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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The only thing I can say about this, or about the followers of any fad or fashion, is that those of us who remain true to what we actually are will distinguish ourselves from them over time and become the standard that others seek to emulate, and the genuine article that discriminating men seek.
  2. Thanks, @tallslenderguy, for the in-depth explanation. I love knowing about the reasons why things work the way they do, and it’s always best to get it from the most knowledgeable source you can. I’m an information professional, so I know how to find information, but that’s not the same as knowing it.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean by this. You make it sound as though it's all just a fad. People can expect all they want, but I'm not vers, and I'm not going to be. It's not a choice; it's not a whim; it's the way I'm wired. It doesn't matter if every other person around me suddenly decides to call himself versatile and switch it up - I'm going to be a submissive bottom because that's what I am. My Master used to say that "everyone's a switch" (in BDSM parlance) but I completely disagreed, and held myself up as proof - I was never going to be a switch because I haven't got a Dominant bone in my body. Not the slightest inkling of a desire to dominate anybody. I'll make the same argument here. I'm never going to become vers because there is no desire in me to Top. My cock is a nuisance. My sex organ is my ass, which I choose to think of as a cunt for cock. Last Saturday, a Top took a sharpie pen and wrote "Faggot Ass" on my left ass cheek, by way of advertisement for those who used me after him. Evidently, in his opinion, one cannot get too much faggot bottom.
  4. I’ve always wondered why places with only one sling don’t have some kind of system where you sign up for time on the sling - like if you have the blue dogtag you’re good from 7-7:30, the red from 7:30-9, no consecutive rides and so on - and deal with the Sling Hog/Sling Lizard problem that way. Personally, I have never - not once - had a Top take advantage of my ass when offered in a sling. I must be doing something wrong...
  5. You’ll get a range of viewpoints on this, from “a good bottom should never refuse to suck a cock hard” to “a good Top should always be ready to dive in”. My advice is to ignore any opinion that tries to tell you what a “good” bottom or Top does and instead consider the interaction yourself from both sides of the equation, and decide what is reasonable. Etiquette is about social custom rather than hard rules. I generally have no objection to providing oral service to stiffen up a Top who is getting ready to breed me, but my expectation is that he is generally ready to go; the kind of encounters I get into at bathhouses and hotels are usually short and to-the-point, not romantic trysts full of foreplay (there’s no time, especially if there’s a line forming at the door). It becomes a problem with older gentlemen who have an issue with ED, or Tops who have hit the poppers a bit too hard, or a drunk, and expect me to work a miracle. What I’m offering is ass, and it’s damn good ass, too, and it does become a little irritating when I’m all lined up for mounting only to have a guy come stand off to the side and poke me in the ass to turn around and get in an awkward position to try to rescue his lost cause. Don’t get me wrong - I love putting the finishing touch on a half-hard cock that’s about to enter me, but if a Top is nowhere near primed to breed me, I expect him to see to his own basic preparation before he takes me. After all, it’s not as though I’m going to refuse him if he takes a little longer - my hole belongs to him whenever he’s ready to use it.
  6. We were just discussing this recently in another thread. The reason this is true is that poppers act as a vasodilator, causing expansion of the blood vessels. This is thought to increase blood flow to the brain, increasing pressure on the brain and causing a brief sense of euphoria that some seem to feel as lust. For one or two sniffs, it also acts like quickie Viagra (sildenafil) by allowing more blood to flow to the cock. But unlike Viagra, poppers then have the effect of relaxing soft muscle tissue, such as the tissue that involuntarily tightens to keep the blood in your cock so you can maintain a hardon. That’s why we bottoms like them - they loosen up the soft muscle inside our asses so we can take those fucking weapons of mass destruction some of you are carrying. For cocks, though, not so good: Basically, poppers will let blood flow to your cock, but they’ll let it flow right back out again and there’s not a thing you can do about it until it wears off. Oh, and by the way, if you use poppers and Viagra at the same time, you can die. Don’t even fuck around with that combo. Seriously. You’re not immune. Oy - I’m talkin’ to you. Yeah, you. The guy reading this. Watch yourself out there.
