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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I don’t know any better way to describe it than to say bottoming fulfills a sense of purpose in me like nothing else does. It isn’t that I lie around thinking about how bad I need a cock in me - it’s not that way at all. It’s the thrill of being able to give another man something that he enjoys sooo much that he loses himself in it. I love being the vessel into which they pour their unguarded masculinity - masculinity magnified by the fact that their maleness is dominating mine. I love giving men the feeling of strength, power, confidence and control they get from penetrating me and fucking me for their pleasure. It drives me crazy at night sometimes thinking that there are men out there somewhere, maybe not even far from me, who would give anything to have another guy who would let them fuck him, but instead will masturbate to porn tonight - any of those men could have had me for the asking, because that’s what I’m for. Were it possible, I would love to be slutting myself out every day. I don’t mind if men think of me as a slut or a whore. Nature apparently gave me a gift - a highly fuckable ass - and of those to whom much is given, much is expected. I honestly feel and believe that a part of my purpose in life is to accept the cock of any man who wishes to fuck me. It’s not some dumb fantasy - I actually live it, to the best of my ability, and would do much more if I could get into the right circumstances. The best possible arrangement would be to find one of that special sort of Top who takes personal delight in whoring out another man. I would very happily let him have me on a regular basis, and I know what that really entails. I can take cocks, and have done so, for hours. Because to me, the act of bottoming represents service, and duty, and purpose, and I give it my all.
  2. So it’s all about the pics? What about the text? Is there anything you men read in a profile that decides you? Or am I just naive to think that anybody actually reads what’s written in a profile?
  3. As a total bottom, what goes on in a Top's mind has always been a matter of deep curiosity to me. I mean, whatever it is, I'm glad it does, but I want to cater to it and I'm never sure I'm doing it right. Of course, every Top is an individual with individual tastes, but nevertheless I want to ask this question and see if a consensus emerges. Tops, when you're looking through the vast sea of bottom profiles on the apps and websites, which ones stop you in your tracks, and why? What do they say that makes you go, "I've got to have some of that." What makes you choose that one above all the other choices you have? Think hard - I'm not really looking for what turns away from a profile - that's a different question. I want to know what the successful profiles do that grabs you by the cock and won't let go. What seals the deal for you?
  4. When I read this, the first word that popped into my head was “roadkill”. I get the thrill of fucking in public, but that’s nuts, man...
  5. That is a very interesting analysis and explanation I haven’t heard before. Thanks for that.
  6. If the vote ends in a tie, do you have to get both? Just askin’...
  7. I’ve been keeping a running log of sex acts (almost exclusively fuckings) I’ve received since March, when I started attending CumUnion in Indianapolis and slutting myself out at the hotel in Louisville. I also keep notes on memorable men who were either superior fucks - and I have been fucked deliciously a few times - or to be avoided in future (very few of these). Over the last seven months, I have been used 123 times - embarrassingly fewer than I had hoped, and it’s clear that I’m going to have to do some traveling to step up my game. I mean, that averages to only just over 17 fucks a month, which means I’m not even giving it up the equivalent of daily, which is unacceptable. I can’t go on like this. This is why keeping some kind of record is important.
  8. You make an excellent point, and you’re quite right about being aware of the reader - to an extent. On the other hand, just because every man’s basic need is food doesn’t mean we have to serve a peanut butter sandwich instead of a pot roast. I readily confess I tend to be guilty of constructing dense sentences, however, so in deference to your point I’ll amend it thus: He fucked Jimmy like one of Napoleon’s fusiliers ramming a steel-handled swab down the bore of a brass cannon as though all of France depended on it. (I was sorely tempted to add while whistling ‘La Marseillaise’ to the end, but let brevity win the day.)
  9. A good sex story is, first, a story. Stories are built out of characters driven to enact a plot by their circumstances, their human qualities such as strengths and weaknesses, and the wualities of the place in which the story occurs, i.e., the setting. By resolving the conflict generated by the differences berween all these qualities, we derive the theme of the work. (Full disclosure: Sometimes I’m asked to teach fiction writing workshops.) Of course, the average sex story isn’t The Grapes of Wrath, and isn’t meant to be. But applying a few points of good mainstream fiction wtiting will elevate your work above the sea of sordid dreck soaking the web. I recommend you go to the libraty or bookstore and find a good introductory guide to fiction writing. The story, however, is in this case just the framework upon which you drape the titillating layers of smut and debauchery your readers crave. Try to exercise restraint. Sometimes less is more; every story need not showcase your comprehensive knowledge of synonyms for “penis”. On the other hand, a little creative metaphor and simile can take you a long way. Instead of writing a tiref old phrase like: He reamed Jimmy’s toned young ass with long, hard thrusts of his steel-hard rod instead try something like: He fucked Jimmy like one of Napoleon’s fusiliers ramming a steel-handled swab down the bore of a brass cannon with a stubborn blockage he was determined to conquer - and he wasn’t going to stop until he did. Poor Jimmy... there’s got to be a story behind that Top’s determination to break Jimmy down sexually, and the visual helps the reader better understand the Top’s motivattions. But this is way too big a topic to be adequately addressed in a thread, so get a book and study up on the craft.
