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Everything posted by studlyjo

  1. This story is just... someone was wondering what's beyond HOT? ... It's incendiary! It's a real tour de force (pun fully intended). THANK YOU! You're a gifted writer and that's some twisted nasty imagination you've got! Well constructed, great build+up, and even good spelling and grammar! (That English degree shows.) [I may throw up if I have to read another "Andy and ME went..." from too many of the nasty authors of short stories and books on Kindle!] I read allot of smut on many sites (I followed one of my fave writers here to his Nifty collection and found a whole bookshelf of lovely but truly perverted stories not allowed here!) and the writings we get here are like Lindt squares to a chocloholic! Even though many never get finished, the work here is usually much better constructed and written -- and way much hotter -- than most of what demands a price everywhere else. So THANK YOU to all our gifted nasty-minded writers! This horndog really appreciates your work.
  2. This saga just gets better and hotter!
  3. Fuck. This is really hot. Tks. MORE PLZ!
  4. I'd say ten, maybe 20 or 25 party attendees are going to win. Soon, I hope.
  5. L ooking for hot multi-chapter story about young safe-sex lovers. They go to a party at some friends' house and are in the hot tub. One goes inside with some others to get fresh drinks. The 2nd lover gets to chatting with the only other guy still there and after awhile they wonder why the refills are taking so long and go inside to investigate. They find a full-on gangbang going on in the living room and with wonder the 2nd lover realizes they are fuking raw. When the bottom bends around to beg for the top's load -- it's his lover who's getting raw ganged. It's a setup among the friends and the other guy is his 'guide'. He explains to him that when he's away on business trips, they've all been raw fuking his BF in their bed for a long time, leaving telltale traces for him to discover. He goes in to fuk the boy while the BF watches and at a signal, sneak up behind and cup his balls while they empty into his lover. He then takes him on a tour of the orgy going on all over the house, ending with the hosts' private play m on the 3rd floor. Where the lover is seduced into raw fucking and discovered he's a CUMSLUT. No chems in this story and as I remember from another site. It was so damn hot I saved it but then lost it when my hard drive crashed. I've been searching for years! Maybe another one of you horndogs can point my hole in the right direction?! Tks.
  6. This is fine writing from a deliciously wicked imagination. But no less annoying for being yet another great story on this site abandoned at the home stretch. That's like Nathan forever bumping your hole but never slamming in with his monster hard cock! But geez -- reading that FIVE YEARS AGO you had another four chapters already written that you've never posted -- that's just being a prick tease. Cummon, give it up! Open up and let all those loads gurgle out so we can lap them up like starving horndogs. We NEED it :)~ Thanx -- you hot fuking pervy bastard!
  7. Came upon this great story late (and cummed often!). I love these serial sagas when i can binge read all the episodes at once and enjoy the continuity. This is really fine work, and you a fine writer. Lots of nasty, gritty details where we like it best. Thanx, we are all lucky to read your contributions.
  8. I L O V E. your writing and am soooo happy that you're continuing the Unprepared -- Dreaming/Seeking saga. Your details are my kind of nasty. These stories can become like old friends - only showing up occasionally but always wellcum. I frequently binge-read all the previous chapters first. Alas, too many are just dropped without resolution. And I was beginning to think Job Training was one of them. While it left me hanging, I could see where you might have intended to end before Jay was further debauched by a night alone (or not) with his new pimp. I'm really happy to know you're going on with that story. You've managed to keep Jay ingeniously eager to wellcum all those cocks and relish his hole full of various guy's jizz! Even as Aiden pulls him deeper into his world of depravity Jay seems to intuitively embrace it without guilt, shame or judgement. I can imagine your magic retelling of his coming night with Aiden and an almost endless accounting of his various nasty encounters to come. All while somehow keeping that all-American- boy-next-door innocent eagerness. OK, that's my particular kind of nasty and you've hit my (hard) nail-on-the-head! Thank you - you're this pervert's Hemingway!
  9. BigCmen is my fave. Big dick, hot partner and even hotter groups, occasionally flips. Cade Maddox another, (Yeah, I like big fat cick plundering innocent or cumsluT holes :)_ Allot of condom-only guys, like Pierre Fitch and Rafael Allencar are BB only on their fan sites. Twitter is good for browsing and finding links to these guy's fan pages. Rarely do I pay and subscribe for more than a month, during which I make sure to see all the good stuff. (Yeah, I'm maybe compulsive about downloading/capturing video content.) I recomd always search on the name -- most will have some, or even allot of good clips, on sites like PornHub. BTW, always search smut with Bing with the decency filter off. Activate the search by clicking on Videos, it seems to get better results, at least at first. Google always filters out the nasty stuff we wanna see.