  7. A chastity device may be helpful to you, because it will not just remind you not to touch, it will actually be a barrier to touching yourself. Plus, a good cock cage should prevent you from becoming fully erect. The downside of locking yourself up, of course, is that if you’re too weak-willed to keep your hand off your cock, you’re probably going to be too weak-willed to stop yourself from releasing your chastity device. The answer is to find a keyholder - someone willing to take the key to your locked chastity device and only unlock it under certain conditions. Handy Hint: Be VERY picky about who you choose as keyholder. Do not choose a sadist, a pimp, a drug dealer, or anyone with whom you have financial entanglements. Seriously, though, a chastity device might work for you.
  8. Well, gentlemen, you heard the man - We've got one month to get a few asses committed to a common cause. I'll start it off - I'll commit to putting myself in the middle of the floor in the video room of The Works for April CumUnion from 9pm to midnight and take whatever comes along if I can get at least three others to bottom with me at least part of that time. I'll anchor the room so that others can come and go if they need to, but I'll want a commitment of at least two bottoms to stick around at any one time for the whole span. Takers?
  9. The debate always seems to be between the “tight as a clenched fist” camp and the “”loose as a shopping bag” camp. I’ve always tried to strive for a sweet spot where there is an appearance of tightness but a minimum of resistance unless I decide to apply some muscle control. I think of it as the “Fleshlight Point”, where my ass is just the right consistency to hug cock without strangling it, yet have enough wetness and pressure that pulling out is out of the question. I don’t know how often I achieve this or close to it (any of you men out there who fuck me, feel free to let me know - I don’t often get to ask if you enjoyed it) but I always try to prep myself for it by taming my tightness back with a few minutes with an anal speculum opened all the way to full. I’m sure that still doesn’t give the labia-like results some seem to prefer, but after all we are talking about both fucking and rimming - properly considered, they’re like...well, bananas and peaches anyway.
  10. Well, I can now say this has been done to me. I had brought a pen to make a sign to leave on the door to my room at the bathhouse, and a top used it to leave a long tic mark on my right ass cheek after he used me. Others apparently took that as an invitation. One of them saw my left ass cheek as open real estate and wrote "Faggot Ass" on it. (He slapped my ass a lot. Hard.) I don't know what men who saw that afterward thought; no one said anything. I don't know if it attracted anyone or shied them away. The right cheek ended up with 17 tics on it (some men didn't record theirs). Fun Fact: Trips to the steam room tend to cause such marks to fade more quickly! Fun Fact 2: Trips to the steam room tend to increase your unrecorded fuck count because there is no pen in the steam room!
  11. There is science behind the preference for getting a load - you get the feel-good chemicals that come with it, along with the bonding that occurs between two people at climax. So no surprise there. For some people, however, and I am one of them, there is a psychological component that trumps the chemical. I was trained to be a fuck-hole for men's pleasure. "Always give, never take." My goal is to surrender my ass, my privacy, my intimacy, my dignity, my masculinity, my free will, my everything to every man who wants a warm, wet hole to fuck. In exchange, I am allowed to fulfill my purpose. That may mean that a man empties his balls into me, or it may mean he brutally reams me for an hour and then pulls out with a smirk and a slap on the ass without cumming, but is just as pleased. Either way, I have been used as a cunt for cock. That is Everything.
