to get a feel of one of them, saying, "Hi, Kevin, hope it's okay to touch you. These lesions are kinda sexy." Smiling, Kevin took my hand in his, guided my fingers in exploring his lesions while his other hand played with his cock. Kevin said, "Yeah, fucking AIDS so toxic it shows on my skin. You'd look amazing with some KS spots." He was a totally twisted fuck, and knew how to get me totally boned. Without realizing it, I instinctively spread my legs to expose my hole. I needed to get his diseased load inside me. Stepping between my legs, Kevin positioned his hard cock close to my hole saying, "Hey, guy, check this out." Stroking his cock a couple times, he squeezed his shaft full length, obviously intended to push a yellow mucus oozed out of his piss slit. "What's that?" I asked. "You're going to get a little gonorrhea along with my toxic cum. You'll convert faster." Before I could react to it, he slid inside my hole and started fucking the daylights out of me. His diseased cock felt amazing. Even if I really wasn't chasing poz cum, the fuck was amazingly hot. While he was fucking me, he leaned over and we started making out. He was a great kisser and it didn't distract from his need to breed. He straightened up, kept fucking me, then stuck his tongue out. He had a patch of KS on his tongue. I was sucking one of his lesions while we were making out. Kevin finally said, "I'm getting really close to blowing my load inside you ...beg for my disease." "Fuckin' breed my hole, Kevin. Give me what you've got, stud!" "Yeah, dude ... I'm breeding you right now ... feel the poison infect you," Kevin gasped and grunted when he came inside me, his diseased cock slamming balls-deep into my asshole, making it bleed even more. His veins, already huge, popped out like crazy. This sexy man, who looked like the worst AIDS case from the 80's, just gave me the fuck of death. As Kevin was recovering from his orgasm, Dr. Woods came back into the room. Still shirtless, he stood behind Kevin, reached around and stroked his nips, calmly commenting "With our two strains, sexy Blake here will certainly have the fuck flu soon. He'll be a great addition to our club." Wryly Kevin added, "And a little dose of the clap to the mix, just for grins." Dr. Woods smiled and said, "I fucking love Kevin's KS lesions." He leaned over and sucked one that's on Kevin's chest. "I'd love to bring KS back ... it's so sexy." They made out for a minute, letting Dr. Woods's tongue feel Kevin's tongue lesion. After a minute or so Kevin straightened up remarking "So fucking hot ...." With that, he wiped off his cock and started getting dressed. Dr. Woods helped me into a sitting position, handing me my clothing. As I sorted through my stuff I thanked the two, with a simple "That was totally hot." "Yeah, converting neg hole is fucking awesome." "Have you pozzed a lot of guys?" "Several. I pozzed the guy that gave you your first poz load." "Rob?" "Yeah." "Fuck." "Yeah." It was as if the virus was a lineage or heredity being passed down. I could trace back my strain to Dr. Woods, and who knows how far back after him. That was kinda hot. "Who pozzed you," I asked Dr. Woods. "Kevin bred me and my husband. We're hoping to get as sick as Kevin is." At that point I realized I had connected the dots between my first poz fuck:, Rob, and then Dr. Woods and then Kevin. It was almost as if we were now fucking related or something. As I reached for my jeans Dr. Woods asked "Do you like my biohazard tattoo?" "I was kinda shocked to see it, quite honestly. Do people ever see it? What about when you are at the gym?" "I'm proud of being poz, and that's why I got the tattoo. My partner has one as well. There's no value in hiding who I am. I had it done big enough to show when I have my shirt off. I’m proud of being a poz gay man. My disease is an important part of who I am. You should consider getting one as soon as you earn it." As I was pulling on my pants, Dr. Woods noticed a little pool of cum and blood that leaked out of my hole. He said, "That looks good. If Rob's load isn't already attacking your system, then my load and Kevin's will give it the knock-out punch. I'm glad Rob got to you first." I thought for a minute and said, "Wait, how did you know Rob and I fucked? I didn't tell you his name, but you knew." Dr. Woods smiled and said, "Your breeding didn't just happen. It's been planned. And you're not done yet. I'm having some guys over to my place on Saturday. Kind of a special club ... a sex party with some hot guys." I replied, "Poz guys?" "Yeah, they're all poz and unmedicated. Some really toxic loads in the group. They'll really love you and your sexy body," Dr. Woods replied. "Okay, but who was involved in planning my pozzing?" Dr. Woods answered "Just come to my place on Saturday. All of your questions will be answered."
  6. A guy on Facebook has recently related his recently HIV+ diagnosis that occurred as he was taking Truvada. Per his post: "My doctor told me (and I could hear the shock in his voice) that I had proper levels of Truvada in my blood, hower I had indeed contracted that rare, one in a million strain of HIV, you know, the one that we think, "oh that won't happen to me" strain. Truvada failure is rare but not unknown or unreported. It's like wining the PowerBall or getting struck by lightning ... but it does happen. Of course, my question would be, does this recently-pozzed guy also carry the Truvada-breaking strain of HIV?
  7. I sucked the cocks of my three best friends in the school boys restroom when we were in the 5th grade. Didn't suck to completion, but had them in my mouth...which was pretty cool at the time.
  8. Blake's backstory I've always barebacked. I've never had a condom on me or in me. I have a hard enough time with latex bandages, I can't imagine having something in my ass or on my cock that would cause me problems. My twin brother and I started having sex years ago, way before I got pozzed. Marshall and I would breed and seed all the time when our parents were out of the house ... and when our sister was willing to give us a little private time. She knew we were fucking and was cool about it. It didn't take long for us to graduate from jacking off in the same bedroom, to jacking each other off. It took a little longer for Marshall to get comfortable with oral, and I was the one to get his cock in my mouth. "Come on," I said, enticing him by suggesting "just let me just taste your precum ... just this once." I had no intention to settling for just a taste, but I had to start somewhere.We were both on the swim team in junior high, high school and college, and clearly that's when our interest in guys sparked. We were the only black guys on the team, and swim team was awesome, since there was guaranteed time under the showers to show off and get a feel of the other guys. We'd get hard at the shower and at the lockers I would suck Marshall in front of the other guys, and that would give them boners, which made it cool to taste their cocks. I guess our big, black, uncut cocks were exotic to them, which was fine with us. Fast forward to more recently, Marshall and his boyfriend Ron threw a New Year's Eve party at their place. They had a steady stream of guys come over to the house to have a drink, and one of them was a friend of theirs named Rob. I had heard about Rob before, as his dick was legendary. In fact it was said to be beautiful. Asking Ron about Rob, he replied "Rob's a sweetheart. We've played with him for years. And yeah, his cock is beautiful. Just ask to see it. He loves showing it off." Rob's cock might have been beautiful, but he was a really sexy man. About 6' 1", 180#, light brown hair, and sexy scruff on his face. His chest hair fanned out from his shirt collar across his chest and down his torso, inviting one to follow the trail all the way down.As the night was winding down, I took my shot, introducing myself to Rob saying "Hi, I'm Blake.""Hey Blake, I'm Rob. I'm glad you introduced yourself. I've heard a lot about you from your brother and Ron." I said, "I hope it was all good things."Rob said, "Marshall said you were identical to him in every way. I was hoping to see for myself."With a smile I said, "I'd love that."We got to my place and it wasn't long before I was naked in front of Rob allowing him to get his hands all over my body. It was an act of erotic submission, standing naked in front of a clothed stranger having him touch and fondle me. "You're beautiful," he said, as he slid a finger under my foreskin with one hand and felt my balls with his other. I was already oozing precum from his erotic touch. I said, "You knew what you were going to see when you walked in the door. How about I get a look at your body?" In moments we were both naked and it was my turn to explore his sexy body. From his sexy scruff, to his hairy pecs, following down the treasure trail that ends in a full pubic bush. And then the cock. It's a beautiful cut cock. Fully erect it hugged his pubes, sticking straight up, with a small bubble of precum showing at the tip. From underneath, his cock was wide and thick. When I took hold of it, the top of his cock had almost a wide, flat shape that really showed off sexy veins there. Now I know what the big deal is.I instinctively dropped to my kneeds to get a taste of his precum, which by now was dripping on its own. He oozed a copious amount of precum, and it was delicious. I couldn't get enough of it. After a short while, he suggested "Let's go to the bed."As we climbed into bed I let him know "I gotta feel your cock inside me."Rob smiled and said, "I was hoping I'd have a chance to breed you. I've been hoping all night to slide my cock inside you."I reached into the side table for some lube. I put some on my hole and some onto his throbbing cock. Rob said, "Sweet ... Bareback is so much better." I said, "Yeah, I can't do condoms ... and unless you have something I don't want, I want to feel you shoot your load in my hole." As he gently entered my hole, he whispered, "You'll love what I can do to you."And I did. He fucked me on my back, on