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About DoggyBoi

  • Birthday 04/18/1985

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    Poz, Not On Meds
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  1. I've used these for ages, both before being poz and afterwards. They are really very accurate if used as directed. They do best with a pinprick of blood (99% accuracy) but will also do OK with just saliva (91%). These days I buy them so I can stealth poz. Some guys just won't bareback without proof, and these test kits are gold for getting around that. I know how to fake swabbing my mouth, so it'll always show negative... and the other guy will then happily have bareback with me and receive a poz load I also use them in repeat encounters so I can tell when I've been successful in pozzing them. It also gives me an opportunity to be there when they find out they're HIV+ which is always a turnon for me. Some of them are SO upset. You then have the option of testing yourself, showing a poz result, and making them feel that THEY infected YOU... thus avoiding repercussions from the person you pozzed So the kits work. But they're only reliable if you use them as directed.
  2. Oh and FYI - the "skin tag" you mention is the remnant of a bout of thrombosis. A little tissue died due to the blood clot (the cause of the swelling and lumpiness) and left a tag. Unfortunately although it's "scar tissue" it's not of a type that's really contributing to the reinforcement of the tissue like I mentioned above. A doc will generally want to band or freeze it off, which will leave the flat spot of scar tissue which prevents the vein from popping up there any more.
  3. Preparation H is actually useless. I looked into it. The "active ingredient" is shark oil which has, incredibly, zero medical evidence to support it. Anusol and other brands like it, contain actual real medical ingredients, mostly a combination of a lube to keep the 'roid moist and prevent irritation, an antiinflammatory to soothe it, and (usually) lidocaine to numb it. Well worth using in my experience. You CANNOT make a 'roid better by squeezing it, piercing it, or otherwise fucking around with it while it's "thrombosed" (i.e. lumpy and swollen). Even docs won't touch that, because while the thrombosis is happening, there's not a whole lot you can do except let nature take its course. Thrombosed 'roids are basically caused by blood clots, and they just have to get redissolved by your own body, which usually takes 7-10 days. Unfortunately cutting the clot out (which CAN be done in extreme cases - it's a 2 second op by a doctor) is not usually used because even though it provides immediate relief, the end result is that more clots will then form because of the injury, leaving you in an even worse situation. Ultimately once the 'roid subsides, you CAN get it treated pretty easily. Hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins in the blood-vessel-rich tisssue of the anus. Like all varicose veins, they can throw a clot or flare up, but no cream in the universe will actually "fix" it... you require an actual medical procedure. The easiest and best is "banding". You see your doc (usually a specialist proctologist) and they literally put a little special elastic band around the varicose area. This pinches the vein, cutting off blood flow, and killing the tissue above the band. That tissue falls off after a few days, taking the elastic band with it... and leaving a little bit of scar tissue in its place. The scar tissue is not noticeable to look at or feel, but what it DOES do is provide a "reinforcement" of thicker tissue in the area where the varicose vein occurred. This stops any reoccurence for the rest of your life - at least in that spot. You'll inevitably get more 'roids as you age, but the more you get "banded" like this, the more spots of scar tissue you get... and the more reinforcement your ass tissue has. After about 6-10 bandings, you'll generally have enough extra reinforcement scar tissue, that no more varicoses can pop out. This makes you basically immune to getting any more 'roids, EVER... so it's well worth it. You can get it done under public medicare for free but this often means waiting a few months... paying $200 for private treatment generally gets it done without waiting. There are other methods apart from banding - cryo-freezing being an example - but basically the message here is that it's easily treatable. The procedure takes 5 minutes including the time to say hi to your doctor and drop your pants. There is generally little to no discomfort - if the 'roid is very close to the sphincter, though, you WILL get a dull ache which will go away after about 6 hours. It's hard to tell in advance if a 'roid will be an "acher" or not, so plan to take the day off work just in case. Actual full surgery (where they cut and remove the vein entirely) is not used any more by any decent doctor, because it's unnecessary and actually pretty ineffective, as well as leading to weeks of post-op pain. This is called hemorrhoidectomy and if your doc suggests this treatment it's a good sign he has no freakin clue what he's doing and to go see someone else. Hemorrhoidectomy is 20+ years out of date... very very old school. There's actually not much you can do to prevent 'roids. Almost everyone gets them, and it's largely down to genetics. Anal sex has NOT been shown to cause them, although straining on the toilet bowl for long periods certainly does cause them. So don't spend more than a few minutes taking a crap... aim to be in and out as quick as you can. The key is not to suffer and not to just use the creams and then forget about it when it subsides. They will NOT go away and the longer you leave it before gettng it banded or frozen, the bigger and more frequent you'll get bouts of painful thrombosis. So just get it treated, and after a few times your ass will be reinforced with spots of scar tissue and you'll never suffer again.
  4. This guy is a total fake.  He'll message and bait you, make plans, then the second they are to happen he'll disappear.


    Don't waste your time.

  5. Are you on bbrt at all?  same name there as here.  I'd travel or host to take that seed.

  6. Will be there with my poz load + looking to take other poz loads too.
  7. DOwn also. Let's do it at a sauna (a special CumUnion room?) or at my place. IM me if interested.
  8. So hot to see you finally got pozzed! Congrats man! Now spread your gift to other chasers!

    1. DoggyBoi


      Thanks dude! :) And yeah, I'm SO glad to have chased the bug... gotta catch 'em all, lol!

      And yes, I'm now going to spread my gift as much as I can. Woof!

  9. still neg... damn I want to get pozzed!

    1. Poz2play


      Wish you were close by to help get you pozzed. When you get it you'll by pretty horny. I'm newly pozzed and so horny .

  10. Yes! Count me in! (anyone reading this, get in touch if you want to gift me! )
  11. Montreal - want bareback! Poz or not.

  12. I'm in! Let me know and I'll travel down to TO. I need cum!
  13. Meeeee! Message me
  14. I'm going to be starting PReP this week... which means NO CONDOMS any more! Yay! I've been waiting all my life to be able to take lots of random loads, and I intend to make up for lost time... and fulfil my fantasies of feeling poz cum squirting inside my ass! So I'll be giving you all some stiff competition for the cumslut trophy (btw if anyone's in Montreal/Toronto or can be, then get in touch because I want to ride your cock)
  15. Want to get fucked by men or dogs

    1. breedme420


      me too! we should go on the hunt together!

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