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Everything posted by Medwaym

  1. I think piss is almost becoming part of what would be considered vanilla these days. I see plenty of guys stating they are into it on say Grindr, along with guys in harnesses/bondage etc. I suppose the easy access to all types of porn, which seems to now always focus more on fetish or extreme is making it all more run of the mill.
  2. I love pierced guys and especially pierced cocks. In general, jewellery is very smooth and shouldn't cause any tearing. I have seen some specialist/adapted jewellery with spikes etc that will cause some damage/bleeding when fucking.
  3. Just once when we were both drunk, him quire a bit more than me as he didn't remember me sucking him....or rather, he's never mentioned or indicated he has.
  4. I've found piss play is almost part of every day vanilla sexual acts these days with most guys alongside sucking and fucking. Guys never seem repulsed if you ask if they're into, rather its a simple yes or no.
  5. Completely covered in fur here, growing up I hated it on myself and tried shaving, waxing etc. which is a lot of work....and itchy. As I've got older I've slowly began to appreciate it more, and that a lot of guys love it too 😜
  6. I've seen a few guys on twitter with this done and it is really hot....maybe search them out and ask their opinion/advice having gone through the procedure themselves.
  7. Fuck, now that's what you call PA, hot 🔥🔥🔥
  8. Either can be hot, it all depends if it suits the guy
  9. Love a guy in a shiny puffer jacket, so hot to wear and to feel a guy in.
  10. Been pondering on this one and I think it was the guys in the 80s/90s and their hoop earings and leather jackets (George Michael 🔥) that got me started on liking piercings and leather ....and dare I say it but also Right Said Fred and his pierced nipple.
  11. I hope I get to experience it myself one day. I have spoken with a couple of ftm's near me but they are quite guarded, which is understandable.
  12. Nice mate, look forward to seeing what your new additions are 😉
  13. You're very welcome mate p.s. loving all your new ink 🔥🔥
  14. Any way I please huh? Very tempting offer 😜
  15. Thanks....might be tempted to keep trying
  16. Hot, love multiple pierced guys
  17. Nice view.....any close up, cum leaking pics 😜
  18. Some hot smokers there, I've definitely enjoyed watching them over the years. @cansmoker84 @chainsmokerpig are 2 more of my fav smokers to watch and wank over. I hate seeing this new trend of pretend smokers trying to cash in on us smoke fetishists....they don't even inhale!!!
  19. Completely the same here, infact I would even go as far to say the thought of a pussy would turn my stomach. But ftm's are really doing something for me lately and I just want to dive right.
  20. I have a few toys but don't get much enjoyment using them on myself by myself. It almost feels forced or mechanical.
  21. Either every day or every 3 days depending on mood and how sweaty I've got
  22. Incest definitely is a big turn on for me, love reading/watching this type of porn. The reality though is I'm not attracted to my own family and I expect probably never will. Joining other families is a different story 😈😜
  23. Different thouhts and feeling with every guy/meet.....fuck this is boring/I'm really not into you - hurry up, hurry up my mouth and/or legs are aching, please don't stop kissing me, pound me harder, use me as your slut, make love to me....
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