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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Moderator's Note: I moved this story here, so it would get more attention.
  2. That you should either try to be happy getting your sex elsewhere, or you need to go to counseling together. You have made your needs clear, and he has responded by blaming you for them. That's not something you are going to have an easy time working through without professional help.
  3. I appreciate your support. 

  4. Moderator's Note: I am not telling you that you cannot have opinions. I am telling you that the rules of the forum require you to be civil. Giving constructive criticism is fine. Taking cheap shots is not. If you feel a Moderator is out of line, send a private message to him or to the admin, rawTOP. Arguing about it in a thread is just going to get you an infraction.
  5. You may be having trouble because being a picky, demanding bottom is a turn off for a lot of tops. There are plenty of bottoms who will put out for them without the amount of hassle you are generating. Waiting for The 1 is a great way to never get laid. My advice would be to try putting ou for some 0.8s or 0.74s o even 0.62s. You may find that after a good hard ride that you are willing to round them up to 1.
  6. Moderator's Note: If you don't like a story, hit the red arrow to down vote it or just move along. No reason to be negative.
  7. That's a different system. That comes from other posters giving you reputation. At the end of each post, there is a green up arrow and a red down arrow. You have a reputation of 30 now; as you get more up votes, your description will change. I don't know what the names of all those ranks are.
  8. If you want your pictures deleted, I can do that. If you have contact information like an address or phone number, I will be happy to edit that out. Otherwise, we don't delete content.
  9. Moderator's Note: HIV Fetish/Gifting/Chasing posts are only allowed in The Backroom
  10. Thanks for trying, but it still doesn't make much sense to me.
  11. Maybe I am overthinking this. I don't really get how Grahame and Harry got off on cheating and getting pozzed and were totally cool with bringing Liam into their cheating/pozzing circle, but all of them seem to feel Ross deserves punishment and rejection for cheating.
  12. Moderator's Note: The 2nd part of this story was posted in another thread. I am copying it here, so the story will stay together. Porsche911, please add any additional parts to this thread. Do not start another new thread. Jeremy awoke the next morning on the couch. He squinted his eyes as the morning light came in through the windows. Propping himself up on his arms, he looked around. Christopher, Sean, and Danny were also on the couch. His friends were still sleeping. Every one of them were nude. Jeremy could spot dried cum stains on their bodies and the couch from the previous night’s events. All three of his friends were sprawled out because of the large size of the furniture. And they were the epitome of what men should look like. Bulging arms, thick legs, and tight abs were all standard fixtures on their bodies. It was the result of long hours in the gym and camaraderie that went well beyond the weight room. Jeremy stood up and stretched. He had a semi-erection from looking at the guys beside him. It felt somewhat strange, having this attraction. Jeremy went to the kitchen naked and got one of the protein shakes from the refrigerator. He silently went back past the living room and into the hallway. In his bedroom, Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. There was dried cum on his front. He didn’t care, though. He did a many push-ups as he could on the floor. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his triceps and chest singed. As he stood up, Jeremy heard water running from another room. “Hey,” came a voice from behind him. “Woah,” Jeremy started, turning to see Porter standing in the doorway. Porter wore only a black jockstrap. It stood out against his pale body, as did the faint blue veins feeding his beefy muscles. “Hey.” “Good night last night?” “Yeah, I . . . I guess so.” Jeremy remembered what he had seen transpire between Porter and Addison. “Yeah, me too.” “What’d you guys do?” “Uh, we just watched some porn.” Porter smirked, walking into the room. “Sure you did. Were you expecting something like this to happen?” “What do you mean?” Porter shrugged. He grabbed Jeremy’s right arm, rubbing it up and down. Though his palms were calloused, it matched the firm push he applied. Porter always went rough with his workouts. He lifted less weight than most of his friends, but could do more reps