  12. (Though this question is specifically for bottoms who attended CumUnion at Indianapolis this weekend and last month, what I'm wondering and may suggest could be applicable to events elsewhere.) Hey, my brothers-in-bottomdom, if you went to CumUnion Indianapolis this last weekend or the one in February (I omit January because of the weather) to provide your ass to Tops, how did you fare? I know you were there, because I overheard one man say, "A lot of holes and not enough cocks to stick into 'em." I didn't make it to January's kick-off, but I went to both the February event and this weekend, and gave good service both times. I usually go in early on Saturday morning and don't leave until around 3:00 am on Sunday. In February I was fucked 22 times. I'm not sure how many actual loads there were, because some Tops were saving themselves for later and didn't let themselves blow in me, but unlike some, I count my success rate in ass surrendered, not loads received. This weekend I was fucked right around the same number of times, but I can't be absolutely sure because someone started marking the number of times I was fucked on my ass with a sharpie pen, and while most followed suit not everyone did, so the visual tally doesn't balance with my remembered estimate. The latter is, however, questionable because there were a couple of times when things happened so fast I lost track. Anyway. Good times. So, how was it for you? Did you have good luck getting laid? The fact that I got bred somewhere around 22 times at an event that someone described as having too many bottoms and not enough Tops made me worry a little bit that I might be getting more than my fair share. I hope I'm wrong, and that everyone went home fulfilled. (I, as it happens, did not - I'm cursed with an honest-to-God insatiable ass and cannot get enough fucking, but that's my problem, not yours.) Admittedly, I do a lot of preparation to make sure I'm noticed, and I do work hard at seduction (I laugh in irony; me, seductive? ha), and I do work hard to earn a reputation for good ass (I hope). But I don't want to become a party-spoiler for other people. I suspect that some men don't always get what they're hoping for, and may become unhappy when they see other bottoms drawing Tops' attention. This weekend, I had taped a little note to the door of my room at the bathhouse that read "Sudden Breeding Encouraged". Right after my first (open-door and somewhat vocal) breeding, I noticed that someone had pulled off my note and thrown it in the garbage bin outside in the corridor. There is no rule in the bathhouse against putting a note on your door, so no staff person would have done it. I believe that at an event with as much meat on the hoof as CumUnion, a sense of dissatisfaction should be unnecessary. If there is a consensus that cock is not being well-distributed (yes, Tops, I'm talking about you as though you aren't reading this, as though you are just objectified pieces of USDA Grade-A Angus beef that we all covet, and you know you love it, so hush) I propose that we organize - it's a party, after all. We should set a time or times to gather bottoms in a specific location like the upstairs video room and get down to it together. That way, all the cock that wants to fuck will have to gather in one place, all the options will be in one place, all the action will be visible (and audible) to everyone, will bring out the vers in people who switch, and - oh, look - I think I just described an orgy. I think that's everyone's best chance at getting banged. It might possibly interrupt the raffle, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. You?
  13. BBRTS: ErosWired A4A: ErosWired Recon: ErosWired FetLife: ErosWired Scruff: ErosWired Fetishmen: ErosWired Grindr: ErosWired email for ErosWired: ErosWired@gmail.com XTube profile name: ErosWired ...do we begin to detect a pattern here? When you’ve got a brand, stick with it. For the Best In High Quality Breeding Ass, Insist on ErosWired - Accept No Sustitutes!
  14. What a good and sensible question. There are only two reasons I have cock picks on show: 1) because a lot of guys want to know about my Ampallang piercing and a pic is easier than an explanation, and 2) there are Doms who enjoy CBT and I'm a full-service submissive. I would never post a cock pic in an ad if I were going to be slutting at a hotel or at the baths. The last thing I want is to attract other bottoms. (I love you, brothers, but I don't have what you're looking for...) Hell, I don't even really enjoy ejaculating. I'd ten times rather have the prostate or anal orgasms that come from being fucked.
  15. @hunting4anon33 - Thanks for the considered reply. I do graphic design for a living, but I just hadn’t really turned my skills in this direction so far. I guess I usually end up with my clothes coming off so fast that it’s almost not worth the trouble to think about what’s on the shirt...
  16. Honestly, any sub who is really grappling with this question in terms of a true BDSM relationship should log on to FetLife and explore the issue there, where it will be addressed in the context and subtleties of the alternative lifestyle, Dominant/submissive, power-exchange dynamic. While we're receiving some such responses here, they're mixed with vanilla-world play scenarios that are not the same dynamic at all, and the overall effect gives a contradictory answer to the original question, depending on how the question's being asked.
  17. I notice that a couple of guys here have mentioned wearing an Ajaxx63 t-shirt. I've always wondered about this - do you find that wearing a shirt with a suggestive message on it scores you more contacts that if you had worn a plain shirt, a non-suggestive shirt, or simply something revealing? If you wear a suggestive shirt, do you run the risk of looking cheesy, over-eager or tasteless (I guess this depends on the design)? Is it better to pick one with subtle innuendo, or one that issues an all-points bulletin? If you choose a shirt that says "Catcher", does it matter that you have no interest in baseball whatsoever? I've considered making myself a shirt with a circle in the back surrounded by lettering that says "Press Here to Fuck" - How would that play, do you think?
