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Everything posted by boy4you

  1. When we travel we bring our sure shot and a pipe wrench to remove the shower head and replace it with ours as almost all shower heads have the same pipe fitting. Take a look at the Out Hotel as its very Gay friendly and Men walking in and out are normal.
  2. We have one of thous portable slings that we have in 2 duffel bags. We have the chains set in the right link so your hole & mouth are in the right high for most. We have rubber sling so it's easy to clean and we have table also.
  3. On the subway I can see the out line of this guys dick and it's HUGE I would to have him fuck me right here. Ok I'm a horny little slut.

  4. Was at a twink party for thous under 25. This new guy wanted me to fuck him but only with a condom on. Could I help it if the bag broke LOL , let's see what happens in a few months as my VL is 600,000 now.

    1. ChargedLoadLover
    2. bbpoznow


      like to meet you my self.

      NO condoms ever

  5. I wish NYC had a decent bath house.

    1. xxxpdxxx


      I wish you had a travel budget to visit bath houses across america

  6. If you are taking meds but your VL is around 700,000 are you still POZ ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WolfinSheepsClothing


      still poz, Yes. any VL is considered Poz, AIDS is how low your T-cells are.

    3. highcountrybb


      you suck at being poz. get t cells down to 4 or 2 and be real gay man AIDS DEATH PIG

    4. breederjock


      ill take some :) neg college athlete ready to serve

  7. Here I am in my local coffee shop and these 2 twinks walk in. They are speaking loud enough for me to hear. That they would love to take me home , I wish they would come over. They keep eyeing me so as I leave I give them my number with the message I hope you call and take me home as I blow them a kiss. Life is good.

    1. backpackguy


      Let's hope those 2 twinks give U a call so you can breed them and knock them up! Let us know how it turns out.

    2. boy4you


      They were back today and eye balling me like I was fresh meat. Little do they I might be fresh meat to them but I can be a killer if they are not careful.

    3. Uuha


      Mmm give them the gift of a lifetime! Line them up side by side and make them suck each other's ass juice off your poz fuck stick

  8. Well after 2 months on meds my VL number have not drop at all.

  9. Been on Atripla for 2 month and my VL is still high and not moved down.

    1. backpackguy


      Keep on breeding those hungry chasers until you see the doc.

    2. lkngrnd


      Sounds like you are possibly resistant to Atripla (as I am).

    3. WolfinSheepsClothing


      they might need to run a Genome on your HIV to see what drugs you are resistant to.

      my numbers dropped almost instantly.

  10. The first one who now POZ is 23. The second is 28 and hope he turns if not we will just blood slam him.
  11. The second one we did him 2 weeks later but so we will see.
  12. The BF and I 5 weeks ago found a real chaser who wanted to become POZ. Today we got the news he tested POZ today.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Toxicwanted


      Good boy to take it, good loads from you...hope he don't take meds

    3. boy4you


      The BF and I did it on the first time we fuck him with 3 loads from each of us.

    4. Tuffenuf


      Fucking awesome! :-)

  13. I received a call from the first one we breed and he is now POZ. It took 5 week for seed to do it’s work.
  14. Tomorrow getting on a plane to Key West for spring break as this will be my last but my first as being POZ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boy4you


      In the past we always have but I will be honest with them about me being POZ now.

    3. Toxicwanted


      Good boy :-) keep off meds

    4. HornyForPozSeed


      have fun stud, and knock some boys up

  15. This up date is he is running a fever and lets hope it’s the fuck flu.
  16. I can't believe someone talk us into trying to POZ another chaser. I get hard just thinking about do it. I wonder if this has anything to do with having a high VL.?

    1. aa300boy


      did you do it?

    2. boy4you


      On Saturday we are going to do it.

    3. rednyellow


      Now that I'm poz and toxic, I'm getting plenty of offers. I'll poz some boys when work slows and I can have a long piggy weekend

  17. I put up a blog about how I went from a virgin farm boy to a POZ pig. Let me know what you think.

    1. Locomotion


      hot story...and hope you are sharing that HVL....share it while you can.

