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Everything posted by paskin

  1. Yes, some of the warm dark nights we've had lately have been very sleazy there.
  2. What3words has a severe flaw in that a simple typo or mix-up can be miles off from where you want to be... It's a great idea though, but I'd suggest using "Plus codes" instead - similar principle, but adds some numbers, and support is already built in to Google Maps which most people already have handy and use. I know some folk are a bit anti-google (fair enough) but PlusCodes are Open Source, so can be used without them, where as what3words is a proprietary system owned by a less helpful company.
  3. okay, it's been over 5 years now... Time to 'fess up. Which of you did / wishes you did this: [think before following links] https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/vdybgj/deep-inside-the-chain-pub-piss-dungeon ? Discuss.
  4. This slut would love to service that lovely big cock anyway you want it, Sir!
  5. Not sure if it's related as I haven't been around much lately, but the MemberMap (edited first post of the former Cumdump Network) isn't working, and there's no link to it under"Other" as the edit suggests. Thanks for all your efforts and hard work regardless.
  6. Just wanted to say I've been in this group just over a week and can say it certainly seems active with people looking for meets
  7. I wish.
  8. I always say "Thank you, Sir" after I've been given a load, but I'm keen to try the hand on throat thing. I also appreciate other suckers being slutty and grateful so if you put my hand on your throat as you swallowed my cum with eye contact, I'd definitely be up for a repeat, or reciprocation, and the chance to exchange sleazy hot tips and techniques.
  9. Hey, thanks for following ;)

    1. BosCloudyPerv


      my pleasure :)

      welcum :) .

  10. What's more shocking to many is learning that the "border zone" (in which your Fourth Amendment rights may be suspended) extends 100 miles inland, and possibly around all International Ports (including Airports). It wouldn't be so bad if law enforcement officers had an exemplary track record, but they have been known to abuse their authority in the past. Sure there are supposed to be certain criteria that have to be met, but trying to fight a case all the way to the Supreme Court is beyond the reach of the majority of those likely to be affected by this. https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone AIUI they have to allow a US citizen to go home, but if they want your passwords and you don't divulge them, they have the right to confiscate your device(s).
  11. oh, I meant to post it weeks ago... previous discussion on Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13702981 (page 2 of the comments includes the inevitable "What is "looking for loads"?" ... someone else responded before me, and I couldn't be bothered to give a more precise answer.)
  12. Ah, identical twins... I agree with the others that masturbation is not the correct term -- although I'd certainly suggest that it could be thought of that way if there was any chance of it encouraging them to play -- especially if I could watch or participate... it's long been a fantasy of mine to have an extended 3some with a pair, but I'll settle for voyeurism and hope
  13. Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. The Colherne was the first place where as a teenager I picked up and went "back to his" (in Chiswick, I still remember... we were still in bed when his bf got home and joined in ) ... I also remember that toilet as being the location for one of my sleaziest fucks for quite some time back then. You might be thinking of the London Apprentice ("the LA") at 333 Old Street... big venue, banging dancefloor in the basement, and those toilets were insanely cruisy, sometimes an orgy-like grope-fest!
  14. Yes, definitely... but the details currently on his profile and the pic have appeared since my post, so it seems he deserves a "Good boi" for making progress. Would love to spin him with you
  15. So, I'm off to India in just over a week... been a few times before, but I was not on PrEP then, and was quite content not getting much action whilst there. This time I'm only going for a month, but wondering whether to continue daily dosing and taking the (Indian made) generics that I buy online with me... most travel advice says I'd need to travel with the prescription, which of course I don't have. I'm not sure if I can get one in the time available, or even whether to bother. I'm not adverse to stopping for a month and starting again on my return - the break might do me good... That would save the hassle of trying to get a prescription, and eliminate any risk or potential hassle at customs. On the other hand these drugs are made there, and I'm pretty sure the retail price there is less than what I'm paying in the UK - I can't help but think that maybe I should find a good pharmacy whilst there and maybe bring back an extra month or two's supply if it's worthwhile. I'd be grateful if you would share any thoughts or experiences you may have regarding anything above, or travelling with meds that don't have a prescription in general, or anything I've overlooked? What would you do?
  16. Generally speaking, I prefer my Men to look like Men, and my boys to look like boys... but that sure is one sexy looking faggot slut ass, and breeding it would be a pleasure, especially knowing I'd be adding to the previous occupants' cum, and leaving more for those up next.
  17. Thanks for following, you filthy pig!  Looking forward to reading more of your adventures, and getting more piggy myself. Oink!

  18. I seem to recall my cock being ready for action within a couple of weeks of getting my PA done (it was a long time ago), but take it gently at first to be sure.... if you;re sore after a reasonably vigourous wank maybe give it a little longer -- at least you can test this yourself. I didn't get my nipples done, but everything I've read and heard says they're sore and hypersensitive for much longer... no personal experience with this though. I think you have the right idea - avoid the free for all, focus more on what you can take, and don't get gagged so you at least tel guys to be gentle or that your nips are off limits. Have fun, and I look forward to reading your stories in the new year!
  19. I believe the venue (in it's current form at least,) is closing down. I don't know any more about this. However, most if not all events that the Hoist was famous for are moving to a "new bigger location" at: Mirrored Arches (Fire) Lightbox Entrance 6A South Lambeth Place London SW8 1SP (next door to Starbucks) The new website for former Hoist events is http://www.jamiehp.co.uk
  20. Hot username, very hot blog! Thanks for following, I hope we get to fuck soon.

  21. Saturday is the 10th, Sunday will be the 11th... which is it to be? If you're around on Sunday afternoon, it looks like the final SBN (Stark Bollock Naked) at The Hoist in Vauxhall will be a good one.
  22. Thank you, rawfuckr, for clarifying that... and apologies to all for any further confusion that my own confusion and assumption may have caused. At least we're now clear that PEP Truvada is equivalent to that prescribed as PrEP, and there's no need to worry about the apparent difference.
  23. AFAIA it is the same drug, but the dose is slightly different: The Truvada I was given as PEP tablets contain Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate: 245mg and Emtricitabine 200mg, compared to the generic PrEP I've been buying (both "Tenvir-EM" by Cipla and "Tavin-EM" by Emcure) which contain 300mg of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumerate and the same 200mg of Emtricitabine. i.e. The PEP Truvada contains 55mg less of what I understand to be the main preventative drug, per pill, than you would get in PrEP. I have no idea whether that is significant enough to make a difference to the protection offered... If you're daily dosing everyday, that would work out at missing just over one pill a week but speculating whether a consistently reduced dose is less effective is best left to others more qualified. One other risk is that an ineffective dose may also make the virus more resilient to Truvada if you do get infected, and consequently affect your treatment.
  24. I agree with rawfuckr above... be careful of your kidneys. you should have adequate protection by now, so continue daily dosing until at least 48 hrs after your last sexual activity - a week as you have planned is also fine. Have fun, and tell us all about it when you can
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