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Everything posted by RandyCubby

  1. I love sloppy, squishy sound my asshole makes when it's full of spooge - it's nice and humiliating when a roomful of men can hear it and sneer at me. I also love the slap, slap, slap of a big fat ballsack banging against my ass.
  2. A guy fuckin my face HARD told me, "Take it. It's all you're good for."

  3. I don't usually think of crabs as an STD but I guess they are. Accordingly, they were my first STD. I was a teen! I was SO dumb, I didn't know what I had! So I let em go on and on and on... I finally told a buddy it felt like I was wearin a scratchy woolen jockstrap. He told me, "You have crabs!" Took me forever to get rid of em, too. I've gone on to get em again and again... only I get em in my beard and in my buttcrack.
  4. I'm the guy in the suit suckin off everybody at the gloryholes.

    1. bihairy


      Love to get sucked and fuck and breed you at the GH!gallery_55616_5884_4058.jpeg

    2. barecubtop


      Should definitely post a pic of you in that suit with cum in your beard...love that!

  5. It's a game to see how slutty I can be. If I suck 4 cocks at the gloryholes Mon, I have to go back Tue, and I can't leave till I suck 5 cocks... or get buttfucked in the hallway. [EG]

    1. Pissncumpig


      I so do this too! 

    2. mjkuhl


      Now, that is my kind of game.

    3. Fistulike666


      Any bonus points available? 

      e.g. Cock Suck + Fuck; Fuck + Shower ... and so on ...

  6. A guy told me, "I was ready to leave the bar last night, and it was you or nothin." I got him off 3 x - including one round w/me on all fours in his backyard like a bitch. I got 40 mosquito bites - about 10 of em on my nutsack - but he said I was cheaper - AND more satisfying! - than a bag of White Castles! (And when he was done w/me, my butthole was as greasy as a bag of White Castles.) When I left his place, I stopped at the adult bookstore on my way home. Gave 2 blowjobs!
  7. RandyCubby


    Once, on vacation, I was on my back, legs in air, getting pounded by some guy in a hotel. In walks his buddy... with 2 more guys. They stand there watching, laughing. "Told ya he was a slut." At first, guy riding me was self-conscious, but he started to get off on being watched. One guy elbowed another, "Go on. You said you needed a blowjob. Look at him. He's a fuckin slut. Here, I'll go first." I left there... and went str8 to the fuckin bathhouse! Lined up to get in the bathhouse, I kept giggling and telling everybody who'd listen about my loose, spermy butthole and my sore nipples. Several of the guys in line ended up using me later inside the bathhouse.
  8. I love adult bookstores / gloryholes. I go almost every fucking day. I don't get 15 cocks on an average day. That's exceptional! There are days when I do that, but I give 2-3 BJs on an average day. Totally anonymous. I suck cock and get fucked in booths, thru gloryholes, in the restroom, and even out in the hallway. I lick cum gobs off walls and floors. And I've been caught in the act by employees there many times. They escort me out and threaten to call the police. Once, I got into a conversation with a girl who worked behind the counter. She laughed and said that she and all her coworkers refer to me as a PIG and a CUMDUMP as I walk away from their counter. Think about it - a bitch who works in an adult bookstore for minimum wage telling that to my face as I stand there in my dress shirt and dress pants from my Marketing job. I get off on humiliation, and that was nice and humiliating! "We calls you the pig. Cause that's what you is. You a pig."
  9. RandyCubby


    Once, I got genital warts, but because I'm a cocksucker, I got em IN MY THROAT. The clinic sent me to a specialist in Infectious Diseases. I didn't recognize the name when I made the appt. I didn't recognize him till he walked into the examining room. It was a str8 guy I went to college with. A str8 guy who couldn't stand me in college. And there I sat on one of those paper-covered exam tables - a referral from the public STD clinic downtown. With genital warts. IN MY THROAT. Who the fuck gets that? Taking a cue from me, he pretended not to recognize me. But his smug grin got bigger and bigger as he examined me. Playing dumb, he began asking questions. I turned red and stared at my feet, avoiding eye contact. "So I take it you're a homosexual?" Me: "Yes." He grinned. I'd just confirmed what he'd accused me of in college. "And you... engage in oral sex with men?" Me: "Yes." Him: "That's how you got genital warts in your throat?" Me: "I assume so." Him: "You assume so? Could you have contracted them some other way?" Me: "No. No, it couldn't have been any other way." Him: "So your partner had penile warts?" Me: "Some of them did, yes." Him: "Some of them?" Me: "Yes." Him: "So you've had multiple partners?" Me: "Yes." Him: "How many partners would you say you've had? 10? 20? More?" I was silent. "So, more. Would you characterize yourself as... promiscuous?" I stayed silent. He repeated, "You're promiscuous?" Me: "Yes." Him: "Extremely promiscuous?" I stayed silent, then whispered, "Yes. I'm... extremely promiscuous." He snorted. "Typical homosexual. Typical homosexual. Where do you meet men?" Me: "In adult bookstores." Him: "Oh, classy. Very classy! You do it right there IN the adult bookstore?" Me: "Yes." He put his head back and laughed. "Like a farm animal. Just out of curiosity, do you perform oral sex on... black men?" Me: "Yes." He snorted again. "Figures." He dropped all pretense of not recognizing me. "You've worked on it, but you still have that lisp. Bro, you have ended up the lowest of the low. Tell me, Randy, is it genetic? I mean... was your mama a slut like you? Did your mama like dick like you do?" When I came back a week later to have the warts removed, he used a device to go down my throat and shave them off, cauterizing as he went. I was 'twilighted,' not anesthetized; I remember seeing flashes of light. That was the cauterizing part. I kept squeezing the nurse's hand, fighting down panic. I swear I heard the doctor sneer, "You'd think he'd be used to having a big hose down the back of his throat." Even though she was squeezing my hand and comforting me, the nurse laughed, too.
  10. "Mr. B-----d, you can't keep getting gonorrhea in your throat. We'd like you to talk to a counselor again."

