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    Dublin, ireland
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  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  • Background
    Horny, open minded, want to explore - bored with vanilla.

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  1. Always played safe until a fuckbud introduced me to poppers, that was the first time I took a bare cock and realised how amazing sex could really feel. Around the same time I discovered this site and popper hypno / trainer vids which encouraged bb and told the truth that bb is so much better and the only way men should fuck. Only use a condom now if the top insists upon it which very rarely happens.
  2. Results came back negative. All clear.
  3. For me there has to be kissing, if the top isn’t into kissing there won’t be a meet. I think of kissing as the gateway drug to all things sexual. From experience if the kiss isn’t good then it’s likely nothing else will be good too.
  4. I’m definitely a faggot, I love cock and feel so fulfilled when I have a bare cock deep inside my cunt.
  5. Going to be in the boilerhouse on Thursday. Hope my cock finds its way into your hole.
  6. I’m not actively chasing. I’m just enjoying taking loads and having great sex whenever the opportunity presents itself. I’m aware of the potential consequences of my behaviour and if I get pozzed I’ll have to accept those consequences.
  7. They came back negative
  8. Fuck me that’s hot
  9. I was thinking about doing this, I couldn’t go a whole month without cumming. As a compromise I’m not going to masturbate, I’ll only cum if I’m with someone.
  10. Plain and simple,I’m curious to see if there are many Irish guys active on here. I’d be interested to get chatting to guys where there’s a possibility of a meet. Say hi on this thread or drop me a PM.
  11. I’m a bottom and always 100% clear about it but I’m also not small in the cock department which means that I’ve often experienced vers guys trying to convince me to fuck them. It’s led to a few hook-ups getting cut short as the guys have gotten sulky cause I won’t try fucking them “just this one time - cause I might like it” It totally kills the mood and when the mood is killed there’s no getting it back again.
  12. On top of the good advice given here I’d also consider the size of the organisation, its policies and how closely you guys work together. In general though I’d stick with the age old advice of “don’t dip your pen in the company ink”.
  13. Hey all, I’m a Married bi guy, she doesn’t know I’m bi and we hardly ever have sex. I’ve been having sex with guys since i was 22, I’m 40 now. I’ve only done bb with one long term buddy that I really trust and I loved it, felt so damn good. Anyway long story short I want the option of bb with other guys but I want to take responsibility and not rely on them being on prep. Are there any other married guys out there who take prep, how is it working out for you? I’d love to hear your experiences. For the record I know there are other STIs and that Prep only prevents HIV infection if used properly.
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