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Everything posted by TboTTomfun

  1. Would love more
  2. I guess he needs more of Kyle, and maybe with a bit of Kyle friends. I would never return to my old life once i had An experience like this. The next step has to be seadier, more sleazy and a bit of rough. Great story hope there will be more to come
  3. Love more
  4. Hope to read more, like where this is going
  5. Hope there comes more
  6. Nice start, hope there is more
  7. A damn good story, hope there will be more soon
  8. Hope to read more
  9. Great start of the story, hope there Will be more
  10. Did read all the stories, and they are really amazing, hope to read more from your skilled hand and mind👍
  11. Hope to read more, great story 😜😜😜
  12. Have been filmed with my bare introduction, not only filmed but 3 guys had their laptop open on zoom, would love to do it again but then full filmed. Sadly in Europe hard to find. I was blindfolded and handcuffed at the time
  13. Would love more of this story
  14. Hope to read some more of this
  15. My first time bare was blindfolded and handcuffed, first with one guy, and a bit later he opened the door to 2 other guys who i could not see. Everything was live broadcasted at zoom without me seeing anything
  16. I love this story it is really hot, and i do feel for the guy that with chems it is easier to go into scat, i know this from people who tried or do scat
  17. Nice story, hope their will be more
  18. Welcome to the site Tzone

    1. tzone89


      thx ;)

      waiting for more parts of ur "1st slam ever" 

  19. Shame it does ends here, would love to know what happens when they play darys with James
  20. I am a bottom here, not really planning to go bare, but when chemmed up without knowing, my first barefuck was a fact, ending up with to loads of sperm in my butt, and a huge load of chempiss, and i dont regret it it
  21. Hope to read more, love where this is going, i love it blindfolded
  22. Inderdaad weinig kandidaten maar wie weet worden het er meer
  23. Ook wel interesse
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