my side, doggy style...it was amazing. His thick girth took some getting used to, but Rob took his time working inside me. My hole was definitely stretched by his size, but it felt amazing. During one of the many times we changed positions, I noticed the lube had some pink in it. I was surprised and he was really gentle when fucking me. In fact I'd say we weren't just fucking, we were making love. There was a definite connection as he was thrusting his cock inside me. As we switched up again, I found myself on my back, as he wanted to see my face as he asked "You ready to cum? I'm ready to give you one more load." I smiled replying "You came once already? That's hot! I had no idea." He said, "Yeah, and I want you to cum with me this time." I said, "Yeah, stud. Breed me again. Give it to me!" With a couple more thrusts, he did give it to me, one more of his loads. His sexy big cock looked amazing going inside my black hole. And when he came, I shot my load as well ... onto his furry chest and sexy abs. Perfect timing, so my ass throbbed at the same time as he was pulsing inside my hole. It was amazing.After recovering from a thorough fuck session, we got into the shower together to clean off, making out in the shower. All the while I did my best to keep his load inside me. It's just something I do. I hate when guys I breed go to the toilet right away to get rid of it. We both got dressed and as Rob was heading to the door, he said, "That was awesome. You and Marshall are great sex. I'd love to have you two together sometime." I smiled and said, "I'm sure he'd be up for that. We love three-ways." He said, "He's a sweetheart. When I converted, Marshall took care of me the whole time. He's such a good guy." "Converted? You're poz?" "Yeah. You're on Truvada like Marshall and Ron, right?" I said, "No. What's Truvada? Are you undetectable?" "No, I'm not undetectable as I'm not on any HIV meds. My load is pretty toxic. Don't freak out, though. You can have this taken care of in the next couple days. I figured you were cool taking a poz load. I'm so sorry." I said, "Can't do anything about it right now. I'll follow-up tomorrow." Rob apologized again and we kissed at the doorstep. The next day I called Marshall to let him know what happened. He answered the phone and it was clear he and Ron were still in bed as he asked "Hey Bro. Happy New Year. Did you and Rob hookup?" "Yeah, we did. He pozzed me. How come you didn't tell me he was poz?" "Sorry, I didn't think about it. He's probably on meds anyway. I wouldn't worry." "Dude, he said he's not on med and he's toxic." "Did he cum inside you?" "Yeah, twice!" "Hold on," Marshall said, apparently turning to Ron who was presumably next to him in bed. He tried covering the mouthpiece, but I could still hear the conversation.Marshall: "Hey, Rob tagged Blake's hole last night."Ron: "Sweet ... that must have been amazing. How many loads?"Marshal: "He said Rob gave him two loads of his nasty cum."Ron: "Oh fuck. That's hot. Getting me totally boned."Marshall: "Yeah, it got me boned too." Marshall came back to the line and said, "Don't freak out. Go see Dr. Woods to get PEP. He's next to the grocery store. That'll keep you from converting. You'll be fine."As Marshall spoke with me, his breath became increasingly irregular and I could hear Ron making slurping noises. I asked, "Is he sucking your cock right now?" "Yeah, sorry Bro, he is. I'm kinda getting off on the idea of Rob pozzing you. I know, it's weird." "Yeah, just a little bit. Anyway, have fun. I'll talk to you tomorrow."That day was New Year's Day, so I made a point to call Dr. Woods the next morning. Of course, when I called, the office was closed for an extended holiday, but would be open on the third. From what I read, that was the day by which I needed to start PEP in order to avoid converting to poz.I called on the morning of the 3rd to request an appointment. The receptionist said they would have an appointment the next week for me. I explained that I was exposed to HIV needed to start PEP right away. She said, "Let me see what I can do," and then put me on hold.Seconds later another voice came on the line saying "Hi, this is Teddy. You were calling for an appointment today, correct?" "Yes, I was exposed to HIV on New Year's Eve and I'd like to start meds." "Oh, okay. Are you a current patient?" "No, I'm not seeing a doctor at this time." "Hold on. Let me see what we can do for you." He came back on the line and asked," We'll stay late for you, can you come in today at 5:00?" "Yeah, time is running out, I need an appointment right away." "Don't worry, we will take care of you at 5:00 PM."I've been anxious ever since Rob shot his load in my hole, but in a way, it was kinda erotic that his toxic DNA was inside me. Thankfully there was a pill to put a stop to the virus.I left work early and arrived at the Doctor's office on time. As I walked in the door, I was greeted by a really hot guy ... an Italian looking, hairy stud who opened saying "You must be Blake. I'm Teddy. We talked on the phone. Come on back."I followed Teddy and he placed me in an exam room. He said, "You're here for PEP, correct?" "Yes, I was exposed to HIV a couple days ago." "Okay. Go ahead and undress to your underwear, and hop on the table. The doctor will be in to talk with you."In a couple minutes, Dr. Woods, a tall, lean and very sexy man entered the exam room. Not only was he hot, I was sitting in my underwear, struggling not to show my appreciation by popping a hard-on."I'm Doctor Woods. Thanks for coming to our office today." I shook his hand, and he took a seat close to the table, as he added "I understand you've been exposed to HIV. Tell me about that.""There's not much to tell. I had unprotected sex with a guy. He came inside my ass, and then I found out he's poz and unmedicated."Dr. Woods didn't really flinch at my description of what happened, but instead responded "Okay, I have a couple questions for you. Is there a chance he has a low viral load?" "He said he was toxic.""Wow. And you're sure he came in your hole?" "Yeah, he came in me twice." "Wow. Not a lot of guys can do that. Did you notice blood in your stool afterwards?" "Yeah, there was some."Dr. Woods said, "All right then, let me have a look at you. Go ahead and slip off your underwear and lay on your back."Once I was back on the table and he started listening to my heart and feeling my neck, my cock started responding to his touch. He felt around my abs and then down towards my groin, saying "Blake, turn to your left side. I'm going to examine your rear end to see if there's still soreness." I was a bit embarrassed, but supposed his focus was to be expected, particularly when seeing a doctor for the first time.He applied some jelly to his finger and eased inside my hole, saying "Yes, you're a little swollen down there." He continued with the in-and-out of his finger, and it started feeling good. Too good. When, a few seconds later he remarked "Go ahead and lay on your back again," there was no hiding my erection. I was fully hard and leaking precum. Dr. Woods then asked "Do you usually fuck bareback?" "Yeah, I'm allergic to latex." "Yeah, you're not alone. I only bareback too. It's just better all the way around." "Then I'm sure you understand I don't want to be poz, which is why I want PEP." Dr. Woods started lightly stroking my cock and said, "PEP isn't the answer you want. It's nasty. A miserable experience. You'd hate it."He was making my cock feel really good ... and if he didn't stop soon, I'd blow a load.I said, "But converting to poz isn't the answer. It the road I don't want to go on."Dr. Woods said, "I'm surprised to hear that. I'm poz. My husband is poz. B eing poz is the best thing that ever happened to our sex life. Fucking without fear is liberating, and it sounds like sooner or later, you're going to convert on your own. Convert under my care and I'll make sure you're okay. I'll make your dreams come true."With that, he bent over and took my cock in his mouth. He slowly swallowed my entire cock and rested his nose in my pubes. It was so fucking erotic, it was amazing. His slow sucking was agonizing but mesmerizing. This man knew what he was doing.I heard his belt-buckle drop to the floor. He pulled off me to show me his huge uncircumcised cock. The unbuttoned his shirt and I saw a biohazard tattoo in his pubes. I've always admired those tattoos, even if the meaning of the tattoo was disconcerting. Then Dr. Woods paused in sucking me, saying "I can stop right now, write you a script for PEP, and you can walk out the door. Or you can let me load your hole with my toxic load. Let me poz your hole and I'll guarantee you'll convert soon and you can put the fear behind you. I think you want this poz cock, don't you?"I didn't know what to think. My cock certainly wanted Dr. Woods inside me, infecting me with his disease. He did make a good point about fucking without fear. I don't know how I have dodged the bullet all this time. I took a couple fingers to scoop up some of my precum and then reached over to put it on Dr. Woods' cock, saying "Breed me. Breed me now before I change my mind."
  9. Excellent writing. I love how you integrated the creative elements into the story. Nicely done, stud.
  10. What would be included in the medical history?
  11. There's an education campaign being done by some guys that do porn, pairing poz (undetectable) and neg (on PrEP) guys to have bareback sex. Their site is http://porn4prep.com/. I first read about it in the PrEP Facts Facebook group. I found the video on pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59ade2f04e8c0&t=0&utm_source=porn4prep.com&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=embed-title-html5 It's more of an education piece, with interviews breaking up the sex scene. And the sex scene isn't as smokin' hot as I was hoping it would be. I would have rather seen a unmedicated guy fuck the guy on PrEP, but I suppose they're taking baby steps. But ... if it helps someone who's paralyzed in fear and afraid to have bareback sex, it might be worthwhile.
