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Everything posted by ancusp89

  1. Thanks, I found that a while ago when I was looking for that. The one I watched was pretty vintage for today's standards. Maybe it was just remade for wider release. The theater I went to showed a lot of lower budget films, and it was quite a while ago that I saw that one. I love the sounds and smell of that place, a dingy, dark, cum drenched theater and the sounds of sucking and fucking from all over.
  2. This part here reminds me of an older Falcon films movie where a group of guys abduct and train a new recruit in the art of pleasing men, at the end he is branded with a Falcon logo on his ass, shooting his load finally. The leader of this group then decides to keep him for himself. I saw it in a theater and haven't been able to find it but it was so fucking hot, I've fantasized about it ever since.
  3. That's hot. I would have loved that when I was 12.
  4. I like how you think, I've always wanted to see how much cum I could get in my ass, then plug my hole.
  5. I love this! I feel the same way, I want to absorb every drop!
  6. Where are you? I want all that cum in my ass, that cock is fucking beautiful.
  7. Lately I've been dreaming of straddling a nice raw cock deep in my ass and do a thick slam of tina and ride that cock milking every drop of hot seed my hole can absorb. I want this so fucking bad. Nothing ever quite matches the intense cumlust that a good slam of tina brings on. Give me an IV drip with a continuous flow and a bath house brigade of cum filled cocks feeding my cum sponge cunt. I've heard tina called queer juice before, I think it fits.
  8. I like all those places, Outdoors and public restrooms in parks are pretty special though since that was always where I cruised in my teens and got my first raw loads I was craving so fucking bad. It was so hot finding a spot in a field or behind a church, in an empty house, in a car right on a busy street or parking lot at night. My first load in my ass was at a urinal in a park bathroom and I still love that and would drop my pants to get seeded like that anytime. Just cum in my ass and leave. Later I discovered a gay theater in S.F. that I felt so free and safe to let myself go and do whatever I want with as many guys as I could. Not having my ID checked the first few times as a 17 year old kept me coming back too. Being at home or a hotel is really hot, showering together and having a bed to just get wild in and rest and recharge for more hot load swapping. Anyway, park bathroom gets top vote for me, it's usually nasty already and cocks and asses are coming out of those pants. Here's some hot raw bathroom sex, http://xhamster.com/movies/1714858/bareback_cottaging.html
  9. Just saw yours on twitter, looks great! Everything in that pic, you are fucking hot!
  10. Bad thread title in my opinion, you are insecure, he isn't making you that way. Just own it, it's easier to deal with that way.
  11. Guiche for me, I just find that hot as fuck. I would love to have one, that's my pleasure zone, my hole and taint.
  12. Interesting topic. Like some others mentioned, I was very young when I began playing and enjoying sex, I would have loved to had an older man as a regular partner to learn and explore with. I used to get hit on when I was younger and it was the main reason I would cruise our downtown park, I grew up in that park, I learned what I liked and that older men liked what I had to offer. I was molested as a 3 or 4 year old by an uncle with raging teen hormones, it was only the one time and I'm sure society and religion kept it from continuing, it certainly wasn't family. I doubt that was ever disclosed and it probably would have just been hushed anyway, I say all that just to point out that laws of consent are only guidelines and because of the infinite variables will most likely never change much. I think 12 or 13 is fine to consent, society will never let that happen. I miss those days of being the object of so many older men's desires and willingly joining them for mutual pleasure and learning from an early age what I enjoy and continue to desire to this day.
  13. Rimming, fingered and plenty of affectionate attention with lube. Poppers and my hole is quivering and burning to feel a slippery cock parting my ring to be milked of it's cum.
  14. AIDS/HIV+ on meds, low viral load and low CD4 count. Because of previous opportunistic illnesses which led to my AIDS diagnosis, my status remains an AIDS diagnosis.
  15. I want to absorb every drop of cum my ass can hold, the intimate exchange of hot seed is the end result of a mutual act of primal raw pleasure. I'm just a bareback cum sponge and always will be, cum is the ultimate goal and there can never be enough!
  16. I have no idea how long it lasted but it felt like an all day affair. I started getting ready for my occasional trip to the tearoom theater in the tenderloin, I would usually be riding high on a thick slam of tina and this time was no different, I spent quite a few hours overnight playing in the bathroom getting ready, multiple enemas, shaving all my pubic hair till I was baby smooth, I was going to be ready for anything and everything that I could find, I got there shortly after it opened in the morning and planned to stay until it closed at 12 or 1 am. I always loved the dark wide open anything goes atmosphere. I walked through the curtains and stood for a minute to let my eyes get used to the dark theater, besides the sound of the movie playing there was always various heavy breathing or grunts from around the theater that was always a rush. I noticed some open seats a couple rows down on the left and sat myself in the middle of the row and immediately undid my pants and zipper to start my day of raw lust and let anyone looking know I was there to play, almost instantly I feel my new friend hovering and then sit next to me with lust in his eyes he grabs my cock and slides his hand between my legs and fingers my smooth ass cheeks and wastes no time jumping down in front of me, pulling my pants to the floor and spreading my legs wide and tells me how much he loves eating ass, I am burning with raw lust and cant wait to have my freshly prepped smooth cunt eaten. My analingus master was a dream cum true, as I lay low in that seat with my ass hanging over the edge and my legs in the air or being shoved back against me as he buried his tongue and thrust in and out with the occasional trip up to my belly to lick up my ever growing puddle of precum and tongue fuck my seed into my hole and telling me how good I tasted and that he loved the way he could see on my face that I was loving his raw pleasure, I was melting right there for what seemed like hours from his intense dedication to tongue fuck me until I felt myself spill my puddle of cum in a few gentle spurts on my smooth belly which he gladly licked up before he got up and promising to be right back, walked away. Sorry for the long post but that was the most intensely pleasurable oral sex I have ever had, he rocked my world and left me laying there glowing and spent, I don't know how much longer it was before I came around and sat up. I want him right now!