than any of them. He was Porter the Powerhouse. Jeremy could only imagine what that could translate to under the sheets. “You like that?” Jeremy observed Porter’s eyes. They were fixated on Jeremy’s body. Only his body. “Feels good, man.” “Sure does.” Porter lifted up Jeremy’s right pec a few times, watching it bounce. “Flex,” he commanded. Jeremy did as he was told. Porter smiled at the ripples of muscle. “Good body, man.” “Thanks. You, too.” “Yeah?” he asked, stepping back. “You like this?” “I—” “Look at my bod, man, NOT my face,” Porter said sternly. Jeremy looked over the light skin of his friend. Well, Jeremy wasn’t sure if this could be considered something friends did. But who gave a fuck. He loved the dusky coat of scruff over Porter’s chest and abs. The pure balls of strength on Porter’s shoulders, his thick trunks of legs. “You look great, Porter. Your hair is . . .” “Yeah, I’m debating on shaving it all off or not.” “Nah, it’s hot.” Porter nodded, looking down at his body. “Addison would agree with you.” “Oh? You and Addison—” “Look, most of us here came to terms with what we wanted freshman year,” Porter said, flexing in the mirror. He appeared like a narcissistic asshole looking at himself. But the primal instinct in Jeremy, deep inside him, made Porter look like the hottest person he’d seen in a long time. Forget any girls’ tits he’d seen, Porter had most all of them beat in size with his own furry pecs. And to hell with pussies, because that bulge sticking out of his jock was pure erotic. Not to mention that ass . . .“First it was me and Addison, then it spread to the other guys around mid-sophomore year. We know what we like. We know what it takes to look like we do.” Jeremy was slightly confused. Confused, but excited. “What do you mean?” “Dude, look at how much work we put into our bods. Look at all the money and time spent, protein, creatine, glutamine, and weekends we’ve given away. All the planning and dieting we’ve done. What was it for, huh?” Jeremy thought. “Looking good.” “Fuck yeah. Now why would we waste all this,” he said as he flexed his bicep, “for some anorexic drunk bitch at a club? Or a stoned cunt at Lollapalooza? We’re better than that. We’re better than them. We take strength and looks over everything, so it was natural for this to happen.” “What to happen?” Jeremy asked. He knew it was a dumb question. He already knew the answer. But he wanted to hear it from Porter’s vain mouth. The man in front of him was never more lucrative. “Jeremy, we fuck studs now. Men. The biggest ripped, toned, meatheads we can get our dicks into.” Porter chuckled as he examined his calves. “We’re sluts. We want hunks.” Jeremy slowly nodded, processing the information. “So does everyone, I mean, all the other guys—” “We’ve all fucked each other,” Porter finished. “You were the most reserved and uptight about girls and shit, so we tried to keep it from you.” “Why?” Porter shook his head. “I dunno. I knew you’d want to, but the others weren’t so sure.” “Hmm.” Jeremy did not even notice that he was leaking precum onto the floor. Porter did, though. “You can make the decision for yourself.” Porter came over, without invitation, and tugged on Jeremy’s dick. It immediately stiffened. It felt amazing. “I know you’re a slut for studs. I want to see you in action, too. Do you want to see me?” Jeremy’s mind was reeling. This was happening fast. But it was a surge far more exciting than anything he’d ever experienced before. “I . . .” Porter let go, stepping backwards. “Addison’s in the shower. We’re going to fuck. You can come watch if you want.” With that, Porter left the room, his ass almost bouncing as he walked. Jeremy was not sure what to do. After that discussion, Porter definitely made him feel like he was above fucking girls. But he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to fuck a guy. On the other hand, Porter was by and far the hottest person Jeremy thought he had ever let touch him. It was the muscle, vanity, and arrogant attitude that escalated him to a prime piece of ass. Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. It was instinct for him to flex some part of his body. Just to see the results of his labor. Yes, he decided, he was like Porter. And he wanted to see more. Jeremy followed Porter’s path, going towards the sound of running water. He went into the bedroom across the hall. The room was a mess. Clothes enough for two people and a thong were strewn on the floor. The sheets on the bed were tangled and twisted. It was clear Addison and Porter had spent the night together. The door to the bathroom was wide open. Light steam was coming out of the doorway. Jeremy, totally naked and sporting a semi, gingerly walked over the threshold and into the bathroom. There was a sink by the door, followed by the toilet, and a wall-to-wall Jacuzzi bathtub on the opposite wall. Addison was standing up in the tub, which was filled with water. His strong jaw was glistening with sweat. His tanned body was without any hair at all, except for the small patch above his rock hard cock. Porter was on his knees in the tub, practically gagging on Addison’s manhood. There was a lust for it, a desire. Porter took pleasure in it, not at all deterred that he looked like the bitch of the situation. Addison looked up, then winked at Jeremy. “Morning,” he smiled. Jeremy nodded, not wanting to interrupt too much. Porter looked up from the cock he was servicing. A strand of precum connected his lips to Addison’s manhood. “Sit on the toilet, slut. He’s mine for now.” Jeremy did as he was told. He sat down and began stroking himself. He had plenty of precum to lubricate. Porter sucked on Addison for a little while longer, choking vigorously. He sucked like he lifted: no holding back. Jeremy wished Porter was sucking on his cock. He got harder just thinking of it. Eventually Addison shoved Porter off of him. Some water sloshed out of the tub in a single wave. No one cared. “Bend over, bitch,” Addison grinned. His dick had to have been at least eight inches long. With a stern look and a nod, Porter turned around and lifted his ass to Addison. It wasn’t for fun, it seemed, but a duty to Addison. Jeremy could tell through Porter’s face. Porter believed Addison deserved his ass. It made Jeremy all the more harder. He stroked with more vigor. Addison reached on the bathtub rim for a condom conveniently laying there. There was also a bottle of lube. Addison ripped the wrapper apart with his teeth and began to put it on. Porter, watching Jeremy with strict eyes, shook his head. “No.” “What you say?” Addison asked, the condom halfway on his dick. “No. No condoms. I want him to see natural man-fucking.” Addison smirked, then ripped the condom off his dick. He threw it at Jeremy’s face. “Fag,” Addison laughed. Addison then lubed up his dick and began to push it into Porter’s hole. Jeremy took the condom off his face and cast it onto the floor. He wanted to see everything. Addison took no time in getting into Porter’s man cunt. It only took a total of ten seconds before he was balls-deep. Jeremy was impressed. Porter only held a look of concentration as Addison went to town on him. Pound after pound, with varying intensity, pushed into him. “Fuck yeah,” Porter said after a couple of minutes. “Fucking POUND that pussy!” he yelled. His face was starting to get red. Addison kept nailing Porter, harder and harder. Jeremy looked closer at Porter’s ass. It was hairy and slick. The fur clung to Addison’s dick as it was thrust out and into Porter’s insides. Porter turned and looked at Jeremy. “I want you later,” he said. It was as if no one was fucking him, like natural conversation on the side of the street. Addison took an extra hard thrust. “Good thing about Porter,” Addison panted, “is that he never complains. He’s a power bottom.” “FUCK YEAH!” Porter screamed. It took Jeremy by surprise at the volume. “FUCK ME, MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!” Addison went into a wild thrusting. He rutted harder into Porter’s hole than Jeremy had seen in any porn. It was wild. Porter in turn grabbed the backs of Addison’s legs and pushed deeper inside himself. Addison started to curve his spine. “Uh, uh, I’m about to cum.” “FUCK ME!” Porter screamed, pushing Addison harder into his hole. Jeremy was bewildered. He stroked his cock faster. “UH, UH, OH my GOD!!” Addison yelled, stopping the thrusting and slamming his pelvis into Porter’s hole. Jeremy could tell Addison was spurting in Porter’s ass by the ruts of both their hips. “Fuck yeah!” Porter yelled, slapping the water in triumph. Half a liter of bathwater was thrown onto the walls and floor. Addison pulled his dick out and crouched in the water. He was eye level to Porter’s hole. “Come on, man, show me the money,” Addison urged. “Oh my god,” Jeremy said, unable to hold himself. He was so close to cumming. Porter looked over at him. “Come over here, show me what you’re working with.” Jeremy, without hesitation, got up and kept stroking himself. “I’m close.” Porter looked up at him. He was not a lover, hooker, friend, or even weight lifter at that point. He was a slut. Only existing for cum. Man juice. The milk of all humanity, sperm of life. Given to the holes of sluts. Jeremy began to spurt, cumming all over Porter’s ass. Addison looked up with a smile and caught the rest in his mouth, sucking on Jeremy’s