  12. Sit on his cock and ride it until he fills you.
  13. Any chance you are referring to HIV Equal? www.hivequal.com
  14. I lost track of my fellow inductees for a while. I was inside enjoying being naked with all the other guys. What I found in this club was the freedom of being sexual with other men without the usual posturing and bullshit. It I wanted to experience a guy’s cock for a couple minutes or an hour, that was cool. If I was talking to a group of guys and a guy rubbed his cock against my gaping rosebud, it was cool too to let him explore my hole. And of course, no drama about are you “neg or poz.” It was great to talk to them about their biohazard tattoos, in particular each man seemed a very individual take on the meaning of the tattoo, and, of course, given all of the men had been given a biohazard tattoo on the crotch, just above his cock, the placement of their second biohazard tattoo was no less revealing, why it was important for some guys to have the second tattoo hidden, and others chose to be tattooed in a location which was visible in the course of daily life. It was after midnight, and the Conversion Club members were slowly saying their goodbyes. The four of us felt given the amount of poz cum, and the blood slams that I did, we're pretty well set for seroconversion. We grabbed our stuff from the clothes check and thanked everyone for their hospitality and for sharing their infection with us. The four of us exhanged cell numbers and e-mails so we can hang out soon. I gave Mike a kiss, stuck my hand down his pants and said, "I want more time exploring those nipples ... maybe I'll get some too." He said, "I was hoping you would!" I switched off and kissed Andrew and said, "I want more of you!" He said, "You didn't stick your hand down my shorts ... I don't believe you." With that I turned him around, slid my hand down the front of his shorts and inserted two fingers inside. I asked "Believe me now?" I pulled my hand out, and he grabbed it and suck my fingers dry. "Yeah, we're good," he chuckled with a smile, adding "Yeah, we're definitely good." Blake asked "Hey, I took Uber, can you give me a ride? I said, "Yes, of course." We got in the car and I put the top down ... it was still a beautiful night. "Where's your shirt," Blake asked. "I didn't bring one. You're overdressed ... take your shirt off." "Just my shirt?" "For now ... and undo the top button of your shorts. I might need in there." I likewise undid my button and pulled the zipper down a little bit. I asked him, "Can we stay together tonight?" He said, "I was going to ask the same thing. My place is closer and I have an underground garage. Let's go there." We were back in traffic again, really the only one way to go ... so I reached over and unzipped his shorts so I could grope him. He did the same to me ... and it did not go unnoticed. Guys in trucks and people walking on the sidewalk saw us ... and we didn't care. We parked at Blake's building and got into the elevator. I pulled his shorts down and then my shorts ... and when the door opened I led the way out of the elevator, naked, carrying my shorts. He said, "You are a nut!" Once inside, I suggested "Wanna get a shower. I, for one, smell and feel gross! "I'm one step ahead of you. I've got the shower heating up and towels set aside." Before we stepped into the shower, he took my arm and removed the bandage from the blood slam, licked the injection point, and said, "Just for good measure." We got under the rainfall shower head and let the sweat and body fluids roll off us. It felt good. "You know," he said, "We both have a butt-full of cum in our holes." I said, "Yeah, I've been focused on keeping it all in." He gave me a kiss and said, "I think it's okay to let it out now." I smiled and said, "I want it on my chest!" "You what?" "I want to lie down on the floor and I want you to squat over my chest and let your ass juices flow all over my chest." His cock jerked and rose to attention, which merited my rye observation "I see you hate that idea." I got down on the shower floor and he positioned his cock near my mouth and his hole over my pecs. He slowly opened up and cum, plus a little mucus and blood, came oozing out. It was hot to see his hole open up for me. I slid two or three fingers in and out of his hole, then re-positioned him over my crotch so I could plunge my cock in and out of his hole, just to get it all out ... at least that's what I told him. We didn't wipe his ooze off, but I traded places with him so I could give him my ass slime. He was tugging on my foreskin trying to break concentration, but my cum loads needed to come out. I opened my hole to get it to gape open to let the bulk of it out, then I worked on pushing out my rosebud. I said, "Put your hand under my hole and leave it there." Once Blake's hand was in position, I put some pressure on my guts and my rosebud slowly pushed out onto his hand, profusely dripping the whole time, which earned Blake's exclamation "What The Fuck Is That!" "Blake, Feel it. Here, I'll push out more." "This is wild ... it feels amazing ... can I fuck it?" Blake asked. "If you don't I'll be really pissed off!" I retorted. He positioned his cock and slid my prolapsed rosebud over his big black cock. He used my flesh tube to jack his cock, his eyes rolling back in his head as he muttered "This is amazing ... I need this." "I thought you would like it." "I'm going to cum in it." "Yeah, one more toxic load can't hurt. Go for it!" Soon it was "fuck .. fuck.. fuck ... fuck... this is amazing ..fuck," as he shot his wad and his body shivered noticeably. He was in his happy place. We both stood up and watched the infected cum run off us. He wiped some of the cum from my abs and had me lick it off his finger. I said, "You're such a fucking pervert. Don't stop!" I wiped some cum off his biohazard tattoo and fed it to him as well. He turned on the shower, we dried off and went directly to bed. We slept the night soundly. The next morning as we were having coffee, our cell phones both alerted at the same time. We checked e-mail and read this message: ___ Conversion Club Members - Thank you for attending last night's meeting. I hope you enjoyed your time and helped our three inductees in their quest. Their contact information has been added to our Conversion Club database in our medical practice online portal, under the special access tab. We anticipate Rik and Andrew to display seroconversion symptoms anywhere around two weeks. There's a chance Mike will convert later, but we'll be standing by in the event they require special care. Feel free to message me through the portal. Hopefully we'll have good news in the next couple of weeks. Thanks again to all who shared their gift. Brad Woods ___ I said, "These are organized fuckers, aren't they?" "Yeah, totally. You'll get another one soon regarding your care package." And just like that, I received another e-mail message: ___ Conversion Club Inductees - Thank you for attending last night's meeting. It was getting getting to know (and breed) each of you. We're excited you're going on this journey with us. Seroconversion symptoms include: -fatigue (tiredness) -fever (high temperature) -sore throat -rash -headache -loss of appetite -aching muscles and joints -swollen lymph glands If your fever is over 103 degrees, please call Teddy immediately. Otherwise, send us a message if you experience the other symptoms. In the next couple of days, you will receive a care package from us to help us monitor your conversion. The package will include extra strength asprin, a thermometer and 12 bottles of Gatorade that will help replenish your electrolytes. There will also be six OroQuick HIV tests. Once your symptoms appear, take a test. If you continue to test negative, test again in three days if your symptoms continue. We have tentatively scheduled your time with Zak for your tattoos. You'll be going approximately five weeks from now. He will be in touch in about three weeks with fufther info. Please keep us in the loop. Brad Woods ___ I kept in contact with Andrew and Mike during the next couple weeks. We met up a couple times a week at the gym for classes and Blake met up with us for a couple of five mile runs. We talked about how the seroconversion might go and our trip to Chicago for our tattoos, and where we are going to place the biohazard tattoos once we earned them. Tuesday, Andrew started with a sore throat and then a headache. Wednesday, Mike complained of feeling flu-ish and swollen glands. Saturday afternoon Blake and I went for another five mile run. As I completed the circuit I wondered 'WTF? How can I not be sick?' Sunday night around 7:00 PM I was exhausted. I mean, just done. Around 9:30 PM I came down with a splitting a headache and a fever. I texted the guys, and received these replies: Rik: Great news .. I feel like shit! I think it's on! Andrew: Sweet! Mine is annoying... no big deal. Mike: Join the club... still feel like shit. Mike: Blake has been over a couple times to help out. Good guy. Blake: Excellent! I'll come over to monitor the fever. Rik: Thx ... door's unlocked. Blake walked into the bedroom all sweaty. I had to ask "Were you out on a run?" "Yeah, just finished when you texted. You look like shit!" I did look like shit. The fever had left me somewhat sweaty, and disinclined to do anything, so I was laying in bed, naked, using a a couple beach towels to soak-up the sweat. Blake stripped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes, remarking "Looks like I'll be here a while. I gotta cool down." I couldn't resist teasing him, saying "Get all the way naked and I'll definitely run a fever." He stepped out of his shorts and said, "Done. Let's see where your temperature is now." I was at 100 degrees, which was high but not alarming, but which certainly explained the sweat, and which earned Blake's comment, "Man, you're sexy when you're sweating." "I definitely don't feel sexy." "Poz sweaty guys are usually sexy, and you're no exception. And now you can finally give me a recharge!" I couldn't deny it ... the thought of being able to finally give him a load of poz cum was incredible. My cock started growing and his did too. Fortunately Blake recognized my energies were limited, and took the lead saying "You just lie there, I'll climb on and do the work, but I really need your load. But first...." With that he picked-up the lube bottle, crawled between my legs which he lifted and placed on his shoulders, lubing both my ass and his poz cock. "Wait, you're going to fuck me? Now?" "I'm going to make sure you get pozzed. My viral load is through the roof and I gotta fuck you up while you're sick. This is the right time to bring your immune system down." "Oh my god, you twisted fuck..." I was covered in sweat, burning up from the fever and it wasn't long before he was sweating as well from sliding in my hole, and he fucked away, he commented "I wanted to do a blood slam with you while you're converting, but your ass is too fucking sexy. Would you have liked a blood slam?" Halfway delirious, but still, to share Blake's toxic blood sounded amazing, and now I could slam my blood into him. How fucking hot! I'm running on empty and sweating like crazy from my seroconversion, but the idea of my toxic blood flowing in Blake got me totally boned. He saw my cock getting hard and that pushed him over the edge. "Dude, I'm going to blow my load in your converting hole ... if you're not sick now, just wait until this takes hold." His gasps became more frequent, and then the shot inside me. I could feel his cock spasm inside my hole. After he came down from his climax, he pulled out of my ass and then brought it up to my lips. His big, beautiful black cock glistened with lube and his sperm ... and I didn't hesitate to suck it all in when he pushed inside my mouth. My assjuices were funky, but I love eating ass. He moved down to my uncut cock and then lubed up his hole. Being so out of it, I started to get soft. Blake said, "I got two syringes from Teddy last week and I was going to do some blood slams with you. You would have liked that, huh?" All I could do was nod yes. Blake continued, "I'm sorry I didn't do that. But those syringes didn't go to waste ... last week I did a blood slam with Andrew and Mike ... they fucking loved my toxic blood." Now my cock was rock hard thinking of all of us sharing blood slams. He squatted on my cock and then sat down on it in one swift movement. Once he was at full depth he took a moment to get comfortable, and then started riding my cock, edging me on in saying "Just think, you can now poz neg hole." It was such a turn on ... all I could do was to moan in ecstasy. Continuing, Blake added "Yeah, you fucking gift giver now you can convert neg boys." He was getting me excited. "Tell me who you want to poz first!" Without thinking I said, "My little brother!" and at that point, I shot my load into Blake's hole. Despite being the sickest I've ever been in my life, I had a life-changing orgasm that rocked my world. I was utterly dripping wet from sweat and had soaked the towels beneath me, but I drew the strength required to deposit my first infected load inside the guy who could very well be my poz daddy. He rode me until my cock fell out of his hole. Afterwards he bent down to kiss me and picked-up on my fantasy saying "We need to discuss pozzing your brother." "After you clean your ass juices off my cock," I insisted, fever or no fever. I remember him licking my cock clean, including cleaning under my foreskin. Then I passed out.
