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Everything posted by sse4me

  1. The term "clean" can mean so many things, so why boter asking? Simply present your lubed, douched hole for use and take any cock that enters it. And take its load, especially the toxic loads!
  2. People are born either as penetrators (us guys, but some females who enjoy fisting and/orusing strapons) or as penetratees. Some of us guys enjoy being penetrated, by real of fake cocks, or fists and arms. Regardless, those of us ostensible penetrators who also enjoy, or prefer being penetrated, are going to get knocked up by semen, toxic or "regular" (for those females who will be bred with a kid). In the end (pun intended), holes are menat to be seeded by loads from hard cocks, or otherwise invaded by artificial phalluses. It is ordained. Enjoy the penetration, whether receiving or giving, and accept the consequences.
  3. You have written an excellent story! It was well crafted! And, exciting!
  4. You are absolutely right! Even for those chasing, getting knocked up without knowing you're getting pregnant is part of the game, and "delicious!"
  5. Getting stealthed is simply part of the game for bareback bottoms. I don't have a problem with being stealthed, and my pozzer can whisper it into my ear as be breeds me, or email me layter, or simply wait for me to find out when the flu hits and I get tested. That is all part of the risk and and thrill of taking poz loads, and for some of us, getting recharged.
  6. This story reminds me of a time on a business trip down in Arkansas, when I took a lot of wine enemas (I had a late start in the morning) and then posted a CL ad. I lost track of the cocks that fucked me, and that was before I ever though of asking about being neg. And there weren't any condoms. And that may have been when I got the load(s) that.......
  7. I believe it is time for me to convert, er... to change doctors!
  8. After my marriage broke up - I was the one to leave - I too, in time, became a cum dump and have savored every load I was given, including the hot ones. Especially the hot ones! Toxic loads are definitely better than neg loads.
  9. An advantage of these hollow plugs is that after your tops dump their loads into you, the hole can be plugged with a stopper to keep their seed from leaking out of your hole, and that knot halfway up the plug's shaft ensures the plug won't slip out, all while providing that nicely filled feeling in your rectum.
  10. I've never been able to ask a poz top to pull out after he's deep inside me. Sometimes I've known before we fuck that he's poz, but mostly I've waited until after they're in to ask their status, always promising myself to ask them to pull out, a promise I've never been able to keep. If the guy tells you before he sticks his cock into you that he doesn't pull out after he's in there, that doesn't mean he's poz. What guy pulls out after he's inside a hot, slippery, velvety hole?
  11. More than one cock has entered my ripe hole before I was told that its balls were going to pump a charged load into me, after being told that once inside my hole, he was NOT going to pull out. That statement should have been a "heads up," but in the moment, I've never paid attention to that. I suppose my response of wrapping my legs around my tops' backs has sufficed. However, as of my last test, I'm still looking for the magic load that will convert me. I know that sooner or later, it will find my hole.
  12. What a hot story! It gives me the impetus to write up one from one of the vacations I was on.
  13. I love that he plugged his victim's hole all night long with his cock, not merely a plug. Yes, this whimp needs his repeated loads so he knows whose cock's load owns him, before he takes viral seed from others. It's nice to know who your pozed your hole. It's a special bond. Afterwards, no matter how may toxic cocks you take, once you convert, you'll always know the one that knocked you up.
  14. Supposedly, no, as your stomach acids will kill the virus. Perhaps others will confirm this.
  15. Well, I'm still considering taking his loads. I'll have taken white wine enemas which, though they will have stripped my recal mucosa, will have also made my rectum and colon very acidic. I've read that the acidity of stomach fluids kill the virus and white wine has a similar pH. I know I'm taking a gamble, but aren't all of us who bareback, and some of us are gambling to remain neg and others to get converted. I can be persuaded either way. Perhaps tomorrow he and I will hook up. I'll keep you posted.
  16. The thief got only a little of what he deserved to get, a lifetime gift.
  17. Very well written!
  18. Thanks, guys. I think I need to avoid him for the moment.
  19. Hi, Thanks for reply I know it's kind of a silly question and that the individual circumstances of the receiving partner are of great importance. I just didn't recall the VLC at which someone changes from being merely toxic to extremely toxic. Most of the websites that discuss risk focus on odds based on number of loads, not on how viral the loads are. I knew that having a VLC of a million or so is sky high, but wasn't certain at what point, without being undetectable, relative safety for the bottom began. I'm ambivalent about converting. It's more that I'm looking for the thrill of taking a poz load and not converting. I think his loads are to be avoided for the moment. Thanks for replying.
  20. I've been emailing back and forth with a guy whose VLC is 400K. If I get a load, or three, from him, how certain can I be that it will infect me?
  21. Yes, with the black color, it's difficult to read. Just drag downward as if you were going to copy and paste it and the color will change to white with a blue highlight. That said, it's a hot story! I can't wait to read about the other hot loads that 18 year old hole takes.
  22. Diabolical! I love it!! You can rip up my hole with a 3-ball PA, if you ever get it made, anytime you want it!!!
  23. Well written! Hot, hot HOT!
  24. A good story line! The prick got what he deserved, a couple of toxic cocks.
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