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Niagarapig


      Fuck yes!!  Would love to shove my cock up your hole and down your throat!!

    3. RandyCubby


      So, appt. made for the counselor... about my "inappropriate, self-destructive, addictive behavior."

    4. dickluva


      Fuckin' Oink~! "My shrink says I'm self-Destructive. What do I do about it?" Neely O'Hara. Valley Of The Dolls.

  11. Woof!

    1. fukfactor


      you are a hot man yourself


  12. Imagine a Fleshlight left in a dirty bookstore booth for every guy to use... w/out being cleaned between uses. Imagine it after a few 1000 guys. [EG] Well, that would be... ME.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. easyhole


      be like sandpaper

    3. FilThFiendFtM


      You are a goddamn inspiration. :lol:

    4. bigbear4loads


      tasty to the tongue.................

  13. I'd love to bury my face in that ass.

    1. upptheebutt69


      Same here...take turns on that hole 

  14. I felt SO slutty... sitting on a bed in a motel room, stripped, looking at 2 guys, trying to decide which dick to suck first.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn
    3. RandyCubby


      LOL. Sucked off a fat old troll there. In the hallway.

    4. PissPigBrooklyn


      haha ~~~lucky him~ lucky you!

  15. "I heard you was a real cumdump," a guy said. "But damn, your pussy's loose! It was like stickin my dingus in the Grand Canyon and wavin it around. You need to tighten that shit up, bro. Seriously."

  16. Even at $20 a pop, I'm pissin away my paycheck to get fucked by grinnin, toothless retards my dealer sets me up with. I've taken 2 crackheads already; I've got 2 more lined up for later! That's $80 just for Sat! No rubbers, of course. (Plus, my dealer told em to feel free to smack me around. Show me who's boss. "Leave marks." One of em REALLY got off on it. Scared me. But I've already texted him, asking him back tomorrow. Hey, he's got a big dick!) I'm wondering... who's the real retard here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigbear4loads


      LOL  You are my kind of pig!

    3. RandyCubby


      Today, I'm everybody's kind of pig! I am fuckin my brains out, and I am not done yet. No. 4 just left, and I'm headed to a craigslist hook-up! Some black guy says he wants to fuck a fat white boy. That will be my 5th unsafe fuck in 24 hrs.

    4. Niagarapig


      I would love to get my tongue up that used hole to suck out the poz loads & feed them back to you...then leave my own in your pig hole, of course!

  17. So when my boss and my secretary ask, "What'd you do this weekend?" should I tell the truth? [EG]

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. mjkuhl


      I'd like to join you on an expedition.

    3. CA-master


      What do you do as work during the day when you are in tie and suit? 

    4. RandyCubby


      Marketing for a medical group.

  18. 13 dongs in my mouth since 5 pm Fri. that's unlucky, right? as in... wonder what I'm gonna catch from so many dirty dicks?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RandyCubby


      Did I mention these guys were trolls? and crackheads?

    3. averageslut48


      I think, you are very lucky. Never resfuse a load!

    4. PissPigBrooklyn


      Well don't stop! Go get thirteen more. Twenty six is not an unlucky number of trolls and crackheads.

  19. Cocks are like potato chips. I can't eat just one. If I taste one, I'm gonna eat... 30. Or until I run out.

    1. easyhole


      wish they were as easy to get as potato chips

    2. RotzBBengel



      Now imagine cum was as rich in calories as potato chips - we'd have to rebuild all those gloryhole booths so guys like you and me could still squeeze in there...:grin:

      Love my low-carb, protein-rich diet... *smackmylips* :drool:


      The smell, the taste, the texture...every load is different, but each wonderful in its own way... :2thumbs:

  20. My dealer made fun of me. "Aw, they stole some of your shit? WAAH! What'd you expect? And when do you want another round with Charlie? and Billy?"

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      LOL. I hope you answered as soon as they can get over here. (This time lock up what's left) Don't forget to let us know when you get the results back from the clinic.

  21. So my dealer's been setting me up w/crackheads. Yeah, they're missing teeth, but $15-25 a pop, $140 goes a LONG way! (Granted, I think I'm missing some of my shit. ROFL. Dealer even told em to take what they wanted when my back was turned, like if I went to pee.) When I wasn't hooking up this weekend, I was at the gloryholes. Every. Waking. Moment.

    What am I gonna catch? [EG] Seriously, guys. Post your guesses here and we'll see what the doctor says. Someone's already said gono and chlamydia.

    1. Fistulike666


      Just slam a couple of 0.5 and you'll not know or care ....

    2. Big4mus


      Resistant Gono 

  22. So my dealer's setting me up w/some crackheads who'll fuck me for $20 a pop, and like potato chips, you know I can't eat just one. ; )

    1. easyhole


      you'll be getting some great seed

  23. It's... like I've got a clit inside me. A big fat clit.

  24. Got fucked thru gloryhole last night. Twice. Farted cum in my pants on the drive home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      Would love to clean your pants (and hole)

    3. RandyCubby


      "I just lost the baby."

  25. I love to step out of an adult bookstore booth into a crowded hallway with a beard full of cum and see guys point me out to each other and sneer, "What a fuckin pig."
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