  15. It's my opinion that taking PrEP is a gateway drug ... to not taking PrEP. The freedom to not care about what's in the load you're getting is pretty hot and liberating. But you know there's a chemical condom in your system that makes it all safe. And for a lot of guys the safe element makes it boring. *Insert usual nagging that you can get other STD's... blah blah blah. Risky sex is pretty erotic stuff. Chasing poz cum is one of the final taboos that drive a lot of us wild. I've read the half-life of Truvada is 3.5 days ... that might influence your dosing prior to your CumUnion party. (You can validate the half-life claim independently.) It'll be interesting to see what path you take.
  16. It had me rock hard writing it.
  17. Blake was the next to fuck me. He easily slid his cock inside me and said, "I love fucking your cummy hole ... you feel amazing." I said, "You feel great too, stud. Your cock is rock hard ... Please poz my hole!" I didn't have to ask twice. He fucked me hard, the whole time looking in my eyes, saying I'm going to be the one to convert you." I said, "Yeah, be the one that does it." After a little more time, he announced he was coming inside me, giving me what I want. We kissed as he came down off his orgasm, but his cock was still hard. "He winked and said, "I'll be back for round two." After my second fuck from Blake, it was a blur. I remember Mark with the HIV+ tattoo fucking me and I was licking his tat. I think the three inductees got eight loads each from guys before they went for second rounds with the inductees or split off to recharge the other poz guys. During a brief lull, Teddy came by and suggested Andrew, Mike and I stand up and stretch our legs and get some water. He gave each of us two bottles and said, “Drink up.” We stood up to get our bearing, drank a bottle then went into a three-way make out session with each other. It made sense for us Mike and I to get to know Andrew, since he's going on the same journey as us. Mike’s nipples were calling to me, so I latched on to one of them while reaching between Andrew’s legs to play with his ass. I must have been doing something right, as Mike was moaning like crazy, almost as much as Andrew was. These guys are fun. Blake tapped me on the shoulder and said, “We never talked about it, do you drink piss?” I said, “Yeah, I love piss, you got some for me?” He said, “Yeah, I got a lot.” I said, “I’ll drink you if you drink me!” He said, “Happy to drink your piss.” Mike told Andrew, “I want your piss, you got some for me?” Andrew said, “Hell yeah, and I want yours.” I knelt down and took Blakes cock into my mouth. Looking up, I see this incredibly sexy black man with a great cock and biohazard tattoo. I placed my hand on his tattoo and stroked it lightly waiting for Blake’s piss. He said, “You look good down there waiting for my poz piss with my cock in your mouth.” Just then a dribble started and my focus was on getting everything he had. He finished and it was my turn for Blake to drain me. I grabbed Blake and gave him a kiss, giving him a taste of his piss. Andrew drained Mike’s cock and they switched up too. My cock was in Blake’s mouth and I was trying to get a flow started. Looking over, Andrew spread his lips apart with his fingers, but Mike said, “Relax, I got this.” Mike used both hands to spread Andrew open, lightly licked him up and down, and then put his lips over Andrew’s piss hole. I said, “Here you go,” and my piss started flowing. I caressed Blake’s neck and felt him swallow my load. He didn’t miss a drop. Neither did Mike. I said, “Let’s go inside and see what’s going on there.” Some guys were talking in groups, mostly sexual related, some sucking cocks and some breeding. This was wild. I passed a group of four really hot guys that were talking. One of them smiled and said, “Here’s one of the neg guys!” I stopped and said, “Here’s the sexy poz studs” with a wink. One of them grabbed my cock and said, “This is beautiful … I gotta feel it.” With that he turned around to let me slide inside him. He said, “Fuck, this is a great cock.” One of the other guys said, “I bet his hole feels just as good” and he fed his cock into me. And … I’m the meat in a three way. It was empowering to enjoy being a piece of meat. Nobody knows what car I drive or what I do for a living, or if I’m homeless. I’m just a cock and a cunt for everyone to enjoy. Kevin was getting his cock sucked. I went over to watch for a minute. His KS lesions were beautiful … I had never seen them before. I reached over to stroke one of them, and Kevin said, “You know you want to lick it, go ahead.” I bent over to suckled one of the bigger ones beneath his pecs. The imagery of this physical manifestation of his disease was so erotic. As I was worshipping Kevin’s lesions, I felt a cock slide up my hole. “I said, “Oh fuck this is hot!” Kevin said, “Yeah, Mateo is sharing his med resistant strain with you, enjoy the ride.” I was content to continue this all night. Teddy came back over and asked me if I was ready for my blood slam. I said, "Hell yeah!" He asked me to follow him to another room in the house. As we walked, I could see a lot of guys had Band-Aids on the inside of their elbows. Pretty cool to see so many guys want to speed up my conversion. Teddy put a tourniquet on my bicep, just to make it easier for the IV catheter to slide in my vein without a lot of blood leaking out. He slid the catheter in and taped it down. I asked, "Is it okay to mix blood types?" Teddy said, "Here's our secret: I have the invite list and I know everyone's blood-type. I pulled blood from fifteen guys, and was sure to keep the compatible ones separated. You're getting seven toxic loads that won't cause a problem... other than AIDS. And don't leave before I fuck you. " I asked," Am I getting your blood? " Yes, we're compatible. Blake? Yes Justin? No Brad? No Mateo? Yes Kevin? Yes... and four other guys. Nobody but you and I know who they are. Oh, Andrew and Mike are compatible." We got back to the group and Brad said, "It's blood slam time guys. We have three syringes, who wants to do the first injection? A group of guys were standing around me with a couple of them feeling me up. My cock has been rock hard the whole time ... And not going down soon. Blake grabbed a syringe and Teddy helped attach it to the IV catheter. Teddy said, "Not too fast." Blake started the slow blood slam at the same time I feel a huge cock slide up my hole. An arm wrapped around me, and I saw the KS lesions. I'm getting Kevin's blood and toxic cum. Talk about sensory overload! Blake finished the first blood slam, and Mateo started the second syringe. Blake said, "This is so fucking hot... I wish they could have done it for me. You're going to be toxic in no time. I can't wait to get your strain." Mateo finished the second syringe, and Mike said, "Rik is my college roommate, and I'm not officially poz, but I would love to inject this slam!" Teddy hooked up the last toxic syringe and said, "Nice and slow... Mike, don't you wish you had done a slam too?" Mike nodded his head and said "Yeah, big time." Once Mike finished the blood slam, Teddy said, "Let's go back to the pool area and I'll get this IV out of you, and give you my personal donation." We walked back outside and Andrew was getting fucked by Mark with the HIV+ tattoo, which was so hot to see. I laid down on the cushion and Teddy pulled the IV catheter out. He put a Band-Aid on my arm and said," It's time you get my poisonous load, stud." I lifted my legs and said, "Please infect me." He didn't need to be asked twice. His big dick slid easily into my gaping cunt. He was in heaven. "I love sloppy 2nds... and even tenths. You're so wet... You feel amazing. I’ve wanted you to convert for so long … you’ll be a great gifter." As always, Teddy gave a great fuck. It was even hotter knowing his infected load was going to contribute to my disease. He sped up his fuck strokes and I knew he was getting closer to blowing his load inside me. I said, “Give me the fuck flu, stud.” And with that he shot a big load deep in my guts. Teddy pulled out of my messy hole and said, “To be continued.” Still lying out on the deck, Andrew brought over waters for Blake, Mike and I. We were talking about hot amazing this night has been. Brad and Justin walked over and said, “Anyone thirsty?” Mike and Blake said, “Sure,” and the four of them headed to the deep end. Andrew came over next to me and gave me a kiss. We made out for a little bit then he sat on my abs to play with my nipples. I said, “You have such a hot furry body. So goddamn sexy.” He said, “I love your veins, they pop almost as much as long-term wasted guys. You could be poz already … I find that incredibly hot.” He started grinding against my cock which was amazing. I could feel his wetness ooze from his crotch. Andrew said, “I’ve only been fucked in the ass tonight, but I want your uncut cock up my cunt.” He reached down and slid my cock up his cunt. Holy fuck he felt great. I rubbed his clit while he rode my cock. It wasn’t long before we came at the same time. Andrew climbed off me and said, “Let me know when you convert, I want your next load in me to be poz.” To be continued
  18. Five of us raised our hands: two of us neg guys and three biohazard guys, including Blake. Teddy said, "I'll get them prepared, you guys go in for the meeting." Turning to Blake I asked "You've done this before?" "No, but I want to you to get as much cum of mine as I can." I gave him a kiss and said, "Please do your best to poz me." Having over heard our conversation while passing by, Mike commented with a smile "Save some poz cum for me too!” A couple of nearby guys added "Don’t worry, we’ll help!” The Conversion Club was apparently the perfect place to ask for what you want from guys who could give it to one. The Conversion Club assembled and Brad and Justin addressed the 20 guys in attendance. Brad opened saying "I've greeted you already, but again, thank you for being here. As you can see our club is growing, and we have you guys to thank for that. What we're doing is pretty amazing, and I'm thrilled you're on the journey with us. Congratulations to Mark and Nate. Their conversion is complete. Nate didn't get the fuck flu ... " (The crowd boo'd and then laughed "...and we just about lost Mark, but the Conversion Club took care of him here, and with some IV fluids and some meds. Now he's here ready to breed and seed. They returned a couple weeks ago from their visit with Zak in Chicago, who did his typical great work on their tattoos. Because Mark rolls a little different, in addition to the standard biohazard tattoo above the cock, he has one that says "HIV+" on his chest. Hopefully we'll get the next group out to see Zak in the next couple of weeks. We have these tattoos because we appreciate being poz and have pride in our shared disease. We are all stronger together because of them." There was a door knock, and Brad left the room to take care of that. Justin stepped up and continued saying "We have two of the three inductees here. Hopefully