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  1. They didn’t ban the word and the statement provided recommended alternate terminology. I’m not bothered by it TBH. There are some hot dudes who turn out to be trans and have vaginas. There are beautiful women with dicks. I know there’s some people out there who don’t care about the plumbing down below so the new proposed terms that indicate you are attracted to masculine or feminine presentation make sense to describe them. They did say that homosexual has a derogatory connotation, and I disagree with that, the word still works for me, but maybe it has become… imprecise. I feel like those terms don’t really address whether you are attracted to a masculine or feminine presentation AND the genitalia commonly associate with them. But I can also understand how maybe the trinity of homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual aren’t concisely or effectively covering all of the options in a world with more trans visibility. Either way, a memo on recommendations from GLAAD ain’t exactly law, but this is probably something someone ought to start figuring out so we can all avoid some awkward misunderstandings?
  2. Damn this is good. I hope Matt discovers gloryholes and bathhouses
  3. This conversation inspired me to do a bunch of research into how these AI image generators work. I set up stable diffusion (SD) on my laptop, which took hours because the files are large. I found the quality and style of the images is largely set by a “checkpoint” file. These seem to range between 1.5 and 4 gigabytes, and contain the training that helps it understand what a “potted plant” or something like that looks like based on analyzing and training on thousands of images. There are a bunch of checkpoints that have been trained to produce gay nsfw images, and I tried out one from CivitAI.com called “homoerotic” that produced mostly these kinds of jacked hairless muscle boys because that seems to be mostly what it was fed for training. It CAN produce bear/daddy types but you have to get very specific with prompts and counter prompts, suggesting these were a much smaller part of its training. You can also create model files using as few as 5-10 images. A model plugs in a person, object or concept that it can work with in concert with the larger checkpoint. Unfortunately I can’t train one myself because my laptop doesn’t have a separate GPU. I could use Google collab to do some of this on their hardware for some things, but I’ve read it wouldn’t allow NSFW content. I’m still working to get set up with collab for some SFW purposes I thought up though. It’s not user friendly, but it wouldn’t be very complicated to customize this tech to produce some really niche content if I had different hardware. I am also thinking that one of my artist friends who hates this AI shit passionately could train his own checkpoint and models with his own assets and use it to assist him in conceptualizing new work in the space of a weekend, and I think that might be the useful future this tech could really have. Meanwhile I aim to train models on old pictures of my grandparents when they were young to see if I can get it to make a high quality portrait to give as a gift.
  4. I played around with one tool that can generate nsfw images and it was extremely limited for what body types you can prompt. “Hairy” wasn’t even an option. Responding to ErosWired, The use I had in mind was illustrations for stories. AI generators are unlikely to go away, and it would be nice to see it exist in parallel with real artists with the understanding that there don’t seem to be a lot of artists interested in making the niche kind of nsfw artwork I’d find appealing. But I’m also not sure anyone has built one that is capable of producing something other than this generic “ripped stud” persona.
  5. I second the Kink3d cobra cage. You aren’t getting out of it without a key.
  6. I wish there were more chapters. I love this story.
  7. Damn I would love to hear how these adventures progress
  8. I think the expense is incurred entirely from trying to keep them out. It’s expensive to militarize and patrol the border. It’s expensive to detain immigrants in prison camps. It’s extremely expensive to pay for lawyers to put them all through court hearings. We have jobs that need doing. Welcoming them, giving them ID’s to enable them to seek employment and then making it easy for them to pay taxes on income like everyone else might actually add to the economic bottom line. This was in fact how it worked for a pretty long time, and it was working just fine.
  9. Fuck, that is so hot.
  10. About 5 years ago, my partner was out of town and I was at a local gay bar one Friday night. I ran into a guy I’d hooked up with twice before and got into a good conversation about a movie that had just come out. Ended up having too much to drive. His apartment was in walking distance and he invited me back to watch the movie and sober up. I made it clear I was not looking to fuck that night because he was a very aggressive top bear with a huge (long and very thick) cock and it wasn’t always fun when he’d take control. He said that was fine. We watched the movie and I did take my jeans off so we were both in t-shirts and boxer briefs. I drifted off and woke in the early morning to him spooning me from behind, feeling well rested and generally great. I put on my jeans and left and texted him that I had to go get ready for work. A few weeks later I saw him again but he seemed like he was trying to avoid me. I asked what was up and he said he was worried I was pissed off at him for last time. I asked what should I be pissed off about and he said because he fucked me multiple times while I was over at his place and apologized saying he couldn’t help himself. I did not believe him, remembering I woke up feeling great and did not feel like I’d been fucked, and with his cock I was pretty sure I would have remembered. He pulled out his phone and showed me pics and video of him fucking me, the tshirt I was wearing that night was the same and I saw the pair of boxer briefs I was wearing on the floor in one of the pictures. I got hard, but I was also confused as hell. It did not look like a gentle fuck in the two video clips he had, so I have no idea how I wasn’t feeling it in the morning. For some context, I know this guy is on the spectrum and already felt like he has some issues with impulse control and emotional regulation from past experience. I also know he felt remorse for it. Sleep rape is something I had jerked off fantasizing about, but never really planned to experience. I took a moment to think and figured I did not feel violated or even angry, I was not injured and TBH I probably would have consented if he’d woken me up. I told him he is lucky AF that this lined up with my own kinks, because he just showed me evidence that could have put him in jail if that wasn’t the case. I still have no idea how I walked out of there that morning with no clue I’d taken multiple loads from a huge cock. I talked about it with a therapist a while after that. I wondered if something might be wrong with me because I did not feel anger, trauma or shame when someone admitted to raping me. If you’re wondering, he did suggest that there being no memory of the event itself, especially memories of helplessness or pain, in addition to the weeks before I learned about it and the fact it had been a sexual fantasy helped me process the whole thing like it was abstract, and that I’m probably fine if I’m not experiencing PTSD (He asked some questions to determine that too). I guess I should be happy about that, but I still think it’s odd.
  11. Sounds like Boomer Bullshit to me. I think we millenials have the rise of the internet to thank for helping us connect and figure out that it was, in fact, bullshit.
  12. I’ve stopped caring what a top looks like or how old he is as long as he has a workable dick. I actually get a bit of a kick out of getting fucked by a guy I don’t find attractive. I don’t have to get it up when I get fucked, and I’m locked most of the time anyways so who cares?
  13. That’s pretty hot @DanishDude76. It reminded me of something. Not my story, but an old friend/fuckbud. I’m changing the names though. Jared’s parents were divorced since he was in elementary school and his dad was out of the picture and his mom and he kept the house. When he was in high school, he started hooking up with a studly neighbor who was in his 40s. Let’s call him Tom. Jared told me they’d fuck multiple times a week for years. Every time he came home from college they’d go at it, and into his late 20s, whenever he’d fly home to visit his mom, they’d fuck some more. Tom eventually retired and moved away. I met Jared at work, we became good friends, fucked around once in a while, and I remember he told me about neighbor Tom and said he was the best fuck he ever had. During Covid, he started getting into genealogy and took a 23&me test. It turns out Tom was Jared’s biological father. He didn’t take it very well, he’s still in therapy about it, and he hasn’t confronted his mom yet. It’s messed him up pretty good. I feel for the guy, but I also think it’s kindof hot he was fucking his own father for over a decade and had no clue.
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