  10. I think the great majority of bottoms who claim that they want to be whored out do not appreciate what divides their fantasy from the reality. First of all, it takes a special kind of Top to do this, and they aren’t that common. It takes a man who derives a special satisfaction and pleasure in the kind of control over other men that is in its most potent form when one is able to cause another man to submit to being used sexually. The psychological rewards have to be great enough to outweigh the considerable effort required to make it happen. Second, it requires an uncommon kind of bottom to serve in the central role. The bottom must be experienced, skilled, must have considerable stamina, and must be able to take cock - a lot of cock, sometimes brutally delivered, and without respite. Most bottoms are not prepared for the rigors of extended serial sexual service. Assuming the right Top does find the right bottom, an enormous amount of work is still required to locate, contact, negotiate with, and schedule the Tops to be served - in short, logistics. It’s a nonstop effort for the Top from the beginning to the end of the whole arrangement, and if the Top did not derive pleasure from the “hunt” for men to use his “captive”, no one would ever do it. It becomes doubly important for the bottom to *actively* perform his role so that the clients, and by extension the Top, are amply rewarded. The bottom cannot simply lie there passively; a whoring-out is a partnership. I have only had the privilege if being whored out on limited scales, but enough to appreciate the work a Top does to make a whoring-out possible. I hope I get an opportunity to show that I am both capable and determined to hold up my end of the partnership. And of course, there’s all the cock. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in the cock,,, ?
  11. DO NOT mix poppers with viagra/cialis! Both act as vasodilators, and the combination has the potential to lower your blood pressure to a fatal level. Passing out can happen with poppers alone (been there) but mixing poppers and viagra is baaaaaaaad mojo. And no, you aren’t personally immune to this effect, even if it hasn’t killed you yet - you’ve just dodged a bullet. A special note to Tops: Please quit using poppers. Poppers expand the blood vessels, which gives the head rush and momentarily aids erection... but then they also relax the body’s smooth muscle tissue, includung the bundle that constricts to keep blood in your cock and make your erection possible. Once that relaxes, there is nothing you - or a bottom - can do to rescue your hardon until the effect wears off. I’m getting tired of watching Tops line themselves up behind my ass and then take three or four deep hits of poppers, and suddenly they’re trying to fuck me with a noodle. Just... stop the madness. I’m begging, here.
  12. While I would seldom argue with a man of your experience, I wouldn’t entirely agree with the last sentence. As a trained bottom, I have always made it my business - and a point of pride - to learn to “read” a Top’s needs and desires quickly, and adapt to them for best service. (Training under a sadist makes one a quick study.) If the bottom is skilled, closely attentive, and genuinely takes seriously his duty to pleasure Tops - then yes, you can find that in a hookup.
  13. There are desensitizing creams you can apply if it continues to be a problem. Or, you can imagine your grandmother watching you from a chair across the room. Unless you get into that. Which would make you... odd... Yeah, go with the cream.
  14. Every profile I post, and every ad I post carries a notice about my status. When I take a room at a bathhouse, I have a sign that goes up in the room with information about my status. If asked, I answer fully and truthfully every time. If I have reason to think the Top might not have come across the information in any other way, I volunteer the information. Why? Because AIDS snuck up on me without warning. The first notice I got that I was HIV+ was after I had come within a hair’s breadth of death from meningitis because HIV had already eaten my CT4 count down to 49. It was only a fluke that I’m alive right now to write this. So for those of you who don’t inform, or worse, lie about your status, let me ask you this - when you finish fucking the guy, are you also willing to take a knife and slit his throat before you leave? Because you have no guarantee that your poz load isn’t going to kill him. The guy who pozzed me came very, very close to killing me and I had no warning. Perhaps he didn’t know himself. But if you do know, and your poz load results in a death, how is that any different than murder by knife? So if you would balk at slitting the guy’s throat, you’d better think twice about lying about your status. If those of you writing about being prepared to suffer debilitating disease and die for some callous bastard who doesn’t give a damn about your life or your well-being are not just expressing a fantasy - if you’re serious - I urge you to speak to a therapist. Your lives have value, even if you can’t see it right now.