the third will be here soon. We also have a special guest here. Kevin, can you come out?" A massive 6'6" guy, came out to join the group. Tall and lean, he must be a long-term survivor, as he has the sexy sunken cheeks, veiny arms and legs and wasted ass. So sexy. He had is biohazard tattoo over his cock, like most everyone else except me and Mike, but also had one on his arm. But the most erotic feature of Kevin was his KS lesions, scattered over his body. "If you've not met Kevin, he pozzed Brad and me. This kinky stud throws a great fuck and you're going to love him if he's not fucked you before." Kevin's presence kicked up the erotic energy in the room, bringing several of the guys fully erect ... me as well. The thought of having him in me was too hot and got my cock stirring even more than it had been. Brad returned to the room with the third inductee a twenty-something brown-haired cutie, with sexy scruff and a hairy, athletic body. Other than his good looks, his defining feature was the lack of a penis ... a sexy FTM transguy. Brad said, "And everyone is here. This is Andrew, everyone. Like a lot of you, he's been craving poz cum for quite a while, and needs the help of our group to get it done. He'll get his first poz load ever here with us, and he's lucky to have one more fuckhole than the rest of us. Over here is Mike who is also taking his first poz load. If you're nice, he'll let you suck on his budding nipples while you fuck him with your hot load. If you want your nips like that, let me know. And our third inductee is Rik. Justin and Mateo were lucky enough to breed him a couple weeks ago, and I understand Blake has given him a load. He's on the FasTrack program, so if you want to share your DNA, let Teddy know and he'll draw it up. Hopefully we'll have several syringes to inject him within an hour or so. For the new folks, I hope you take the opportunity to try out as many cocks and holes as you can. You’ll see, everyone here is open to getting a cock inside them, even for a quickie. Our inductees will be bred on the pool deck, and Teddy has set up chaise lounges for everyone's comfort. He also has the TriMix available for those who want it. Given a choice, please elect to breed a neg hole over a poz hole. Also, it's hot out so drink lots of water. We recommend one bottled water for every two loads. If you’re not pee shy, guys that usually hang around the deep end of the pool will drink your piss and not spill a drop. Again, thanks again for being here. Have fun, guys!" Everyone got the message that this was the time for sexual activity. We didn't even get out to the pool before everyone was feeling everyone else up. Nobody was left out. If I was being kissed, someone was feeling my cock, balls or asshole. Many a man was fully boned, his cock either hard against his abs or slightly pointing out. This was going to be a fuck fest for the ages, and a life-changing one for me. Seeing Mike and me, Teddy approached suggesting "Let's get the TriMix injections done first so we can get started. " Mike and I didn't need the TriMix, but we didn't need AIDS either. We wanted it. Teddy injected Mike's cock first and then mine. Fuck it stung, but I felt the blood flowing into my cock already. My uncut cock was almost fully hard and my foreskin was hanging on trying not to roll down. Teddy gave us a gauze square in case of bleeding, he said "Hold that for a sec while you take your lounge." Andrew, Mike and I laid down on our chaise lounges and were given a small lube container by Brad. Simultaneously, each of us had someone to rub some lube our holes, to work some fingers inside us. The poz guys wanting TriMix got their injections next, including Kevin. The difference was Teddy let the blood ooze a little bit from their cocks. That's a sexy way of getting the ball rolling. Being the hosts of the event, Brad and Justin always got to breed first. Brad chose me and Justin chose Andrew. Kevin (and his bloody cock) chose Mike for his first fuck. It was the first time that Brad had been inside my ass, and he was a superb fuck. Such a great cock and a sexy body. Getting fucked my him and seeing the other two guys getting bred at the same time was beyond erotic. Add to that, the other guys were sucking each other or having their asses played with. It wasn't long before Justin's orgasm moans triggered Brad and Kevin's as well. All the tops were letting the us know their charged loads were being delivered, and us bottoms were begging for their loads.
  19. The next day at work, I got a phone call from Dr. Woods. I answered the call and he said, "Hey Rik, how are you doing?" "I'm good. What's up?" I responded. "I know yesterday was a surprise and wasn't want you planned. Are you on board with the treatment plan we discussed?" He must have been at the hospital seeing patients, as I could hear the overhead announcements in the background. That explains the formality of his tone. "Yeah, I am actually. I guess this is something I've wanted for a while, but didn't have the balls to go for it." He replied, "Excellent. I was hoping you would be open to this. Dr. Grant and I took a look at your lab work yesterday after you left your first treatment and your immune system is really strong and can take a beating, if you know what I mean. Are you still interested in the FasTrack blood donation program, or are you going old-school?" Luckily, I have an office at work, because my cock starting getting hard over this conversation in which I was discussing willingly seroconverting, and setting a course for the rest of my life. "Yes, Dr. Woods, I think the FasTrack process makes sense for me. I'm excited to get started and earn my own biohazard tattoo." He replied, "That's great. I was hoping you would say that. I'm going to cancel Friday night, and we'll push that back a week. You will get a Club e-mail inviting you to an event the next Saturday. Three days before that, stop by the office at your convenience and see Teddy. He will give you something to suppress your immune system. It's a safe medication and it will help with the FasTrack process. How's that sound?" "That sound perfect," I replied, adding "I look forward to receiving the e-mail. Thank you, sir." "Thank you, Rik." Later that day, I received the following e-mail: Conversion Club Members - Please accept this invitation to our home next Saturday at 4:00 PM for some light refreshments and some Conversion Club business. We will have the pool warmed up for those who wish to enjoy it. (Leave the bathing suit at home. We'll have the usual clothing check for you.) Conversion Club business starts at 6:00 PM, opening with congratulations to the most recent convertees. In addition we will have three inductees to welcome, one of whom is a FasTrack participant. Justin and I look forward to seeing next Saturday. Brad Woods I left work early that next Wednesday and stopped at the office of Dr. Woods, telling the receptionist Teddy was going to give me an injection. Sure enough, in short order, Teddy called me to the back and had me follow him into his work area where he often draws blood. In a growing medical practice where private rooms are at a premium, he has an open alcove area. He pulled me close and gave me a kiss. His moustache brushed against my lips and felt really hot as, in hushed tones he asked "You're coming on Saturday, right?" "Yeah, I wouldn't miss this for the world!" "You're going to have an amazing time. I can't wait to help you with your treatment plan." I looked down at the growing bulge in his pants. "I can see your willingness to help right now." He looked in my eyes whispered, "I've wanted to poz you for a very long time. When I converted I was going to call you, but I made the decision to wait until my viral load was high enough to make a difference. Giving you my poz load and my blood is an honor." Both of us were hard, but this wasn't the place to do anything about it. He said, "Let's get your shot before I cum in my pants. Here's your Decadron shot. This will knock down your immune system response for the next week. We'll also give you a flu shot today. You might be a little achy. This will keep your immune system preoccupied so Saturday will be a success." "Sounds great. Let's do it." In the following days, I spent some extra time at the gym to make sure my body made a good impression. I cut even more fat out of my diet and went to extra spin classes to lean out further. Saturday around noon, I put my 24" colon snake, my big dildo, and some lube in the shower. I first used the douche hose to make sure my hole was totally cleaned out. I worked the colon snake up inside to confirm everything was out. Then I lubed up the dildo and rode that bad boy for a while, doing my best not to bust a load of cum. Keeping an eye on the time, I pulled out the dildo to see only a little mucus and just a trace of blood. That's perfect. Before getting out of the shower, I put some lube on my hand and worked my fingers up my hole. I've had my fist up my hole several times, and the feeling is awesome. The dildo stretched me out already, and it was fairly short order before my fist made its way inside. After a couple punches and turns, I pushed my hand out. My rosebud was pushed out nicely. Getting dressed, I looked in the mirror and got a look at what my diet and exercise plan achieved. I now have surface veins popping where they were buried before, my arms were veiny before, but you can see them all the way up my arm. My leg veins were showing and my lower abdomen veins were out for the first time. With the temperatures in the 90’s, I drove to the event with the convertible top down in just shorts and flip-flops. The sun felt good and I liked the cruising I got from guys. I arrived at Brad and Justin's place around 4:15. There were about 10 people, all of whom were already fully naked. With a kiss, Brad welcomed me to his home and showed me to the clothing check. Depositing my shorts and flip-flops in a bag, I headed to get a drink, passing Mateo, who looked sexy as fuck. Justin welcomed me with a hug and a kiss, "I'm glad you're here. You're going to have a great time. Hold the sex for after 6:00 PM. Let's get you a drink and introduce you to the Club members." This was a diverse group of guys, anywhere from 19 years old (Mateo) on up. We made our way to the bar area where three other guys were chatting, one of them was Blake. Justin said, "Guys, I want you to meet our FasTrack inductee, Rik. This is Bob, Tracy and Blake." I shook the hands of Bob and Tracy, with a "nice to meet you," and then gave a kiss and a hug to Blake, explaining to the other men "Blake and I have already met." Bob smiled and said, "Define met." Blake smiled and said, "He meant bred." Justin turned to me and asked, "So, what would you like?" "AIDS." "You'll get that in a little bit. What do you want to drink?" I looked at Blake and asked, "What are you having?" "You!" he replied. Giving a light laugh I replied "You'll get that in a little bit. What are you drinking?" "I suggest you can have a beer or bottled water. It’s