    2. pigpozdad


      it is a great story, so let's hear more

  18. The summer of 2012 was the big eye opener for me as I was able to stay the summer in NYC with James. I did not go crazy working as an escort as I posted an add on Rentboy just a few times. Only a few times did I bottom as Topping is where the money is. I did have clients who became regulars as they were very nice and treated me really well. That summer James took me to some clubs that were real hit or miss with a lot of people, but we did meet some who we started to become friends with. As the end of summer was coming we were invited up to this nudist camp ground for males only up state NY. for the Labor Day weekend. From the time I arrived it was like fantasy land with really hot guys running around naked. Doing all type of things from just fucking to me seeing for the first time a guy getting fisted suspended by rope from a tree, I was hooked. Also some playing with whips being lead around by a leash as it was my introduction into Gay Male Leather scene. When we came home we found out more about S&M as we found some clients were into S&M as its fun. At this time I only played safe as I was scared to death of catching somethings. At the LGBT center on 13th st. They Would preach to you it's safe sex only and would hand out condoms by the hand full. When school started I would only see clients who I like and trusted to help me with my living expensive so I could go out more to the clubs. I was underage so to get into any of the Gay bars was not easy, but James was able to get me into the Eagle bar on 28th st. where a lot of the Gay Leather men hang out on Fridays , Saturday's or Sunday afternoon. As we both wanted to learn more we heard about the Tes group where they have classes on BDSM the only thing its pan sexual group. Then we heard that Gill Kessler Tes that he has classes for Males only its 6-10 Sunday at his home with maybe 12 showing up and all he ask was $30 for everything. Gill is well respected and very good teacher, we got a basic in rope , how to use a flogger, cane , Saran Wrap , E-Stim and other things. As Gill would say, is why do you put someone in rope? It's to fuck them so we both wanted to learn more about rope so we went to some of Erin Houdini classes in Brooklyn. Erin is trans and the classes that are of mix group of people but we were there to learn rope and we did learn a lot. We learn it's not about the rope but how you put the rope on and take it off as it can be sensual or brutal. In January of 2013 James is given 2 tickets to the NYC Black Party by one of his clients who we are going as his escort, as I have no idea what kind of a party it is but we get a gift card from him of what to get and where to get it from. We head over to the Leatherman on Christopher Street not far from our home. We tell them what we want and are taken down this small spiral staircase. There we are fitted for a chest harness leather pants and other things. As I'm being fitted I'm being eye balled by others in the store and the one fitting me is doing a fine job of grouping me as he ask me to get down to my underwear and I like the feel of leather on my skin as I put on a show as I bend over for thous in the store. The one who is fitting me is real friendly and says you are one big tease. What can I say about the Black Party it's 24 hours of dancing people fucking and sucking in the side areas and one big blast. After a few hours a friend ask if I was tired and I said yes as he pulled me real close to him and kiss me and passed somethings to my mouth and said this will get you back up and it did, I later found he had given my first hit of E and he gave more later. James and I walk this client around the Black Party like he was out slave and let him over to one of the side room and set him up to be gang bang, guys came from all over and for the first time I saw BB being done to him. I was a little shock as at that time it was safe sex only. James has body piercings since I met him and I really like them so for Christmas 2013 he took me over to the tattoo & body piercings place on Broadway north of Canal St. I was getting my right ear, both nipples and the Prince Albert. The ear was first and nothing then the PA and that I was scared shit of. The pain was not as bad as I thought as the Piercer Brian was very good , then the nipples as I though the PA would hurt the most but I was very WRONG getting the nips pierced was PAINFUL. When I went to pee the first time it was bloody and hurt but the second time was easy. I will not be fucking anyone for weeks till the PA healed, that’s OK as I like getting fuck better. I'm really doing well in school and I was given an internship that's to die for, I have a loving BF who has given me so much as being Gay here is so normal and so much fun. 2014 June we hear of PrEP and that it can protect you from becoming HIV infected if you take it as you should. So condoms are no longer needed as James and I have fucking each other raw for over a year now and I love the feeling of fucking or getting fuck raw and the cum that comes with it. Everyone else it's always with a condom. We find out in August we can get on it and we both follow the rules about taking it by the book. The first time I tell someone who we know is POZ to fuck me raw he says are you chasing and I say no as we are on PrEP, he never heard of it. He fuck my brains out and so did a few others and I love the feeling of my hole full of cum leaking out. 2014 way my first time going to MAL in DC & IML in Chicago. We had develop a group of friends who we started to play with and at MAL in January I wanted to see if I could take a fist. They set me up with the very old guy who at first I was turned off by but once he started working on my hole my opinion change fast, he was so gentle with me and a few hours his hand was in me and he work me good.I've I never had cum so much before as he work his hand in me . Since then when we can meet up I'm will to be his hand puppet any time as I've become a slut for his fist and anyone who is good at it. I learned I can be a real tease but there are pay back if you do it to the wrong people and thous pay backs can be very painful. In 2014 we started playing with GHB , Tina as well E and popper. At first I smoke Tina but I did not like it till I inject it and my first booty bump I was then I was hook for it. After we were confident that PrEP would keep us safe we both went nuts for raw dick and parTying. 2015 was a real blur as most weekends we were parTing and being real sluts with taking any dick in front of us. The group from up state that we know from the nudist camp has a place we call the barn. It a large farm for NY and they set up the barn as a dungeon. We would meet a few others and car pool up and once in the car the party would start by giving me some G or T at first it was a very small dose till they saw the effect it would have on me. At the barn it was like heaven or hell at times and going through the hell was worth it for the heaven. At first we would be there for 2 days then it would be 4 then a week. The summer of 2015 we spent a month up there and I would lose track of time. Spend a day in a sling all slammed up with dicks dumping loads in with someone fisting at times and it was never enough for me. Thanksgiving week we went up to the barn, there were some new members but we did not care as the G has done its job and being slammed the fun was just beginning. When we got home I was really sore as my hole took a heave pounding. I was going up to the barn for Christmas break but I had to get some work done for school and I was not feel great. Right after NYE I caught a very bad cold as my BF had one but his passed in a few days, but mine lasted for over 2 weeks. I was running a 101-102 fever and my body was hurting all over, I was scared until I started feeling better but something was not right. On 1/20/16 I went to the Doctor to get my regular test but somehow I was called back and the test on 1/28/16 now said I was HIV POZ with a VL of 700,000. 3/02/16 My VL numbers have not drop that much , but my BF numbers have drop. They might have to change my meds or maybe I’m one of thous where nothing works, time will tell.
  19. boy4you

