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Everything posted by Cumfilledbottomboi

  1. My cock is too small so I wear the cockring on my balls. My balls give me a nice bulge.
  2. Yes.
  3. I always clean a top’s cock off. I want all of his cum inside me.
  4. I’m a faggott and enjoy being a Cumdump faggot for masc or fem tops.
  5. I don’t fucking care if they’re black, white, yellow or brown. A cock in my ass that breeds me is a cock I need in me.
  6. Which is what locked cocks are for so we stay hot, horny and needy for cock in our ass and mouth.
  7. I am the same as you. I precum buckets when being bred. All while limp. It’s a great way of letting thetop man know his usage of me as his Cumdump makes me hot but as a sub pussyboy for his pleasure, I only get hard other ways.
  8. I identify as a community cumdump but if I find a topman who understands/knows this and wants to control my penile orgasms, I would fall in love. I have a current FWB who does and maybe that evolves into a coupling. But it would have to be an open, honest one.
  9. Jockstrap or thong and cock Chasity cage are essential for me.
  10. The only real sex is bareback sex. Everything else is just pretend. Do it, you won’t regret it.
  11. My master hosted the session but it was heaven for me. I am a whore meant to be mounted and taking all loads so it was the most natural thing in the world for me. 10 or so is max I’ve taken in one session so far.
  12. Group sex. Chasity. Being the only bottom in a sexparty.
  13. Welcum to the club!
  14. I’m training myself to be locked long term. I look forward to being in Chasity.
  15. Exactly I never want to stick my dick in an ass. I love and know what I am, sexually. I’m the bottom, a community Cumdump one at that.
  16. I play with it too much. This is why I need to be in Chasity. But when having sex, it’s tiny because I’m mentally focused on my top breeding me and using my boipussy for his pleasure.
  17. Yes, they have a right to know I’m a community Cumdump!
  18. I’m submissive and I know it and don’t even generally like to play with verse guys unless they know I’m the bottom. I have no desire to top and leak precum like a pussyboi in heat when being bred. Always have but I’ve never been hard while being fucked.
  19. He coulda really been a total bottom. I rarely got hard when fucking at 22.
  20. You’ve got a tight hole. your ass is hot. your pussy is so tight. take my load bitch/faggot/slave i love a community Cumdump. oh, I love fucking this ass. I will tell other tops about you. I cannot wait to host a gangbang with you getting every load.
  21. I am a toy for other men’s pleasures. They can use me as they wish. Slave. Bitch. Fag. It’s all good. I’m the community Cumdump.
  22. Actually, no. They don’t. There is hope for a future where one isn’t hamstrung by healthcare costs. You’re presumably a well-off, middle aged white man and, while a MSM, you have advantages and enjoy the tax breaks (I have too honestly) and do not want to lose those and you seemingly cannot see past your naturally conservative, protect your own finances above all else, mentality. I differ from you in that I’ve lived in poor, socialist third world countries and more modern wealthy countries in ASIA. The man you’re ok with voting in again has more in common with those socialists than ANY Democrat. The entire lot just wants Americans to get Heath choices and other things afforded to most of the citizens of the wealthy countries in the world. Guaranteed healthcare, six weeks of vacation, guaranteed retirement and subsidies for post high school education choices. this could ALL be paid for if we roll back the breaks for the wealthy 1% to where they were before the recent trump cut. If we redistribute budgets for military to other areas. Those countries you’re calling “socialist” (probably Scandinavia) actually pay less income taxes than us for for the same schemes.
  23. U It’s completely missing from my page. No chat option.
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