important to stay hydrated," Blake commented. I was smart enough to take his hint, replying "A water sounds perfect." Blake and I made our way around the place, heading outside to the pool area where the rest of the guys were. Being the new meat, I got the once over from everyone, which I expected. There were cocks of every description ... some big, some smaller, some cut, some uncut, and some pierced. Most of the guys either buzzed or shaved their pubes. Strangely enough, I felt naked not having a biohazard tattoo. Everyone there had one above their cock, and most had one additional one. Some new arrivals were greeted by Brad, and one of them was my college roommate Mike. Holy shit ... when we roomed together, he was one of the biggest condom freaks on campus. He's a beautiful man, tall, dark and handsome. Other than his condom thing, he was a freak sexually. So fucking fun. I excused myself from Blake and went to say hello once he ditched his clothes. He was facing the bar when I approached, so I grabbed his ass and said, "Fancy meeting you at a place like this!" Mike turned around with a smile, "Rik! Great to see you." We hugged briefly and both pulled back to check for tattoos. He didn't have one yet. He was also an inductee. While Mike didn't have a tattoo, his cock was pierced and his nipples were huge ... like bigger than silver dollars and unusually puffy. So fucking sexy. "So looks like we're getting pozzed together. It'll be cool to do this with you!" I remarked. "Yeah, are you the old-school or FasTrack?" One of the biohazard tattoo guys standing around said, "You're the FasTrack one, huh?" I replied "I need to earn my biohazard bad. Hopefully I'll get the fuck flu soon." The biohazard guy smiled in reply, commenting "I'll do my best to help!" I turned back to Mike and said, "I love what your body mods. Your cock looks amazing with a PA ring. So sexy." Brushing my fingers against his puffy nips I added "And these are amazing. Holy fuck they're hot ... dude, how do I get those?" He smiled and said, "Yeah, I love them ... they're so much more sensitive right now, I can cum just by having a guy suck on them. Dr. Woods has me on a couple things to help grow them." "Wow. They're so fucking sexy. I'll talk to Dr. Woods about doing that as well." "Dr. Woods can make your dreams come true," Mike replied with a chuckle, then, changing the subject he asked "How are your parents?" "Good. How about yours?" "They're doing great. I spoke at Stanford and saw your younger brother Tom last week. He fucks like you do!" "Um ... Tommy's straight...." "Only his big uncut cock is arrow-straight, and he fucked me good. He loves my nipples ... great sex. You gotta try him." At this point my brain was racing, but had the common sense to conclude this was not a conversation to entertain at this moment, which was a good call as only a minute or two later the Conversion Club meeting apparently commenced when Teddy came through the group with a bowl of blue pills and yellow pills. "Anyone want a Viagra or Cialis? We also have TriMix injections available if you want one." "Have you ever done TriMix?" Mike asked. "No, I haven't. In fact I've never heard of it," I replied. "The TriMix makes me rock hard for hours," Mike explained. That was an easy call for me: "I'm open to everything today." "Great, let's do it," Mike responded as he gestured to Teddy saying "Rik and I will do the TriMix, Teddy." "We'll do those out by the pool," he explained, calling out to the group, "How many for TriMix?"
  20. I gave Justin a "what the fuck" look. He said, "You just stay put." Mateo, the sexy nurse from earlier came into the room and smiled when he saw me with my ass up on a pillow. "I've heard a lot about you. I'm glad you're here to get pozzed up!" "Rik, meet Mateo. Mateo had the fuck flu six months ago and he's really toxic right now... shares the same strain as Brad and I. I hope you don't mind if he breeds you as well." I really wasn't in a position to say no. Besides, this kid was smoking hot. He pulled off his nurse's uniform top and pulled loose the drawstring from his pants. He must ride a bicycle a lot as the has big meaty, muscular thighs, covered in sexy fur. And above his buzzed pubes, a biohazard tattoo as well. Fuck, that is hot. “Wow! You have a biohazard too?” Mateo smiled and asked, which one? He turned around to show me the same tattoo on his right ass cheek. Justin explained, “We know an amazing guy named Zak in Chicago. He has a place off Halsted Street called Windy City Tattoo. He's prolific poz breeder and sexy stud. He's done the biohardard tattoos for all of the conversion club members. As much as I am intrigued by earning a biohazard tattoo, the raging hard-on that Mateo has right now merits more attention. Toxic or not, I need this kid's load in my hole. I lifted my legs for him, providing consent for him to add his diseased DNA to my system. For being a young guy, he knew exactly how to press my buttons. Like Justin, he rubbed his cock up and down my pre-lubed hole before sliding all the way inside me. Freshly fucked, I felt my ass juices start to ooze out, even though he worked to wipe the juices back onto his cock and inside me. Justin watched as Mateo skillfully bred my hole. He tweaked my nips for a while, but it wasn't long before he had his eyes closed, looking like he was praying to the god of all poz cocks. You know that look of sheer bliss. I was close to the same state, feeling him sliding in and out of my battered hole. While I was getting fucked, Brad and Teddy came in the room and joined the audience. At this point, I didn't care who saw me getting bred by a poz cock. This felt amazing, and I would deal with whatever it brought at another time. Brad and Teddy were getting naked as well, so they were totally into my breeding. Before long, Mateo's breaths started getting short and it was clear he was getting close to cumming inside me. I blurted out, "Come on stud, fuck me with your poz cock. Give me your disease!" And with that his cock started flooding my hole with his charged load, bathing my guts with his AIDS virus. This kid fucked me like he hated me ... it was awesome. He had a need to seed, and my hole was his infection target. I just asked for a diseased load. What the fuck just happened? Mateo pulled out and I did my best to keep the charged seed inside me. Brad and Teddy were naked at this point, and they were in a three-way kiss huddle with Justin. How fucking hot was that to watch? I managed to get up on my feet and being fucked on my back for so long. I was wobbly - and with good reason. The three guys broke their embrace and pulled me into them for a hug and a grope. That's when I noticed Teddy and Brad both had biohazard tattoos above their cocks. Teddy also had one between his shoulder blades, and Brad had another one on his arm ... which is when I figured out everyone in this exam room was poz, except for me ... and my immune system was on its way out. Brad looked me in the eyes and asked, "I hope you'll accept our invitation to the conversion club. I know this is a lot to take in, but it will be worth it ... even through your fuck flu." I looked gave a glance at these four breeders and said, "Yes, I want to be on your team. Infect me." Teddy grabbed an ass cheek and said, "We gotta get started planning where your biohazard tattoo is going to go." Brad said, "Well, I'd love a chance to breed Rik and I know Teddy does too, but we need to get back to work. So, I have a question for Rik. How fast do you want to earn your biohazard tattoo?" "Depends. What do I need to do in order to speed up the process?" I asked. Justin said, "Come over on Friday night. Clean out your hole and we'll have some fun. We will all give you a dose of our DNA, and if you are a good boy, a blood donation from all of us." We all kissed goodbye and I headed home. What took place was so fucking erotic, I just wanted to hop on Breeding Zone and jack off to some conversion fiction. But I really needed to get a workout in before I do that. I got into the BodyCombat class at 6:30 and powered through the boxing, karate and taekwondo kicks and punches. It is a great way to work up a sweat while keeping flexible and strong. There was a sexy black guy there, new to the class. His sexy body got even sexier with a sweat, and his shorts clung to his bubble butt. A couple sideways glances turned into flirting. At the end of the class I headed down to the locker room and, as luck would have it, his locker was right next to mine. Strange how the world works. I said, "Give me a sec and I'll be out of your way." He smiled and said, "Don't sweat it, take your time." I pulled my shirt off and as I was getting the sweat off me, this beautiful man stripped off his shirt and revealed beautiful chestnut brown skin, rock hard abs ... and a fucking biohazard tattoo. It didn't stand out as much due to his skin color ... and half of it was hidden under his underwear. But the design is the same as the three guys I had seen earlier that day. I found myself wondering 'Am I the only guy in town without a fucking biohazard tattoo'? The locker room was full of guys and I needed to be discrete, but I had to get more info about this. I drew up some courage and said, "I like your tattoo ... a lot." He smiled and said "Thanks, it took a lot of work. Do you have one?" "No, but I'll probably be getting mine soon. Any chance you know Brad and Justin?" He smiled and said "Yeah ... Let's talk on the way out." We stepped out to the street where it was a little more private. I said, "Thanks for taking to me about this." "Sure, no problem. Let me ask, how far along are you?" "Earlier today was the first time." "Wow. You are just beginning." "Yeah, I know. Big decision. So fucking hot." "Hey, I live a block from here. You want to go there and talk for a minute?" "Yeah, thanks. I have a million questions." "Cool. By the way, I'm Rik." "I'm Blake." We got to his place and after offering me a bottle of water, we sat down on the couch when Blake asked "Were you chasing?" "No, not at all. Getting pozzed wasn't on my mind at all. Were you chasing?" "Nope. I went to Dr. Woods for PEP after a gun came in my hole. I was freaking out and went to see what he could do." I laughed, "I guess he took care of your problem!" He smiled. "Yeah, he sure did." I asked, "How bad was your fuck flu?" Blake replied, "Dude, that's the best part of being with this club. The doctors will help you through the whole thing. You can go to their place and they'll give you an IV or drugs to make it easier ... if you want." I was surprised. "That's cool!" "Yeah," Blake continued, "I was really fucking sick when I converted, but the club guys helped out a lot. That's when your body is trying to fight off the infection, and that's when you need extra doses the most." "Extra doses?" I asked. Blake replied "You know: more poz cum. You'll take more infected loads the whole time. It's hot." I found his attitude towards seroconversion fucking twisted. Seroconverting only to take more charged loads. I loved it. In fact my cock