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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. I crossed another item off my bucket list last night, I have now fucked and been fucked in a bar. The 1st fuck took place right after a guy sat down between me and a guy in was about to make a move on and started what basically was a cock blocking conversation about the police. I'm pretty sure he was shocked when I started sucking a cock and then offered up my ass and got fucked. I also switched sides and both fucked and was fucked by the guy I was about to make a move on when he sat down. I ended my night getting fucked and bred by a really cute 34 year old. Even though I really don't drink, and don't like to put myself in crowds like that, this won't be the last time I fuck in a bar. I can happily go outside of my comfort zone if there is fucking involved.
  2. I did fuck and take a few loads during the lockdown, but not nearly as many times as I did in the year prior. After the vaccine, I went wild, and luckily there seemed to be pent up demand to tuck in Portland and there was more sex during the 1st 6 months than at any time I've lived here, quite possibly more than the other 15 and a half years combined. Unfortunately after the 1st 6 months things started tapering off and when monkeepox hit thing returned to normal. Since I haven't been traveling much in the last year it has been exceptionally slow for me. Currently I'm on sexcation in Palm Springs, and have slept with empty balls and a cum filled hole 5 nights in a row.
  3. Taking a load always makes me hornier. In group situations it usually gives me a 2nd wind, i.e. even if I've already cum once or twice I get hard again and go searching for another ass to fuck and/or more dick to fuck me.
  4. I agree, plus unless they let on that they are breeding you, you can't always tell. I frequently leave the bathhouse after getting fucked only once or twice, but thinking I haven't been bred only to be surprised by a cum fart a couple of hours later. It is a very nice surprise even when it requires washing my sheets again.
  5. I got at least 7 loads in my hole in Palm Springs today, which probably ties my record, it was interesting sitting watching the fireworks show with cum dripping out of my hole.. The last 2 guys to fuck me down in the river channel, after the fireworks show tonight couldn't even get fully hard. Oth of them commented on how loose and sloppy my hole was. I also fucked and added my load to 4 deliciously sloppy holes today, the 2nd time guy I bred had cum literally pouring out, so after a small taste I pushed most of it back in and replaced what I ate.
  6. To some extent if you are proud of your sexual prowess, you at least have to know what actual sex is to and at least be capable of actively fantasizing to boast about it. It is also useful information when they boast about not being a promiscuous slut in a sexual setting, I'm remembering this week that in a normal environment, the best thing to do is to move on as quick as I can and find someone who will admit they enjoy fucking. Next week when I go back home I will either have forget that lesson again or cease being a promiscuous slut.
  7. DSC was the 1st bathhouse I went to, and set a standard few others can even come close to. I didn't quite know what to expect, but I fucked, got fucked and had a 3 way, all within my 1st half hour in a bathhouse, and had some kind of sex with more than 20 guys in the 4 hours I stayed that night. It unleashed my inner pig, that was a Thursday night, I went back both Friday and Saturday night. Midtowne was good to, but never quite measured up, I haven't been in more than 5 years but have had good times at Buddies in Colorado Springs too. I would give them a try. All of them are better than the long closed CCC, glad that wasn't my 1st bathhouse, if it had been I probably would have never gone back.
  8. Last night was the 1st night of my long awaited sexcation to SOCAL, unfortunately I was too tired to make the most of it. I went to the CumUnion Party at CCBC in Palm Springs and did have quite a bit of fun anyway. I probably fucked at least briefly with at least 20 guys. I finally got to have some of that dogpile group sex that I miss so much living in Portland, unfortunately it only took a couple of minutes for me to cum in the guy I was fucking after another guy entered me from behind, which happened shortly after I arrived and because I was so tired wasn't able to get it up long enough to breed any other holes. All in all I bred one hole and got at least 2 loads in mine. My biggest regret is a cute cub showed up not long before I left, that I really wanted to breed, that couldn't seem to attract anyone who could get hard to fuck him. At one point we were side by side on a fuck bench, with a guy eating his hole while I was getting mine railed by a big dick.
  9. You need to get on PREP, even if you are screening based on status you risk getting unintentionally pozzed by someone like me. I was on the apps as a versatile top, and a negative status thinking that I was mitigating my risk by not bottoming bareback or taking any loads, which worked for many years until it didn't. I know I was fucking and breeding guys right up to the weekend before I found out I was poz and would not have found out for several more months had they not been running a battery of tests after a cancer diagnosis. I never intentionally pozzed anyone and regret that their is even a chance that I did, but the reality is I was more than happy to stick my dick in almost any bottom that wanted it.
  10. I can't quite comprehend either the appeal or the outrage over drag queen story hours. I know our local suburban library apparently hosted 2 of them that were reported to be well attended, which resulted in protests that shut down the library board meetings since the 1st of the year. On balance the drag queens at the very least, are not ay worse from a sexual perspective than other dress up for lack of a better word fetishes that local children are likely to encounter on the street, in the parks or at a local Walmart (I can't remember the last time I went to Walmart without seeing something that made my jaw drop). At least so far we have managed to keep the "cultural warriors" completely off the local school boards, quite possibly because several radical right organizations have endorsed full slates of candidates, that conveniently give me a list of who not to vote for. I'm a little curious about @ErosWired comment that drag performers not considering themselves similar to a clown, anytime I have seen them perform or even dressed up ready to perform, they are for the most part every bit as flamboyant with their costumes and quite often with their makeup. This isn't necessarily true of those that you encounter in more mundane situations like at Walmart, but it isn't unusual even there. The same holds true of the other dress up fetishes, they tend to be flamboyant enough to draw attention and exist openly in large numbers, but as to the sexual implications, while they may be overtly trying to look sexual, this is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most sexually repressed and inhibited place I've ever lived when it comes to actually consummating a sexual act, which applies to drag queens and all of the other dress up fetishes.
