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Everything posted by Poz-Mcr

  1. Wish you were mate! You'll have to find a reason to visit sometime! There are definitely a few on that list that I would rather enjoy adding to my list.
  2. 164 - surprised myself - but would love to up that score a bit
  3. I was 19 when my first bf popped my cherry.
  4. I wish I could feel it, but can honestly say I've never felt it so far. For me though, the feeling of a top speeding up and pounding harder just before he cums, and the mental pleasure of knowing his seed is erupting inside me is more than enough, so I can't complain.
  5. I would never condone rape, and the only people to know the full ins and outs (pun intended) of what happened in those encounters are those that were involved so I can't and wouldn't comment on them. However, there are some guys that I just look at and think, wow, I'd let them do whatever they wanted to me; Topher DiMaggio is definitely one of them. There is just something about his face, body, and powerful legs that turn me to jelly in lust.
  6. I had the opportunity to have a few breath play sessions with a hot slim ginger lad a few years back. We both took turns choking each other, or putting the other into a choke hold. It was an amazing feeling to do, and have done, especially when you feel your body starting to tingle and spasm without control. That said, as neither of us were that experienced with breath play we didn't push each other far enough. Would love to experience it again.
  7. Damn, wish I was closer!
  8. Similar to what others have said, when I top I need some other stimulus than just a hole in the air waiting to be mounted. The art of 'foreplay' is often lost these days. I've always needed a 'connection' with any guy, whether he be a bottom or a top - and part of that is to spend time exploring each other. There's nothing worse, for me anyway, than to just be expected by a lazy bottom to get hard, ram into a hole and cum - that might work for some, but for me it's a sure fire way of bringing the meet to an abrupt, very unsatisfactory, close.
  9. Twuggles on BBRTS
  10. Damn, where can I find a guy like you?!?! Definitely need a hyperspermic guy in my life
  11. As BBBoyfromTN says I've similarly found that the available 'pool' of guys is diminished by the number of those that are unwilling or too scared to play with a poz guy - although no doubt there are plenty of them that would still go bare with an 'unknown' status guy, or in a 'don't ask don't tell' encounter! That caveat aside, I definitely seem to be moving from quantity towards quality as I get older. I've never had a lot of 'quantity' as such, even when I was younger; probably a combination of my shyness and that I don't seem to be to many guys' tastes. But, as each year passes, I'm definitely heading to the quality side of things, for two reasons: 1) Half the time I really can't be bothered with the drop everything, rush around douching, getting ready at the last minute type fucks that end up in a dump and go - I do much prefer more relaxed planned meets (which is not something most guys on Grindr/Scruff or elsewhere seem to want). 2) Despite being poz, and a previous chaser, I really am not turned on by getting other STDs such as gono, syph, chlamydia etc - I know they are (for the most part) eminently treatable and in the past I've clocked them all up at one point or another, but now I find it's just such a hassle to go to the clinic. get tested, get the treatment, get tested again etc. So, as another poster said earlier, I'm becoming more choosy and unlikely to hook up with guys that have clearly been round the block at least twenty times in the space of a couple of hours. The frustrating part of it all though is that there is a part of me that still craves a different hot man every night, or to be in the middle of a gyrating, pulsating orgy of sleazy bareback fuckers. I just can't seem to reconcile this craving with my desire to avoid the oozing, dripping bacterial based STDs. Grrrrrrrr!
  12. For me its the often slight but perceptible change on a top's face when he first feels the warmth and tightness of the hot hole he is entering - the loss of focus in the eyes, perhaps rolling up slightly, the relaxation of the facial muscles from concentration into pure ecstasy. Sadly the tops' faces are too often obscured by everything else that is going on, or totally ignored altogether in the rush to get a close-up of the cock.
  13. WOW! Never came across this guy before but, WOW! That is the epitome of a hot bottom. Oh to be able to fill him, over and over.
  14. definitely ass
  15. As much as I would love to like man-smell, for me it's a turn-off. Mind you, the older I get the more of a prude I seem to becoming - if only a magic wand could turn me into a total pig
  16. A guy can be the hottest going but the moment he hints at being into man-smells, ripe cocks or arses, or has pics of heavily stained underwear, then it's an immediate no-no for me. I appreciate there are many guys out there for whom that sort of thing is an instant turn-on, and I don't knock them for it, but each to their own. I've never been able, or wanted, to get into the whole 'natural' smells thing - that's not to say I don't enjoy a fresh water-sports session - but if a guy doesn't know or exercise the benefit of soap and water before meeting then I won't be getting any closer to him than the length of a barge-pole.
  17. I'd like to think I am capable of monogamy, but I know it could only ever be with a guy that I was truly, madly, deeply, inescapably head of heels for. However, I also know in that situation I would likely a) smother him completely and make him run or b) be insanely jealous and make him run. On the flip side, history/experience has taught me that the moment I start to doubt a partners commitment to monogamy (on the understanding that it was supposed to be monogamy) then I start thinking that I may as well cheat if he is likely to be cheating on me! So, I guess I should learn and be honest with myself that I'm probably not capable of monogamy and if, and when, I do meet a significant other again (not holding my breath) it'll probably be best to have some form of open relationship.
  18. Yes, I'm met four guys who are members on here, although I think initial contact for two out of the four was on BBRT. I did have the absolute pleasure of meeting with a once very regular and popular poster on here about two years ago - it was an amazing meet and I would certainly meet the guy again - but, sadly, he seems to have gone quiet on here this year. I hope he is still out there enjoying his poz status and putting it to good use.
  19. Think I was 12 - in the summer between leaving primary and starting secondary school. Was a wet-dream, and was petrified that I had pissed myself, though I couldn't explain the intense feeling of pleasure that accompanied it. So, the next night I ended up replicating the situation and got addicted to cumming from that point onwards
  20. No point in using them - if I try to wear one, I lose my hard-on - if someone tries to wear one to fuck me, my ass automatically tenses and it hurts. So, if a condom is insisted upon then there ain't gonna be any fucking going on irrespective of being a top or bottom.
  21. That is so sweet! Good luck to both of them! I always dream of finding that special true love, but alas the years keep turning and still no likelihood of meeting 'the one'. *sighs*
  22. I can't imagine being neg now - and I wouldn't want to go back to it either
  23. Was he on birth control? Never know, you might end up knocking him up in more ways than one!
  24. I think I'd happily fuck any of the Helix boys if ever I was lucky enough to be given the chance, and I wouldn't turn down a threesome with pozbrad and that hot specimen in the pics above. I guess I will have to keep dreaming though.
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