  17. I love how it feels when I shave all my hair off, love how it looks too. I only do it occasionally though. I like how it looks on other guys too, but it's not a requirement. When I see a smooth cock, ass and balls I want to lick, suck and tongue for hours.
  18. I would love to be accosted and coerced into a van with 4 or 5 lean guys in really short cutoff jean shorts, who drive me to an abandoned building they have set up as their clubhouse. They tell me I have been chosen to be fully instructed in the art of pleasing men and that I am now in their custody until they decide I am free to go. My clothes are taken and they guide me to a tiled room with showers, toilets and sinks with an exam table in the middle that has stirrups and a rack for the huge open top enema vessel. I am instructed to shower then taken to the exam table and my legs put in the stirrups, all my pubic hair is trimmed down and then shaved smooth before the several enemas begin. After being cleaned inside and out, they take me to a room with a bed and some padded benches and a few tables with dildos and plugs and bottles of lube. Then the elixir is administered, the thick oily liquid enters my vein and supercharges my raw cum lust as my eyes cross and my breath escapes my cum sponge hole quivers. I see all those toys and lubes and walk over and slide a cockring on, then squirt some lube in my ass and start sliding dildos and vibrators in my hole trying to satisfy my hungry hole. Then the journey begins, they start my training with one guy fucking my ass as I 69 with another pushing my head onto his cock to take him deeper in my throat until I can throat fuck his cock. They take turns fucking me and filling me with hot cum, and rotate between me sucking on their cocks and eating their ass, but every hot load of their cum is shot deep in my ass. After endless hours of taking loads in my ass and sucking dicks and eating ass, they put a plug in my battered hole to keep the seed in and toss me a pair of tiny cutoff jean shorts. I am accepted and I am home...
  19. I like cockrings no matter who's wearing them. They look hot on tops (like rawtop's user pic) and they look and feel great when bottoming, like my cock and balls are in a cute little bundle out of the way, add a jock and it really feels great and there's no doubt my cum hungry pussy wants all the attention.
  20. I can see being envious of the freedom to be the biggest cum pig you can be, that's understandable. Unfortunately, that is the only freedom or glamorous aspect of being Poz in my opinion. After 25 years with this "gift", I would trade places with you in a heartbeat. Taking meds everyday, the countless other ailments, hospitalizations, and continuous monitoring to make sure you're health is not degrading. Then the Psychological drain of dealing with all that. Not that all that will be what you have to go through, but after 25 years there are more reasons not to have it if you ask me. I guess you really need to ask yourself if the freedom to be the cumpig you desire to be is worth all that. If it happens, then deal with it, I wouldn't seek it out.
  21. I remember when I first started taking the Atripla there was a drunk feeling for a few days or a week. As for the dreams, I do have them occasionally and the ones that really stand out are the ones I am glad to get away from by waking up, usually I'm in some kind of fucked up situation that turns into an endless loop of trying to get away from it. I would love it if they were about a beautiful cock sliding in and out my ass and pumping cum in my ass all night and wake up with it still there...
  22. The comedown from slamming is more severe because the ride is so much more intense, and you are immediately beginning to burn fluids so staying hydrated can help. Easier said than done though, with me, I was instantly consumed with raw primal cum lust and the need to feed my quivering over stimulated ass with endless attention. It's a fucking blissful intense ride of primal lust and pleasure, but what goes up must come down and therein lies the problem, trying not to comedown by staying up, then it's a wreck at the bottom. I was a die hard Crystal cum whore and loved it, it takes it toll though.
  23. I've never been fucked with a condom, from my teen years on, my goal has always been getting cum in my ass, from the late 70's when I got my first load. So to answer the question, I started for the cum and the pleasure of barebacking was an added bonus.
  24. My first load was in the late 70's in a park bathroom where all the guys cruised at night, I was 16 or 17 and loved that time of my life, loved being hit on by older guys and having my ass filled with cum. Anyway, I went in the bathroom after walking around the park hoping to find someone lurking in there ready to play, I did notice a guy walking around outside so I went in and stood at the urinal with my pants down to my thighs so the message was clear what I wanted, the guy outside followed in shortly and I heard him undoing his pants and I felt him slide up behind me and (I usually had something creamy in my ass because I loved how it felt between my cheeks) he slid inside me and started pumping my ass and stroking my dick, it only lasted a few minutes and I felt his last thrust and his load inside me. He slid out and fixed his pants while I finished jacking off in the urinal, I never did really see his face but I got what I wanted, my first real cum load in my ass. I was always cruising that park hoping for more loads in my ass, more often it was just guys wanting to suck, I did have a hot guy pick me up in his car and after driving around we just parked on the street. I was wearing my sisters panties and my ass was filled with lotion, I undid my pants and when he started to finger me and felt the lotion he got really excited and yanked my pants down and dropped the seat back down, then he pulled his down and slid over on top of me, and he felt so good sliding in and out and telling me how good my ass felt on his cock, I don't know how long it lasted but it was great feeling him plunge his cock in me and his cum inside me, I miss those carefree days but the memories are great!
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