  15. Unusually productive night of hotel hosting last night in Louisville - seven fucks, seven loads. It should have been eight, but the second-to-last arrived with tina dick already, had me spend 20 minutes of oral trying to rescue it, and then, to add insult to injury, stole a bottle of my poppers. But the second guy had a way with words, calling me things like an “owned wet pussy” and a “collared whore”, and the last guy had a cock to inspire wet deeams, so it’s all good.
  16. Have y’all read SCRUFF’s new posting regulations? We might as well add it to the list of extinct sites while we’re at it - I deleted my profile and the app rather than try to put up with that Orwellian shit. I predict a drop in usage.
  17. A good investment is a flexible douching bulb with a firm, smooth insertable plastic nozzle. The one I have holds about a pint of water and the nozzle unscrews from the bulb for easy filling. You can easily prep yourself for a quick hookup with one of these, though for deep or extended play there’s no substitute for a thorough deep cleaning. You can get such an item at most adult stores or online, and they’re perfect for travel. You say that because you don’t play often you don’t “keep it squeaky clean”. You wouldn’t want to keep yourself constantly deep-cleaned in any case - performing too much deep colon-washing can begin to interfere with the body’s natural system for bowel motility. Never forget that your ass’ first duty is to your digestion, without which, you die. All things in moderation.
  18. Straightslutmikey - First of all, welcome. Second, congratulations on recognizing and accepting a part of yourself that wants expression to make yourself a whole person. Good for you. Third, you might as well change your username. If you want to "share your body in new ways" - a clever euphemism for "get fucked by dudes" - then you're not really straight. Don't panic! According to both the Kinseys and Masters & Johnson, practically nobody is. Science has determined that human sexuality is a spectrum, not a set of categories. Every human being has some capacity for same-sex attraction, more, or less, and often it gets repressed by cultural factors. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter whether you call yourself bi, curious, seeking, heteroflexible, or just sexy, as long as you give yourself permission to follow your heart and explore your body and your needs in a way that fulfils your heart and mind and does not harm to yourself or others. You will find here on BZ a very open and welcoming community full of information. From the questions you ask, it sounds as though you want to bottom rather than Top. If you're going to enter the arena of man-man sex (a fun place ) you should decide early on what items on the menu you are going to be willing to provide, because you will be asked - or not asked, and then it could be awkward. Are you ever going to be willing to Top a guy, i.e., be a Versatile Bottom? You will likely broaden your chances for partners if you do so. Are you willing to give or take a blowjob? Are you willing to give or take a rim job? Would you kiss a guy? Full body contact? These are just the most vanilla of options. It gets kinkier. Give some thought to what you want and how deep you want to swim before you jump into the pool. Questions like "Is that hot for Tops" assumes that all Tops are the same. They aren't. Every Top and every bottom is an individual guy with personal tastes, experience, and baggage that shape what rocks his cock. The only thing you can do is put yourself out there. Don't try to second-guess it or shape yourself to fit some trend. I'm 51 years old, absolutely not an Adonis (I have a face made for radio) am plenty hairy, didn't start with guys until I was 37 and still take enough cock to be considered a cumslut by any definition. As a bottom, I would suggest that you avoid phrases like "the attention my ass deserves" when you're out looking for hookups. There are many, many more bottoms than there are tops, and your ass would have to have quite a pedigree to merit such a representation without turning a lot of people off. I have been humbled by the way quite a few Tops have praised my ass, but it would never occur to me to suggest that I deserve their attention. I am always flattered and grateful to be chosen by a Top, when they have so many to choose from. You'll find that a similar attitude will get you farther. You'll also get more action if you're not waiting for Mr. Perfection. Don't be that guy. As a bottom I can't overstress the need for internal cleaning prior to sex. I strongly urge you to read topics about cleaning out/douching for bottoms. To the shaving question specifically, you can't win. Just suit yourself. There's no telling what's going to float a specific guy's boat. I always shave just as you describe because that's what I would want to find if I had to apply mouth to it; I hate getting pubes stuck in my teeth or on my tongue. How can a DL dude meet people and give his ass away? It depends on where you are and how DL you have to be. If you're in the back of beyond out amongst the quails where everybody's grandma knows everybody like I am, options are limited. If you live in a big city, not so much. You're not in a relationship, so you're freed up to some extent. You might try traveling to the nearest sizeable city with a bathhouse and give it a whirl to see what you think of it all. Get a room, some lube, and lie down ass-up with the door open and see what develops. You may have to screw up your nerve to put it out there if you're worried about being seen, but remember that every guy in a bathhouse is there for the same thing. If you don't like it, you never have to go back. And if anybody asks what you were doing in the city, you went to the museum, or caught the game, or had a meeting, or whatever the hell. The forums here are chock-a-block with all the info you could possibly want on this lifestyle, so do some reading, and don't be shy about asking questions. We love to talk fuck.
