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Everything posted by Poz-Mcr

  1. Those first few parts of the story are amazing, though been so many years since the last instalment. @RawNerd any plans for giving us another installment or two?
  2. Alex Silvers, especially in a scene with Kayden Gray!
  3. Definitely naked - for me the connection of skin on skin is vital. I want to explore a guy's body completely and, hopefully, vice versa - clothes only get in the way. Don't get me wrong, the process of divesting of clothing during foreplay can be extremely hot and intense, but the subsequent full experience of skin on skin naked contact is a must for me.
  4. The difficulty I find is with definitions of what is a 'daddy'. I'm of the age that would fit well into a 'daddy' category and, believe me, it's a category that I would feel particularly at home with. However, it seems, to me anyway, that age alone is not a current criteria for being a daddy. Rightly or wrongly, it feels to me that daddy is now defined by a person's body type i.e. if you don't have a tall, broad muscular body with a perfect dusting of chest hair and a huge dick then don't bother even thinking you could be accepted as a daddy.
  5. There was a time when guys didn't trim or shave, and it didn't bother me then. But, nowadays, I have to admit I prefer trimmed or shaved - nothing worse than trying to pull out the stray hairs from between the teeth.
  6. On more times than I'd like to remember. Seems to be I'm too old for those that want daddies, or not old enough; I'm too fat for those that don't like chubs but not fat enough for the chub chasers; I'm too short for those that want a tall man, but too tall for those that prefer them short; I'm too grey for those that like dark hair, but not grey enough for those that like silver hair and I'm too poz for those that prefer their men 'clean' but not poz enough for the chasers. Apart from that, I stay hopeful but appear to be becoming a born-again virgin as I get older.
  7. Girth is the key one for me; though not too thick! In essence, I find it really uncomfortable to get fucked by 'pencil dicks' - so, too thin is out. And for the really thick monsters out there, they just won't fit without major pain. So, the perfect cock is one that has a decent girth, enough to open me up and make it enjoyable. Length after that is just a bonus.
  8. I reckon a lot of hooking up on these sites and apps depends on how 'confident' or 'outgoing' a person is, which probably goes a long way to explain the long drought of any form of human contact for me for the past couple of years. Combine that with living in a metropolitan area where there is a huge choice of men and cocks available, then I suspect there is a lot of 'passing on by' as the next profile will probably be hotter. Then of course the few that do message tend to either live so far away that it's not gonna happen, or if they are relatively local they want it there and then; alas I can't just stop working in the middle of the day to go for an ungratifying fumble. So, my overall conclusion is that modern day sites/apps for hooking up have had a negative affect for those of us who are over 40 or aren't 'god's gift to men'
  9. I was a relatively late starter, first fucked when I was 19, but it was another two years before I took my first raw load. Although I had had a few short relationships at the beginning, the guy who first bred me was the first guy I had truly fallen in love with, so couldn't have asked for a better introduction to taking raw loads!
  10. Now that I'd love to try with you mate!
  11. https://twitter.com/Twugglums
  12. That sounds incredibly intense - would love to experience it from both sides
  13. I've not had much piss play, though the few times I've done it I have enjoyed it. Have happily swallowed my own piss but, while I like a guy pissing over my face and in my mouth, I've not yet swallowed another guy's piss. Guess I just need more experience and I'll get there eventually.
  14. Absorb it, anything less is a crime
  15. I'd have to find someone to have a relationship with first before I could consider whether it should be monogamous or open. Putting aside the 'woe is me' sentiment of that last sentence, I am torn about whether I could be happy in an open relationship. I certainly like the thought of being able to go of and have fun with anyone I want, but I know that when I've invested my feelings in a guy the green-eyed monster is always lurking around the corner. I appreciate that is likely bound up in previous baggage and definitely a lot of personal insecurity. As such, I would imagine, for me, any success of an open relationship would be very dependent on just how much trust I would have that my partner is as emotionally invested in me as I am in him. In essence, I would need to have the confidence that once he has had his fun for the evening it will be me that he'll be coming back to bed with. Now, an exclusive equal polyamorous relationship is a different story. For me, I would be very happy in one of those i.e. where all parties in the relationship play within the relationship rather than going outside of it. Now, where can I find a handful of other guys to be part of it!?!?!
  16. This boy is way hot!! And got the hottest biggest cock going!
  17. Similar, I prefer kissing - feels more intimate, makes me relax and get into sex more - if I lose myself in the moment then it makes it all the more hot for me and the harder my cock gets - hopefully improving the sensations for the other person.
  18. As with many of the responses to this one, I am definitely in the "bareback is not a fetish" camp. Barebacking is natural, it's part of our innermost coding for passing on our genes (even if I can't technically pass my genes on to another guy in the form of procreation).
  19. I mistook my fuck-flu for just a bad winter cold - aches, pains and shivers for a couple of days - it was snowing at the time! As I had, previously and incorrectly, come to the assumption that I was immune, the subsequent positive test (as part of an application for a mortgage life-insurance policy) result in the summer of that year came as a bit of a surprise. @rawTOPmentioned earlier in the thread, that he had read that the milder the fuck-flu, the less destructive power the virus has (or words to that effect). Given my fuck-flu wasn't too bad, that could potentially explain why I appeared to be a slow progressor with my v/l only gradually increasing to four figures and CD4 staying relatively stable within a two year period after diagnosis. I guess that could be the case, but I can't help feeling a little cheated that the fuck-flu didn't hit me harder so that I could have fully recognised it at the time. If only my gifter could have been @Dirtyfuckboy - the thought of being sent to hospital with the fuck-flu is, to me anyway, such a turn-on. While I have read that HIV superinfection (i.e. reinfection) is rare, I think that is partly why, to an extent, I still consider myself to a chaser. I am still living in hope that I'll be able to re-infect with a stronger strain. So, I can only dream that I meet someone like Dirtyfuckboy to work towards that superinfection!
  20. Definitely has to be deep inside me. I feel cheated if it's anything else.
  21. Think I'm in a similar situation, though in terms of getting scared and starting the meds again it's more because I don't want the confrontation with my consultant when my test results eventually change from being UD to being detectable. For the past couple of years, I've taken med breaks of a couple of months in between appointments, then started the meds again about a month before my next appointment. So far, each time I've subsequently tested my v/l is still UD. Currently been off meds for about two months, with the next appointment due in July. I suspect I may be a slow progressor as I first started meds (by choice rather than necessity) about three years after being infected, but even then my v/l count had only just hit 6000. Perhaps that may be one explanation for my apparent ease in returning back to UD at each test. I think if I was to have my time again, although it would be against current medical advice and guidance (which I would always recommend anyone to follow) I would have chosen to wait to start the meds only when absolutely necessary. But, as the saying goes, each to their own.
  22. Damn! Where can I find a guy like you?!?!
  23. Damn, that makes the story all the more hotter knowing it's partly factual.
  24. Shame they didn't stop when you asked, but I bet that would be an awesome vid to see!
  25. Poz-Mcr


    47, and too rapidly heading towards the big five-oh for my liking, while thinking I'm still 20 in mind! Alas, reality eventually kicks in with the aches and pains every now and then!
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