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About Pozme1981

  • Birthday 04/23/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Gender Fluid
  • Location
    Nottingham ( and Skegness)
  • Interests
    Looking for a top to give me their gift also to film me as your fucking me I am in nottingham uk
    I am on fab guys Username: GiftChaser
    My wife wants to watch you give me the gift and would love to make a porn film of me getting the gift
    On bbrt Bottom01981
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    Well I am a bottom looking for bb sex only looking to catch stds I want some to meet me and wife and have sex with me as she is watching she wants to see a man have sex with me



  • Porn Experience
    None but willing to make a porn film of me taking poz blood slams and poz loads
  • Looking For
    Hotel meets in Nottingham or van meet in Skegness
    I am looking for tops to give me stds I want them all I didn’t resistant

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  1. Wish I was Paul
  2. Kik LiliwenDGNottingham

  3. In uk the NHS will soon be gone tho and people that’s paid into it ar3 going to find it hard I know I am one of them
  4. Took me long time to have sex after my stoma surgery still get scared with new people
  5. Wish I was getting a good load
  6. Dam loved that short without tuching myself
  7. I only been when I was not sick Did not have stoma or catheter but I played and got 8-12 loads if remember think I was 25- 28 can’t remember
  8. I am going to the Greenhouse Sauna in Darlaston soon just need to make it so can book a room down there and someone else takes wife to the mixed swingers club as I play here and we both hope to get the gift and then go back to hotel room and take people there to fuck us both
  9. Hope I meet someone who will do this to me and wife or maybe one man gives i5 wife one gives me so two different stings
  10. Dam I wan tho to happen to me
  11. Also if you’re having trouble you can ask an admin for help with this issue and rep repot post so they can see you need help
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