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Everything posted by garsento

  1. We need to make the police the servants of the people, not the other way around. Police have no role in Pride marches. They are not going after white gay people now, but they did and for the same reasons.
  2. I would love more of this hot story.
  3. Hot.
  4. Please keep it up. You write well. If you like doing it, why not?
  5. I am just getting started.
  6. My ass may be getting looser, in that I have found I've been able to take even sizable dicks comfortably with just a spite lube. Or am I just more practiced? I am not sure how it works.
  7. I've begun to fit a small one inside me overnight, and to wear it around home. It feels good, and I like the idea of being maybe able to take tops more easily--plug and play, I guess.
  8. Besides "ugly" being a relative term, lots of people do not care so much about the face of their tops.
  9. So-called "dipping" has been recognized at least since 2004 as a risk factor for HIV. [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/feb-2004/many-hiv-positive-gay-men-involved-hiv-transmission-risk-without-recognising-it One 2016 paper from Australia found that a noteworthy proportion of people who became HIV-positive in one survey (15 of over 500) reported dipping to be a risk factor. [think before following links] https://www.jmir.org/2016/9/e227/
  10. I would urge a top to breed me if they were close, but I do not associate the act of breeding with taking a poz load at all. A load is a load.
  11. Agreed that it is possible to be an ethical slut, at least if you go into your sexual encounters wanting them to be as good as possible for everyone involved. This isn't something we can take for granted, sadly, but it is definitely an achievable goal.
  12. Some of my most skilled tops can get into me on spit alone, although this is not something I can do with everyone.
  13. Quite. There is only a weak relationship, if one at all, between a top's penis size and the skill of a top. Two of my best regular partners have penises of different sizes, one perhaps five inches and of average width, one seven inches and thick. Frankly, they're both equally good: The first top does not reach an inner ring with his dick, but he does not have to. They do different things, and each keeps me coming back for more. There are a lot of way to top. Happily, your top does not need to have a hard-on ten inches long and Coke can-thick to be a good top. Beyond this, if someone is complaining about never being able to find a good top or is placing ridiculous requirements on what someone has to do to be a good top, this sounds a lot like this person try to explain a way something awkward about themselves. If all their sex partners do not work for them, maybe they are the problem? Blaming other people is a great way to avoid taking personal responsbility. Bottoming requires skills, too.
  14. Breeding Zone is not a place that I use primarily as a hook-up site. BBRT, also Recon, are it. Breeding Zone I see more as a social media for a few segments of the barebacking community. There are people I've met in real life who have been active here. @Read1 I met at Club 120 and @FelchingPisser I found through his blog. There are also other people in southern Ontario who I have corresponded with on those platforms. Would I hook up with people I've chatted with here, people I've met here? Sure, why not? I just have not used it in this way.
  15. I am glad that you are enjoying it. Just continue to talk to your partner, and practice safer sex. PrEP might not be a bad idea!
  16. Different people could do different things. Some people have worn jocks, others been naked, others fetish gear. Everything depends on whether you feel comfortable in it.
  17. I am very glad I went to the last event there, with Dolf Dietrich there and all sorts of others in attendance.
  18. @Read1 reported over in that Club 120, the Toronto club and restaurant combo at 120 Church Street not far from the Village that hosted--among other things, like jazz sessions--the Rough House and Fukdto sex parties, is closing permanently. Local weekly NOW Toronto looked at the issue, quoting extensively from co-owner Todd Klinck's explanation at Facebook of the impossible economics of it all., apparently very difficult even before COVID-19. We visitors had known, as the Toronto blogTO noted, that this location had been slated for condo development anyway. This catastrophe just accelerated the closure. FukdTO and Rough House have each announced that they are in the very early stages of looking for a new host for their event. One major problem with this is that I am not sure that there is a suitable space, at least not within walking distance of the Village. That part of Toronto has seen huge condo development, and real estate prices are ridiculously high. I am surprised that Club 120 lasted as long as it did. Where will these spaces be? Club 120's problems reflect wider issues, as Klinck wrote. The Church Street bar Pegasus is facing issues; the Glad Day Bookshop has had to resort to fundraising to stay afloat. With no affordable real estate in the Village, the Village's businesses might well go. With no other gay village in Toronto or nearby, not now, it could be a long time before we get a neighbourhood cluster of businesses that would include nightclubs and sex clubs. Certainly the kinds of spaces that are such excellent places for guys to meet and have sex will be hit hard. This is not a crisis that is going to hit Toronto alone. Every place is getting hit by COVID-19; every place is going to have an economic crash; every place is going to put sex clubs probably close to last on the list of businesses to revive, as well they should given how dangerous the virus is. What will happen to the networks of parties and clubs that we use? What can we do to keep them alive or get new ones going?
  19. 56 Dean Street in London argues that HIV transmission rates in countries with effective treatment may be dealt a blow by lockdown. Briefly put, most HIV transmissions occur in the period of a couple of months after HIV infection where someone has not developed antibodies to HIV while in fact being highly infectious. It is possible, especially if people get tested post-lockdown as quickly as possible, HIV infection rates might get permanently reduced. This is arguably especially the case now, with prophylactic treatments like PrEP and effective treatment regimens like TasP being widely available. [think before following links] https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/05/01/hiv-chain-broken-transmission-lockdown-coronavirus-56-dean-street/
  20. What did he do to you?
  21. COVID-19 is not a retrovirus, like HIV. Drugs that work on the one may not work on the other. Truvada, particular, from what I heard does not touch the functioning of COVID-19. Other anti-HIV drugs might.
  22. A preprint of a new paper suggests that the testicles serve as a reservoir for Covid-19 among men. [think before following links] https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.16.20060566v1
  23. What is unclear to me is whether people who are immune are not infected with COVID-19 at all or whether they are infected but at a low level. People who have cleared the virus from their system and can continue to clear it are rather different from people who are able to handle the virus and remain infectious.
  24. I suppose that I am level 6, in that I will happily take the loads of people who I know are poz. The thing is, I do this only with people who are (I can believe, plausibly) undetectable or people who are on PrEP. From the HIV perspective, taking the loads of undetectable guys and of PrEPsters up my ass is as risky for me as it is for guys wearing unbroken condoms who pull out of me to shoot, that is to say that it is not risky at all. Beyond that, I am perfectly happy to wear condoms with new partners I have not discussed status with, and actually do use them consistently in these circumstances. Level 1 can blend seamlessly into levels 5 and 6.
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