  10. Most excellent. If this is fantasy, I want in your head! Fuckhole, keep going, you slut.
  11. Kudos! Much as I would have loved more of your nasty perversions, the surprise ending was, in a way, even hotter. Glad you can keep your sobriety even as you tantalize us with the path that brought you to today.
  12. Thanx for this fine story. It's been hot as fuck. I've looked forward to each chapter and am really sorry it's found its end. You've got a great nasty imagination and a real gift for writing. So I look forward to "Bottoms Wanted".
  13. Fucking A! LOVE finding these many - chapter stories and binge reading them while I edge my cock for hours. And this one is a particularly hot saga. Thank you! I think someplace in the comments you said you didn't think you were a very good writer. Are you kidding? This is particularly good writing and well constructed. It's kept me on the edge of my seat. Literally, ass hanging off begging for a bigger toy while I've managed to keep my cock hard all night! What a wonderfully nasty mind you have ~
  14. Chi4loads, PLEASE don't get caught in the quicksand of controversy, rules and high-handed suggestions. I for one (dare I say most of us?) want your mind free of considerations to let all your nasty, perverted, hotter-than-the-hinges-of-Hell imagination out in words for us to get off on. Again and again. You've got too much talent to go off in a huff like some others have. We all lose when that happens. On the other hand, with the 'Brother' saga alone, you've caused miles of cocks to spew countless loads and gallons of cum. THANK YOU! Think of all that slippery love cumming your way! Please keep it up! Well, maybe I mean, me UP!
  15. Oh fuck, THANK YOU for bringing these guys back! It's like four old friends, lost for awhile, just showed up at my door with more of what I like better than anything else in the world. Nasty hot friends who can, without apology, be loving, caring and heart-dearingly romantic too. I'm REALLY looking forward to soon seeing Seth tweaked beyond his rational boundaries and flying happily into the stratosphere as he embraces being a hot hole for one hot man after another to donate their strain.
  16. Slavetoy this story is really great. Your imagination is truly twisted! You've bright us to the brink and, with the surprise twists of plot you've thrown at us so far, I can't begin to think where you're talking Rob in the next installment. But I'm certain it will be extreme and a great twist. Thank for this.
  17. Just recently found one of your stories and am binge-reading all of them in order. You have one filthy fucking imagination and I love it! Thanks for sharing your perversions so graphically. At first I found it disconcerting that Greg started off as Grant and that you sometimes write he or him when you mean I, but I've come to think of these little 'errors' as telling markers that you get as excited writing these nasty mind-dumps as I get reading them! THANK YOU for harnessing your perversion to your talent for writing. Now, FUCK me again! Er...i mean MORE. PLEASE, NOW ~
  18. Yes. More please! It's a hot story with lots of interesting nasty twists.
  19. What was there? Hot story
  20. This story is unbelievably good. Hot as Hades!
  21. THANK YOU for finally continuing this story. It really gets my juices going :)~
  22. Thank you shoreboy. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! This novella is a triumph as a work of writing and as an experience in reading. It's complete with all the plot complications, characterization, emotional entanglements and descriptive narrative needed to make it quite real in the mind's eye. Epic in it's reach, compelling us in anticipation to read on. Or wait with bated breath (and cock!) or the next installment. The ending was both unexpected and emotionally satisfying. You really do have a gift. Thank you doubly for completing the story and not leaving us hanging dick-in-hand as is so often the case! I too urge you to self-publish on Amazon and don't forget about Amazon's Audible branch where books are read aloud by quite good actors. (It's a Godsend on my seasonal drives between South Florida and Canada.) There's a growing adult section also with some good readers, many the authors themselves, but virtually all the writing is stilted and amateurish, expecially compared to yours. (Although, not sure I could drive listening to yours!) Even Dan Savage is there with a sorta radio show!
  23. WOW! For a man like Manetti, an alpha male even when he bottoms, this is the hardest punishment. It's really the ultimate rape. Great writing, EVIL mind! What the fuck is next?!
  24. Want to hear how turned on you got watching yourself getting raw fucked and what it made you do!
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