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About BC_Bottom

  • Birthday 09/21/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver Canada
  • Interests
    BB sex. Poz loads
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Total bottom. Can't get enough cum up my ass.
  • Porn Experience
    None yet. Would love to get pozed live on camera.
  • Looking For
    A hung top who will cum in my ass at least twice. Maybe a group of poz tops. ;)

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. I use Proton VPN. They are headquartered in Geneva Switzerland. You know how the Swiss are about privacy.
  2. Wondering if it had improved. A couple of years away might have changed things up a bit. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking.
  3. How is the bathhouse situation these days? I have not been for a couple of years, for obvious reasons.
  4. Every time you think this story is over, it pops back up. I knew a top like that once.
  5. All raw, all the time!!!! No exceptions.
  6. That sounds like someone who will get pozzed in a bathhouse.
  7. Or swapped them out for Tic Tacs.
  8. I am enjoying it. Please continue.
  9. Has anyone else noticed that BarebackRT has shut down their Parties and Quick Connect sections. I was bored with all this lockdown stuff, and thought I would go do a little window shopping. I was honestly shocked to see this had happened. Pleased, but shocked. So unlike me, but... Stay safe everyone.
  10. This story reminds me it has been far too long since I last spent a night bent over at the local sauna.
  11. I will be counting the days, and the lays. 😉
  12. I will take any load. Poz, Neg, Undetectable, other. All are welcum. But there is just something about a known poz load that really makes me want to bend over and get filled up.
  13. 10 loads total at the bath house. Took 9 loads up my tight ass in the dark room, then I just could not seem to find any more cock/cum. Finally gave up, grabbed a shower, and some sleep. As I was leaving the next morning. The bathhouse attendant grabbed me pulled me into the room he was cleaning said, "I heard about you..." He then proceeded to remove my pants, bend me over, and deposit a 10th load in my well fucked ass. We hooked up occasionally after that, if he was working when I was there. (I guess I was his coffee break.)
  14. Sounds like a fun day at the sauna.
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