was straining against my shorts, leaving a wet spot of precum. I couldn't help but notice Blake's cock was also rock hard. "I'm getting totally turned on." Reaching over, I cupped Blake's cock and asked, "Any chance I can taste your poz cock?" He smiled, "I'd prefer to fuck some of my charged load in your hole." I knelt on the floor and pulled his shorts off and then went directly to sucking his cock. His cock was quite large, beautiful, and, of course black. It was quite a mouthful. After working on his cock for a while, I looked up and asked, "Will you breed me? "Rik, let's go to my room. I'd love to get inside you." Tossing clothes off as we walked, we were both naked by the time we got to his bedroom. "How many biohazard tattoos do you have?" "My pubic one hardly shows, so just the one for now." I asked, "It looks so sexy on you. Fuck dude. Did you do the blood donation process, or did you do it the old-fashioned way?" "The regular way. They didn't start using blood until recently. You going to do that?" "Yeah, probably Friday night." "Too fucking hot." My finger traced his ink as I was fantasizing about earning my own biohazard. With his finger on my chin, he lifted my lips to his and we made out for a while. "I got a toxic cock here and I really want to be the one who converts you. How about I get my cock inside you now?" I laid onto the bed on my back and he crawled between my legs. "I love uncut cock. Let me taste you." He went face-down on my hard cock and played with my foreskin. He knew enough to run his tongue underneath it, in order to make it really intense. He reached over to get a little lube for my hole and then some for his cock. He slowly worked his infected cock inside my already ravaged hole. The lube made it feel great. I wiggled my ass around his cock in an attempt to get it in faster. I really wanted to be a bond with Blake. His cock, my third toxic cock of the day, started slow and easy. He was adept at leveraging his cock into my ass. His strokes were full, making great use of his huge cock. Blake fucked my hole like a master. We’d make out for a little bit but his primary focus was getting off. My hole was just a tool that enabled him to get off in. We got into a comfortable rhythm as if we were one. I whispered in his ear, "I'm begging you for your poz cum. Please infect my neg hole." And that did the job. Blake started bucking against my hole like crazy. He was a man possessed, totally focused on how to make his cock ejaculate his toxic load inside my asshole. And it felt glorious. Blake gave a deep inhale, “Oh God ... Fuck, Oh God I'm close.” “Fuck me Blake, do it to me ... fuck me up.” Two more strokes from Blake and he yelled, “Damn!!!!!!!!!” With that my ass was filled as if by a fire hose. I unmistakably felt Blake's ejaculations blasting into my hole, his poz cock shooting cum like a shot gun. It was a beautiful experience. Totally spent, he collapsed in my arms and we both went unconscious for a couple minutes, after which we made out for a while, and whispered sweet nothings, about how fucking random this was, how getting a deadly infection had brought us together, and our prospects for the future. It was awesome. Blake said, "We're a mess. Let's shower quickly. I have a steam shower. You'll love it." He pressed a button to get the steam going, and within a couple minutes it was starting to fog up, at which point he invited me to join him "Come on in, there's room for two." He turned on the waterfall shower and we both took turns rinsing the day off us. He turned off the waterfall and grabbed the soap. As the fog raised, he grabbed me from the back and started to soap me up. His big hands slid all over my body. He reached around and grabbed my dick with soapy hands and started getting my cock to full extension. Oh fuck, he felt amazing. He moved to the front of me and then soaped his hole, asking "Any chance I can get some of the last of your neg cum load? It would be an honor to take whatever you got. Please fuck me!" I've wanted inside Blake since the moment I saw him. Some guys ... you just want to breed them. In this case, I got to do just that. I worked a finger inside Blake's ass, and he loosened right up. This would be fun! I pushed his back forward to bend him over and was able to slide right in. His ass was magnificent. Definitely one of the better holes I've fucked. Since I had cum earlier that day, I needed to up my game and really work up a cum load. I hoped he was ready for an animalistic fuck, because I had no choice but to rut his hole like a wild animal. It was so fucking hot. During the whole time, he repeatedly chanted "Yeah .... Yeah ...." After a little bit, I said, "OK Blake, I gotta blow in your hot ass. I can't hold it any longer." And with that, I gave him any neg see left in my body. He got the last of it. I looked him in the eyes and said, "This was an unexpected joy being with you. I hope your cum infects me. You can be my poz daddy anytime." He smiled and said, "Just wait, with the conversion club, it'll be so easy to breed and gift poz guys. Our numbers are growing and infected loads are everywhere. You'll see." I asked, "Will you be there Friday? I'm supposed to get bred by Brad and Teddy, and they talked about the Blood Donation." Blake smiled and said, "Yeah, that sounds like a great time. I'd love to have more of my DNA coursing through your veins." With a quick kiss I replied, “I’d like that.” And with that, I headed home with visions of Friday night.
  21. Going to the doctor is a pain in the ass, but when your doc blocks the renewal of your Truvada script, he has you by the short hairs. I booked the last appointment of the day to minimize the time off work. When I arrived, the waiting room was packed out. I stood out like a sore thumb, dressed in my suit. Most of the guys were casual, wearing jeans or shorts. Given the time of day, I guessed most of the guys weren't working, particularly as my doc has a large infectious disease practice. Some of them were clearly long-term poz, showing a little wasting and or a lot of vascularity. So fucking sexy! Soon I was brought to a room, and shortly thereafter Doctor Woods came in and gave me a warm hug. It's great having a doctor close to my own age, and so sexy too. I've been going to Brad for several years, and we have a great doctor / patient relationship. We're both early 30's and keep ourselves fit. From time to time I see Brad and his boyfriend at the gym and out at the clubs. They are both tall and lean, and surprisingly vascular from exercise. Having seen both Doc Woods and his boyfriend in the showers at the gym, I knew he has a sweet uncut cock, just like mine, and his boyfriend is cut and has huge low-hangers. Both of them are also quite gifted, swinging big packages. "Rik! Dude! It's been six months since your last appointment! To stay on Truvada, I need to see you every six months." "Yeah, sorry, I've been busy with work and just didn't make the time...." He looked in my eyes and held the gaze for a while to make his point, and said "Go ahead and take everything off except for your underwear, and then up on the table." He asked the usual health history questions you might expect as he was feeling around my neck and then listening to my heart and lungs. His hand grabbed on to my pec as he listened to my back. He gave my tit a little squeeze and then gave a little tweak on my nip... which made my cock spring to attention. He made some notes and then asked, "I'm going to assume you've been sexually active, right?" He gave me a big smile, because he knew that I was testing just how good Truvada really is. "Yep, I'm breeding and seeding. Always looking for holes and poles." "I don't doubt it; your reputation is firmly intact. Once a slut, always a slut! (He's called me a slut in the locker room at the gym, so this isn't anything new!) “Go ahead and lay down and turn on your side. I'll do a rectal swab and check your prostate." I slid my underwear off, then turned to my left side. Dr Woods lightly touched me under my leg saying "Bring your knees up towards your chest." Then he brought a rectal swab and a specimen container over to the table, commenting "The lube is cold, sorry." With that, his gloved finger slid inside me. And... I was totally boned at the feeling of his finger probing my hole. He had done it several times over the years, but each time I find it completely hot. As his finger felt-up my prostate he shot a few more comments to me: "It feels like this hot hole is seeing a lot of action. There was almost no resistance to my finger." "I've had a fist or two up there, and I always enjoy having a hot top breed me to keep me in practice." "You do have hot ass... and interesting choice of word. 'Breed'. Do you know whether or not you've taken any poz loads?" "Yeah, I imagine I have. But most guys are undetectable these days. I don't even ask anymore." "Yeah ... a cum dump. You haven't had a guy tell you he just gave you a poz load?" "Not often enough!" "Yeah, a lot of my patients get off on that. You get off on taking toxic loads?" His continued rubbing of my prostate and working my hole was making me crazy. This wasn't the conversation I imagined I'd be having with my doctor. "Doc, you better take it easy there, you got me close!" "I don't think I heard an answer to my question." "Oh god ... yes ... yeah, I get off on toxic loads ... fuck I'm going to cum!" With that, he inserted a couple more fingers up my hole, and with the other he put the specimen cup over my uncut cock. "Cum in the cup, stud." I had one of the biggest orgasms I've had in a while. I did my best to get my load inside the cup, but I made a mess everywhere. "Nicely done, stud. Just relax for a minute and I'll do your rectal swab." I felt him swabbing my hole and then heard it go into its receptacle. He placed the uncovered specimen jar on the counter. "Take a minute to pull yourself together. Here's a couple paper towels, clean yourself off. Don't worry about the mess. Leave your shirt off. Teddy is going to come in and draw some blood. I'll be back before you leave, I need to consult with another doctor about something." I dressed and moved over to the chair. The exam table had cum everywhere ... and some dripping down the wall. I guessed Teddy would be tasked with dealing with the mess. I've known Teddy for years. He's a hairy 5'8" Italian fireplug that I've fucked with over the years at the baths. He's one of those guys who has a a 5:00 o’clock shadow at 10:00 AM. Back in the day, he would be described as a Castro Clone, sporting brown hair and bushy mustache. Way before seeing him at Doctor Wood's office, when we met up at the sex club, he worshipped my muscular arms and pecs before we'd get down to breeding. Now he gets to perv out over my veiny arms during a blood draw. I'm got low body fat, so giving blood is no big deal. I've got veins for days. The standard routine is I lay my arm out for him to find a vein, and he lightly traces his fingers up and down my arm, while telling me hot sexy it is. When Teddy arrived, he stepped into