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About Jamesslut

  • Birthday 05/27/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brest, France
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    I wish I had any!
  • Looking For
    sex love whatever!

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  1. That's it? what a great story i wish there were more
  2. I'm thinking about a piercing all in shame i said Where? there are good erotic place to go to. Peter told me you have good tits im sure it'll help you pleasure. I dont know,i dont want to desapoint you nor Peter. The thing is Peter and I have a bet. I think you get all 3 , he doesn't,!! what's the bet? that I can"t do it? Greg sayed I needed my tongue first than both my nipples........ I did enjoyed, so where my punishment?
  3. After we got dressed, he and I wearing just a tank top an shorts Peter told me to wear nothing. As we got to the store, Peter knew what to do. Then Greg came to me and introduce himself So sexy, hear you here for
  4. 2... and he did; I woke up wandering who's cock i has in my ass , like i cared it was back to Peter "hey sweety, i prepared you breakfast .... "hey honey" that was new abs "a friend of mine would like to help in his shop, you could come with and maybe ill get you a jewlery. Jo and his toy went back to their room I would guess.... Jewlery? I hope h'is not proposing wet.......... I went to clean myself. I was in heaven yet?
  5. So here i am, all this is a fantasy, wished it happened to me, be kind nothing is accurate, beeing from france i still hope to get you hard.... So its the end or the beginning Gradution has passed, I just turned 18. For my birthday and graduation my friends gave me a fake ID so i could go to this gay club i wanted to go to. So i'm Jeremy, I'm out for years, classic twink, even though since harms and legs if I may say., no hair body, total bottom. Till this point I had 2 "boyfriends", the first one was great, i sucked him and would cum in my mouth everytime, that's how i got hoocked. Then the captain of the baseball team caught me snifing his underwear, he wanted to fuck me, i was so into it that i said yes. Once in me he didn't last long. After that I became a cum slut lover So back to my birthday/ graduation My friends knew i wanted sex, but not so abvious, so after getting in the club, i was offerded a hard drink for my birthday (thanks for the fake id) I started to feel free and started to dance. This is it, the moment I meet him, the most beautiful man, dancing only wearing pants, his slim torso and abs, his hair dancing, i wanted to join him. Of course I got scared.... I went back to the bar meet my friends, they offered me shoot of vodka, and a second... I needed to got to bathroom so I went; I stembled into this again cutest guy as he was using the urinoir. I wanted to kiss him, taste the last drop.... He saw my face in the mirror, i just said I needed to use the looo with a "what ever" vibe. Once I was done, he just turned me uround, as I was prepared to puch him, he started to kiss me, so passionate. I was expecting to go back to the dance floor, but he pushed me into a stall, pushed my head to his pants, i was thinking of his underwear, i could have smel, but he didn't have any, his raw musk was inceanting. I fell for it, and let my tongue like his dick, as soon I touched his dick I was in love, I wanted him, all of him, his soual, his body, his dick, his cum So i started to suck him as I wanted his load to pleasure him. He finaly told me to open my mouth as I looked at him cumming. It went everywhere, most on my mouth, my face, my hair.... I wanted to clean up, he told me no, your friends and mine should apprieate what we have. I was kinda pride as we went back to the bar with HIS cum on my face, I felt like I wanted to, a slut.... As we went back to the bar, my best friend said "you got rest on your face, you dindn't clean it up" with that we laught but I looked at Peter, "i want you to lick the rest of your cum and fuck me with it inow" as I said in his ears. "We are going" looking at my friends, he said "take numbers, i know you all be fucking soon, tonight you know where this slut is" As we went back to Peter's place, i was aroused, i could'nt wait. I asked him "Truth or Dare" Dare Slow streap tesse he did Peter's turn; "Truth or Dare" Truth (I dared) how much guys came in your ass if you dare say. I said truth and i sadly say one before he said anything i asked "Truth or Dare" Truth Would you fuck me? Yes but........ here we go again the but in no butt, i guess my face changed I don't do plastic..... Good thing i don't have any.... I said with a smirck His turn "Truth or Dare" Dare get naked, no slow motion My eyes glazed but my dick got hard "Truth or Dare" dare I dare you to kiss me and fuck me Thats a dare a can do, and his lips approched mine, as we starting kissing it became wild 'You still have some of my cum on your face, so hot" As we kissed my legs opened and his cock was close to my ass Still kissing Peter is finaly deep in me, taking no time to breed me. "thats 2, want another load? as Peter asked me that while still in me, i heard the front door open and guys guigueling It was Peter's brother (Jo) and his boy, friend ? Jo realiezed he was intruding..... or "Having fun guys? "Care if we join you? this bitch will only swalow," slaping the dude in the face My Peter only said "As usual, you can" and I was swaped from a brother to another condums came to mind, but i was having too much fun, Once Jo came in me, his boy friend loked interested, and started to probe my hole "I've never seen a cum hole that close" "Cum in or else "
  6. Thanks so much! I didn't have time to play around this time, but next time, I'll try at leat one! I was busy at a weeding beeing fucked raw in a bathroom stall....
  7. SO HOT! Next chapter please!
  8. Hey guys, I'll be coming from France in February, looking for places to have fun and cum in that area.
  9. Hey i'm a French guy, going to spend a week in London in February , looking for hotel close to a club where I can have bareback fun.....
  10. I guess New York is as the next promess land!
  11. i knew i was a bottom, the day i was fucked, enjoyed myself while barely having an errection!
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