  11. I'd check squirt dot org for Denver cruising spots. I haven't lived or worked there recently, but Denver is an extremely active city for cruising, and there are lots of comments and updates to the cruising listings on squirt. Check the listings for ABS as well as parks and shopping areas for glory holes, it shouldn't be to hard to find a spot. I hope you enjoy losing your virginity, good luck.
  12. "Perfect cock, perfect technique." "I like your sexual energy." "You fucked me when I was here 'x' years ago, I hope you will fuck me again tonight." Which always leads to a bit of embarrassment, since 9 times out of 10 they remember my name and I don't even remember fucking them.
  13. Parks, beaches, gay campground, gay resort, washrooms of all sorts, college classrooms, behind buildings, quiet corners of libraries, suburban driveways at night, in a church sanctuary in the middle of the night (with a girl when I was in college), bathhouses, ABS out in the open, adult theaters, and probably quite a few more that I can't remember. As long as it isn't an almost certainty that I would get caught and arrested I either have tried it or will try it. One that I haven't done yet that is on my bucket list, is fucking or getting fucked (I've only been sucked) out in the open at a bar. If anyone wants to help me cross this off my list, I'll be in Palm Springs next week and I understand The Barracks is probably a good opportunity.
  14. Long boring night at Steam last night with almost zero fucking going on, I did succeed in both breeding a hole and getting mine bred, as well as getting fucked by another guy who fucked me with a condom. Unfortunately I have never seen any of the 3 guys I fucked with there before, so either visitors or guys that only allow themselves to slut around once or twice a year. The guy who bred me had a really long dick and gave me what felt like a massive load balls deep, it didn't leak out at all even when the safe sex guy was fucking me, but a couple hours after I went to bed a massive cum fart woke me up, and completely soaked my boxers. Next weekend I'm headed to Palm Springs and will spend most of the week before heading to LA for CumUnion and a couple of other orgies I have good luck at in the past. I really need to get my ducks in a row and move somewhere I can get good sex on a regular basis, hopefully before the end of the year.
  15. I'm heading for Palm Springs and LA the 1st week of July, which are always good for me. I should be able to hit 2 CumUnion parties and a couple other orgies that have always been good for me. Plus I'm hoping to get to have sex in several other situations that I can't seem to achieve with any regularity in Portland.
  16. Here are a couple more good ones: I believe everyone fucks and gets fucked in this one: [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/a-cock-for-everyone-orgy-hot-and-sweaty-fucking-xhF36s1 This one has one total bottom, everyone else flips: [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/sylvermann-033-14386790
  17. There already is a cure, the problem is it involves completely killing your immune system and undergoing a stem cell transplant, which carries even more risk than treating the disease itself. Since I have been told that if I ever have a recurrence of the particular cancer I suffered my best option would be a stem cell transplant. If it ever comes to that point I will jump at the chance to have a cure for this disease.
  18. They are definitely fantasist, but I'm not sure voyeur fits when it comes to watching in realtime. There are times when if you start fucking in a group play area of a sex club you get total privacy, the fantasist will spend hours watching 2 guys engage in foreplay but leave if they actual start actually fucking. Where I live this leads to some pretty crazy, and sometimes stupid, behavior by exhibitionists to get noticed while actually fucking.
  19. Both on the apps and in person. There are a lot of men that identify as "gay" that are really asexual in regard to actually having sex.
  20. Unfortunately yes, as well as events that aren't explicitly sexual. Unfortunately the events that aren't explicitly sexual can draw large crowds of guys that do not welcome fucking at such events.
  21. Loose and tight are relative, I don't generally mind a tight hole so long as he doesn't clamp down on my dick to the point it is painful and can't cum if I want to, I have tried to fuck a few guys that were like that. The only time a loose sloppy hole becomes a priority is at a good orgy after I've already cum a couple of times.
  22. That is a shame, the slings at both Denver Swim Club and Midtowne saw a lot of fucking. Buddies in Colorado Springs is still open and has slings, and at least in the past has had plenty of customers that understand the purpose of a sling in a sex club, much like Denver.
  23. I did both give and take a load after spending way to long at the bathhouse last night. I had family visiting this week, and was extremely horny and hoping for some good group action, but unfortunately this is Portland where such things rarely happen. I really need a sexcation or to move to get what I want.
  24. I'm not really into fisting, but have noticed that a lot where I live now, and it isn't entirely limited to the bottoms. At least locally I'm with your regular top, I try not to give hookups or fuckbuds an option of engaging in penetrative sex acts that don't involve a cock. There are just too many guys that will jump at the chance to have sex that doesn't involve cock.
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