the room, closed the door, and walked over to me giving me a quick kiss, saying, "Hey sexy!" Being about 6" taller than him, I'm at a perfect height for him to latch onto a nip and let him suck it to being fully hard. If I hadn't just cum, I would have been aching to fuck him right there. Teddy broke the daydream and asked, "We're doing the usual HIV labs, right?" I replied "No, Teddy, I'm neg and on Truvada." He said, "Oh, sorry. Most guys that come here are poz. My mistake." I said, "Don't sweat it, it's not a big deal." Teddy replied, "Good, by the way, I converted six months ago and would love a chance to breed you. I'm nice and toxic," he said with salacious smile. I pulled him close to my chest and whispered, "I'd love your poz load." He whispered back, "Believe me, I'd like to give it to you." Once again my cock was as hard as a rock. After Teddy drew up some vials of blood, he gathered the swab and blood vials and said "The doctor will be with you in a minute," leaving the door open as he left the room. I saw there shirtless, and noticed several patients who passed through the hallway gave me a good glance. While I wanted to tweak my nips to give them something to look at, I held off. Dr. Woods then arrived and closed the door, "I think I felt something on your prostate ... kinda like a couple bumps. I'd like to be safe and make sure it's nothing important. I've made an appointment for you with Dr. Grant. I want you to see him for an ultrasound, no other urologist. Also, I need you off Truvada for the time being." "You gotta be kidding me! Is that really necessary?" "You're whining. Just do it." At the checkout desk, I got my referral card for Dr. Grant. The appointment was two weeks away! Holy fuck, how the hell was I supposed to stay off Truvada for that long? It was the longest two weeks of my fucking life. Sure, I got to breed some hot hole, and got my hole fisted by a couple guys, but it wasn't like getting fucked and taking a load. I hit up some of my undetectable poz buds who I know are good about their meds so that I could get their loads. The day of my appointment with Dr. Grant, I had the day off, so I got a quick workout at the gym done before I drove to the appointment. He's in the same building as Dr. Woods, just one floor up. After brief delay in the waiting room, I was called into the back area. A hot, young Hispanic nurse had me take off my clothes, put on a robe, then lock my stuff in the locker. He looked like he just barely got out of high school. I wanted to pull him into the dressing room and fuck him senseless. He was at least six-foot-tall and had exceptionally beautiful caramel skin. He was absolutely gorgeous. The hottie was waiting when I came out of the dressing room and took me to an exam room. "The doctor will see you shortly," he said with a smile and disappeared. The door to the exam room opened and in walked Dr. Grant ... who, it turned out, was Dr. Wood's boyfriend. Standing in front of me was the stud with a brick shithouse body who, for years, I've seen naked. And he looked good enough to eat. He was wearing a lab coat over a form-fitting polo shirt and his pecs were straining against the fabric. It was an amazing vision. I was glad I was sitting on the exam table because the robe hid my growing hard-on. If he wasn't quick, there would be a big precum wet spot growing. I extended my hand and said, "Justin, I didn't know you were a doctor as well! "Yeah, it's easier having a partner that understands the demands of the job. It's great to see you, hot stuff! Brad called me when you were in his office and he told me you have an issue that both of us can help you with." "Yeah, he said there were some bumps on my prostate and I should have them looked at." "And the Truvada?" he asked, "Have you complied with his direction?" "Yes, I have." "Great," he said as he removed his lab coat, which meant I got to appreciate his beautiful body. Some tufts of hair poked above the neck of his shirt, which suggested both his arms and his beautiful pecs were covered with fur. "Okay, I need to check your prostate health to make sure everything is okay. Go ahead and lay back on the table, turn your side and we'll get a look." With my cock rock hard, Justin went about with the ultrasound. He showed me the ultrasound probe that would be going up my asshole, explaining the procedure won't take long. In short order, he rubbed some lube on my hole, then inserted two, then three fingers inside my anus, rubbing them in and out, just like Brad had done two weeks earlier. I remember feeling a slight sting, possibly from a fingernail, but the subtle pressure he was applying to my prostate had turned into pleasure, so my attention was re-directed. I do remember being slightly surprised he wasn't wearing any gloves, but figured that was his business. "Feels awesome doc ... I've needed some action back there." "Good, I'm going to insert the ultrasound probe. It's a little bit bigger, but I'm sure you'll take it like a champ." Justin pulled out his fingers and inserted the ultrasound device. He moved in slow movements in and around my hole. His eyes were focused on the monitor, one hand was managing the probe, but the other hand was draped over my abs inching towards my fully engorged cock. After a couple minutes, Justin untied the gown and pushed it off me, fully exposing my body to him. With the probe still inside me, all I could do was enjoy the experience of him working my hole. He continued to to explore both my ass and also smeared the precum around the head of my cock and foreskin. He was driving me crazy. He withdrew the probe and said, "I have something else that would make your hole feel nice. Just lie still." I heard him strip off his shirt and remove his pants. He felt around my lubed up hole, which he spread onto his cock. "I think you'll like this probe better." Still on my side, he easily slid his big cock inside my hole from behind and started slowly fucking me. After a few minutes, he pulled out and said, "Stand up, I want to feel your whole body." I turned to face this amazing stud, with buzzed pubes and huge cock... and a big biohazard tattoo right above his cock. His cock was a little messy with lube a little blood, but everything else was perfect. In a sex club, I would have sucked that cock clean. He asked, "What turns you on more, my fat cock or my biohazard tattoo?" "They both do." He smiled, "One before the other, so back up onto the table and let me back inside that sweet hole." I put my hand on his chest and asked, "You undetectable? Because you know I'm off Truvada." “Yeah, that's just the thing. We had you stop Truvada for a reason. Brad and I both know that you get off on taking all kinds of loads, and we'd like the opportunity to share our DNA to poz you. We converted about a year ago and don't take meds. We're working on converting several more hot guys, and we hope you'll join our conversion club.” "You know this is kinda fucked up, right? I’m probably not protected!" "Rik, look at your cock. You haven't stopped precumming since you got a look at my biohazard tattoo. Get a feel of my low-hangers and tell me you don't want me to fill your hole with a hot load." I reached out and grabbed his huge nuts, and he just moaned. I gave them a squeeze and a tug, and his poz precum oozed on my hand. Actually, he was precumming like crazy as well. I thought my cock gushed precum, but his was drooling. He probably already spread his poison all inside me. "You join our conversion club and you will go on the adventure of a lifetime. Brad and I really want you in with us in breeding the hottest guys." I needed a minute to think about this, but his biohazard tattoo was calling to me. I squatted down to run my fingers over it and to absorb what it meant to him … and what it might mean for me. I was compelled to lick it and suck his tattoo, as if that alone would make a difference. Having a tattoo like that would be sexy as hell. Justin brought me to my feet and backed me up to the table, then bent down to suck on my nips. How could he know that's the fastest way to make me lose control? In no time he was nursing on my tits while I was flat on my back on the table. I was in ecstasy having this infected stud wanting to breed my hole. I lifted my legs to let Justin into my neg hole so he could poz me. Getting his load was just too hot to deny. I could figure out the rest with Dr. Woods later if I change my mind. He said, "Put my cock in your hole and show me what you want." I reached out and grabbed his hard cock and rubbed it up and down my gaping ass slit. His eyes rolled back and he had a satisfied grin on his face. "Yeah, stud. You will love our virus. We'll change your life in ways you can't imagine." I let go of his cock and wrapped my legs around his sexy ass to pull him into me. "Oh yeah ... We've wanted to breed you for a very long time. We've seen you at the gym and always thought you would be an excellent hole to breed and seed. Ever since we converted, you have been on the top of our list to infect." This was so fucking erotic, having this amazing man wanting to fuck his poisonous load inside me. I was happy to take Truvada and stay neg, but having the opportunity to get bred like this is amazing. Justin started his fucking easy, but it wasn't long before he really pounded my hole, doing his best to attack from several angles. "Oh man, your cock feels great … just as good as I hoped it would.” He threw he head back and said, "Fuck dude, here comes my nasty load right inside your hole!" My hole was gaping and abused, and he looked like he just ran a marathon. After keeping his infected cock in my ass for as long as possible, he slowly pulled out. He grabbed a pillow to put under my ass. "Just let that toxic load marinate inside you. Let the infection take hold." “…nfection take hold .…” It took a minute to set in. After having spent years trying to avoid HIV, I had willingly agreed to seroconvert. He cleaned up his cock, pulled on his jock, and picked-up the intercom saying "Mateo, please let Dr Woods know he's needed here. And then please join us in the exam room."
  22. Getting my hole ready for being fucked takes effort and time. My reward for that effort is to get a load of cum. Everybody wins.
  23. Has anyone been to this place? Wondering if it's worth it for a quick pump and dump.
  24. As far as I know, there's no documented cases of an unmedicated/toxic poz guy converting a neg guy on prep*. We would have heard all about it by now. Most likely, after a while your thoughts will gravitate towards how many doses you can miss and dodge the bullet. *insert usual disclosure re: taking meds daily, not doing blood slams, further weakening the immune system, etc.
  25. My partner is undetectable ... has been for years and we fucked bareback before prep. I'm on prep now and don't hesitate to take a poz load, and would certainly consider a long-term relationship with a poz unmedicated/toxic/undetectable guy if something happened in this relationship.
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