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Everything posted by bocini

  1. Great story. There are some very sexy men at the small mens stores out there. I love to have a experience like this. I do hope there is a 2nd chapter.
  2. Yes I have been stealth and one only recently. At a Sauna baths location. Getting fucked. Turned around asked him how close he was. To be informed his toxic fun was already in me.
  3. I started when I was 14. Older brother of my best friend. He made me grow my hair to the top of my shoulder blades. So I look like a fanboy and enjoyed pulling my head around by the pony tail. It did make my development into the class fag a given though.
  4. Great story well written.
  5. At school by a fellow student. Then many years later by a boss. Which was a very difficult time for me. It was before I was poz. I wished when I look back I had converted before then so I could of pozzed him.
  6. I know how you feel. After a long period of lock up it becomes part of you. Love how small you are. My dick shrunk to nothing and has never came back which I love as a faggot bottom.
  7. I have made a point of at list sucking off most boss s I have had. It just helps on so many levels. Especially the married one's.
  8. I have been using chasitity and chasteberry for a long time now. My dick was never large depending on the day it was 4 inch something and my balls use to withdraw up inside me. So a true faggot from day one. As who would want to fuck that. I realised that what I did not have out the front was truly covered out the back. I have naturally smooth bubble butt that self lubricates. So my body decided for me I was a faggot. Then a top who I was with for 5 yrs we broke up several years back got me onto the herb and locked me up it was a long hard journey but apart from cleaning 3 5 minute sessions a week I am locked away. It truly was a difficult journey. Now I have just a small head that is a ugly pale pink colour and my balls have basically disappeared and my discharge is a pale watery discharge. If I do. But God I love cock inside me.
  9. Just over 2 hrs. No regrets great guy. Amazing fuck. But did worry in the last 10 minutes that it was going to be worth it. Luckily it was.
  10. Before I was poz it was a gradual thing. When I was young 15 to late 20s asked all the time. Then 30s stopped. I was so into being fucked. Now poz. Well not at all it does not enter my mind and find fucking a lot more fun.
  11. It to me depends on the guy if has built trust in and my body. I like to have him push through. As my body throat relax as I know he will bring me back. If I have no trust and also he is not clean no way. But I find my body makes the decision more then my mind.
  12. A brilliant story. I hope it continues. Thank you!!!!
  13. Best friend 15. Turned into a relationship that lasted too I was 20 yrs old. We had a lot of fun exploring the gay world together. Also made school interesting.
  14. Take a breath. Catch up on my maintenance...wax....clean....Then find a real man take me to a nice beach and get fucked many times under the stars at night.
  15. I read this from another user Along the lines of all the effort that goes into preparing as a true bottom Cleaning Eating right I keep my pussy hole hairless. So every 8 weeks waxing. Then the exercises lunge squats bumlifts lots of walking. So when I am not with boyfriend. You bet I am going to fuck everything that's hard and full of fun for me.
  16. I have only been active when the bars were open. But even in those small windows I found/find myself being very controlled with who I am with and where I go. It's more a sub conscious act. So I am obviously taking the warnings in at a certain level.
  17. This is a great topic. I have wonder this many a day. I am a bit of a relationship slut. In that i have to be in a relationship. I love having a msn in my life. But i have found the men i attract make me a slut. They get off knowing they have a slut to share withtheir friends. So I get fucked by a few on a night in. I am not complaining as I slut myself to keep my man happy I neverhave seen myself as equal to the top men i share my life with. It is mine to keep him happy. I have always been this way.
  18. Actually are there any straight married men left. What are women doing to their men. I get fucked so regularly by married men its a joke. And once they get their cocks in me they go to town love it. And the best bit they fuck off when they finish. No hanging around.
  19. As a pure bottom i fantasize about being castrated and my dick just a small useless head only good for peeing. In real life since the cb6000s came on the market i am always locked up expect for a shower. It is part of me now. So i can concentrate on milking my topwith my cunt. And being in the position he requires.
  20. I agree with the Top who started this topic. I am a total bottom. I want a man to fuck me. A top man. I love to know he is the breeder. That i am his pleasure. Not "half a faggot" i am the faggot i love cock in me. I have always got amazing pleasure from being fucked.
  21. I totally understand your thoughts. I would love them gone. As a bottom i find it would complete me. And the sack gone too. So nice and smooth.
  22. Local sauna arse in the air one nice load deposited within 10 minutes of being there. Then enjoyed a good sweat with hot load slowly leaking out. Yummy
  23. Great subject . Like a lot of true faggot bottoms. I have been fucked in a lot of public locations. Not always my idea. Forceful top horny men dont care i find. Beachs. Clubs. Pubs. Car parks. Sport stadium . Gymn.parks. But my favourite was at my sister wedding and not once but twice by two different men. One was a given my boyfriend at the time and second a waiter at the venue who saw my wet spot. And he decided he had to have secounds. My sister found out and still has not forgiven me.
  24. I am a bit of wet fan easier to get a park then subway. Upstairs in their little cubicles is a lot of fun. But true not the greatest raw scene. Miss club 80. How times have changed.
  25. 100s... and seriously no two the same bloody amazing that.
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