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Everything posted by boy4you

  1. The more Mr. Jackson fucks us the more we enjoy it so we are begging to have our holes used, The juice with the chemicals in it we get used to and understand why it used as it brings out the pig in each of us and Miss Tina make the world go around as we get our daily slam or get to suck on the pipe with the booty bump making our holes feel the need to be fuck. We have been with Mr. Jackson for about 5 weeks now and the only time we are let out is to service his dick as our dick is locked up in chastity. This morning my brother is very sick as Mr. Jackson takes him over to the bed and seems very happy as he wraps my brother up in a blanket and comes over to me and says your brother is very sick and it will be your turn to be very sick also. Two days later I get sick with a high fever and I'm freezing in July my body is aching and we both have this rach on our bodies. Mr.Jackson is taking very care of us and nursing us back to health as my brother and I lay in the same bed keeping each other warm and cuddling like we did when we were younger to stay warm.be on Tina at a time and the one, not on tina is the Top and the other is the bottom cum dump. Let me if you want more.
  2. I just turned 18 so I was forced out of the of the orphanage that I grew up in. My brother was forced out 18 months ago so I decided to see and be with him. Both of us never knew our parents as we were just drop off. Growing up there was not easy as we never received enough food so our bodies never fully develop like most men do. I'm 5ft 5 maybe 100 LBS. and my brother about the same, as to our education we are both at maybe a 5th-grade reading level at best. I find my brother and he is living in a seedy part of town really a flop house and works as a day laborer and just to survive. We both don't care as we are together again and for us, that is good enough. As we are not mussel bound like everyone else at the place we stand by for day work and we are always the last to be pickup or who are willing to do jobs others would not do. Its hard work but we are together and we might have nothing but we have each other. Today everyone picked and we are just hanging when this truck we have never seen before ask us if we are willing to go with him and plant some bushes on his property outside of town. As we need the money just to eat and our bellies are growling we take the job. The ride is close to 2 hours and it has us worried a little bit but we soon pull into this very long driveway. We get out and Mr. Jackson says boys you might be here a few days as that whole driveway these bushes have to be planted and do you want to stay and I will give diner and some extra cash, we look at each other and say it sounds great. It's 7 am and we start working and it's hot maybe 90 degrees and by sundown, we are both exhausted as Mr. Jackson says you boys did a great job and during the day he would bring out water and some food so we did not see anything strange. He invites us into his home and has a meal to die for us. Instead of water he now has some fruit juice for us to dring which I never had before but we both are starving and thirsty. What I do feel is that I'm feeling a little lite headed and as I see my brother fall out of the chair and then I pass out. Mr.Jackson takes me out of the cage I'm in and says are you going to fight me like your brother did. I say NO and he smiles and gives me some juice that tastes awful with a metallic taste. After he shaved me so I'm now hairless like my brother as he puts the chastity cage back on.Then Mr. Jackson leads me over to the drain and bends me over and shoves a hose in my hole and is very roughly as he kisses the back of my neck and says I love virgin holes to break in so I'm going to be nice to you so just stand there. I see Mr.Jackson bring a bag over and says you will love Miss Tina so much, he takes a piece out and has me bend over then tells me to spread my cheeks wide, as he puts his finger in my hole again and whatever Miss Tina is it starts to burn and I panic, Mr.Jackson says relax boy it will soon pass and you will want your hole filled up. I'm put back into the cage as my hole is begging for something so to prevent me from using my fingers my my hole I'm handcuffed to the cage. My brother is taken out of the cage Mr. Jackson says you going to give me any trouble again and my brother says no as Mr. Jackson pulls out a funny looking pipe and puts a lighter to it and tells my brother to put his mouth on it and now take a deep breath and inhale real slow and hold it, then exhale slowly and my brother is coughing but is liking it and does it again and again. He looks bug-eyed as my brother is put back into the cage. As I'm pulled out of the cage Mr. Jackson takes my arm and says you saw how to smoke Miss Tina now I'm going you what we call a slam Miss Tina, my arm is tied off I see the needle and I ask Mr' Jackson are you going to clean my arm first and Mr. Jackson laughs and says its not needed, I see the blood fill the syringe and then the plunger is empty and I cant breath , I cough as Mr. Jackson says that is a light dose of 0.2 later you will be begging for more as he leads me over to a bench. Mr. Jackson you boys are now going to find out what you were born for as he straps me to one of the benches. He takes my brother out and straps to the other bench and we now face to face. This is the first time we are seeing Mr. Jackson naked he has a few weird tattoos and a metal ring through the head of his dick. I'm first as Mr.Jackson buries his face in my butt cheeks as I feel his tongue working over my hole, it feels great as his finger is back in me and that now feels fine then the burning starts again. He comes in front and tells my brother to suck his dick and my brother complies, then says you will make it nice and wet and if you do a good job it will be easier on your brother. As Mr. Jackson turns around right above his dick I can see 3 letters POZ, then says to my brother very good job as I feel that metal ring being run up and down the crack of my hole. When he starts to push the head of his dick into me the pain is more than I can take and ask him to stop but he keeps pushing it in slowly until he is balls deep. The pain is a lot as I'm seeing stars from it as he just starts to do short strokes .Mr. Jackson says you don't know how good it feels to have my POZ dick in a virgin hole and soon I will make it into a bleeding cunt. He smacks me on the ass really hard and starts to pull out and then drives back in again and again, but each time the pain is way less and I'm starting to enjoy it and right before Mr. Jackson cums in me I'm moaning like the bitch I am. When he pulls out he walks in front of me and I see his cum covered dick and there is blood on it as he grabs my brother's head and tells him to clean it real good which he does. I see Mr.Jackso go behind my brother and starts to buries his face in my brother's ass and he is really enjoying it till the burning starts and I see he knows that what happened to me is going to happen to him. I see my brother is crying from the pain of Mr.Jackson dick with the P.A. on tearing up his hole up like he did mine and just like by the end my brother is moaning also. Mr. Jackson is standing by me with his cum covered dick and dark blood and he does not say a word just as I open my mouth and start to clean his dick off with my brother blood on it. Mr.Jackson says we are not his sons yet but in a few weeks we will be as he puts back into our cages. For the next month, every day we are smoking the pipe getting slammed and booty bump drinking that rotten tasting juice before we get our daily fucking and after a week it does not hurt any more and we don't see our blood on Mr.Jackson dick.
  3. As I have many friends who are being hurt by the recent shutdowns of places where they would post adds. A new site has started PM me and I will give it to you.