  18. @rawsatyr - I don't know that I can answer what having an ampallang signals to other men this side of Borneo, for certain. I can tell you this, though: Guys will not fucking leave my cock alone if I have it out on show. Talk about your conversation starter - ! The first time I ever appeared nude in public in a room full of men, it was at a nudists' gathering in Louisville (who knew, right?) and I was shy as hell. Well - no need. Guys would just come right up, grab me by the cock and start examining my piercing like it was a piece of modern sculpture on the table. In the bathhouse, same thing - it's like a license to grope for the bolder ones, and an easy ice-breaker for the rest, and they always say the same thing: "Damn, dude, did that hurt?" *sigh* What do they expect me to say? Of course getting a steel rod inserted through your cockhead hurts. Are they actually asking how 'hardcore' I am and did I pick the most painful possible piercing so I could grin through the agony and beat my chest afterward about how much pain doesn't bother me at all? Guess what - having my nipples pierced hurt waythefuckinghell worse, to the point that I nearly passed out when they did it. As a total bottom, the Amp could be a liability to be if it signals that I'm a hardcore aggressor. I'm totally, utterly not. At the bathhouse, sometimes I'll wear a jock even though I prefer to be naked, or I'll wear my fullmetal-steel chastity device to hide the Amp so they'll quit focusing on my cock and put eyes where I want them - on my ass. If I'm in my room at the bathhouse, or on the bed ass-up in a hotel, I usually leave coverings off and keep my cock pointed down where Tops can examine and play with it if they wish. More often than not, I feel a hand reach down and explore the head and the piercing, and sometimes a tongue will try it out as an appetizer, especially if the guy's going to spend any time eating my ass. If it suggests that I'm a 'champ cum-dumpster', then I'll be glad to hear that, and I'll make sure to keep it on display more often. For anyone thinking of getting one, though, think before you pierce: Unlike a PA, which can heal in a matter of weeks, an Ampallang can take 1-2 years to fully heal. It's a long-term commitment. Mine took about a year and four months before I could say it had completely healed up, and even now after nearly 12 years, I can't leave it out for more than, say, half an hour without fear of it beginning to close up again. It doesn't come out for anyone but a surgeon. One of the positives of it is that it doesn't perforate the urethra, so you don't spray everywhere when you pee, as you would with a PA or an Apadravya. I have fucked guys with it in, but I've fucked so few people, and I don't recall any of them commenting on how it felt in them specifically - sorry I can't report on that. I hope seeing my Amp has never run anybody off from approaching me. If any of you ever see it on me out in the wild, take it as an invitation.
  19. Pup4poz - You’re thinking about having body mods done, and the thing to remember is that it’s your body. You may be a submissive, but the mods you choose should be ones that you choose because they please you, not someone else. You need to be happy with what you see in the mirror, because no two other people may have the same opinion of what is attractive. I suggest you start small, and start discrete. Get a nice guiche piercing to start - a great little secret that reminds you it’s there all the time, and one that every Top who fucks you can’t miss seeing. Or a PA or nipple piercings. Once you’ve lived with a mod for a while, then you’ll have a sense whether you’re ready for another, or that was an itch you scratched. Remember that every mod you make, like a tattoo, is a statement about who you are. I’ve had an ampallang in my cockhead (see my album) for years - I chose it partly because in its country of origin an amp signifies a man who looks after a family. Make sure your mods say about you whatever you want people to know about who you really are. Make them a reflection of your inner self we can’t see. That’s hot.
  20. Well, it would appear that my last round of anon hotel fucking did indeed knock me up with undesirables - I had gone in ahead of my regular round of STD panels because I didn’t feel quite right after that weekend, and the labs turned up chlamydia and gono. Fortunately, the doctor went ahead and treated me for both before the lab work formally came in, so I’ll now be clear in less than a week. It wasn’t much if an “anon” weekend, truth be told - only two of the guys were unknown to me, one from CL and the other from BBRTS. It just goes to show you that it only takes one guy who doesn’t take care of himself to cause a whole lot of trouble...
  21. Have you ever seen a Fleshlight with a great, big, open hole? Neither have I. All I know is that Tops tell me my ass is tight, and that they love what they’re experiencing. When I use my muscles to work a cock, I hear, “yeah, fucking squeeze that cock” or “that’s right, clamp down on it” or just “ooohhhhhhhhhh....cumming...!!!” Why does a bottom say he has a tight ass? Because any Top can loosen a hole. Only a good bottom can tighten one.
