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Everything posted by bocini

  1. I luv sucking and rimming a married guy. Showing him what true pleasure is and done without any negotiation on what has to do around the martial house. Done because its just fun and bloody enjoyable. There relief is amazing to see.
  2. There use to be several like these toliets where i live. And as in the story. Attracted the dirty sexy old man. But every so often a young man would appear like this story. They behaved like they were trapped in their bodies. But the older guys knew what to do with them. None left empty or the same as they were when they came in. But i dont every remember seeing one comeback. Love to know how many converted. God i miss those days.
  3. I am a total bottom. My cock is just over 4 inches hard and less then 2 Sòft. So its a none issue really for me. I only use it to wank and piss with. I like it to be smaller still as i enjoy the ridicule i get from it. But the wierd thing for me is small cocks hurt when they fuck me. Where the 8 inch thick cocks feel amazing. I am sore the next day but i love that feeling. .
  4. I believe that you must start with anyone that puts a raw cock in you at a baths sauna is poz. If not well.....
  5. Would it be possible to do both. Have your romantic partner take you to the baths. Load you up. Then Share you in the dark room ????
  6. Sensational start. Bring on part 2. Look out freddy the death dick is Cumming
  7. I just love it. Pissed on. Drinking piss. And my favorite having a funnel stuck in my arse and pissed as a toliet for a group over time.....with a touch of bondage. Fuck i love it.
  8. I have tatts and piercings I truly believe its the person. Some men look sensational with tatts and others look like a comic book not good.
  9. Basically everybody when they found out i chased it dropped from their friendship group. Smashed me for a while. But i have made you friends and fbs within the poz community. Which is ok. But i miss my old groups. But i do not regret chasing or being poz. I feel this is what i was meant to be.
  10. One word. Viarga. Always good for those moments till you get your confidence and have your aniexty under control. I get that. Then lube to help you slide in. Her tell the bottom to put it in. Then ...a deep breath go slow. Build up your confidence. ...then the fireworks start. Good luck man.
  11. Half the time i do not even see them.lol But no. Only if we begin to hook up regularly.
  12. Like to say to jackedjizz that is some of the best advice i have read. Especially getting around other gays. I know when ever i have issues on anything in my life. I have to solve it with gay mens opinions. As well straights and not thats anything wrong with being straight. Just approach the world differently. It took me a couple situations to fully appreciate that.
  13. I call it a cunt. Because it simple is i get fucked in it. I am proud to have a sluts smooth cunt
  14. To me its purely a numbers game. The more you approach the more you get. I do not get stressed if someone says no. Its not personal hell they do not know me its just taste.
  15. I am a dark room fan. Not all the time. But sometimes i just want to fuck and not care by who. I love when see a guy leave a dark. Some look guilty others proud. Either way it says a lot about you. I believe in a good way
  16. Man come on bring on part 2. Please
  17. Great story keep the chapters coming please.
  18. Yes As said before. Too old. Poz Bottom But i am not negative about that. As be nothing worst then to be fucked by someone not into you. I agree the old fashion way of actually meeting and get that magical chemistry going or not going.....makes for the best fucks. I find if i just "shop" in the right areas in age what i am into takes the problem away for me. No use going to the night clubs i went to when i was 21. ...
  19. I love thick long cocks. But especially if the owner knows how to drive. Being blessed with such a beautiful cock is only half the deal. A sensual dirty mind and awareness of how to use that great cock. For me makes the best fucks. But heres a strange thing for me. Small cocks can hurt me more...
  20. At a underwear party. I wore my jockstrap. Was all cleaned out and lubed. I only just b arrived. Up to the bar for a drink. Standing waiting. By the time the bar man was back someone had walked up. Rubbed his cock up my arse then in. Fucked me a couple strokes. Then shoved it hard. And left. I could not believe it put my fingers to hole. Sure enough i been loaded. I been there 4 minutes....and been fucked loaded...and still waiting for my drink. The rest of the evening was not as good as my first 4 minutes....unfortunately.
  21. I seriously love this story. Love chains. The sound. The cold steel. The finality of chains. As you are going nowhere when chained up. Keep it going brilliant.
  22. Sensational. Looking forward to the story continueing
  23. Thats the best arse or cunt i have ever fucked. From a top in his fifties at a sauna about 2 months ago.
  24. Best time after i cum. As i am real sensitive. Plus i truly love being fucked. Getting my cum out of the wsy so i can concentrate on the cock in me is best for me.
  25. I am considered masculine and like many on here have the odd fustrating situation in group situations as many think i am a top. But what i find is when the words spreads. The big guys a faggot. .....its like a contest for some tops to see who can really fuck me up. Good some days and others i end up in a lot of pain and real fucked up cunt.
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