    Virgin To Poz

    I grew up in a small farming community in Nebraska. I have 5 older brothers and from early on I was treated different by my parents as my brothers are big 6'2-6'4 with big mussels and I'm 5'7 with a string bean build. On the farm when not in school you are working from an early age. Where my brothers went to work after High School I applied to College and received many offers. I knew I did not wanted to stay in Nebraska. I think my parents knew before I did I was gay and when I told them they did not seamed shock and when I was pick on my youngest brother would defend me as he is just 16 months older than me. I knew where ever school I went to would have been near a large Gay community so it was either NYC or San Francisco. I visited both and the school in NYC bowled me over with the best offer I could get. It would not put a major Financial load on my parents or me and I would not be left with big students loans.As I wanted to pay my own way as running a farm cost big money I would try to find a job to cover my living expensive at school. I moved to NYC into the dorms and the first thing I said to my self did I make a big mistake of my life as everything is so tight here. My room mate was ok at first but in a few weeks turned into a real ass hole tell me all the time who he fuck he is not Gay. Not knowing NYC and really being a farm boy I'm in a new world as I know it's out their but I can't get into the Gay bars I pass by of find so I know it's out there. My sex life is giving someone a blow job once when we visit the big city near us in North Platt Nebraska. I'm fed up with my room mate and I have to do something fast or I feel like going back home and work the farm for the rest of my life. As I have to find away out of living in the Dorms as the commute is 20-30 minutes either way by the bus the school has or by me on my bicycle. Every place I look is way over my limited budget or the room is smaller than I have now. One day I look at Craigslist of all places and find a room for rent for a male only and when I hear where the address its BINGO 1 block from where most of my classes are. I get on time and it's a very old building, I get to the door and when it opens and I see the guy at the door I think I was struck by lighting as we look at each other for a long time. He's 5'8 maybe 125 in a tight tee shirt and I can see the out line of his nipple rings. He ask me in and the place is huge , with wire walls with pictures of MEN in full leather or men with boys arm in arm. The pictures stop me in my tracks as I don't know to run or keep looking. I do notice James eyes have not left me as I just look around and takes me by the hand to the room he is renting out. This bed room is very big also with a king size 4 posted bed that does look very gothic. When I ask him how much I say to him how much and I'm saying to my self it's going to be to much, but James ask how much can I afford and when I give him the number he says that's perfect. I gave a number more than I could really afford but I said to my self I will make it here some how.somehow I get the use of the kitchen , bathroom that has all these long hoses off the shower head and free wifi. I could not be happier. I ask if I could start to move over the weekend and he shoot back I have a friend with a truck and it can be done in one run. So I move in and settle in and I love the quite this place is but I look at the pictures on the wall and I get as hard as a rock and even pre cum is coming out. I try to hide how hard I am but James is always walking around half naked as goes late every night. I never ask what he does but is mostly at night. As James goes out late to work most evening and is back in a few hours or comes home early morning as I'm leaving for school it really working well for me with school but my life is empty in some ways. After a month James wants to talk and ask if I want to hang out with him this weekend, I remind him I'm under 21 and can't get into any bars, he says it's no problem where are going as he knows the doorman real well. I tried of looking at the books and I'm way ahead of my school work and it's a Friday. We get waved right in at Pyramid Club and once inside the music hits me and so many hot looking guys around, it take me a few minutes to understand what is going on as my head is spinning as James gives me a soda and says let's dance. On the floor it's more like a grope fest as James and I get closer and closer and when our lips lock my arms are all over his body as he takes off my shirt, my bare chest is rubbing up against him as I feel his nipple rings hitting my nipples. Something comes over me as I go down to kiss his nipples. The rest of the evening there was one big blur of passion & heat form everyone I met at the Club, what I thought was 1 hour turned out to be 5 hours. As we left the sun was coming as we grab a taxi home our hands were all over each other. Once we made it up stairs what cloths we have come off as we head to the bed. It's my real first time of having sex with any one unless you say giving someone a blow job is sex. James is the first one to take my anal cheery and I thought it would be very painful but he was so gentle with me it was pure pleasure. I wake up and James is sipping coffee and looking at my naked body as all he has on is a tong with a hard dick showing. He ask how I'm doing I get off the bed and get on my hands and knees and take his dick out and start to suck, as he's about to cum he picks me up and takes me to the shower. In the shower I find out what all thous hoses are for. He is making love to me wile he's working over my hole. I come out of the shower clean on the out side & inside. We spend Saturday & Sunday fucking going to some clubs and I'm having the time of my life not hiding who I am but living what I am. I no longer live in my room but in James room. As I get near the end of the school year my funding will not be available over the summer and my part time job will not be enough to support my self in that time and I don't want to leave James as I'm in love with him and he with me. When I tell him that I will have to go back home for the summer and work on the family farm he says he has an idea how I can stay in NYC and make enough money to stay here with him. He ask how I feel about doing what he does, my being so fresh off the farm , I say I really don't know what he does at night and he is Laughing. He says he works as an escort a he showed me his profile on Rentboy. I'm shock and say you get paid to have sex with other men, he says that I could do very good but I will have to be a Top as that is where the real money is. He tell me he has a very good client who would love me. James tell me we will go over and double team him as he will really like that. I'm scared to death but if I can stay in NYC for the summer with James I'm willing to do it. We get to his home and I don't know what to do but James leads me by the hand an tells me what to do. I can see on the client face he is very happy that I'm came, as once I'm naked he says to James is he legal, James responds do you really care. He is on his knees sucking my dick in a second as James starts to lube his hole up. Right before I cum James pulls him off and turns him onto his dick and hands me a condom to put on and tell me to fuck him hard.
  20. You know when you are a real slut? When the same dick that took your anal Cherry and it hurt and now it's nothing even with just a little spit.