    1. Bobby4poz


      what is the site

    2. slavemtl


      please reply me in pv with this site 

    3. boy4you



  4. With Backpage down a new site is up now called bedpage for SWers

  5. As of now the Craigslist personals in the USA is down but in the EU it’s still up as it is with many other sites. This law will put many on the streets looking for work.
  6. I have few friends who are scared to death if sites are shut down like craigslist has done.
  7. As one who has been on that slippery slope and enjoyed the ride to the very bottom
  8. Last night I caught someone trying to put GHB into my brothers drink I wanted to kill him as I know what he was trying to do. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      In a willing controlled environment, knock your socks off...but against the will or knowledge of the participant.  Hell no.  I would have flipped my lid.

    3. boy4you


      I did hit the guy and busted his lip open and maybe took out a tooth. He did leave bleeding. 

  9. Guy at work had B.B. sex for the first time and said he will never use a condom again. 

    1. 4Bare


      Sex is so much better Bareback for the top and the bottom!

    2. mikeinjersey


      love to with you b4y :grin:

  10. With the Craigslist personal being taken down I know many who used the personal to make a living with or used it’s services. I hope the same does not happen to this site. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. boy4you


      This law was supported by both parties to stop illegal sex trafficking. 

    3. seaguy


      Trump could have vetoed it but they would have probably overrode his veto.  Holding website liable for human trafficking is stupid how is it their fault?  The3 ones we should be going after are the parents who let their daughters run wild and then they end up getting caught up in these sex trafficking gangs.

    4. bareall77


      I agree that this is not the right way to go about this!

  11. Being on PrEP will keep you somewhat safe but you are taking meds. Being Poz and undetectable you also are taking meds also so what's the difference? 

    1. Read1


      It's two parts of the same coin really! As long as you make the right decision for yourself -- that's what counts!

    2. Rillion


      I think the main difference is that you can stop taking PrEP and not have HIV (assuming it worked) as compared to having HIV and treating it. I've been on and off PrEP for two years now. As part of a triad, I often don't have time to have sex outside our relationship, so I can take breaks from PrEP. It might be different if I weren't a top. I'm not really concerned about getting HIV from fucking my boy, as I figure I'd know if he got the fuck flu and even then the odds of me getting HIV from fucking him is low. But in situations like when we went on a gay cruise and I knew I had the potential to fuck a lot of anonymous bottoms, I started back on PrEP, just to be extra safe. 

  12. T is Tina or Meth you can smoke it do a booty bump or slam it G is GHB you take it orally and you mask the tast in other liquids
  13. If you have Prince Albert piercing get a curved double barbell from Painful Pleasure take file or a hammer with a center punch to make the sharp edges.
  14. My brother and his BF broth up as I knew it would, I guess they could not be decided who was getting was getting their hole fuck. My brother is very venerable right now so I will have to keep a closer eye on him now.

  15. This is the double curved PA I have used to tear up a hole or to make a condom fail, the ball on the right is very sharp and wish I could have taken a better picture.
  16. Great story as I have PA and had one of my rings bar bells modified by a machinist friend to make the balls very rough. Condoms don't last very long
  17. 2-inch solid steel is about the biggest I could find the rest is hollow.

    1. ronnie4u


      Sounds HOT !  HOT !

  18. I like the heave metal ones but this is the biggest one I could find.

    1. cumbottom4use


      that's cool, guess we will just have to get bigger plugs!

    2. ronnie4u


      Yummy HOT on Toy !

  19. You know you are a rubber hole when a 2 inch Enjoy steel butt plug falls out and you don't feel it till you see it on the floor or in the bed.

    1. cumbottom4use


      I know the feeling boy4you, I also have trouble keeping a butt plug in my cunt.

    2. bareall77


      Fucking HOT!!!!??

  20. Very nice and I know how much you wanted to clean that nice cock off.
  21. Just took my brother home and he is a lot better but very weak. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boy4you
    3. mikeinjersey


      Hope he feels better soon.  :)

    4. boy4you


      He is doing better today and is resting.

  22. Brother is really sick going to take him to the hospital. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 4Bare


      That's good to hear.  Hopefully his fever will go away soon.

    3. bareall77


      Is your brother on PREP? In other words... fuck flu or reg flu?

  23. I'm going to have great Valentine day BF is out of town and brother is sick with the flu in bed.

    1. cityjock


      Not a busy day for clients? 

    2. boy4you


      Busy time at work and taking care of my brother.

    3. 4Bare


      Take care, Dude, better days are coming!

  24. Well, my brother woke up with a with a fever and he has body akes all over. 

    1. HornyForPozSeed


      just the flu or perhaps the fuck flu?

    2. tighthole64


      Could make your trip to KW even more interesting! Could just be regular flu unfortunately.

    3. cumbottom4use


      maybe he has converted!

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