dick. Jeremy pushed him away. “No! I want it on him!” Addison laughed and spit the cum on the small of Porter’s back. “Fine, dude!” Jeremy finished cumming and shook the last of his spunk onto Porter. Addison was still crouching, watching the cum drizzle. “Fuck.” Porter, looking up at Jeremy, tightened his abdomen and squirted Addion’s splooge out of his ass. He was like a water gun. The cum fell all over Addison’s ripped chest. Addison leaned back in the bathwater and breathed heavily. Porter stood up. His skin was splotched from the exertion. His cock was still rock hard. “Lick it.” Jeremy looked form Porter to Addison and back again. He made up his mind. In two licks, he went down on Addison’s chest and removed all the cum. He held it in his mouth. It was incredibly salty. Porter stepped out of the tub and pushed his body tight against Jeremy’s. “Give it to me.” They made out, transferring the cum between both of them and using is as lube between their tongues. Each swallowed greedily after most of it had dissolved. Porter stood back. His dick was standing proud. “You slut. Welcome.” Jeremy had never felt more free.
  13. You are an excellent writer. I enjoy all your stories. Thanks for sharing them. 

    1. madeupnameforporn


      Thank you!! I enjoy writing them down and I really get off on others reading them.

  14. All posts to the Testimonials forum have to be approved by a moderator. The same is true for the "Your Last Load..." forum.
  15. The only album of yours that I can see has 0 pictures in it. It won't let me delete the empty album. If you are still seeing pics, please give me a link to where you can see them either here or in a private message.
  16. http://www.thestranger.com/slog/2017/03/29/25046576/trump-administration-attacks-lgbt-community-on-three-fronts-over-last-24-hours
  17. Caffeine will help with the headache the next day.
  18. I don't think it is masturbation. They are actually two individuals. I have known some pairs of identical twin who were very into their twin-ness, and I have known pairs where they did everything they could to differentiate themselves from each other. There is a fair amount of research that supports the notion that identical twins are more likely to have the same orientation than not. There does seem to be some environmental/nurture component involved though because they don't always turn out alike.
  19. One time I got fucked by a guy who was only about 9" long, but it was so think at the base that I could not fit both my hands around it. He had a normal sized head, but the shaft just got thicker and thicker as you went down. His cock reminded me of the porn star Chad Douglas from the 80s although this guy was even thicker at the base. He was very impressed with my ability to take a hard fuck from him. I have had two different BBCs that were over 10". One guy was not particularly thick, and I could take him pretty easily. The other guy who was beer can thick I met back in the late 80s, and he would only fuck with a rubber. That made it really hard to take. He is the only top who I ever had to tell I could not handle this size. I had a fuck buddy a few years ago who had a 10" cock. It was a nice size at the tip and base, but he got really thick about 3" down from the head - way more than a beer can. His head was big enough that it took some stretching to get it in, but then you had to deal with that really thick part which was almost more of a struggle than the head. Once he got past that point, it was like a butt plug; he could fuck really hard without it ever popping out. He moved to a big city 4 hours away. I have hit him up a few time when I was there, but he seems noncommittal about hooking up again which is sad.
  20. The word "pussy" does not turn me on in the least, but I have worked past being put off by it. If the top needs to say it or he needs me to say to get him off, then I am down with it. It's a small thing compared to missing out on a load.
  21. Just do it! That's really all there is to it.
  22. I did. I started taking loads in 1992 after 6-7 years of condoms only. I knew I was taking big risks, but once I had taken my first bare load again, I could not stop. I don't know what I would do now, but I cannot imagine I would stop.
  23. I got your Report. We don't delete threads that have discussions on them just because the original poster thinks they are irrelevant now. The information may still be relevant to other members.
  24. To be honest, that's a pretty common sort of detail. I can think of a couple of stories that had that kind of action.
  25. Use the Report function on your post and request it be deleted.
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