    1. breederjock


      so hot! guess i need some practice. still need lots of lube for this tight jock butt

  21. I'm in the store getting something to eat and in front of me is a guy with 4 tins of Criisco? I say to my self I know what I would be doing with 4 tins of Crisco and it not cooking.

    1. rednyellow


      When I got to Palm Springs for a piggy weekend, I stop at the grocery store and my cart usually has several cans of Crisco, paper towels, Fleets, Gatorade, Fabeeze, butane, disposable lighters, energy bars. water. I wonder how many notice.

  22. This is a true story: On 1/28/16 I was diagnosed as being POZ , the news hit my BF and I hard as he too tested POZ. Over the last year we had been doing a lot of PNP and had not been taking our meds the way we should have, so we have no one to blame but our selves. I'm not going to hide what my status is so on groups like this and others I listed I was now POZ. With in hours I started to get emails asking me to give them the gift of becoming POZ. This one person kept hounding us to no end , so my BF and l went to a local Starbucks to meet him and try to talk him out of this for 3 hours, as he kept saying either we POZ him or he will find someone else. All the wile my dick is getting harder and harder just thinking of doing this, before he leaves we tell him to do a very deep clean out like you are going to be fisted. Later I ask my BF how he felt about doing this and he said if he could bend him over the table and dry fuck right in Starbucks. We call him back and said we will do it as we have friend who place we can use. As we ride over to Brooklyn our dick are raging hard and can't wait to start. We told the one we are about to POZ that we are bring over some friends to witness this and he agrees. Once we get there we ask him for the last time about taking our toxic loads that could make him POZ , all he says is he wants it. He is on the bed and I take out a dildo get him on all fours, I spit on his pink hole and start to work it in his so to be wreck hole. The only lube we will use is our toxic spit. As we both have a PA this might help as I lost the coin flip as to who is to be first. My BF is not going to be gentle as this is not love but to do all we can to bury our toxic seed in his ( We hope ) in his former neg hole and he gets his wish of being POZZED for life. I get sloppy seconds but it's ok as his hole is now well lube hole with my BF cum. I'm really getting off as the people watching are calling him a pig and he is getting off as they are also using him as a urinal when they have to piss. We even have him clean off our dicks after we shoot our loads in his hole. By the time we are finished the BF and I dump 4 loads each in his hole and after we are finished we shove a large butt plug in his hole and tell him to not take it out for 8 hours and give us a call about what comes out. Then we kick him out and the real party starts as we now become the cum dumps for thous who witness this.
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