  19. What you’re asking is basically the same thing as asking how you can know whether or not a guy is telling you the truth when he says he’s positive or negative. Outside of a medical document displaying test results (and a clever, warped and determined fuck could fake even that) - you can’t. You can only communicate openly and decide whether to believe and/or trust that the guy is not willing to jeapordize your well-being for the sake of a quick shag. Bareback sex is a risky activity, period. If you want to minimize your risk, get on PeEP. Otherwise, rubber up and forget it.
  20. Not only did I meet BreedingZone member @FelchingPisser and have the honor of being bred by him, you can read all about the encounter in the July 8 entry in his blog.
  21. I could never get into vegetables. I guess I couldn’t make the mental leap into imagining what I was pushing up my ass wasn’t a plant. Perhaps it was texture, consistency, smell, or a combination thereof. Also, as sex toys, vegetables perform poorly in terms of durability, and their porosity makes them single-use items, which is a pain if you have to spend half an hour ribbing it for your pleasure every time. I also get a twinge of guilt stuffing a nonconsenting living thing up my anus (don’t get me started on the whole gerbil thing) as though I’m halfway afraid I’ll break a carrot off in my ass an out of the stump will jump a hairy orange gnome that cries: ”I am the Vorax! I speak for the Garden! It’s criminal what you men do for a hardon! “My innocent cucumbers, carrots and beets aren’t meant for your ass-antics under the sheets! ”You waste an eggplant just to tittle your taint - and that’s not Garden-Friendly, by jingo - it ain’t!” I mean, that would spoil my mood anyway...
  22. If a man requests to use a condom, I do not object. I count success in fucks, not loads. My purpose is to give pleasure to the Top, and if the only way he can allow himself the pleasure of my ass is with a condom, then so be it. Because for me, it’s not about me.
  23. It doesn’t look as though this question got answered. In my view, if the action is continuous, with one Top after another taking a turn with the occupant of the sling, then that is not an abuse. It is, in fact, the result any bottom hopes for. It may also signal that the group is known to one another and engaged in a closed circle of play. Should there then be a lull in the action and someone else requests a turn, the occupant should surrender the sling (he may need some help to stand at that point, depending on the degree of pounding). For one bottom to expect another in the sling to interrupt a steady train of cocks waiting for entry is presumption of the first order, reeks of boldfaced jealousy, and is almost guaranteed to break the mood, if not clear the room. To force one’s way into the sexual play of a group of acquainted men uninvited and insist that one be made the sexual center of attention would be gobsmackingly rude. Best to just enjoy the show, and watch for later opportunities.
  24. UPDATE - A Grindr staff member responded to my inquiry (*shock*) and explained that I had offended Grindrdom by the following language in my profile: ”I am only ‘generous’ with my ass. You can have as much of that as you want.” Evidently, that could be construed as solicitation. Never mind the fact that the entire reason I wrote it was to preempt the all the nitwits who seem to think I might be willing to make it “worth their while” to fuck me. On the plus side, I did finally get an ad to post on Doublelist! Huzzah! ...Didn’t get a single response. I didn’t blame them. There was almost no way of telling what I was actually offering. If anyone is successful getting the sense of “cumdump” across there, I’d love to know how...
  25. Without a doubt. But when asked the inevitable question all bottoms get asked by prospective Tops - “Do you have any loads in you?” - you’ll be able to answer truthfully in the affirmative. I’m working on my own devil’s dick (I’m calling it a Faustus’ Phallus for fun) for that very purpose. Also, though it might not generate the excitement amongst one’s friends, said friends might still be impressed by one’s determination and/or volume of cum production. With the average ejaculation somewhere around 6-7ml, it takes a fair amount of cumming to make a frozen object of any respectable size.
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