  22. You asked this, so I’m going to answer. The first indication I had that I was infected with HIV was a line of six doctors standing by my hospital bed. They had just come in and woke me up where I was recovering from having nearly died from fungal meningitis and related stroke two days earlier. ”You have AIDS,” they said. Boom. Just like that. No easing into it, no hand-holding, no sugar-coating. ”Are you telling me I have HIV?” I asked. ”No, AIDS,” one of them said. I don’t remember any of the conversation after that. I had tested and tested - all negative. False negatives, as it turned out. What I had to learn and learn fast is that the doomsday scenario of wasting away and dying a hideous death is now something I can prevent, but it means changing the way I think and live. It means ART meds for the rest if my life (or until there’s a cure), without fail, because if I slack off, the virus will evolve so the meds will do no good. Let’s get one thing crystal clear - the HIV virus is The Enemy. It will kill you if it can. It is constantly upping its game, its hides where we cannot find it, it turns our own defenses against us, and so far, we cannot stop it. We can only slow it down. There are guys here - way too many guys - who have the mistaken idea that getting HIV means you can now fuck bare without worry. Wrong-o. Getting HIV doesn’t mean you’re free - you can still get infected with a different/worse/treatment-resistant strain you didn’t have to start with and be ten times worse off. Plus, getting pozzed (let alone living with AIDS) puts you at far greater risk of getting other diseases that wouldn’t kill a neg guy, but they might kill you. And I guaran-damn-tee you that when you’re lying in a hospital bed with pneumonia or meningitis, you won’t be on the fence about whether you want to have AIDS. I’ve made this point elsewhere in this part of the forum, but I’ll do it again here: This is the HIV Health area, not the chaser/gifter area, so this may be the only place on this entire bareback fucking site where it’s appropriate to say that romanticization or sexualization of disease is inappropriate. Get it straight: No man who is compos mentis chooses a debilitating lifelong illness. No man with any goddamn sense looks at wasting, weakness, incontinence and death and says, “Yeah, I’m down for that!” And no man who has ever watched a loved one, a partner, or a brother-in-spirit decay and die before his helpless eyes as the Enemy Virus did its work would ever suggest that it was sexy. I don’t judge men for having chaser or gifter fantasies, because I frankly don’t get where they’re coming from. I’m living their fucking fantasy, and it sucks ass in the worst possible way. Whatever. But anyone who actually intentionally infects another person? Anyone who chooses not to accept treatment but instead allows The Enemy to use his body as an incubator and then goes out a-fucking bare? Those men are making conscious choices to give aid and comfort to the enemy, and they are wrong. I have AIDS. I publicly announce my status before I put my ass in service, every time. I don’t play unless undetectable (yes, last check yesterday in fact) and I do not miss my meds. I am grateful to every single Top who does me the honor of breeding me, and it is my duty to ensure that I never put any of them at risk. Remember that there was once a time when there was no such thing as HIV, or AIDS, when bareback sex wasn’t potentially deadly, when men took for granted what we now debate and fantasize about. The fact that we can do it at all now is only because science has given us a measure of control over the Enemy. Our ability to continue fucking in the way that we choose in the future means we can’t begin to glorify the disease to the point that we give it a stronger foothold - or any more of our lives. It’s had enough already.
  23. At first I wondered if this was a euphemism for small cock, then I decided it was just a hilarious image, then I soberly realized, given the number of fetishes I've been exposed to, that it's not outside the realm of possibility. Given my luck, I could end up in a bondage scene only to watch the Top pull out a bushel bag of acorns...
  24. Sure - At first I thought to limit the response to Tops, but then thought, what the hell.
  25. With the consent of @hotcoldgayslut I'm asking this as a variation of a more specific question he asked in the Backroom, because I think it's a very interesting question and could apply to all kinds of situations in which a Top, for whatever reason, might not be able to get an erection when desired. Tops, if you had an opportunity to fuck a bottom, but couldn't get it up, and a strap-on was at hand, would you use it? I can imagine reasons why Tops both would and would not consider it, and I'd like to hear your thoughts. The "What would be the point if there's no load" argument is sort of obvious, but aside from that, what say you? (I'm asking, by the way, because a gal with a strap-on once pegged the holy fucking hell out of me as thoroughly as any Top ever has...)
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